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.comment this document is to be typed using elite character
.comment spacing (12 per inch) giving 6.0 inch wide columns.
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.comment inch) giving 6.0 inch wide columns if the values of
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The RENBR User's Guide
Donald E. Barth
March 1985
.page.initial page.skip left page.initial page
.figure 10
.center no fill
.skip2.spacing 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Instructions for Use on the DECsystem10 Computer . . . 2
Switches Typed by User to Select Results . . . . . . 6
Input File Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Supported Variations of Statement Structure . . . . . 17
Maintaining Logical Blocks of Statement Numbers . . . 19
Creating Logical Blocks of Statement Numbers . . . . 24
Maintaining Number Regions Keyed to Statement Types . . 25
Including NonFORTRAN Text in the Input File . . . . . 26
Statement Types Recognized by RENBR . . . . . . . 27
Appendix A:#Sample Table of Contents and Listing . . . 31
Appendix B:#List of Files Forming This Package . . . . 38
Appendix C:#RENBR Development History . . . . . . . 43
Appendix D:#Summaries Produced by the /Z Switch . . . 48
Appendix E:#Instructions for the Support Programs . . . 50
.spacing 1
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.page.initial page.skip left page.initial page
.space chapter 0
.number 1
.left top title'>',,'The RENBR User''s Guide'
.right top title'Introduction',,'>'
RENBR is a program which can change the statement numbers in FORTRAN
programs so that these numbers increase uniformly, and which can
print listings of these programs. RENBR is itself written in
FORTRAN. Although RENBR accepts instructions containing DECsystem10
file specifications, the routines which handle these file
specifications can easily be removed or replaced if RENBR is to be
used on other computers.
RENBR can process programs and routines which are written in the
FORTRAN-77 language, in the FORTRAN-IV language, and in some
dialects of the older FORTRAN-II language. RENBR can also process
programs and routines which use the FORTRAN language extensions
allowed by version 7 of the DECsystem10 FORTRAN-10 compiler.
RENBR will treat a character string consisting either of a leading
decimal number followed by the letter H and then by the string, or
else enclosed within matching apostrophes, as a single unit similar
to a variable name. RENBR would recognize that the 56s and the 57s,
but not the 55s, are statement numbers in either of the lines
.skip.test page 3
IF(A.EQ.10H)GO TO 55;)GO TO 56;GO TO 57
IF(A.EQ.')GO TO 55;')GO TO 56;GO TO 57
where the first semicolon (the _; character) on each line is part of
a character string but where the second semicolon on each line
indicates that another statement follows on the same line.
RENBR can also detect when a FORTRAN key word is instead being used
as a variable or array name. RENBR would recognize that the variable
named DO55I and the array location READ(5,10) are being assigned
values in the following statements.
.skip.test page 5
DO 55 I=12
DO 55 I='5,10'
DO 55 I=4H5,10
DO 55 I=READ(5,10)
Prior to using RENBR to renumber a new version of a program, the
program should be compiled without getting any serious error
messages. Statement numbers in statements which are not recognized
by the compiler will probably not be recognized by RENBR either. Any
statement which cannot be recognized by RENBR is copied into the
renumbered program without change. A program which has just been
composed or revised should not be renumbered until after it has been
compiled, since any statement number which is in an improperly
written statement will not be correct after renumbering. When
programs which are likely to contain language features which might
not be recognized by RENBR are renumbered for the first time, it is
best to force the new statement numbers to be completely outside the
range of those originally in the program. This will cause any
statement numbers in statements which RENBR leaves unchanged to
reference nonexisting statements. These errors would be caught when
the program is compiled the next time. If, instead, the new
statement numbers were to be similar to those originally in the
program, then, after the program has been renumbered, any statement
number which appears in a statement which is not recognized would
likely still be the new number of a statement, although of the wrong
The user should also verify that lines in the program do not end
with necessary blank characters (sometimes call space characters),
since rightmost blanks are trimmed off each line when the program is
renumbered. In particular, at least 1 printing character should
appear on the same line as, and to the right of, each blank
character which is within a character string. If the blank character
is at the right end of a string which follows a number and the
letter H, then the string can remain in the H notation, but can be
enclosed between parentheses, or else the string can be converted to
apostrophe notation. If the blank character is in a FORMAT
statement, then the string can be broken into 2 separate strings
with the second string appearing after a comma and on a continuation
line. The FORTRAN operating system's read routines insert extra
blanks to the right of the printing characters already on each line
to cause all lines to be of the same length. To decrease the lengths
of the resulting files, RENBR discards all rightmost blanks on each
line since it cannot distinguish between the blanks which actually
appeared at the right ends of the lines in the file being processed
and those which were inserted by the operating system. For example,
a statement such as
.skip.test page 3
could instead be written as
.skip.test page 3
On the DECsystem10 or DECsystem20 computers, this statement could
also be rewritten as
.skip.test page 3
.skip 2
.right top title'Instructions for Use on the DECsystem10 Computer',,'>'
.test page 10
Instructions for Use on the DECsystem10 Computer
------------ --- --- -- --- ----------- --------
On the DECsystem10 computer, FORTRAN programs can be written either
in conventional column form having the statement text in columns 7
through 72, or in tab form in which an optional left justified
statement number is followed by a tab character and then by up to 66
characters of text. The tab character is a nonprinting character
which advances the location of the next character to the next column
beyond the next multiple of 8 columns from the left margin. RENBR
can process programs written in either column or tab form, or in a
mixture of these forms. The renumbered program can have whichever
form is selected by the user. RENBR can also, on request, convert
tab characters in comment lines into blanks filling to the tab
stops. Such tab to blank conversion is often necessary when readying
programs for compilation on other computer systems which do not
recognize the tab character.
RENBR can process a series of input files. Each of these input files
can contain one or many main programs and routines. A program, or a
routine, or even a statement, which starts at the end of one file
can be continued in the next file.
The files which RENBR is to process cannot contain the line sequence
numbers which are used by some line oriented editors on the
DECsystem10 computer. Such line sequence numbers must be removed
before the file is processed, since RENBR cannot distinguish between
line sequence numbers and statement numbers. On the DECsystem10
computer, line sequence numbers can be removed by selecting the /N
switch when using the monitor COPY command to copy the file.
When RENBR is started, it will suggest that the user type /H to
obtain instructions. RENBR will then wait for the user to type a
command. Each line of the command must be no longer than 80
characters, but the command can be continued onto as many subsequent
lines as are necessary. In order to continue the command onto a
subsequent line, the command must be split between file
specifications, and either a comma or an ampersand (the _&
character) must be typed at the right end of the current line. A
file specification cannot itself be continued in this manner since
whatever is typed on the next line will start a new file
The command which could be typed by the user can be read from a file
instead if the user types the name of this file either preceded
directly by an at sign (the @ character) or followed directly by an
@ character. If the command is read from a file, then the names of
the input files can appear on separate lines without the use of the
comma or the _& character at the ends of the preceding lines. If the
file is to contain several commands which are to be processed
separately, then these must be separated by semicolons (the _;
character). All characters to the right of an exclamation point (the
_! character), to the right of an _& character, or to the right of
the name of the command file in the original command which was typed
by the user, are ignored.
The command which is typed by the user or which is read from a
command file can consist of the name of the output file which is to
contain the renumbered version of the program, and/or the name of
the output file which is to contain the listing, followed by an
equal sign (the = character) and then by a list of one or more input
source files separated by commas. If both output files are specified
to the left of the equal sign, then a comma should separate the
names of these files, and a switch which specifies something about
either the listing or the renumbering, but not about both, must
appear with at least one of these file specifications. The switch,
which consists of a slash and a letter sometimes followed by a
number, implies whether the output file having the name with which
the switch appears is to contain the renumbered program or the
listing. The switch is necessary if both output files are specified,
since either type of output file can be specified first. If either 1
output file or none is specified to the left of the equal sign, and
if no switch which specifies something about a listing is given,
then the program is renumbered instead. If neither output file is
specified, then the equal sign is not necessary, and the command can
start with the name of the first input source file.
A single file specification can consist of a device name followed by
a colon, followed by the file name. If no device name is specified
for the output listing file, then the output listing file is written
to logical device LPT:. Any other file for which no device is
specified is assumed to be on or to be written to logical device
DSK:. The directory or path upon which the file is located can be
specified before the device name, between the device name and the
file name, or after the file name. The directory specification can
consist of an octal project number, an octal programmer number, and
a single subfile directory (SFD) name separated by commas and
enclosed between left and right square brackets. If either a
programmer number or an SFD name is being specified, then all items
to its left must also be supplied. The user's local directory is
assumed if none is specified. However, once the user has specified
either a device name or a directory for an input source file, then
this device name or this directory continues to be used for all
subsequent input source files for which these items are not specified.
Each file name can consist of up to 6 characters followed by a
period and then by an extension which can consist of up to 3
characters. The file name extensions _.NEW, _.LPT, _.FOR and _.RNB
are used as defaults for the resulting renumbered file, for the
resulting listing file, for the original source files, and for the
command file if extensions are not specified for the names of these
files. If a file name is to have a null extension consisting of 3
blanks, then a period must be typed following the first part of the
file name. The first part of the name of the first original source
file is used as the first part of the name of either of the
resulting files if the first part of the name of the resulting file
is not specified. If the first part of the name of a command file is
missing, then the default name RENBR is assumed.
The user can specify the title which is to be shown at the top of
each page of the listing by enclosing the title between apostrophes.
If the title is itself to contain an apostrophe, then this
apostrophe can be indicated by typing 2 apostrophes where the single
apostrophe is to appear. If a title is specified to the left of the
equal sign, then the file with which it is associated will contain
the listing.
For example, the commands
.indent 5
.indent 5
are identical, and would cause the program in the file named
DACOPY.FOR to be renumbered with the result being placed into the
file named DACOPY.NEW. The /I in this command is a switch described
below which implies renumbering.
The commands
.test page 4
DACOPY'this is a title
'this is a title'DACOPY
are identical, and would cause the program in the file named
DACOPY.FOR to be listed with the result being placed into the file
named DACOPY.LPT, which would then be printed on device LPT:. The
text appearing between the apostrophes would be placed at the top of
each page in the listing. It is not necessary to include a switch in
this example, since the specification of the title itself implies
that a listing is desired.
.p0.test page 10
The commands
.skip.test page 8
/I DACOPY'title
'title'/I DACOPY
are identical, and would cause the program in the file named
DACOPY.FOR to be both renumbered and listed, since the specification
of a title implies that a listing is desired, and the /I switch
implies that renumbering is also desired.
The command
.indent 5
would generate a single file on device PRVI_: containing a listing
of the 3 files DAHEST.FOR, DAHEFT.F4 and DAVERB.FOR, the latter 2
being read from the directory [22,56] on device DSKB:. This command
could also be broken into 2 lines as shown below.
.indent 5
.indent 5
The commands
.skip.test page 3
.indent 5
.indent 5
are identical, and would cause further instructions to be read from
the file RENBR.RNB in the [35,56,SAMPLE] directory. If This file
.left margin 4.skip
.test page 6
.left margin 0
then the files ONE.FOR, TWO.FOR, THREE.FOR and FOUR.FOR in the
user's local directory would be replaced by renumbered versions
having the same names. All of the renumbered files would then be
listed. Such overwriting of an original file by a renumbered version
having the same name should not be done with the only copy of a
source file.
.skip 2
.right top title'Switches Typed by User to Select Results',,'>'
.test page 10
Switches Typed by User to Select Results
-------- ----- -- ---- -- ------ -------
Along with the names of the original and resulting files, the user
can type a slash followed by a letter or a slash followed by a
letter and a number to select whether renumbering or listing or both
are to be performed and to modify how these operations are to be
performed. The letter must immediately follow the slash, and the
following number must immediately follow the letter, although a
colon can appear between the letter and number. The combination of
the slash, letter and optional colon and number is called a switch.
.p0.test page 9
Examples of all of the possible switches which can be typed by the
user are shown below together with typical values for the following
numbers, where allowed.
.skip.test page 5
/A:2######add 2 blanks to lines in DO loop or IF THEN block
/B:100 base statement number is 100
/C column form statements (see /T and /U)
/E:1 1 extra table of contents
/F:60 form feeds every 60 lines (see /L)
/G:1 gap of 1 line between each statement in listing
/H help message is to be typed
/I:5 increment between statement numbers is 5
/J:0:4 jump 0 lines at top and 4 at bottom of first page
/K keep lines intact (see /S)
/L:60:66 60 lines can be printed on pages 66 lines high
/M maintain original statement numbers
/M:100 modify only statement numbers of 100 or larger
/M:1:9 modify only statement numbers in range 1 through 9
/P:1 page number at start of listing is to be 1
/S:9 split lines 9 characters beyond right margin
/T tab form statements (see /C and /U)
/U uniform left justification of statement numbers
/V view listing on controlling terminal
/W:8 width of tab stops is 8
/Z types array usage summary if listing is requested
'A Title' print the words A Title at top of each page
Typing a title enclosed in apostrophes, or any of the switches /E,
/F, /G, /J, /K, /L, /P, /S or /V, causes a listing to be produced.
The default options for listings are initial page number 1, form
feeds, intact long lines, single spacing, and 1 table of contents.
The default number of printable lines per page is 60. The default
total number of lines per page, including the blank lines used to
simulate form feeds at the page boundaries if the /L switch is
issued, is 66. These default values could also be selected by typing
the following switches
.skip.test page 3
Typing any of the switches /B, /C, /I, /M, /T or /U causes a new
renumbered version of the source file to be produced. The default
options for renumbering are smallest statement number 1, increment 1
and column form.
The switches /A, /W and /Z do not indicate whether listing or
renumbering is to be performed, and apply to the results of either
listing or renumbering.
The switches are described in more detail below.
.left margin 3
/A#causes extra blanks to be added to the left of the text of each
statement inside a DO loop or inside an IF THEN block in the
renumbered file or in the listing. The actual number of blanks added
to each line in such block structures is indicated by the number
which follows the /A switch. When DO loops or IF THEN blocks are
embedded, the range of each additional loop or block is indented
further. Either /A without a following number or /A:0 implies /A:1.
A /A switch appearing within a CRENBR command line (see later
description of this) within a particular program or routine can for
that program or routine supersede the indentation of the block
structure which has been selected by the user.
Shown below is an example of the application of the /A switch to a
multiply embedded block structure. The unindented FORTRAN statements
are shown at the left and the indented FORTRAN statements resulting
from the application of /A:5 are shown at the right.
.test page 21
A=0 A=0
C=0 C=0
E=0 E=0
F=0 F=0
H=0 H=0
J=0 J=0
K=0 K=0
L=0 L=0
DO 1 M=1,2 DO 1 M=1,2
N=0 N=0
O=0 O=0
Except for the addition of the extra blanks within the range of DO
loops and of IF THEN blocks, the first printing character within the
statement field of a FORTRAN statement will be either in column 7 if
column form is selected, or following the tab character if tab form
is selected regardless of the original indentation of the first line
of the statement. The original indentation of each continuation line
is preserved if possible.
/B#sets the smallest statement number which is to appear in each
program and routine after renumbering. The actual value of the
smallest statement number is indicated by the number which follows
the /B switch. If a /I switch is given but a /B switch is not given,
then the absolute value of the number appearing after the /I switch
will be used as the smallest statement number. A /B switch appearing
on a CRENBR command line (see later description of this) within a
particular program or routine can for that program or routine
supersede the smallest statement number selected by the user.
If the /B switch is issued without a following number, and if the /I
switch has not been issued, then it is assumed that the user meant
to type /I:1 instead of /B. Values specified by the user's typing of
the /B switch and/or the /I switch can be modified by a CRENBR
command line (see later description of this) locally for the routine
in which this command line appears. If a nonzero value of the lowest
statement number has not been specified either by the user or by a
CRENBR command line within the routine, then the value of the lowest
statement number in a routine after renumbering will be the absolute
value of the statement number increment used to renumber the
routine. This allows the production of reasonable statement numbers
even if the statement number increment, but not the smallest
statement number, is specified. On the other hand, the lowest
statement number can be specified by the user for all routines
except for those in which it is specified internally by a CRENBR
command line.
/C#causes the renumbered statements to have the column form. In the
resulting file, the rightmost digit of each statement number will be
in column 5 and the text of the initial line of each statement which
is not within the range of an indented DO loop or IF THEN block will
start in column 7. A digit in the range 1 through 9 will appear in
column 6 of each continuation line. Although the renumbered
statements are generated in column form, the original programs and
routines can be in either column or tab forms, or in any mixture of
The following 3 examples resulted from renumbering the same sequence
of FORTRAN statements with the /C, /U, and /T switches respectively.
Although the /U and /T switches appear to produce similar results,
the /U switch causes blanks to be inserted between the statement
number and the following text to force the first character of the
statement to be in column 7, while the /T switch causes a single tab
character to appear between the statement number and the following
.test page 9
applying /C applying /U applying /T
C234567890123456 C234567890123456 C234567890123456
8 DO 9 I=1,2 8 DO 9 I=1,2 8 DO 9 I=1,2
DO 9 J=1,5 DO 9 J=1,5 DO 9 J=1,5
9 IJ=IJ+ 9 IJ=IJ+ 9 IJ=IJ+
10 TYPE 11,IJ 10 TYPE 11,IJ 10 TYPE 11,IJ
/E#causes extra tables of contents to be generated at the end of the
listing. The actual number of extra tables of contents which are
generated is indicated by the number which follows the /E switch.
Extra tables of contents might be necessary if a long listing is to
be bound as several volumes. /E without a following number or /E:0
implies /E:1.
/F#causes the listing to be prepared for display on a device which
can eject a page of paper when a form feed character is encountered.
Line feeds would not then have to be used in the listing to simulate
form feeds. The pages in the listing will be separated by form feeds
if the output is being sent either to device LPT (the default) or to
device TTY. The character 1 (the digit one) will appear in column 1
where a form feed is needed if the listing is written to any other
device. /F can be followed by the number of lines which are
printable per page not including those lines skipped over
automatically at the page boundaries. /F without a following number
or /F:0 implies /F:60.
/G#causes extra blank lines to be inserted between consecutive
FORTRAN statements in the listing, and between blocks of comment
lines and the surrounding FORTRAN statements. The actual number of
blank lines which are inserted between consecutive statements is
indicated by the number which follows the /G switch. No extra blank
lines are inserted between comment lines or between the continuation
lines of a single statement. /G without a following number or /G:0
implies /G:1.
/H#types a summary of the switches which are accepted by RENBR. Any
file specifications which have already been typed by the user are
/I#sets the increment between consecutive statement numbers in each
program and routine after renumbering. The actual increment between
consecutive statement numbers is indicated by the number which
follows the /I switch. A negative increment, such as would be
specified by /I:-1, would cause the smallest number to be at the end
of the program rather than at the beginning. The smallest number
will be the absolute value of the statement number increment unless
/B is issued and is followed by a number which is greater than zero.
Either /I without a following number or /I:0 implies /I:1.
/J#sets the number of extra blank lines which are to be inserted at
the tops and bottoms of each page in the listing. The actual numbers
of blank lines which are inserted are indicated by 2 numbers which
can follow the /J switch. The first number which follows the /J
switch sets the number of blank lines which are to appear in the
listing at the top of the 1st page, at the bottom of the 2nd page,
at the top of the 3rd page, and so on. This number can be followed
by a colon and then by the number of blank lines which are to appear
at the bottom of the 1st page, at the top of the 2nd page, at the
bottom of the 3rd page, and so on. These blank lines could be
inserted to allow top binding of unburst fanfold paper and must be
included in the maximum number of printable lines specified by the
number following a /F switch or by the first number following a /L
switch. /J:6 or /J:6:0 would skip 6 lines at the top of the 1st
page, both before and after the separation between pages 2 and 3,
between pages 4 and 5, and so on. /J:0:6 or /J::6 would skip 6 lines
both before and after the separation between pages 1 and 2, between
pages 3 and 4, and so on.
/K#causes long lines to be kept intact in the listing. The /S switch
can be issued instead to select the point at which long lines are to
be wrapped around to give narrower listings.
/L#causes the pages in the listing to be separated by counted line
feeds. The /L switch can be followed by the number of lines which
are printable per page not including those lines which are to be
skipped over at the page boundaries by the printing of extra empty
lines. This number can be followed by the total number of lines per
page including those lines which are to be skipped over at the page
boundaries by the printing of extra empty lines. /S:0 is assumed if
a /S switch has not already been selected. If the /K switch is
desired, then it must be issued after the /L switch. /L without a
following number or /L:0 implies /L:60:66.
/M#causes only those statement numbers which are within a specified
range to be renumbered. If the /M is issued without a following
number, then the original statement numbers will be retained in all
programs and routines which are processed. It should be noted that
the /M switch without following numbers has a different meaning when
included on a CRENBR command line within a program or routine being
If the /M switch is issued with 2 following numbers, then these
numbers are the the lowest and highest original statement numbers
which will be modified in all programs and routines which are
processed. All original statement numbers which are either less than
the first number or greater than the second number will be retained.
The first number following the /M switch is assumed to be 1 if it is
missing but the second number is specified. The second number is
assumed to be 99999 if it is missing but the first number is
specified. The /M switch could be used to identify a section of a
program or routine which is to be modified and then grafted back
into the original program or routine since all references within the
section to statements outside the section would remain correct.
If a /M switch, either with or without following numbers, is issued
by the user, then all /B, /I, /M, /N and /O switches issued on
CRENBR command lines within the programs and routines being
processed will be ignored.
/P#sets the page number of the first page in the listing. The actual
page number shown on the first page is indicated by the number which
follows the /P switch. Issuing the /P switch with a number greater
than 1 does not suppress any portion of the listing. It merely
changes the numbers shown at the upper right corners of the pages.
/P without a following number or /P:0 implies /P:1.
/S#causes long lines to be split a desired distance beyond the
normal right margin of the listing. The portion of a long line which
would extend beyond the right margin by more than the number of
characters indicated by the number which follows the /S switch will
be right justified on the following line instead.
If the /S or /S:0 switch is issued, then the listing will have at
most 69 characters per line (or 70 if the FORTRAN carriage control
character is counted). The right margin is then 1 inch wide on 8 1/2
inch wide paper (assuming 10 characters per inch), and FORTRAN lines
containing over 59 characters will be split in the listing. (In
addition to the statement text, each line printed in the listing
contains the carriage control character and 10 characters in the
line number and margin left of the statement number field.) If wider
paper is to be cut down to 8 1/2 inch width, and if the printer can
print more characters, then a narrower right margin can be obtained
by following the /S switch with the number of additional characters
to be allowed before the line is split.
If the /S is followed by a number which has a value of 69 or
greater, then this number is assumed to be the maximum number of
characters which can be written on a single line in the listing.
Thus, /S:0 and /S:69 are equivalent. Either /S:13 or /S:82 would
give the same result as /K when FORTRAN programs and/or routines are
being listed, unless a /C switch has also been issued on a CRENBR
command line in the program or routine being listed to cause more
than 72 characters to be retained in each FORTRAN comment line.
Since 120 characters are allowed in each line of a comment section
introduced by either a RENBRSTART or a RENBRTITLE line (see later
descriptions of these), a larger number in the range of the /S
switch might be appropriate for such comment sections even if the
FORTRAN statements are not too long for the listing.
A portion of a listing which was generated using /S:0 is shown
below. In place of a line number at the left edge of the listing,
each overflow line is indicated by the number of leading blanks in
parentheses if the excess text starts with a blank, or by minus
signs otherwise. The page number on the top line of each page always
extends to the normal right margin. The width of each line in this
sample has been reduced somewhat to fit this document.
.test page 9
98 48 KM=IN-1
---- (KM),
100 49 FORMAT(1H ,1I4,2H (,1I3,1H ,1I4,13X,1I2,2I4,2H
( 1) ,5A1)
/T#causes the renumbered statements to have the tab form. In the
resulting file, a tab character will appear between the optional
statement number and the statement text. A digit in the range 1
through 9 will appear to the immediate right of the tab character in
each continuation line. Although the renumbered output is generated
in tab form, the original programs and/or routines can be in either
column or tab forms, or in any mixture of these. If a listing is
also being generated, then the statement numbers will be left
justified in the listing, but the rest of each statement will be
shown in column form in the listing.
/U#causes the renumbered statements to have a variation of the
column form. In the resulting file, the leftmost digit of each
statement number will be in column 1 and the text of the initial
line of each statement which is not within the range of an indented
DO loop or IF THEN block will start in column 7. A digit in the
range 1 through 9 will appear in column 6 of each continuation line.
The only difference between the form produced when the /U is issued
and that produced by the /C switch is that the statement numbers
start in column 1 when /U is issued, but end in column 5 instead
when /C is issued. If all of the statement numbers were to consist
of 5 digits, then the results would be identical.
/V#causes the listing to be typed on the controlling terminal. If
the /L switch is also issued, then the user will be asked to
position the paper to the next top of page before the program
/W#causes tab characters in the comment lines to be converted to
blank characters in the renumbered file or in the listing. The
actual separation of the tab stops is indicated by the number which
follows the /W switch. If a /W switch is not issued, then tab
characters in comment lines are converted to blanks using a tab stop
separation of 8 for the listing, but are not converted to blanks in
the renumbered output. Tab characters in the text of FORTRAN
statements are never converted to blanks in the renumbered file. /W
without a following number or /W:0 implies /W:8.
/Z#types onto the controlling terminal all of the information by
which each file is specified when this file is opened. If a listing
has been requested, then, after the listing has been completed, the
largest number of locations which were needed to store the
information in the listing for any of the programs or routines is
also typed onto the controlling terminal. The /Z switch is provided
for use by developers of the RENBR program and is mentioned here
only for completeness. The information which is displayed when the
/Z switch is used is described in an appendix to this manual.
.skip 2
.left margin 0
.right top title'Input File Restrictions',,'>'
.test page 10
Input File Restrictions
----- ---- ------------
RENBR can process programs and routines written according to either
of the 1966 or 1977 standards for FORTRAN or in some dialects of the
older FORTRAN-II. RENBR can also process programs and routines which
use the FORTRAN language extensions allowed by the DECsystem10 F40
compiler and by version 7 of the DECsystem10 FORTRAN-10 compiler.
Unrecognizable statements are copied into the renumbered output
unchanged and will be correct if these statements do not reference
statement numbers.
RENBR can be used to produce listings of FORTRAN programs and
routines which contain syntax errors. However, RENBR should not be
used to renumber programs and routines until these no longer produce
error messages when compiled, since RENBR is unable to correctly
convert statement numbers which appear in statements having
incorrectly spelled keywords or which reference missing statements.
The first time that RENBR is used to renumber an existing program,
the resulting renumbered program should be checked for errors since
it is possible that the program uses some extension to or variant of
the FORTRAN language which cannot be handled properly by RENBR. The
easiest way to test whether RENBR can correctly process a program is
to renumber it with the new statement numbers being outside the
range of those originally in the program, then to compile the
renumbered program and let the compiler report any statement numbers
which are missing. If RENBR has been used repeatedly to process a
program during its development, then such checking would be
unnecessary, since any extensions or variants would have been found
and excluded while the program was being tested.
RENBR cannot handle all possible programs acceptable to all possible
compilers. In particular, programs which do not meet the following
restrictions will not be processed correctly.
.left margin 1.list
.list element
The input source file must not contain line sequence numbers left of
the statement number field. If present, such line sequence numbers
must be removed before the file is processed by RENBR.
.list element
Continuation lines following a comment line beginning with an
initial letter C (either upper or lower case), or any of the
characters *, !, / or $, are taken as a continuation of the comment
and are written into the output unchanged. For this reason, comment
lines can separate statements, but cannot appear within a single
.list element
If some digits of a statement number in the text of a statement
appear to the left of an exclamation point and additional digits of
the same statement number appear on a following continuation line,
then the exclamation point and the comment to its right will be lost
when the program or routine is processed. The statement number would
still be replaced by the proper new number, but the comment is
considered to be part of the text of the old number and is discarded
along with the digits of the old number. Similarly, if blanks appear
between the digits of a statement number, then these blanks are
discarded when the number is replaced.
For example, the comment which appears inside the statement number
56 in the following statement
.skip.test page 2
would be discarded, although the statement number itself would be
recognized and treated properly. The comment would be retained,
however, if it is entirely outside the statement number as is the
case in either of the following statements.
.skip.test page 3
.list element
Statement numbers in obsolete statements, which have been changed to
comment lines by the addition of the letter C, or any of the
characters *, !, / or $, to the start of the statements, are left
unchanged and therefore become incorrect when programs containing
them are renumbered. Some compilers ignore lines which begin with
certain other characters, but RENBR treats such lines as FORTRAN
statements and maintains the initial characters. (See also the
description of the /R switch in the CRENBR command line.)
.list element
All blanks which appear at the right end of the lines in a file are
discarded when the contents of the file are renumbered. If character
strings are specified as the number of characters followed by the
letter H and the characters of the string, then lines which end with
character strings containing rightmost blanks will have these blanks
removed. Therefore, unless the processed file is written onto cards,
a statement such as
.indent 5
should instead be written as
.indent 5
.indent 5
On the DECsystem10 and DECsystem20 computers, this statement could
also be rewritten as
.skip.indent 5
.indent 5
Such deletion of rightmost blanks can also occur in FORMAT
statements in which character strings extend across continuation
line boundaries. For example, the FORMAT statement
.skip.test page 2
in which a single blank character and then the end of line
characters follow the first appearance of the word BLANK, could
instead be rewritten as
.skip.test page 2
Any character string in which a necessary blank appears at the right
end of a line should be rewritten manually before the program is
processed by RENBR. Of course, since many screen (or video) editors
themselves discard rightmost blanks on a line, merely editing a
program in which some lines contain necessary rightmost blanks could
itself make the program incorrect or uncompilable. Some screen
editors also convert multiple blanks to tabs, and others convert
tabs to multiple blanks. If the tabs which separate the statement
number fields from the text fields have been converted to blanks by
the editor, then the continuation lines will no longer compile
correctly, but RENBR will still treat these properly and can convert
the file to either column or tab form.
.list element
The argument list of a function cannot contain the numbers of
statements to which control is to be transfered when a RETURN
statement which includes a number is executed in the function. Such
alternate returns are allowed, however, from routines which are
referenced by CALL statements, rather than by the inclusion of the
names of the routines in expressions. These statement numbers are
preceeded in the CALL statements by asterisks, dollar signs or
ampersands (the *, $ or _& characters, respectively), and their
locations in the argument list in the first line of the routines are
indicated by the same characters used alone.
An example of a program which would not be processed correctly by
RENBR is shown below. This program asks for the user to supply 2
values, and reports the smaller of these. In this example, the
SMALLR function uses an alternate return to transfer to statement 50
if the values are equal. RENBR cannot identify that SMALLR in the
main program is an external function rather than an array, and so
does not recognize that the *50 is a reference of a statement
number. Therefore, the statement number in the argument list of the
function call will not be changed if the program is renumbered.
.skip.test page 19
10 TYPE 20
GO TO 10
50 TYPE 60
GO TO 10
This restriction probably will not cause any difficulty since many
FORTRAN compilers do not recognize alternate return destinations in
function calls anyway, and since such alternate return destinations
in function calls are not defined by the standards for the FORTRAN
language. They are, however, allowed by the F40 compiler on the
.list element
The initial line of a statement cannot be followed by more than 19
continuation lines. This means that a single statement cannot be
more than 20 lines long. It also means that if a statement
separation character such as the semicolon is used between
statements to pack several statements on a line, and if subsequent
statements are wrapped around onto continuation lines, then the
right end of the final statement cannot be more than 19 continuation
lines beyond the line containing the start of the first statement.
.list element
Unless the dimensions of the storage arrays within the RENBR program
are increased, a single main program or a single routine being
renumbered cannot contain more than 1000 numbered statements. (If
the file is being both listed and renumbered, then the limit is 25
less.) When making a listing of a program or routine for which the
sum of the number of statement numbers and the number of references
of these numbers in the statements is greater than 1000, the listing
of the statements will be fragmented to allow frequent emptying and
reuse of the storage arrays. If a program or routine contains more
than 1000 numbered statements, then the original statement numbers
will be retained when renumbering is requested. If a program or
routine contains less than 1000 numbered statements, then the
program or routine can be renumbered regardless of the number of
references of these numbers in the statements.
.list element
The END statement which terminates a program or a routine must
appear on a single line, although the letters of the word END can be
preceded by or be separated by blanks or tabs. The END statement can
have a statement number to its left and can be followed by an
exclamation point and a comment to its right, but the END statement
must not appear on the same line as any other statement. The input
source files can contain any number of programs or routines, each
with its own END statement. The first statement or comment of each
of the subsequent programs or routines must start on a new line.
Any statement which starts with the letters END cannot be split onto
a new line between these letters and the rest of the statement. For
example, an END IF or END DO or END FILE statement cannot have the
word END on the first line and the rest of the statement on a
continuation line.
.list element
If the FORTRAN compiler which was used to compile RENBR itself does
not support the END= end-of-file test in READ statements, then an
additional END statement should be inserted after the final program
or routine in each of the files which are to be processed by RENBR.
These extra END statements will not appear in the output. The extra
END statement in the final source file which is processed causes a
normal exit which includes printing of the table of contents. The
programs and routines in the input source file would still be
processed correctly even if the extra END statement is not inserted,
but only a single input source file could be processed, and the
listings would not include the table of contents. If the end-of-file
test for READ statements is not available, then it will not be
possible to have a single program or routine be split across two or
more input source files, since the end of each file would have to be
marked by an extra END statement.
If the end-of-file test is not available, and if the list of files
which are to be processed is read from a command file, rather than
typed by the user directly, then the name of the final file in the
list should be followed by a semicolon either to its right or on the
next line.
.list element
RENBR cannot handle INCLUDE statements and instead copies the
INCLUDE statement unchanged into the renumbered file. The INCLUDE
statement names another file and causes the compiler to treat the
text in this additional file as though it had appeared in the
original file in place of the INCLUDE statement. Since RENBR does
not process the text in the file named by the INCLUDE statement, the
text in this additional file should not contain statements which
bear statement numbers referenced elsewhere in the program or which
could be duplicated when the rest of the program is renumbered.
Likewise, the text in the file named in the INCLUDE statement should
not reference statement numbers appearing in the rest of the program
being renumbered.
.end list.left margin 0
.skip 2
.right top title'Supported Variations of Statement Structure',,'>'
.test page 10
Supported Variations of Statement Structure
--------- ---------- -- --------- ---------
RENBR allows a tab character to appear between the statement number
and the text in the first line of a statement. Use of the tab
character relieves the programmer of having to type enough blanks to
advance to column 7 or beyond. On a continuation line, a tab at the
start of the line can be followed by a digit other than zero and
then by the continuation of the text of the statement. The
programmer does not have to insert exactly 5 blanks and then place
the digit in column 6 as is required for the standard form of
continuation lines. Regardless of whether the lines in the file
which is processed by RENBR start with tabs or have the standard
form, the lines in the renumbered file produced by RENBR can have
the tab form or can have the standard form with the numbers being
either left justified or right justified.
If the FORTRAN compiler or the operating system do not support tab
characters in input files, then any FORTRAN programs which contain
such leading tab characters should have these tab characters
converted to blanks before the programs are processed using RENBR.
If the tab stops are equally spaced at least 6 characters apart,
then the tabs can be converted to the appropriate number of blanks
to fill to the corresponding tab stops before the file is processed
using RENBR. Alternatively, each tab character in the file can be
converted to 6 or more blanks before the file is processed using
RENBR, since the text of an initial line must start in column 7 or
beyond, and since RENBR recognizes a line which starts with 5 or
more blanks and then a nonzero digit as a continuation line.
RENBR allows semicolons between statements which appear on the same
line and allows exclamation points before comments on the same lines
as statements. These characters are recognized only when they appear
within the portion of the line which can contain statement text. If
more than 1 statement appears on a line, then only the first
statement can bear a statement number, since the text of the next
statement is assumed to start immediately after the semicolon. There
cannot be more than 19 consecutive continuation lines even if these
represent more than 1 statement. The END statement can bear a
comment to its right, but must not appear on the same line as any
other statement.
The interpretation of lines in a FORTRAN program which are not
comments but which have an alphabetic letter in column 1 depends
upon the FORTRAN compiler which is being used. Some compilers
require the letters B, D or I in column 1 to specify the type of
variables appearing on that line. The DECsystem10 FORTRAN compiler
allows the letter D in column 1 to indicate a debugging line, the
compilation of which is optional. If the initial line of a statement
starts with the letter D, then RENBR will place the letter D at the
start of each continuation line of that statement regardless of
whether these continuation lines themselves originally started with
the letter D. If the first line of the statement does not start with
the letter D, but some of the continuation lines do start with the
letter D, then the appearances of the letter D at the start of the
continuation lines are discarded. Whether this modification of the
continuation lines can change the meaning of the program will depend
upon which DECsystem10 compiler is used. When lines which start with
the letter D are being ignored, the F40 compiler treats a
continuation line after a line bearing the letter D in column 1 as a
continuation of a comment while the FORTRAN-10 compiler treats such
a continuation line as a continuation of the previous statement.
For example, on the DECsystem10, the program shown below would type
the value 1 if debugging lines starting with the letter D are not
compiled. The program would instead type the value 2 if debugging
lines are compiled.
.skip.test page 6
A line beginning a new statement can have any of the forms which are
described below. Where these descriptions speak of a line beginning
with a character other than the letter C, it is actually meant that
the character in column 1 cannot be any of the characters upper case
C, lower case c, *, !, /, or $. Any of these characters in column 1
would cause the rest of the line to be treated as a comment.
.left margin 1.list 1
.list element
A line beginning with 5 blanks and/or digits followed in column 6 by
a blank or a zero, and then by the text of the statement.
.list element
A line beginning with a non-tab non-blank non-digit character other
than the letter C followed by 4 blanks and/or digits followed in
column 6 by a blank or a zero, and then by the text of the statement.
.list element
A line beginning with a tab followed by the first character of the
statement which cannot be a digit.
.list element
A line beginning with a non-tab non-blank non-digit character other
than the letter C followed by a tab followed by the first character
of the statement.
.list element
A line beginning with a digit or digits of the statement number
followed by a tab followed by the first character of the statement.
.list element
A line beginning with a non-tab non-blank non-digit character other
than the letter C followed by the digit or digits of the statement
number followed by a tab followed by the first character of the
.end list.left margin 0
The contents of typical lines which can start new statements are
diagrammed below. In these illustrations, (BLANK) represents a
blank, (TAB) represents a tab and (TEXT) represents the text of the
statement. Of course, the text of the statement can itself begin
with one or more blanks or tabs.
.skip.test page 5
A continuation line can have any of the forms which are described
below. Again, where these descriptions speak of a line beginning
with a character other than the letter C, it is actually meant that
the character in column 1 cannot be any of the characters upper case
C, lower case c, *, !, /, or $.
.left margin 1.list
.list element
A line beginning with 5 blanks followed by a non-blank non-tab
non-zero character which is ignored. This is in turn followed by the
continuation of the text of the statement.
.list element
A line beginning with a non-tab non-blank non-digit character other
than the letter C followed by 4 blanks followed by a non-blank
non-tab non-zero character which is ignored. This is in turn
followed by the continuation of the text of the statement.
.list element
A line beginning with a tab (or with 5 or more blanks) followed by a
non-zero digit which is ignored. This is in turn followed by the
continuation of the text of the statement.
.list element
A line beginning with a non-tab non-blank non-digit character other
than the letter C followed by a tab (or by 4 or more blanks)
followed by a non-zero digit which is ignored. This is in turn
followed by the continuation of the text of the statement.
.end list.left margin 0
The following are typical continuation lines.
.skip.test page 6
.left margin 0
.skip 2
.right top title'Maintaining Logical Blocks of Statement Numbers',,'>'
.test page 10
Maintaining Logical Blocks of Statement Numbers
----------- ------- ------ -- --------- -------
Some programmers select statement numbers used within a logical
section of a program from a different range of values than those
used elsewhere within the same program. RENBR can maintain these
regions when renumbering. However, since a single normal renumbering
would destroy such regions, a command line within the program is
used to specify the size of the range of statement numbers in each
section rather than querying the user for this information. This
command line is a comment line with an * or the letter C in column 1
followed by the word RENBR and then any switches for which values
are being specified. A typical command line would be
where slashes could appear before the single letter switches and
colons could appear between the single letter switches and the
following numbers. However, these slashes and colons are not required.
Examples of each of the switches which can appear on the CRENBR
command line are shown below, together with typical values for the
following numbers, where allowed.
.skip.test page 11
.comment 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
/A:2######add 2 blanks to lines in DO loop or IF THEN block
/B:100 base statement number is 100
/C:80 comment lines are 80 characters wide
/I:5 increment between statement numbers is 5
/M mixed statement number regions
/M:100 modify only statement numbers of 100 or larger
/M:1:9 modify only statement numbers in range 1 through 9
/N:500 new groups of numbers are 1 - 499, 500 - 999 etc.
/O:100 old groups of numbers are 1 - 99, 100 - 199 etc.
/R= statement numbers in comment lines start with =
(ONE/TWO) ONE is routine name, TWO is subtitle on each page
The switches are described in more detail below.
.left margin 3
/A#causes extra blanks to be added to the left of the text of each
statement inside a DO loop or inside an IF THEN block in the program
or routine in which it appears. These blanks are added regardless of
whether the program or routine is renumbered or listed. When DO
loops or IF THEN blocks are embedded, the range of each additional
loop or block is indented further. The actual number of blanks added
to each line is indicated by the number which follows the /A switch.
If the user has specified the /A switch when RENBR was started, and
the /A switch also appears on the CRENBR command line, then the
value specified on the CRENBR command line will be used instead, but
only in the program or routine in which it appears.
The CRENBR command line containing the /A switch should be issued at
the start of a program, or immediately following the first statement
of a routine, since the /A switch cannot change the indentation in
the listing of block structures which precede its appearance if
renumbering is not being performed.
/B#sets the smallest statement number which is to appear in the
program or routine in which it appears if the program or routine is
renumbered. The actual value of the smallest statement number is
indicated by the number which follows the /B switch. Normally, this
would be the first statement number in the renumbered program, but
if the increment between consecutive statement numbers is specified
to be negative, then the smallest number will be the final statement
number within the program. If the /B switch does not appear on the
CRENBR command line, then the value used as the smallest statement
number will be that specified by the user when RENBR was started, or
will be the absolute value of the statement number increment if the
user did not specify the smallest statement number when RENBR was
/C#specifies that more than 72 characters are to be retained in each
of the subsequent FORTRAN comment lines in the current program or
routine. The number following this switch is the maximum number of
characters, in addition to the 72 characters usually processed,
which are to be read and written in each FORTRAN comment line. If
this number has a value of 72 or greater, then this number is
instead assumed to be the total number of characters which are to be
retained in each FORTRAN comment line. Either a /C:8 or a /C:80
switch would cause up to 80 characters to be included in each
FORTRAN comment line. The /C switch does not apply to the preceding
FORTRAN comment lines or to the CRENBR command line in which it
appears. Although a previous CRENBR command line could have changed
the number of characters retained in the current CRENBR command
line, only the first 72 characters are ever evaluated on any CRENBR
command line. The maximum value which can appear with the /C switch
is 120.
/I#specifies the statement number increment. The number following
this switch will be the increment between consecutive statement
numbers. If the /I switch does not appear on the CRENBR command
line, then the value used as the increment will be that specified by
the user when RENBR was started, or will be 1 if the user did not
specify a statement number increment when RENBR was started.
/M#if issued without a following number, then the statement number
regions which are to be maintained during renumbering can be mixed,
rather than separated into logical blocks. An example of the use of
the /M switch is given in a later section of this instruction
manual. The /M switch must not be issued if logical blocks are to be
maintained as described in this section of the manual.
If the /M switch is followed by 2 numbers, then these numbers are
the the lowest and highest original statement numbers which will be
modified. All original statement numbers which are either less than
the first number or greater than the second number will be retained.
The first number following the /M switch is assumed to be 1 if it is
missing but the second number is specified. The second number is
assumed to be 99999 if it is missing but the first number is
specified. The /M switch could be used to identify a section of a
program or routine which is to be modified and then grafted back
into the original program or routine since all references within the
section to statements outside the section would remain correct. For
example, the switch /M:100:200 or M100#200 would cause only those
statement numbers which are in the range 100 through and including
200 to be renumbered.
If the /M switch is followed by a single number, then the second
number is assumed to have the value 99999 so that all statement
numbers which are equal to or greater than the specified number will
be modified. The /M switch might be used with a single number to
prevent the accidental renumbering of a routine, or to allow the
renumbering of only the more recent changes to a routine if an
earlier version of the routine is being retained for comparison.
If a number or pair of numbers follows the /M switch, then the
CRENBR command line can also contain /B and /I switches to select
the statement number base and increment, but /N and /O switches on
the CRENBR command line will be ignored.
/N#specifies the new region size. The number following this switch
specifies the jump in generated statement numbers from the start of
one region to the next in the renumbered program or routine. To
prevent erroneous scaling of the statement numbers during a
subsequent renumbering of the program or routine which contains the
CRENBR command line, a /O (old region size) switch is removed when
renumbering is performed if the /O switch has been preceded within
the current program or routine by a /N switch, and each /N switch is
converted to a /O switch. If the /N switch does not appear on any
CRENBR command line in the program or routine, then the old region
size as specified by the /O switch is also used as the new region
size. If neither the /N switch nor the /O switch appears on any
CRENBR command line in the program, then the regions of statement
numbers are not preserved.
/O#specifies the old region size. The number following this switch
specifies the jump in the original statement numbers from the start
of one region to the next in the program which is being renumbered.
To prevent erroneous scaling of the statement numbers during a
subsequent renumbering of the program or routine which contains the
CRENBR command line, a /O switch is removed when renumbering is
performed if the /O switch has been preceded within the current
program or routine by a /N (new region size) switch, and each /N
switch is converted to a /O switch. If the /O switch does not appear
on any CRENBR command line in the program or routine, then the new
region size as specified by the /N switch is also used as the old
region size. If neither the /N switch nor the /O switch appears on
any CRENBR command line in the program, then the regions of
statement numbers are not preserved.
/R#specifies how statement number references are to be indicated in
comment lines. The first printing (neither a blank nor a tab)
character following the R switch will be scanned for on all comment
lines and, whenever this character is found followed by a number,
then this number will be taken as a statement number reference. If a
colon follows the /R switch, then colons will mark statement numbers
which appear on comment lines. If renumbering is being performed,
then the number marked by this character will be replaced by the new
value of the referenced statement number. If a listing is being
produced, then the number marked by this character will be placed
into the list of statement number references with the associated
line number being that of the FORTRAN statement which precedes the
comment in which the number is located. If more than 1 statement
number reference appears on a single comment line, then each must be
preceded by the character. The character is scanned for only on
lines which are indicated to be comments by the character (such as
an asterisk or the letter C) which appears in column 1. Spaces
and/or tabs can appear on the comment line between the key character
and the following statement number but are not required. Spaces or
tabs cannot appear between the digits of a single statement number
on a comment line.
#(#specifies the routine name. The printing characters which follow
the ( switch, through the end of the line, or up to the next
appearance of a right parenthesis or slash character on the line,
are to be used as the routine name in the table of contents, and at
the upper right corners of the pages containing the listing of the
routine. Only the first 6 printing characters will be used if more
than 6 printing characters are specified in the name. If the (
switch is not issued or does not specify a name, then the routine
name will be that read from the SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, BLOCK DATA or
PROGRAM statement. The ( switch can be used to label main programs
even though these would not usually have names.
If a slash (the / character) appears after the ( switch or after the
routine name following the ( switch, then the characters which
follow the / character, through the end of the line, or to the next
appearance of a matching right parenthesis on the line, will be used
as the subtitle in the listing. Such a subtitle can consist of at
most 44 characters and can include blanks and balanced parentheses.
The subtitle is not changed if the / character does not appear after
the ( switch or after the routine name following the ( switch. The
subtitle will be blank if it is not specified anywhere in the
program or routine.
The CRENBR command line containing the ( switch should be issued at
the start of a program or immediately following the first statement
of a routine since the ( switch cannot change the routine name or
subtitle in that portion of the listing preceding its use if
renumbering is not being performed. (If renumbering is being
performed, then the CRENBR command line is interpreted on the first
pass through the input program, and the listing is produced on the
second pass. However, if renumbering is not being performed, then
the listing is produced in a single pass.)
.left margin 0
The switches can appear in any order on the CRENBR command line.
Only the /I switch will accept a negative value. Although the
initial * or letter C must be in column 1, blanks and tabs can
appear anywhere else on the CRENBR command line except within numbers.
The values specified by the CRENBR command line apply to all
statement numbers within a single program or routine, but the CRENBR
command line can appear anywhere in the program or routine before
the terminal END statement. If multiple CRENBR command lines appear
within a single program or routine, then the values which are used
are the final values specified for each switch. The CRENBR command
line applies only to the program or routine in which it appears. The
default values of the switches (set by the user when RENBR was
started) are restored for the next program or routine read. In the
case of the /N and /O switches, these defaults are to not preserve
The CRENBR command line
CRENBR I-10 B 10 O 200 N 400
would specify that original regions such as 1-199, 200-399 and
400-599 would be translated to new regions such as 1-399, 400-799
and 800-1199. The actual translation would depend on the relative
placement of the original regions. To allow the insertion of new
statements into a region, statement numbers which would normally be
outside the region are taken as part of the surrounding region if
statement numbers both before and after the insertion are within the
region. If the statement number increment is positive, then this
searching for the final statement number which is also within the
region starts at the top of the program and proceeds towards the
bottom of the program. If the statement number increment is
negative, then the searching starts at the bottom of the program and
proceeds towards the top of the program instead.
For example, the original program shown at the left below would be
converted to the program shown at the center when renumbered. In
this example, the statement number at the top of the program is 317
which is in the range 200 to 399. The final statement number which
is within this same range is 285, so all of the statements located
between statements 317 and 285 are also included in the first
region. The next statement below the end of the first region is
number 15 which is in the range 1 to 199. The final statement number
which is in this same range is 99, so all of the statements located
between statements 15 and 99 are also included in the second region.
The bottom 2 numbers 1600 and 1622 are in the same range and form
the third region.
.skip.test page 14
CRENBR I 10 B10 CRENBR I 10 B10 CRENBR I -10 B10
CRENBR/O:200/N:500 CRENBR/O:200/O:500 CRENBR/O:200/O:500
317 GO TO 1622 10 GO TO 1010 1010 GO TO 10
216 GO TO 1600 20 GO TO 1000 1000 GO TO 20
4260 GO TO 99 30 GO TO 540 540 GO TO 30
285 GO TO 1650 40 GO TO 530 530 GO TO 40
15 GO TO 4266 500 GO TO 520 520 GO TO 500
4200 STOP 510 STOP 510 STOP
4266 GO TO 4200 520 GO TO 510 500 GO TO 510
1650 GO TO 15 530 GO TO 500 40 GO TO 520
99 GO TO 285 540 GO TO 40 30 GO TO 530
1600 GO TO 4260 1000 GO TO 30 20 GO TO 540
1622 GO TO 216 1010 GO TO 20 10 GO TO 1000
If the increment specified by the /I switch on the CRENBR command
line in the original program shown at the left above were to be -10
instead, then the program shown at the right would result when the
program was renumbered. Since the increment is negative, the
searching for regions of statement numbers starts at the bottom of
the program, rather than at the top. Here, the first range would
begin at the bottom of the program with the statement numbered 1622,
and would extend backward through the statement numbered 1650 which
is the most distant statement having a number in the range 1600 to
1799. The second region would begin with the next statement which is
numbered 4266 and extend backward through the statement numbered 4260.
.skip 2
.right top title'Creating Logical Blocks of Statement Numbers',,'>'
.test page 10
Creating Logical Blocks of Statement Numbers
-------- ------- ------ -- --------- -------
To convert the statement numbers in a program to indicate the
logical blocks in which they appear, RENBR could be run several
times with the user selecting different values with the /M and /B
switches to change a different range of statement numbers each time.
Alternatively, all of the statement numbers can be converted in a
single renumbering if new statements, which bear statement numbers
outside the logical block ranges found elsewhere in the program, are
inserted at the start and end of each consecutive logical region of
statements to force conversion of statement numbers within these
regions into consecutively higher ranges. If the CRENBR command line
specifies that logical blocks of statement numbers are to be
preserved, then RENBR, when assigning new statement numbers, will
terminate each logical block of statement numbers at the final
statement number which is within the range defined by the first
statement number of the block. If this technique is used, then there
should be a temporary statement at both the start and the end of the
program and 2 temporary statements between consecutive regions.
Since the statements which temporarily define logical blocks should
be removed during or after renumbering, these statements need not be
written in legal FORTRAN. If these temporary statements consist only
of statement numbers but no statement text, then RENBR will remove
these statement numbers when the program or routine is renumbered.
Following the renumbering, a statement number will be missing from
the lower end of each region until the program is next renumbered.
For example, to convert the first 2 statements in the program shown
at the left below into a first region, the next 5 statements into a
second region, and the rest into a third region, a CRENBR command
line and numbered but otherwise empty statements could be inserted
as shown in the program in the middle. Processing of the program
shown in the middle would produce the program shown at the right in
which the first 2 statements are now in the range 1 through 49, the
second in the range 50 through 99, and the third in the range 100
through 149. Since the region size in the final program is 50, RENBR
has changed the /N:50 on the CRENBR command line to be /O:50
instead. Subsequent renumbering of the final program would retain
the new statement number regions and would set the first numbers in
the regions to 1, 50 and 100 respectively.
.skip.test page 17
1 GO TO 9 CRENBR/O:100/N:50 CRENBR/O:100/O:50
2 GO TO 8 100 2 GO TO 102
3 GO TO 7 1 GO TO 9 3 GO TO 101
4 GO TO 6 2 GO TO 8 51 GO TO 55
5 STOP 101 52 GO TO 54
6 GO TO 5 200 53 STOP
7 GO TO 4 3 GO TO 7 54 GO TO 53
8 GO TO 3 4 GO TO 6 55 GO TO 52
9 GO TO 2 5 STOP 101 GO TO 51
END 6 GO TO 5 102 GO TO 3
8 GO TO 3
9 GO TO 2
.skip 2
.right top title'Maintaining Number Regions Keyed to Statement Types',,'>'
.test page 10
Maintaining Number Regions Keyed to Statement Types
----------- ------ ------- ----- -- --------- -----
Many programmers use statement number size to indicate the types of
the statements with which they are associated. In particular, FORMAT
statements and the statements at the ends of DO loops are often
assigned large numbers. Use of the /M switch without a following
number on the CRENBR command line allows the resulting mixed
statement number regions to be maintained during renumbering. The
new statement numbers are based on the order in which they appear
within their respective regions. The high order or leftmost digits
(relative to the original region size) of the statement numbers are
maintained unless an expanding region overflows into the next higher
region in which case the higher region must be offset to prevent
duplication of the new statement numbers.
For example, the program shown at the left below would be converted
to the program shown at the center when renumbered. If the increment
specified by the /I switch on the CRENBR command line were to be
changed to -10, then the program shown at the right would be
produced instead.
.skip.test page 13
CRENBR/O:1000/I10/M CRENBR/O:1000/I10/M CRENBR/O:1000/I-10/M
317 GO TO 1622 10 GO TO 1020 50 GO TO 1000
216 GO TO 1600 20 GO TO 1010 40 GO TO 1010
4260 GO TO 99 4000 GO TO 50 4020 GO TO 10
285 GO TO 1650 30 GO TO 1000 30 GO TO 1020
15 GO TO 4266 40 GO TO 4020 20 GO TO 4000
4200 STOP 4010 STOP 4010 STOP
4266 GO TO 4200 4020 GO TO 4010 4000 GO TO 4010
1650 GO TO 15 1000 GO TO 40 1020 GO TO 20
99 GO TO 285 50 GO TO 30 10 GO TO 30
1600 GO TO 4260 1010 GO TO 4000 1010 GO TO 4020
1622 GO TO 216 1020 GO TO 20 1000 GO TO 40
.skip 2.test page 10
.right top title'Including NonFORTRAN Text in the Input File',,'>'
Including NonFORTRAN Text in the Input File
--------- ---------- ---- -- --- ----- ----
The first line of the first input source file, and the first line
following each FORTRAN END statement, are scanned for the appearance
of the letters RENBRSTART anywhere on the line. The letters
RENBRSTART can be preceded by any other characters and can be
separated by blanks or tabs. If the letters RENBRSTART are found,
then the current line and all following lines through the end of the
final input source file or up to the next CRENBR command line will
be treated as comment lines. The name to be associated with the
current comment section, and a subtitle for the listing, can appear
to the right of the letters RENBRSTART in the form in which this
information could appear on a CRENBR command line. The name and
subtitle will be blank in the listing if these are not specified by
the RENBRSTART command line. Additional RENBRSTART command lines can
appear within the comment section to force the printing of a new
page with new name and new subtitle. If the comment section is
terminated by a CRENBR command line, then this CRENBR command line
is considered to be a part of the following FORTRAN program or
The ability to include comment sections within the input file allows
assembly language routines, command files and data to be listed with
the FORTRAN programs with which these are used. If renumbering is
being performed, then the comment sections are copied into the
output file unchanged. If a listing is being produced, then a line
sequence number is printed beside each line within the comment
section, and the comment section name and the total number of lines
within the comment section are included in the table of contents,
but the words and numbers appearing in the comment section are not
A RENBRTITLE command line can be used for much the same purpose as a
RENBRSTART command line. These 2 types of command lines are
identical if encountered at the start of the first input source file
or after a FORTRAN END statement. The only difference between these
2 types of command lines is that, when encountered within an already
established comment section, the RENBRTITLE command line does not
force the printing of a new page and, if the RENBRTITLE command line
does not specify a subtitle, then the subtitle previously specified
for the comment section will remain unchanged. The RENBRTITLE
command line is used to enter an additional comment section name,
and comment section line total, into the table of contents without
starting a new page in the listing. If the storage used for the
table of contents is already full, then the current table of
contents will have to be printed before the new name can be added,
so under these conditions even the RENBRTITLE command line would
force printing of a new page after the table of contents.
A typical sequence of FORTRAN programs and comment sections would be
.left margin 5
.test page 9
text of FORTRAN program or routine
comment section text
additional comment section text
text of another FORTRAN program or routine
.p0.left margin 0
It should be noted that if the FORTRAN system does not allow
end-of-file tests in READ statements, then the sequence of lines
.skip.test page 3
.p0.left margin 0
must appear at the end of the input source file to force the
printing of the table of contents if no other FORTRAN routines
follow the comment section.
.skip 2
.right top title'Statement Types Recognized by RENBR',,'>'
.test page 10
Statement Types Recognized by RENBR
--------- ----- ---------- -- -----
RENBR can recognize statement numbers contained in the following
types of FORTRAN statements. In these examples, the number 20 has
been used to represent any FORTRAN statement number and the number
10 has been used to represent a number which is not a statement
number. The key words which identify these statements can also be
used as variable names or as array names without causing any
difficulties. The ability to handle statement numbers in other types
of statements can be easily added.
.skip.test page 6
FREQUENCY 20(10,10,10),20,20(10),20(10,10) !FOR EXAMPLE
GO TO 20
.left margin 0
In addition to the above, the following statement types are
recognized although these do not contain statement number references.
.left margin 1.list
.list element
DATA and FORMAT statements are recognized so that items following
these keywords are not indexed.
.list element
DO WHILE(expression) and END DO statements are recognized to allow
optional indentation of statements within their ranges.
.list element
IF(expression)THEN, ELSE IF(expression)THEN, ELSE, and END IF
statements are recognized to allow optional indentation of
statements within their ranges.
.list element
recognized so that program and routine names can be obtained from
.end list.left margin 0
.p0.test page 8
The FORTRAN operators and delimiters shown below are recognized.
This list does not include operators such as ** (exponentiation) and
// (concatenation) which can be considered to be a series of shorter
.test page 3
_.LT. .EQ. .GT. .AND. .OR. .EQV.
_.LE. .NE. .GE. .NOT. .XOR. .NEQV.
( ) = + - * / , < > _# : _^
RENBR handles as a single unit any character string which either is
preceded by the decimal number of characters and the letter H or
else is preceded and followed by apostrophes. It is likely that no
harm will result if programs containing other character string
designations are renumbered. If some character other than the
apostrophe is used as the delimiting character in programs or
routines which are to be renumbered, then the only situation likely
to give trouble will be when IF statements are used to test
character data against character strings containing either left or
right parentheses. RENBR was used for several years before the
ability to handle character strings as single units was even added
to it.
Statement numbers appearing in CALL statements can be preceded
either by an asterisk, by a dollar sign or by an ampersand.
.left margin 0
.right top title'Appendix A:#Sample Table of Contents and Listing',,'>'
Appendix A:#Sample Table of Contents and Listing
--------#-##------ ----- -- -------- --- -------
RENBR can, at the user's request, produce a listing of the source
programs. The listing of each separate main program or routine is
begun on a new page. In the upper right corner of each page are
printed both the current page number and the name of the program or
routine. To the left of each non-comment statement is printed the
count or sequence number of the statement within the current program
or routine. If a statement must be split to keep it within the
margins of the listing, then the extra characters are right
justified on the next line and minus signs are placed in the
statement count field if the right justified extra text does not
begin with a blank character. If there is a blank at the start of
the right justified extra text, then the number of initial blanks is
printed within parentheses in the statement count field instead.
Following the listing of the program or routine is a list of
statement numbers and of the sequence numbers of the statements in
which these statement numbers are referenced. If renumbering is not
being performed, then this list will also include as negative
numbers the sequence numbers of the numbered statements themselves.
These negative numbers are not included in the list of statement
number references if renumbering is being performed. If renumbering
is being performed, then the array space which would be needed to
store the negative numbers is used instead to store information
needed to perform the renumbering. It is felt that the negative
numbers do not really need to be shown if renumbering is being
performed, since then the resulting statement numbers will be in
order anyway, so that further assistance is not needed to locate them.
After the list of statement number references is an index of all key
words, variable names and constants used in the program or routine.
Each of these items is accompanied by a list of the sequence numbers
of the statements in which these items appear. The sequence number
is negative if the equals sign operator is used in the statement to
assign a value to the item. The keywords GO TO and IF are excluded
from the index because they are used almost as often as the
punctuation operators. Likewise, the format specifications which
appear within FORMAT statements, and the list of values which are
assigned by DATA statements, are not included in the index.
A table of contents containing the names of the routines and
programs appears at the end of the listing. The following
information is also shown at the top of the table of contents.
.list 1.list element
The total number of FORTRAN statements which start on new lines.
This number does not include statements which appear to the right of
semicolons on the same line as other statements. Continuation lines
and comment lines also are not included.
.list element
The total number of comment lines appearing within FORTRAN programs
and routines. These are lines which are indicated as being comments
by the character appearing in column 1. This number does not include
comments which appear to the right of exclamation points in the text
.list element
The total number of lines in comment sections which were designated
by either RENBRSTART or RENBRTITLE command lines.
.list element
The average number of consecutive FORTRAN statements which were not
separated by comment lines or by the end of programs or routines.
This number is truncated down to the next lower whole number.
.list element
The average number of consecutive FORTRAN comment lines which were
not separated by FORTRAN statements. This number is truncated down
to the next lower whole number.
.end list
Each program and routine name appears twice in the table of
contents. The program and routine names are listed down the left
side of the page sorted alphabetically by name. The program and
routine names are listed down the right side of the page in the
order in which they appear in the listing. The page numbers appear
with the routine names in both lists. The total number of FORTRAN
statements in each program and routine is also shown in the list at
the right side of the page.
A single page of the table of contents can contain the names and
page locations of up to 28 programs or routines. If the listing
contains more than 28 programs or routines, then the table of
contents will be broken into separate pages which will be scattered
through the listing. The program or routine names appearing in the
table of contents are sorted alphabetically only among those others
which appear on the same page of the table of contents. If it is
desired that the program and routine names which appear on several
pages be sorted alphabetically together, then the sizes of 2 arrays
will have to be increased in the RENBR program. The REBIG program
described elsewhere in this manual can be used to change the sizes
of these arrays. Instructions for increasing the array sizes
manually are also given in the BLOCK DATA routine in RENBR.
A listing of one of the routines used by RENBR itself is shown on
the next pages. The width of the lines in this listing have been
reduced slightly (by 3 characters) to 60 characters to fit into the
current document regardless of how it is formatted. The table of
contents produced by RENBR when it was used to list itself is shown
Statements 3483, Comments 3700, NonFORTRAN 0 Contents
(Avg Group) 10, 11
Page Length Page
11 LOW=LOW+1
12 GO TO 3
36 GO TO 8
39 GO TO 8
40 10 IF(ITEST.EQ.0)GO TO 11
42 GO TO 7
43 11 MID=MAX
44 GO TO 2
45 12 RETURN
46 END
Number Referenced by
1 -4 7
2 -6 44
3 -10 12
4 10 -13
5 -14 19
6 16 18 -20
7 -24 42
8 -27 36 39
9 34 -37
10 37 -40
11 40 -43
12 6 -45
Word Contained in
END 46
IARRAY 1 2 7 8 10 13 17 18 25
28 -30
IKEEP -25 30 -32
ILOWER 1 3 9
INDEX -24 28 29 30 31 34 -35 37 -38
INEW -28 32
IPNTR -3 4 -5 6 7 8 14 -15 16
ITEST -8 10 -17 18 19 -20 -27 40
IUPPER 1 6 16
JARRAY 1 2 26 29 -31
JKEEP -26 31 -33
JNEW -29 33
JTEST -13 19 -23 35
LAST -21 24 25 26 37 -41
LOW -9 10 -11 13 20 -22 24 38
MAX -14 18 20 21 23 43
MID -4 7 22 23 34 -43
0 40
1 2 5 11 15 20 22 27 41
.left margin 0
.right top title'Appendix B:#List of Files Forming This Package',,'>'
Appendix B:#List of Files Forming This Package
--------#-##---- -- ----- ------- ---- -------
.left margin 0
The following files are needed to load the various versions of the
RENBR program.
.left margin 12
FORTRAN sources of the various versions of the REHELP routine which
are called by the corresponding versions of RENBR to display
instructions to the user. These files are produced by using the
FORMAT program to process the rough drafts of the instructions in
the REHLP1.RNO, REHLP2.RNO files, etc.
Rough drafts of the various versions of the instructions which can
be displayed by some versions of RENBR. These files would be
processed using the FORMAT program to produce the FORTRAN source
code in the REHLP1.FOR, REHLP2.FOR files, etc.
RENBRC.FOR##Source of the RENBR program which internally uses
character strings as defined by the FORTRAN77 standards rather than
Hollerith variables.
RENBRH.FOR##Source of the RENBR program which internally uses
Hollerith variables which were supported by FORTRAN prior to the
FORTRAN77 standards.
The versions of RENBR in the RENBRC.FOR and RENBRH.FOR files can
both process other FORTRAN programs which are written in FORTRAN77
or prior versions of FORTRAN. The only known difference in the
results obtained when using these versions on the DECsystem10
computer is in the listings, and is due to the sort order for
characters specified in Hollerith or 1H notation being different
than that for characters specified in CHARACTER*1 notation. This
causes numbers and character strings quoted with apostrophes to
appear in the indexes after other variables when RENBRH.FOR is used
to produce listings, but before other variables when RENBRC.FOR is
used. There should not be any differences in the resulting
renumbered files.
The RENBRC.FOR and RENBRH.FOR files each contain the entire program
with the exception of the machine dependent routines REUSER, RETEMP
and RECLOS which process the commands typed by the user and open and
close all files. One of the REHELP routines to type instructions
will also be needed with all but the simplest versions of the user
interaction routines.
Command files for loading the various versions of RENBR. These
versions differ in the manner in which the user specifies file names
and options. These versions also differ in whether the RENBR program
internally uses character strings or Hollerith variables.
.skip.test page 7
The following command files load versions of RENBR which internally
use Hollerith variables which were supported by FORTRAN prior to the
FORTRAN77 standards.
.left margin 24
.p -12
This version for the DECsystem10 asks for commands of the form
.p -12
This version asks for all options, then separately for file names.
.p -12
This version asks separately for file names, and assumes standard
.p -12
This version for the DEC VAX asks for commands of the form
.lm 12.skip.test page 7
The following command files load versions of RENBR which internally
use character strings as defined by the FORTRAN77 standards rather
than Hollerith variables. On the DECsystem10, however, the versions
loaded with these command files do not run as efficiently, since the
DECsystem10 FORTRAN compiler cannot optimize programs which contain
character variables. The version loaded using RENBR5.CMD typically
takes 5 times longer to process files than does the optimized
version loaded using RENBR1.CMD.
.lm 24.p-12
This version is similar to that loaded by RENBR1.CMD.
This version is similar to that loaded by RENBR2.CMD.
RETMP1.FOR##Sources of the RETEMP routine which opens and closes the
scratch file and of the RECLOS routine which closes the output files
for use on the DECsystem10. This file must be compiled and loaded
together with RENBRH.FOR and either REUSR1.FOR, REUSR2.FOR or
RETMP5.FOR##Sources of the same routines as in the RETMP1.FOR file,
except that those in RETMP5.FOR use character strings rather than
Hollerith variables. This file must be compiled and loaded together
with RENBRC.FOR and either REUSR5.FOR or REUSR6.FOR.
REUSR1.FOR##Sources of the REUSER routine, and of several routines
which are called by REUSER, for use on the DECsystem10. This version
of these routines accepts a single line command which consists of
the names of the output files and associated switches, followed by
an equal sign and the list of input files. This version of these
routines should be compiled with the FORTRAN-10 compiler, version 5
or greater, with optimization. The ERR= transfers will have to be
removed from the OPEN statements if this version of these routines
is compiled using the F40 compiler or with earlier versions of the
FORTRAN-10 compiler. Before the routines in the REUSR1.FOR file can
be compiled with the F40 compiler, the DATA statements which define
the left and right square brackets will have to be commented out of
two of these routines and be replaced by the octal notation DATA
statements which are currently commented out.
REUSR2.FOR##Source of a simple version of the REUSER routine for use
on the DECsystem10. This version of the REUSER routine accepts a
single line command which consists only of switches, and then asks
on subsequent lines for the names of the output and input files.
This version of the REUSER routine will probably be easier to
convert for use on other computer systems than that in REUSR1.FOR.
REUSR3.FOR##Source of a very simple version of the REUSER routine
for use on the DECsystem10. This version of the REUSER routine
merely asks for the output and input file names.
REUSR4.FOR##Sources of the REUSER routine, of the RETEMP routine, of
the RECLOS routine, and of several routines which are called by
REUSER, for use on the Digital Equipment Corporation VAX computer. A
single line command is accepted which consists of the names of the
output files and associated switches, followed by an equal sign and
the list of input files. Full VAX file specifications are supported,
including nodes and version numbers. Percent signs have replaced
semicolons as command separators since semicolons can precede
version numbers in VAX file specifications. The default filetype (or
extension) for the renumbered output file has been changed to _.FOR
since the default version number prevents destruction of the
original file.
REUSR5.FOR##Sources of the REUSER routine and the routines which it
calls which have been converted internally to use character strings
rather than Hollerith variables. This version accepts the names of
the output files and associated switches, followed by an equal sign
and the list of input files. It is based upon the routines in
REUSR1.FOR. REUSR5.FOR must be used with the version of RENBR in
RENBRC.FOR, and with the routines in RETMP5.FOR and REHLP5.FOR.
REUSR6.FOR##Source of the REUSER routine which has been converted
internally to use character strings rather than Hollerith variables.
This version accepts a single line of switches, and then asks for
the names of the files individually. It is based upon the routines
in REUSR2.FOR. REUSR6.FOR must be used with the version of RENBR in
RENBRC.FOR, and with the routines in RETMP5.FOR and REHLP6.FOR.
.left margin 0.skip
.p0.test page 7
The following files contain documentation.
.left margin 12
RENBR.DIC###List of less common words which appear in this manual,
and of sequences of characters which appear together in this manual
but which are not words. This list can be used to customize the
dictionary of a spelling verification program when processing this
RENBR.DOC###This instruction manual.
RENBR.RNO###The rough form of this instruction manual. This is meant
to be processed by the FROFF text processor.
.left margin 0.skip.p0.test page 7
The following files contain support programs.
.left margin 12
REBIG.FOR###FORTRAN program which can be used to change the sizes of
the arrays used by RENBR to store the information which appears in
the statement number table and in the index of variable names and
constants. REBIG can also be used to change the maximum number of
numbered statements allowed, and to change the maximum number of
continuation lines allowed.
RECUT.FOR###FORTRAN program to split a large file containing most or
all of the RENBR program into many small files each containing
merely a single routine or a few closely associated routines. The
RECUT program can also be used to merge the small files back into
the large file. The large file can either contain the sources of
only the relatively machine independent portions of RENBR, or can
also contain the sources of the various versions of REUSER and
RETEMP as well.
REFMT.DAT###Data file which can be read by REFMT to specify the
current order of the items in the arrays.
REFMT.FOR###FORTRAN program which reorders the items in the arrays
which control the recognition by RENBR of the various types of
FORTRAN statements.
REH2C.FOR###FORTRAN program which reads the version of RENBR which
internally uses Hollerith notation and produces a version which uses
character strings instead.
REOPR.DAT###Data file which can be read by REOPR to specify the
FORTRAN operators currently recognized by RENBR.
REOPR.FOR###FORTRAN program which constructs the DATA statements
which define the arrays used by RENBR in the recognition of FORTRAN
.left margin 0.skip.p0.test page 7
The following files contain test cases.
.left margin 12
NOTABS.GET##File containing the results which are expected when
RENBR is used to renumber the test cases in the NOTABS.TRY file.
NOTABS.LPT##File containing the results which are expected when
RENBR is used to list, but not renumber, the test cases in the
NOTABS.TRY##File containing many test cases. The programs and
routines in this file are not meant to be compiled. A file identical
to NOTABS.GET should result when RENBR is used to process the
contents of the NOTABS.TRY file. Neither of these files contain any
tab characters. The file TABS.TRY contains several cases meant to
test the handling of statements written using the DECsystem10 tab
TABS.GET####File containing the results which are expected when
RENBR is used to renumber the test cases in the TABS.TRY file.
TABS.LPT####File containing the results which are expected when
RENBR is used to list, but not renumber, the test cases in the
TABS.TRY file.
TABS.TRY####File containing several cases meant to test the handling
of statements written using the DECsystem10 tab form. The programs
and routines in this file are not meant to be compiled. A file
identical to TABS.GET should result when RENBR is used to process
the contents of the TABS.TRY file. The file NOTABS.TRY contains many
other cases meant to test the handling of statements written using
the standard column form.
.left margin 0
.right top title'Appendix C:#RENBR Development History',,'>'
Appendix C:#RENBR Development History
-------- -##----- ----------- -------
RENBR is based upon a 418 statement FORTRAN program of unknown
origin which was in use at Yale University in 1965 or shortly
thereafter. The present version of the program consists of 10 times
that many statements. The general construction of the table which
drives the statement number recognition process is still based upon
that in the original program. However, the statements which perform
the binary search of sorted statement numbers are all that remain
from the original program.
The features which have been added to the program by the current
author are listed below.
.test page 6
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Extension. Listing of each program or routine includes statement
number reference table and word reference table.
.end list.left margin 0
.test page 6
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Extension. FORTRAN operators such as .EQ. and .LT. separate
components of statements.
.list element
Extension. Character string following leading number and letter H or
enclosed between apostrophes is treated as single component of
.list element
Extension. Program or routine name and type are printed at upper
right corner of each page of listing.
.list element
Extension. REFMT program reorders items in the arrays which direct
the syntax recognition process.
.end list.left margin 0
.test page 6
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Correction. DATA statement generator used by the REFMT program did
not correctly handle the 2 negative numbers having largest absolute
value and the largest positive number.
.end list.left margin 0
.test page 6
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Extension. Program being renumbered can contain mixture of column
form and tab form statements. Output can be selected in either form.
.list element
Extension. When there is a change in the number of digits in a
statement number in the statement text, blanks are added or removed
at the end of the line, if possible, to cause the position of
following continuation lines to remain unchanged.
.list element
Correction. Spaces and tabs were not allowed between the number of
characters and the letter H preceding a character string.
.end list.left margin 0
.test page 6
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Correction. END statement could not be in tab form.
.end list.left margin 0
.test page 6
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Correction. Continuation column contained non-digit characters in
listing if renumbering was not being performed.
.end list.left margin 0
.test page 6
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Extension. Logical blocks of statement numbers can be maintained.
.list element
Extension. Specification of options by single characters instead of
by answers to dialog questions.
.list element
Extension.Optional specification by the CRENBR command of the
statement number increment, base and blocks to be maintained.
.list element
Extension. Indication in listing of names appearing on left side of
equals signs.
.list element
Extension. Optional specification by the user of the number of lines
to be printed per page in the listing.
.list element
Extension. Optional insertion of counted line feeds between pages of
.list element
Extension. Optional splitting of long lines in listing. This is
necessary if counted line feeds are used on a narrow width listing
.list element
Extension. Conversion of tab characters in comment lines to multiple
blanks so as to fill to the proper tab stops in the listing. This
allows comment lines listed by RENBR to be spaced the same as if the
programs had been listed left justified. Unless otherwise specified
by the W option, the width of the tab stop columns is assumed to be
8 characters.
.list element
Extension. Optional conversion of tab characters in comment lines to
multiple blanks so as to fill to the proper tab stops in the
renumbered output. Conversion of tab characters in comment lines to
blanks in the renumbered output is helpful when converting programs
for computer systems which do not recognize the tab character.
Unless the /W switch is selected, tab characters in comment lines
are left intact when copied into the renumbered output. It must be
noted that tab characters within FORTRAN statements are left intact
by RENBR unless such tab characters separate the digits of a
statement number.
.list element
Extension. Optional recognition of marked statement number
references in comment lines. Such marked statement numbers in
comment lines are included in the table of statement number
references, and can be renumbered.
.list element
Extension. Optional specification by the CRENBR command of the
routine name and subtitle for use in the listing.
.list element
Extension. Optional multiple copies of table of contents.
.list element
Extension. Ability to include nonFORTRAN comment sections in input
file. This is signalled by the letters RENBRSTART or RENBRTITLE
appearing in the first line of the file or after a FORTRAN END
.list element
Extension. ENTRY statements are included in table of contents.
.list element
Extension. Table of contents is ordered both serially and
alphabetically. Only serial ordering was provided previously.
.list element
Extension. Optional insertion of blank lines between FORTRAN
statements in the listing. Blank lines are not inserted between
comment lines, nor between the start of a statement and its
continuation lines.
.list element
Extension. Optional indentation of statements within the range of DO
.end list.left margin 0
.test page 6
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Extension. Optional insertion of extra empty lines into the bottom
and top of consecutive pages of the listing so that fan-folded paper
can be bound at the top.
.list element
Extension. Program name established by PROGRAM statement is used as
name of a main program.
.list element
Extension. Semicolon can appear between pair of statements on same
.list element
Extension. Exclamation point followed by a comment can appear to the
right of a statement.
.list element
Extension. Statements can be written in a mixture of upper and lower
.list element
Extension. Colon can appear between letter identifying switch and
the following number on CRENBR command line.
.list element
Extension. Numbers on CRENBR command line can have leading plus sign.
.list element
Extension. Single characters <, > and _# are relational operators.
Single character _: is a subscript separator. _.NEQV_. is a logical
.list element
Extension. /M switch typed by user or on CRENBR command line can be
followed by values of lowest and highest statement numbers which can
be changed while renumbering.
.list element
Extension. Instructions to RENBR program are given in form OUTPUT
FILES=LIST OF INPUT FILES in which switches identify purposes of
output files.
.list element
Extension. Optional left justification of statement numbers when
column form is selected.
.list element
Extension. /N switch in CRENBR command line is output as /O switch.
/O switch in CRENBR command line is removed if a /N switch has
already been found.
.list element
Extension. Lower case letters appearing outside character strings
are converted to upper case when indexed.
.list element
Extension. Optional indentation of statements within the range of
IF(expression)THEN and ELSE statements.
.list element
Extension. To support FORTRAN77 standards, asterisk in column 1
indicates comment.
.list element
Extension. REOPR program constructs DATA statements which define
arrays which control the recognition of operators such as +, - and
.list element
Extension. /C switch on CRENBR command line can cause comment lines
to be longer than 72 characters.
.list element
Extension. Summary of storage utilization for the listing is shown
to user only if the user types the /Z switch or if one of the tables
overflows. Previously, this summary was always shown to the user.
.list element
Extension. Programs and routines having a great many statement
numbers (over 1000 with arrays dimensioned as supplied) can be
processed although the old statement numbers are retained.
Previously, such programs and routines could be listed, but not
processed. Listings produced whenever the old statement numbers are
being retained, whether due to an error being found in the first
pass or to the user issuing a /M switch without following numbers,
include in the tables of statement references the line numbers of
the statements bearing these statement numbers. Previously, the line
numbers of the statements bearing the statement numbers were
included in the tables of statement number references only if the
programs and routines were not being processed.
.list element
Modification. Character information has been separated from numeric
information in storage of index and of table of contents to ease
future conversion to FORTRAN77 standards. All variables and arrays
which contain a single character in each logical location which can
be addressed by subscript have names beginning with the letters LTR
for variables and arrays which can contain either upper or lower
case, and LWR for variables and arrays which can contain only lower
case and for which there are also corresponding named variables or
arrays which contain only upper case. All variables and arrays which
contain more than a single character in each logical location have
names beginning with letters such as LA4 (for 4 characters on VAX
computer) or LA5 for 5 characters on DECsystem10 computer) and are
used only in the file opening and closing routines which are
hardware dependent anyway. All variables and arrays which contain
character information and which are needed by more than just a
single routine are stored in labeled COMMON blocks which contain no
numeric information. These are the only places where the letter
sequences LTR, LWR, LA4 and LA5 are used in the RENBR program.
.list element
Modification. Main program only controls the execution of several
subroutines. Previously, the main program also initialized the
variables in common and read the programs and routines the first
time to locate the statement numbers. The structure of the program
was modified in this manner to make overlaying easier. If the
program is overlaid, however, then the contents of the COMMON blocks
in the REUSER routine and in the REOPEN routine which is called by
some versions of the REUSER routine will have to be preserved.
.list element
Correction. Leading non-numeric character was not repeated on
continuation lines of a statement being generated in column form.
.list element
Correction. Exponent is included in index with numbers written in E
or D notation. Previously, signed exponents were indexed separately.
.end list.left margin 0
March 1985
.left margin 1.list 0
.list element
Correction. When a listing was being prepared with indented block
structures, the leftmost characters on the first line after the
removal of a level of indentation would not be placed into the index.
.list element
Correction. ELSE IF and END IF keywords were each indexed as 2 words
if a blank appeared before the word IF.
.list element
Correction. Routine names were not correctly inserted into table of
contents by CRENBR comment lines. If the routine already had a name,
so that it was really being renamed, then the new name was not
converted to upper case, was not inserted into the correct
alphabetical order based upon the new name, and, if shorter than 6
characters, was right justified rather than being left justified.
.list element
Correction. IF statements which assigned a new value to variables
having names starting with THEN caused the following lines to be
indented an extra level.
.list element
Modification. Length of command line typed by user or read from
command file changed from 72 to 80 characters.
.list element
Modification. GOTO and IF keywords are excluded from the indexes.
.list element
Conversion. Version of RENBR produced which internally uses
character strings rather than Hollerith variables.
.list element
Extension. Block structure indicated by DO WHILE and DO number WHILE
statements can be shown by indentation.
.list element
Extension. Statement numbers in DO number WHILE statements are
.list element
WRITE and most other input/output statements accept statement
numbers to right of FMT=, ERR= and END= in a list enclosed within
.list element
Extension. Statement numbers in BACKFILE, BACKSPACE, ENDFILE, FIND,
.list element
Extension. Lines starting with exclamation point, slash or dollar
sign are taken as comments. Previously, only lines starting with
letter C or asterisk were taken to be comments.
.list element
Extension. Circumflex which indicates exponentiation is treated as a
FORTRAN operator.
.list element
Extension. REFMT program produces output file which can be used as
next input file to obtain minimum number of chains of tests.
.list element
Extension. New program named REH2C written to convert RENBR from the
use of Hollerith notation to character notation.
.list element
Extension. New program named REBIG written to change the sizes of
arrays used by RENBR to store the information in the table of
statement numbers and in the index of variable names and constants.
.list element
Extension. New program named RECUT written to split apart files
containing all of the sources of RENBR and then to merge them back
together again.
.end list.left margin 0
.left margin 0
.right top title'Appendix D: Summaries Produced by the /Z Switch',,'>'
Appendix D: Summaries Produced by the /Z Switch
-------- -##--------- -------- -- --- -- ------
The /Z switch can be issued by the user to produce a summary of the
allocation and use of the arrays needed to store the information
which is included in the listings. A description of the files which
are read and written is also produced as these are opened.
The summary of the utilization of the array space is similar to that
shown at the left below. The numbers shown in this example would be
for a very large program. The information in each line is described
to its right.
.skip.test page 11
Through Page 263 page number on final page
.comment 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
Page Total 265 total number of pages produced
Extra Number Tables 3 how often number table overflowed
Extra Word Tables 9 how often word table overflowed
Statement Total 4636
Comment Total 4420
Storage Summary
Num 1879/ 1000(- 60) statement number references
Wrd Loc21774/ 5000(-400) locations of names and words
Wrd Spl 6288/ 2000(-200) spelling of names and words
Tbl 35/ 28 items in table of contents
The number which appears to the left of the slash in each of the
last 4 lines is an estimate of the amount of space used for the
program or routine which required the most space for this particular
table. If the corresponding table had to be printed in the middle of
the listing of a single program or routine to make room for more
information, then this number is the sum of the amount used each
time that the table was printed in the program or routine which
required the most space. The number to the right of the slash is the
actual size of the array. The number in parentheses is an estimate
of the array space needed to hold 1 additional page of information,
and is the amount which must remain unused at the start of each new
page in the listing of the lines of the program to avoid immediate
production of the corresponding table. In order to list the longest
program or routine without having to print the tables before the end
of the program or routine, the array space which would be needed is
thus the sum of the first and third numbers on each line.
The summary of the files which are opened by the program will
consist of lines which are similar to those which are shown below.
The file conventions in these examples are for the DECsystem10
computer. These lines are produced by the user interface routines.
.skip.test page 5
KND 1 ERR 0 DSK :REFMT .RNB[000123,000456,SFD ]
KND 2 ERR 0 DSK :REFMT .FOR[000123,000456,SFD ]
KND 3 ERR 0 DSK :REFMT .NEW[000123,000456,SFD ]
KND 4 ERR 0 DSK :REFMT .LPT[000123,000456,SFD ]
KND 5 ERR 0 DSK :REFMT .FOR[000123,000456,SFD ]
.p0.test page 5
Each of these lines contains the following items of information.
.left margin 10
KIND#=#describes the type of file.
.indent -2.test page 3
=#1, input command file containing list of files to be processed.
.indent -2.test page 3
=#2, first input file to be processed. Output files have not yet
been opened.
.indent -2.test page 3
=#3, output renumbered file.
.indent -2.test page 3
=#4, output listing file.
.indent -2.test page 3
=#5, second or subsequent input file to be processed. All output
files have already been opened.
ERROR#=#describes whether the attempt to open the file was successful.
.indent -2.test page 3
=#0, the file was opened successfully.
.indent -2.test page 3
=#1, the file could not be opened.
.left margin 0
These first 2 items are followed by the name of the disk structure,
the name of the file and the name of the account owning the file.
.right top title'Appendix E:#Instructions for the Support Programs',,'>'
Appendix E:#Instructions for the Support Programs
-------- -##------------ --- --- ------- --------
The programs described below are provided as development and
maintenance aids for RENBR. These programs recognize the particular
variable and array names used within RENBR, or produce new FORTRAN
statements containing such names. They should not, therefore, be
used in their current form to process programs other than RENBR,
although they could be modified to do so.
.skip 2.test page
The REBIG Program
--- ----- -------
The listings produced by RENBR include tables identifying the lines
which bear statement numbers and which refer to these numbers, and
indexes which list the lines which contain the various variables,
constants and FORTRAN reserved words. These tables are usually
printed following the listing of the statements in each main program
and routine. However, if the arrays used to store these lists fill
before the end of the program or routine is reached, then the lists
will be printed in the middle of the listing of the statements so as
to release the array space for storing additional information. As
supplied, RENBR can produce uninterrupted listings of individual
FORTRAN main programs or individual routines containing
approximately 800 lines other than comments, although this limit is
highly dependent upon programming style. Storing the information for
800 lines requires 2 integer arrays containing up to 1000 values
each for the statement number references, an array containing up to
2000 characters for the words and constants in the index, and an
integer array of up to 5000 values for the numeric information which
is to be included in the index.
A table of contents consisting of the names of the main programs,
routines and entry points which are included in the listing, and the
page numbers on which these start, is printed at the end of the
listing. The names appearing in the table of contents are shown in 2
parallel lists, the left list being sorted alphabetically, and the
right list being in the order in which the programs, routines and
entry points appear in the listing. As supplied, RENBR can store the
information for a table of contents which contains up to 28 names
and which will fit onto a single page in the listing. If the listing
contains more than 28 programs, routines and entry points, then
RENBR will print a table of contents containing the names of the 28
programs, routines and entry points most recently listed at each
point in the listing where the next name would not fit. However, the
sizes of the arrays used to store the information which is to appear
in the table of contents can be increased to allow the information
for a longer table of contents to be accumulated. In addition to
allowing the entire table of contents to appear at the end of the
listing, increasing the sizes of these arrays also allows the names
to be sorted alphabetically amongst all of the names appearing in
the listing, rather than just among those appearing on the same page
in the table of contents.
Even without changing the sizes of the arrays, RENBR can renumber
any individual main program or routine containing up to 1000
numbered statements if a listing is not being produced at the same
time. The sizes of 2 arrays in RENBR will have to be increased if it
is to be used to either list or renumber statements continued onto
more than 19 continuation lines. The sizes of 2 other arrays in
RENBR will have to be increased if it is to be used to renumber main
programs or routines each containing more than 1000 numbered
The REBIG program can be used to change the sizes of these arrays in
RENBR. The REBIG program asks for the various maximum numbers of
items which must be allowed for in renumbering or listing a program,
and calculates the dimensions of the arrays needed by RENBR from
these answers. Except for the number of items in the table of
contents, these maximum numbers are for the longest single main
program or routine which will be processed, and do not depend at all
upon how many programs or routines happen to be in the file or files
which will be processed. The REBIG program reads the original
version of RENBR, and produces a new version of RENBR as a result.
Either the Hollerith or the character string version of RENBR can be
processed. The RENBR block data routine, main program, all of its
subroutines, and the version of the REUSER routine being used, must
all be processed using the same answers to the questions. To save
answering the same questions several times, these can all be
appended into a single file before they are processed. REBIG should
not be used again to process the resulting version of RENBR, since
the strings being searched for include the original array sizes. If
it is later found that the array sizes must be increased further,
then the original version of RENBR should be processed again.
.p.test page 10
The REBIG program requests that the user supply estimates for the
maximum values of the following items.
Number of names in table of contents (28/560)
Number of numbered statements (300/500)
Number of references of numbered statements (640/1100)
Letters in names of different words and constants (1800/5000)
Number of different words and constants (600/1100)
Total appearances of all words and constants (1400/8100)
Number of lines in a single statement (20/30)
The first number which appears to the right of each of the above
descriptions is the value currently allowed by RENBR. The number
which appears to the right of the slash is a suggested value which
is large enough to handle almost any program. If the user does not
supply a new value for a particular item, i.e., if the user presses
the RETURN key without typing anything else first, then the current
value of that item is retained. The REBIG program will report the
total array space needed to handle the estimates supplied by the
user, and will display each line which is changed.
.skip 2.test page
The RECUT Program
--- ----- -------
The RECUT program can be used to split a large file containing most
or all of the RENBR program into many small files each containing
merely a single routine or a few closely associated routines. The
RECUT program can also be used to merge the small files back into
the large file. The large file can either contain the sources of
only the relatively machine independent portions of RENBR, or can
also contain the sources of the various version of REUSER and RETEMP
as well.
The RECUT program searches for the END statements in the file or
files which are processed. Each END statement must consist of 6
spaces followed by the word END in upper case, and nothing else. Any
other form of the END statement will not be recognized. Some of the
small files processed by the RECUT program contain several related
subroutines. When processing these files, the RECUT program counts
the number of END statements to determine when the next file must be
started. If the number of subroutines in any of the small files is
changed, then the array in the RECUT program which specifies how
many END statements are in each of the small files must be changed
.skip 2.test page 10
The REFMT Program
--- ----- -------
The RENBR program recognizes statement numbers in FORTRAN statements
by applying some 2 dozen different possible operations in the order
which is specified by a list of numbers which indicate what
operation is to be performed next depending upon whether the current
operation succeeds or fails. The capability to recognize new
language constructs is added by appending the numbers selecting
additional operations to the end of the list, modifying the success
or failure destinations in the previous portion of the list so that
the new operations are performed at the correct times, and making
the final operations performed by the new portion of the list
transfer back into the previous portion of the list to perform
subsequent operations.
Such patching produces a list which is difficult for a human to
verify, but which can drive the RENBR program as efficiently as a
list having any other order. Portions of the list which are no
longer needed become inactive when the numbers indicating transfer
to them are changed so that they can no longer be reached. Since the
list is highly interconnected, changing the order of the items in
the list to make it more easily understood or to remove obsolete
sections is difficult to perform by hand and is prone to errors. The
REFMT program which is supplied with RENBR can rearrange the items
in the list and the words in the glossary referenced by the list
into any desired order. All of the pointers within the list are kept
correct. The only restriction is that the operation which appears
first in the list cannot be shifted. The REFMT program also prints a
written description of the list which shows the interconnections
between the operations in the list.
In order to use the REFMT program, it must be loaded with the
Hollerith version of the BLOCK DATA routine from RENBR, and the
labeled COMMON statement in the REFMT program must be identical to
that in the BLOCK DATA routine. The only items which are used from
the BLOCK DATA routine are the definitions of the LTRPRS, NUMPRS,
LTRABC and LWRABC arrays. The contents of the LWRPRS array are
defined by the REFMT array to be parallel to those in the LTRPRS
array, but the original contents of the LWRPRS array are ignored. A
few other variables which appear in the COMMON statements are also
used internally in the REFMT program, but these are defined within
the REFMT program.
.p0.test page 7
When it is started, the REFMT program will ask for the user to
supply the names of the 4 files which are described below. The first
of these files is an input file, the remaining 3 are output files.
1.##The file specifying the desired order
The REFMT program will rearrange the words in the vocabulary, and
the operations needed to recognize the various types of statements,
into the order specified by this file.
2.##The file to which the new DATA statements are to be written
The original version of these DATA statements can be removed from
the BLOCK DATA routine, and the new version which is written into
this file can be inserted, or else this file can be referenced
directly by an INCLUDE statement in the BLOCK DATA routine.
3.##The file to which the next input file is to be written
The contents of this file are a suggestion only. If this file is
used as the input file for a subsequent run of the REFMT program but
without changing the DIMENSION and DATA statements in the BLOCK DATA
routine, then the DIMENSION and DATA statements produced by this
subsequent run will define a list with the minimum number of
connected chains of operations, and with all obsolete words and
operations being discarded. If the user instead wants to have direct
control over the order, then this suggested version of the next
input file can be ignored or edited.
4.##The file to which the listing is to be written
A description of the operations in the list will be written to this
file. This file can be checked to verify which tests are performed,
and the order in which they are applied.
The words and single characters which must be recognized during the
interpretation of FORTRAN statements are stored in the LTRPRS array.
The input file read by the REFMT program should start with a list of
these words and single characters. Each word or single character
must be left justified on a separate line. The words and single
characters in the LTRPRS array will be rearranged into the order
indicated by this list, and all pointers to them will be changed
accordingly in the NUMPRS array which indicates what operations are
performed and in what order. Any words or single characters not
specified by the file will be shifted upward in the LTRPRS array
above those which are specified, but will remain in their original
order relative to each other in the LTRPRS array. The words and
single characters specified by the input file must already appear in
the LTRPRS array. Including words and single characters in the input
file merely indicates the order in which they are stored in the
LTRPRS array. Including them in the input file does not allow them
to be recognized if they were not recognized before, and does not
change the order in which they will be recognized. The list of words
and single characters must be terminated by a blank line. The blank
line following this section of the file is necessary even if all of
words and single characters in the LTRPRS array are specified by the
file. For purposes of this section of the file, the several
characters which can be recognized by the operation of type 6, which
takes a different branch depending upon which character appears next
in the statement, are considered to form a single word.
Following the first section of the file should be a list of the
original serial numbers of the operations described by the NUMPRS
array in the order in which these are desired to appear. These
serial numbers must appear one per line. Operations are described in
the NUMPRS array by an integral number of 5 values. Most operations
are in fact described by exactly 5 values. Thus, the operation
specified originally in locations 46 thru 50 would be selected by
the serial number 10 if each of the earlier operations are described
by 5 values, since these locations would form the 10th group of
values in the original contents of the NUMPRS array. A zero or a
blank line terminates this section of the file. Any groups of
numbers not specified will be left in their original order relative
to each other.
In determining the serial numbers, earlier operations which are
described by more than 5 values are each considered to be a single
operation. Thus, if the NUMPRS array starts with a type 1 test, then
a long type 6 taking more than 5 locations, then another type 1
test, the third test will have 3 as its serial number even though it
starts beyond location 11.
An input file which consists only of 2 blank lines would result in
the production of DIMENSION and DATA statements which are identical
to those already in the BLOCK data routine. Such an input file might
be used to produce a listing of the initial structure of the lists,
or to obtain a new version of the input file which could then be
used to more logically reorder the arrays.
.skip 2.test page
The REH2C Program
--- ----- -------
The version of the RENBR program which is supplied in the RENBRH.FOR
file reads, processes and writes Hollerith 1H arrays. Since
Hollerith notation is no longer supported by the FORTRAN77
standards, the algorithms used in RENBR have been written so that
they will work with character*1 arrays as well. The conversion from
the version of RENBR which uses Hollerith notation to that which
uses FORTRAN77 character strings only requires the insertion of
several CHARACTER*1 statements into the program, and the conversion
of character strings where these appear in DATA statements and
FORMAT statements from Hollerith notation to apostrophe notation.
These changes can be performed automatically by the REH2C program.
The RENBRC.FOR file which is supplied was produced directly from the
RENBRH.FOR file by the REH2C program. However, the REUSER program
was extensively rewritten by hand to make better use of character
strings in the OPEN statements.
.skip 2.test page
The REOPR Program
--- ----- -------
The RENBR program recognizes the single character FORTRAN operators
such as +, -, *, / and the multiple character FORTRAN operators such
as _.EQ_. and _.NOT_. by testing for the characters which could
appear next in the operator based upon those which have already been
found, and then transferring to a different point in a controlling
table depending upon whether the current test is a success or a
failure. The REOPR program is used to produce the DATA statements
which specify this table. The BLOCK DATA routine from RENBR does not
have to be loaded with the REOPR program since the operators which
are to be recognized are defined by the data file.
The REOPR program reads a single input file which specifies each
operator left justified on a separate line. All characters of
multiple character operators such as _.AND_. must be specified
without any separating spaces. Alphabetic characters in the input
file should either be all upper case or all lower case. The input
file should be terminated by an empty line if the END= end of file
test in READ statements is not available. The contents of a file
which could be processed by REOPR to produce the DATA statements
defining the table currently used by RENBR are listed in comment
lines in the BLOCK DATA routine in RENBR.
The REOPR program writes the DATA statements needed to recognize the
operators into an output file. If the list of operators which RENBR
is to recognize is to be changed, then the contents of this file
should replace the corresponding DIMENSION and DATA statements
already in the BLOCK DATA routine in RENBR. The file produced by
REOPR also includes comment lines describing the tests which are
performed by RENBR in recognizing the operators. These comment lines
are followed by DATA statements specifying each character to be
matched, the location of the next character to be tested for if a
match succeeds, and the location of the next character to be tested
for if a match fails. All alphabetic characters appear twice in the
DATA statements, regardless of their case in the input file, first
in upper case and then in lower case. If it is not necessary that
RENBR be able to recognize operators formed from both cases, then
the entire section of code in the REOPR program which recognizes the
alphabetic letters and inserts the corresponding lower case letters
can be removed.
The procedure which is used to produce the DATA statements is really
meant for representing large arrays. Such large arrays would be
split into several arrays each small enough to be specified by a
single DATA statement, then these small arrays would be equivalenced
with the respective portions of the original large array. Since the
arrays needed to specify the FORTRAN operators are short, such
equivalencing is not really necessary. The DATA statements can be
changed to define the overall arrays directly, and the EQUIVALENCE
statements and the DIMENSION statements for the component arrays can
then be discarded.