
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-10 - decus/20-184/2022.hlp
There are no other files named 2022.hlp in the archive.
 2022 is a TOPS-20 command parser for System 1022.  Nearly all 1022 command  can
 be  used  in  2022.   The  only  commands not implemented are those specific to
 TOPS-10 or those used exclusively within PL1022 or report programs.   2022  was
 designed  to  be  as  identical to 1022 as possible however some differences do
 exist.  They are:

 1.  1022        <optional_1022_command>

     Use this command to bypass the 2022 command parser  and  execute  any  1022
     command.   This  may be necessary if you want to execute a 1022 command not
     implemented in 2022 (eg:  use the @= construct in the middle of a command).
     If  you  simply  type  "2022>1022 <return>"  then  you  will enter the 1022
     command level - at this level all command parsing  is  done  by  1022.   To
     return to the 2022 command level use the 1022 "HOST" command.

 2.  2022        <optional_2022_command>

     Use this command to enter the 2022 sub-command level.  This level  contains
     a  number  of  commands which control various features of the 2022 program.
     "QUIT" will exit this sub-command level.

    (a)  TAKE (commands from) <file>
         The file may contain 1022 commands as well as those  commands  specific
         to 2022.

    (b)  SET {NO} ECHO (when taking command files)
         Controls the ECHOing of  command  during  a  TAKE  or  when  processing
         commands  from  the  rescan buffer.  The rescan buffer is automatically
         set up by the EXEC when you run the 2022 program.  For example, if  you

              @2022 OPEN FOO.DMS,FIND ALL,TYPE ALL

         The entire command line is placed in the  rescan  buffer  by  the  EXEC
         program.   2022 will process everything on this line after the "@2022".
         The default when 2022 starts up is NO ECHO.

    (c)  SET {NO} DISPLAY (of commands sent to 1022)
         Setting DISPLAY causes 2022 to display the  actual  command  passed  to
         1022.   The  command sent usually is an expanded form of what you typed
         in.  For example if you entered "2022>INF B" the command  passed  would
         be  "INFORM  BASE".   The  DISPLAY  command  is  normally only used for
         debugging purposes.  The default when 2022 starts up is NO DISPLAY.

    (d)  INFORMATION (about program)
         Gives information about the status of various switches and features  of

    (e)  QUIT (current command level)
         Ends the "2022>>" sub-command level and returns you to "2022>".

    (f)  EXIT (and return to monitor)
         Ends 2022 and returns you to the EXEC ("@" prompt)

    (g)  HELP
         Types the file HLP:2022.HLP to give help on 2022.

 3.  Unlike 1022,  2022  processes  commands  in  the  rescan  buffer  prior  to
     accepting input from the terminal.  For example:

               @2022  OPEN XXXX.DMS,INF STRUCTURE
               @2022  OPEN TTT,FIND ALL,TYPE ALL

     Notice that each complete command, except the last, must be separated by  a
     comma (",").  Once all the commands in the rescan buffer are processed 2022
     will exit.  If an error is found while parsing the commands then processing
     of the rescan buffer is aborted.

 4.  Since "?", "<escape>", and ^F are action characters  in  TOPS-20  they  can
     only  be  included in data to be sent to 1022 if you prefix them with a ^V.
     Control-V is the standard "accept-next-character-as-is" prefix in TOPS-20.

 5.  1022 allows you to enter many commands on a single line  so  long  as  each
     command  is  terminated  with  a  period  (".").   2022 does NOT allow this
     functionality for most commands.

 6.  A "!" in 1022 causes it  to  ignore  text  until  the  end-of-line.   2022,
     because it uses TOPS-20's COMND% jsys treats a "!" differently.  A "!" will
     cause 2022 to ignore text until the next "!" or the end-of-line - whichever
     comes  first.   Therefore in 2022 you may want to use use a ";" in place of
     1022's "!".  If you want to include a ";" as input for a 1022  command  you
     must  prefix it with ^V otherwise all text from the ";" to end of line will
     be ignored.

 7.  The 1022 "@<file>" and "@=<variable-name> constructs  take  on  their  1022
     meaning  only  if "@" is the FIRST character of a command line.  If the "@"
     is used any other place then it is  interpreted  as  the  standard  TOPS-20
     "@<file>"  construct.   You must use the "2022>1022" command if you want to
     use 1022's "@" construct somewhere else in the line.

 8.  The 1022 "SET PROMPT" command does NOT change the "2022>"  command  prompt.
     There is currently no way to ask 1022 for this information.

 9.  Where a keyword is unambiguous you don't have to worry about  expanding  it
     to  the  minimum abbreviation that 1022 will accept since 2022 will do that
     for you.  For example, if you enter "I B" 2022 will be passed to DBEXEC  as
     "INFORM  BASE".   However  the  minimum abbreviation 1022 will accept is "I
     BAS" even though "BASE" is the only INFORM keyword starting with a "B".

10.  When there is only one keyword possible for a command  hitting  the  escape
     will  get that keyword.  For example, in the "IGNORE DAMAGE" command DAMAGE
     is the only keyword possible so typing "IGN<escape><escape>" is all that is
     needed to complete the command.

11.  The 2022 EDIT, USE and @ commands will all save the file specifications  of
     the  last  file used - just like the EXEC's EDIT command does.  This speeds
     up the EDIT, USE, EDIT, USE cycle in developing a new DMC.  To  re-use  the
     previous  file  just  follow  EDIT, USE or @ with the <return-key>.  If you
     want to see what the saved file specs are then follow the command with  two