PDP-10 Archives
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@pageheading(left="@p(Xmit Protocol Manual)",right="@b(Page @value(page))")
@pagefooting(left="@b(@value(month) @value(year))",right="@b(DRAFT)")
@majorheading(X M I T
M A N U A L)
A proposal for implementation of the Xmit protocol for the NCR network.
@*@*@center(@value(month) @value(year))
@>@P(By: )@\Joe Deck
The Xmit protocol is a tty line file transfer protocol. The protocol
was designed with the need to transfer files between two computers which
lack a more formal network connecting them. The protocol was designed by
Douglas H. Bigelow and was implemented by him on two DEC 2660s. The next
implementation was done by Joseph G. Deck for a Dec Vax 11/750. The first two
implementations were done in assemble language.
This proposal will outline the protocol and the subroutine functions
so that versions may be written for other systems possibly tying the NCR
network to the VAX or one of the 2060s.
The protocol specifies a hierarchy of subroutines as well as
lays out the construction of a data packet.
@section(Packet Construction)
There are six possible types of packets, as follows:
A Ack a packet (standard good response)
B Nak a packet (standard response to bad packet)
C Cancel transaction (no response appropriate)
D Data packet (requires A, B or C back)
E EOF packet (requires A, B or C back)
F File init packet (requires A, B or C back)
Proper packet format is:
[SOP] [CODE] [COUNT] [D1] .. [Dn] [CHK] [EOP]
SOP == start of packet, ascii code 1 (^A)
CODE == type of packet, A through F
COUNT == number of data packets, 0 through MAXPKT-n
D1..Dn == data packet, numbered in sequence
CHK == seven bit checksum
EOP == end of packet, ascii code 2 (^B)
The COUNT and the CHK values are constrained to be 7 bits, from 0 - 177.
To avoid problems with ascii codes 0-37, these values are translated to
the values 240-277. The count is added to the checksum before this
translation takes place, and the checksum includes all bytes after SOP.
In data packets, values in the range 0-2 or 200-202 are quoted, with a
quote byte ("\") before and octal 40 added to the character itself,
coming after. A sequence "\\" gives a single "\".
@subsection(TTY Control)
@*@\Function:@\Program initialization
@*@\Arguments:@\Callers privileges
Program initialization is called once upon program startup.
The program checks should check to ensure that the person running the
program is authorized to do so. If the tty line to be used for
communication needs to be modified under software control it should
be done here. If a channel needs to be allocated to the tty line
that also should be done here.
@*@\Function:@\Provide duplex service
The main subroutine calls the getpkt subroutine and calls
the chkfil subroutine. And repeats this loop .
@*@\Function:@\Handle incoming data
@*@\Arguments:@\Packet, nakcnt
The datpak subroutine checks the current nakcnt against the
maxnak count (default 12). If the count are equal the ongoing file
transfer is aborted (jmp to p.can). If the counts are not equal
inpack is called with a dwait delay (default 20 seconds).
The call returns with a dispatch address and jumps to one of 7 possible
The locations include:
1) datp.e <illegal send a nak>
2) datp.e <send a nak>
3) datp.e <send a nak>
4) return to main <received a can>
5) datp.b <process a data packet>
6) datp.d <send an end of file>
7) p.can2 <received a start of file expected data>
@*@\Function:@\Checks for incoming files
The getpkt subroutine calls the subroutine inpack with a delay
time argument. The argument is used to determine how long to wait for
an incoming packet. The maximum (default) delay time is five minutes.
The call returns with a dispatch address and jumps to one of 7 possible
The locations include:
1) return to main loop <invalid packet>
2) p.can <ack packet>
3) p.can <nak packet>
4) return to main <cancel transfer>
5) p.can <data packet>
6) p.can <end of file>
7) p.sof <start offile>
@subsection(TTY Transmission)
@*@\Function:@\check and validate incoming packets
@*@\Arguments:@\delay interval
The inpack routine first initializes the packet code and
checksum variables. Next, it reads incoming data from the tty line.
It reads for a period up to the delay interval, up to the maximum
number of characters, or until an eop character is detected
If no characters were read the routine returns to the main loop.
If some characters were read an eop character is added to the end of the
packet. The packet is then searched for an sop character. If an sop is
not found the routine returns to the main loop. If an sop is found the next
character is read into the code variable.
The next character is read into the packet size variable. The
packet size variable is checked for a too small (zero) or too large
(greater than maxpak) condition. In either case the routine returns to the
main loop.
Then the data is added and this total is compared to the checksum.
If the checksum and the sum of the data do not match the routine
returns to the main loop. Finally, the eop should follow the checksum. If
it does not the routine returns to the main loop. If it does the offset
is computed and the routine returns to inpack.