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@section(CUsym MACSYM Augmentation Macros)
The CUsym macros and documentation were written by George L.@ Lotridge
of Digital Equipment Corporation (while he was assigned to Columbia
University as a resident software specialist) and Chris Ryland of Columbia.
CUsym contains a whole set of symbol and macro definitions to augment
@index{MONSYM} MONSYM and @index{MACSYM} MACSYM. Included are the
standard register definitions, macros for interfacing to the UUO package
(which supports standard I/O, simple uses of the @index{COMND} COMND
Jsys, etc.), and generally any macro which has been found to be useful
and which is missing from MONSYM and MACSYM (a working knowledge of
which is assumed).
NOTE: you should
have a good feel for the contents of MACSYM (@ref(-macsym)) document
and the Macro coding standards document (@ref(-style)) before using
this package.
A word about naming conventions: all names in this module are of the
form %symbol; this will hopefully sidestep any name conflicts with a
@index{SEARCH} SEARCHing program. DEC has reserved names with % and@ .@
in them, but their use of % is restricted to other than the first char-
acter, so we're safe. (Actually, a few of our Useful Symbols, below,
use a "." as their first character, which is also DEC-reserved, but
they're simple and few enough to cause no problems.) Also, a few of the
'hidden' symbols used herein (e.g., the stack, or global symbols in the
support package) begin with "%%".
@subSection<@index{Accumulator}Accumulator Support>
Accumulator (register) definitions (conform to the DEC coding standard)
These must be used exclusively, unless specifically redefined
at the start of a module with the %DefAC macro (see below).
p=:17 ; Stack pointer
cx=:16 ; Call/Return temporary
.sac=:16 ; CU/MacSym utility reg
f=:0 ; Flag register (preserved)
t1=:1 ; General temp and Jsys registers:
t2=:2 ; never preserved
t3=:3 ; ...
t4=:4 ;
q1=:5 ; First set of preserved regs
q2=:6 ; (must be preserved by callee
q3=:7 ; across a call)
p1=:10 ; Second set of preserved regs
p2=:11 ; (ditto)
p3=:12 ;
p4=:13 ;
p5=:14 ;
p6=:15 ; NB: not useable with TrVar MacSym facility
.fp=:15 ; Frame pointer for TrVar facility
Define an alternate name for one of the registers; this macro should
egisters are re-defined, and the new definition should
be made in terms of one of the definitions above. This macro purges
the old name, thus preventing multiple names for one register.
@display<define %defac(new, old)>
@subSection<Useful Symbols>
.prjfn=<.priin,, .priou> ; Symbol for usual primary JFN pair
.null==0 ; General nothing value
.nil==0 ; General nothing pointer
.True==1 ; General boolean truth value
.False==0 ; and its complement
; Lengths of various Jsys control blocks; ommitted from MONSYM, sadly.
.acln ; Length of ACCES arg block
.ckln ; Length of CHKAC arg block
.cmln ; Length of Command State Block
.cmfln ; Length of Function Descriptor Block
.cdln ; Length of CRDIR arg block
.cjln ; Length of CRJOB arg block
.jiln ; Length of GETJI arg block
.gjln ; Length of (long form) GTJFN arg block
.ipln ; Length of ipcf packet descriptor block
.rsln ; Length of SFTAD arg block
.rdln ; Length of TEXTI arg block
@subSection<UUO Package OPDEFs and Interface Symbols>
%uprin ; Print UUO
%comnd ; COMND interface UUO
%ucmin ; COMND initializer UUO
%cmgfg ; Get COMND flags UUO
%cmgab ; Get COMND atom buffer UUO
%nuuo ; Add-new-UUO UUO
%cmres ; COMND reset UUO
%prPush ; JFN-stack push (%print package) UUO
%prPop ; JFN-stack pop (ditto) UUO
; length of COMND interface UUO atom buffer:
%atmbl==^d250/5+1 ; in words
extern %csb ; command state block, for you hackers
@subSection<Setup Environment Macros>
%SetEnv is a macro that must be used as the first thing after your
Title and Search CUsym statements; it sets up the CUsym, MonSym, and
MacSym environments properly. Its use is envisioned as:
title Baz - tweak the frob's runtime
search CUsym ; (No MAC: needed!)
%setenv ; Set up our environment
%SetUp is a macro that you should use as the first executable
action in your program; it Resets the execution environment, sets up
a stack, clears the flag register F, sets up for UUO calls, sets up for
COMND parsing (resetting) (and starts off your code in %Pure mode).
@subSection<Storage Declaration Macros>
%Pure, %Impure, %Routine
Use these macros to declare what sort of storage follows them: either
%pure code (or read-only data) or %impure data (read-write). Thus, before
beginning a new logical section of code or data, always use one of them
to declare what follows (if you don't use them, you may be surprised!).
It goes without saying that %Pure should precede all code (which is NEVER
impure). Using this pair of macros is a good way of keeping impure data,
which belongs to a routine, physically (on the written page, that is)
together with the routine.
The alias %routine for %pure exists for purely mnemonic purposes; its
use is suggested, as in:
openit: stkvar <fee,<foo,,5>>
@subSection<General-Purpose Macros>
This macro creates the @index{Stack} stack area, and loads P with the
stack pointer. Its argument, the stack height, is optional, and
defaults reasonably.
@index<Program Version Number>
This macro builds a standard DEC version word from its arguments.
In order, its arguments are the major version, the edit number, the
minor version, and the customer version. Omitted fields default to
This macro takes three args, two of which are optional. The first,
non-optional, argument is the starting address of the area to be cleared.
The next is the number of locations to clear, which defaults to one.
The last argument is the desired filler, which defaults to zero.
@subSection<Macros Used for Common Primary I/O>
Note that since these macros use %print, that any string argument
shouldn't include `%'s, or things may get very confusing.
Also note that %typnum's first argument, the address of the number,
must conform to the %print argument standard (q.v.).
Types the given literal string at your terminal, followed by a
carriage return (CR).
@display{%typeCR <And your little dog, too!>}
Like %typeCR, but types the CR before, instead of after, the string.
To type a literal string with no CR, either before or after, use the
MACSYM macro @index{TMSG} TMSG.
Types the @index{Number} number in location 'num' at your terminal. The
two trailing arguments are optional.
cols Field width in which to print the number. Default is
0, i.e. use only as many character positions as are necessary to type
the number.
rdx Radix in which to type the number. Default is 10
Types a carriage-return/linefeed sequence at your terminal.
Types a horizontal tab at your terminal.
@subSection<JSYS Support Macros>
@index<Error Message>
Macro to be used after a Jsys that either returns +1 on error or
always returns +1 (i.e., all but two of the Jsysi); %JSerr types the
user's error message (if given) or the Jsys error that caused it to
be invoked (if no message is given); it then either halts (if no
address is supplied) or goes to the address (if given).
Note: this is similar to the MacSym macro @index{JSERR} JSERR, but it
only works after a Jsys, since it is invoked by an erjmp; %JSerr has the
advantage, though, that it ALWAYS works after a Jsys, which JSERR
Note also that both %Jserr and %ErMsg, if they halt and are continued,
will simply return to the point after the invocation of the %Jserr or
Both of these macros, since they use %print, can produce customized
error messages (eg, %jsErr <CUsym: Bad command %s [%e]>,,<ptrToS> will
print an error-synchronized message, with a string argument and the
monitor error message in brackets, and then halt).
This macro, which, in contrast to %JSerr, is designed to be used in
a non-Jsys skip context, will print a message (if given) or the last
fork error (if not given); finally, it either jumps to an address (if
given), or halts (if not given). See %Jserr comments for more info.
@subSection<Local Label Support Macros>
@index<Local Label>
The intent of this set of macros is to provide a facility usually
available in good assemblers (hint, hint): local labels. The idea,
due to Knuth, is that instead of agonizing over choosing a label for
each little local motion within some code, you simply plant one of
nine local labels, of the form %N, and refer to the next local label
%N by %NF, and the previous local label %N by %NB - a simple example
of all this is:
some: stkvar <from,to>
txne t1,gj%old ; Does he want an old file?
jrst %1f ; Yes, go handle it
txz t1,gj%fou ; No, reset this
setom from ; and set 'from' flag
%1 call foo ; Continue with processing
jrst %1b ; Failed: try it again
... ; etc etc
These macros (internally) use symbols of the form %n% and %n%m,
where n ranges from 1 to 9, and m from 0 to 777, so be wary.
Useful macro that just returns its two arguments (as text strings),
@subSection<COMND JSYS Support Macros>
Build a standard 7-bit ASCIZ pointer to a literal string.
@paragraph<%table and %tbEnd>
%table is used to start a keyword table definition;
%tbEnd ends a keyword table definition.
use is as in the following example, which also illustrates %key.
cmtb: %table ; Keywords for frotz program
%key Mumble,domum,cm%inv ; mumble command (invisible)
%key Noodle,donood ; noodle command
%key Zork,dungeo ; invoke dungeon command
%tbend ; End of this keyword table
@paragraph<%key(name, data, flags)>
This macro takes three arguments: an (alphanumerics only!) name, the
data to be associated with the name, and an (optional) flag value. It
creates either a flag-less keyword (the normal case), or, if flags are
given, a @index{Keyword} keyword with flags in the first word (and cm%fw
set). Thus, the result is a TBLUK table entry, suitable for use by the
.CMkey COMND Jsys function. Note that all %Key words in a table must be
bracketted by %table and %TbEnd macros (see above).
@paragraph<%Flddb (typ, flgs, data, hlpm, defm, lst)>
This macro is useful for building function descriptor blocks
that don't contain just literal strings for the help and default
components; otherwise, it's the same as the MONSYM flddb. macro.
@paragraph<%Handlr(p,e), %PrsAdr, %EvlAdr>
Macros to support structured parse/evaluation; %Handlr builds a
structure comprised of the parse routine address (p) and evaluation
routine address (e), for a given keyword (it should be in a literal in
the %Key macro); %prsAdr and %evlAdr are the DEFSTR structures
for accessing these two elements of a structure, respectively.
An example of all this:
%cmkey comtab, <command,> ; Get a top-level keyword
%merrep restart, repars; Usual error handling
hrrz t2, (t2) ; Pick up data value from keyword
load t2, %evladr, (t2) ; Get evaluation routine
movem t2, evaler ; Save its address
load t2, %prsadr, (t2) ; Now, get parse routine
call (t2) ; And call it
%jmerrep restart, repars, restart ; Handle errors
: ; Continue
; Pure data for main parse
%table ; Main command table
%key bletch, [%handlr(bletcm, doblet)] ; Bletch mode
%key mumble, [%handlr(mumbcm, domumbl)] ; Mumble mode
@paragraph<%CMxxx Macros to Invoke .CMxxx COMND Functions>
See the CUUOS document (@ref(-cuuos)) for information about using these.
They are listed here for convenience:
%cmIni (prompt, flags, ioJfn, gjfBlk): Initialize parse.
%cmKey (keyTab, help, defalt, flags): Parse a keyword.
%cmNum (radx, help, defalt, flags): Parse a number.
%cmNoi (guide-word): Parse guide words.
%cmSwi (swTab, help, defalt, flags): Parse a switch.
%cmIfi (help, defalt, flags): Parse an input filespec.
%cmOfi (help, defalt, flags): Parse an output filespec.
%cmFil (help, defalt, flags): Parse a general filespec.
cmFld (help, defalt, flags): Parse a "field".
%cmCfm (help, flags): Get confirmation (CR).
%cmDir (data, help, defalt, flags): Parse a directory name.
%cmUsr (help, defalt, flags): Parse a user name.
%cmCma (help, flags): Parse a comma.
%cmFlt (help, defalt, flags): Parse a floating-point number.
%cmDev (help, defalt, flags): Parse a device name.
%cmTxt (help, defalt, flags): Parse a text string.
%cmTad (tadBlk, help, defalt, flags): Parse time and date.
Note that the Time-and-Date flags belong to the first argument,
since they're part of the data to the function.
%cmQst (help, defalt, flags): Parse a quoted string.
%cmUqs (brkTab, help, defalt, flags): Parse an unquoted string.
%cmTok (token, help, defalt, flags):
Parse a token. The token as given should be a string in
double quotes, as in %cmtok "*"; if you need some other form, use
the %comnd UUO bare.
%cmNux (radix, help, defalt, flags): Parse a number.
%cmAct (help, defalt, flags): Parse an account string.
%cmNod (help, defalt, flags): Parse a network node name.
@subSection<Macros to Handle COMND Errors>
For use in secondary parsing subroutines.
Handle a parse error or reparse by just returning non-skip.
@paragraph<%errep errlab, replab>
For use in top-level command parser.
Handle an error by going to errlab, and a reparse by going to replab.
@paragraph<%merrep errlab, replab>
For use in top-level command parser.
Handle an error by giving an error message and going to errlab, and a
reparse by going to replab.
@paragraph<Macros for Fail-Return from Parsing Routines>
@index<Failure Return>
These macros help with error- and reparse-@|handling after a parse
subroutine call (which is expected to return skip on success, and
non-skip on failure); three sorts of errors can be expected from
such subroutines: parse error, reparse needed, other type of failure
(usually a semantic problem). Thus, these macros have three dispatch
addresses, corresponding to these three errors. Note that the method
used here assumes that if neither the parse error or reparse flags
are set in the command state block, then the error is of type `other'.
@paragraph<%jerrep errlab, replab, othrlb>
Handle a skip-return error condition as described above.
@paragraph<%jmerrep errlab, replab, othrlb>
Handle a skip-return error condition as described above,
printing an error message on a parse error.
Note! t1 is clobbered by %errep, %merrep, %jerrep, %jmerrep.
@subSection<Flag-Handling Macros>
All of the following flag-handling macros use register F, the preserved
flag register. F is assumed to be the flag register for any program that
uses these macros. Note that %SetUp clears F, thus initializing flag
This macro takes a list of flag names, and assigns a flag value to
each name (within a 36-bit word). It can be used more than once, but
no more than 36 flags can be defined.
@paragraph<%trnOn & %trnOff>
These macros take a flag quantity (one or more flags ORed together),
and turn them on or off, respectively (with no skipping).
@paragraph<%TrOnS & %TrOfS>
Like %TrnOn and %TrnOff, but skip always afterwards.
@paragraph<%SkpOn & %SkpOff>
These macros take a flag quantity, and will skip if ALL the flags are
on or off, respectively.
@paragraph<%AnyOn & %AnyOff>
These macros take a flag quantity, and will skip if ANY of the flags
are on or off, respectively.
@subSection<CUuos (CUCCA Utility UUOs) Interface>
@paragraph(%print, %prSkp)
Formatted-print macros: output the arguments according to the format
string. %PrSkp returns skipping (+2 instead of +1, but handling
a following erjmp/ercal properly). See @ref(-cuuos) for details.
A note about arguments: the argument list is really nothing more
than a sequence of addresses, so if you choose to use addressing
forms such as address(index), be sure and use the @w{<z address(index)>}
form so that macro will be happy with the address. The same applies
to address forms such as @w{<z @@(t1)>}, etc.