
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - k20v7c - system/errmes.bin
There are 51 other files named errmes.bin in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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ff-fMfpfzgg,g9gEgRgfhhh6h@hchwiystem resources@Reserved@Illegal to specify job number when logging out own job@Invalid job number@Invalid account identifier@Job is not logged in@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Entry cannot be longer than 64 words@Fatal error when accessing FACT file@Desired JFN invalid@Desired JFN not available@No JFN available@Invalid character in filename@Field cannot be longer than 39 characters@Device field not in a valid position@Directory field not in a valid position@Directory terminating delimiter is not preceded by a valid beginning delimiter@More than one name field is not allowed@Generation number is not numeric@More than one generation number field is not allowed@More than one account field is not allowed@More than one protection field is not allowed@Invalid protection@Invalid confirmation character@No such device@No such directory name@No such filename@No such file type@No such generation number@File was expunged@Insufficient system resources (Job Storage Block full)@Exceeded maximum number of files per directory@File not found@File already exists (new file required)@Device is not on line@Device is not available to this job@Account is not numeric@Invalid wildcard designator@No files match this specification@Filename was not specified@Invalid character "?" in file specification@Directory access privileges required@File is already open@File does not exist@Read access required@Write access required@Execute access required@Append access required@Device already assigned to another job@Device is not on line@Invalid simultaneous access@Entire file structure full@List access required@Invalid access requested@Invalid mode requested@Read/write access required@File has bad index block@No room in job for long file page table@Unit Record Devices are not available@IMP is not up@Host is not up@Connection refused@Connection byte size does not match@Invalid source/destination designator@Terminal is not available to this job@JFN is not assigned@Invalid use of terminal designator or string pointer@File is not open@Device is not a terminal@Illegal use of parse-only JFN or output wildcard-designators@File is not on disk@File is not open@File cannot be closed by this process@File is not closed@JFN is being used to accumulate filename@JFN is not accessible by this process@Delete access required@File is not open@Illegal to reset pointer for this file@Invalid byte number@Invalid password@Invalid directory number@Job is not logged in@Illegal to change byte size for this opening of file@Invalid byte size@File is not opened for reading@File is not opened for writing@File is not open for random access@End of file reached@Device or data error@Illegal to write beyond absolute end of file@Invalid access requested@Invalid use of PMAP@Invalid access requested@Invalid process handle@Illegal to manipulate a superior process@Invalid use of multiple process handle@Process is running@Process has not been started@All relative process handles in use@Process is not inferior or equal to self@Process is not inferior to self@New superior process is inferior to intended inferior@Argument block too short@Bad function code@Invalid table number@Invalid table index@GETAB capability required@Invalid process handle -3 or -4@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Invalid date or time@Device is not assignable@Illegal to assign this device @No such device@Invalid job number@Job already attached@Incorrect user number@Invalid password@This job has no controlling terminal@No such device@Invalid device designator@Device already assigned to another job@Device is not on line@Internal format of directory is incorrect@Device is not on line@Device is not mountable@Invalid terminal code@Illegal to set remote to object before object to remote@Invalid software interrupt channel number@Control-C capability required@Link was not received within 15 seconds@Links full@Device is not a terminal@Overflowed rescan buffer, input string truncated@Invalid function code@Insufficient system resources@Illegal to kill top level process@Illegal to kill self@Processes are not frozen@Illegal to halt self with HFORK@Invalid process handle@Invalid save file format@System Special Pages Table full@Undefined function code@Unassigned fork handle or not immediate inferior@Invalid position in entry vector@Radix is not in range 2 to 36 @Column overflow@Fork(s) not frozen@Radix is not in range 2 to 36@First nonspace character is not a digit@Overflow (number is equal to or greater than 2**35 )@Invalid displacement@Invalid number of words@List access required@Invalid displacement@Illegal to change specified bits@Write or owner access required@Invalid value for specified bits@No FDB for non-directory devices@Command list error@JFN is not open in dump mode@Address error (too big or crosses end of memory)@Access error (cannot read or write data in memory)@Files are not on same device@Destination file expunged@Write or owner access to destination file required@Quota exceeded in destination of rename@Illegal to back up terminal pointer twice@Time cannot be greater than 24 hours@Time zone out of range@Time zone must be USA or Greenwich@Invalid date format@Invalid time format@Year out of range@Month is not less than 12@Day of month too large@Day of week is not less than 7@Date out of range@System date and time are not set@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@No MSCP server in current monitor@Drive type error@Requested drive not found@File is not on multiple-directory device@Insufficient system resources (Job Storage Block full)@Directory requires numeric account@Write or owner access required@File is not on multiple-directory device@File expunged@File is not open@File is not on multiple-directory device@No used page found@File(s) not closed@Illegal to read directory for this device@Table address is not greater than 20@Illegal to save files on this device@Page count (left half of table entry) must be negative@Entry vector length is not less than 1000@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Read access failure on monitor page@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Illegal to change number of old directory@Insufficient system resources (Job Storage Block full)@Superior directory full@Directory name not given@File(s) open in directory@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Invalid directory number@First character is not blank or numeric@Number too small@Number too large@Invalid format@Column overflow in field 1 or 2@Column overflow in field 3@Invalid format specified@Undefined clock number@Not a multiple-directory device@Invalid directory number@Invalid function code for GTHST@Unknown host number@No number for that host name@Index out of range@No string for that Host number@Invalid receive JFN@Receive JFN not opened for read@Receive JFN not open@Receive JFN is not a NET connection@Receive JFN has been used@Receive connection refused@Invalid send JFN@Send JFN not opened for write@Send JFN not open@Send JFN is not a NET connection@Send JFN has been used@Send connection refused@Insufficient system resources (No NVT's)@No string for that Host number@Invalid network JFN@Local socket invalid in this context@Invalid message size@Insufficient system resources (No buffers available)@Illegal to specify NCP links 0 - 72@Invalid header value for this queue@IMP down@NET WIZARD capability  required@Insufficient system resources (All special queues in use)@Link(s) assigned to another special queue@Special network queue handle out of range@Special network queue not assigned@Invalid network JFN@Invalid or inactive NVT@Destination file is not closed@Destination file has bad page table@Source file expunged@Write or owner access to source file required@Source file is nonexistent@Source file is not closed@Source file has bad page table@Illegal to rename to self@Internal format of directory is incorrect@Undefined operation code@Undefined JSYS@UUO simulation facility not available@Logical name is not defined@Index is beyond end of logical name table@No such logical name@Lock facility already in use@Too many pages to be locked@Page is not available@Illegal to remove previous contents of user map@Display data area not locked in core@Invalid string pointer@Area too small to hold process structure@Invalid index@Invalid terminal line number@Invalid job number@Length of packet descriptor block cannot be less than 4@No message for this PID@Data too long for user's buffer@Receiver's PID invalid@Receiver's PID disabled@Send quota exceeded@Receiver quota exceeded@IPCF free space exhausted@Sender's PID invalid@WHEEL capability required@WHEEL or IPCF capability required@No free PID's available@PID quota exceeded@No PID's available to this job@No PID's available to this process@Receive and message data modes do not match@Argument block too small@Invalid MUTIL JSYS function@No PID for [SYSTEM] INFO@Invalid process handle@Invalid job number@Invalid software interrupt channel number@[SYSTEM] INFO already exists@Invalid message size@PID does not belong to this job@PID does not belong to this process@PID is not defined@PID not accessible by this process@PID already being used by another process@Job is not logged in@No more files in this specification@Invalid function@Level number too small@Request and lock level numbers do not match@Number of pool and lock resources do not match@Lock already requested@Requested locks are not all locked@No ENQ on this lock@Invalid access change requested@Invalid number of blocks specified@Invalid argument block length@Invalid software interrupt channel number@Invalid number of resources requested@Indirect or indexed byte pointer not allowed@Invalid byte size@ENQ/DEQ capability required@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Invalid JFN@Quota exceeded@String too long@Locked JFN cannot be closed@Job is not logged in@Invalid page number@Page is not private@Illegal to move shared page into file@Illegal to move file page into process@Illegal to move special page into file@Disk quota exceeded@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Invalid function@.SNPLC function must be first@Only one .SNPLC function allowed@Invalid page number@Invalid number of pages to lock@Illegal to define breakpoints after inserting them@Breakpoint is not set on instruction@No more breakpoints allowed@Breakpoints already inserted@Breakpoints not inserted@Invalid format for program name symbol@No such program name symbol@No such symbol@Not enough free pages for snooping@Multiply defined symbol@Invalid index into system PID table@Breakpoint already defined@Disk quota exceeded@Input deleted@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Invalid function@Invalid function@Invalid function@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Device is not assignable@Invalid job number@Device already assigned to another job@Invalid function@Argument block too small@Invalid device designator@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Illegal to specify 0 as generation number for first file@File still mapped@Invalid function@Device assigned to user job, but will be given to allocator when released@Argument block too small@Invalid directory number@Invalid access code@Invalid function@Invalid process handle@Time limit already set@Illegal to clear time limit@Data page is not private or copy-on-write@File not found because output-only device was specified@Logical name loop detected@Invalid directory number@Internal format of directory is incorrect@Maximum directory number exceeded;  index table needs expanding@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Invalid directory number@Internal format of directory is incorrect@Invalid function@Device is not assigned@Argument block too small@Invalid device type@WHEEL, OPERATOR, or MAINTENANCE capability required@Invalid channel command list@Illegal to do I/O across page boundary@No such device@Unit does not exist@Subunit does not exist@Unreasonable SYSERR block size@No buffer space available for SYSERR@Invalid function@Insufficient system resources (Job Storage Block full)@Monitor internal error@Invalid hardware data mode for magnetic tape@No-wait dump mode not supported for this device@Dump mode not supported for this device@Function legal for sequential write only@Device still active@Record size was not set before I/O was done@Function not legal in dump mode@Invalid record size@Invalid magnetic tape density@Device is write locked@Undefined attribute in file specification@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@LOG capability required@WHEEL, OPERATOR, or MAINTENANCE capability required@Insufficient system resources (Job Storage Block full)@Directory area of EXE file is more than one page@Table is empty@Table is full@Entry is already in table@Internal format of table is incorrect@Record is longer than user requested@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Invalid job number@Job is not logged in@Invalid function@Invalid magnetic tape density@Invalid magnetic tape data mode@Invalid TMON function@Invalid SMON function@Invalid job number@Job is not logged in@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@No such job@UUO simulation is disabled@RMS facility is not available@Invalid COMND function code@Field too long for internal buffer@Command too long for internal buffer@Invalid character in input@Invalid PRARG function code@No room in monitor data base for argument block@Invalid string pointer argument@Problem in indirect file@Error in command@PRARG argument block too large@File is not on disk@Invalid job number@No such job@Argument block too long@No interrupts in progress@Job is not logged in@File name must not exceed 6 characters@File type must not exceed 3 characters@Confidential Information Access capability required@Downtime cannot be more than 7 days in the future@File cannot be expunged because it is currently open@System scratch area depleted; file not deleted@Directory symbol table could not be rebuilt@Directory symbol table needs rebuilding@Internal format of directory is incorrect@FDB formatted incorrectly; file not deleted@FDB not found; file not deleted@Process page cannot exceed 777@Invalid directory number@Insufficient system resources@Internal format of directory is incorrect@File is not open for write@Page table does not exist and file not open for write@Cannot receive into an existing page@Number base out of range 2-10@Output still pending@VFU or RAM file cannot be OPENed@Data too large for buffers@Input error or not all data read@Argument block too small@Invalid software interrupt channel number@Illegal to save files on this device@Device does not have Direct Access (programmable) VFU@VFU or Translation Ram file must be on disk@Invalid unit number@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Illegal to load RAM or VFU while device is OPEN@Device is not on line@No more job slots available for logging-in@Invalid operation for this device@Argument block too small@Insufficient system resources@Channel number too large@Unit number too large@Invalid function@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Argument block too small@Insufficient system resources@Drive is not on-line@Home blocks are bad@Invalid structure name@Could not get OFN for ROOT-DIRECTORY@Could not MAP ROOT-DIRECTORY@ROOT-DIRECTORY bad@Could not initialize Index Table@Could not OPEN Bit Table File@Backup copy of ROOT-DIRECTORY is bad@Invalid channel number@Invalid unit number@Invalid controller number@Invalid structure number@Bit table is being initialized@Bit table has not been initialized@Bit table being initialized by another job@Invalid function@Insufficient system resources@Invalid function@Insufficient system resources@No such user name@Insufficient system resources@Invalid directory specification@Invalid structure name@Monitor internal error@Insufficient system resources@Invalid table entry location@Invalid software interrupt channel number@Process has not encountered any errors@Illegal to swap same JFN@Invalid software interrupt channel number@Illegal to open a string pointer@File is not a directory file@Directory file is mapped@End of input file reached@Invalid terminal type@Illegal to map file on dismounted structure@Invalid structure number@Structure is dismounted@Invalid address type specified@All units in a structure must be of the same type@No more units in system@Unit is already part of a mounted structure@Data error reading HOME blocks@Structure is not mounted@Illegal to change specified bits@Invalid terminating bracket on directory@Could not write HOME blocks@Password is required@Function not allowed for another job@No function specified for ACCES@No such user name@Directory is not accessed@Structure is not mounted@Insufficient system resources@Quota exceeded@Insufficient system resources (Swapping space full)@No such directory name@Ambiguous directory specification@Invalid PPN@Structure is not mounted@Insufficient system resources@Invalid directory number@No directory to write spooled files into@Structure is not mounted@File expunged@Internal format of directory is incorrect@Insufficient system resources@Illegal to perform this function@DEC reserved bits not zero@No free pages in file@Second JFN cannot be wild@Channel does not exist@Controller does not exist@Maximum memory driver nodes assigned@No LCS node slots availble@BAD BDT offset given @No CI free queue entries left@No BDT page slots left@Target CI LCS node is dead, no path to it@Bad CI op code@Undefined op code (in range but not yet defined)@Dead LCS node@CI length error@Bad byte pointer passed to LCS@LCS length error@LCS No such node@Number of PDVs grew during save@BAD CI FREE QUEUE@Terminal is already attached to a job@Illegal terminal number@Illegal argument list passed to QUEUE%@Invalid function@Fatal error returned from application@Invalid message returned from ORION@Insufficient system resources (Job Storage Block full)@Illegal response length@Argument block too small@Performance counter read timed out@Serial number out of range@Illegal CI node number@No System Block for Remote CI Node@Remote CI Node does not support this function@Remote CI Node not in correct state for this function@Illegal argument for this DIAG% function@Read/Write of CI Maintenance data timed out@Read/Write of CI Maintenance data finished with an error@No slots left in CID tables@Shared access denied; already set exclusive in CFS cluster@Exclusive access denied; access conflict in CFS cluster@Structure naming conflict in CFS cluster@Page table entry nonzero. (DEC internal error code.)@Mount type refused by this CFS processor@Insufficient system resources (structure limit exceeded)@Invalid word count@Invalid buffer address@Time has already passed@No space available for a clock@User clock allocation exceeded@No such clock entry found@No system date and time@Invalid function code@Terminal already in use as controlling terminal@Illegal to redefine the job's controlling terminal@SC%SCT capability required@Address in .POADE must be as large as address in .POADR@Addresses in .PODAT block must be in strict ascending order@Address in .POADR must be a program data vector address@Illegal to relocate (via .GBASE) a multi-section exe file@Exe file directory entry specifies a section-crossing@DYNLB% Function Code Out of Range@Undefined DYNLB% Function@No Free Section In Which to Map Dynamic Library@Unable to Get a JFN on Dynamic Library File@Unable to Get Dynamic Library@No Program Data Vector Found in Dynamic Library@More Than One Dynamic Library in File@Unable to Un-Map Section During De-Link Operation@No Transfer Vector Address in Library Descriptor Block of Dynamic Library@Library Name String Too Long@Unable to Make Library Known (No JSB Free Space)@CTSOP% Function Code Out of Range@Undefined CTSOP% Function@Insufficient System Resources (No JSB Free Space)@No Default Canonical Library Name@Illegal to Issue CTSOP% .CTCAL Function from Section Zero@Stack Overflow During CTSOP% .CTCAL Function@Illegal Memory Write During CTSOP% .CTCAL Function@Invalid Function Code Given During CTSOP% .CTCAL Function@No Address of CTS Descriptor Block Found in Library Descriptor Block of Library@Length of CTS Descriptor Block Incorrect@Invalid Number of Pages in CTS Descriptor Block@No Monitor Pages Available for Terminal Data Base@Unimplemented Canonical Terminal Operation@Not a BUGCHK or BUGINF@DOB is disabled@DOB already disabled@DOB already enabled@Dump was not requested for this BUG@Dump was already requested for this BUG@Structure is not dumpable@DOB timeout out of range@Invalid structure number@Invalid terminal line number@Structure is offline@Timeout interval out of range@File expunged@Write or owner access required@No such user name@Illegal to overlay existing pages@File is not open@Invalid password@WHEEL capability required@WHEEL or IPCF capability required@ENQ/DEQ capability required@Confidential Information Access Capability required@Invalid function@Illegal to change specified bits@Argument block too small@Argument block too long@Invalid page number@Invalid job number@No such job@Invalid byte size@Invalid access requested@Invalid directory number@Invalid process handle@Invalid software interrupt channel number@Insufficient system resources@Insufficient system resources (JSB full)@Monitor internal error@Insufficient system resources (Swapping space full)@Invalid account identifier@Job is not logged in@Write or owner access required@List access required@Device is not assignable@File is not on multiple-directory device@Password is required@Invalid argument block length@Invalid structure name@No such device@Invalid directory specification@File expunged@No such user number@Illegal to dismount the System Structure@Invalid number of swapping pages@Invalid number of Front-End-Filesystem pages@Illegal to log out job 0@More than one ;T specification is not allowed@Invalid terminal page width@Invalid terminal page length@Specified unit is not a disk@Could not initialize bit table for structure@Could not reconstruct ROOT-DIRECTORY@Disk assignments and deassignments are currently prohibited@Invalid disk address@Address cannot be deassigned because it is not assigned@Address cannot be assigned because it is already assigned@Invalid default string@Incorrect Bit Table counts on structure@Illegal to lock other than a private page@Requested page unavailable@Attempt to lock too much memory@Illegal memory read@Illegal memory write@Memory data parity error @Reference to non-existent page@Structure already mounted@Structure was not mounted@Structure is unavailable for mounting@The STDIR JSYS has been replaced by RCDIR and RCUSR@The CNDIR JSYS has been replaced by ACCES@Illegal page state or state transition@Requested physical page is unavailable@Requested physical page contains errors@Cannot delete directory; file still mapped@Cannot delete directory file in this manner@Account string does not match@Invalid function code@Area of code too large to test@UTEST facility in use by another process@Invalid DTE-20 number@Invalid byte size@Invalid network file name@No more logical links available@Invalid object@Invalid task name@Object is already defined@Invalid network operation@Link aborted@String exceeds 16 bytes@Line is not active@Invalid protocol version number@Insufficient system resources (no resident free space)@Invalid unit number@Invalid CMRTY pointer@Invalid CMBFP pointer@Invalid CMPTR pointer@Invalid CMABP pointer@Invalid default string pointer@Invalid help message pointer@Invalid byte pointer in function block@Ambiguous@Not a switch - does not begin with slash@Does not match switch or keyword@Null switch or keyword given@Invalid guide word@Not confirmed@Invalid character in number@Invalid device terminator@Not a quoted string - quote missing at beginning or end@Does not match token@Does not match directory or user name, or structure not mounted@Comma not given@Illegal to request multiple specifications for the same attribute@Attribute value is required@Attribute does not take a value@Unit is write-locked@GTJFN input buffer is empty@Invalid attribute for this device@Remark exceeds 39 characters@Directory still contains subdirectory@Request exceeds superior directory working quota@Request exceeds superior directory permanent quota@Request exceeds superior directory subdirectory quota@Invalid user group@Account validation data base file not completely closed@Cannot get a JFN for <SYSTEM>ACCOUNTS-TABLE.BIN@Account validation data base file too long@Cannot get an OFN for <SYSTEM>ACCOUNTS-TABLE.BIN@Invalid account@Account string exceeds 39 characters@Invalid USAGE entry type code@Byte count is not positive@Node name exceeds 6 characters@Item not found in argument list@Illegal to create non-files-only subdirectory under files-only directory@Mismatched mask block lengths@Invalid mask block length@Interrupt message must be read first@Address break not available on this system@Default item not allowed@Invalid IPCF quota@Account has expired@Illegal to delete logged-in directory@Illegal to delete connected directory@Account validation data base file is empty@Protocol initialization failed@WHEEL, OPERATOR, or requested capability required@Invalid character in node name@Too many characters in node name@Working space insufficient for current allocation@Directory is "files-only" and cannot be accessed@Subdirectory quota insufficient for existing subdirectories@Superior directory does not exist@Invalid user number@Invalid user name@Invalid subdirectory quota@Invalid mode@Illegal to declare mode twice@Illegal to declare mode after acquiring terminal@Invalid event code@Invalid function code for channel assignment@JFN is not an ATS JFN@Table length too small@Table lengths must be the same@Table length too large@Maximum applications terminals for system already assigned@Byte count is too large@Terminal not assigned to this JFN@Terminal is XOFF'd@Terminal has been released@Terminal identifier is not assigned@No more error information@Invalid Host Terminal Number@Output failed -- monitor internal error@Illegal to manipulate an execute-only process@Invalid arithmetic trap argument@Invalid LUUO trap argument@Invalid flags@ATS input message too long for internal buffers@Monitor internal error - ATS input message truncated@Illegal to close JFN with terminal assigned@Invalid section number@Invalid count@Too many units in structure@Node not accessible@Previous interrupt message outstanding@No interrupt message available@Invalid argument for attribute@KMC11 not running@Line not turned off@Another line already looped@Byte count too small@Invalid node name@Maximum applications terminals for job already assigned@Failed to acquire applications terminal@Invalid device name@Invalid server name@Terminal is already released@Illegal function@Request denied by Access Control Facility@Prior structure mount required@Illegal while JFNs assigned@Illegal while connected to structure@Invalid PSI channel number given@Invalid host name@Invalid segment type@Invalid segment size@Illegal tape format for dump mode@Density specified does not match tape density@Invalid tape label@Illegal tape record size@Tape HDR1 missing@Invalid tape HDR1 sequence number@Tape label read error@Logical end of tape encountered@Invalid tape format@Illegal to swap ATS JFN@Tape write date has not expired@Tape is domestic and HDR2 is missing@Tape has invalid access character@Invalid class@Cannot change class@Request canceled by user@Labeled tapes not permitted on 7-track drives@Unknown density specified@Unknown drive type specified@Unknown label type specified@Set name illegal or not specified@Illegal starting-volume specification@Attempt to switch to volume outside set@Illegal volume identifier specified@Density mismatch between request and volume@Drive type mismatch between request and volume@Label type mismatch between request and volume@Structural error in mount message@Setname mismatch between request and volume@Mount refused by operator@Volume identifiers not supplied by operator@Volume-identifier list missing@End of volume-identifier list reached while reading@Requested tape drive type not available to system@Structural error in mount entry@Mount requested for unknown device type@Job has open JFN on device@Terminal is not open@Unknown error received@Receive error threshold exceeded@Reply threshold exceeded@NAK threshold exceeded@Terminal protocol error@Intervention required at terminal@Powerfail@Data pipe was disconnected@Dialup terminal was attached@Julian day is out of range@Structure name not specified@File already has archive status@Cannot perform ARCF functions on nonmultiple directory devices@File is not on line@Files not on the same device or structure@File does not have archive status@Invalid parameter@Archive not complete@File not off line@Archive prohibited@Archive requested, modification prohibited@Archive requested, delete prohibited@Archive system request not completed@File has archive status, modification is prohibited@File is off line@File has archive status, delete is not permitted@File has no pointer to offline storage@File restore failed@Migration prohibited@Cannot exempt off-line file@FDB incorrect format for ARCF JSYS@Retrieval request cannot be fulfilled for waiting process@Migration already pending@File is off line@Off line expiration time cannot exceed system or directory maximum@Directory too large@Invalid record descriptor in labeled tape@Dismount refused by operator@Illegal to dismount connected structure@Structure not found@Too many user labels@Undefined record format on non-TOPS20 tape@Tape mounting function disabled by installation@METER% not supported on this processor@Reject or disconnect by object@Resource allocation failure@Destination node does not exist@Remote node shutting down@Destination process does not exist@Invalid process name field@Object is busy@Unspecified error@Abort by management@Abort by object@Flow control violation@Too many connections to node@Too many connections to destination process@Access not permitted@Logical link services mismatch@Invalid account@SEGSIZE too small@No response from destination process@Node unreachable@Link aborted due to data loss@Destination process does not exist@Confirmation of DI@Image data field too long@Structure is set IGNORED@Cannot overwrite volume - first file is not expired@Cannot overwrite volume - write access required@Tape label format error@Unit already online@Unit not online@Invalid operation for this label type@Invalid NSP reason code@not available on this system@Two colons required on node name@Invalid class share@Invalid KNOB value@Class Scheduler already enabled@Null device name given@End of tape encountered while searching for file@JSYS not executed within ACJ fork@Tape position is indeterminate@TTY input buffer full@Channel table crosses section boundary@SIR JSYS invoked from non-zero section@RIR JSYS incompatible with previous XSIR@Level table crosses section boundary@Insufficient MOUNTR resources@Attempt to delete a section still shared@Could not send message within timeout interval@Insufficient system resources (No swappable free space)@GTJFN failed for dump file@OPENF failed for dump file@Dump failed@To -10 error on dump@To -11 error on dump@Failed to assign page on dump@Reload failed@-11 didn't power down@-11 didn't power up@ROM did not ACK the -10@-11 boot program did not make it to -11@-11 took more than 1 minute to reload. Will cause retry@Unknown BOOT error@Network Management unable to complete request@Node name doesn't contain an alphabetic character@File is marked "Never Delete"@No more network terminals available@Illegal character specified@Node name not assigned to a network node@Illegal DECnet node number@Table of topology watchers is full@Tape label filename specification exceeds 17 characters@Disk structure completely full@Disk structure damaged, cannot allocate space@Indirect page map loop detected@Indirect section map loop detected@Node name not first field in filespec@Overdue To-11 transfer aborted@Overdue To-10 transfer aborted@Illegal memory reference, section greater than 37@Illegal entry vector type@Invalid entry vector length@Cannot get extended values with this monitor call@Address break facility is in use for system debugging@Use .ABRRG function to read break conditions@AB%SEC is invalid on this processor@Lower and upper bounds must be equal on this processor@Illegal DAP% function code@Nested ACLREPs in formatting table not allowed@Parse error, fixed length field has wrong length@Parse error, expecting more bytes@Message byte length was too long for this link@Parse error, variable length field was too long@Parse error, bit mask was too long@Illegal DAP% message type@Protocol error on receive, LEN256 field without LENGTH field@Parse error on receive, extra bytes at end of message@LENGTH or LEN256 field present in message block@Protocol error on receive, DAP length exceeds DECnet length@Message type is not DATA, yet there is a BITCNT field@Field following ACLREP is not VALUE1 or VALUE2@Invalid link handle@Transmission in progress, AC2 has retry message block addr@CONTINUE TRANSFER message cannot be sent as normal message@Only CONTINUE TRANSFER messages can be sent as interrupt@Interrupt messages cannot be sent blocked@There is already an interrupt transmission is progress@Receive in progress@There is no interrupt message available@Illegal function for passive link@Illegal function for active link@There is no message available@Protocol error on receive, message was too long@Too many message blocks chained together@Illegal function for this state@Feature not supported by remote server@Protocol error on receive - wrong message type@No alias for this node@Maximum number of remote aliases exceeded@CRDIR block does not include password encryption version@Attempt to use encrypted password on unencrypted structure@Line is temporarily active@Invalid password encryption version number@Local node shut@Illegal to use node name@No BHDs available@No BSDs available@No datagrams buffers available@No message buffers available@Insufficient system resources (no DECnet free space)@Illegal operation for current link state@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@Allocation failure@Wrong number of arguments@Illegal function@Connect block length error@Address Error@Argument Block Format Error@Process block length error@Bad format type in process block@Function code out of range@Argument block too short@Invalid argument block address@Error accessing argument block@No source process name specified on connection request@Not enough privileges enabled@No such connect ID@Datagram send text crosses a page boundry@No local node name defined@Function no longer supported@Resource allocation failure@No room in table for address entry@Message to long@Invalid connect ID@No packet address@Internal resources exhausted (No more SCA buffers)@Zero length packet text@DMA segment crosses a page boundry@No such DMA buffer name@DMA buffer to long@Unknown PSI code@Queue is empty@Datagram buffer not available@Structure naming or drive serial number conflict in CFS cluster@Illegal to specify mount attribute@Fork does not own this SCS% data@No buffers queued for message reception@Invalid node number@Not enough room for SCA headers@Invalid address in arguments@Invalid byte pointer@No datagram buffers queued@No user address found for sent packet@Argument block not long enough@Channel number out of range@Job number out of range@No connect data to read@Percentage input out of bounds@Function called in wrong state@Unexpected state - disconnect sent@Unexpected state - disconnect confirmed@Unexpected state - no confidence@Unexpected state - no link@Unexpected state - no communication@Unexpected state - no resources@Unrecognized object@Object too busy@Disconnect complete@Image field too long@Unspecified reject reason@Bad combination of SAEOM & SAWAI flags@Address error in user argument@Illegal message format detected@Unexpected state - connect wait@Unexpected state - connect received@Unexpected state - connect sent@Unexpected state - reject@Unexpected state - run@Bad table designator@Bad 1st argument@Bad 2nd argument@No such table@Excessive number of buffers in queue request@Port doesn't exist or is not a CI port@CI counters not available@Fork doesn't own CI counters@DMA buffer segment to long@Too many DMA buffer segments@CI chan is not enabled@Diagnostic owns the channel@Connection in incorrect state for function@Not enough credit@Internal error, bad argument to subroutine@No such buffer@Insufficient buffers to fill request@No known KLIPA on this system@PSI channel out of range@Invalid path spec@Invalid forward link in buffer chain@Invalid SCS% interrupt type@Invalid DMA transmission mode@KLIPA is not enabled@KLIPA is in maintenance mode@No KLIPA on system@Packet is bad@No virtual circuit@Don't know our CI node number@Queue is empty@Function code out of range@Argument block too short@Invalid argument block address@Error accessing argument block@Information not available for this function@User is refusing messages and/or links@Illegal system fork number specified@Unassigned system fork number specified@Virtual circuit is not closed@Word count not positive@Word count too large.  Can not cross section boundaries@Event resource already in use@Named Buffer transfer error@Illegal two character escape sequence@Timed out waiting for KLIPA disable to complete@Timed out waiting for KLIPA enable to complete@DECnet has already initialized@Illegal disk address@Transfer too large@Invalid unit specified@Illegal address specified@Size not sector size@Invalid buffer name@DECnet is not initialized@Illegal parameter value@DIAG% Illegal for Dual Ported Disks@Data or device error@Device is offline@Illegal to disallow subdirectory user group while in use@Internal resources exhausted (No more SCA buffers)@Illegal to dismount structure during initialization@No IP free space for TCB@Unable to decode local side TCP of specification@Unable to decode foreign side TCP of specification@Generation found in TCP specification@TCP specification atrribute not known to TCP@Unable to decode CONNECTION attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode FOREIGN-HOST attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode LOCAL-HOST attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode PERSIST attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode TIMEOUT attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode TYPE-OF-SERVICE  attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode SECURITY attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode COMPARTMENTS attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode HANDLING-RESTRICTIONS attribute in TCP specification@Unable to decode TRANSMISSION-CONTROL attribute in TCP specification@TCP not initialized and available@Illegal IO mode for TCP device@Illegal byte size for TCP device@TCP connection allready exists@Maximum TCP connections exceeded@Wheel, Operator, or Network Wizard needed for special TCOPR function@Invalid TCOPR function requested@Invalid IPOPR function requested@Wheel, Operator, or Network Wizard needed for special IPOPR function@Open failure@Illegal Persist parameters@Illegal TCOPR Function on an OPEN TCP JFN@Invalid BBN TCP JSYS call@Assigned JFN too large for TCPJFN@Illegal TCP IO mode@Connection error or connection rejected@Retransmission timeout@Connection closed or closing@TCOPR Argument@Illegal to reopen a TCP JFN@Illegal TCOPR Function on an UNOPEN TCP JFN@No free space for buffer@TCOPR Function not yet implemented@TCOPR DEC interrupt channels not off@TCOPR Invalid TCB offset@TCOPR Invalid argument block@Computed GHT checksum does not match@GHT entry count argument is not correct@Insufficient system resources (No free space for GHT)@Exceeded maximum number of GHT entries@GHT Internet host numbers not in ascending order@Local Internet host number not in GHT@Insufficient system resources (No space for ARP buffers@Cannot start ARP until TCPNI service is running@Monitor does not support TCP over Ethernet@Transmit Datagram Failed@LLMOP State is OFF@Invalid byte pointer@Nonexistent Request Number@Invalid KLNI channel specified@Configurator interrupts assigned to another process@LLMOP Internal Error@PID not assigned on this LCS processor@Mount type refused by another CFS processor@Buffer size too small for available data@LAT parameter value out of range@LAT is not operational@Invalid or unknown LAT server name@Invalid LAT parameter@Invalid LAT parameter value@Invalid or unknown LAT service name@Insufficient LAT Resources@LAT Host name already set@Invalid or unknown LAT port name@Invalid or unknown LAT connect id@No Such Channel@Illegal Protocol Type@Protocol Type In Use@Promiscuous Receiver Active@No Such Portal@Improperly Formatted Buffer@Illegal Buffer Size@Received Datagram Too Long@Receive Aborted@Length Error@No Protocol Type Enabled For This Portal@Illegal Byte Pointer@Excessive Collisions@Datagram Not Sent@No Room For Entry@Address Not Enabled@Illegal Multicast Address@Illegal Channel Address@Portal in Wrong State@Carrier check failed@Short circuit@Open circuit@Remote failure to defer@Illegal channel state@Command abort@Receive or Transmit quota exceeded@Channel is owned by another fork@MSCP server not currently running@On line expiration cannot exceed system or directory maximum@Could not step to next file because current file no longer exists@Job is detached@Invalid use of quoting character in directory name@Invalid use of quoting character in username@Invalid CI node number@Invalid INFO% function@Invalid CI node number@WHEEL or OPERATOR capability required@CI node disconnected before information was returned@Remote node not supplying information@Insufficient system resources - no more swappable free space@User not logged in@Insufficient system resources on remote node (no more free space)@Unimplemented function on remote system@Insufficient SCA buffers to process request@Remote system not running CLUDGR SYSAP@Invalid argument block@Job not logged in@Remote node could not execute given function@Bad argument block length@Insufficient credit to send request to remote system@Remote node not accepting remote sendalls@Remote XPEEK% can only return 512 words@Minimum password length must be between 1 and 39 characters@Insufficient password length@