PDP-10 Archives
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!* -*-TECO-*- *!
!~Filename~:! !Document conditional expander!
!DOCOND:! !C Perform full DOCOND processing on contents of buffer.!
m(m.m &_DOCOND_Safety)
m(m.m &_DOCOND_Process_Declarations)
1,(m.m&_DOCOND_Refill)m.l MM_Refill
m(m.m &_DOCOND_Process_Conditionals)
js{end} 0,.k !* Kill the DOCOND specs now that they're processed.!
2 f=
"e k'
!DOCOND Set Flag:! !C Specify the value of a DOCOND flag.
The argument (from terminal or suffix) should be a "+" or "-"
followed by the name of the flag to be set.
A numeric argument says that redefining a flag
already set is illegal.!
!** With arg, we assume that FS VZ has already been bound to where the {END} is.!
1,f Flag[1
.[0 fn q0j !* Always preserve point.!
ff"e m(m.m &_DOCOND_Safety)'
+[2 !* Default flag setting is "+"!
0:g1f+-:"l !* If a setting was included in the arg, gobble it.!
0:g1u2 1,fq1:g1u1'
ff"e js{end} fsz-.f[vz' !* Restrict attention to the DOCOND specs at the front.!
j :s{Flag:1}"e !* Look for something declaring this flag.!
:i*No_Such_Flag:_1 fs err'
fkc 6c
1au2 :i*Illegal_Flag_Declaration:_{Flag:21} fs err'
1a-q2"e 0' !* Flag is already set as specified => do nothing.!
1a-?"n !* Already set the other way => is it ok to change?!
ff"n :I*Conflicting_Flag_Setting:_21 fs err''
d q2i !* Set the flag as desired, if it's ok.!
!& DOCOND Process Declarations:! !S Process all declarations (Flag, Implies, etc.).!
js{end} fkc fsz-.f[vz !* Restrict attention to the DOCOND specs at the front.!
[1 [2 [3 [..h !* Allow buffer redisplay when we're done.!
[..d q..d[4 !* Save old ..d in q4 for commands to use.!
1m(m.m&_Alter_..D) {( }) !* Set ..D so {, } get counted by FU command.!
j < :s{; !* Find next declaration.!
.u3 s:
q3,.-1x1 !* What type of declaration is this?!
q2"n m2' !* If it requires our processing, process it.!
q3j ful > !* Skip over the declaration, look for next one.!
!& DOCOND Print Declaration:! !S Process a {Print:string} declaration.!
.,(ful r .)t
!& DOCOND Implies Declaration:! !S Process {Implies:+FOO=>+BAR}.!
.[0 fn q0j !* Always preserve point.!
1au2 c
.,(s=> 2r .)x1 !* Get flag name in Q1, setting in Q2 for flag which implies.!
q1m(m.m &_DOCOND_Lookup)-q2"e !* If the flag really has that setting,!
2c .,(s}r .)x1 !* get what that implies,!
1m(m.m DOCOND_Set_Flag)1' !* and do it.!
!& DOCOND Flag Declaration:! !S Process a {Flag:...} by asking user for setting.!
[1 [2
1a-?"n ' !* If flag is already set, do nothing.!
c .,(s}r .)x1 !* Else, must ask for the setting. Get name in Q1.!
.( j :s{Default:1}"l !* Is a default specified?!
fkc 9c 1au2' !* If so, use it.!
"# ft What_setting_for_the_1_flag_
< ft (+_or_-)? !* Else, ask for setting. Keep asking till get OK answer.!
1m(m.m DOCOND_Set_Flag)21 !* Set flag to specified setting.!
!& DOCOND Alternatives Declaration:! !S Process an Alternatives declaration.
Ask the user which alternative to set to "+", unless one already is.
Set all the others to "-".!
[1 [3 m.m &_DOCOND_Lookup[L
m.m DOCOND_Set_Flag[s
.[2 !* Find start of first flag of the Alternatives.!
< .,(s,} .-1)x1 !* Is any of the alternatives already set on?!
q1ml-+"e !<!0;> o Chosen' !* If so, just turn all others off.!
ft Choose_one_of_ !* Else ask user which one he wants.!
q2j .,(s}r .)t ft:_
q2,.:fb1"l 1af,}:"l
fkc 0af:,:"l o Ok'''
o Retry
!Chosen! !* Now that the flag in Q1 is set to "+",!
q2j !* set all the other alternatives to "-".!
< .u2 s,}
0a-}@; >
!& DOCOND Local Variable Declaration:! !S Process {Local Variable:varname=value}!
.[1 s= q1,.-1x*[.2 !* Q.2 gets name of variable.!
fu-1x*[3 !* Q3 gets value.!
q3m.l.2 !* Create local variable.!
!& DOCOND Safety:! !S Make sure user doesn't clobber his source with DOCOND.!
QBuffer_Filenames"E ' !* If this file is visiting a buffer,!
1m(m.m ^R_Save_File)''
0uBuffer_Filenames !* Say this buffer no longer visiting source file!
0u:.b(qBuffer_Index+2) !* to prevent accidental saving of DOCOND output as source!
m(m.m &_Set_Mode_Line)
!& DOCOND Replace Declaration:! !S Process a {Replace:...} specifications.!
[1 [2 [3 q4[..d [4
1au2 c
.,(s=> 2r .)x1 !* Q1 gets flag name, Q2 gets setting.!
q1m(m.m &_DOCOND_Lookup)u3 !* Look up actual setting of that flag.!
q2-q3"n ' !* If actual setting matches that in the {Replace},!
2c .,(s->-->> .+fk)x2 !* do the replacement. Get from and to strings.!
-1-(fs s value)u4 !* Q4 gets 1 if it's a -->> replace.!
.,(s}r .)x3
.( zj
0fsvz !* While replacing, consider all of buffer!
q4,1m(m.m Replace_String)23 !* EXCEPT the DOCOND specs area.!
fsz-.fsvz )j
!& Docond Char Replace Declaration:! !S Process a Char Replace declaration.
Like Replace declarations except that they use 0mmReplace instead of 1.!
[1 [2 [3 q4[..d [4
1au2 c
.,(s=> 2r .)x1 !* Q1 gets flag name, Q2 gets setting.!
q1m(m.m &_DOCOND_Lookup)u3 !* Look up actual setting of that flag.!
q2-q3"n ' !* If actual setting matches that in the {Replace},!
2c .,(s->-->> .+fk)x2 !* do the replacement. Get from and to strings.!
-1-(fs s value)u4 !* Q4 gets 1 if it's a -->> replace.!
.,(s}r .)x3
.( zj
0fsvz !* While replacing, consider all of buffer!
q4,m(m.m Replace_String)23 !* EXCEPT the DOCOND specs area.!
fsz-.fsvz )j
!& DOCOND Process Conditionals:! !S Process all {+FOO:text} conditionals.!
[1 [2 [3 [4 [..d
1m(m.m&_Alter_..D) {( }) !* Set ..D so {, } get counted by FU command.!
j s{end} .[e !* Remember where the {end} is for & DOCOND Lookup.!
j < :s{; 1af*+-"l !<!>' !* Find next conditional.!
1au2 -dd .,(s:r .)fx1 d !* Get flag name in Q1, setting in Q2. Kill them, { and :.!
q2-*"e !* If it's really a macro call, expand it.!
fu-1fx3 d !* Extract and kill the string arg,!
m(m.m1)3+0u2 !* and call the macro.!
fq2"g g2 fkc' !<!>' !* Insert and rescan what the macro returns.!
fsz-qe,q1mlu3 !* Look up the flag. Put actual setting in Q3.!
.u4 ful -d !* Find and kill the } that ends this conditional.!
q2-q3"n q4,.k' !* Kill the text within if the conditional fails.!
"# q4j' !* Otherwise, rescan it for more conditionals.!
!& DOCOND Lookup:! !S Return the current setting of a flag.
Specify the flag name as a string as a prefix argument.
The setting is returned as a numeric character.
A precomma numeric argument specifies the value of FS VZ
to use while looking up the flag (for efficiency.!
[1 .[0 fn q0j qe"n fsZ-QE f[vz'
j s{flag:1}
!& DOCOND Refill:! !S Re-fill this or the previous paragraph.!
.-z( .: