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The MODLIN Library			Monday, February 4, 1980

The mode line has the following form:

{editor} {time} [{superior}: {modeinfo} {options} {type} {buffer}] {file}

{editor} is the value of Emacs' "Editor Name" variable.

{time} is time and date. (gets updated even if in a recursive ^R mode!)

{superior} is displayed if this Emacs is not at toplevel (eg, when a LISPT
	   lives under its lisp, you will see LISP: or in a MAILT you will
	   see MAIL:)

{type} is the value of the Emacs "Editor Type" variable enclosed in angle
       brackets, or a "-" if no such value is assigned. If {buffer} is 
       omitted (see below) and this would have displayed as a "-", it is
       also omitted.

{buffer} is now omitted if the buffer name is the same as fielname1 of {file}

{modeinfo} now shows the submode if any attached to the mode with a hyphen.
	   eg, if you load the PICTUR library and do MM Edit Picture you 
	   might see something like:
		[MAIL: Fundamental-Picture ...]

{options} A number of new options now display. They include:

    NoSave		- Autosave, if normally on, has been disabled
    Save		- Autosave turned on
    SaveOld		- Save this file automatically if new file read 
			  into buffer
    NoSaveOld		- Don't ask and don't save file if new file read 
			  into buffer
    ReadOnlyFile	- Saving, as in C-X C-S, will query before allowing
			  file to be written back. Saving via C-X C-W will
			  not bother to query since it reads a new filename.
    ReadOnlyBuf		- Buffer is protected from modification.
    ReadOnlyFile/Buf	- Same as ReadOnlyFile+ReadOnlyBuf
    OverWrite		- Overwrite mode enabled
    Def			- Keyboard Macro definition underway
    Narrow		- Buffer bounds have been narrowed.

    Following these options, other user-set options, such as Abbrev
    mode, are inserted.

{file} is the file being visited. If the file is a ">" or "<" file (ITS)
	or ".0" or ".-2" file (Twenex), a designator "=nnn" where the nnn
	is the version number of the file which was actually visited.
        If the ">" or "<" file is not a numbered file, then the designation
	"~fn2" will appear where fn2 is the actual second filename of the
	visited file. Odd cases of fn2's which are not understood by MODLIN
	will appear as "#" in place of "=nnn" or "~fn2".