
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - info/plan.doc
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		            PLAN Documentation
		     Greg Hinchliffe      April, 1977


	If you wish, you may create a plan file on your login 
directory that will give information as to where and what you are
doing for any date or time.  Currently, this information is only
available with the use of FINGER, by typing the user name and ^Z.

	To run the PLAN program type:

	@PLAN <cr>
	for regular entry,


	@PLAN <space>
	for speedy plan making.

	For the regular entry, a header of a plan version and cre-
ation date is given, followed by the PLAN command prompt (>).  If
you use the speedy method, you will be put immediately into plan
creation mode, where you will be asked first for an expire time and
then a plan name (see below).  After you have completed your plan you
will exit from PLAN.  To make this method as fast as possible, the
start time is defaulted to the current time.


1) Since the plan file is set up in a character-count and word
   oriented manner, your plan file CANNOT be TVedited, and is protected
   from such.

2) Typing ^C at any time will abort any updates and/or additions that
   have been made to your plan file (the plan file will be just as it
   was before you entered PLAN).


	The PLAN command-interpreter is similar to that of MSG, but
less extensive.  All commands are abbreviated to one letter, which do
not need <CR>'s.
Below is a summary of commands with their actions and arguments.


You will be asked for:
	1) A start time
	2) An expiration time
	3) Name of plan
	4) Background switch

For 1) and 2), any reasonable format will be accepted (typing "?" will
give you help) but you needn't type a date and time pair if one or the
other isn't needed (if the date is omitted, the current day is assumed;
if the time is omitted, midnight is assumed).

The starting and expiration dates may also be entered in a relative
format to the current date, such as:

	+1 1355		to start/expire the
			next day at 1:55pm
	+0		to start/expire at
			midnight today.

	(Note: The "+" sign must precede all relative commands,
	 and "-" is illegal).

	Four special-activation methods are also available.  When asked
for a start date/time, type <ESC> (altmode) and the special activation
format.  The four methods are explained below.  You type what is under-
lined ("<space>" stands for the space-bar):

	1) every <space> DAY
           ----- -------

	   Example: every DAY

	   Activate the plan every day during a certain time.

	   Example explanation:  Activate plan every day.
	   Actual output: "every day"

	2) <weekday, first 3 characters only> <space> EVERY WEEK
	   ---------------------------------- -------
	   Example: thu EVERY WEEK

	   Activate the plan every certain weekday (Monday, Saturday,
	   etc.) during a certain time.

	   Example explanation:  Activate plan each Thursday.
	   Actual output: "thu every week"
	3) <week number> <space> <weekday> EVERY MONTH
	   ------------- ------- ---------

	   Example: 3 tue EVERY MONTH

	   Activate the plan every Nth weekday of each month (i.e.
	   the 2nd Wednesday of each month)

	   Example explanation:  Activate plan the 3rd Tuesday of each
	   Actual output: "3 tue every month"

	4) <day number> <space> <e>VERY MONTH
	   ------------ -------

	   Example: 13 eVERY MONTH

	   Activate the plan every Nth day of each month (i.e. the
	   13th of each month).

	   Example explanation:  Activate plan the 13th of each month.
	   Actual output: "13 every month"

	After any of the above formats are given you will be asked for
a start time and an expire time.  These should just be times; no dates
should be used.  Typing "?" will give examples of valid times.  After
this is done you will continue creating the plan in the normal fashion.

	For the plan name give a short summary describing what the
plan is going to be about (such as "Vacation").  Typing just CR will
give the name as "---".

	The background switch is used to with FINGER to tell it whether
to ask for permission before showing the contents of the plan, which is
very useful if you have a long-range plan.

	Note:  PLAN now enables much more extensive editing capabilities
when you are typing in your plan text. Typing "?" before you start typ-
ing will give you a list of the editing controls.


	This will give a list of all plan names, their numbers, start
and expiration dates or special activation method.


	This will show you one at a time the start and expiration
dates of plan <N>, and ask for confirmation to change it.  If 
confirmed, the possibilities for the new date are the same as if
you were creating a new plan.

	This will toggle the background switch for plan <N>.


	This will delete plan <N>, which can be recovered with the "U"
command (see below).  However, if EXIT from plan (see below also), the
plan will be expunged from the file and cannot be recovered.


	This will undelete plan number N.


	This will delete your plan file and exit to the EXEC.


	This command will exit from PLAN but not do any updating
(see below).


	This command will exit and update, which means it will
expunge all plans which are outdated (expired) and all plans which
have been deleted.

Please send all comments, complaints and suggestions to <GREG>.