
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - steco_19840320_1er_E35 - 10,5676/teco/doc/tecext.rno
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.TITLE TECO extensions
.B3.c;Version 200
.b2.c;March 4, 1980
.b2.c;Stevens Institute of Technology
Copyright (c) 1980 by
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, 07030.
All rights reserved.
This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in
accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the above
copyright notice. This software or any other copies thereof may not be provided
or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of
the software is hereby transferred.
The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should
not be construed as a commitment by Stevens Institute of Technology.
.st Pattern matching
.HL1 Pattern matching in TECO
A new command has been added to allow the user to find a pattern using
TECO.  The patterns have a syntax similar to that of SNOBOL4, so
users knowing that will be able to understand TECO pattern matching
with little or no problem.
 The command that has been added is the FP command and can be thought
to stand for 'Find Pattern'.
.HL2 Operators
.hl3 AND
The format of this operator is 'pattern OR pattern'.
The format of this operator is 'NOT pattern'.
.hl3 Concatenation
This is done by one pattern followed by the second, causing the second
to be concatenated to the first.
.hl3 Parentheses
Parentheses are provided to change the precedence of the operators.
.HL2 Predefined patterns
Match a word.
.hl3 BWORD
Match the beginning of a word
.hl3 BLANK
Match a space or a tab.
Match one or more spaces or tabs.
Match a space.
Match one or more spaces.
.hl3 TAB
Match a tab.
Match one or more tabs.
.hl3 DIGIT
Match a digit.
Match one or more digits.
Match a letter.
Match one or more letters.
.hl3 POS
Match the end of line
.hl3 BLINE
Match the beginning of the line.