PDP-10 Archives
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SUBTTL Introduction
; Copyright (c) 1980 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey
; 07030.
; This software may be used and copied provided that this copyright notice
;is included, and provided that copies of all modifications are sent to:
; TECO Project
; Computer Center
; Stevens Institute of Technology
; Castle Point Station
; Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
; The information in this software is subject to change without notice
; and should not be construed as a commitment by Stevens Institute of
; Technology.
; Search needed universals
SEARCH TECUNV ; TECO universal file
; Generate the prologue
TECVER==200 ; Major version number
TECMIN==1 ; Minor version number
TECEDT==1163 ; Edit level
TECWHO==0 ; Last editor
PROLOGUE(DEC,<TECO DEC terminal support>) ; Generate the TITLE and other stuff
$CODE ; Put into code PSECT
SUBTTL Table of Contents
; Table of Contents for TECDEC - DEC terminal support
; Section Page
; 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
; 2. Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
; 3. Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
; 4. Tables
; 4.1. VT50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
; 4.2. VT52. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
; 4.3. VT05. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
; 4.4. VT100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
; 4.5. VT100A (Native or ANSI mode). . . . . . . . . 8
; 5. Support routines
; 5.1. VT05
; 5.1.1. XY positioning . . . . . . . . . . . 9
; 5.1.2. Control U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
; 5.1.3. Delete a line feed . . . . . . . . . 11
; 5.1.4. Delete a vertical tab. . . . . . . . 12
; 5.1.5. Delete a form feed . . . . . . . . . 13
; 5.2. VT50
; 5.2.1. XY positioning . . . . . . . . . . . 14
; 5.3. VT52
; 5.3.1. Control U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
; 5.3.2. XY positioning . . . . . . . . . . . 16
; 5.3.3. Move cost calculation. . . . . . . . 17
; 5.3.4. Delete a line feed . . . . . . . . . 18
; 5.3.5. Delete a vertical tab. . . . . . . . 19
; 5.3.6. Delete a form feed . . . . . . . . . 20
; 5.3.7. Delete to End of line. . . . . . . . 21
; 5.4. VT100A
; 5.4.1. XY positioning . . . . . . . . . . . 22
; 5.4.2. Control U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
; 5.4.3. Delete a line feed . . . . . . . . . 24
; 5.4.4. Delete a vertical tab. . . . . . . . 25
; 5.4.5. Delete a form feed . . . . . . . . . 26
; 5.4.6. Delete to end of line. . . . . . . . 27
; 5.4.7. Scroll up lines. . . . . . . . . . . 28
; 5.4.8. Cause lines to scroll down . . . . . 29
; 6. Low segment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
; 7. End of TECDEC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
;.end lit.pag
SUBTTL Revision History
1000 Start of this version
1005 By: Nick Bush On: 21-July-1980
Add capability for scrolling the screen downwards on terminals with
the function. This currently works only for VT-52's, but provides
the necessary support for any terminal with a scrolling region.
1025 By: Nick Bush On: 20-August-1980
Finish support for DEC VT-100 terminals. There are two flavors.
EVVT100$ uses ANSI mode sequences for 80 character wide VT-100.
EVVT132$ uses ANSI mode sequences for 132 character wide VT-100.
1050 By: Robert McQueen On: 28-October-1980
Add support for VT05s and hope it works.
Modules: TECDEC
1064 By: Robert McQueen On: 23-December-1980
VT100s are strange in that after clearing the screen the cursor is left on
the bottom of the screen. Add a new word to the $CRxxx blocks $CRERY to
be the Y position after the screen is erased.
1065 By: Robert McQueen On: 29-December-1980
Remove the previous edit since it is easier to just add a home sequence
after the erase function. The erase sequence is now: <esc>[2J<esc>[H
1067 By: Robert McQueen/Nick Bush On: 6-January-1981
The cost algorithms where wrong for a few cases (ANSII mode positioning
only). Fix them.
1115 By: Nick Bush On: 5-August-1981
More VT-100 work. The scroll up and down routines must remember that the
cursor is HOMEd when the scroll region is changed. Also, the VT-100 cannot
handle a scroll region only 1 line long, so just use the erase line
function instead. When a scroll region (margins) is set, the CUU and CUD
operations (cursor up and down) will not cross the top and bottom margins
(respectively), and therefore we cannot reliably use these in doing a
cursor positioning. Resort to doing more aboslute addressing.
Modules: TECDEC
1116 By: Nick Bush On: 10-August-1981
More work on VT-100's. Get size of scrolling region right, and also make
sure the region is properly set when we do a LF in the command echoing
1124 By: Robert McQueen On: 31-August-1981
Incorporate the VT61 support (written by Nick Tamburri from DEC) and the
corrected VT05 support (by Vern Brownell).
Start of Version 200A(1126)
1151 By: Nick Bush On: 24-March-1982
Add Q-register 'EXIT-BUFFER' to be executed whenever TECO is exiting.
Also remove the string to set VT-100's to smooth scroll on exit. This
can now be done by putting the correct macro in 'EXIT-BUFFER'.
1154 By: Nick Bush On: 8-April-1982
Add debugging routine to output the cost matrix for the section update costs.
Fix VT-100 insert and delete cost routines to count the costs for setting
the scroll region in the correct places. This should make VT-100's update
a bit faster, and make the update seem less strange to the user.
1163 By: Nick Bush On: 19-May-1982
Fix ill mem ref when terminal length is set so that command buffer is
not displayed.
Also add VK100 (GIGI) support from Nick Tamburri at DEC.
SUBTTL Default parameters
ND V05MSF, ^D12 ; Number of milli seconds VT05s need for fill
ND V61MSF, ^D500 ; Time to sleep on insert/delete line
; Macro to define a word of five characters
< BYTE (7)A,B,C,D,E>
SUBTTL Tables -- VT50
SUBTTl Tables -- VT52
CRTENT TCH,<PUSHJ P,SC$CHR> ; Type a character
CRTENT DEL,<PUSHJ P,V52DEL> ; Delete to end of line
CRTENT CPP,<PUSHJ P,V52CPP> ; Cost to position
CRTENT CDE,<MOVEI T1,2> ; Cost to delete to end of line
CRTENT CIL,<MOVEI T1,2> ; Cost of a reverse scroll operation
CRTENT SDN,<PUSHJ P,V52SDN> ; Perform a reverse scroll operation
SUBTTL Tables -- VT05
CRTENT CDE,<PUSHJ P,V05CDE> ; Delete to end of line
CRTENT CPP,<PUSHJ P,V05CPP> ; Cost to position
CRTENT DEL,<PUSHJ P,V05DEL> ; Delete to end of line
CRTENT TCH,<PUSHJ P,SC$CHR> ; Type a character
SUBTTL Tables -- VT100 (Native or ANSI mode)
CRTENT INT,<PUSHJ P,V10INT> ; Routine to initialize terminal
CRTENT FIN,<PUSHJ P,V10FIN> ; Routine to finish up for exiting
CRTENT SDN,<PUSHJ P,V10SDN> ; Routine to scroll down
CRTENT SUP,<PUSHJ P,V10SUP> ; Routine to scroll up
CRTENT CPP,<PUSHJ P,V10CPP> ; Cost to do a position
CRTENT CIL,<PUSHJ P,V10CIL> ; Cost to do an insert line
CRTENT CDL,<PUSHJ P,V10CDL> ; Cost to do a delete line
CRTENT TCH,<PUSHJ P,SC$CHR> ; Type a character
SUBTTL Tables -- VK100 (Gigi terminal)
CRTENT CPP,<PUSHJ P,V10CPP> ; Cost to do a position
CRTENT TCH,<PUSHJ P,SC$CHR> ; Type a character
CRTENT CDE,<MOVEI T1,3> ; Cost delete to end of line
CRTENT DEL,<PUSHJ P,V10DEL> ; Delete to end of line function
CRTENT CIL,<MOVEI T1,2> ; Cost to scroll down
CRTENT SDN,<PUSHJ P,K10SDN> ; Perform it
SUBTTL Tables -- VT61
; VT61 terminal
CRTENT INT,<PUSHJ P,V61INT> ; Initialize the terminal handling
CRTENT WID,^D79 ; 80 by
CRTENT LIN,^D24 ; 25 lines
CRTENT CIN,<PUSHJ P,V61CIN> ; Cost initialization
CRTENT CRP,<PUSHJ P,V61CRP> ; Cost of replace character
CRTENT CIC,<PUSHJ P,V61CIC> ; Cost of insert character
CRTENT CDC,<PUSHJ P,V61CDC> ; Cost of delete character
CRTENT CIL,<MOVX T1,<<INSVL.($OPICH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(2,CS$CST)>>> ; Cost of insert line
CRTENT CDL,<MOVX T1,<<INSVL.($OPDCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(2,CS$CST)>>> ; Cost of delete line
CRTENT CPP,<PUSHJ P,V61CPP> ; Cost of point to point move
CRTENT DLF,<PUSHJ P,V61DLF> ; Delete a line feed
CRTENT DVT,<PUSHJ P,V61DVT> ; Delete a vertical tab
CRTENT DFF,<PUSHJ P,V61DFF> ; Delete a form feed
CRTENT CTU,<PUSHJ P,V61CTU> ; Routine to do control U processing
CRTENT DEL,<PUSHJ P,V61DEL> ; Routine to delete to the end of a line
CRTENT INL,<PUSHJ P,V61INL> ; Routine to insert lines
CRTENT DLL,<PUSHJ P,V61DLL> ; Routine to delete lines
CRTENT TCH,<PUSHJ P,V61TCH> ; Type a character
CRTENT DCH,<PUSHJ P,V61DCH> ; Routine to delete a character
CRTENT ICH,<PUSHJ P,V61ICH> ; Routine to insert a character
CRTENT XYP,<PUSHJ P,V61XY> ; Routine to do XY positioning
CRTENT CDE,<MOVEI T1,2> ; Cost of 2
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Initialization routine
;.HL1 V61INT
;This routine will initialize the terminal handling routines for the
;specific terminal. It will also initialize the VT61 terminal
; Usage:
; MOVEI CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61INT: SETZM INSFLG ; Flag not in insert mode
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<Pi>)] ; Get the string to put terminal
; in VT-52 mode, not insert
PJRST SC$STR ; And output it
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Reset terminal
;.HL1 V61FIN
;This routine will reset the terminal to set up for exiting from
; Usage:
; MOVEI CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61FIN: SKIPN INSFLG ; In insert mode?
POPJ P, ; No, just return
SETZM INSFLG ; Flag not in insert mode
MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"P","i",.CHNUL> ; Get string to take out of insert mode
PJRST SC$STR ; And output it
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Delete a line feed
;.HL1 V61DLF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a line feed.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61DLF: MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"A"> ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; And output it
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Delete a vertical tab
;.HL1 V61DVT
;This routine will send the character string to delete a vertical tab.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61DVT: $SAVE <P1> ; Save P1
MOVX P1,4 ; Get the number of times to repeat
V61CMN: MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"A"> ; Get the string
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Output the string
SOJG P1,V61CMN ; Loop until done
POPJ P, ; Return to the caller
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Delete a form feed
;.HL1 V61DFF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a form feed.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61DFF: $SAVE <P1> ; Save P1
MOVX P1,10 ; Get the number of times to repeat
PJRST V61CMN ; Go to the common routine
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Control-U
;.HL1 V61CTU
;This routine will process the control U in the command parser. It
;may be called without CRT being set up.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61CTU: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"P","D"> ; Get the characters
PJRST CTUFIN ; Finish up
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Insert character
;This routine will cause a character to be inserted. It is called
;with the character. It is assumed that the positioning has been done
;before this routine is called.
; Usage:
; MOVX CH,Character
; MOVEI CRT,CRT.block.address
;.end literal
V61ICH: PUSH P,T1 ; Save from destruction
SKIPE INSFLG ; In insert mode ?
PJRST V61ICX ; Yes, then just type it
MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"P","I"> ; Enter insert mode string
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Type the string
SETOM INSFLG ; Flag we are now in insert mode
V61ICX: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7)" ",.CHCNH> ; Get space-backspace
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Type it
POP P,T1 ; Restore T1
PJRST SC$CHR ; Type the character
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Type a character
;.HL1 V61TCH
;This routine will type a character on the terminal. It will first check
;to see if the terminal is in insert character mode and take it out if it
;is in insert character mode.
; Usage:
; MOVX CH,Character
; MOVEI CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61TCH: SKIPN INSFLG ; In insert character mode ?
PJRST SC$CHR ; No - Type the character
PUSH P,T1 ; Save T1
MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"P","i"> ; Get the string
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Type the string
POP P,T1 ; And return
SETZM INSFLG ; Not in insert mode now
PJRST SC$CHR ; Type the character
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Delete N lines
;.HL1 V61DLL
;This routine will cause N lines to be deleted from the screen. It is
;called with a repeat count.
; Usage:
; MOVEI T1,Repeat.count
; MOVEI CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61DLL: $SAVE <P1,P2> ; Save P1
MOVE P1,T1 ; Copy the repeat count
V61DL0: MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"P","D"> ; Get the text to send
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Output the string
; MOVEI T1,V61MSF ; Get the time to fill
; PUSHJ P,SC$FIL ; For the slow baud rates
SOJG P1,V61DL0 ; Loop for all the lines
POPJ P, ; Return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Insert N lines
;.HL1 V61INL
;This routine will cause N lines to be inserted on the screen. It is
;called with a repeat count.
; Usage:
; MOVEI T1,Repeat.count
; MOVEI CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61INL: $SAVE <P1> ; Save P1
MOVE P1,T1 ; Copy the count
V61IN0: MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"P","F"> ; Get the text to
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Output the string
; MOVEI T1,V61MSF ; Get the time to sleep for slow
; PUSHJ P,SC$FIL ; operations
SOJG P1,V61IN0 ; Loop for all the lines
POPJ P, ; Return to the caller
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Delete a character
;.HL1 V61DCH
;This routine will cause n characters to be deleted from the screen.
;It is assumed that all cursor positioning has been done before this
;routine is called.
; Usage:
; MOVX T1,
; MOVEI CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V61DCH: $SAVE <P1> ; Save P1
MOVE P1,T1 ; Copy the value
V61CI0: MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"P","S",177,177,177,177,177,177,177,0> ; Get the string
; to delete a char (with filler)
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Type it
SOJG P1,V61CI0 ; Loop back
POPJ P, ; Return to the caller
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Cost initialization routine
;.hl 1 V61CIN
; This routine will return the initial cost word for the character
;by character comparison of a line.
; Usage:
; (return, first array element in T1)
;.end literal
CS$INS==1 ; Term dependent info - terminal in insert mode
SKIPE INSFLG ; In insert mode?
POPJ P, ; Return the cost word
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Replacement cost calculation
;.hl 1 V61CRP
; This routine will return the cost of replacing a character in the
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,CST entry
; MOVE X,[-n,,Column]
; MOVE Y,[-n,,Row]
; (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal
V61CRP: MOVE T2,T1 ; Copy the old word
MOVX T1,<<INSVL.($OPRCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(1,CS$CST)>> ; Get the operation
TXNN T2,<INSVL.(CS$INS,CS$DEP)> ; Check if in insert mode
POPJ P, ; No, return now
STORI. 4,T2,CSTCST,+T1 ; Store the cost if we are coming from insert mode
POPJ P, ; And return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Insert cost calculation
;.hl 1 V61CIC
; This routine will return the cost of inserting a character in the
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,CST entry
; MOVE X,[-n,,Column]
; MOVE Y,[-n,,Row]
; (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal
V61CIC: MOVE T2,T1 ; Get a copy of the old entry
TXNE T2,<INSVL.(CS$INS,CS$DEP)> ; Already in insert mode?
POPJ P, ; Yes, return
STORI. 5,T2,CSTCST,+T1 ; Store the cost if we must put into insert mode
POPJ P, ; And return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Delete cost calculation
;.hl 1 V61CDC
; This routine will return the cost of deleting a character in the
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,CST entry
; MOVE X,[-n,,Column]
; MOVE Y,[-n,,Row]
; (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal
V61CDC: ANDX T1,CS$DEP ; Keep only the dependant portion
TXO T1,<<INSVL.($OPDCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(^D10,CS$CST)>> ; Store the operation
POPJ P, ; And return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT61 -- Delete to End of line
;.hl1 V61DEL
;This routine will delete to the end of the line.
; Usage:
; MOVEI T1,# of characters to delete
;.end literal
PJRST SC$STR ; Print out the string
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT05 -- XY positioning
;.HL V05XY
;This routine will do the positioning for the VT05 terminal.
; Usage:
; MOVE X,X.postion
; MOVE Y,Y.postion
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.index
; (Return)
;.end literal
V05XY: DMOVE T1,CURPOS ; Get the current position
DMOVEM X,CURPOS ; Save the current position
SUB T1+$OFSX,X ; Determine if it is an up/down/right/left by one
SUB T1+$OFSY,Y ; movement
SKIPE T1+$OFSX ; Is the X zero ?
SKIPN T1+$OFSY ; Or the Y ?
SKIPA ; Yes - Handle differently
JRST V05XYA ; No - Handle normally
SKIPN T1+$OFSY ; No change in the Y offset ?
JUMPE X,V05XYC ; Yes - Only need a CR
MOVM T3,T1+$OFSX ; Get the X offset
SOJE T3,V05XYX ; Just X by one
MOVM T3,T1+$OFSY ; Get the Y offset
SOJE T3,V05XYY ; Just the Y by one
V05XYA: SKIPN X ; Is this non-zero ?
JUMPE Y,V05XYH ; Just home it
V05XYD: ADDX X," " ; Convert to a position
ADDX Y," " ; Convert to a position
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<^8/Y/>)] ; Get the start of the string
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Output it
PUSHJ P,V05FIL ; Fill for a bit
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<^N^8/X/>)]
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
; Here to output the string and fill
V05XYF: PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Do the addressing
PJRST V05FIL ; Do the filling
; Here to just home the cursor
V05XYH: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHCRB> ; Get the home string
PJRST V05XYF ; Output string and fill
; Here to just output a CR
V05XYC: $SAVE <CH> ; Save the current character
MOVX CH,.CHCRT ; Just output a CR
PJRST SC$IMG ; . . .
; Here to move in the X direction by one
V05XYX: SKIPG T1+$OFSX ; Is this negative ?
JRST V05XYD ; Do direct cursor addressing
MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHCNH> ; Yes, to the left
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
; Here to move in the Y direction by one
V05XYY: SKIPL T1+$OFSY ; Is this negative ?
MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHCNZ> ; Move the cursor up
MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHLFD> ; Yes, Move down
PJRST V05XYF ; Output the string
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT05 -- Delete to End of line
;.hl V05DEL
;This routine will output a string of characters to delete
;from the current position to the end of the line.
; Usage:
; MOVEI T1,# of characters to delete
;.end literal
V05DEL: $SAVE <CH> ; Save the current character
MOVX CH,.CHCCF ; Get the delete character
PUSHJ P,SC$CHR ; Output the character
; Alternate entry point to just generate the fill
V05FIL: MOVX T1,V05MSF ; Get the number of milliseconds
PJRST SC$FIL ; Do the filling
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT05 -- Delete to end of line cost
;.hl1 V05CDE
; This routine will calculate the cost to delete to the end of a line
;for VT05s.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,Function block address
; (Return - Cost in T1)
;.end literal
V05CDE: MOVX T1,V05MSF ; Determine the number of milliseconds fill
PUSHJ P,SC$CFL ; Determine the cost
AOJA T1,.POPJ ; Give the answer back
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT05 -- Move cost calculation
;.hl 1 V05CPP
; This routine will return the cost of moving the cursor from
;one point to another.
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,[XWD X pos,Y pos] ; Source position
; MOVE X,[-n,,Column]
; MOVE Y,[-n,,Row]
; (return, T1= cost in characters)
;.end literal
V05CPP: MOVE T3,T2 ; Get a copy of where we are moving to
JUMPE T3,.RET0 ; Return a zero if not moving
XOR T3,T1 ; Xor together
TXNN T3,LH.ALF ; Same X position line ?
JRST V05CPY ; Yes - Check more
TXNN T3,RH.ALF ; Same Y position ?
JRST V05CPX ; Yes - Check more
V05CP1: SKIPA T1,[EXP 1] ; Cost of moving home is one
V05CPA: MOVX T1,3 ; Have to type four characters
V05CP0: PUSH P,T1 ; Save T1
MOVX T1,V05MSF ; Get the amount to fill by
PUSHJ P,SC$CFL ; Calculate the cost to fill
ADD T1,(P) ; Add in the other number
POP P,(P) ; Remove the junk
POPJ P, ; Return
; Here if possible same column movement
V05CPY: MOVEI T2,(T2) ; Get just the Y position
SUBI T2,(T1) ; Determine if just one line movement
MOVM T1,T2 ; . . .
SOJG T1,V05CPA ; More than one - use four
JUMPE T2,V05CP1 ; Else return one plus fill
MOVEI T1,2 ; Else return two plus fill
PJRST V05CP0 ; Add in fill
; Here if possible same line movement
V05CPX: HLRZ T2,T2 ; Get just the X position
JUMPE T2,V05CP1 ; If moving to the beginning of the line
; then return one
HLRZ T1,T1 ; See if moving only one position
SUBI T1,T2 ; . . .
MOVM T2,T1 ; Get the magntude
SOJG T2,V05CPA ; If more than one - return four
JUMPL T1,V05cp1 ; If backing up then only one
MOVEI T1,2 ; Just use two
PJRST V05CP0 ; Add in the fill
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT05 -- Control U
;.HL1 V05CTU
;This routine will process the control U in the command parser. It
;may be called without CRT being set up.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V05CTU: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHCRT,.CHCCF> ; Get the string
; Here from control-U routines to output basic text an the extra carriage
CTUFIN: PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Output the string
MOVX CH,.CHCRT ; Finally give a carriage return to show where we are
PJRST T$OCHR ; . . .
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT05 -- Delete a line feed
;.HL1 V05DLF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a line feed.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V05DLF: MOVX CH,.CHCNZ ; Get the character
PJRST SC$IMG ; And output it
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT05 -- Delete a vertical tab
;.HL1 V05DVT
;This routine will send the character string to delete a vertical tab.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V05DVT: MOVX T1,4 ; Get the number of line feeds to delete
V05D.0: MOVX CH,.CHCNZ ; Get the character
PUSHJ P,SC$IMG ; output the character
SOJG T1,.-1 ; Do them all
POPJ P, ; And return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT05 -- Delete a form feed
;.HL1 V05DFF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a form feed.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V05DFF: MOVX T1,^D8 ; Get the number of line feeds this is
PJRST V05D.0 ; And go delete them
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT50 -- XY positioning
;.HL V50XY
;This routine will do the positioning for the VT50 terminal.
; Usage:
; MOVE X,X.postion
; MOVE Y,Y.postion
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.index
; (Return)
;.end literal
V50XY==V52XY ; Same as 52
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT52 -- Control U
;.HL1 V52CTU
;This routine will process the control U in the command parser. It
;may be called without CRT being set up.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V52CTU: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHCRT,.CHESC,"K"> ; Get the string
PJRST CTUFIN ; And go finish up
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT52 -- XY positioning
;.HL V52XY
;This routine will do the positioning for the VT52 terminal.
; Usage:
; MOVE X,X.postion
; MOVE Y,Y.postion
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.index
; (Return)
;.end literal
V52XY: DMOVE T1,CURPOS ; Get the current position
DMOVEM X,CURPOS ; Save the current position
SUB T1+$OFSX,X ; Determine if it is an up/down/right/left by one
SUB T1+$OFSY,Y ; movement
SKIPE T1+$OFSX ; Is the X zero ?
SKIPN T1+$OFSY ; Or the Y ?
SKIPA ; Yes - Handle differently
JRST V52XYA ; No - Handle normally
SKIPN T1+$OFSY ; No change in the Y offset ?
JUMPE X,V52XYC ; Yes - Only need a CR
MOVM T3,T1+$OFSX ; Get the X offset
SOJE T3,V52XYX ; Just X by one
MOVM T3,T1+$OFSY ; Get the Y offset
SOJE T3,V52XYY ; Just the Y by one
V52XYA: SKIPN X ; Is this non-zero ?
JUMPE Y,V52XYH ; Just home it
ADDX X," " ; Convert to a position
ADDX Y," " ; Convert to a position
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<Y^8/Y/^8/X/>)]
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
; Here to just home the cursor
V52XYH: MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"H"> ; Get the home string
PJRST SC$STR ; Send it
; Here to just output a CR
V52XYC: $SAVE <CH> ; Save the current character
MOVX CH,.CHCRT ; Just output a CR
PJRST SC$IMG ; . . .
; Here to move in the X direction by one
V52XYX: SKIPG T1+$OFSX ; Is this negative ?
SKIPA T1,[BYTE (7).CHESC,"C"] ; No - To the right
MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHCNH> ; Yes, to the left
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
; Here to move in the Y direction by one
V52XYY: SKIPL T1+$OFSY ; Is this negative ?
SKIPA T1,[BYTE (7).CHESC,"A"] ; No - Move up
MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHLFD> ; Yes, Move down
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT52 -- Move cost calculation
;.hl 1 V52CPP
; This routine will return the cost of moving the cursor from
;one point to another.
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,[XWD X pos,Y pos] ; Source position
; MOVE X,[-n,,Column]
; MOVE Y,[-n,,Row]
; (return, T1= cost in characters)
;.end literal
V52CPP: MOVE T3,T2 ; Get a copy of where we are moving to
JUMPE T3,.RET0 ; Return a zero if not moving
XOR T3,T1 ; Xor together
TXNN T3,LH.ALF ; Same X position line ?
JRST V52CPY ; Yes - Check more
TXNN T3,RH.ALF ; Same Y position ?
JRST V52CPX ; Yes - Check more
JUMPE T2,.RET2 ; If moving home return cost of two
V52CPA: MOVX T1,4 ; Have to type four characters
POPJ P, ; Return
; Here if possible same column movement
V52CPY: MOVEI T2,(T2) ; Get just the Y position
SUBI T2,(T1) ; Determine if just one line movement
MOVM T1,T2 ; . . .
SOJG T1,V52CPA ; More than one - use four
JUMPL T2,.RET2 ; If less than zero return two
JRST .RET1 ; Else return one
; Here if possible same line movement
V52CPX: HLRZ T2,T2 ; Get just the X position
JUMPE T2,.RET1 ; If moving to the beginning of the line
; then return one
HLRZ T1,T1 ; See if moving only one position
SUBI T1,T2 ; . . .
MOVM T2,T1 ; Get the magntude
SOJG T2,V52CPA ; If more than one - return four
JUMPL T1,.RET1 ; If backing up then only one
JRST .RET2 ; Else return two
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT52 -- Delete a line feed
;.HL1 V52DLF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a line feed.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V52DLF: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"A"> ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; And output it
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT52 -- Delete a vertical tab
;.HL1 V52DVT
;This routine will send the character string to delete a vertical tab.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V52DVT: $SAVE <P1> ; Save P1
MOVX P1,4 ; Get the number to delete
V52D.0: PUSHJ P,V52DLF ; Delete a line feed
SOJG P1,.-1 ; And again
POPJ P, ; All done
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT52 -- Delete a form feed
;.HL1 V52DFF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a form feed.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V52DFF: $SAVE <P1> ; Save P1
MOVX P1,^D8 ; Get the number of line feeds to delete
PJRST V52D.0 ; And do it
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT52 -- Delete to End of line
;.hl V52DEL
;This routine will output a string of characters to delete
;from the current position to the end of the line.
; Usage:
; MOVEI T1,# of characters to delete
;.end literal
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string and return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT52 -- Reverse scroll
;.hl1 V52SDN
; This routine will do reverse scroll operations for the VT52.
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,Number of reverse scrolls to perform
; (return with screen shifted down)
;.end literal
V52SDN: $SAVE <P1> ; Save P1
$SAVE <X,Y> ; Also X and Y
SETZB X,Y ; Home is a good place to output the string
PUSHJ P,SC$POS ; Position there
MOVE P1,T1 ; Get the repeat count
V52S.0: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"I"> ; Get the string
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Output it
SOJG P1,V52S.0 ; The needed number of times
POPJ P, ; And return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Initialization
;.hl1 V10INT
; This routine will initialize a VT-100 terminal in ansi mode.
; Usage:
; (return)
;.end literal
V10INT: SETZM SCRTOP ; Top of scrolling region is on first line
MOVE T1,$CRLIN(CRT) ; Get the number of lines
SOJ T1, ; Minus one
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<^A7[r8[?4;6l>)] ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Exit reset code
;.hl1 V10FIN
; This routine will be called on exit to reset the terminal parameters.
; Usage:
; (return)
;.end literal
V10FIN: SETZM SCRTOP ; Top of scrolling region is on first line
MOVE T1,$CRLIN(CRT) ; Get the number of lines
SOJ T1, ; Minus one
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<7[r8>)] ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT-100 -- XY positioning
;.hl1 V10XY
; This routine will do the positioning.
; Usage:
; MOVE X,X.postion
; MOVE Y,Y.postion
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.index
; (Return)
;.end literal
V10XY: ; VT-100 in ANSI mode
$SAVE <X,Y> ; Save X and Y
DMOVE T1,CURPOS ; Get the current position
DMOVEM X,CURPOS ; Save the current position
SUB T1+$OFSX,X ; Determine if it is an up/down/right/left by one
SUB T1+$OFSY,Y ; movement
SKIPE T1+$OFSX ; Is the X zero ?
SKIPN T1+$OFSY ; Or the Y ?
SKIPA ; Yes - Handle differently
JRST V10XYA ; No - Handle normally
JUMPN T1+$OFSX,V10XYX ; Just moving in the X direction
JUMPN T1+$OFSY,V10XYY ; Just moving in the Y direction
POPJ P, ; If we get here, we don't have to move at all
; Here to do a full address
V10XYA: SKIPN X ; Going home?
JUMPE Y,V10XYH ; . . .
ADDI X,1 ; Bump both of the coordinates so home is 1,1
ADDI Y,1 ; . . .
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<[^D/Y/;^D/X/H>)] ; Get the string address
PJRST SC$STR ; And go position the cursor
; Here if we are just going to home the cursor
V10XYH: MOVX T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"[","H"> ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; Type the string
; Here to move only in the X direction
V10XYX: TXNE X,7 ; Heading for a tab stop?
JRST HAXY.9 ; No, do normal movement
JUMPG T1,HAXY.9 ; Going forward?
CAXGE T1,-^D8 ; Yes, is it the next tab stop?
JRST HAXY.9 ; No, do the full address
$SAVE <CH> ; Yes, save CH
MOVX CH,.CHTAB ; Get a tab
PJRST SC$IMG ; And type it
; Here if we are not going to a tab stop
HAXY.9: MOVM X,T1 ; Get the number of spaces to move
CAXN X,1 ; Only one space?
JRST V10X.1 ; Yes, go handle it
SKIPL T1+$OFSX ; Load the offset and check the string
SKIPA T1,[[$STRING(<[^D/X/D>)]] ; Get the string to type
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<[^D/X/C>)] ; Get the other way
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
; Here to move in the X direction one position
V10X.1: SKIPG T1 ; Backwards
SKIPA T1,[BYTE(7).CHESC,"[","C"] ; Go forward one
MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHCNH> ; Go backwards one
PJRST SC$STR ; Go output the string
REPEAT 0,< ; Since we cannot move past scroll region limits
; Here to move only in the Y direction
V10XYY: MOVM Y,T1+$OFSY ; Get the number to move
CAXN Y,1 ; Only one line?
JRST V10Y.1 ; Yes, go handle it
SKIPL Y,T1+$OFSY ; Is this negative ?
SKIPA T1,[[$STRING(<[^D/Y/A>)]] ; No - Move up
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<[^D/Y/B>)] ; Yes - Move down
MOVMS Y ; Make this positive
PJRST SC$STR ; Output the string
; Here to move one position in the Y direction
V10Y.1: SKIPL T2 ; Up or down?
SKIPA T1,[BYTE(7).CHESC,"[","A"] ; Up, use escape seqeunce
MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHLFD> ; Down, use a line feed
PJRST SC$STR ; All done
> ; End of REPEAT 0 for Y movement
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Control U
;.HL1 V10CTU
;This routine will process the control U in the command parser. It
;may be called without CRT being set up.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V10CTU: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHCRT,.CHESC,"[","K"> ; Get the string
PJRST CTUFIN ; Finish up
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Delete a line feed
;.HL1 V10DLF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a line feed.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V10DLF: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"[","A"> ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; And output it
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Delete a vertical tab
;.HL1 V10DVT
;This routine will send the character string to delete a vertical tab.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V10DVT: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"[","4","A"> ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; And go delete the vertical tab
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Delete a form feed
;.HL1 V10DFF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a form feed.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.address
; (Return)
;.end literal
V10DFF: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"[","8","A"> ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; And output it to delete the form feed
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Delete to end of line
;.hl1 V10DEL
;This routine will delete from the current cursor position to the
;end of the line.
; Usage:
; MOVEI T1,# of characters to delete
;.end literal
V10DEL: MOVX T1,<BYTE (7) .CHESC,"[","K">
PJRST SC$STR ; Print out the string
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Scroll up lines
;.HL1 V10SUP
;This routne will cause lines to be scrolled up on the screen. It will
;be used mainly to simulate the insert and delete line functons for
;the VT100 terminal support.
; Usage:
; MOVE CRT,CRT.block.addrss
; MOVE T1,
; MOVE T2,Top.line.number
; MOVE Y,Bottom.line.number
; (Return)
;.end literal
V10SUP: JUMPE T1,V1SU.C ; If we don't really want to move, just check if ok
CAMN T2,Y ; Top and bottom lines the same?
JRST V1SU.K ; Yes, just kill the line
CAMN T2,SCRTOP ; Is this the current top of the region?
CAME Y,SCRBTM ; And the current bottom?
PUSHJ P,V1SU.1 ; No, must set the region first
V1SU.0: $SAVE <CH> ; Save CH
MOVX CH,.CHLFD ; Get the character to do the scrolling
MOVE X,CURPOS+$OFSX ; Get the current X position (for minimal addressing)
PUSHJ P,SC$POS ; Position to the correct place
PUSHJ P,SC$IMG ; Output the line feed
SOJG T1,.-1 ; For as many times as as needed
POPJ P, ; And return
; Here to set the scrolling region to the correct thing
V1SU.1: $SAVE <T1,T2,P1,Y> ; Save the args
MOVEM T2,SCRTOP ; Set as the new top
MOVEM Y,SCRBTM ; And bottom lines
AOS P1,T2 ; Bump for the terminals lines
AOJ Y, ; Since they are from 1 to 24
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<7[^D/P1/;^D/Y/r8>)] ; Set the region
PJRST SC$STR ; And output the string
; Here if we want to scroll a single line. The terminal cannot actually do
;this, so we will fake it with a kill line.
V1SU.K: PUSHJ P,SC$POS ; Position to correct place
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<[2K>)] ; Get the string
PJRST SC$STR ; And output it
; Here to check to make sure that the scrolling region will not affect
;line feeds given in a given range of lines. This is used by
;command echoing to avoid random scrolling.
V1SU.C: CAML Y,SCRTOP ; Is this section totally above
CAMLE T2,SCRBTM ; Or totally below the region?
POPJ P, ; Yes, all done
PJRST V1SU.1 ; Go set the region to be the limits of this
; section
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Cause lines to scroll down
;.HL1 V10SDN
;This routine will cause lines to be scrolled down the screen.
;It is used to process the insert/delete line processing for the VT100.
; Usage:
; MOVEI CRT,CRT.block.address
; MOVE Y,Top.line.number
; MOVEI T2,Bottom.line.number
; (Return)
;.end literal
V10SDN: CAMN T2,Y ; Top and bottom the same line?
PJRST V1SU.K ; Yes, just kill to end of line
CAMN Y,SCRTOP ; Same as current top line?
CAME T2,SCRBTM ; Yes, bottom also the same?
PUSHJ P,V1SD.1 ; No, must set the region
MOVE T2,T1 ; Get the number of times to repeat the operation
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<M>)] ; Get the reverse index string
MOVE X,CURPOS+$OFSX ; Get the current X pos to make addressing quick
PUSHJ P,SC$POS ; Position the cursor
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Output the string
SOJG T2,.-1 ; As many times as needed
POPJ P, ; ANd return
; Here to set the scrolling region
V1SD.1: $SAVE <T1,T2,P1,Y> ; Save the args
MOVEM T2,SCRBTM ; Save as the current region also
AOS P1,T2 ; And change to the terminals line numbers
AOJ Y, ; . . .
MOVEI T1,[$STRING(<7[^D/Y/;^D/P1/r8>)] ; Get the string to set the region
PJRST SC$STR ; And go set it
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Insert line cost calculation
;.hl 1 V10CIL
; This routine will return the cost of inserting a line in the
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,CST entry
; MOVX X,[XWD -n,Column]
; MOVE Y,[XWD -n,Row]
; (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal
; Definition of terminal dependent portion of the cost word
;This will hold the net number of inserts/deletes that have
;been done on this path. It will also have a flag as to whether the
;number represents inserts of deletes.
CS$DCN==<INSVL.(<^O37>,CS$DEP)> ; Number of lines screen is shifted
DEFST.(CSTDCN,$CSDEP,CS$DCN) ; Define the pointer
CS$DIN==LFTBT.(CS$DEP) ; Flag for whether the count is up or down
; If CS$DIN is on, the count is number inserted above
; To calculate the insert (or delete) cost, we must take into consideration whether
;the scrolling region will have to be set, as well as the actual cost of
;doing the scroll. We will assume that the operation which sets the region
;will also be performing the actual scrolling.
;We will need to set the scrolling region only under the following cases:
; 1) Performing this operation will cause the insert/delete count
; to become negative. Note that this will catch the initial
; insert or delete.
; 2) If the previous operation was not the same type of operation, and
; we are doing the same operation as the last insert/delete.
;We will need to account to the scrolling operation under the following
; 1) Anytime the scrolling region is being set.
; 2) If we are doing the same operation as the previous operation
; and as the last insert/delete. This indicates that this
; operation is one in a series of like operations that included
; setting the scrolling region.
V10CIL: MOVEI T2,1 ; Get a one
TXNN T1,CS$DIN ; Counting inserts currently?
MOVN T2,T2 ; No, deletes, make it a minus one
LOAD. T3,CSTDCN,+T1 ; Get the previous count
JUMPN T3,.+2 ; First of a set?
TXOA T3,-1 ; Yes, remember we must do the set
ADD T3,T2 ; And account for this operation
MOVM T2,T3 ; Get the magnitude
STOR. T2,CSTDCN,+T1 ; And store it back
JUMPL T3,V1CI.C ; Must do the set, go account for that
TXNN T1,CS$DIN ; Last up/down operation an insert?
JRST V1CI.1 ; No, don't need to set region
LOAD. T2,CSTOPR,+T1 ; Get the previous operation
CAXN T2,$OPICH ; Or insert operation last?
JRST V1CI.1 ; Yes, don't need to set region
JRST V1CI.S ; Go set the cost for the whole thing
; Here if we must set the region. We will assume a cost of 7 for doing
;the set, since the string is actually dependent on the top and bottom
;line numbers.
V1CI.C: TXO T1,CS$DIN ; Flag we are now in inserts
V1CI.S: STORI. <7+2>,T2,CSTCST,+T1 ; Store the cost for this operation
STORI. $OPICH,T2,CSTOPR,+T1 ; And the operation
POPJ P, ; And return
; Here if we don't need to perform the set, check if we need to
;count the the scroll operation.
V1CI.1: TXNE T1,CS$DIN ; Are we on the top of a region?
CAXE T2,$OPICH ; Previous operation an insert also?
TDZA T2,T2 ; No, this is a free operation
MOVEI T2,2 ; Yes, get the cost for a reverse index
STOR. T2,CSTCST,+T1 ; Store the cost
STORI. $OPICH,T2,CSTOPR,+T1 ; Store the operation
POPJ P, ; And return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Delete line cost calculation
;.hl 1 V10CDL
; This routine will return the cost of deleting a line in the
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,CST entry
; MOVX X,[XWD -n,Column]
; MOVE Y,[XWD -n,Row]
; (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal
V10CDL: MOVEI T2,1 ; Get a one
TXNE T1,CS$DIN ; Counting deletes currently?
MOVN T2,T2 ; No, inserts, make it a minus one
LOAD. T3,CSTDCN,+T1 ; Get the previous count
JUMPN T3,.+2 ; First of a set?
TXOA T3,-1 ; Yes, remember we must do the set
ADD T3,T2 ; And account for this operation
MOVM T2,T3 ; Get the magnitude
STOR. T2,CSTDCN,+T1 ; And store it back
JUMPL T3,V1CD.C ; Must do the set, go account for that
TXNE T1,CS$DIN ; Last up/down operation an insert?
JRST V1CD.1 ; No, don't need to set region
LOAD. T2,CSTOPR,+T1 ; Get the previous operation
CAXN T2,$OPDCH ; Delete operation
JRST V1CD.1 ; Yes, don't need to set region
JRST V1CD.S ; Must set the region
; Here if we must set the region. We will assume a cost of 7 for doing
;the set, since the string is actually dependent on the top and bottom
;line numbers.
V1CD.C: TXZ T1,CS$DIN ; Flag we are now in inserts
V1CD.S: STORI. <7+1>,T2,CSTCST,+T1 ; Store the cost for this operation
STORI. $OPDCH,T2,CSTOPR,+T1 ; And the operation
POPJ P, ; And return
; Here if we don't need to perform the set, check if we need to
;count the the scroll operation.
V1CD.1: TXNN T1,CS$DIN ; Are we on the top of a region?
CAXE T2,$OPDCH ; Previous operation an insert also?
TDZA T2,T2 ; No, this is a free operation
MOVEI T2,1 ; Yes, get the cost for a reverse index
STOR. T2,CSTCST,+T1 ; Store the cost
STORI. $OPDCH,T2,CSTOPR,+T1 ; Store the operation
POPJ P, ; And return
SUBTTL Support routines -- VT100 -- Move cost calculation
;.hl 1 V10CPP
; This routine will return the cost of moving the cursor from
;one point to another.
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,[XWD X pos,Y pos] ; Source position
; MOVE T2,[XWD X pos,Y pos]
; (return, T1= cost in characters)
;.end literal
V10CPP: CAMN T1,T2 ; Really moving somewhere?
PJRST .RET0 ; No, return a zero
HRRZ T3,T1 ; Get the X positions
HRRZ T4,T2 ; Of both
HLRZ T1,T1 ; Keep only the Y positions
HLRZ T2,T2 ; . . .
CAIE T3,(T4) ; Same line?
JRST V1CP.1 ; No, go check for same column
JUMPE T2,.RET1 ; Going to column 0 takes only 1 char
MOVE T3,T2 ; Get the destination column
SUB T2,T1 ; Get the dest-source positions
MOVE T4,T1 ; Get the destination column
MOVM T1,T2 ; Get the magnitude
JUMPL T2,V1CP.3 ; Skip if going backwards
; Check if we can use a tab
TXNN T3,7 ; Going to a tab stop?
CAXLE T1,^D8 ; Yes, is it the next one?
JRST V1CP.4 ; No, figure out how many chars it will take
PJRST .RET1 ; Yes, return a one
; Here for either a forward cursor or an up cursor
V1CP.4: MOVEI T1,3 ; Assume simple case of one char
CAIE T2,1 ; Is it?
AOJ T1, ; No, need at least one more
V1CP.0: CAIL T2,^D10 ; Need two digits
AOJ T1, ; Yes, count the second
CAIL T2,^D100 ; Going more than 100 columns?
AOJ T1, ; Yes, count one more
POPJ P, ; And return
; Here if position is on the same line before current position
; or is in the same column, but below the current line
V1CP.3: MOVE T2,T1 ; Get the number of columns to move
MOVEI T1,1 ; Assume one
CAIE T2,1 ; Is it?
ADDI T1,3 ; No, need the relative movement
JRST V1CP.0 ; Go count the digits we need
; Here if new position is on a different line.
CAIE T1,(T2) ; Same column?
JRST V1CP.2 ; No, try for home
SUB T4,T3 ; Yes, get the number to move
MOVM T1,T4 ; And the magnitude
JUMPGE T4,V1CP.3 ; Going down?
JRST V1CP.4 ; No, go handle like forward cursor
> ; End of REPEAT 0 for vertical movement
; Here if not the same column or line
V1CP.2: SKIPN T1 ; Is the destination home?
SKIPE T3 ; . . .
JRST V1CP.5 ; No, go handle it
MOVEI T1,3 ; Yes, only takes two chars
POPJ P, ; All done
; Here if we must do the cursor position
V1CP.5: MOVE T2,T1 ; Get the destination column
MOVEI T1,4 ; Get the basic cost
CAIL T3,^D9 ; Before line 10?
AOJ T1, ; No, takes another digit
CAIL T2,^D9 ; Before column 10
AOJ T1, ; No, another digit
CAIL T2,^D99 ; Before column 100 ?
AOJA T1,.POPJ ; No, another digit
POPJ P, ; All done
SUBTTL Support routines -- VK100 -- Reverse scroll
;.hl1 K10SDN
; This routine will do reverse scroll operations for the VK100.
; Usage:
; MOVE T1,Number of reverse scrolls to perform
; (return with screen shifted down)
;.end literal
K10SDN: $SAVE <P1> ; Save P1
$SAVE <X,Y> ; Also X and Y
SETZB X,Y ; Home is a good place to output the string
PUSHJ P,SC$POS ; Position there
MOVE P1,T1 ; Get the repeat count
K10S.0: MOVX T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"M"> ; Get the string
PUSHJ P,SC$STR ; Output it
SOJG P1,K10S.0 ; The needed number of times
POPJ P, ; And return
SUBTTL Low segment
$IMPURE ; Put in correct place
SCRTOP: BLOCK 1 ; Top of scrolling region
SCRBTM: BLOCK 1 ; Bottom of scrolling region (VT100)
INSFLG: BLOCK 1 ; Flag whether we are in insert mode (0 if not)
LOWVER(DEC,<.-DECBEG>); Define the version number