PDP-10 Archives
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SUBTTL Introduction
; Search needed universals
SEARCH JOBDAT ; Job data area definitions
SEARCH TECUNV ; TECO universal file
; Generate the prologue
TECVER==200 ; Major version number
TECMIN==1 ; Minor version number
TECEDT==1127 ; Edit level
TECWHO==0 ; Last editor
PROLOGUE(INI,<TECO initialization>) ; Generate the TITLE and other stuff
SUBTTL Table of Contents
; Table of Contents for TECINI - Initialization
; Section Page
; 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
; 2. Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
; 3. Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
; 4. Psect base address definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
; 5. Startup time initialization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
; 6. I$JOB - Job dependent initialization . . . . . . . . . 7
; 7. I$CCL - Determine if a CCL file. . . . . . . . . . . . 8
; 8. Low segment for TECINI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
; 9. End of TECINI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
;.end lit.pag
SUBTTL Revision History
1000 Start of this version
1014 By: Nick Bush On: 11-August-1980
1) Don't do the AUTO-BUFFER command if we had a error on the last command.
This avoids losing info for the error messages.
2) Make an EB/ER/EX sequence end up renaming the correct files, not
trying to rename the ER'ed file to the EB'ed file.BAK, ...
3) Make TEC file=file work the way it is supposed to.
1074 By: Nick Bush On: 23-January-1981
Make TECONC ask for an initial command string for TECINI. This can be
any set of TECO commands terminated by two altmodes.
Also make TECECM do a physical-only GETSEG during an EE file restart if
the original run-from info was gotten from the GETTAB's.
Start of Version 200A(1126)
1127 By: Nick Bush@SIT, Robert C. McQueen@SIT On: 15-October-1981
Add the following new features:
- String arguments. {...} is a string argument.
- Make I take them, = and == return them.
- Implement the FC command to define immediate command tables
- Implement the E? command to return various items.
- Start doing some work so that TECO will work on TOPS-20
- Start doing some work so that TECO some day may run in a section
besides zero.
SUBTTL Psect base address definitions
; These symbols are used in TECONC to determine the base addresses
;of each PSECT. This module must be the first one loaded.
; First do IMPURE
IMPBEG:! ; Start of impure data
CODBEG:! ; Start of pure data and code
$TEXT ; Start of the error text
$TXTPT ; Start of the error indeices
$ONCE ; Start of ONCE only code
$CODE ; Put back into code section
SUBTTL Entry vector and version definitions
; The following are the definitions required for the TOPS-10
; version of TECO
LOC <.JBVER==137> ; Location to the version word
EXP %%TECO## ; Generate the version number
LOC .JBREN ; Location to the reenter word
EXP REE## ; Generate the reenter address
RELOC ; Back to normal relocation
>; End of TOPS10
; The following are the definitions for the TOPS-20 entry vector into
%TECO: EXP TECO ; Generate the starting address
EXP REE## ; Generate the reenter address
EXP %%TECO## ; Generate the version number
>; End of TOPS20
SUBTTL Tables -- Operating system commands
; The following are the only allowed commands that TECO will RESCAN for and
; determine what it should do.
OS CREATE, EW ;; Create is the same as EW<File>
OS MAKE, EW ;; MAKE is the same as EW
OS EDIT, EB ;; EDIT is the same as EB
OS TECO, EB ;; TECO is the same as EB<file>
OS READ, ER ;; READ is the same as just doing an ER<file>
OS PERUSE, ER ;; PERUSE same as above
OS R, NO ;; Just run TECO
OS RUN, NO ;; Just run TECO
OS START, NO ;; Just start TECO
>; End of OSCMDS macro definition
; Expand the commands to look for
OSCTBL: OSCMDS ; Expand the commands table
OSCLEN==.-OSCTBL ; Length of the table
; Define the action table
OSCACT: OSCMDS ; Expand the action table
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL Startup time initialization
TECO: PORTAL .+2 ; Allow for EXO entry
PORTAL .+2 ; . . .
TDZA T1,T1 ; Denote no CCL entry
SETO T1, ; Denote a CCL entry
HLRZ T2,.JBSA ; Check if restart
SKIPE .JBFF ; If .JBFF is zero, we must just be starting
CAMN T2,.JBFF ; . . .
JRST TECO.R ; No, skip this
MOVE .SGDEV,RUNDEV ; Yes, set the ac's back up
TECO.R: RESET ; Initialize the I/O system
STORE T2,IMPBEG,IMPEND-1,0 ; Clear the low segment
MOVEM T1,CCLSW ; Save the CCL flag
HRROI T1,.GTRS0 ; Get the first level SFD
GETTAB T1, ; . . .
JRST TECO.0 ; Couldn't, don't store any PPN info
SETOM PHYSON ; Flag it is okay to do physical only GETSEG's
MOVX T2,<XWD -<.PTMAX-.PTSFD>+1,1> ; Get the loop counter
TECO.1: HRROI T1,.GTRS0(T2) ; Get the gettab index
GETTAB T1, ; And get the SFD
SETZ T1, ; Assume none
MOVEM T1,.PTSFD+RUNPTH(T2) ; Here also
JUMPE T1,.+2 ; Skip if done
AOBJN T2,TECO.1 ; Loop for all possible SFD's
HRROI T1,.GTRDI ; Get the PPN now
GETTAB T1, ; . . .
MOVE T1,.SGDEV ; Couldn't
MOVX T2,FD.PTH ; Flag we have a path
SKIPN T1 ; Only if we really have one
HRROI T1,.GTRDV ; Get the device we came from
GETTAB T1, ; . . .
MOVE T1,.SGDEV ; Couldn't, use what was in the ac's
JUMPN T1,.+2 ; Have it?
MOVX T1,<SIXBIT |DSK|> ; No, assume disk
STOR. T1,FDBDEV,+ERRFDB ; Save the device name
MOVEM T1,RUNDEV ; Save for EE command
HRROI T1,.GTRFN ; Get the run from file name
GETTAB T1, ; Get the file name
MOVE T1,.SGNAM ; Couldn't use what the monitor left in the ac's
HRROI T2,.GTPRG ; Get our program name just in case
GETTAB T2, ; . . .
MOVE T2,T1 ; Couldn't
JUMPN T1,.+2 ; Have something already?
MOVE T1,T2 ; No, use from .GTPRG
MOVEM T1,RUNNAM ; And for EE command
JRST TECO.2 ; Continue on
TECO.0: SKIPN .SGDEV ; If we have a device
MOVX .SGDEV,<SIXBIT |DSK|> ; Else default to DSK:
STOR. .SGDEV,FDBDEV,+ERRFDB ; Store the device name
MOVEM .SGDEV,RUNDEV ; Store the device name
SKIPN .SGNAM ; If we don't have a name
STOR. .SGNAM,FDBNAM,+ERRFDB ; Store the name
JUMPE .SGPPN,TECO.2 ; Jump if no PPN
STOR. .SGPPN,FDBPPN,+ERRFDB ; Store in the error block too
BITON T1,FD.PTH,ERRFDB+.FDFLG ; Light the flag too
TECO.2: MOVE P,[IOWD D.PDLL,PDL] ; Get the stack pointer
PUSH P,[[EXIT]] ; And stack the fatal error address
MOVEM P,PDLSAV ; Save the stack for later
MOVEM P,SAVEP ; And in case of error
MOVEM P,CMDSVP ; Here also
IFN FTXADR,MOVE T1,[EXP PFL-1] ; Get the address of the stack
IFE FTXADR,MOVEI T1,PFL-1 ; Get the address of the stack
MOVEM T1,QRGSTK ; Save the pointer
MOVE XS,[IOWD D.XPDL,XSPDL] ; Get the execution stack pointer
PUSH XS,[EXP 0] ; And stack a zero in case of error
SETZB F,S ; Clear the flags
; Get the number of jiffies per second. This is used by TECVID (LINCST)
MOVX T1,%CNTIC ; Get the item
GETTAB T1, ; From the gettab table
MOVX T1,^D60 ; Assume 60 per second
PUSHJ P,M$INIT ; Initialize memory management
PUSHJ P,F$INIT ; Initialize file system interface
PUSHJ P,I$JOB ; Do the job initialization
PUSHJ P,U$INIT ; Initialize error/LUUO management
PUSHJ P,T$INIT ; Do the terminal initialization
PUSHJ P,P$INIT ; Do the parser initialization
PUSHJ P,C$INIT ; Do the command initialization
PUSHJ P,E$INIT ; Initialize the E command processing
PUSHJ P,S$INIT ; Init the symbol table management
PUSHJ P,I$INIT ; Initialize immediate mode editing
; DEFAULT SRCHSW,SRHMOD ; Set the default search mode
DEFAULT TYCASW,TYCASF ; Default the type out case
DEFAULT EOVAL,EOFLAG ; Default the EO value
DEFAULT AUTOFS,AUTOF ; Default the auto type out after searches
JUMPPT T1,CPKA,CPKA,CPKI,CPKL ; Jump on the processor type
CPKA: SETOM CPFLAG ; Mark this as a KA-10
JRST CPDONE ; And continue processing
CPKI: TDZA T1,T1 ; Flag a KI-10 with 0
CPKL: MOVEI T1,1 ; And a KL-10 with 1
JRST CPSTOR ; Store the processor flag
CPKS: MOVEI T1,2 ; Get the flag
CPSTOR: MOVEM T1,CPFLAG ; Store the processor flag
CPDONE: ; Continue
SKIPG CPFLAG ; Is this a KL or KS?
ERROR E.WCT ; No, wrong CPU type
> ; End of IFN FTKL
SKIPE SRHMOD ; If default search mode is not 0
TXO F,F.PMAT ; Make exact mode current
; Here to do the INI file and the CCL file if any
DMOVE T1,FSTCMD ; Get the first command
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Put it into the command buffer
MOVEM P,PDLSAV ; Save the stack for later
MOVEM P,SAVEP ; And in case of error
MOVEM P,CMDSVP ; Here also
PUSHJ P,I$CCL ; Do the CCL processing
PUSHJ P,I$RSCN ; No, go try a rescan
> ;End of IFN FTRSCN
DMOVE T1,[TXTPTR(<>)] ; End this with two altmodes
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Put it into the command buffer
PUSHJ P,C$XCT ; Execute the commands
JFCL ; Error return
PJRST COMND ; Start the command processing
SUBTTL I$JOB - Job dependent initialization
;.Hl1 I$JOB
;This routine will do the job dependent initialization for TECO.
; Usage:
; (Return)
;.end literal
I$JOB: GETPPN T1, ; Get the user's project-programmer number
JFCL ; In case skip return
MOVEM T1,MYPPN ; Store the user's PPN
PJOB T1, ; Get the job number
MOVEM T1,MYJOB ; Store this job number
MOVEI T4,3 ; Set up the counter
I$JO.0: IDIVI T1,12 ; Convert the job number ot sixbit
ADDI T2,'0' ; Make it a sixbit number
LSHC T2,-6 ; Move the number over
SOJG T4,I$JO.0 ; Loop for the three digits
POPJ P, ; Return to the caller
SUBTTL I$CCL - Determine if a CCL file
;This routine will determine if there is a CCL file and if there is it will
;read the file into the command buffer, so that it can be executed.
; Usage:
; PUSHJ P,I$CCL ; Yes - Processing the CCL
; (Return)
;.end literal
I$CCL: FRAME. <TMPPT,STERCM> ; Allocate some space
MOVX T2,.BTGEN ; Get a general core block
MOVX T1,.FDLEN ; Get the length of the block
PUSHJ P,M$ZBLK ; Allocate an FDB
MOVEM T1,TMPFDB ; Store the block address
MOVX T2,<SIXBIT /TMP/> ; Get the device name
STOR. T2,FDBDEV,(T1) ; Store the device name
MOVX T2,<SIXBIT /EDT/> ; Get the file name
STOR. T2,FDBNAM,(T1) ; Store the file name
MOVX T2,$IOREA ; Read the file
EXCH T1,T2 ; Move the arguments into the correct place
PUSHJ P,F$OPEN ; Open the file
JRST CCL.E ; Process the error
MOVEI CH,.CHESC ; Get an escape
PUSHJ P,CB$STO ; Store this in the command buffer
MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the File access block
JRST CCL.EF ; Go check if EOF
LOAD. T1,TPTADR,+CMDBUF ; Get the command buffer address
LOAD. T1,BLKPT,(T1) ; And get the pointer address
MOVEM T1,TMPPT ; Save it for later
SETZ P1, ; Flag not dollar sign seen yet
MOVEI P2,"=" ; Flag no equals sign seen
; Loop back to here on each new character in the TMP:EDT file
CCL.0: MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the address of the file access block
PUSHJ P,F$READ ; Input a character
JRST CCL.EF ; Go check for error or eof
CAXN CH,"$" ; Is this a dollar sign ?
JRST CCLALT ; Yes - Convert it to an altmode
CAMN CH,P2 ; First equals sign seen ?
JRST CCLEQL ; Yes - Jump
CAXE CH,.CHCRT ; Is this a carriage return
CAXN CH,.CHALT ; or an old altmode ?
JRST CCLNUL ; Yes - Assume we're done
CCL.1: PUSHJ P,CB$STO ; Store the character in the command buffer
JRST CCL.0 ; Loop for the next character
; Here on a dollar sign seen
CCLALT: MOVEI CH,.CHESC ; Get an escape
JUMPN P1,CCL.1 ; First one ?
LOAD. P1,TPTADR,+CMDBUF ; Get the command buffer address
LOAD. P1,BLKPT,(P1) ; And save the pointer for the EY if needed
CAIN P2,"=" ; See an equals yet?
SETO P2, ; Flag no equals allowed now
JRST CCL.1 ; Continue
; Here on the first '=' in the command string (Unless $ seen first)
CCLEQL: LOAD. T1,TPTADR,+CMDBUF ; Get the current position
LOAD. T1,BLKPT,(T1) ; . . .
MOVEM T1,STERCM ; Save the start of the er command
DMOVE T1,[TXTPTR(<ER>)] ; Get a text pointer
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Move it into the command buffer
MOVX P2,.INFIN ; Prevent finding later equals
JRST CCL.0 ; Go get the next character
; Here on the end of the command line
CCLNUL: MOVE P3,CH ; Get a copy of the terminating character
CAXG P3,.CHCRT ; Doing an EB?
CAXE P2,.INFIN ; See an equals sign?
JRST CCLN.1 ; No, skip this
LOAD. T1,TPTADR,+CMDBUF ; Get the address of the command buffer
MOVE T3,STERCM ; Get the start of the ER command
SKIPN T2,P1 ; Have a $?
LOAD. T2,BLKPT,(T1) ; No, use the current pointer
SUB T2,T3 ; Get the number of chars to delete
SKIPE P1 ; Have a $?
SUB P1,T2 ; Account for what we are deleting
PUSHJ P,M$SRNK ; And shrink the buffer
CCLN.1: MOVE T1,[POINT 7,[ASCII |EB|]] ; Assume an EB
CAXLE P3,.CHCRT ; Was the break a CRLF ?
MOVE T1,[POINT 7,[ASCII |EW|]] ; No - Get the EW
MOVEI T2,2 ; Only two characters
LOAD. T3,TPTADR,+CMDBUF ; Get the command buffer address
MOVE T4,TMPPT ; Get the address of where to insert
STOR. T4,BLKPT,(T3) ; Store where to put the string
SETZ T4, ; Flag that there is no text buffer for the source
PUSHJ P,M$INSS ; Insert the string
SKIPE P1 ; Have anything here?
ADDI P1,2 ; Yes, bump the pointer for the ER/EW command
LOAD. T1,TPTADR,+CMDBUF ; Get the address back
SKIPN T2,P1 ; Get the point to insert the "EY" command
LOAD. T2,BLKEND,(T1) ; Get the end
STOR. T2,BLKPT,(T1) ; And store as the posistion
DMOVE T1,[TXTPTR(<EY>)] ; Get the EY command
CAXE P2,.INFIN ; Have we seen an equals?
CAXG P3,.CHCRT ; Doing just an EW?
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Store it
LOAD. T1,TPTADR,+CMDBUF ; Get the address back
LOAD. T2,BLKEND,(T1) ; Get the end
STOR. T2,BLKPT,(T1) ; And store as the posistion
; Now to clean up the files.
CCL.3: MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the file access block
PUSHJ P,F$CLOS ; Close the file
JFCL ; Ignore the error
MOVX T1,$IODEL ; Delete the temporary file
MOVE T2,TMPFDB ; Get the file descriptor block
PUSHJ P,F$OPEN ; Delete the TMP: file
JFCL ; Ignore it
; Here if there was an error opening the CCL file
CCL.E: MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the address of the FDB again
PJRST M$RBLK ; Return the block to free core
; Here on an error return from F$READ
CCL.EF: STOPCD (ERT,<Error reading TMPCOR file>)
SUBTTL I$RSCN - Set up for command rescanning
;.hl1 I$RSCN
;This routine will determine if there is a command to rescan on the command
;line. If there is it will read the command and store the information into
;the command buffer to execute.
; Usage:
; (Return)
;.end literal
I$RSCN: RESCAN 1 ; Rescan the command line
SKPINC ; Make sure something is really there
POPJ P, ; No command to process
PUSHJ P,I$NTMP ; Open up the new temp file
POPJ P, ; Silly error
MOVEM T1,TMPFDB ; Save the FDB addr
MOVEI T1,TRMCHR ; Get the character input routine
MOVEM T1,RTN ; Save it
PUSHJ P,F$SXBT ; Input the sixbit
MOVE T2,[XWD -OSCLEN,OSCTBL] ; Get the table pointer
PUSHJ P,LOKNAM ; Look for the name in the table
JRST NORSCN ; User invoked us with a funny
; command. Make beleive we didn't
; do a rescan.
SUBI T2,OSCTBL ; Make this just an index
MOVEI T1,NORSCN ; Get the no rescan dispatch
CAMN T1,OSCACT(T2) ; Is this a no rescan command???
JRST NORSCN ; Yes, don't overwrite the temp file
CAIN CH,.CHLFD ; Did command terminate?
JRST @OSCACT(T2) ; Yes, dispatch
PUSHJ P,GNBCHR## ; Get the next non-blank character
CAIN CH,.CHLFD ; Did command terminate?
JRST @OSCACT(T2) ; Dispatch if no filespecs
;At this point the user gave a command with filspecs, now we must
;copy the rescan buffer into TMP:EDS and go to the magic routines
PUSH P,T2 ; Save the offset
PUSHJ P,TRMCHR ; Copy a char into TMP:EDS
CAIE CH,.CHLFD ; Did command terminate?
JRST .-2 ; Jump if not at end of command
MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the new FDB address
PUSHJ P,F$CLOS ; Write and close the temp file
JFCL ; ???
MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the FDB address
PUSHJ P,M$RBLK ; Release the block
POP P,T2 ; Restore the OSC offset
JRST @OSCACT(T2) ; And dispatch to the action routine
; Here if the name was not found in the table
RSCN.E: MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the FDB address
PUSHJ P,F$RSET ; Reset this file
MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the block address
PJRST M$RBLK ; Return the block
; This routine will just input characters from the RESCANed command
TRMCHR: PUSH P,T1 ; Get a spare AC
TRMC.0: SKPINC ; Have any characters left?
SKIPA CH,[EXP .CHLFD] ; No, pretend we got an eol
INCHWL CH ; Get the character
JUMPE CH,TRMC.0 ; Forget nulls
PUSHJ P,ALTEO ; Convert altmodes if necessary
PUSHJ P,I$WTMP ; Write the character
JFCL ; ???
CAIN CH,.CHCRT ; Is it a <CR>?
JRST TRMC.0 ; Yes, don't let it get any farther
MOVX T1,BRKMSK ; Get the break mask
LSH T1,(CH) ; Determine if this is a break
SKIPGE T1 ; It is not, just return
MOVX CH,.CHLFD ; Fool the upper level routines
TXNE F,F.INCM ; In TECO command input?
JRST TRMC.1 ; Yes, no comments
CAXE CH,";" ; Start of a comment?
CAXN CH,"!" ; Other comment character?
PUSHJ P,EATEOL ; Eat the rest of the line
TRMC.1: POP P,T1 ; Restore T1
POPJ P, ; Return to the caller
; Routine to eat to end of line
EATEOL: TXO F,F.INCM ; Flag to ignore comments
EATE.1: PUSHJ P,TRMCHR ; Get a character
CAXE CH,.CHLFD ; End of line character?
JRST EATE.1 ; No, try again
POPJ P, ; Yes, all done
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL I$RSCN -- Handle READ/PERUSE commands
;.hl2 ERRSCN
;This routine will handle the action of parsing the READ/PERUSE commands.
;This routine is called after the parser has eaten the READ/PERUSE operating
;system command.
ERRSCN: $SAVE (<P1>) ; Save an AC
SETZ P1, ; Make RSCCOM do an EY
DMOVE T1,[TXTPTR(<ER>)] ; Get the ER command
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Install it
JRST RSCCOM ; And jump into common code
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL I$RSCN -- Handle MAKE/CREATE commands
;.hl2 EWRSCN
;This routine will handle the action of parsing the MAKE/CREATE commands.
;This routine is called after the parser has eaten the MAKE/CREATE operating
;system command.
EWRSCN: $SAVE (<P1>) ; Save an AC
SETO P1, ; Indicates we were called via MAKE/CREATE
DMOVE T1,[TXTPTR(<EW>)] ; Get the EW command
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Install it
JRST RSCCOM ; And jump into common code
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL I$RSCN -- Handle EDIT/TECO commands
;.hl2 EBRSCN
;This routine will handle the action of parsing the TECO and EDIT commands.
;This outine is called after the operating system command has bee n input.
EBRSCN: $SAVE (<P1>) ; Save an AC
SETZ P1, ; Indicates we were called via EDIT/TECO
DMOVE T1,[TXTPTR(<EB>)] ; Get the EB command
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Install it
RSCCOM: PUSHJ P,I$OTMP ; Open up the old temp file
ERROR E.NPC ; ?TECNPC No previous command
MOVEI T1,I$RTMP ; Get the I/O routine
MOVEM T1,RTN ; Save it
PUSHJ P,F$SXBT ; Skip past the command
PUSHJ P,GNBCHR ; Skip past some spaces
$SAVE (<P2>) ; Get another spare AC
MOVX P2,"=" ; Get an =
JRST RSCENT ; Enter the loop at the right place
RSCLOP: MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the address of the file access block
PUSHJ P,F$READ ; Input a character
JRST CCL.EF ; Go check for error or eof
RSCENT: CAXN CH,.CHCRT ; Is this a carriage return
JRST RSCLOP ; Yes, ignore it
CAMN P2,CH ; Did we get an =???
JRST RSCEQL ; Yes, set up for MAKE FOO=BAR
MOVX T1,BRKMSK ; Get the break mask
LSH T1,(CH) ; Determine if this is a break
SKIPGE T1 ; It is not, continue
JRST RSC.1 ; Yes - Assume we're done
PUSHJ P,CB$STO ; Store the character in the command buffer
JRST RSCLOP ; Loop for the next character
RSCEQL: MOVX P2,1234 ; Disable search for "="
JUMPGE P1,RSC.2 ; We're done if TECO/READ command
SETZ P1, ; Cause RSC.1 to put an EY in the buffer
DMOVE T1,[TXTPTR(<ER>)] ; Get the ER part of the command
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Install the command
JRST RSCLOP ; Jump back into the main loop
RSC.1: JUMPL P1,NOEY ; If called from MAKE/CREATE, don't do EY
RSC.2: DMOVE T1,[TXTPTR(<EY>)] ; Get the EY for reading
PUSHJ P,CB$MOV ; Put it in the buffer
NOEY: MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the temps FDB address
PUSHJ P,F$CLOS ; Close the file
JFCL ; ???
MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the FDB addr again
PUSHJ P,M$RBLK ; Drop the block
POPJ P, ; And return triumphant
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL I$RSCN -- Handle RUN/START commands
;.hl2 NORSCN
;This routine will handle the case of TECO just being run or started. It
;will look for the commands after a "-".
NORSCL: SKPINC ; Have any characters left?
POPJ P, ; No, we're done
INCHWL CH ; Get the character
CAIN CH,.CHCRT ; Is it a <CR>?
JRST NORSCL ; Yes, don't let it get any farther
MOVX T1,BRKMSK ; Get the break mask
LSH T1,(CH) ; Determine if this is a break
JUMPGE T1,NORSCL ; Eat it if not a break
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL I$OTMP - Open up the old temp file for reading
;.hl1 I$OTMP
;This routine will open up the old temp file TMP:EDS.
;The file will be opened for reading.
; Usage:
; (Failed) ; File not found
; (Successful return) ; T1 contains the FDB address
;.end literal
I$OTMP: MOVX T2,.BTGEN ; Allocate some general storage
MOVX T1,.FDLEN ; Get the length of the block
PUSHJ P,M$ZBLK ; Allocate the block
PUSH P,T1 ; Store the old FDB
MOVX T2,<SIXBIT /TMP/> ; Get the device
STOR. T2,FDBDEV,(T1) ; Store the device
MOVX T2,<SIXBIT /EDS/> ; Get the temp file name
STOR. T2,FDBNAM,(T1) ; Store it
MOVX T1,$IOREA ; Get the read function
MOVE T2,(P) ; Get addr of old temp FDB
PUSHJ P,F$OPEN ; Open the old temp file for reading
JRST [POP P,T1 ; Failed, get back FDB address
PUSHJ P,M$RBLK ; Release the memory
POPJ P,] ; And contine happily
POP P,T1 ; Restore the FDB address
JRST .POPJ1 ; Return successful, FDB in T1
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL I$NTMP - Write the command into a temp file
;.hl1 I$NTMP
;This routine will open up the new temp file TMP:EDS.
;The temp file will be opened for writing. This is so that
;TECO will know what to do on the next TECO/MAKE/CREATE/EDIT command.
; Usage:
; (Failed)
; (Successful return) ; New FDB address in T1
;.end literal
I$NTMP: MOVX T2,.BTGEN ; Allocate some general storage
MOVX T1,.FDLEN ; Get the length of the block
PUSHJ P,M$ZBLK ; Allocate the block
PUSH P,T1 ; Store the new FDB
MOVX T2,<SIXBIT /TMP/> ; Get the device
STOR. T2,FDBDEV,(T1) ; Store the device
MOVX T2,<SIXBIT /EDS/> ; Get the temp file name
STOR. T2,FDBNAM,(T1) ; Store it
MOVX T1,$IOWRI ; Get the function
MOVE T2,(P) ; Get the FDB address
PUSHJ P,F$OPEN ; Open the file for writing
JRST [POP P,T1 ; Failed, get back FDB address
PUSHJ P,M$RBLK ; Release the memory
POPJ P,] ; And contine happily
POP P,T1 ; Restore the FDB address
JRST .POPJ1 ; Give a good return
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL I$WTMP - Write a character into the TMP: file
;.hl1 I$WTMP
;This routine is used to write a character into the TMP: file for the
; Usage:
; CH/ Character to write
; (Failure return)
; (Good return)
;.end literal
I$WTMP: MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the FDB address
PJRST F$WRIT ; Write the character into the buffer
I$RTMP: PUSH P,T1 ; Save this ac
MOVE T1,TMPFDB ; Get the FDB address
PUSHJ P,F$READ ; And read a byte
SETO CH, ; Get end of file indicator
POP P,T1 ; Restore it
>; End of IFN FTRSCN
SUBTTL Low segment for TECINI
; The following is the low segment for the initialization segment
$IMPURE ; Impure section
LOWVER(INI,3) ; Low segment version number for this module
PDLSAV: BLOCK 1 ; Save of the stack
CCLSW: BLOCK 1 ; -1 to denote CCL entry
PDL: BLOCK D.PDLL+1 ; Main stack
QRGSTK: BLOCK 1 ; Stack pointer for Q-register stack
PFL: BLOCK LPF+1 ; Q-reg/macro stack
TMPFDB: BLOCK 1 ; Temp file FDB
SIXJOB: BLOCK 1 ; Sixbit job name
; -1 for KA-10
; 0 for KI-10
; +1 for KL-10
; +2 for KS-10
JIFSEC: BLOCK 1 ; Number of jiffies per second
PHYSON: BLOCK 1 ; Flag if physical only GETSEG allowed
; High segment locations set up by TECONC
$CODE ; Put in high segment
FSTCMD: EXP 0,0 ; Allow space for character count and address