
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10_tools_bb-fp64b-sb - 10,7/amis/amis.dxc
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Abort Recursive Edit
 Abnormal exit from recursive editing command.
 The recursive edit is exited and the command that invoked it is aborted.
 For a normal exit, you should use Control-Meta-Z, NOT this command.

ADA Mode
 Set up for editing ADA code.
 "-- " become Comment Start, there is no Comment End.

 Set up for editing ALGOL-like code.
 "!" and ";" become comment delimiters.

 List all functions apropos a keyword.  You type the keyword.
 Example:  To list all functions with the string "character" in
 them, give the command M-X Apropos$Character

Auto Fill Mode
 Turn Auto Fill mode on or off.
 No arg or argument of 1 turns the mode on; any other arg turns it off.
 When it is on, lines are broken at the right margin
 (position controlled by Fill Column) at spaces, or by doing a LF.

 Set up for editing BLISS (yeach) code.

C Mode
 Set up for editing C code.
 "/* " and " */" become comment delimiters.

 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

Connect to Directory
 You ought to be able to guess this one by yourself.

Date Edit
 Write standard format edit message at start of file.
 Inserts name of presumed output file, time and date of edit and user.

 M-X Describe$FOO<cr> documents function FOO.
 Prints the full name and full documentation
 of the specified function.

 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

Find File
 Visit a file in its own buffer.
 If the file is already in some buffer, select that buffer.
 Otherwise, make a buffer named after the file's FN1 and
 visit the file there.

Fundamental Mode
 Return to AMIS' initial mode.

Hackmatic Terminal
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

How Many
 Counts occurrences of a pattern, after point.
 The format is: M-X How Many$<pattern>.

Indent Tabs Mode
 Enables or disables use of Tabs as indentation.
 An argument of 1, or no argument, enables (that is also the default).
 An explicit argument other than 1 disables.

Insert Buffer
 Insert contents of another buffer into existing text.
 Specify buffer name as string argument.

Insert Date
 Insert the current time and date after point.
 The mark is put after the inserted text, and
 point is left before.

Insert File
 Read file, inserting within existing text.
 File name is string argument.  Example:  M-X Insert File$FOO.BAR<cr>
 The pointer is left at the beginning, and the mark at the end.

Kill Buffer
 Kill the buffer with specified name.
 Reads name from terminal.  Alternatively, the buffer number
 may be given as a numeric argument.
 If the buffer has changes in it, we offer to write it out.

 Set things up for editing LISP code.
 Puts ^R Indent for LISP on Tab, puts tab-hacking rubout on Rubout.
 Paragraphs are delimited only by blank lines.

List Buffers
 List numbers, names, files and modes of all buffers.

List Files
 <<Documentation yet to be written>>

List Matching Lines
 Displays text lines which contain a given string.
 M-X List Matching Lines$FOO<cr> shows all following
 lines which contain FOO.

 Set things up for editing MACRO (-10) code.
 ";" become Comment Start, there is no Comment End.

Modula-2 Mode
 Set up for editing Modula-2 code.
 "(* " and " *)" become comment delimiters.

Name Kbd Macro
 Give a name to the last kbd macro defined.
 A function is created with the name you specify,
 which when invoked runs that keyboard macro.

Overwrite Mode
 Enters or leaves overwrite mode.

 Set up for editing PASCAL code.
 "(* " and " *)" become comment delimiters.

Phase Of Moon
 Insert the current moon phase in the buffer, at dot.

PL/1 Mode
 Set up for editing PL/1 code.

Push to EXEC
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

Query Replace
 Replace string, asking about each occurrence.
 M-X Query replace$FOO$BAR displays each occurrence of FOO;
   you then type a character to say what to do.
 Space => replace it with BAR and show next FOO.
 Rubout => don't replace, but show next FOO.
 Comma => replace this FOO and show result, waiting for next command.
 ^ => return to site of previous FOO (actually, jump to mark).
 ^W => kill this FOO and enter recursive editing level.
 ^R => enter recursive editing level.  ^L => redisplay screen.
 Exclamation mark => replace all remaining FOOs without asking.
 Period => replace this FOO and exit.  Altmode => just exit.
 Any other character exits and is read again.
 Numeric arg means only replace FOO when bounded on both sides
 by delimiter characters.

Rename Buffer
 Change the name of the current buffer.
 New name is suffix string arg.

Replace String
 Replace one string with another, globally.
 M-X Replace String$FOO$BAR<cr> replaces each FOO after point with BAR.
 A numeric argument means replace only FOOs which are
 surrounded by delimiter characters.  Works by calling Query Replace
 and pretending you typed a !.

Select Buffer
 Select or create buffer, given its name.
 If called from a ^R character, read the buffer name from the terminal
 or should be given a buffer number as a numeric arg.
 If there is a buffer with that name, it is selected.
 Otherwise, a buffer with that name is created and selected.

Set Comment End
 Change the variable Comment End.
 Argument is suffix string.
 The change affects current Major Mode, ONLY.

Set Comment Start
 Change the varaible Comment Start.
 Argument is suffix string.
 The change affects current Major Mode, ONLY.

Set Flags
 Tailor some things.  See documentation (if You have any) for further

Set Indent Level
 Sets the block indent level to its numeric argument.

Set Key
 Put a function on a key.
 Asks for the function name.
 If there is a numeric argument, it is used to decide what
 key to set, else the key is read from the terminal.
 It may contain metizers and other prefix characters.

Set Visited File Name
 Change visited filename, without writing file.
 What AMIS believes to be the name of the visited file
 is set from a string argument.  No file's name is actually changed.

Strip SOS Line Numbers
 Remove SOS line numbers from the current buffer.
 Deletes all line numbers, and flushes all nulls.
 If a line starts with five digits, followed by a <tab>,
 it is concidered a line number.

Swedish Mode
 Turn Swedish mode on or off.
 No arg or argument of 1 turns the mode on; any other arg turns it off.
 When it is on, the characters "[", "\" and "]" are regarded as upper
 case letters, while the characters "{", "|", and "}" represent lower.

 Convert spaces after point to tabs.
 Groups of more than two spaces which
 could be transparently replaced with a tab are.

TeX Mode
 Set things up to edit TeX source.

Text Mode
 Set things up to edit text.

 Undo last major change, kill, or undo.
 Point is left before the undone change and the mark is left after.
 Insertion cannot be undone, nor deletion (as opposed to killing).
 If you change the buffer by insertion or deletion before you undo,
 you will get slightly wrong results, but probably still useful.
 A nonzero arg means don't query, just do it.

 Converts all tabs after point to spaces.

View File
 View a file sequentially on the screen.
 Type space to see the next screenful.  Anything else exits.

View Kbd Macro
 Print definition of a keyboard macro.
 Supply a suffix string argument containing the command name.
 If the string argument is null, you will be asked to type
 the character which runs the macro.

View Q-register
 Type out contents of q-register.
 Asks for the name.

Wall Chart
 Make a wall chart describing ^R commands.
 A wall chart is a list of ^R command characters, in alphabetical
 order, with the names of the functions they run. It is written out
 on the file AMIS.CHA.

What Cursor Position
 Print various things about where cursor is.
 Print the X position, the Y position,
 the octal code for the following character,
 point absolutely and as a percentage of the total file size,
 and the virtual boundaries, if any.

What Date
 Print current date and time in the echo area.

What Page
 Print the current page and line number in the file.

What Version
 Print version information in the echo area.
 This tells you what implementation and version of AMIS you are using.

Where Is
 List the commands that run a given function.
 M-X Where Is$^R Forward Word<cr> will tell which character
 moves forward one word.

Write File
 Change buffer filenames and write out.
 Follow by filename as string argument.

Write Region
 Write region to file.
 Specify filename with a suffix string argument.

XonXoff Mode
 Toggle the use of ^S and ^Q as flow control.

^R Append Next Kill
 Make following kill commands append to last batch.
 Thus, C-K C-K, cursor motion, this command, and C-K C-K,
 generate one block of killed stuff, containing two lines.

^R Argument Digit
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Auto-Fill Space
 Insert space, but CRLF at margin.
 Fill Column controls where the margin is considered to be.
 With arg > 1, inserts several spaces and doesn't break line.

^R Autoargument
 Digit or "-" starts numeric argument.
 Place this function on the digits or Minus (with or without meta bits)
 to make them start arguments.  If the digit or Minus has control or
 meta, it always starts an argument.  Otherwise, it starts an argument
 only if the terminator has control or meta or is Altmode;
 other terminators insert the digits instead.

^R Back to Indentation
 Move to end of this line's indentation.

^R Backward Character
 Move back one character.
 With argument, move that many characters backward.
 Negative args make sense.

^R Backward Delete Character
 Delete character before point.
 With argument, kills several characters (saving them).
 Negative args kill characters forward.

^R Backward Delete Hacking Tabs
 Delete character before point, turning tabs into spaces.
 Rather than deleting a whole tab, the tab is converted into the
 appropriate number of spaces and then one space is deleted.

^R Backward Kill Word
 Kill last word.

^R Backward Kill Sentence
 Kills back to beginning of sentence.

^R Backward List
 Move backward past one list (or several).

^R Backward Paragraph
 Move to start of this (or last) paragraph.

^R Backward Sentence
 Move to beginning of sentence.
 A sentence is ended by a ., ? or ! followed by
 two spaces or a CRLF (with optional space), with
 any number of "closing characters" ", ', ) and ] between.
 A sentence also starts after a blank line.

^R Backward Word
 Move backward over one word

^R Beginning of Line
 Go to beginning of line.

^R Buffer Not Modified
 Pretend that this buffer hasn't been altered.

^R Center Line
 Center this line's text within the line.
 With argument, centers that many lines and moves past.
 The width is taken from Fill Column.

^R Character Extend
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Copy Region
 Stick region into kill-ring without killing it.
 Like killing and getting back, but doesn't mark buffer modified.

^R Count Lines Page
 Type number of lines on this page.
 Also add, in parentheses, the number of lines on the page
 before point, and the number of lines after point.

 Insert CRLF, or move onto blank line.
 A blank line is one containing only spaces and tabs
 (which are killed if we move onto it).  Single blank lines
 (followed by nonblank lines) are not eaten up this way.
 In auto-fill mode, we may break the line before the last word.

^R Delete Blank Lines
 Kill all blank lines around this line's end.
 If done on a non-blank line, kills all spaces and tabs
 at the end of it, and all following blank lines
 (Lines are blank if they contain only spaces and tabs).
 If done on a blank line, deletes all preceding blank lines as well.

^R Delete Character
 Delete character after point.
 With argument, delete that many characters.
 Negative args make sense.

^R Delete Horizontal Space
 Delete all spaces and tabs around point.

^R Delete Indentation
 Kill CRLF and indentation at front of line.
 Leaves one space in place of them.  With argument,
 moves down one line first (killing CRLF after current line).

^R Describe
 Prints the documentation of a command (not a function).
 The command character is read from the terminal.

^R Documentation
 General source of helpful information.

^R Down Comment Line
 Move to start of next line's comment.
 Equivalent to ^R Down Real Line followed by ^R Indent For Comment.

^R Down Real Line
 Move down vertically to next real line.
 Continuation lines are skipped.  If given after the
 last LF in the buffer, makes a new one at the end.

^R End of Line
 Go to end of line.

^R End Kbd Macro
 Terminate definition of a keyboard macro.
 All that you have typed since starting the definition,
 except this command itself, becomes the definition.
 An argument means re-execute the macro immediately, with the
 argument as repeat count, counting defining the macro as once.
 Control-X E re-executes the last macro defined.

^R Exchange Point and Mark
 Exchange pointer and mark.

^R Execute Kbd Macro
 Run the last defined temporary keyboard macro.
 A numeric argument is a repeat count.

^R Exit
 Exit from a level of editing.

^R Extended Command
 Read an extended command from the terminal with completion.
 This command reads the name of a function, with completion,
 followed by the string arguments for the function.  Then the
 function is called.  Completion is done as the function name is typed
 (for more information type the HELP key while entering the name).
 Follow the function name with a $ and then the arguments; end with <cr>.

^R Fill Paragraph
 Fill (or adjust) this (or next) paragraph.
 Point stays the same (but text may move past it due to filling).
 A positive numeric argument says adjust rather than fill.
 Not allowed in programming language major modes (whenever comments
 are defined).

^R Fill Region
 Fill text from point to mark.
 Fill Column specifies the desired text width.
 Fill Prefix if nonzero is a string that goes
 at the front of each line and is not included in the filling.
 See ^R Set Fill Column and ^R Set Fill Prefix.
 An explicit positive argument causes adjusting instead of filling.

^R Forward Character:
 Move forward one character.
 With argument, move that many characters forward.
 Negative args make sense.

^R Forward List
 Move forward past one list (or several).

^R Forward Paragraph
 Move to start of next paragraph.

^R Forward Sentence
 Move to end of this sentence.
 A sentence is ended by a ., ? or ! followed by
 two spaces or a CRLF (with optional space), with
 any number of "closing characters" ", ', ) and ] between.
 A sentence also ends before a blank line.

^R Forward Word
 Move forward over one word

^R Get Q-reg
 Get contents of Q-reg (reads name from tty).
 Usually leaves the pointer before, and the mark after, the text.
 With argument, puts point after and mark before.

^R Goto Beginning
 Go to beginning of buffer (leaving mark behind).
 With arg from 0 to 10, goes that many tenths of the file
 down from the beginning.

^R Goto End
 Go to end of buffer (leaving mark behind).
 With arg from 0 to 10, goes up that many tenths of the file
 from the end.

^R Grow Window
 Make this window use more lines.
 Argument is number of extra lines (can be negative).

^R Incremental Search
 Search for character string.
 As characters are typed in, the accumulated string is
 searched for.  Characters may be rubbed out.
 ^Q quotes special characters.
 ^S repeats the search, forward, and ^R repeats it backward.
 If the accumulated string is empty, ^R or ^S either
 reverses the direction of search or gobbles the previous
 search string and searches for it again.
 Altmode or any random control character exits
 (anything but altmode is then executed).
 If the accumulated string fails to be found,
 you will be notified with one bell.  You can then exit,
 rub the bad characters out (or ^G them all away),
 or try searching in the opposite direction.
 Quitting a successful search goes back to the starting
 point of the search;  quitting a failing search rubs out
 enough characters to make it successful again.
 Altmode when the string is empty makes the search
 non-incremental by calling ^R String Search.

^R Indent Algol Stm
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Indent ADA Stm
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Indent BLISS stm
 Try to indent a BLISS (yeach) statement...

^R Indent C stm
 Try to indent a C statement...

^R Indent for Comment
 Move to or create comment.
 Finds start of existing comment, or creates one at end of line.
 Indents the comment to Comment Column.
 With argument <n>, aligns the existing comments in the
 next <n> lines, but does not create comments.
 Comment Begin holds the string inserted to start a comment.
 Comment Start holds the string recognized as starting an old one.
 Comment End holds the string inserted to end a comment.

^R Indent For LISP
 Indent this line for a Lisp-like language.

^R Indent Modula-2 Stm
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Indent New Comment Line
 Inserts CRLF, then starts new comment.
 If done when not in a comment, acts like ^R Indent New Line.

^R Indent New Line
 Inserts CRLF, then indents the second line.
 Any spaces before the inserted CRLF are deleted.
 Uses the definitions of CR and Tab to do the work,
 except that if there is a Fill Prefix it is used to indent.
 An argument is passed on to the definition of Tab.

^R Indent Pascal Stm
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Indent PL/1 Stm
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Indent Region
 Indent all lines between point and mark.
 With argument, indents each line to exactly that column.
 A line is processed if its first character is in the region.
 The mark is left after the last line processed.

^R Indent Rigidly
 Shift text in region sideways as a unit.
 All the lines in the region (first character between point and mark)
 have their indentation incremented by the numeric argument
 of this command (which may be negative).

^R Indent SEXP
 Lisp Indent each line contained in the next s-expr.

^R Interpret CSI Sequence
 Interprets VT220 function keys.

^R Interpret VT100 Keypad
 Keypad chars for VT100 do nice things...
 0-9 and minus sign accumulate arg.
 Dot runs ^R documentation
 Arrow keys run up, down, right, and left movement macros.
 Enter begins a Keyboard Macro definition.

^R Kbd Macro Query
 Query and continue macro execution.
 If called from a macro, reads a character:
 Space continues execution.
 Rubout terminates this repetition of the macro.
 Altmode terminates all repetitions of the macro.
 . terminates after the end of this repetition of the macro.
 ^R enters a recursive edit;  when you exit, you are asked again.
 ^L clears the screen and asks you again.
 Anything else exits all macros and is reread as a command.
 With an argument, we unconditionally enter a recursive editing level
 and proceed with the macro when it is exited.

^R Kill Comment
 Kills the comment (if any) on the current line.
 With argument, applies to specified number of lines,
 and moves past them.

^R Kill Line
 Kill to end of line, or kill an end of line.
 At the end of a line (only blanks following) kill through the CRLF.
 Otherwise, kill the rest of the line but not the CRLF.
 With argument (positive or negative), kill specified number of lines.
 Killed text is pushed onto the kill ring for retrieval.

^R Kill Region
 Kill from pointer to mark.
 Killed text is pushed onto kill ring for retrieval.

^R Kill Sentence
 Kills back to beginning of sentence.

^R Kill Word
 Kill next word.

^R Lowercase Region
 Convert point to mark to lower case.

^R Lowercase Word
 Convert one word to lower case, moving past it.
 With arg, applies to that many words backward or forward.
 If backward, the cursor does not move.

^R Make ()
 Insert () putting point between them.
 With argument, put the ) after the specified number
 of already existing words.  Thus, with argument 1,
 puts parens around the following word.

^R Mark Beginning
 Set mark at beginning of buffer.

^R Mark End
 Set mark at end of buffer.

^R Mark Page
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Mark Paragraph
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Mark Whole Buffer
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Mark Word
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Move to Screen Edge
 Jump to top or bottom of screen.
 Like ^R New Window except that point is changed instead of the window.
 With no argument, jumps to the center, according to FS %CENTER.
 An argument specifies the number of lines from the top,
 (negative args count from the bottom).

^R Negative Argument
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R New Window
 Choose new window putting point at center, top or bottom.
 With no argument, chooses a window to put point at the center.
 An argument gives the line to put point on;  negative args
 count from the bottom.
 ^U as argument redisplays the line containing point.

^R Next Page
 Move to next page delimiter.
 See the description of ^R Mark Page.

^R Next Screen
 Move down to display next screenful of text.
 With argument, moves window down <arg> lines.

^R One Window
 Display only one window.
 Normally, we display what used to be in the top window,
 but a numeric argument says to display what was in the bottom one.

^R Other Window
 Switch to the other window.
 If both windows are showing, the pointer moves into the
 other one.  If only window 1 is visible, then the
 windows are exchanged:  what used to be in window 2
 (invisible) is now in window 1 (visible), and vice versa.
 An argument means switch windows but select the same
 buffer in the other window.

^R Open Line
 Insert a CRLF after point.
 Differs from ordinary insertion in that point remains
 before the inserted characters.
 With argument, inserts several CRLFs.

^R Prefix Control
 Sets Control-bit of following character.
 It followed by an = is equivalent to a Control-=.

^R Prefix Control-Meta
 Sets Control- and Meta-bits of following character.
 It, followed by an A is equivalent to a Control-Meta-A.

^R Prefix Meta
 Sets Meta-bit of following character. 
 It followed by an A is equivalent to a Meta-A.

^R Previous Page
 Move to previous page delimiter.
 See the description of ^R Mark Page.

^R Previous Screen
 Move up to display previous screenful of text.
 With arg, move window back <arg> lines.

^R Put Q-reg
 Put point to mark into q-reg (reads name from tty).
 With an argument, the text is also deleted.

^R Quit
 Abort execution of any command.
 Can abort it while running or while reading arguments.
 Discards any numeric argument, prefix characters, etc.

^R Quoted Insert
 Reads a character and inserts it.

^R Read File
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Return to Superior
 Go back to whatever is controlling AMIS.

^R Reverse Search
 Incremental Search Backwards.
 Calls Incremental Search with a negative argument.

^R Save File
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Scroll Other Window
 Scroll other window up several lines.
 Specify the number as a numeric argument, negative for down.
 The default is a whole screenful up.  Just Meta-Minus as argument
 means scroll a whole screenful down.

^R Self Insert
 Insert the character used to invoke this.
 With an argument, insert the character that many times.
 The precise operation is affected by whether Overwrite mode is in effect.

^R Set Comment Column
 Set comment column to current hpos.
 An argument, if present, is used as the value instead of current hpos.

^R Set Fill Column
 Set fill column to current hpos.

^R Set Fill Prefix
 Defines Fill Prefix from current line.
 All of the current line up to point becomes the value
 of the Fill Prefix.  Auto Fill Mode and ^J insert the
 prefix on each line;  Fill Region assumes that each
 non-blank line starts with the prefix (which is ignored
 for filling purposes).
 To stop using a Fill Prefix, do ^R Set Fill Prefix
 at the front of a line.

^R Set/Pop Mark
 Sets or pops the ^R-mode mark.
 With no ^U's, pushes . as the mark.
 With one ^U, pops the mark into .
 With two ^U's, pops the mark and throws it away.

^R Start Kbd Macro
 Begin defining keyboad macro.
 After you type this command, everything you type becomes
 part of the accumulating keyboard macro as well as being executed.

^R String Search
 <<Documentation not ready yet, sorry>>

^R Tab to Tab Stop
 Go to next tab stop.

^R Transpose Characters
 Interchange the characters before and after the cursor.
 With a positive argument it interchanges the characters before and
 after the cursor, moves right, and repeats the specified number of
 times, dragging the character to the left of the cursor right.  With a
 negative argument, it interchanges the two characters to the left of
 the cursor, moves between them, and repeats the specified number of
 times, exactly undoing the positive argument form.  With a zero
 argument, it interchanges the characters at point and mark.
 No argument is like an argument of 1, except at the end of a line
 the previous two characters are interchanged.

^R Transpose Lines
 Transpose the lines before and after the cursor.
 For more details, see ^R Transpose Words, reading "Line" for "Word".

^R Transpose Regions
 Transpose regions defined by cursor and last 3 marks.
 To transpose two non-overlapping regions, set the mark successively at three
 of the four boundaries, put point at the fourth, and call this function.
 On return, the cursor and saved marks retain their original order, but are
 adjusted to delineate the interchanged regions.  Thus two consecutive
 calls to this function will leave the buffer unchanged.

^R Transpose Words
 Interchange the words before and after the cursor.
 With a positive argument it interchanges the words before and
 after the cursor, moves right, and repeats the specified number of
 times, dragging the word to the left of the cursor right.  With a
 negative argument, it interchanges the two words to the left of
 the cursor, moves between them, and repeats the specified number of
 times, exactly undoing the positive argument form.  With a zero
 argument, it interchanges the words at point and mark.

^R Two Windows
 Show two windows and select window two.
 An argument > 1 means give window 2 the same buffer as in Window 1.

^R Un-kill
 Re-insert the last stuff killed.
 Puts point after it and the mark before it.
 An argument n says un-kill the n'th most recent
 string of killed stuff (1 = most recent).  A null
 argument (just C-U) means leave point before, mark after.

^R Un-kill pop
 Correct after ^R Un-kill to use an earlier kill.
 Requires that the region contain the most recent killed stuff,
 as it does immediately after using ^R Un-kill.
 It is deleted and replaced with the previous killed stuff,
 which is rotated to the front of the kill ring.
 With 0 as argument, just deletes the region with no replacement,
 but the region must still match the last killed stuff.

^R Universal Argument
 Sets argument or multiplies it by four.
 Followed by digits, uses them to specify the
 argument for the command after the digits.
 If not followed by digits, multiplies the argument by four.

^R Up Comment Line
 Move to start of previous line's comment.
 Equivalent to ^R Up Real Line followed by ^R Indent For Comment.

^R Up Real Line
 Move up vertically to next real line.
 Continuation lines are skipped.

^R Uppercase Initial
 Put next word in lower case, but capitalize initial.
 With arg, applies to that many words backward or forward.
 If backward, the cursor does not move.

^R Uppercase Region
 Convert point to mark to upper case.

^R Uppercase Word
 Convert one word to upper case, moving past it.
 With arg, applies to that many words backward or forward.
 If backward, the cursor does not move.

^R Visit File
 Visit file, asking about writing back changes.
 If you alter the file, then the next attempt to read in a file
 will ask whether you want this one written back out.

^R Visit in Other Window
 Find buffer or file in other window.
 Follow this command by B or C-B and a buffer name, or F or C-F
 and a file name. We find the buffer or file in the other window,
 creating the other window if necessary.

This line intentionally left non-blank...