PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named indsym.mac in the archive.
universal indsym - data for IND tables
; This file was generated by IND on 17-Feb-84 at 13:43:10 by KEVIN
; System: Clinical Research Center 2060 (V5), TOPS-20 Monitor 5(4747)
$ctrlz==0 ;default for control-z exits
$disp==0 ;no display of commands
$$subst==0 ;allow substitution
logg==0 ;log of users required
define lfnam,<[asciz//]> ;name of logfile
mslen==^d120 ;maximum string length
mxcnst==10 ;maximum GOSUB nesting
mxcal==^d4 ;maximum .CALL nest depth
numsl==^d50 ;depth of numeric parse stack
slen==^d200 ;big stack for parsing ?
define deftyp,<$defty CMD>
define $defty(type<cmd>),<-1,,[asciz/type/]> ;default command file name
define qtnam,<asciz/SYSTEM:EXEC.EXE/> ;name of quiet EXEC
maxcom==^d24 ;max length of command line in words
asklen==^d24 ;maximum length of question in words
lgcsiz==^d100 ;maximum number of logical symbols
numsiz==^d100 ;maximum number of numerivc symbols
strsiz==^d200 ;maximum number of string symbols
filsiz==^d10 ;maximum number of file symbols
labsiz==^d300 ;maximum number of labels
fltsiz==^d100 ;maximum number of real symbols
maxchr==^d9 ;maximum number of characters in asymbol name
;(should be multiple of 5 -1)
strspc==^d2400 ;size of string storage in characters
$subdl==^d39 ;code for character to delimit substitution
; ("'")
aboch==^d1 ;code for character to abort IND
; (ctrl/A)