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                        TOPS-10 Crash Analysis Guide

|                        Electronically Distributed
|            This guide provides methods for analyzing  TOPS-10
|            system  crashes.   It describes the tools that can
|            be useful in the process of diagnosing  the  cause
|            of system failure, and suggests methods of solving
|            the problem that caused the failure.  This book is
|            intended  to be used by experienced TOPS-10 system
|            programmers  and  assumes  that  the  reader   has
|            adequate   system   privileges   to  complete  the
|            procedures presented.
|            This guide supercedes the TOPS-10  Crash  Analysis
|            Guide  published  in  January,  1989.   The  order
|            number for that guide, AA-H206D-TB, is obsolete.

             Operating System:             TOPS-10 Version 7.04

   digital equipment corporation                   maynard, massachusetts

|  TOPS-10 Update Tape No. 03, September 1990

   First printing, November 1978
   Revised, August 1980
   Revised, April 1986
   Revised, January 1989

   The information in this document is subject to change  without  notice
   and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by Digital Equipment
   Corporation.  Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no  responsibility
   for any errors that may appear in this document.

   The software described in this document is furnished under  a  license
   and  may  only  be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such

   No responsibility is assumed for the user or reliability  of  software
   on  equipment  that  is  not  supplied  by  DIGITAL  or its affiliated

|  Copyright C 1978, 1980, 1986, 1989, 1990 by Digital Equipment
|  Corporation

   All Rights Reserved.

   The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:

   CI             DECtape     LA50             SITGO-10
   DDCMP          DECUS       LN01             TOPS-10
   DEC            DECwriter   LN03             TOPS-20
   DECmail        DELNI       MASSBUS          TOPS-20AN
   DECnet         DELUA       PDP              UNIBUS
   DECnet-VAX     HSC         PDP-11/24        UETP
   DECserver      HSC-50      PrintServer      VAX
   DECserver 100  KA10        PrintServer 40   VAX/VMS
   DECserver 200  KI          Q-bus            VT50
   DECsystem-10   KL10        ReGIS
   DECSYSTEM-20   KS10        RSX              d i g i t a l




           1.1     SYSTEM ERROR RECOVERY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-i
           1.2     TYPES OF ERRORS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
           1.3     CRASH ANALYSIS TOOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
           1.4     CRASH ANALYSIS PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5


           2.1     CREATING A CRASH FILE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
           2.2     USING FILDDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
           2.3     ESTABLISHING PROPER MAPPING  . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
           2.3.1     FILDDT Mapping Instructions  . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
           2.3.2     Mapping the Crash  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
           2.4     VERIFYING THE DUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
           2.5     FILDDT COMMAND FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
           2.6     STOPCODE INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2-12


           3.1     HARDWARE MAPPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
           3.2     PAGING POINTERS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
           3.3     EXTENDED ADDRESSING  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
           3.4     MONITOR-RESIDENT USER DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
           3.5     PROGRAM COUNTER WORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
           3.6     PROCESSOR MODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
           3.6.1     User Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
           3.6.2     Exec Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
           3.7     THE PRIORITY INTERRUPT SYSTEM  . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
           3.8     THE DEVICE INTERRUPT SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
           3.8.1     Standard Interrupts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
           3.8.2     Vectored Interrupts  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3-12
           3.9     TRAPS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3-12
           3.9.1     Page Fail Traps  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3-12
           3.10    CLOCK LEVEL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3-14
           3.11    ACCUMULATORS AND PUSH-DOWN LISTS . . . . . . . .  3-15
           3.12    MONITOR ORGANIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3-16
           3.12.1    Monitor Startup Modules  . . . . . . . . . . .  3-17
           3.12.2    Symbol Definition Modules  . . . . . . . . . .  3-18
           3.13    EXAMPLES OF LOCATING FAILURES  . . . . . . . . .  3-18



           4.1     SYMBOLS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
           4.1.1     Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
           4.1.2     Symbol Files and Monitor Generation  . . . . . . 4-5
           4.2     READING THE CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
           4.2.1     How to Use a CREF Listing  . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
           4.2.2     Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
           4.2.3     Conditional Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
           4.2.4     Finding Symbols  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
           4.3     JOB-RELATED DATA STRUCTURES  . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
           4.4     CPU DATA STRUCTURES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-10
           4.5     MEMORY DATA STRUCTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-12
           4.6     COMMAND PROCESSING TABLES  . . . . . . . . . . .  4-12
           4.7     UUO PROCESSING TABLES  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-13
           4.8     I/O DATA STRUCTURES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-13
           4.9     THE JOB DEVICE ASSIGNMENT TABLE  . . . . . . . .  4-13
           4.10    THE DEVICE DATA BLOCK  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-14
           4.11    FINDING DDB INFORMATION  . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-15
           4.12    LINE DATA BLOCKS (LDBS)  . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-18
           4.13    THE SCNSER DATA BASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-19
           4.14    TERMINAL CHUNKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-19
           4.15    TERMINAL DEVICE DATA BLOCKS  . . . . . . . . . .  4-20
           4.16    FINDING TERMINAL I/O INFORMATION . . . . . . . .  4-21
           4.17    TAPE DRIVES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-23
           4.18    DISKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4-24
           4.18.1    Finding Information on Disk  . . . . . . . . .  4-27
           4.18.2    In-Core File Information . . . . . . . . . . .  4-31
           4.18.3    The Software Disk Cache  . . . . . . . . . . .  4-34
           4.18.4    Finding In-Core File Information . . . . . . .  4-35


           5.1     HARDWARE ERRORS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
           5.1.1     APR Interrupt Routine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
           5.1.2     Page Fail Trap Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
           5.1.3     Saved Hardware Error Information . . . . . . . . 5-5
           5.1.4     Hardware Error Checking  . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
           5.2     STOPCODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-10
           5.2.1     Stopcode Processing  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-12
           5.2.2     Continuing from Stopcodes  . . . . . . . . . .  5-13
           5.2.3     Special Stopcodes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-13
           5.3     ERRORS DETECTED BY RSX-20F . . . . . . . . . . .  5-15


           6.1     PATCHING WITH FILDDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
           6.2     USING EDDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
           6.2.1     Starting the Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
           6.2.2     Breakpoints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3


           6.3     DEBUGF FLAGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
           6.4     MULTI-CPU ENVIRONMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
           6.5     CAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5





           A-1     Monitor Code Section Layout  . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
           A-2     DECnet Code Section Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
           A-3     Monitor Data Section 3 Layout  . . . . . . . . . . A-4
           A-4     Monitor Data Sections 4,5 Layout . . . . . . . . . A-5
           A-5     Monitor Data Sections 6,7 Layout . . . . . . . . . A-6
           A-6     Monitor Data Sections 35,36,37 Layout  . . . . . . A-7


           3-1     Interrupt Level Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
           4-1     Monitor Accumulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
           5-1     Hardware Errors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
           Gloss-1 Glossary of Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gloss-1



   The TOPS-10 Crash Analysis Guide is a procedural and reference  manual
   that you can use to diagnose the causes of TOPS-10 system failures and
   to correct these problems.

   The TOPS-10 Software Notebook Set contains several documents that  you
   should  use  while  analyzing system crashes.  In particular, you will
   find  the  TOPS-10  Monitor  Tables  Descriptions  and  the  Stopcodes
   Specification  are  most  important  for  symbol  definitions, and the
   TOPS-10 DDT Manual is a useful reference for the debugging tools  used
   in the procedures.

   Before you can reliably diagnose and repair system problems, you  must
   be  able  to use DDT commands to examine and patch the TOPS-10 monitor
   modules.  You must also be familiar with any local modifications  that
   have been made to the monitor.

   There are a few symbols shown in this  manual  that  indicate  special
   characters.  They are:

        Character      Meaning

        ^\             <Control-backslash> is the character  to  type  on
                       the CTY to get the attention of the parser.

        $              The ESCape  character,  or  altmode,  is  used  in
                       commands to DDT and TECO.

        <CTRL/Z>       This control character  is  used  to  terminate  a
                       TOPS-10  process, such as DDT.  It is displayed as



                                 CHAPTER 1


   Crash analysis is used in the process of solving system problems.  You
   can  analyze a crash by examining a copy of memory that is stored in a
   crash file  when  the  operating  system  stops  running.   There  are
   different methods of analyzing different types of system problems.  It
   may be helpful, for example, to isolate the  cause  of  a  problem  as
   either  the  hardware  or the software on a preliminary investigation,
   but it is important to understand and recognize all symptoms of system
   problems,  including  those involving the interaction of both hardware
   and software.

   This manual describes methods that you can  apply  to  various  system
   problems.   As you become more familiar with the monitor and the tools
   you use to debug the system, you  will  be  able  to  customize  these
   methods to your own needs.


   To successfully analyze different types of system problems, you should
   try  to  view the system as a whole, investigating hardware status and
   software conditions, as well as the interaction of the two.   You  can
   use  many  informational  tools to detect and correct system problems:
   hardware diagnostics verify the hardware state  of  the  machine,  and
   software test packages verify the performance and validity of software
   components.  The monitor itself is an excellent test program for  both
   hardware  and  software.   It  prints  and saves information about the
   problems it encounters on the console terminal (CTY).  Each CPU  in  a
   multiple-CPU  configuration  has  a  CTY,  where it prints information
   about the stopcodes it encounters, messages for the  operator,  and  a
   log of system events.

   The TOPS-10 monitor and hardware systems are designed to  prevent  the
   system  from  crashing when a minor error is encountered.  Timesharing
   is only interrupted by an unrecoverable, or fatal error.  Most  system
   problems  are  not fatal, and in most cases system operation continues


   A  hardware  or  software  error  that  prevents  normal   timesharing
   operation  causes  a crash; that is, the system performs certain error
   recovery operations, terminates all user and system jobs, and restarts
   operation  with  a fresh database.  If a hardware or software error is
   serious enough to warrant this procedure, the system is halted  and  a
   copy  of  memory  is  written to disk (or dumped) before the system is
   reloaded.  This copy of memory,  called  the  crash  file,  is  useful
   because  the  system  uses  this  file  to record the contents of many
   registers and data structures.  This manual describes how  to  examine
   the  crash file to find information that might indicate the reason for
   the crash.

   Not all hardware and software errors cause the system to  crash.   The
   software   is  equipped  with  a  number  of  special  error  recovery
   procedures to continue operation after a system or  user  error.   The
   software  generates  a stopcode, which provide the system manager with
   information about the cause of the error, and lists system modules and
   data  locations  useful in analyzing the source of the stopcode.  This
   information is printed on the system's CTY to inform the  operator  of
   the  status  of  the  system.  A continuable stopcode does not cause a
   system reload or halt, but, in most cases, produces a crash file.

   A system error that causes a crash, like a program error that causes a
   halt, is called a fatal error, because all the jobs on the system must
   be halted and restarted.  The system records as  much  information  as
   possible before the crash.  However, in the act of reloading memory or
   processing  a  hardware  error,  the  operating  system  may  lose  or
   overwrite   applicable   data  locations,  and  a  certain  amount  of
   information may be lost.  In every crash, it is important to be  aware
   that   information  recorded  during  the  crash  may  be  invalid  or

   The way the monitor processes the error depends on the type of failure
   that occurred.  The method you use to analyze the crash depends on the
   type of information that the monitor saved  before  the  crash.   This
   manual   is  organized  to  provide  crash  analysis  information  for
   different types of  crashes.   Remember  that  this  manual  can  only
   explain  ideal  and  general  situations.   As the system analyst, you
   should be familiar with the specific aspects of  the  system  you  are
   analyzing,  because  you  may  face  unique problems at your site.  If
   possible,  review  the  system   build   procedure,   especially   the
   information  about  hardware and software configuration.  This type of
   information is described in the TOPS-10 Software Installation Guide.

   DIGITAL provides software error reporting and  revision  services  for
   problems  you  cannot  solve.   If  you  cannot  solve  a problem that
   prevents system operation, submit a Software Performance Report  (SPR)
   through  your  DIGITAL Service Representative.  Be sure to include all
   the information required to  analyze  a  system  crash.   This  manual
   describes that information.



   The  hardware  and  software  handle  each  type  of  system   problem
   differently.   Most problems do not result in a crash; many errors are
   handled locally for a specific program or  device,  without  affecting
   the   entire  system.   For  example,  TOPS-10  is  designed  so  that
   unprivileged user jobs cannot directly crash the system.   If  a  user
   program develops a fatal error, the monitor aborts the program without
   affecting the other users on the system.  If  the  monitor  data  base
   entries  for a particular user job are destroyed, the monitor tries to
   eliminate the job without affecting other jobs.  However,  changes  to
   system-wide variables such as those affecting memory and CPU usage may
   cause the system to crash.

   In almost all cases,  the  software  detects  and  handles  errors  by
   gathering  information and taking corrective action.  In the case of a
   fatal error, the system  reloads  automatically.   Fault  continuation
   allows  the  system  to  correct  certain types of errors and continue
   operation without affecting the execution of user programs.   In  most
   cases,  corrective  action  affects  only  the process at fault.  Such
   action might include repeating an I/O operation or  stopping  exection
   of a user job.

   Fault continuation allows the system and user jobs  to  continue  with
   little  or  no interruption, but continuable stopcodes are recorded on
   the CTY for later examination.  It is important to  be  aware  of  all
   previous  errors  in the process of analyzing a crash, even those that
   did not directly cause the system to  crash.   Internal  discrepancies
   that  corrupt  an  important  data  structure may in turn affect other
   routines, and the error propagates,  or  the  software  goes  into  an
   infinite loop.

   Crash files and CTY listings are the main sources of information about
   the system before the time of the crash.  However, error recovery code
   can contain errors of its own.  The history of a crash, including data
   from  the  time  leading  up  to  the crash, is an important source of
   information in these situations.

   When the system crashes, you must  be  prepared  to  verify  that  the
   system  actually  crashed,  and  determine  the  extent  to  which the
   software was affected.  You must isolate the problem that  caused  the
   error  by defining the point in the code where the error was detected,
   then identify the problem that caused the error condition, record that
   information, and correct the problem if possible.

   This procedure, and the tools you will need to  analyze  crashes,  are
   described  in  the  following chapters.  Remember that your success in
   these areas depends on many factors, and that it may not  be  possible
   to  correct  the  error immediately.  It is more important to continue
   system operation as soon as possible.   Later,  you  can  address  the
   crash using the tools described in this manual.



   To analyze a system crash, you need several  sources  of  information,
   and you must use system programs to examine the information.  You must
   use all your knowledge of the DECsystem-10 and the TOPS-10 monitor, as
   well  as  the  GALAXY  system,  ANF-10 network communications, and all
   other software  running  on  the  system.   The  specific  sources  of
   information about a system crash are:

         o  The CTY output for the time before the crash

         o  The crash file

         o  Listings or microfiche of the monitor sources, describing the
            algorithms, data structures, symbols, and bit definitions

         o  The operator log book

         o  The Monitor Tables descriptions  from  the  TOPS-10  Software
            Notebook Set

   You will use the following tools in analyzing system crashes.

         o  FILDDT (File DDT) allows you to examine files or the  running
            monitor.  Sections 2.3 though 2.4 describe FILDDT.

         o  EDDT (Exec DDT) allows you to examine, breakpoint, and  patch
            the running monitor.  Section 6.2 describes EDDT.

         o  CRSCPY copies crash files and stores information  about  them
            in  a  database.   The  TOPS-10  Operator's  Guide  describes

         o  SPEAR creates reports, based on the  system  error  log  file
            (ERROR.SYS),  which  are  useful for tracing non-fatal errors
            that may  have  led  to  the  system  crash.   Refer  to  the
            TOPS-10/20  SPEAR Reference Manual for more information about

         o  OPR, the operator interface  to  the  DECsystem-10,  provides
            commands  that  allow  you to change the system configuration
            and to control software  processes.   Refer  to  the  TOPS-10
            Operator's   Command   Language  Reference  Manual  for  more
            information about this program.

   You will also need to use a text editor such  as  TECO  to  patch  the
   monitor  sources  or  system  startup  files  after  you have solved a
   software problem.



   To isolate a system problem, you must use FILDDT to examine the  crash
   file.   The  crash file records the state of the system at the time of
   the crash, including information you can use to determine the cause of
   the crash, such as:

         o  Processor mode (user, user I/O, or exec mode)

         o  Stack pointer and stack in use

         o  Contents of accumulators

         o  Stopcode information

   First you must obtain the crash file.  In Chapter 2,  you  will  learn
   how  the  monitor  creates  and maintains crash files.  Chapter 2 also
   contains procedures for loading the monitor  symbols  for  FILDDT  and
   using  the  symbolic  FILDDT  to  examine a crash file and extract the
   information listed above.

   Chapter 3 explains how to interpret the information  you  obtain  from
   the  crash  file,  to determine the state of the system at the time of
   the crash.

   Chapter 3 contains a discussion of processor  modes,  job  scheduling,
   and  the priority levels that the monitor uses in timesharing, and how
   the information from the crash file can point to the faulty code  that
   caused the crash.

   After you have determined the monitor process  that  failed,  you  can
   begin  to  investigate  the  crash  file  for  the actual routine that
   failed.  Chapter 4  contains  a  description  of  the  monitor's  data
   structures  and  how  to  obtain information about them from the crash
   file and the source code.

   The monitor may crash, or hang without crashing, because an error  has
   occurred  in  the  error  handling and recovery procedures.  Chapter 5
   contains descriptions of  the  the  system  error  recovery  routines.
   Continuable  stopcodes  are described in more detail.  You can use the
   information in  this  chapter  to  determine  whether  error  handling
   routines are functioning properly.

   It is sometimes necessary to analyze and correct a system error  while
   the  monitor  is  running,  either  because  a  system reload does not
   correct the error, or the error only becomes apparent while the system
   is  running.   If  you  encounter a problem that defies analysis using
   FILDDT to examine crash files, you can use EDDT to examine and correct
   locations in the running monitor.  For example, if the system halts or
   hangs without dumping or without reloading, or  if  a  problem  exists
   that  does not interfere with timesharing, you can use EDDT to examine
   the running monitor.  This procedure is described in Chapter 6.


   A Glossary of the acronyms used in this manual is provided at the back
   of the manual.

   Appendix A contains illustrations of the  general  layout  of  monitor
   code in virtual address space, for TOPS-10 Version 7.04.


                                 CHAPTER 2

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

   When the system crashes, the monitor attempts  to  record  information
   about the state of the system at the time of the crash.  Normally, the
   system writes a copy of memory to disk before beginning system  reload
   operations.   This  copy  of memory is called a crash file, or just "a
   crash".  You can examine this file using  a  special  version  of  DDT
   called  FILDDT.   This  chapter  explains in more detail how the crash
   file is created and how to locate the  crash  file  for  a  particular
   crash.  The procedure for preparing FILDDT so that you can examine the
   crash file is also described, as well as some of the information  that
   you  can  obtain  immediately  by examining the CTY output of stopcode


   When a stopcode occurs, BOOT automatically creates a crash file of the
   contents  of  memory,  called  CRASH.EXE,  and copies it to the system
   crash list.  If BOOT cannot dump memory automatically, you can force a
   dump by typing the following command on the CTY:


   Use /D to force the crash file to be written.   You  may  include  the
   name of a file structure (str:).

   If this action fails, the CRASH.EXE file on every  file  structure  in
   the system crash list may be unprocessed by CRSCPY.

   The allocation of CRASH.EXE space is accomplished when you define file
   structure  information  in the ONCE dialog.  You can modify the amount
   of space reserved for crash files by running the monitor in user mode.
   Refer   to  the  TOPS-10  Software  Installation  Guide  for  complete
   information about ONCE.

   To stop the machine when a  malfunction  occurs,  deposit  a  non-zero
   value  into physical location 30.  The monitor checks this location at

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

   every clock tick.  If it finds a non-zero  value,  the  monitor  jumps
   into BOOT.  You can initiate this procedure using one of the following

   The first example is a command to the PARSER on  a  KL  system.   Type
   <CTRL/backslash>  where  you  see  ^\.   In  the  following  examples,
   semicolons precede comments that should not be included in your input.

        ^\                       ;invoke the PARSER 
        PAR>SHUTDOWN             ;shut down the system
        [Dumping on DSKA:CRASH.EXE[1,4]]

   For a KS system, you type the following commands:

        ^\                       ;invoke the console
        KS10>SHUTDOWN            ;shut down the system
        USR MOD
        [Dumping on DSKA:CRASH.EXE[1,4]]

   If the monitor can reach clock level, this command  will  start  BOOT.
   BOOT  stops  the  machine,  writes  a crash file, and begins automatic
   reload procedures.  If the monitor has been up less than five minutes,
   BOOT  starts,  but  does  not  initiate  the  dump  and reload action.
   Instead, BOOT prints the BOOT> prompt and waits  for  you  to  type  a

   If the SHUTDOWN command is ineffective, you must instruct the  monitor
   to  begin  system  shutdown procedures.  The following commands to the
   PARSER accomplish that on a KL system:

        ^\                       ;invoke the PARSER
        PAR>JUMP 407

   This instructs the monitor to execute the instruction at location 407,
   which  signals the policy CPU to initiate a system shutdown procedure.
   In multiple-processor systems, it may be desirable to initiate  system
   shutdown  procedures on the current CPU instead of the policy CPU.  To
   accomplish this, jump to location 406  instead,  using  the  following

        PAR>JUMP 406

   For the KS, you might use the following procedure to  force  a  system

        ^\                       ;invoke the console
        KS10>HALT                ;halts the system

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

        KS10>MR                  ;forces exec mode
        KS10>SM                  ;halts at default location
        KS10>ST 407              ;loads BOOT
        USR MOD

   You should try to use the SHUTDOWN procedure first, because  a  forced
   reload  does not save the PC, and there is danger of losing device and
   interrupt status information.

   After a fatal stopcode or a manual dump operation, BOOT  displays  the
   following information on the CTY:

        [Dumping on DSKA:CRASH.EXE[1,4]]
        [Loading from DSKA:SYSTEM.EXE[1,4]]

   As the  second  message  indicates,  BOOT  automatically  reloads  the
   monitor.   The automatic reload function can be disabled using the OPR
   program.  This function is  useful  when  debugging  the  monitor,  as
   described in Chapter 6.

   The CRSCPY program runs when the  system  is  reloaded,  to  copy  the
   CRASH.EXE  file  to  a unique file name that will not be superseded by
   subsequent CRSCPY runs.  If your system did not  run  CRSCPY  when  it
   reloaded,  you  must  copy the CRASH.EXE file to a safe area manually.
   As soon as you can  log  into  the  system,  save  the  crash  in  the
   XPN: area of the disk structure by typing the following command:

        .R CRSCPY

   The CRSCPY program copies the  file  using  a  unique  file  name  and
   reports it when the operation is finished.  For more information about
   CRSCPY, refer to the TOPS-10 Operator's Guide.

   You can use SYSTAT to obtain an overview of the status of  the  system
   at  the  time of the crash.  Use the /X switch to SYSTAT to indicate a
   crash file, and include the name of the crash file.  For  example,  to
   examine the SYSTAT information for a crash file named SER003.EXE, type
   the following command:

        .SYSTAT/X XPN:SER003.EXE

   The /X switch specifies that the SYSTAT program should read  the  file
   XPN:SER003.EXE  (the  file  name  assigned  by  CRSCPY) instead of the
   running monitor.


   FILDDT is a system debugging tool designed for  debugging  files  that
   are stored on disk.  Because FILDDT is a modified version of DDT, you

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

   must be familiar with DDT before you attempt the procedures  described
   in  the  following sections.  For more information about DDT, refer to
   the TOPS-10 DDT Manual.

   FILDDT has all the commands of regular DDT, with one major difference:
   commands  that  control program execution do not work.  Those commands

             $G        Start the program.

             $X        Execute a single instruction.

             $P        Proceed with execution.

             $B        Set breakpoints.

   The monitor, because of its large size, runs  with  local  and  global
   symbols  removed.   You  cannot  examine  the crash file without these
   symbols, so you must load the symbol table of the monitor into  memory
   with  FILDDT  and save the modified version of FILDDT.  To create this
   special monitor-specific FILDDT, follow the procedure explained below.

   First, run the standard version of the FILDDT program:

        .R FILDDT


   You must type the name of the file from which the symbols  are  to  be
   loaded.   This file must be the runnable monitor; that is, the monitor
   before loading (often  SYS:SYSTEM.EXE).   Include  the  /S  switch  to
   indicate that symbols are to be loaded.


   The /S switch tells FILDDT to load the symbols for  this  file.   When
   FILDDT  displays  another  File:   prompt,  type <CTRL/Z> to exit from
   FILDDT, then type the SAVE command to the monitor with the  file  name
   you choose for the the symbolic FILDDT, to save the runnable file.  In
   the following example, the symbolic FILDDT is called MONDDT.


        .SAVE MONDDT
        MONDDT saved

   After you save the symbolic  FILDDT  program,  you  can  use  the  RUN
   command  to  start  the  new  FILDDT  at  any  time.  For example, the
   following commands start the symbolic FILDDT and give it the name of a
   crash file (XPN:SER003.EXE) to examine:

        .RUN MONDDT

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

   When FILDDT reads the crash file, it reports the mapping of the ACs in
   the following message:

        [Looking at file DSKA:SER003.EXE[10,1]]
        [Paging and ACs set up from exec data vector]

   The monitor locations saved in the crash file must now  be  mapped  to
   the  virtual  monitor addresses.  FILDDT provides special commands for
   mapping the monitor and the user address space.  Before  you  issue  a
   mapping command, FILDDT assumes all locations are physical references.


   Virtual   addressing   machines   require    special    consideration.
   Instructions  in  programs  are loaded into memory by a mapping scheme
   based on page maps.  The actual physical location of  a  word  in  the
   monitor will not necessarily be the same as the virtual location.

   The symbolic FILDDT contains the virtual address of each location, but
   not  its  physical  address.   You  must  map FILDDT memory references
   through the Exec Process Table (EPT) to examine monitor locations,  or
   through  the  User  Process Table (UPT) to examine user locations.  To
   establish mapping, you must perform the following steps:

        1.  Find the page numbers of the page maps.

        2.  Issue the FILDDT mapping instruction (a $nU command).

        3.  Verify that the mapping is correct.

   The following sections describe two methods for mapping the  dump  and
   obtaining   preliminary   information  concerning  the  state  of  the
   processor at the time of the crash.   The  instructions  used  in  the
   following  procedure  may  be  included in a FILDDT command file (also
   called a patch file).

   To map a crash, you must  provide  FILDDT  with  pointers  to  mapping
   tables  and  other  locations  in the monitor.  The mapping tables and
   monitor locations are described in more detail in Chapters 3 and 4.

   2.3.1  FILDDT Mapping Instructions

   FILDDT allows you to specify the type of address  mapping  to  use  in
   locating information.  You can specify virtual or physical addressing.
   The mapping instructions are:

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

        $U   enables virtual addressing.  This instruction also sets  the
             FAKEAC  flag, indicating that physical locations 0-17 are to
             be interpreted as the user accumulators (ACs).

        $$U  enables physical addressing.  The FAKEAC  flag  is  cleared,
             indicating   locations  0-17  are  interpreted  as  hardware
             registers 0-17.

   By default, physical addressing is  enabled.   FILDDT  interprets  all
   addresses  as  physical until you issue a virtual mapping instruction.
   The mapping is correct only for the data in portions of the  monitor's
   low  segment,  because  the  low  segment  virtual addresses equal the
   physical addresses.

   The TOPS-10 monitor uses KL-paging, also called "extended  addressing"
   (described  in  Section  3.3).   By  default,  FILDDT  is  enabled for
   KL-paging.  If it is necessary to  disable  KL-paging  (for  an  older
   version  of  the  monitor,  for  example), you can issue the following
   command to FILDDT:


   To enable KL-paging, type the following command:


   The command n$11U establishes the mapping scheme so that  FILDDT  will
   read the page maps correctly.

   Next, you must point FILDDT at the correct page  maps  that  associate
   virtual  addresses (loaded into the symbolic FILDDT) with the physical
   addresses (saved in the crash file), and establish virtual mapping.

   2.3.2  Mapping the Crash

   To map virtual addresses to physical ones, FILDDT needs the  locations
   of  the  Exec  Process  Table (EPT) and the Special Pages Table (SPT).
   The EPT allows FILDDT to map exec virtual memory.  The SPT is used  to
   map the user job that was running at the time of the crash.

   On a multiple-processor KL system, the dump contains an EPT  for  each
   CPU  in  the system.  To analyze the dump, you must map FILDDT through
   the EPT for the CPU that crashed.  A CPU Data Block (CDB)  exists  for
   each  CPU  in  the system.  On a single-processor system, there is one
   CDB.  The CDB contains the address of the EPT.   Therefore,  you  must
   first  find  the  CDB  for  the CPU that crashed.  The location DIECDB
   contains the pointer to the CDB of the CPU that crashed.

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE


           The contents of DIECDB are  written  when  the  system
           crashes,  but not when the system hangs.  When you are
           analyzing a hung system, the contents  of  DIECDB  (if
           nonzero)   were  written  by  a  previous  crash,  and
           therefore may be invalid.

   You can see the contents of DIECDB by typing the following command  to

        DIECDB[  12000

   In this example, the physical starting address of the  CDB  is  12000.
   The  location of the EPT is stored in the CDB at the offset symbolized
   by .CPEPT.  Use the following command to  open  .CPEPT  and  read  its

        $Q+.CPEPT-.CPCDB[  1000

   The first part of the  instruction  ($Q)  refers  to  the  last  value
   displayed  (that  is,  the  contents  of the currently open location).
   This value is 12000.  Starting from location 12000, the pointer  moves
   to the offset indicated by the difference between the values of .CPEPT
   and .CPCDB.  The new location is the offset into the CDB  of  the  EPT
   address  (.CPEPT).   The  instruction  opens  the  location .CPEPT and
   displays its contents.  The  EPT  address  is  displayed  as  physical
   location 1000.

   FILDDT needs the page number for the EPT, not  its  physical  address.
   Therefore, you must divide the contents of .CPEPT by 1000.

   Submit the result of this division operation to FILDDT using  the  $0U
   command.   For  example, to calculate the page number and map the EPT,
   type the following FILDDT instruction:


   This command divides the previous value (using the $Q command) by 1000
   and  submits  the  result  to  FILDDT as the EPT page number.  In this
   example, the page number is 1.

   Exec virtual  memory  is  mapped  after  the  $0U  command.   This  is
   sufficient  for  examining  monitor  memory  locations  in  the crash.
   However, to examine user data, you must map the current user job.  The
   FILDDT  command  n$6U maps the user job and its associated per-process
   storage in exec virtual memory (funny space).  The value of n  is  the
   page number of the UPT (User Process Table).

   The SPT contains a word for the current job running on each CPU in the
   system,  plus  a  word  for each user job.  The right half of each SPT
   slot contains the page number of the UPT for the  current  CPU.   When

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

   extended addressing is enabled, the SPT points to the UPT.

   The following FILDDT command sets the SPT base address:


   To map a user job other than the current job on the current  CPU,  add
   the  contents  of  the  right  half  of JBTUPM to the job number, then
   submit the result to the $U command.

   FILDDT  provides  temporary  registers  to  contain  either   hardware
   registers or user accumulators.  When hardware mapping is established,
   FILDDT assumes that locations 0-17 refer to hardware  registers  0-17.
   However,  when  you issue a virtual mapping command ($U), the user ACs
   can be mapped through the temporary registers.   This  allows  you  to
   load  the  user ACs into the temporary registers and then refer to the
   user ACs as locations 0-17.

   You can use the following FILDDT instruction to  map  the  current  AC
   block  to the temporary registers provided by FILDDT.  The instruction
   to open and map the current AC block is:

        .CPACA[ $Q$5U

   This instruction is useful only if the location  .CPACA  contains  the
   address  of  the  current  AC  block.  If, however, a UUO at interrupt
   level  occurs  (UIL  stopcode),  this  instruction  cannot   be   used
   successfully.  Instead, you must determine the location of the current
   AC block by defining the interrupt level in progress at  the  time  of
   the  crash.   The AC blocks and interrupt levels are described in more
   detail in Chapter 3.

   The user job in memory may not match the UPT currently in use  at  the
   time  of  the  crash.   You can check the user job that was running by
   comparing the contents of offset .CPJOB in the CDB with  the  contents
   of  .USJOB  in  the  UPT.  If these values do not match, the interrupt
   routine was switching UPTs at the time of the crash; use the  UPT  for
   the job number that is in .USJOB.

   Look at the code that you are familiar with, in the high  segment,  to
   make  sure  the  dump  is  mapped  correctly.  Also check location 410
   (ABSTAB), which should point to NUMTAB, which  is  one  of  the  first
   locations in the low segment.

   If you set up mapping through the wrong page  map,  FILDDT  returns  a
   question mark whenever you try to reference an unmapped location.  For
   example, this could occur if  you  use  the  null  job's  UPT  to  set
   mapping.   To  reset  mapping,  use  the "$$U" command to set physical
   mapping by FILDDT.

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE


   Occasionally, your monitor will crash in the process of upgrading to a
   new  version,  or  when  you are making modifications to the code.  In
   these cases, it is possible that your crash file will be  based  on  a
   different  version of the monitor than the monitor-specific FILDDT you
   created.   You  should   make   sure   that   the   symbols   in   the
   monitor-specific  FILDDT  match  the crash that you are examining.  If
   values of the symbols do not match, the information in the crash  file
   may be useless, misleading, or corrupted.

   There are several ways to check the symbols.  One is to make sure  the
   version  number  of  the  crashed monitor matches that of your current
   monitor.  Another is to examine addresses in the  monitor  with  known
   contents and verify that they contain the right information.

   Monitor location CNFDVN contains the monitor version number  and  edit
   number.  This version number should match the version number displayed
   by the DIRECTORY monitor command.

        IEZ093  EXE  8196 <155> dd-mmm-yy  704(33432) DSKB:[10,1]

        .RUN MONDDT

        [Looking at file DSKA:SER003.EXE[10,1]]
        [Paging and ACs set up from exec data vector]

        CNFDVN/     70400,,33432

   Note that the DIRECTORY  command  reports  version  and  edit  numbers
   704(33432),  matching  the  contents of CNFDVN:  704 in the left half,
   and 33432 in the right half.

   You can obtain the name of the monitor by reading ASCII text  starting
   at location CONFIG, as shown in the following example:

        CONFIG$0T/     RL371A  DEC10 Development

   In this case, the full system name is "RL371A  DEC10 Development".

   If  these  values  match,  you  can  be  relatively  sure   that   the
   monitor-specific FILDDT and crash file match.


   FILDDT command files are used to map a  dump  and  obtain  preliminary
   information  that might be relevant to analyzing the crash.  A command

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

   file is a set of FILDDT commands that are executed automatically  when
   you  issue  the  $Y command to FILDDT.  Command files are also used to
   edit the runnable monitor  (as  opposed  to  making  edits  to  source
   modules and rebuilding the monitor).

   The FILDDT command $Y invokes a series of FILDDT commands stored in  a
   file  on  disk.   This  allows you to easily execute a set of commands
   that you use frequently instead of typing them in.  You  could  use  a
   command  file  to map and verify a dump and to extract information you
   are likely to need while diagnosing a crash, as described below.


           The $ (dollar sign) is displayed when  you  press  the
           ESCape  key  in FILDDT.  It is used here to show where
           you must insert an ESCape  character  into  the  file.
           Most  text  editors  require  a  special procedure for
           inserting ESCape  and  other  non-printing  characters
           into   a   file.    You   must  use  the  text  editor
           documentation  to  find   the   method   for   quoting
           characters  if you do not know how to insert an ESCape
           character into a file.

   The following command file maps a crash file for a  multiple-processor
   KL system.  The same command file is equally useful on a single-CPU KL
   or a KS system.  The command file also verifies the correspondence  of
   the  dump  with  the  monitor-specific  FILDDT  and displays pertinent
   system information about the crash.

   Comments are included here to describe the functions of the  commands,
   However,  FILDDT  will  not accept a command file with comments.  Your
   actual command file should NOT contain the comments in  the  following

        .TYPE VERIFY.DDT         ;display contents of patch file
        DIECDB[                  ;gets addr of CDB for CPU that crashed
        $Q+.CPEPT-.CPCDB[        ;gets addr of the EPT
        $Q'1000$U                ;divides addr by 1000 to get page number
        SPTTAB$6U                ;sets the SPT base address
        .CPACA[$Q$5U             ;maps AC references
        .CPCPI[                  ;gets PI status
        .CPPGD[                  ;gets DATAI PAG results 
        .CPSPT[[                 ;gets the address of the SPT
        .CPDWD[                  ;gets CPU's DIE interlock word
        .CPCPN[                  ;CPU number of crashed CPU
        .CPJOB[                  ;gets job number of current job
        .USJOB[                  ;job number in funny space
        .CPTCX[                  ;process context word on page fails

   You can include these and other FILDDT commands in a command  file  to
   obtain  initial information about the crash.  The locations referenced
   in this file are described in Chapter 3.

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

   The following example shows the types of  information  that  might  be
   displayed  and  how to interpret the information.  Again, the comments
   are included for descriptive reasons, but comments are not allowed  in
   an actual command file.

        .R MONDDT                ;run the symbolic FILDDT

        File: SYS:CRASH
        [Looking at file DSKA:SER003.EXE[10,1]]
        [Paging and ACs set up from exec data vector]
        $Y                       ;execute a command file
        File: MON.DDT            ;command file is MON.DDT

        DIECDB[   13000          ;the address of the CDB for the
                                 ;CPU that crashed is 13000

        $Q+.CPEPT-.CPCDB[   3000 ;compute the offset into the CDB
                                 ;address of the EPT is stored

        $Q'1000$U                ;compute the page number of the EPT
                                 ;and point FILDDT to the EPT

        SPTTAB$6U                ;set the SPT base address

        .CPACA[   402077$Q$5U    ;map AC references 

        .CPCPI[   377            ;377 indicates PI levels are enabled

        .CPPGD[   700100,,2600   ;DATAI PAG shows that:
                                 ;current AC block is 0 (exec)
                                 ;previous AC block is 1 (user)
                                 ;previous context section is 0 (exec)
                                 ;UPT page number is 2600 

        .CPSPT[SPTTAB+1[  2600   ;shows UPT page number of currently 
                                 ;mapped job on this CPU

        .CPDWD[   0              ;Die interlock word

        .CPCPN[   1              ;CPU1 failed

        .CPJOB[   5              ;Job 5 was running

        .USJOB[   5              ;Job 5 is mapped on this CPU

        .CPTCX[   701100,,2364   ;Process context information:
                                 ;current AC block is 1 (user)
                                 ;previous AC block is 1 (user)
                                 ;previous context section is 0 
                                 ;user base page number is 2364

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

   It is important to compare the value of .CPTCX with  the  contents  of
   .CPPGD.   The  process context word stored in .CPTCX and the DATAI PAG
   word stored in .CPPGD are different when the state of the processor at
   the  time  of  the crash is indeterminate (for example, for IME or EUE


   The following information is useful when the  system  crashed  with  a
   stopcode.   You  can  determine the stopcode information by looking at
   the CTY for the CPU that crashed.  The stopcode name is printed on the
   CTY, and is stored in location .CnSNM, where n is the CPU number.  Use
   the Stopcodes Specification in the TOPS-10 Software  Notebook  Set  to
   look up the module that generated the stopcode.

   The stopcode  routines  in  the  monitor  also  store  and  print  the
   following types of information on the CTY:

         o  Date and time of crash

            This information is stored in a series of locations  starting
            at LOCYER:

            LOCYER - Year of the crash
            LOCMON - Month of the crash
            LOCDAY - Day of the crash
            LOCHOR - Hour of the crash
            LOCMIN - Minute of the crash
            LOCSEC - Second of the crash

            Remember to display these locations in decimal, not octal.

         o  Current job

            The word at address  .CnJOB  holds  the  job  number  of  the
            current job on CPUn.

         o  PPN of current job

            The PPN is stored in the JBTPPN table,  indexed  by  the  job

         o  Program name of current job

            The program name is stored in SIXBIT  in  the  JBTNAM  table,
            indexed by the job number.

                           EXAMINING A CRASH FILE

         o  Terminal of current job

            The terminal name is stored in SIXBIT in the  first  word  of
            the  Terminal  DDB,  pointed  to  by  TTYTAB  (indexed by job

         o  CPU number

            The CPU number of the CPU that crashed is determined from the
            value of .CnDWD, where n is the CPU number.  Test this symbol
            for a negative value (-1) for  each  CPU  in  a  multiple-CPU
            system.   A  negative  value  indicates  that the CPU did not
            crash.  If the contents of .CnDWD  are  equal  to  zero,  the
            current CPU is the CPU that crashed.

   Refer to Section 5.2 for more information about the types of stopcodes
   and the information they provide.



                                 CHAPTER 3

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   The monitor is the portion of the software  that  is  responsible  for
   interfacing  user  programs to hardware.  Specifically, the monitor is
   responsible for the following functions:

        1.  Performing tasks for  a  user  before  and  after  running  a
            program,  such  as  copying  or  deleting  files, finding the
            status of the  system,  and  running  or  stopping  programs.
            TOPS-10  provides  the  user  interface  in  the  form of the
            command language.

        2.  Executing the program.  The user must make requests  for  all
            services  (including I/O).  The user programming interface is
            standardized in  the  form  of  monitor  calls,  also  called
            Unimplemented User Operators (UUOs).

        3.  Providing access to the data base.  This is done by  creating
            a logical file system for data stored on disk devices.

        4.  Controlling CPU usage.  A timesharing system must know how to
            determine  who  should  get control of the computer.  This is
            called scheduling.

        5.  Controlling memory usage.  For the system to run efficiently,
            jobs  must  be  moved in and out of memory at the right time.
            This operation is known as swapping and paging.

        6.  Controlling access to sharable devices.   The  main  sharable
            devices  on timesharing systems are disks.  Because many jobs
            will be using files on the same disk drive, adequate  control
            must be maintained to prevent destructive interference.

        7.  Controlling access  to  single-user  (non-sharable)  devices.
            The monitor must implement a way to allocate these devices to
            the right users and control the I/O.  TOPS-10 does this  with
            the GALAXY batch and spooling system.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

        8.  Providing error analysis when  hardware  or  software  errors
            occur (DAEMON and SPEAR).

        9.  Providing accounting information so the system can be  fairly
            allocated and users charged for what they use (ACTDAE).


   The hardware uses three types of  tables  to  establish  and  maintain
   mapping  of  locations  in  memory for a job:  process tables, section
   tables, and page tables:

         o  The process table describes characteristics  for  a  specific
            job  and  includes  a pointer to each section map required to
            map the job.  There are two process tables:  the Exec Process
            Table (EPT) and User Process Table (UPT).

         o  The section map contains pointers to the page  map  for  each
            virtual section for the monitor or user job.

         o  The page maps contain locations for each physical and virtual
            page allocated to the monitor or user job.

   The paging system uses two process tables:  the UPT to  map  the  user
   job  and  the EPT to map the monitor.  The UPT (User Process Table) is
   the table used to describe user address space.  Each user job has  its
   own  UPT,  which  must  be  loaded before the job can be run.  The EPT
   (Exec Process Table) is used to describe the monitor address space.

   The processor runs by switching between user mode and exec  mode.   To
   perform  address  translation  quickly,  the  hardware  must  know the
   locations of the process tables.  Two registers are used to  find  the
   process  tables:   the  User Base Register (UBR) points to the UPT and
   will vary for each job that is loaded  into  memory.   The  Exec  Base
   Register  (EBR)  points to the EPT.  On multiple-CPU systems, each CPU
   has an EBR and a UBR at all times.


   The page maps contain pointers to physical pages of  data.   The  page
   maps are read by the microcode, which evaluates two kinds of pointers:
   section pointers that point to section maps,  and  page  map  pointers
   that  point  to  physical  pages.   Section  and  page  pointers  have
   identical formats.  There are four types of pointers, indicated  by  a
   code  stored  in  Bits 0-2 of the word.  The access code is applied to
   the address by ANDing Bits 3-6 of all pointers used  to  evaluate  the

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   The pointer to non-accessible pages has code (0) in Bits 0 through 2.

   The pointers to accessible pages also include accessibility  codes  in
   Bits  3  through  6.   Bit  3  (P), if set, indicates that the page is
   public.  Bit 4 (W) indicates whether the page is writable, and  Bit  6
   (C) indicates whether the page can be cached.

   Bit 5 of the pointer to an  accessible  page  is  used  by  the  MCA25
   harware  option as the "Keep Me" bit.  That is, if Bit 5 is set in the
   page pointer, the address translation for that page is not cleared  in
   the  hardware  pager, providing that the DATAO PAG (context switch) is
   issued with Bit 3 set.


   The KL processor uses KL-paging to allow code and data to  be  grouped
   into  virtual  sections;  each  section  is  a maximum of 512 pages of
   virtual memory.  The monitor layout for a KL with extended  addressing
   enabled is illustrated in Appendix A.

   The KS processor  does  not  support  extended  addressing.   However,
   because  KL-paging  is  required in order to run TOPS-10 Version 7.04,
   the KS processor simulates KL-paging by choosing an alternate page map
   when necessary.

   The primary page map for the KS monitor is the Section 0 page map.  To
   perform  a monitor call to an extended section, the KS monitor changes
   the page map pointer.  For example,  to  execute  the  DNET.   monitor
   call,  a  special  macro  reads  the  Section 2 page map pointer (from
   SECTAB+2 in the EPT) and writes the address into the  Section  0  page
   map  pointer (at SECTAB in the EPT).  The KS accesses locations in the
   Section 2 page map until  the  monitor  call  has  been  serviced.   A
   similar macro restores the Section 0 page map pointer to SECTAB.


   Some information that pertains to the specific user  is  kept  in  the
   monitor's  address  space, in the exec page maps.  Each word in a page
   map can point to a physical page in memory, but the Section 0 Page Map
   also  contains  indirect  pointers to the UPT.  The monitor uses these
   virtual addresses to reference job-specific locations, such  as  funny

   The job-specific data in monitor address  space  is  composed  of  the
   following areas, which are described separately below.

        Funny Space (Per-Process Area)

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

        .UPMAP (Section 0 page map)
        .UPMP/.UUPMP (UPT origin)
        Vestigial JOBDAT

   The information in these pages is specific to the current user, so the
   job's  page  maps  in  the  crash  file  contain  virtual and physical
   addresses.  In a multiple-CPU system, the SPT  (Special  Pages  Table)
   for  that CPU contains the current user page map page.  When a new job
   is selected to run, only the UBR and the SPT words need to be changed.

   Certain pages of the executive virtual address space are designated as
   the  per-process monitor free core, also known as funny space, for the
   job that is currently running on that CPU.   This  is  monitor  memory
   that  is  swapped with the job, and contains information pertaining to
   its disk DDBs,  monitor  buffers,  SWITCH.INI,  the  extended  channel
   table, and so forth.

   The monitor references the user's funny space with the  symbol  .UPMP,
   which  points to the first location in the UPT, and reads the physical
   location in memory from the page table for user page 0.

   User page 0 contains JOBDAT locations, which are used by  the  monitor
   for handling the user job.

   Vestigial JOBDAT is the job data area for the job's high segment.


   The PC (Program Counter) double-word contains the location of the next
   instruction  that the system will execute, including flags to indicate
   whether the processor is in user mode or exec mode.  The PC is  stored
   in  the  job's  UPT  (at  USRPC)  and in the CDB (at .CnPC).  When you
   analyze a crash, you must examine Bit 5 of the PC  word  to  determine
   whether the processor was in user mode or exec mode at the time of the
   crash.  If Bit 5 of the PC is set, the processor was in user mode.  If
   Bit  5  is  clear,  the crash occurred in exec mode.  The remaining PC
   flags indicate arithmetic overflow conditions and so forth.

   The PC contains  a  thirty-bit  address,  which  points  to  the  next
   instruction  to  be  executed.  When control passes to a section other
   than the section where the instruction was  issued,  that  instruction
   must  refer  to  a 30-bit address.  To store the 30-bit PC with flags,
   the flag-PC doubleword is used.  The flag word contains the PC bits in
   Bits  0-12,  in  a format identical to the single-word PC.  Bits 13-17
   are unused.  The right half of the first word is used by the hardware.
   The  second word contains the page number and address.  Bits 0 through
   5 of the second word are zero.  The format of the PC doubleword allows
   the  flags (including the mode bit) to be read in the same manner as a
   single-word PC.  You can also read the address in a double-word PC  in

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   the  same  way as a single-word PC, after you add 1 to the location of
   the PC word.

   Most instructions that  use  30-bit  addresses  cannot  be  issued  in
   Section 0.  Global section references are illegal in Section 0, except
   for the OWGBP instruction, the XJRST and XJRSTF instructions, and  the
   XBLT  function of the EXTEND instruction.  Any other instructions with
   global section references must be made from a non-zero section.


   The processor reads the PC to determine whether the instruction is  to
   be  executed  in user or exec mode.  User mode allows user jobs to run
   programs and request the monitor  for  system  resources.   Exec  mode
   allows  the  monitor to satisfy user requests for system resources and
   perform overhead functions.

   You can determine the processor mode at  the  time  of  the  crash  by
   reading  the  PC  word  from the CDB.  Bits 5 and 7 of the PC word are
   useful in determining the processor mode.  If  Bit  5  is  clear,  the
   processor  was  in  exec  mode.  If Bit 5 is set, the processor was in
   user mode.  In user mode, if Bit 7 is set, the job is in public  mode;
   if Bit 7 is clear, the job is in concealed mode.  In exec mode, if Bit
   7 is clear, the process is in kernel mode.  If Bit 7 were set in  exec
   mode,  this would establish supervisor mode, but this mode is not used
   by TOPS-10.

   Processor modes,  PCs,  and  paging  pointers  are  described  in  the
   DECsystem-10/20 Processor Reference Manual.

   3.6.1  User Mode

   Normally a user program runs in user mode.  When the program  requests
   a  monitor  service, using a monitor call, the current processor flags
   and PC are saved.  The program is stopped  temporarily  while  waiting
   for  the  monitor  service to be completed; this is called "blocking."
   Control of the processor  is  then  passed  to  the  monitor  in  exec
   (kernel)  mode  by  clearing the processor flags and starting at a new

   When an I/O operation is requested or completed,  a  device  interrupt
   causes  the  monitor  to  service the device.  On a regular basis, the
   monitor receives a clock interrupt, which initiates job scheduling and
   system  maintenance  (overhead  functions).   When  the  clock service
   routine is finished, control passes to the appropriate  user  program,
   and  the processor switches back to user mode by setting the flag bits
   (Bits 5 and 7) and restoring the user's PC.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   A user program runs in either User  Public  or  User  Concealed  mode.
   User  mode  begins  with  a  monitor command and ends when the program
   exits or encounters an error.  Normally the  program  runs  in  public
   mode:   Bits 5 and 7 of the PC word are set.  The user program runs in
   concealed mode if Bit 7 is clear and Bit 5 is set.

   3.6.2  Exec Mode

   When a user program requests a service by the monitor, using a monitor
   call  or  a  command, the processor must switch from user mode to exec
   mode.  Exec mode allows the monitor to perform privileged services and
   provides  the user's interface to file management, device control, and
   hardware communication in general.

   User programs  run  in  user  mode,  and  cannot  perform  direct  I/O
   instructions.  A range of I/O instructions, with device codes from 740
   to 774, are  reserved  for  customer  definition,  and  are  therefore
   designated as unrestricted codes.

   When a UUO is executed, a hardware trap condition occurs, causing  the
   the microcode to store the following information in the UPT:

         o  PC doubleword

         o  30-bit effective address

         o  Opcode and AC (from the instruction)

         o  Process context word

   The new PC word is taken from one of the MUUO  dispatch  locations  in
   the  UPT,  depending  on the processor mode and whether or not the UUO
   occurred during the  processing  of  another  trap  condition  (a  PDL
   overfolw,  for  example).   Control  passes to the MUUO routine in the
   monitor, where UUO processing begins.  The monitor uses  AC  Block  0.
   The  user program uses AC Block 1.  To switch to AC Block 0 from Block
   1, the monitor issues the following instruction:

        DATAO PAG, addr

   Where:  addr contains the value [400100,,0].

   When the job is not running,  the  user  accumulators  are  stored  in
   JOBDAT  in  the  user's address space.  The monitor's accumulators are
   stored in the next higher locations in the user's address space.

   Once in the MUUO routine, the monitor checks the UUO for  legality  by
   checking  the  instruction stored in .USMUO of the UPT.  The return PC
   from USRPC in the UPT is placed on the monitor's stack for  this  job.
   Then control passes to the appropriate routine to perform the function
   for the user.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   The execution of the user function may finish or it may block, waiting
   for  something  to  happen (I/O, for example), before it can continue.
   If control can be returned to  the  user  job,  the  user  AC  set  is
   restored  and  control  passes to the location pointed to by the PC in
   USRPC.  If the job blocks, the monitor goes to clock level.  After the
   blocking condition is serviced, the job can run again.  At the time of
   the block, the monitor's PC is stored at USRPC in the UPT.

   The MUUO routine uses a stack, also located  in  the  UPT,  which  the
   monitor  can  address  because  it is mapped through a monitor virtual
   address (refer to Section 3.3).

   Some values in the UPT can be  cached  without  interfering  with  the
   system,  such  as  the  stack.   These locations are referenced by the
   symbol .UUPMP.  Other locations are not cached; they are referenced by
   the  symbol .UPMP, which also points to the first location of the UPT.
   On a single-CPU  system,  the  monitor  caches  the  contents  of  all
   locations  in  the UPT from .UUPMP to .UPMP.  On multiple-CPU systems,
   however, the system only caches the contents of .UUPMP.


   In exec mode, the monitor can  service  the  user  program,  a  device
   request,  or  a  clock-level  interrupt.   Interrupts can be caused by
   devices or by the clock.  While in exec  mode,  the  monitor  services
   interrupts  according to the Priority Interrupt (PI) level assigned to
   the interrupting process.  A typical set of priority interrupt  levels
   (also called PI channels) might be:

        Level 0   DTE (Byte Xfer,Deposit,Examine only)
                  CI/NI (limited set of functions only)
        Level 1   none
        Level 2   DTA (DECtape)
        Level 3   Card reader, APR, clock
        Level 4   Line printer, magtape, NI, DTE (doorbell)
        Level 5   Disk, CI
        Level 6   ANF-10 network
        Level 7   Monitor 

   To distinguish the interrupt level of the system at any one time, four
   pieces of information are used:

         o  The set of accumulators currently in use, which  reveals  the
            stack in use.

         o  The processor mode (exec or user).

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

         o  The status of the PI system.

         o  The process context word.  When  the  monitor  is  called  to
            perform  a  service for a user job, as with a command or UUO,
            the microcode creates the  job's  process  context  word  and
            writes  it  into  the  UPT.   This  process  context  word is
            displayed by a DATAI PAG instruction where Bit 2 is  cleared,
            and  contains  the  current  AC block number, the previous AC
            block number, section bits, and the current  UBR  (User  Base

   A summary of the interrupt levels and how to distinguish them is shown
   in the following table:

   Table 3-1:  Interrupt Level Indicators


                          Block   PDL        Mode   PI Status

     User Job               1     Variable   User   No PIs active
       Null Job             1     N/A        User   No PIs active

     UUO Level              0     JOBPDO     Exec   No PIs active

     Clock Level            0     NUnPDL     Exec   PI 7 active

     Device Interrupts:
       Terminal driver      2     CnxPD1     Exec   PI SCNCHN active
       Disk service         3     CnxPD1     Exec   PI DSKCHN active
       Network service      4     CnxPD1     Exec   PI NETCHN active
       Other (level y)      0     CnyPD1     Exec   PI y active

     Page Fail              0     NUnPDL     Exec   Variable

   You can find the stack by finding the current set of ACs.  The process
   context word, stored in the UPT, contains the current AC block.

   You can determine the status  of  the  priority  interrupt  system  by
   looking  at  the PI status word, stored at location .CnCPI in the CDB.
   This word is read by the monitor with a CONI PI instruction and stored
   in  the CDB when the monitor starts to process a stopcode.  Using this
   information you can determine whether the PI system was enabled,  what
   PI levels were enabled, and what kinds of interrupts were in progress.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   The PI status word on a KL system has the following format:

        Bits           Meaning

        0-10           Not used.
        11-17          Level on which a  program  requests  an  interrupt
                       (Bit  11  =  Level  1,  Bit  12  = Level 2, and so
        18-20          Write even parity (KL diagnostics only).
        21-27          Levels on which an interrupt is in progress.
        28             PI system is on.
        29-35          Enabled levels.


   A device interrupt occurs when an I/O transfer is complete,  a  device
   has  changed status, or an error has occurred.  There are two types of
   device  interrupts:    vectored   and   nonvectored   interrupts.    A
   nonvectored,  or  standard interrupt, is handled by the software.  The
   interrupt handling instruction is read from the EPT and control passes
   to  the  CONSO  skip  chain to determine the device that generated the
   interrupt.  Section 3.81 describes standard, nonvectored interrupts.

   The DTEs (doorbell function only), the interval  timer  (on  the  same
   level  as  APR  interrupts),  RH10,  and  RH20 MASSBUS controllers all
   perform vectored interrupts.  Vectored interrupts are  not  dispatched
   by  the  software  but  are automatically dispatched by the microcode.
   Section 3.8.2 describes nonstandard, vectored interrupts.

   3.8.1  Standard Interrupts

   An interrupt can occur on Levels 1 through 7 only if the PI system  is
   turned  on,  there are no higher-level interrupts in progress, and the
   PI system is enabled  for  interrupts  on  that  level  on  which  the
   interrupt  is  requested.   If these conditions are met, the interrupt
   will stop the processor and turn on a bit in the PI status word.   The
   bit  indicates  the  level  on  which the interrupt is requested.  The
   processor then executes the instruction for handling an  interrupt  on
   the requested PI level.

   The location of the interrupt handling instruction is  stored  in  the
   EPT.  The exact location in the EPT is calculated from the following:

        EPT+40+2*n     ;where n is the PI interrupt level

   The next instruction to execute in the handling of  the  interrupt  is
   stored  in  the EPT and depends on the PI level on which the interrupt
   was requested.  The above calculation results in an  offset  into  the

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   EPT  where  the  instruction is stored.  Thus, if a BA10 (unit record)
   I/O bus controller is assigned to PI Level 2, the formula would result
   in  EPT+40+(2*2).   The system then executes the instruction stored at
   offset 44 into the EPT.

   Interrupt level 0 is reserved for certain types of I/O transfers  with
   DTE and CI/NI (KLIPA/KLNI) devices.  Level 0 bypasses the software and
   is handled by the microcode,  which  handles  interrupts  on  Level  0
   automatically   without   requiring  the  software  to  store  context
   information and so forth.

   In general, the interrupt instructions in the EPT are formatted as:

        XPCW CHnm

   where n is the CPU number (omitted for  CPU0),  and  m  is  the  level
   number  on which the interrupt is in progress.  For example, CH7 means
   Level 7 on CPU0.  CH27 indicates Level 7 on CPU2 (the third CPU in the
   configuration).   The  new  PC  flags  at  CHnm+2  usually include the
   previous context user flag.  This allows the interrupt service routine
   to access the user's address space using the PXCT instruction.

   The location following each XPCW in the EPT  contains  an  instruction
   that  will  cause  an  I/O page fail condition (setting the APR flag),
   which will usually result in an IOP stopcode.

   Using a data structure known as the CONSO skip  chain,  the  interrupt
   routine  polls  the  devices  on that interrupt level and services the
   interrupt.  With the XPCW instruction,  control  passes  to  the  skip
   chain.   Each  channel has its own skip chain, starting at the address
   pointed to by CHnm+3, whose function is to find  the  specific  device
   that created the interrupt and then service its needs.

   The  monitor  performs  CONSO  instructions  to  decide  which  device
   generated the interrupt.  If it finds the interrupting device, control
   passes to the interrupt  handling  routine.   If  the  device  is  not
   requesting  an  interrupt,  the monitor performs a JRST instruction to
   the next CONSO instruction.  If it reaches the end of the  CONSO  skip
   chain, it dismisses the interrupt with the following instruction:

        XJEN CHnm

   When control passes to the interrupt  handling  routine,  the  monitor
   reads the status of the device, using a CONI or DATAI instruction.  On
   that basis, it may  stop  the  device,  advance  buffer  pointers,  or
   perform  cleanup  operations.   A CONO or DATAO instruction clears the
   device interrupt status.  Failure to do so would cause continual loops
   in the interrupt handling routine, and eventually the keep-alive count
   would expire.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   The KL processor uses the following instructions to perform I/O:

        DATAI        CONI
        DATAO        CONO
        BLKI         CONSZ
        BLKO         CONSO

   KS I/O processing uses the following set of instructions:


   When the interrupt  routine  is  completed,  control  returns  to  the
   routine  that  was  running before the interrupt (which may be another
   device interrupt at a lower PI level).  Each interrupt routine has its
   own  push-down list.  The push-down lists are named CnxPD1, where n is
   the CPU number (omitted for CPU0), and x is the interrupt level  (from
   1 to 6).

   Device service routines preserve  the  state  of  the  machine  as  it
   existed  before  it  was interrupted.  They can use AC Block 0, as UUO
   level does.  Accumulators used by the interrupt routine are  saved  on
   the stack before processing, and restored when processing is complete.

   The SAVnx routines (n = CPU number, omitted if 0, and  x  =  interrupt
   level)  are  used  to  save/switch  ACs during device interrupts.  For
   example, SAV1 is the routine to save the ACs for PI Level 1 on CPU  0;
   SAV11 is the routine to save the ACs for PI Level 1 on CPU 1.

   Certain device interrupt routines have  dedicated  AC  blocks,  listed

        AC Block  Used for

           0      Exec-mode
           1      User-mode
           2      Terminal Scanner Interrupt Service
           3      File Interrupt Service
           4      Network Interrupt Service
           5      Reserved for Realtime Interrupt Service
           6      KL-paging Microcode
           7      Microcode

   Interrupt service routines may also need to use the UPT of a job  that
   is waiting for the completion of I/O, rather than the current job.  In
   that case, the UBR and SPT must be modified to point  to  the  correct
   UPT,  and  then  switched  back  when  the  interrupt is through.  The
   monitor routines that accomplish this are  SVEUF,  SVEUB,  and  SVPCS.
   When  you  are  examining  a dump, be sure to check the correspondence
   between the job and the UPT/SPT.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   3.8.2  Vectored Interrupts

   The KL hardware also uses vectored interrupts, which differ  from  the
   standard,  nonvectored  interrupts in that the vectored interrupt goes
   directly  to  the  interrupt-handling  routine,  using   a   different
   interrupt  location in the EPT.  The interval timer, the DTE (doorbell
   function only), RH10s, and RH20s may do vectored interrupts.

   The DTE interrupts to a location in the EPT, which  is  calculated  as

        EPT+142+10n    ;where n is the DTE number (0-3)

   For the RH10/RH20 devices, the system has an internal register  called
   IVIR  (Interrupt  Vector).   When  an  RH10/RH20  device  requests  an
   interrupt, the EBOX hardware/microcode dispatches to the  location  in
   the EPT calculated as follows:


   This interrupt method allows the disk  interrupt  to  vector  for  the
   standard   interrupt  location  for  that  channel,  providing  device
   independence in the device interrupt handling routine.  Thus, the disk
   RH10 or RH20 can load the IVIR with 40+2n and the magtape RH10 or RH20
   will dispatch directly into the middle of the skip chain to service  a
   specific controller.

   3.9  TRAPS

   Traps differ from interrupts in that they are caused by the  execution
   of  a  specific  instruction  rather  than by some asynchronous event.
   When a trap occurs, the microcode stores the current PC and  flags  in
   the  UPT.   A  new  PC  double-word,  also in the UPT, specifies where
   control will pass and in what mode the processor will operate (exec or
   user mode).

   3.9.1  Page Fail Traps

   When a program  attempts  to  access  a  page  of  data  that  is  not
   available,  the hardware generates a page fail trap.  A page fail trap
   can occur for one of two reasons:  the  user  tries  to  reference  an
   address   that   cannot   be   accessed  (page  not  in  memory,  page
   write-locked) or a hardware error (AR/ARX  parity  error,  page  table
   parity  error)  occurs.   When  a page fail trap occurs, the processor
   stores information about the trap in  location  500  (.USPFW)  of  the
   current UPT.  This location is known as the page fail word.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   The page fail word is formatted differently for a page reference  that
   is  not  available and for a hardware error.  The page reference to an
   address that cannot be accessed has the following format:

   |U|1|Failure Code|   |V|          |        Virtual Address              |
    0 1 2----------5 6-7 8 9-------12 13---------------------------------35

   In either type of page failure, the virtual address is stored in  Bits
   13  through  35.   Bit  0  is  on if the page failure occurred in user
   virtual address space.  If Bit 0  is  off,  the  failure  occurred  in
   executive virtual address space.

   If Bit 1 is on, a hardware-detected error occurred,  and  the  failure
   code is stored in Bits 1-5.  The failure codes are:

        Code      Meaning

        20        No device response on UNIBUS (KS only)
        21        Proprietary violation (KL only)
        23        Address break (KL only)
        24        Illegal indirect word in EA calc (KL only)
        25        Page table parity error (KL only)
        27        Section number in EA calc greater than 37 (KL only)
        36        AR parity error (KL only)
        37        ARX parity error (KL only)

   If Bit 1 is off, Bits 2-7 have the following format:

         2 3 4 5 6 7

        Bit       Name      Meaning

        2         A         Indicates whether the  mapping  is  valid  (0
                            means a page refill is required).

        3         M         Indicates that the page has been modified.

        4         S         Reserved for use by the monitor.

        5         T         Indicates the type of page reference  (0  for
                            reading, 1 for writing).

        6         P         Indicates the page is public, if set.

        7         C         Indicates whether the page is cachable.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   At the same time the page fail word is stored, the flag-PC  doubleword
   is  stored  at  .USPFP (location 501) in the UPT and control passes to
   the address stored at .USPFP+2 (location 503), which usually contains:

        EXP     SEILM

   Certain error handling routines modify  .USPFP+2.   If  this  location
   does not contain SEILM, the cause of the crash may have been a failure
   in an error recovery routine.

   SEILM examines the page fail information stored in the UPT and  breaks
   down  the  code  to  find  the  specific  cause  of  the problem.  The
   error-handling routines are described in Chapter 5.

   Note that traps cannot be disabled  and  they  can  occur  during  the
   service  of  an  interrupt.   To  return  to the correct location, the
   Flag-PC doubleword is used.

   The page fault trap routine uses AC Block 0 and a  push-down  list  in
   the job's UPT.

   3.10  CLOCK LEVEL

   All functions that must be performed on a periodic basis are  done  at
   clock  level,  in exec mode.  Clock level may be entered in one of the
   following ways:

         o  The clock ticked when the processor was in user mode.

         o  A UUO could not continue execution (was blocked).

         o  The null job was running and a new job became runnable.

         o  A UUO completed and a clock tick occurred previously,  during
            the processing of the UUO.

   A full cycle occurs when the  processor  enters  clock  level  as  the
   result  of  a  clock  tick;  a partial cycle occurs when the processor
   enters clock level as the result of a job blocking  or  the  null  job
   detecting  a  newly  runnable  job.  The full cycle starts at location
   CLKINT; a partial cycle starts at WSCHED or SCDCHK.

   A  clock  tick  interrupt  occurs  at  APR  interrupt  level  but   is
   rescheduled  to  run  at Level 7.  The clock tick initiates accounting
   and scheduling functions, then generates a PI Level 7 interrupt.

   Only the  software  will  generate  a  Level  7  interrupt.   Level  7
   interrupts  and  ANF-10  network  interrupts  are  controlled  by  the
   software.  If the scheduler is running, a Level 7 interrupt  will  not
   be processed.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   During the full cycle, the monitor performs the following tasks:

         o  User time accounting

         o  System time accounting

         o  Processing timing requests

         o  Checking for hung devices

         o  Command processing (policy CPU only)

         o  Choosing a job to run

         o  Choosing a job to swap

   On a partial cycle, the system only performs user time accounting  and
   then  selects  a  job to run.  A software interlock prevents a Level 7
   interrupt from interrupting the partial cycle.

   The scheduler uses the null job's push-down list, NUnPDL and AC  Block
   0.  When a partial or full cycle has been done, the scheduler prepares
   and runs either a user job or the null job.


   The first step in finding the correct push-down list (or stack) is  to
   get  the  right  set  of  accumulators.   When  a  crash  occurs,  the
   accumulators are saved in the following places:

        AC Block  Location

           0      .CnCA0  = .CnCAC  = CRSHAC (for CPU0)
           1      .CnCA1
           2      .CnCA2
           3      .CnCA3
           4      .CnCA4
           6      Portions of .Cn6
           7      Portions of .Cn7

   The accumulators are stored  when  stopcode  processing  starts.   The
   error  processing routines in the monitor use a special stack, ERnPDL.
   If this is the current stack, be aware that an error may have occurred
   within  the error routine.  You must do the mapping, or certain stacks
   may be inaccessible.  Once you  have  the  correct  accumulators,  the
   stack currently in use will become readily apparent.  You should check
   the stack to make sure the information in it appears to be current.

   This information is fundamental to analyzing any  crash,  and  it  may
   lead  directly to the cause of the crash.  Often crashes occur because

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   the ACs are misused, the stack is corrupted, or there is confusion  in
   the  Priority  Interrupt  handling  system.   Software crashes are not
   always the result of oversights in a complicated algorithm.   However,
   if  the  crash  is  due  to  a  more  obscure problem, you can use the
   information you have gathered so far to begin  your  investigation  of
   the state of the software at the time of the crash.

   You can continue your investigation of  the  crash  by  comparing  the
   state  of  the  crash with the monitor sources.  The following section
   lists the more prominent monitor modules and their functions.


   Like the hardware, the software is composed of modules.   Each  module
   of the monitor is compiled separately, and then linked with the others
   to make up the monitor.  A  module  is  a  monitor  source  file  with
   related  routines in it.  For example, FILUUO deals with monitor calls
   for file access.

   The CLOCK1 module controls the following activities:

         o  Perform system time accounting

         o  Perform user time accounting

         o  Initiate terminal command processing (COMCON)

         o  Initiate scheduling (SCHED1)

         o  Initiate swapping (SWPSER)

         o  Perform job context switching

   The modules called from UUO level are  organized  hierarchically.   At
   the  highest  level is the UUOCON module, which is responsible for UUO
   preprocessing, dispatching to the correct  routine,  and  cleaning  up
   after  the function has been performed.  It also contains the code for
   some of the UUOs.

   For I/O-related UUOs,  UUOCON  performs  device-independent  functions
   before  dispatching  to  a  lower  level  for the device drivers.  The
   drivers are responsible for calling the specific  modules  that  issue
   the I/O instructions and start the transfers.

   Most hardware interrupts enter the  CONSO  skip  chain,  which  is  in
   COMMON.   From  there, control passes to the appropriate low-level I/O
   module, or the skip chain may call a routine  in  the  device  driver.
   Certain  types  of hardware generate vectored interrupts, which do not
   access the skip chain.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   3.12.1  Monitor Startup Modules

   The monitor uses the following modules when it loads  and  starts  the
   system, discarding some of them when normal timesharing begins:

         o  SYSINI initializes devices and the  monitor's  data  base  in
            preparation  for  timesharing.   It  performs system startup,
            running an operator dialog  to  obtain  date  and  time,  and
            performs  device  initialization.   The  monitor reclaims the
            memory space used by SYSINI and uses it for dynamic storage.

         o  ONCMOD holds the routines related  to  disk  units  and  file
            structures.   The  monitor  reclaims  the  memory for dynamic

         o  REFSTR  refreshes  file  structures  at  startup  time.   The
            monitor reclaims the memory for dynamic storage.

         o  PATCH contains  extra  space  to  patch  the  monitor  during
            timesharing.   Patch  space  is  reclaimed  starting  at  the
            location referenced by PATSIZ, and continues up.  SYSINI  and
            patch  space  are preserved when the monitor is run with EDDT

         o  AUTCON dynamically configures RH10, RH20, DX10,  DX20,  CI20,
            NIA20,  and  most  I/O  bus  hardware.   The monitor does not
            reclaim AUTCON memory space, because reconfiguration might be
            required during timesharing.

   The following are optional  modules  that  can  be  omitted  from  the
   monitor during monitor generation:

         o  CPNSER holds the routines that control the  processors  in  a
            Symmetrical MultiProcessing (SMP) system.

         o  CTXSER performs job context service.

         o  IPCSER  handles  the  InterProcess  Communications   Facility

         o  LOKCON locks jobs in core.

         o  PSISER handles  the  Programmable  Software  Interrupt  (PSI)

         o  QUESER controls the ENQ/DEQ facility.

         o  RTTRP allows for real-time programming.

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   3.12.2  Symbol Definition Modules

   Some modules contain only symbols that  are  used  by  other  modules.
   They do not appear in the assembled monitor:

         o  F.MAC contains feature test switches.

         o  S.MAC contains system symbols.

         o  DEVPRM contains hardware device related symbols.

         o  DTEPRM contains DTE20 parameters.

         o  NETPRM contains network parameters.

         o  JOBDAT contains user job data area addresses.

         o  D36PAR contains DECnet parameters.

         o  SCPAR contains Session Control Parameters (DECnet).

         o  MACSYM contains DECnet macros.

         o  KLPPRM contains CI20 parameters.

         o  SCAPRM contains SCA parameters.

         o  MSCPAR contains MSCP driver parameters.

         o  ETHPRM contains Ethernet parameters.


   The remainder of this chapter illustrates the crash analysis procedure
   for  three  types  of  crashes.   The examples display the information
   gathered  with  the  FILDDT  patch  file  described  in  Section  2.5.
   Comments  have been added here to describe the information gained from
   each command; in an actual command file, comments are illegal.

   Example 1:  IME Stopcode (Illegal Memory Reference in Exec Mode)

   .RUN MONDDT                           ;Run the monitor-specific FILDDT

   File: IME004                          ;Enter crash file name 
   [Looking at file DSKT:IME004.EXE[30,5653,CAG]]
   [Paging and ACs set up from the Exec Data Vector]

   diecdb/   CPU0                        ;Check that FILDDT found the 
                                         ;right CDB

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   .cpslf/   CPU0                        ;DIE agrees with FILDDT
   .cpdwd/   0                           ;This CPU was in DIE
   .cppgd[   700100,,4325                ;Mapping information saved by
   .cptcx[   700100,,4325                ;It matches that saved by 
   .uspfw/   DFDV NTLFRE#(P)             ;The page fault word
   =113001,,552104                       ;A write attempt to 1,,NTLFRE
   .USPFP/   CAIA 0   =304000,,0         ;The page fault PC flags
   .USPFP+1/   P,,TIC+4                  ;an address
   $q/   XCT 0(T4)   t4/   COMTIV+4      ;at which we find part of 
   1,,COMTIV+4/   MOVEM T1,CRSHWD+3(U)   ;typein processing
   u[   1,,552051   _P,,NTLCKC#+4        ;However, U contains an 
                                         ;apparent PC,
                                         ;rather than an LDB address
   p/   .UUPMP+616,,NU0PDL+22            ;We are on the clock-level 
   1,,NU0PDL+22/   P,,CTICOM#+5   ^      ;The call within SCNSER which
   1,,NU0PDL+21/   ADD 0   ^             ;some saved data
   1,,NU0PDL+20/   P,,TTYCM7#+4          ;The return PC from the call 
                                         ;to SCNSER
   ttycm7?                               ;Where is this label defined?
   COMCON                                ;In COMCON.
                                         ;This is part of the TTY
   .cpcml/   P,,NTLCKC#+4                ;COMCON's saved LDB address 
                                         ;has the same incorrect value
                                         ;as AC U.
   .cpisf/   .UUPMP+602,,NU0PDL+6   $c   ;However, COMCON's saved PDL 
   1,,NU0PDL+6[   4,,15772               ;points at a likely LDB 
   $q+ldbclp/   CAIL U,43711             ;And this LDB has a command 
                                         ;pointer established
   .-ldbclp+ldbtit/   CCI 43705          ;So we trace its input chunk 
   =1400,,43705                          ;(POINT 12,addr,35)
   ttchks=20                             ;These chunks are 16 words 
   4,,43705/   UNWNDC,,PLTS5A#+1   $12t  ;12-bit ASCII, starting next 
   4,,43706/   tt
   4,,43707/   21_
   4,,43710/   115
   4,,43711/    ec
   4,,43712/   ho^@

   ;"tt 21_115 echo" was the command being executed.
   1,,ttycmd/   PUSHJ P,SSEC1            ;We proceed to trace the 

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   1,,TTYCMD+1/   PUSHJ P,SAVE2          ;of the command to see where 
                                         ;U got
   1,,TTYCMD+2/   PUSH P,U               ;clobbered.
   1,,TTYCMD+3/   MOVE P1,U
   =302200,,137                          ;"_" is character code 137,
   1,,TTYCMD+6/   JRST TTYC0#            ;so we skipped this 
   1,,TTYCMD+7/   PUSHJ P,NTLCKJ         ;and executed this code.

   ;NTLCKJ is called as a result of the NETDBJ macro

   ntlckj/   PUSHJ P,NTCHCK              ;This routine checks for 
                                         ;nesting of
   1,,NTLCKJ+1/   JRST NTLCKJ+3          ;the NETSER interlock (false)
   1,,NTLCKJ+2/   POPJ P,0
   1,,NTLCKJ+3/   SKIPE .CPISF           ;It then checks for COMCON 
   1,,NTLCKC#/   PUSHJ P,NTLCKI          ;Get the interlock
   1,,NTLCKC#+1/   JRST ANFMDL+5         ;(failure branch not taken)
   1,,NTLCKC#+2/   POP P,0(P)            ;Proceed as a coroutine
   1,,NTLCKC#+3/   PUSHJ P,@P(P)
   u/   P,,NTLCKC#+4                     ;This is the return address 
                                         ;in U!

   ;At TTYCMD+2, we pushed U on the stack.  We then called a coroutine.
   ;We should have called NTLCKJ before we pushed U onto the stack.

   Example 2:  UIL Stopcode (UUO at Interrupt Level)

   .RUN MONDDT                           ;Run the monitor-specific FILDDT

   File: uil002                          ;Enter crash file name
   [Looking at file DSKT:UIL002.EXE[30,5653,CAG]]
   [Paging and ACs set up from the Exec Data Vector]

   diecdb/   CPU0                        ;Check that FILDDT found the 
                                         ;right CDB
   .cpslf/   CPU0                        ;DIE agrees with FILDDT
   .cpdwd/   0                           ;This CPU was in DIE
   .usmuo/   CAIA 0                      ;UUO PC flags
   .USMUP/   BOOTPA   =20                ;The UUO was in the ACs
   .USMUE/   MAPBAX+1   =702432          ;UUO effective address
   .USUPF/   TLNE T1,4   =603100,,4      ;AC block 3 was current,
   $5u/   .CPCA0                         ;but FILDDT set up AC block 0,
   .cpca3$5u                             ;so we set up AC block 3 by 
   p/   .UUPMP+623,,C4PD1+23             ;We have an interrupt level 

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   C4PD1+23/   CAIA FREIN5#+5            ;which points to this return PC
   FREIN5#+5/   JRST FREIN3#   ^
   FREIN5#+4/   PUSHJ P,CALMDA#          ;We had called this routine to 
   CALMDA#/   MOVE T1,0(U)               ;the MDA of a new disk unit
   CALMDA#+1/   MOVEI T2,0
   CALMDA#+3/   POPJ P,0
   CALMDA#+4/   JRST F                   ;Aha!

   ;An editing error would seem to be responsible.
   ;The "JRST F" should be a "JRST CPOPJ1".

   Example 3:  KAF Stopcode (Keep-Alive Failure)

   .RUN MONDDT                           ;Run the monitor-specific FILDDT

   File: KAF003                          ;Enter crash file name
   [Looking at file DSKT:KAF003.EXE[30,5653,CAG]]
   [Paging and ACs set up from the Exec Data Vector]

   diecdb/   CPU0                        ;Check that FILDDT found the
                                         ;right CDB
   .cpslf/   CPU0                        ;DIE agrees with FILDDT
   .cpdwd/   0                           ;This CPU was in DIE
   .cppgd[   700100,,4325                ;Mapping information saved by
   .cpcpi[   1,,777                      ;CONI PI, result saved by DIE

   kafloc/   XPCW @.CPKAF                ;Where a KAF STOPCD gets its
                                         ;(RSX20F does an XCT of this 
   AP0KAF#/   CAIA 0   =304000,,0        ;PC flags
   AP0KAF#+1/   P,,LOKNPI   $c           ;and location
   AP0KAF#+2[   4000,,0   $s             ;new PC flags
   AP0KAF#+3/   APRKAF                   ;and location
   APRKAF/   MOVEM P,.CPSVP              ;Where the real stack pointer
                                         ;was saved
   /   .UUPMP+603,,NU0PDL+7              ;So we examine it
   NU0PDL+7/   WRSLOC,,0   ^
   NU0PDL+6/   P,,XMTECH#+17   ^         ;We're inside XMTECH in 
   NU0PDL+5/   P,,TTDSC1#+1              ;from the call of XMTCHR in 
   NU0PDL+6/   P,,XMTECH#+17             ;Let's look for a loop in 
   $q/   JRST XMTCH1#                    ;We're about to restart

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   1,,XMTCH1#+1/   SKIPE T1,W(U)         ;Check for output state bits
   $[   100,,0                           ;We have one,
   1,,XMTCH1#+2/   JFFO T1,APCSET+11     ;so this jumps.
   1,,APCSET+11/   JRST @XMTDSP#(T2)
   1,,XMTDSP#/   SETZ XMTXFP#            ;Bit 11 was set,
   .+11./   SETZ XMTMIC#                 ;so we dispatch through this 
   1,,XMTMIC#/   MOVE T2,ARSLOC(U)       ;getting here.
   $[   430400,,2                        ;These are our LDBMIC bits
   1,,XMTMIC#+1/   TLNE T2,20            ;(true)
   1,,XMTMIC#+2/   SKIPE KAFLOC(U)       ;(skipped)
   1,,XMTMIC#+3/   JRST MICLG3#
   1,,MICLG3#/   PUSHJ P,HPOS            ;Get horizontal position
   1,,HPOS+1/   LDB T2,LDPWID            ;Get terminal width setting
   $1t/   10 10 JOBBLT+4(U)              ;(POINT 8,addr,35-8)
   $[   2000,,50020                      ;from this value
   $q'400=4,,120                         ;Dropping the low-order 8 
                                         ;bits reveals
   1,,HPOS+2/   ADD T2,JOBERR+1(U)       ;a width of ^O120
   $/   -120                             ;Adding this gives zero
   1,,HPOS+3/   POPJ P,0   $
   1,,MICLG3#+1/   JUMPN T2,XMTOK#       ;(Branch not taken)
   1,,MICLG3#+2/   SKIPE T2,ARSLOC(U)    ;LDBMIC again
   $[   430400,,2
   1,,MICLG3#+3/   TLNN T2,140           ;(false)
   1,,MICLG3#+4/   JRST XMTOK1#
   1,,XMTOK1#/   TLNE T2,40              ;(true)
   1,,XMTOK1#+1/   JRST XMTECH#          ;(skipped)
   1,,XMTOK1#+2/   SKIPN KAFLOC(U)
   $[   0                                ;(false)
   1,,XMTOK1#+3/    JRST XMTCH2#
   $[   0                                ;(non-skip)
   1,,XMTCH2#+1/   JRST ZAPBUF#
   1,,ZAPBUF#/   MOVSI T1,DTEDRW#+31
   1,,ZAPBUF#+1/   TDNE T1,W(U)
   $[   100,,0                           ;(true)
   1,,ZAPBUF#+2/   JRST ZAPPI1#          ;(skipped)
   1,,ZAPBUF#+4/   MOVE T1,F(U)
   $[   1400,,37654
   1,,ZAPBUF#+5/   CAME T1,R(U)
   $[   1400,,37654                      ;(true)
   1,,ZAPBUF#+6/   PUSHJ P,RCDSTP#       ;(skipped)
   $[   0                                ;(false)
   1,,ZAPBUF#+10/   JRST XMTECH#
   1,,XMTECH#/   MOVE T1,JOBBLT+2(U)
   $[   200,,200115

                            LOCATING THE FAILURE

   1,,XMTECH#+1/   TLNE T1,100000        ;(true)
   1,,XMTECH#+2/   JRST ECHCNR#          ;(skipped)
   1,,XMTECH#+3/   MOVE T1,JOBBLT+3(U)
   $[   10,,400
   1,,XMTECH#+4/   TLNN T1,10            ;(true)
   1,,XMTECH#+5/   TRZ T1,400            ;(skipped)
   1,,XMTECH#+6/   SKIPL WRSINS+1(U)
   $[   0                                ;(false)
   1,,XMTECH#+7/   TRNE T1,400           ;(false)
   1,,XMTECH#+10/   TRNE T1,3000         ;(true)
   1,,XMTECH#+11/   TLNE T1,400          ;(skipped)
   1,,XMTECH#+12/   CAIA 0
   1,,XMTECH#+13/   JRST ECHCNR#         ;(skipped)
   1,,XMTECH#+14/   HLLZ T1,W(U)
   $[   100,,0
   1,,XMTECH#+15/   JUMPE T1,XMTIDL#     ;(branch not taken)
   1,,XMTECH#+17/   JRST XMTCH1#         ;We're back where we started.

   ;We have uncovered a loop in XMTCHR processing.
   ;Comparison with the source shows that this occurs when
   ;TTY DEFER is set and the line is under MIC control.
   ;This can be solved by inserting a "TLZ T1,LOLMIC" just before the



                                 CHAPTER 4

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   After you have isolated the failure in the monitor code, you will need
   to interpret the source code to make corrections.  You must be able to
   read  and  understand  the  source  code,  and  compare  it   to   the
   instructions in the crash file.

   For this purpose, the monitor uses symbols  to  represent  almost  all
   values:   bits,  words, offsets, instructions, and more.  Symbols make
   the code easier to  read  and  modify.   This  chapter  describes  the
   conventions used in choosing symbolic names, and the tools for finding
   the symbols in the source code.

   4.1  SYMBOLS

   This section describes the types of symbols, how they  are  named  and
   where  they  are  stored.   There  is  more information about symbolic
   representation and usage in the MACRO Assembler Reference Manual.

   The TOPS-10 software is made up of modules, each of which has its  own
   symbolic  definitions.   By default, a symbol is defined and used only
   in a single module.  The same symbolic name can be  defined  and  used
   differently by different modules.

   A global symbol is available to modules other than the one in which it
   is   defined.   The  addresses  of  shared  tables  or  commonly  used
   subroutines are examples of symbols defined as global.

   4.1.1  Naming Conventions

   TOPS-10 uses a consistent scheme for naming and using  symbols.   This
   helps  you  read and understand the sources.  For example, the monitor
   accumulator locations have names that are consistent  throughout  most
   of the monitor, and they have the following values:

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   Table 4-1:  Monitor Accumulators


     Number     Name   Description

     0          S      Contains the I/O status word from a DDB (DEVIOS)
                       while the monitor is processing I/O operations.

     1          P      Contains the push-down list pointer currently in

     2          T1     is an unpreserved, temporary AC.

     3          T2     is an unpreserved, temporary AC.

     4          T3     is an unpreserved, temporary AC.

     5          T4     is an unpreserved, temporary AC.

     6          W      usually contains the pointer to the process data
                       block  (PDB)  or  the tape controller data block

     7          M      contains the user virtual  address  for  getting
                       and  putting  data during UUO execution.  During
                       command  processing,  M  contains  the   command
                       dispatch bits.

     10         U      contains the Unit Data Block (UDB) address  (for
                       FILSER  or TAPSER), or the Line Data Block (LDB)
                       address in SCNSER.

     11         P1     is a preserved AC.

     12         P2     is a preserved AC.

     13         P3     is a preserved AC.

     14         P4     is a preserved AC.

     15         J      contains the job number, high segment number, or
                       disk  controller  data  block  (KON)  address at
                       interrupt level.

     16         F      contains the DDB address during I/O.  It is used
                       as a temporary register in non-I/O situations.

     17         R      is a general-purpose, scratch AC.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   The uses for each accumulator may  change  from  one  release  of  the
   software  to the next.  You should always check the source code to see
   how the program uses a specific accumulator in a specific situation.

   To restore accumulators correctly, several standard subroutine  return
   sequences have been set up.  The main subroutine does a JRST to one of
   the following locations:

        Subroutine   Function

        CPOPJ        Regular POPJ return

        CPOPJ1       Increment return address and then POPJ (skip return)

        CPOPJ2       Double skip return

        TPOPJ        Restore T1 and return

        TPOPJ1       Restore T1 and skip return

        T2POPJ       Restore T2 and return

        T2POJ1       Restore T2 and skip return

        MPOPJ        Restore M and return

        FPOPJ        Restore F and return

        FPOPJ1       Restore F and skip return

        WPOPJ        Restore W and return

        JPOPJ        Restore J and return

   Symbolic names for locations in the monitor are one to six  characters
   in  length.   Usually,  all  six characters are used.  The first three
   characters identify the data structure and type of  symbol;  the  last
   three describe the unique word or field.

   Symbols for data structures usually take one of two forms:



   where ddd or dd represents the data structure and xxx  represents  the
   field or word.  Some data structures are:

        Symbol    Data Structure

        .C0xxx    CPU data block for CPU0 (in low segment)
        .C1xxx    CPU data block for CPU1 (low segment)

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

        .Cnxxx    CPU data block (n = CPU number)
        .CPxxx    CPU data block for current CPU (high segment)
        .PDxxx    Process data block
        .USxxx    User Process Table
        .CTxxx    Context block offsets
        .CXxxx    Context saved parameters block offsets

        ACCxxx    Access table
        BAFxxx    Bad allocation file block
        CHNxxx    Channel data block
        DEVxxx    Device data block
        HOMxxx    Home blocks
        JBTxxx    Job tables
        JOBxxx    Job data area
        KDBxxx    Common controller data block
        KONxxx    Disk controller data block
        LDBxxx    Line data block
        NMBxxx    File name block
        PPBxxx    Project programmer number data block
        RIBxxx    Retrieval information block
        SABxxx    Storage allocation block
        STRxxx    File structure data block
        TKBxxx    Tape controller data block
        TTFxxx    Forced command table
        TUBxxx    Magnetic unit data block
        UDBxxx    Common unit data block
        UFBxxx    UFD data block
        UNIxxx    Disk unit data block

   Byte pointers referencing fields  within  these  data  structures  are
   named in the following way:



        aa represents the first two letters of the three letter name, c
        represents one of Y, M, B, P, S, or N, and bbb represents the
        name of the pointer

   For example, a pointer in the BAF block is named BAYbbb.

   Bits within words are usually defined as one of the following:




        xx is the data structure and yyy is the bit name.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   Here are some examples:

        TO.yyy    Bits in CONO TIM,
        TI.yyy    Bits in CONI TIM,
        LI.yyy    Bits in CONI/CONO PI,
        LP.yyy    Bits in CONO/CONI APR,
        JS.yyy    Bits in JBTSTS (job status word)

   4.1.2  Symbol Files and Monitor Generation

   Several of the monitor modules contain only symbol definitions.   They
   are used to define the software features and hardware configuration in
   the process of building the monitor.

   The first step in generating the monitor is to run the MONGEN  program
   (MONitor GENerator).  It asks a series of questions about the hardware
   configuration and the software  options  to  be  selected.   For  more
   information  about  the  MONGEN program, refer to the TOPS-10 Software
   Installation Guide.

   MONGEN creates symbol-definition files that describe  the  aspects  of
   the  system.  After running MONGEN, the system installer can build the
   monitor with standard source code libraries, or, if changes have  been
   made to the sources, the monitor must be built from separate modules.

   If the systems programmer does not want to make  any  changes  to  the
   standard  release  of  TOPS-10,  the  programmer  compiles  the common
   modules and  loads  them  with  a  distributed  library  file  of  the
   remaining monitor modules.

   It is common practice, however, to make modifications to  the  TOPS-10
   source  code.  If changes have been made to one or more TOPS-10 source
   modules, the modules of the monitor must be  assembled  separately  to
   build a library file.

   Next, the MONGEN files must be assembled  with  the  monitor's  common
   modules, which are:

         o  COMMOD defines the disk data base.

         o  COMDEV defines all other devices.

         o  COMMON describes the CPU, memory, scheduler, job tables,  and
            so forth.


   There are two important sources of  information  in  analyzing  system

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   crashes:   the  crash  file  and  the monitor source code.  The key to
   successful crash analysis is to be able to compare the crash file  and
   the  source  code.   Refer  to  the  TOPS-10 MACRO Assembler Reference
   Manual for information about the source code  and  assembler  language

   4.2.1  How to Use a CREF Listing

   The listings of the monitor source  code  should  be  cross-referenced
   (CREF)  listings.   You  will  find  a  CREF  listing more useful than
   unassembled source code  because  CREF  produces  a  sequence-numbered
   assembly listing, followed by tables showing where symbols are defined
   and referenced.  To find a symbol in a module, you need only  look  in
   one  of  these  tables,  which points to a line number in the assembly
   listing.  The CREF program is described in the TOPS-10 User  Utilities

   4.2.2  Macros

   A macro is a set of frequently used instructions in  a  sequence  that
   can  be  called  with a single pseudo-instruction.  A macro allows the
   system programmer to supply arguments to a single  instruction,  which
   the  assembler  expands to the desired instruction(s).  Macros make it
   difficult to read the code, however, unless you understand the purpose
   of some commonly-used macros.

   Several macros are used to define symbols.  These macros  are  defined
   in S.MAC:

         o  XP (A,B) defines the global symbol A as being equal to B, but
            DDT will not display A (A==:B).

         o  ND (A,B) defines A as a global symbol equal to B using the XP
            macro, if A has not already been defined.

   There are many other commonly-used macros in the monitor, including:

         o  $XHGH, $HIGH, $LOW, $CSUBS, and $ABS, which place code in the
            extended  high  segment,  high  segment,  low segment, common
            subroutines, and an absolute physical location, respectively.
            Code  usually  goes  in  the monitor's high segment, which is
            write-protected; data goes  in  the  low  segment,  which  is
            writable.   $ABS  is  usually  used to place data in physical
            Page 0 of memory (Words 0-777).

         o  Ordinarily, an instruction in  a  user  program  is  executed
            entirely  in  user  address  space, and an instruction in the
            monitor is executed in the executive address space.   But  to

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

            facilitate  communication  between the monitor and users, the
            monitor can execute instructions to refer to locations in the
            other  address  space.   This  feature  is implemented by the
            previous context execute (PXCT) instruction.   The  following
            macros allow you to execute PXCT:

            1.  EXCTUX moves information from the user's address space to
                the monitor.

            2.  EXCTXU moves information from the monitor's address space
                to the user's.

            3.  EXCTUU moves information from one location in the  user's
                address space to another.

         o  The USERAC and EXECAC macros generate code to switch  between
            accumulator  blocks.   USERAC switches to AC Block 1.  EXECAC
            switches to the monitor's AC block.  If no argument is given,
            the  switch  is made to AC Block 0.  If an argument is given,
            the AC block specified by the argument is used.

   4.2.3  Conditional Assembly

   Parts of the monitor are assembled on an optional basis, depending  on
   conditions defined by an assembler IF statement.

   F.MAC has most of the symbol definitions that are used for conditional
   assembly.   Most  symbols  are of the form FTxxxx, where FT stands for
   Feature Test and xxxx is the specific option.   Some  of  the  feature
   test symbols and the functions they enable are:

        FTKL10    KL10 processor
        FTKS10    KS10 processor
        FTMP      SMP (multiple-processor) system
        FTDUAL    Dual-ported disks are supported

   4.2.4  Finding Symbols

   When trying to find a symbol in the monitor, you should  follow  these

        1.  Check the symbol table at the back of the  CREF  listing  you
            are  currently  looking  at.  If one of the numbers after the
            symbol name has a pound sign (#) next to it (as in  number#),
            the  symbol  is  defined  on  that  line of the code.  If the
            symbol appears in the CREF listing with no line numbers  that
            have pound signs, the symbol is global, or it is defined in a
            universal file.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

        2.  If a symbol is defined in a universal file, check  your  CREF
            listings   of   S.MAC,  DEVPRM.MAC,  DTEPRM.MAC,  NETPRM.MAC,
            MACSYM.MAC, and JOBDAT.MAC.  If the symbol is not defined  in
            any of these modules, the symbol is probably global.

        3.  If the symbol is not defined in  the  source  module  or  the
            universal  files,  you  must  obtain  a  GLOB  listing of the
            monitor.  The GLOB listing points to the modules where global
            symbols  are  defined  and used.  Search the symbol tables at
            the back of those modules.  (GLOB creates listings of  global
            symbols  from  binary  files.  It is described in the TOPS-10
            User Utilities Manual.)

        4.  If you are not successful in searching the listings, run  the
            monitor-specific  FILDDT and use the "symbol?" instruction to
            find the module where it is defined.  If you  type  a  symbol
            name  followed by a question mark, FILDDT displays the module
            where it is defined.

            Monitor  parameters  used  by  certain  modules   are   often
            associated  with  global  symbols  that  are defined in those
            modules.  LINK can detect the parameters  that  are  assigned
            different values by different modules.  FILDDT lists only one
            module where each global symbol is defined,  and  displays  a
            "G"  next  to  global  symbols.   If  a symbol is not global,
            several modules may be listed as containing the symbol.   You
            can  unlock the local symbols for a certain module by issuing
            the following FILDDT command:


   The monitor uses many  fixed  and  dynamic  data  structures  for  job
   control,  for  memory management, and for device control.  Some of the
   data structures that are important for crash  analysis  are  described
   briefly  in  the  following  sections.   For more specific information
   about the contents of these data  structures,  refer  to  the  TOPS-10
   Monitor Tables descriptions.


   Information about a job is kept in the monitor's  low  segment  or  in
   per-process  address  space (such as the UPT and JOBDAT).  Most of the
   following data structures are job tables, and have JBT  as  the  first
   three letters of the symbolic name (an exception is TTYTAB).  Most job
   tables have one entry in the table per job.  Some of these tables also
   have  entries  for high segments, because the monitor sometimes treats
   high segments like jobs.

   The following  job  tables  hold  information  about  the  status  and
   condition of the job:

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

         o  JBTSTS, JBTST2, and JBTST3 contain the current state  of  the
            job,   including   the  processor  queue,  execution  status,
            swapping status, event wait condition, and whether the job is
            logged in.

         o  JBTCQ and JBTCSQ hold the processor queue number,  subqueues,
            and scheduler class for each job.  These tables are organized
            as a series of linked lists.

         o  JBTSWP holds the disk address of the swapped-out job.

   The following tables hold the features and options for the job:

         o  JBTPRV holds the job's privileges.

         o  JBTSPL holds the spooling bits for the  job.   These  control
            how  and  when  requests to spooled devices (LPT, PLT, and so
            forth) are handled.

         o  JBTSCD holds the job's scheduler class.

         o  JBTWCH  controls  the  WATCH  information  displayed  by  the
            monitor for the job.

         o  JBTLIM holds the CPU run-time limit for the job.  The monitor
            checks this value before processing batch jobs.

   The following tables describe the user and the program being run:

         o  JBTNAM holds the program name.

         o  JBTPPN holds the project-programmer number.

         o  JBTLOC holds the ANF-10 node number for remote spooling.

         o  JBTUPM, a component of the SPT, points to the  physical  page
            of this job's UPT when the job is swapped in.

   The following tables are used to point  to  the  location  of  another
   job-related table:

         o  JBTSGN  contains  the  address  of  the  job's  high  segment
            descriptor blocks.

         o  JBTPDB holds the address of the job's Process Data Block (the

   The Process Data Block  (PDB)  stores  more  job-related  information,

         o  User name (in SIXBIT)

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

         o  Accumulated run-time, core and disk usage

         o  Virtual memory limits

         o  IPCF information

         o  Current program name and directory

         o  The job's search list

         o  Context flags, quotas, and chain pointers

   The words in the PDB are named .PDxxx, where xxx is the specific word.

   The remainder of the job-related information is stored  with  the  job
   itself  in JOBDAT or the UPT.  JOBDAT holds the user accumulators when
   the job is not running, the  starting  address  of  the  program,  the
   addresses of DDT and the symbol table, and other locations required to
   run the program.


   The  CPU  Data  Block  (CDB)  contains  most   of   the   CPU-specific
   information.    On  a  multi-processing  system  of  two  or  more  KL
   processors, the monitor maintains a different CDB for each processor.

   The CDB is is divided into two sections:  one for constant definitions
   and the other for variable definitions.  The constants area holds such
   information as the following:

         o  CPU number

         o  Instructions to execute in certain situations, such as device

         o  Bit masks

         o  Hardware constants

   The variables area stores such information as:

         o  Stopcode information

         o  Hardware error information

         o  Performance information

         o  Frequency of certain events

         o  Per-CPU patch space

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   The CDB words are named .CPxxx or .Cnxxx, where n is  the  CPU  number
   and  xxx  is  the unique symbol for the word.  On a single-CPU system,
   the .CPxxx format is always valid.   In  a  multi-CPU  system,  .CPxxx
   refers  to  the  current CPU (or, in FILDDT, the CPU that is currently
   mapped).  To refer to the data on a CPU other than  the  one  you  are
   currently  accessing,  use  the .Cnxxx formation, replacing n with the
   CPU number (0 through 2).

   The COMMON module contains the CWRD  macro  to  define  constants  and
   variables  in  the  CPU  Data  Block  (CDB).   CWRD  is  called in the
   following way:

        CWRD (nam, val, len, lbl)


        nam       is the word name
        val       is  the  optional  value  to  store  in  this   address
        len       is the optional length of storage area (default=1)
        lbl       is the optional  alternate  lable  for  old-style  CPU0

   For example, the following  instruction  defines  .CnOK  as  a  global
   symbol with a value of -1:

        CWRD (OK,-1)

   For example, the following instruction defines .CnACN as a word in the
   CDB variables area, with the alternate name APRSTS:

        CWRD (ACN,,1,APRSTS)

   The scheduler uses a series of tables to control the use of  the  CPU.
   Some of the scheduler tables are:

         o  QBITS determines how the scheduler should move a job from one
            wait state to another.

         o  SSCAN and SQSCAN tell the scheduler the order  and  direction
            the run queues should be scanned to find a runnable job.

         o  Transfer tables control the destination  queue  for  requeued

   The AVALTB  table  contains  flags  to  indicate  whether  a  sharable
   resource  has  become  available.  A sharable resource is a portion of
   the monitor that can only be used by one process at a time.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   Some of the sharable resources are:

        Name      Resource

        AU        Alter UFD (one per UFD, per structure)
        CX        PDB/context block interlock word (one per job)
        DA        Allocate disk space (one per disk unit)
        EV        Use executive virtual memory
        MM        Memory management (for modifying the data base)

   REQTAB contains the number of jobs waiting for each resource.  A value
   of  -1  in REQTAB indicates that the resource is available; a value of
   zero means that a job has the resource and no other job is waiting.

   INTTAB describes each hardware interrupt routine.  Each two-word entry
   contains  the PI level, the address of the DDB (or prototype DDB), and
   the CPU to which the device is connected.


   The monitor uses PAGTAB and PT2TAB to allocate user and monitor memory
   space  (usually  referred  to as "core").  The tables contain one word
   for each page of physical memory.  A  job's  allocation  of  pages  is
   maintained  as  a  forward linked list using PAGTAB, and as a backward
   linked list with PT2TAB.  All the pages for a job are linked using the
   right half of a PAGTAB and PT2TAB entry.  PAGPTR contains the starting
   address for the linked list of free  pages.   The  left  half  of  the
   PAGTAB  and  PT2TAB  entries  contain  bits describing how the page is
   used:  whether it is locked, locked in executive virtual  memory,  and
   so  forth.   The  monitor  uses  PT2TAB  to  obtain  information about
   swapped-out pages.

   MEMTAB also has one entry for each page in memory.  The  monitor  uses
   MEMTAB  during  swapping  and  paging requests, to keep track of where
   pages are stored in the swapping area and which page to transmit next.

   The monitor also maintains areas of dynamic storage called free  core,
   allocated  in  four-word  chunks, using a bit table to determine which
   chunks are in use and which are not.


   The command processor  uses  several  tables  to  verify  and  control
   monitor  commands, including COMTAB, DISP, and UNQTAB.  COMTB2, DISP2,
   and UNQTB2 are used to describe  SET  commands.   COMTBC,  DISPC,  and
   UNQTBC are for customer use.

   TTFCOM is the forced commands  table.   This  table  is  used  if  the
   monitor  determines  that  a  job  must execute a command immediately,
   regardless of the job's current state.  The monitor does not place the
                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   commands in the TTFCOM table  into  a  terminal  input  buffer  before
   processing the command.


   UUOTAB contains the addresses of the operator-dependent UUO  routines.
   The  addresses  are arranged in order of UUO opcode, with one halfword
   devoted to each address.  The UUO handler verifies whether the UUO  is
   valid  and  dispatches to the address stored in UUOTAB.  If the UUO is
   illegal, control passes to an error routine called UUOERR.

   The tables UCLJMP and UCLTAB are used for the  CALL  and  CALLI  UUOs.
   UCLTAB  contains  the  names  for  the  CALL UUOs; UCLJMP contains the
   addresses of the CALL/CALLI routines.


   The most dynamic and interrelated data structures in the  monitor  are
   those  related  to I/O.  The data structures that are common to almost
   all I/O operations are the Job  Device  Assignment  table  (JDA),  the
   device  data block (DDB), and user I/O buffers.  Other data structures
   exist to control specific types of  hardware:   disk  or  tape  units,
   device  controllers,  or  software  I/O channels.  For certain devices
   (such as disk), an  extra  level  of  organization  is  imposed:   the
   logical file structure, requiring additional data structures.


   The Job Device Assignment table (starting at USRJDA in the UPT)  holds
   the  addresses of the DDBs currently in use by the job.  It is indexed
   by the software channel  number.   When  the  user  issues  a  UUO  to
   initiate  I/O,  a  software  channel number must be supplied, which is
   associated with the device or file to be accessed.  More channels  are
   available  in  the  extended  channel  table,  stored  in funny space.
   Extended channel table entries are in  the  same  format  as  the  JDA
   table.   The  contents  of  .USCTA  in  the  UPT point to the extended
   channel table.

   The left half of the JDA entry for a channel contains status bits that
   indicate which UUOs have been successfully completed for this channel.
   Following are some of the status bits, which are defined in S.MAC:

        Bit  Symbol    Meaning

         0   INITB     An OPEN or INIT has been done on this channel.
         1   IBUFB     INIT specifying input buffers was done.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

         2   OBUFB     INIT specifying output buffers was done.
         3   LOOKB     LOOKUP was done.
         4   ENTRB     ENTER was done.
         5   INPB      INPUT was done.
         6   OUTPB     OUTPUT was done.
         7   ICLOSB    CLOSE (input side of channel) was done.
         8   OCLOSB    CLOSE (output side of channel) was done.
         9   INBFB     INBUF was done.
        10   OUTBFB    OUTBUF was done.
        11   SYSDEV    System device, or [1,4] for disk area.
        12   RENMB     RENAME UUO in progress.
        13   RESETB    RESET UUO in progress.


   The monitor uses the Device Data Block (DDB) to control  each  device.
   The  information  in  the DDB comes from a monitor call and is read by
   the interrupt handling  routine  to  perform  the  I/O.   The  handler
   records  the  status of the operation in the DDB.  The monitor and the
   user can read the status of the  I/O  operation  from  the  DDB.   For
   example,  the  monitor can detect a hung condition by checking a timer
   in the DDB.

   User programs can include the same instructions to  perform  I/O  with
   disk devices, magnetic tapes, and line printers, because the format of
   the DDB is similar for all devices.  The monitor handles  the  devices
   differently  by  handling  the  DDBs  differently  and by ignoring any
   information in the DDB that is not relevant to  the  specific  device.
   For example, the monitor creates DDBs for single-user devices when the
   system comes up; these DDBs are never  deleted.   The  monitor  simply
   updates the information in the data block.  For sharable devices, such
   as disk devices, the monitor creates DDBs dynamically  in  the  user's
   funny  space,  when  a  channel is opened.  The DDB for the channel is
   deleted when the channel is closed.  Spooled  devices,  such  as  line
   printers, are handled in a similar manner.

   A device on an ANF-10 network front-end requires  a  special  kind  of
   DDB,  because  remote stations can have line printers or card readers.
   When a user first accesses the remote device, NETSER creates a DDB for
   the device.  COMDEV contains the prototype network DDB.

   NETDEV contains the I/O routines for specific  network  devices.   For
   example,  the  RDXSER routine, in NETDEV, handles RDA devices, and the
   TSKSER routine handles intertask communication.

   DTESER contains the DTE device handling routine for DECnet  front-ends
   (DN20s  running MCB software).  The DTE DDB is dynamically created for
   the purpose of loading and dumping the front-end memory.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   All DDBs include the following locations:

         o  DEVNAM contains the SIXBIT device name.

         o  DEVBUF contains the addresses of the user buffers.

         o  DEVMOD describes the type of device.

         o  DEVIOS is the I/O status word.

         o  DEVSER contains a pointer to the next DDB and the address  of
            the dispatch table.

   Most devices are configured dynamically by the monitor.   A  prototype
   DDB exists for each type of device.  When a recognized hardware device
   is detected by the monitor, a DDB is created and the contents  of  the
   prototype DDB are copied into the new DDB.  Then, specific information
   (device names, unit numbers, and so forth) are filled  in.   Prototype
   DDBs  are  linked  into  the  DEVLST chain.  They may also by found by
   indexing into  DDBTAB  using  the  .TYxxx  value  for  the  device  in
   question.   For  example,  .TYMTA has a value of 2.  DDBTAB+2 contains
   the address of the prototype magtape DDB.

        Device            Module     DDB        Hardware Interface

        Card reader       CDRSER     CR1DDB     CR10 I/O BUS
                          DCRSER     DCRDDB     CD20/RSX-20F
        Card punch        CDPSER     CDPDDB     CP10/CP10D I/O BUS
        Line Printer      DLPSER     DLPDDB     LP20/RSX-20F
                          LP2SER     LP2DDB     LP20/UNIBUS (KS10 only)
                          LPTSER     LPTDDB     BA10/LP100 I/O BUS
        Magtape           TAPUUO     TDVDDB     All interfaces
        Plotter           PLTSER     PLTDDB     XY10 I/O BUS
        Paper tape reader PTRSER     PTRDDB     CR04 I/O BUS
        Paper tape punch  PTPSER     PTPDDB     CR04 I/O BUS


   The following example shows how to look at a crash file  to  find  the
   DDBs  and  other  information  about  I/O.  In this example, Job 7 was
   running LPTSPL.  You must first issue the mapping  command  ($6U),  to
   map  the  UPT  through  Job 7, rather than through the UPT for the job
   that was currently running.  A typical command sequence might be:

        JBTNAM 7$6T/   LPTSPL
        JBTUPM 7[   42000,,152   .-n$6U

   where n is the CPU number of the CPU that is currently mapped.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   The commands to look at the user job device assignment table are:

         USRJDA[     506000,,65334            ;Channel 0
        .UPMP+652[   506000,,65414            ;Channel 1
        .UPMP+653    0                        ;Channel 2
        .UPMP+654    0                            .
        .UPMP+655    0                            .
        .UPMP+656    0                            .
        .UPMP+657    0
        .UPMP+660    0
        .UPMP+661    0
        .UPMP+662    0
        .UPMP+663    0
        .UPMP+664    0
        .UPMP+665    0
        .UPMP+666    0
        .UPMP+667    0
        .UPMP+670    0                        ;Channel 17#(octal)

   The commands to display the devices associated with the DDBs are:

        $6T    65334/   LPT0
               65414/   LPT1

   Both devices are printers, controlled by LPTSPL.

   The left half of each JDA entry  contains  bits  indicating  the  UUOs
   executed for that channel.  The left half of the JDA entry shown above
   contains 506000, which indicates Bits 0, 2, 6, and 7 turned on.  These
   bits are set for the following UUOs:

        Bit 0     OPEN/INIT
        Bit 2     OUTBUF
        Bit 6     OUTPUT
        Bit 7     CLOSE (input side, as input is not allowed in LPTs)

   The user buffers are the next source of information.  Find the  output
   buffer for LPT261 by examining the left half of the DEVBUF word in the
   DDB, which holds the address of the output ring header:

        65414+DEVBUF/   45150,,0          ;output-header,,input-header

   The user buffers  are  always  in  user  address  space.   To  examine
   locations  in  user  address  space,  switch  mapping to the user job.
   JBTUPM shows that the UPT starts at 152;  therefore,  the  command  to
   switch mapping to user space is:


   Now you can examine the contents of the output ring header:

        45150/   44351                    ;Current buffer addr+1
        45151/   10700,,0                 ;Byte pointer
        45152/   -1                       ;Byte count
                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   Location 45150 contains the address of the second word of the  current
   buffer,  which  contains  the address of the next buffer in the buffer
   ring, and so forth.  You can locate all the buffers in the ring  using
   the same method:

        44351/   176,,44551               ;Buffer 1
        44551/   176,,44751               ;Buffer 2
        44751/   176,,44151               ;Buffer 3
        44151/   176,,44351               ;Buffer 4

   Therefore, there are four buffers set  up.   The  right  half  of  the
   header  word  points  to  the  next buffer in the ring.  The left half
   holds the use bit and the buffer size.  Bit 0 is the use bit (BF.IOU),
   and  its  setting indicates the following state in the following types
   of buffers:

                       Buffer Empty        Buffer Full

        Input Buffer        0                   1
        Output Buffer       1                   0

   In the left half of the header words  listed  above,  Bit  0  is  off,
   indicating  that  the  output buffers were full.  The remainder of the
   left half holds the buffer size, in this case, 176 (octal) words.

   To read the contents of the first buffer, use the following commands:

        44151/   @pHt@
        44152/   }
        44153$0T/   GLE  File format:ASCII  Print mode:ASCII /DELETE _^L

   The rest of the buffer contains the  banner  page  printed  by  LPTSPL
   immediately  before printing a file.  LPTSPL had just begun printing a
   file when the system crashed.

   Job 7 is using two DDBs,  but  it  is  also  important  to  check  the
   extended  channel  table  for  the job.  In this case, it reveals more
   DDBs.  Note that the left half of the pointer to the extended  channel
   table  does  NOT  contain  a section number, as might seem immediately
   apparent.  Only the right half of this word  is  a  valid  pointer  to

        .UPMP+USCTA[    21,,341200

        341200[    651500,,340000            ;Channel 20
        341201[    651400,,340063            ;Channel 21
        341202[    651400,,340146            ;Channel 22

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   These DDBs are in funny space, so they are disk  DDBs.   They  contain
   the  following  file  names:  SYS:LPFORM.INI[1,4], DSKC:ERROR.FS[6,6],
   and DSKC:GRIPE.SRJ[1,2].  The DDBs are displayed as follows:

        340000/   SYS
        340000 DEVNAM/  LPFORM
        340000 DEVEXT/  INI  (
        340000 DEVPPN[  1,,4

        340063/   DSKC
        340063 DEVNAM/  ERROR
        340063 DEVEXT/  FS    A
        340063 DEVPPN[  6,,6

        340146/   DSKC
        340146 DEVNAM/  GRIPE
        340146 DEVEXT   SRJ
        340146 DEVPPN[  1,,2

   Because the banner page that was  being  printed  has  the  file  name
   GRIPE, it is clear that the third disk DDB is associated with the file
   that was being printed at the time of the crash.


   The monitor uses terminals in two different ways:  they are the  means
   to  enter  commands directly to the monitor, and they are also subject
   to control by user programs.  To serve both functions, there  are  two
   data structures:  the terminal DDB and the Line Data Block (LDB).

   LDBs contain information about a terminal line.  There is one LDB  for
   each  terminal  and it is built when the monitor is initialized.  LDBs
   are not created dynamically; they continue to exist  as  long  as  the
   system  is  in  operation.   This  allows  users  to  type commands on
   terminals even though they are not logged in, and permanent LDBs speed
   response  because  the  monitor  does  not  have  to  spend  the  time
   allocating an LDB.  The code to allocate and initialize the LDBs is in
   SCNSER, and it is discarded when system initialization is complete.

   In general, an LDB contains:

         o  Pointers to input and output chunks (terminal I/O buffers)

         o  Counts of how many characters are currently in the chunks

         o  Pointer to its associated DDB

         o  Line status bits

         o  Line characteristic bits

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

         o  Position counter

         o  MIC information

         o  Break characters

         o  Count of characters to echo

   You can use LINTAB to locate  the  LDB  entry  for  a  terminal  line.
   LINTAB  contains  one entry for each terminal in the system (including
   CTYs and PTYs).  Use the TTY number as the offset  into  LINTAB.   The
   LINTAB  entry  (a  fullword global address) points to the LDB, and the
   first word of the LDB points to the terminal DDB (if the terminal  DDB


   SCNSER processes user input and calls the appropriate module to handle
   the  I/O.   The  SCNSER data base is composed of the following virtual
   memory sections:

        Data        Memory Section    Used for

        LINTAB      Section 0         Translates line no. to LDB addr
        DSCTAB      Section 0         Translates modem no. to line no.
        DDB pool    Section 0         TTY device data blocks
        LDBs        Section 4         Line data blocks
        Chunk pool  Section 4         Buffers


   Terminal data is usually  stored  in  eight-word  buffers  called  TTY
   chunks.   In  12-bit  ASCII  mode,  the  terminal  chunk  size varies.
   Examine the value of TTCHKS to see the  current  size  of  a  terminal
   chunk.   The  terminal  chunk  starts  with  a pointer to the previous
   chunk, and a pointer to the next  chunk,  followed  by  the  character

   Chunks are maintained as doubly linked  lists,  using  halfword  links
   relative  to  Section 4.  Each terminal line can potentially have four
   linked lists of chunks:  one for input, one for  output,  a  list  for
   filler characters, and a list for out-of-band characters.  When chunks
   are no longer needed by a terminal line, they are returned to  a  free
   list of chunks.  The LDB contains pointers to the chunks.

   Each character in a chunk is stored as a  12-bit  byte,  permitting  a
   maximum  of  21  characters to be stored in a chunk (3 to a word).  In
   reading the characters in terminal chunks using FILDDT, use the $12T

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   command to break up the 36-bit word into  12-bit  bytes  (4  bits  for
   flags + 8 bits for data).

   The monitor keeps all the chunks in a pool.  The  TTYINI  routine,  in
   SCNSER, initializes the chunks, allocating space for them and creating
   the links.

   The location TTFTAK points to the first free chunk in the pool.   When
   a  terminal  needs  a  chunk,  it  gets  the  chunk pointed to by this
   location.  TTFPUT points to the  last  free  chunk  in  the  list  and
   returned  chunks  are  stored  after  this chunk.  TTFREN contains the
   number of free chunks in  the  system.   The  following  macros  place
   characters  in  the  chunks  and  remove  characters  from the chunks:
   LDCHK, LDCHKR, and STCHK.  The following macros are useful in terminal
   handling.   However,  these  macros  should  not be called when SCNSER
   interrupts are enabled.

         o  LDCHK takes a character out of a chunk,  and  does  not  give
            back used chunks (useful when echoing input).

         o  LDCHKR takes a character out of  a  chunk  and  returns  used
            chunks to the pool, if necessary.

         o  STCHK puts a character in a chunk, allocating chunks from the
            pool, if necessary.


   Terminal device data blocks are allocated from the  TTY  DDB  pool  as
   jobs  are  created, or as the terminal is assigned by a job on another
   terminal.  Some types of information that are stored in  the  terminal
   DDB are:

         o  Pointers to user buffers

         o  Device and logical names for the terminal

         o  I/O status information (DEVSTA)

         o  Device mode information (DEVMOD)

         o  CPU number of the CPU that owns this terminal

         o  Pointer to the LDB

   Every job has a terminal DDB for its controlling terminal, whether the
   job  is  attached or not.  Terminal DDBs are created when a job number
   is assigned (that is, when a program is run) and when  a  terminal  is
   assigned  or  OPENed by another job.  If the job is not logged in when
   the program finishes, the DDB is deleted.  If the job  is  logged  in,
   the DDB remains until the job logs out or detaches.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   TTYTAB is a table in COMMON that has one entry per job and  points  to
   the  DDB  of  the  controlling  (attached)  terminal of the job.  If a
   program opens a software channel for a terminal, an entry is  made  in
   the channel table for the terminal.

   LDBs and DDBs are linked when a  job  is  created  or  a  terminal  is
   attached to a job.  These links are destroyed when:

         o  You log out or detach your job.

         o  A node goes down when the terminal is connected.

         o  You hang up the modem of a terminal that is connected.

         o  You release a terminal on a software channel.

   TTYATI attaches the terminal to the  job  when  the  job  is  created;
   TTYATT attaches the terminal for the ATTACH command.


   The following example  shows  how  to  extract  information  from  the
   terminal  chunks  for  a job.  In this case, you are examining Job 17,
   which is running PIP.  First, look at  TTYTAB,  which  points  to  the
   terminal DDB for the job:

     TTYTAB+21[   102206   

     102206$6T/   TTY124   

   As the first word of the block verifies, it is a terminal DDB.   Next,
   find the LDB by looking at the DDBLDB word:

     102206+DDBLDB[   4,,450430   

     4,,450430[   102206   

   The DDB pointer in the first  word  of  the  LDB  is  correct.   Next,
   examine the LDB:

     4,,450431[   0   
     4,,450432[   100000,,0   
     4,,450433[   10000,,0   
     4,,450434[   0   
     4,,450435[   0   
     4,,450436[   0   
     4,,450437[   1400,,426522   
     4,,450440[   1400,,426522   

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

     4,,450441[   0   
     4,,450442[   0   
     4,,450443[   301400,,422450     ;Ptr to put output characters   
     4,,450444[   301400,,430276     ;Ptr to take output characters
     4,,450445[   2137               ;No. of characters in output

   The pointers are PDP-10 byte pointers.   The  memory  address  in  the
   right half points to the terminal chunk, which can be displayed by:

     4,,430276$12T/   <space><space><   

   The pointer is in the middle of the chunk.  Determine the chunk  size,
   in order to know where the chunks begin and end:


   Now, start from a few locations back, and you can see:

     4,,430275/    10   ^
     4,,430274/         ^
     4,,430273/   MEM   ^
     4,,430272/   DT    ^
     4,,430271/   ^@!^Q   =417221   

   The contents of location 4,,430271 are a backward pointer in the  left
   half, and the location of the next chunk in the right half.  The chunk
   itself holds the text "DT MEM 10 <***>."

   By examining the next chunks, you can deduce the entire message:

     DT      MEM    10  <***>   666405   9-Jul-80
     BOOT11  DOC    10  <***>   157023  27-Jul-79       4A(46)
     BOOT11  EXE    28  <***>   411354  26-Jul-82       4A(46)
     BOOT11  HLP     2  <***>   500576   5-Jan-75
     BOOT11  MAC   108  <***>   010501  27-Jul-79
     BOOT11  MEM    29  <***>   544353  27-Jul-79
     BOOTS   DOC    35  <***>   352703  17-Jul-79
     BOOTS   EXB    10  <***>   556224  26-Jul-82
     BOOTS   MAC    92  <***>   764007  31-Jul-79
     BT128K  EXB    10  <***>   605464  26-Jul-82
     BT256K  EXB    10  <***>   556224  26-Jul-82
     WIBOOT  EXE    32  <***>   607553  30-Nov-79         7(12)
     WLBOOT  EXE    32  <***>   325717  30-Nov-79         7(12)
     WSBOOT  EXE    24  <***>   631454  30-Nov-79         7(12)
     WTBOOT  DOC    18  <***>   451662  28-Jun-79
     WTBOOT  MAC    29  <***>   007472  20-Jul-79
     DML6A   DOC     3  <***>   331675   7-Mar-79
     DMPFIL  EXE    16  <***>   071372  16-Jul-80         6A(7)
     DMPFIL  MAC    34  <***>   661675   7-Mar-79
     DMPFIL  MEM     5  <***>   077054   8-Mar-79
     COPY    EXE     8  <***>   605250  17-Jul-80        7(101)

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

     CPY007  DOC     4  <***>   507510   8-Mar-79
     DTC007  DOC     3  <***>   204110   8-Mar-79
     DTCOPY  EXE    20  <***>   456574  17-Jul-80        7(101)
     DTCOPY  MAC    43  <***>   303311

   The user was reading a BACKUP tape directory listing when  the  system

   4.17  TAPE DRIVES

   The data structures for  tape  drives  parallel  the  actual  hardware
   components.    Depending   upon  the  hardware  interface,  a  magtape
   controller may be connected to as many as 15 drives.  The software has
   up  to  15 tape unit data blocks (TUBs) connected to a tape controller
   data block (KDB), which then points to a channel data block (CHN).

   There is one TUB for each tape unit in the system.   It  contains  the
   unit  name,  pointers  to  the  DDB and controller, error counts, tape
   label information, and a pointer to the IORB (I/O request  block,  the
   request to the controller outlining the I/O transfer).  The first word
   in each TUB is the SIXBIT name of the tape unit, in the form:


   where x is the controller name and y is the unit number.  For example:


   The prototype TUBs are:

        Symbol    Units

        DX1UDB    DX10/TX01/TX02
        T78UDB    TM78
        TCXUDB    TC10C
        TM2UDB    TM02/TM03
        TMXUDB    TM10B
        TS1UDB    SA10/TX01/TX02
        TX2UDB    DX20/TX02

   The KDB identifies a  controller  and  there  is  one  for  each  tape
   controller  in  the  system.   It  holds the name of the controller, a
   pointer to the next KDB, the channel command  list,  a  list  of  TUBs
   owned by the controller, and controller-dependent information.  In the
   monitor, KDBs are pointed  to  by  KDBTAB+.TYxxx.   The  name  of  the
   controller  is  stored  in  the  first  word  as  MTn,  where n is the
   controller number.  The KDB also points to the channel it is connected

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   The prototype KDBs are:


   Channel data blocks exist for channels that are connected to any  type
   of  controller.  They hold enough information to start and monitor the
   channel transfer, including:

         o  Error counts

         o  Retry information

         o  Channel status

         o  Channel queue

   At system startup, AUTCON creates one magtape DDB  for  each  unit  on
   each  controller.   The  start  of  a magtape DDB can be obtained from
   DDBTAB+.TYMTA.  The magtape DDB is named:



        x    is the alphabetic controller name (A for controller 0, B for
             controller 1, and so forth)
        u    is the unit number

   A special magtape DDB (called a Label DDB) is required  for  the  tape
   label  processor  (PULSAR).  This is needed so I/O can be performed by
   two different jobs (the user job and the job  running  PULSAR),  while
   the device remains assigned to the user job.  The label information is
   stored in the Tape Unit Data Block (TUB), which is common to both  the
   magtape and the label DDB.

   The name of a label DDB is in the form:


   The values of x and u are the same as shown above for the magtape DDB.
   The label DDB has the same format as a magtape DDB.

   4.18  DISKS

   Disks are the most complex peripheral I/O  devices  in  a  timesharing
   system.  They are shared among jobs, using a logically structured file
                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   system to store data and prevent destructive interference.  The  basic
   unit of disk storage is one block (equal to 128 words).

   TOPS-10 organizes information into logical groups known as files.  The
   contents  of  a  file  are referenced by the file specification, which
   uniquely  identifies  the  file.   A  file  specification   has   four

         o  A file structure name, which identifies  the  disk  drive  or
            group of disk drives where the file is stored

         o  An ordered list of directory names (MFD, UFD,  and  SFDs,  if

         o  A file name of one to six alphanumeric characters

         o  A file extension of zero to three alphanumeric characters

   A file structure is a logical device name that refers to one  or  more
   physical disk units.  Using the file structure name, the user job need
   never know the exact physical unit where data is stored.

   The directory where a file is stored helps to  uniquely  identify  the
   file.   TOPS-10  organizes  files  by using file structures, User File
   Directories (UFDs), and Sub-File Directories (SFDs).  A UFD or SFD  is
   itself  a  file,  and  contains  a list of all files for a user, and a
   pointer for accessing those files.

   The Master File Directory (MFD) points to all the UFDs on a particular
   disk  file  structure.   There  is  one  MFD  for each file structure,
   containing the names and addresses of all the UFDs on that structure.

   Each UFD can optionally contain Sub-File Directories (SFDs).   An  SFD
   is  a  logical  group of files within the UFD.  SFDs can contain their
   own sub-file directories, which can be nested to a level of five  SFDs
   in a single UFD.

   The UFD is named with the user's PPN, in brackets.  For  example,  the
   user with PPN 10,507 has the following UFD:


   You specify an SFD by typing the name of the UFD, followed by the name
   of  the SFD (up to six alphanumeric characters).  For example, the UFD
   [10,507] could contain a file called FIRST.SFD.  To access  the  files
   in this SFD, the user specifies the following directory:


   In the SFD, the user keeps a file called SECOND.SFD, which points to a
   nested  SFD.   To  access  files in the nested SFD, the user types the
   following directory name:

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   The monitor does not write the data on disk in physically  consecutive
   disk  blocks.   The  monitor must allocate disk space effectively in a
   dynamic situation  where  users  are  constantly  creating,  deleting,
   modifying,  and  appending  to  variable-length files.  Therefore, the
   monitor segments disk space into blocks and stores files in space that
   is available throughout the file structure.

   To maintain this complex storage system,  the  monitor  must  maintain
   some  amount of overhead data for retrieving files and allocating disk
   space.  The RIB (Retrieval Information Block) contains  the  retrieval
   information for the file.

   A RIB is a block on the disk that contains retrieval pointers  to  the
   blocks making up the entire file.  The UFD points to the first RIB for
   each file.  Each retrieval pointer in the RIB describes  a  contiguous
   block  of  data  called  a "group." The retrieval pointer contains the
   first physical disk address of the group and the number of blocks that
   are  in  the  group.   UFDs  and MFDs also have RIBs to describe their
   locations on the disk unit.

   A retrieval pointer contains the following information:

         o  The number of clusters in this group

         o  The cluster number where the group starts

         o  The checksum for the group

   One of the following conditions is possible, if the left half  of  the
   retrieval pointer is zero:

         o  If Bit 18 = 1, Bits 19 through 35 contain  the  logical  unit
            number  of  the  next unit to get data from.  This allows one
            RIB on one unit to hold pointers to data on another  unit  in
            the same structure.

         o  If the right half is zero, there is no more data in the file.

   If a file needs more than  one  RIB  to  retrieve  the  data,  it  has
   extended  RIBs  at  the  start of subsequent groups.  The monitor also
   writes an extra copy of each RIB as the last block pointed to  by  the
   RIB,  for  disk  error  recovery  purposes.  That copy is known as the
   spare RIB.  The first RIB is known as the prime RIB.

   Each disk unit  contains  a  HOME  block,  which  describes  the  file
   structure  that contains the disk unit, and points to the MFD.  Blocks
   1 and 10 (decimal) on the disk contain the HOME block,  which  records
   the following information:

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

         o  The file structure to which this unit belongs, and the unit's
            position within the structure

         o  The characteristics of the unit and file structure

         o  A pointer to the MFD

   The monitor uses the  HOME  block  to  find  the  MFD  when  the  file
   structure is mounted for a user.

   The monitor keeps information about used disk blocks  in  the  Storage
   Allocation  Tables (SAT blocks).  The SAT block on each file structure
   is stored as SYS:SAT.SYS.  Each bit in  the  SAT  block  represents  a
   group of contiguous disk blocks called a cluster.

   The smallest unit of data on disk that the monitor can allocate is the
   cluster,  which  is  composed  of a specific number of disk blocks.  A
   small disk unit might use a cluster size of 3 blocks (600 words).   If
   the  monitor  must  allocate  space  to  a  file  that is smaller than
   200 (octal) data words, an entire  cluster  is  allocated.   When  the
   cluster  size  increases,  fewer  SAT  blocks are required for storage
   allocation information; with fewer reads/writes to the SAT, a  smaller
   number of operations is required to assign and release disk space.

   Large clusters save memory at the expense of disk space.  Because disk
   space  is allocated in clusters, short files result in wasted space if
   the cluster size is too large.

   The MFD contains pointers to the UFDs  on  the  disk  unit.   The  UFD
   contains  a  two-word  entry  for each file in the UFD.  The UFD entry
   specifies the file name in the first word, and file extension  in  the
   left  half  of  the second word and a pointer to the file in the right
   half of the second word called the compressed file pointer (CFP).  The
   CFP  is  the  18-bit  address  of the RIB of the file, pointing to the
   first supercluster of the file.  A supercluster is a set  of  clusters
   stored contiguously on disk.  A file always starts at the supercluster
   boundary, but one file may fill many superclusters of disk space.

   The number of blocks per cluster is usually equivalent to  the  number
   of  blocks per supercluster.  However, if the total number of clusters
   on a  file  structure  is  greater  than  262,143,  the  clusters  are
   regrouped  into superclusters such that the number of superclusters is
   less than or equivalent to 262,143 (the largest  number  that  can  be
   stored  in  the  right half of the second word in the UFD entry).  The
   number of clusters per supercluster is stored in the HOMe  block,  and
   in the STR block when the monitor is running.

   4.18.1  Finding Information on Disk

   The following example shows how to use FILDDT to retrieve  information

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   stored  on  a  disk, using the /U switch to look at a disk unit.  This
   example   shows   how   to   locate   the   contents   of   the   file
   DSKA:H616.TXT[64,2]; DSKA is mounted on RPB1.

   First, run the monitor-specific FILDDT (MONDDT in  this  manual),  and
   specify the physical disk unit you want to examine, followed by the /U

        .R MONDDT


   /U requires that you be logged in as [1,2], and  instructs  FILDDT  to
   treat the disk as addressable.

   The first data structure to use in examining  the  file  is  the  HOME
   block.   It  holds pointers to other files, and can always be found at
   Blocks 1 and 10 (decimal) on a disk.  To access the first word of  the
   HOME   block,   specify   location  200  to  FILDDT.   Each  block  is
   128 (decimal) words, which equals 200 (octal).

   Remember  to  convert  disk  block  numbers  to  FILDDT  addresses  by
   multiplying  by  200.   If  converting  cluster addresses, multiply by
   200*n, where n is the cluster size.  For example, if the cluster  size
   is 5, use the following calculation to specify the block number.  (The
   numeric base of the following calculations are indicated  by  (8)  for
   octal and (10) for decimal).

        Block 15(10) = Block 17(8) * 200 = 3600(8) in FILDDT

        Cluster 11(10) = Cluster 13(8) * 5 = Block 67(8) = 67 * 200 = 15600

   To examine the HOME block, type the following:

        200/  HOM                ;Name of HOME block
        201/  DSKA01             ;Unit ID
        202/  0
        203/  0
        204/  DSKA               ;Structure name

   The pointer to the MFD's RIB is at offset HOMMFD:

        200+HOMMFD/ 4204

   This location contains the block number.  All subsequent addresses are
   cluster numbers.  The size of a cluster is stored in the HOME block at
   location HOMBSC:

        200+HOMBSC/ 12           ;Blocks per supercluster
        200+HOMBPC/ 12           ;Blocks per cluster

   In this case, a cluster is 10 (decimal) blocks.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   The MFD's RIB confirms that you have the correct RIB:

        4204*200/  777653,,41
        1,,41001/  1,,1          ;Owner of file
        1,,41002/  1,,1          ;File name
        1,,41003/  UFD)EC        ;File extension in left half

   Examine the first retrieval pointer to find the MFD itself.  The right
   half  of the contents of the first word in the RIB contains the offset
   within the RIB to the first retrieval pointer.  The left half  of  the
   first word is the negative of the maximum number of retrieval pointers
   that may be stored in the RIB.

        1,,41001+41/  400000          ;Unit change pointer to Unit 0
        1,,41002+41/  4010,,100332    ;1st real retrieval pointer

   The first cluster of the MFD is number  332.   This  corresponds  with
   Block  332*12=4204 (octal),  the address of the RIB (stored in HOMMFD,
   shown  above).   The  RIB  is  stored  in  the  first  block  of   the
   supercluster when the file is initially allocated.  The monitor checks
   to see if the RIB address is the same as the first group of data.   If
   so, the monitor retrieves the second block for data.  Look at 1,,41200
   (4204*200) for the MFD:

        1,,41200/  1,,1               ;[1,1] UFD
        1,,41201/  UFD. : = 654644,,332
        1,,41202/  1,,4               ;[1,4] UFD
        1,,41203/  UFD    = 654644,,3
        1,,41204/  3,,3               ;[3,3] UFD
        1,,41205/  UFD  > = 654644,,336
        1,,41206/  10,,1              ;[10,1] UFD
        1,,41207/  UFD  ? = 654655,,337
        1,,41210/  1,,2               ;[1,2] UFD
        1,,41211/  UFD  @ = 654644,,340
        1,,41212/  1,,5               ;[1,5] UFD
        1,,41213/  UFD  A = 654644,,341
        1,,41214/  1,,3               ;[1,3] UFD
        1,,41215/  UFD  B = 654644,,342
        1,,41216/  64,,2              ;[64,2] UFD
        1,,41217/  UFD  E = 654644,,345

   The first word of each two-word MFD entry contains the UFD name.   The
   second  word  contains  the  UFD  extension  in  the left half and the
   supercluster address of the RIB in the right half.  The pointer to the
   UFD RIB is located at supercluster 345 (assuming the supercluster size
   is equivalent to 1).

        345*12*200/  777653,,41
        1,,RNA2CB+71[  1,,1           ;Owner of file
        1,,RNA2CB+72[  64,,2          ;File name
        1,,RNA2CB+73/  UFD)EC         ;LH = file extension

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

        345*12*200 41/  400000
        1,,RNA2CB+133/  1000,,345     ;Location of UFD

   Again, the  RIB  takes  up  the  first  block  of  the  cluster.   Add
   200 (octal)  to  the address of the RIB to get the first data block of
   the UFD.  If the cluster size  is  1  block,  you  have  to  read  the
   retrieval pointer for the first data block.

        345*12*200+200/  F601
        1,,RNA3CB+71/  EXE &S
        1,,RNA3CB+72/  D602
        1,,RNA3CB+73/  EXE GN
        1,,D3KDB+1/  H616
        1,,DSKDB+2/  TXT!T4  =647064,,16424

   The location of the RIB for the file is at Supercluster 16424:

        16424*12*200/  777653,,41
        44,,262001/  64,,2
        44,262002/  H616
        44,262003/  TXT)CT            ;LH = file extension

        16424*12*200+41/  400000
        44,,262042/  1655,,616424

   Finally, you reach the file, which contains:

        44,,262201/  A AT
        44,,262202/  TIME
        44,,262203/  OF SE
        44,,262204/  R062.
        44,,262205/  CRASH

        44,,262207/  VMA,
        44,,262210/  PC=53
        44,,262211/  7771
        44,,262213/  M KLD
        44,,262214/  CP AL
        44,,262215/  L COM
        44,,262216/  MAND)

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   Reformatting to make reading easier yields the following:


        VMA, PC=537771

   4.18.2  In-Core File Information

   To keep accurate  information  in  a  readily  accessible  place,  the
   monitor maintains information about the following, in memory:

         o  Structure information

         o  Device information

         o  File information

         o  User information

   To access a file structure, the monitor keeps a  file  structure  data
   block  called  STR.  It contains the name of the structure, allocation
   information, swapping  information,  and  pointers  to  MFD  and  HOME
   blocks.   The  STRs are stored in a linked list, each entry pointed to
   by the system table TABSTR.  A structure is identified by  the  offset
   into  TABSTR where its entry is stored.  The word SYSSTR points to the
   first structure.  The STR also points to the  physical  units  in  the
   file structure.

   The Unit Data Block (UDB) contains information about the physical disk
   unit, including:

         o  Physical unit name

         o  Pointers to related UDBs

         o  Pointers to HOME blocks and SAT blocks

         o  Unit parameters (cluster size, and so forth)

   The UDBs for each structure are linked and each UDB points back to the
   STR.  Because of these linkages, the STR points only to the first UDB.
   The UDB addresses are dynamically assigned by AUTCON.

   The STR accesses the following data structures:

         o  SABs (Storage Allocation Blocks) are in-core  copies  of  the
            SAT  tables.   Copies  of  the  SATs  are read into memory at
            system  startup  and  updated  on  disk  after  every   write

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

         o  SPTs (Storage allocation Pointer Tables) contain pointers  to
            all  SAT blocks for a unit.  Do not confuse the SPTs (Storage
            allocation Pointers Tables) used in disk I/O,  with  the  SPT
            (Special Pages Table) used in mapping user jobs into physical

         o  The PWQ (Position Wait Queue) is an ordered list of DDBs that
            have positioning requests for that unit.

   The controller data block (KON) is connected to the UDB  and  contains
   information  about  the  device controller for that unit.  The channel
   data block (CHN) is linked to the KON and contains  information  about
   the  hardwar  channel  associated  with that disk controller.  The CHN
   holds the transfer wait queue  (TWQ)  for  the  disk  drives  on  that

   The PWQ and the TWQ contain information for performing  I/O  requests,
   and  the order in which they are to be serviced.  Both of these queues
   are required to drive a disk device.  The format and naming scheme  is
   the same as the channel data block for tape drives.

   Only the static state of the file system can be described here.  In  a
   timesharing  environment,  jobs  can modify files while the same files
   are  being  used  by  other  jobs.   The  monitor   requires   special
   information  for the contention-free management of the files.  To keep
   track of currently open files,  the  monitor's  data  base  shows  the
   versions of all open files for all PPNs at any given time.

   The file data base is organized using the following data structures:

         o  The PPB, the PPN data Block, contains information  about  all
            files for a specific PPN.  There is one PPB for each PPN that
            has open files.  All PPBs for all jobs are  linked  together;
            the first is pointed to by SYSPPB.

         o  The NMB, the Name Block, contains the file names of all  open
            files on all file structures for a PPN.  There is one NMB for
            each open file of each  PPN,  regardless  of  the  number  of
            versions  of  the  file that are in existence.  A word in the
            PPB points to the the first NMB in a list.

         o  The ACC, the access table,  contains  information  needed  to
            gain  access  to  a specific version of a specific file.  The
            location of the first RIB  is  stored  here,  with  the  file
            structure  number.   The  ACC  entries  are  linked in a ring
            through the NMB.

            At any time there are two possible versions of a  file:   the
            current  version  and the superseding version.  Usually there
            is only one ACC; but while the file is being superseded, both
            the  old and new versions of the file have ACCs linked to the
            NMB.  There may be several ACCs if the file  exists  on  more

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

            than  one  file  structure,  or  older versions of a file are
            still open.

         o  The UFB is a UFD data block.  The monitor  keeps  a  UFB  for
            each  UFD  for  each  file  structure for your job.  Each UFB
            contains the first retrieval pointer to  the  UFD.   The  PPB
            contains a pointer to the UFB for the first structure.

   Every LOOKUP to a file is recorded in the PPB, the NMB, and  the  UFB.
   If  the  monitor cannot find a file, it marks the NMB to indicate that
   the file does not exist.  Likewise, if the UFD  does  not  exist,  the
   monitor  marks  the  UFB  accordingly.  There are two words in each of
   these data structures to contain this information.  The first word  is
   the KNO word, short for KNOW.  This is set to tell whether the monitor
   checked to see if the file or UFD exists.  If the bit is zero, a  disk
   read  will  be required to find out if the file exists.  If the bit is
   one, the second word, the  YES  word,  is  valid.   If  the  YES  word
   contains 0, the file does not exist; if the word is one, the file does
   exist and there is probably information about it in the PPB and NMB.

   The goal of this information storage is to reduce the number  of  disk
   reads  for  discovering  whether a file exists and where it is stored.
   This is especially useful during debugging, when  the  same  group  of
   files  are  used  over  and  over again (source program, compiler, and
   linker, for example).  Of course, not all the file information can fit
   into memory.  The disk data structures are managed like a cache, where
   the oldest entries are discarded  in  favor  of  those  accessed  more

   The disk DDB is extremely important because it is the  central  source
   of  information for all disk I/O operations.  It contains pointers and
   links to many other data structures, including:

         o  The  current  retrieval  pointers  being  used  by  the  disk
            routines, and the block numbers to which the pointers refer.

         o  Pointers to the UDB and STR where the file resides.

         o  Pointers to the buffer ring header and user buffers.

         o  The PWQ and the TWQ, which make a linked list of DDBs waiting
            to use the disk and channel.

         o  Pointers to the ACC and UFD.

   Disk DDBs are created when the device is OPENed and a software channel
   is  created;  they  are deleted when the channel is closed.  Disk DDBs
   are stored in the user's funny space.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   4.18.3  The Software Disk Cache

   The in-core file information that is being  input  or  output  can  be
   cached in memory, allowing the monitor to access disk information more
   efficiently.  The following data blocks are used in caching  disk  I/O

   The data structures for the software disk cache are two doubly  linked
   lists,  a  list  header,  and  a  hash  table.  Each entry in the list
   contains forward and backward pointers for  each  of  the  two  lists,
   (.CBNHB,  .CBPHB, .CBNAB, and .CBPAB), a UDB address (.CBUDB), a block
   number (.CBBLK), and a pointer to the address in free core  where  the
   block  is (.CBDAT).  For statistical purposes, the entry also contains
   a count of the number of times the block has been  accessed  since  it
   was included in the list (.CBHIT).

   The list header points to the two linked lists.  The first linked list
   is  the "access" list.  The most recently accessed block is at the top
   of the list; the least recently accessed block is  at  the  end.   The
   access list is linked through the .CBNAB/.CBPAB words.

   The second linked list is the "free" list.  It contains a list of  all
   blocks  that  are  not  currently in use and do not appear in the hash
   table.  The free list is linked through the .CBNHB/.CBPHB words.

   The hash table consists of pointers to the free list corresponding  to
   the  blocks  that  hash  to  the  same position.  Thus, the hash table
   consists of separate list heads for the lists of blocks that  hash  to
   that position in the hash table.

   At initialization time (CSHINI), all  the  blocks  are  allocated  and
   linked into the free list.  They are also linked into the access list.
   The hash table entries are linked to themselves because the  table  is

   To find an entry, given its UDB and block number, use the block number
   as the offset into the hash table.  Use the hash table entry as a list
   head, following the list until you either find a match, or  return  to
   the  header.  This is done with the CSHFND routine.  In general, these
   lists are very small, most commonly only one or two blocks.

   The main cache handling routine is CSHIO, which will simulate I/O from
   the  cache,  doing  the  necessary  physical I/O to fill and write the
   cache.  Note that this is a write-through  cache,  so  no  sweeps  are
   required,  and  the  data  in  the cache always reflects the blocks on

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   4.18.4  Finding In-Core File Information

   The following example finds the file information stored in memory  for
   Job 3.  First, you must set up paging for the job:

        .C0EPT/     .E0EPT
        JBTNAM+3$6T/   ACTDAE         ;Program name
        JBTUPM 3[   42000,,354        ;UPT at page 354
        .$6U                          ;Mapping command

   Then search for the assigned DDBs:

        USRJDA[  0                    ;Channel 0
        FOPBUF#+52[  0                ;Channel 1
        FOPBUF#+53[  0                ;Channel 2
        FOPBUF#+54[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+55[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+56[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+57[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+60[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+61[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+62[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+63[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+64[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+65[  0                   .
        FOPBUF#+66[  0                ;Channel 15
        FOPBUF#+67[  0                ;Channel 16
        FOPBUF#+70[  0                ;Channel 17

        .USCTA[  20,,741200           ;Check for extended channels

        741200[  564200,,740000       ;Channel 20
        741201[  560200,,740066       ;Channel 21
        741202[  474000,,740154       ;Channel 22
        741203[  403000,,740242       ;Channel 23
        741204[  441100,,740330       ;Channel 24
        741205[  474100,,740416       ;Channel 25
        741206[  0                    ;Channel 26
        741207[  0                    ;Channel 27

   In this case, there are six open DDBs, all  in  the  extended  channel
   table.   They  point  to DDBs in funny space, so they must be for disk
   files.  Looking closer, you can find the  names  of  the  files.   The
   examples  below show how this was done for the first three DDBs listed

        740000$6T/  ACT
        DDB20:                        ;Label this as the DDB
        DDB20+DEVFIL$6T/   USAGE      ;for Channel 20.
        DDB20+DEVEXT$6T/   OUT   !
        DDB20+DEVPPN[   1,,7          ;ACT:USAGE.OUT[1,7]

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

        740066$6T/  ACT
        DDB21:                        ;Label this as the DDB
        DDB21+DEVFIL$6T/  FAILUR      ;for Channel 21.
        DDB21+DEVEXT$6T/  LOG   =
        DDB21+DEVPPN[  1,,7           ;ACT:FAILUR.LOG[1,7]

        740154$6T/  ACT
        DDB22+DEVFIL$6T/  USEJOB
        DDB22+DEVEXT$6T/  BIN   W
        DDB22+DEVPPN$6T[  1,,7        ;ACT:USEJOB.BIN[1,7]

   Now examine the USEJOB.BIN file.  From the DDB,  you  can  find  which
   unit the file is on:

        DDB22+DEVUNI/  142314,,142314 ;original UDB,,current UDB

        142314$6T/RAJ3                ;Physical device name
        RAJ3:                         ;Label the UDB
        RAJ3+UDBKDB[   136770         ;KDB
        RAJ3+UNILOG$6T/   DSKA0       ;Logical name within structure
        RAJ3+UNIHID$6T/   DSKA0       ;HOME block ID name
        RAJ3+UNISYS[   142444,,46000  ;Next UDB in system,,bits
        RAJ3+UNISTR[   145324         ;Next UDB for STR
        RAJ3+UNICHN[   142444         ;Next UDB on channel
        RAJ3+UNIKON[   142444         ;Next UDB on controller

   The unit is RAJ3, which is part of the structure DSKA.

   Included in the UDB is a pointer to the structure data block (STR).

        145324$6T/   DSKA             ;STR name
        DSKA:                         ;Label the CHN
        DSKA+1[   145274,,10          ;Next STR,,STR number
        DSKA+2[   142314,,0           ;First UDB for STR,,K for CRASH.EXE
        DSKA+3[   1                   ;Number of units in STR
        DSKA+4[   3,,41577            ;Quota words
        DSKA+5[   3,,41600            ;     .
        DSKA+6[   0                   ;     .
        DSKA+7[   0                   ;     .
        DSKA+10[   0                  
        DSKA+11[   266532
        DSKA+12[   777777,,777014
        DSKA+13[   7                  ;Mount count
        DSKA+14[   410,,512304        ;First retrieval pointer to MFD

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   There are two other methods for locating a disk structure.  The  first
   is to start with SYSSTR and follow the links to each structure:

        SYSSTR/   247103,,1           ;Pointer in left half
        247103$6T/   SIRS             ;1st STR in linked list
        247104[   240137,,15
        240137$6T/   BADP             ;2nd STR in list
        240140[   110521,,14
        110521$6T/   7A               ;3rd STR in list
        110522[   145324,,1
        145324$6T/   DSKA             ;4th STR in list

   Or, with the file structure number, you can index into TABSTR:

        TABSTR/   777733,,1
        TABSTR+1/   110521
        TABSTR+2/   145324
        145324$6T/   DSKA

   Notice that the links started by SYSSTR are not in the same  order  as

   You can use the UDB to find several other structures:

        RAJ3: UNIQUE/  0              ;Position wait queue
        RAJ3: UNIPTR/  0              ;-Length,,addr of swap SAT 
        RAJ3: UNISAB/  7,,31271       ;First SAB in ring,,addr of SPT 

   From the UDB, you can find the KDB:

        RAJ3: UDBKDB/    136770       ;Ptr in UDB to KDB

        136770$6T/   RAJ              ;Controller name
        RAJ:                          ;Label this
        RAJ+1[   76237                ;Next controller on system
        RAJ+2[   7                    ;CPU accessibility mask
        RAJ+3[   136704               ;KDBCHN -- CHN
        RAJ+4[   777740,,137063       ;KDBIUN -- Initial pointer to units

   You can get the channel data block from the KDB:

        RAJ KDBCHN/  136704           ;KDB pointer to CHN

        136704/  0                    ;-1 if channel idle
        CHN:                          ;Label it
        CHN+1/  142750,,0             ;Next CHN,,last UDB with error
        CHN+2/  0                     ;Error information
        CHN+3/  0
        CHN+4/  0

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   The other file information can be found by starting  with  SYSPPB  and
   following  pointers  to the correct PPB, NMB, and ACC.  (DEVACC in the
   DDB also points to the ACC.)

        SYSPPB/  120140,,0            ;Pointer to first PPB

        120140[  1,,4                 ;Project,,programmer number
        120141[  120440,,0            ;Next PPB in system,,0
        120440[  1,,7                 ;Project,,programmer number
        PPB:                          ;Label it
        PPB+1[   120560,,0            ;Next PPB in system,,0
        PPB+2[   120450,,0            ;First UFB this PPN,,0
        PPB+3[   120460,,0            ;First NMB this PPN,,bits
        PPB+4[   6                    ;Use count
        PPB+5[   410                  ;KNO bits
        PPB+6[   410                  ;YES bits
        PPB+7[   0                    ;Interlock bits

   Now you can look for the file USEJOB.BIN in the NMB:

        120460$6T/   USAGE            ;File name - USAGE
        120461[   120510,,0           ;Next NMB,,0
        120510$6T/   FAILUR           ;File name - FAILUR
        120511[   120540,,0           ;Next NMB,,0
        120540$6T/   USEJOB           ;File name - USEJOB
        NMB:                          ;Label it
        NMB+1[   122670,,0            ;Next NMB,,0
        NMB+2[   26325                ;Compressed file pointer
        NMB+3[   120550,,425156       ;ACC,,file extension in SIXBIT
        NMB+4[   110000,,0            ;File structure number
        NMB+5[   400                  ;KNO bits
        NMB+6[   400                  ;YES bits
        NMB+7[   2                    ;Use count

   And finally, you can get to the ACC from the NMB:

        120550[   156                 ;Highest block allocated
        ACC:                          ;Label the ACC
        ACC+1[   120542,,200000       ;NMB,,bits
        ACC+2[   1100,,26325          ;First retrieval pointer
        ACC+3[   0                    ;Dormant ACCs
        ACC+4[   110020,,120440       ;Bits,,PPB
        ACC+5[   222136,,410
        ACC+6[   145
        ACC+7[   55744,,332136

   The ACC points back to both the NMB and PPB.  Note, however, that  the
   ACC  may  point  to  another ACC, which may point to the NMB.  This is
   ascertained by examining the last digit of the left half of  the  NMB.
   If  the  last digit is 2, as in this example, the left half of the NMB
   ACC word points to an NMB.  If the digit is not 2, the NMB  points  to
   another ACC.

                       EXAMINING THE DATA STRUCTURES

   The PPB also points to the UFB.

        DDB22 DEVUFB/  120450         ;DDB pointer to UFB

        PPB PPBUFB/  120450,,0        ;PPB pointer to UFB

        120450/  377777,,700521       ;Total blocks left this UFD
        UFB:                          ;Label it
        UFB+1[   122420,,775400       ;Next UFB,,bits
        UFB+2[   100,,52166           ;First retrieval PTR to this UFD
        UFB+3[   5                    ;Bits
        UFB+4[   110000,,0            ;File structure number
        UFB+5[   104,,0               ;N if job N owns AU for this UFB
        UFB+6[   0                    ;Non-zero if waiting for AU
        UFB+7[   0                    ;=1 if UFD has empty data blocks

   In all cases, check the Monitor Tables  Descriptions  and  the  source
   listings  to find the interconnections between the data structures and
   how to interpret what is stored in them.



                                 CHAPTER 5

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

   The monitor reports hardware and software problems by displaying error
   messages  on  the CTY, but these messages include only a small portion
   of the information that the monitor stores in its database.

   This chapter will show you how to take a message from the CTY and  use
   it  to  trace  through  the  dump  to  obtain  more information.  This
   involves working with the APR interrupt routine, the  page  fail  trap
   routine,  and  the  stopcode routine.  You can use this information to
   deduce the scope and nature of the problem more accurately.

   The error routines of the monitor are designed to handle both software
   and  hardware  errors.   When  software  errors  are detected, control
   usually jumps to an error handling routine for  processing.   Hardware
   errors,  however,  can  interrupt  processing  and  sometimes halt the


   You can use the CTY message to trace an error to the  actual  hardware
   that  failed.   The  following  types of hardware-related messages may
   appear on the CTY.

   The most serious hardware error is indicated by one of  the  following






                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

   In this case, the error is so serious that  the  processor  is  halted
   immediately and no further error processing can be done.

   A second type of problem is an AR/ARX parity trap,  indicated  by  the
   following message:

   CPU0 AR/ARX PARITY TRAP AT USER PC 401123 ON dd-mmm-yy
   PAGE FAIL WORD = 000000,,00011
   MAPPED PAGE FAIL ADDRESS = 547000,,560271
   INCORRECT CONTENTS = 000000,,000000
   CONI PI, = 000000,,000377

   Another type of parity trap is a page table parity trap, indicated  by
   the following:

   CPU0 PAGE TABLE PARITY TRAP AT EXEC PC 414555 ON dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss
   PAGE FAIL WORD = 000000,,00011
   CONI PI, = 010000,,020377

   A CPU interrupt due to a parity or NXM error is reported as:

   CPU1 PARITY ERROR INTERRUPT AT USER PC 343413 ON dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss
   CONI APR, = 003002,,312022
   CONI PI, = 010000,,020377

   This report can have several variations, depending on the CPU and  the
   specific error.  The monitor can include any of these error messages:








                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES



   After this or other errors, the monitor may also attempt to check  for
   problems  by  scanning memory for parity errors or nonexistent memory.
   A memory scan can produce one of the following reports:


   AT 314243 (PHYS.)

   The channel number (CHANNEL 1) listed in this message  refers  to  the
   sofware channel data block (CHN) number, not an RH20 channel.

   Memory parity errors or nonexistent memory errors on a channel produce
   a special message:


   The CHANNEL TYPE listed in this message  may  be  DF10C,  DX10,  RH20,
   CI20,  NIA20,  or SA10.  Hardware errors signal the software in either
   of two ways:  by a processor (APR) interrupt or by a page  fail  trap.
   APR  interrupts are usually generated on the highest PI level, because
   CPU errors  are  serious  and  must  interrupt  other  devices.   When
   notified  of such errors, the monitor reads the hardware registers and
   takes the appropriate action.

   To obtain more information about  the  error  and  the  state  of  the
   monitor, you must examine the dump.  It is important to understand how
   the monitor handles hardware errors.  The following sections  describe
   the routines in the monitor that handle errors.

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

   5.1.1  APR Interrupt Routine

   The routine to handle APR interrupts is APnINT, where  n  is  the  CPU
   number.   It  is  defined  by  a  macro in COMMON, and handles all the
   possible conditions that could cause a processor interrupt, which are:

         o  Cache-sweep-done

         o  Power fail

         o  Timer timeout (clock tick)

         o  I/O page fail error

         o  NXM error

         o  Cache directory parity error

         o  MB parity error

         o  Address parity error

         o  SBUS error

   A clock tick or cache-sweep-done interrupt happens frequently and  the
   monitor  deals  with  them quickly.  The other conditions require more
   extensive processing.

   MB and NXM errors undergo even more analysis  and  eventually  produce
   one  or  more  of  these  error  reports:   CPU  parity  error  or NXM
   interrupt, a memory scan, or the nonrecoverable error message.

   5.1.2  Page Fail Trap Routine

   Page fail traps are caused by one of the following conditions:

         o  Page fault

         o  Proprietary violation

         o  AR/ARX parity error (KL10 only)

         o  Page table parity error (KL10 only)

         o  Page refill failure (KL10 only)

         o  Address break (KL10 only)

         o  Illegal section number (KL10 only)

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

         o  Illegal indirection (KL10 only)

         o  Non-existent device or register (KS10 only)

         o  Hard memory error (KS10 only)

         o  NXM error (KS10 only)

   Some of these conditions are the result of normal operations, such  as
   an  address  break,  proprietary violation, or page fault.  Others are
   handled as error conditions.  The page fail word describes the type of
   page  fault  that  occurred.   The trap handler is located at SEILM in

   The APR interrupt routine and the page fail trap routine use the  same
   push-down  list,  ERnPDL,  once an error has been detected.  The power
   fail routine uses another push-down list, PWFPDL.

   The channel error report is produced at the  interrupt  level  of  the
   device  that  was  doing the transfer.  This report usually occurs for
   disk and tape devices.

   If a parity error is detected in fast memory, DRAM, or CRAM, the  EBOX
   stops  immediately by turning off its clocks.  The front-end processor
   performs any diagnostic action that is necessary.

   5.1.3  Saved Hardware Error Information

   The error handling routines store information about hardware errors in
   the CPU Data Block (CDB).  Some of those locations in the CDB are:

        .CnACN (APRSTS)     CONI APR,
        .CnAEF              APR error flag

   Parity Error Information:

         o  .CnTPE contains the total number of  parity  error  words  in

         o  .CnSPE contains the total  number  of  nonreproducing  parity
            errors in memory.

         o  .CnMPA contains the memory parity address for this CPU.

         o  .CnMPW contains the memory parity word for this CPU.

         o  .CnMPP contains the memory parity PC for this CPU.

         o  .CnSB0 contains the SBUS Diag 0 instruction.

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

         o  .CnS0A contains the answer from the SBUS Diag 0 instruction.

         o  .CnSB1 contains the SBUS Diag Function 1 instruction.

         o  .CnS1A contains the answer from  the  SBUS  Diag  Function  1

   NXM Information:

         o  .CnTNE contains the total number of NXMs for this CPU.

         o  .CnSNE contains the total number of nonreproducible NXMs  for
            this CPU.

         o  .CnMNA contains the first address found with NXM.

   AR/ARX Parity Information:

         o  .CnPBA contains the  physical  address  that  registered  bad
            parity on last AR/ARX parity trap.

         o  .CnTBD contains the contents of the  bad  word  on  the  last
            AR/ARX parity trap.

         o  .CnNPT contains the total number of AR/ARX parity traps.

         o  .CnAER  contains  the  results  of  RDERA  on  a   parity/NXM

         o  .CnPEF contains the results  of  CONI  APR  on  a  parity/NXM

         o  .CnPPC contains the PC on the last AR/ARX parity trap.

         o  .CnPFW contains the page fail word on the last parity trap.

         o  .CnHPT contains the number of hard AR/ARX parity traps.

         o  .CnSAR contains the number of soft AR/ARX parity traps.

         o  .CnPTP contains the total number of page table parity traps.

   5.1.4  Hardware Error Checking

   The KL10 processor is made up of the  following  hardware  components,
   the EBOX, the MBOX, and various interfaces and buses.  The EBOX, short
   for  Execution  BOX,  is  responsible  for  the   execution   of   the
   instructions.   The  MBOX, short for Memory BOX, controls transfers to
   and from memory, cache, channels, and the EBOX.

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

   The EBOX is composed of the following:

         o  Instruction Register (IR) receives the instruction code  from
            the  Arithmetic Logic Unit and passes it to the CRAM/DRAM for

         o  Dispatch RAM (DRAM) and Control RAM (CRAM) hold the microcode
            that implements the PDP-10 instruction set.

         o  Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the major working area of  the
            processor.  It has three fullword registers:

            AR (Arithmetic Register)
            BR (Buffer Register)
            MQ (Multiplier/Quotient Register)

            The first two registers also have fullword  extensions:   ARX
            and BRX.

         o  Fast Memory (FM) contains the accumulators (ACs).   The  EBOX
            has eight AC sets.

         o  Virtual memory address (VMA)  keeps  the  PC  and  sends  the
            virtual address to the pager in the MBOX.

         o  Virtual memory address adder (VMA AD) helps the  VMA  in  its

         o  Program Counter (PC) holds the virtual address  of  the  next
            instruction to be executed.

   The MBOX is composed of:

         o  Pager (also known as the hardware page  table),  which  holds
            512  (MCA20)  or 1024 (MCA25) mapping entries from the EPT or

         o  Physical Memory  Address  register  (PMA),  which  holds  the
            physical memory address of the next instruction.

         o  Cache (data and directory):  high-speed semiconductor  memory
            that  stores  copies  of data from regular memory in order to
            speed up memory fetches.  (MCA20 allows up to 2K of  storage;
            MCA25 allows up to 4K of storage.)

         o  Memory Buffer (MB), to control the flow of data to  and  from
            cache, channels, memory, and the EBOX.

         o  Cache/MB interface, connecting cache to MB.

   In addition, a number of buses and interfaces may be connected to  the
   MBOX, EBOX, and other parts of the system, such as:

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

         o  E/M interface connects the MBOX and EBOX.

         o  S/X BUS/MB interface connnects the  MBOX  with  the  core/MOS
            controllers.   The  DMA20  is  on  the SBUS and interfaces to
            external memory.

         o  EBUS connects the EBOX to four DTE20s  or  eight  RH20  slots
            (which  may  contain  RH20 or KLIPA/KLNI controllers) and the
            DIA20/DIB20 interface to the traditional I/O bus devices.

   Combinations of the  following  modules  connect  memory  and  MASSBUS

         o  Channel/MB interface connects MB with the channel controller.

         o  Channel controller controls the  flow  of  data  through  the

         o  CBUS and  CBUS  interface  handles  data  transfers  that  go
            directly to the MBOX, bypassing the EBOX.

         o  RH20 MASSBUS controller connects the CBUS to the MASSBUS.

         o  MASSBUS is a standard bus for interfacing tapes and disks  to
            the KL.

         o  Device controller (BA10, TD10, RH10,...).

         o  I/O bus (PTP, PTR,...).

         o  Channel interfaces (DX10, DX20,...).

         o  CI20 port connecting the KL10 with the CI20 bus.

         o  NIA20 port connecting the KL10 with the Ethernet cable.

   The KL10 dynamically generates parity in the following places:

         o  On the output side of the channel status RAMs

         o  On the output side of the AR

         o  Entering the pager from MB or AR

         o  Data stored in fast memory

         o  Data stored into the channel data buffers (18-bit  parity  is

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

   Parity is checked after the following operations:

         o  On all requests from the MBOX

         o  Data leaves MB to go to the DMA20, pager, channel, cache,  AR
            or the arithmetic extender

         o  Data is paged out

         o  Data enters and leaves the RH20 or the MASSBUS

         o  Data enters the AR from the MBOX

         o  Data enters and leaves AR during DTE  PI  Level  0  interrupt

         o  Data enters the ARX from the MBOX

         o  Data leaves fast memory

         o  Control leaves CRAM/DRAM

   Errors detected through parity checking in  the  last  two  conditions
   cause  the KL (EBOX/MBOX) clock to halt immediately, provided that the
   correct conditions have been enabled.   The  relationships  among  the
   places where errors are detected and the condition they evoke is shown
   in the  following  table.   Note  that  parity  is  generated  by  the
   transmitting   device.    This   table  does  not  include  power-fail

   Table 5-1:  Hardware Errors


     Component   Error                      Error Indicator

     MA20        Incomplete cycle           SBUS error bit
                 Address parity error       Address parity bit

     DMA20       Data parity error          SBUS error bit
                 Address parity error       Address parity bit
                 NXM error                  SBUS error bit

     MB          Data parity error          MB parity error bit
                 Nonexistent memory         NXM error bit

     Pager       Page table parity error    Page fail trap
                 Pager to cache directory   CD parity error bit

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

     Arithmetic Logic:

     (AR, ARX)   AR parity error            Page fail trap
                                            code=36 (for Exec)
                                            code=76 (for User)

                 ARX parity error           Page fail trap
                                            code=37 (for Exec)
                                            code=77 (for User)

                 AR/ARX/EBUS parity error*  I/O page fail bit

     RH20        Data parity error          Device interrupt

     DX10        Data parity error          Device interrupt

     * This type of error includes any type of paging failure while  PI
       CYCLE  is  set.   The  PI CYCLE is a microcode condition that is
       enabled when the microcode honors a PI request and  is  disabled
       when the first XPCW instruction occurs for Levels 1-7 or a Level
       0 request is completed.


   Stopcodes are symbolic  names  representing  errors  detected  by  the
   monitor.   Stopcodes  are generated by the STOPCD or BUG. macros.  The
   DIE routine records error  information  and  initiates  a  reload,  if
   required.   For  a  complete list of stopcodes, refer to the Stopcodes

   The CTY  for  each  CPU  in  a  multi-CPU  configuration  records  the
   stopcodes  that  occur  on  that  CPU.  You can use FILDDT to find the
   module where a stopcode is defined.  You can find a  stopcode  in  the
   crash  file  by  looking  for  a  symbol  of  the  form  (for
   3-character stopcode names) or just  name  (for  6-character  stopcode
   names).   The  following  example shows how to find the module where a
   KSW stopcode is defined:


        TAPSER G

   Stopcodes are defined in many modules of the  monitor,  but  they  are
   generated  by  the  same macro, the STOPCD macro.  The STOPCD macro is
   called with:

        STOPCD cont,type,name,disp

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES


        cont      is the location to jump to after processing the error.

        type      is the type of  failure  and  determines  the  specific
                  course  of  action.   It  can have one of the following

                        o  HALT

                        o  STOP

                        o  JOB

                        o  CPU

                        o  DEBUG

                        o  INFO

                        o  EVENT

        name      is the unique stopcode name.

        disp      is the address of  the  routine  containing  additional
                  information, if appropriate.

   The severity of the error is indicated by the type of  stopcode.   The
   types of stopcodes are:

         o  HALT stopcodes occur after the most severe errors.   The  CPU
            cannot  continue  automatically  after  a HALT, no additional
            information is displayed on the CTY, and  no  information  is
            saved   (no  crash  file  is  automatically  created).   HALT
            stopcodes are also the  least  likely  of  the  stopcodes  to
            occur,  and  are usually caused by recursive calls to the DIE

            HALT  stopcodes  indicate  serious  problems  that   endanger
            further  system  operation.   The  RSX-20F  console front-end
            (using the HALT.CMD file) gathers pertinent status and  error

         o  STOP stopcodes are the also serious,  and  cause  the  system
            (all  CPUs)  to put their status into memory and wait for the
            policy CPU to dump and reload the monitor.

         o  JOB stopcodes are those that affect  only  one  job  but  may
            indicate problems in the system.  If there is an interrupt in
            progress, the system will be  reloaded.   If  not,  only  the
            faulty  job will be terminated.  Then a dump is taken and the
            system continues.

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

         o  A CPU stopcode is important only  for  multiple-CPU  systems.
            This  stopcode  will  stop  only the current CPU, leaving the
            others running.  It acts as a STOP stopcode  in  any  of  the
            following cases:

             -  Single-CPU systems

             -  Only one processor running in an multiple-CPU system

             -  If DF.CP1 is set in the DEBUGF word.

         o  A DEBUG  stopcode  affects  the  system  in  different  ways,
            depending on the contents of the DEBUGF word (short for DEBUG
            Flags).  By setting certain  bits  in  this  word,  a  system
            programmer  can  control the effect of certain stopcodes, and
            manner in which the system is reloaded.  The DEBUGF flags are
            listed in Section 6.3.

         o  An INFO stopcode displays a message on the CTY and rings  the
            terminal bell, informing the operator of an event that may be
            of interest.  Most INFO stopcodes are  harmless  and  can  be
            ignored.  They do not halt the system or job, do not initiate
            a memory dump, and do not cause a system reload.

         o  An EVENT stopcode displays a message on the CTY,  similar  to
            an INFO stopcode, but does not ring the terminal bell.

   5.2.1  Stopcode Processing

   The DIE routine in ERRCON processes stopcodes in the following manner:

        1.  Increments .CnDWD to indicate that this CPU has died  and  to
            protect the code from being entered twice by that CPU.

        2.  Saves the PI status in .CnCPI and turns off the PI system.

        3.  Saves AC Blocks 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 in memory.

        4.  Stores stopcode PC in %SYSPC and .CnSNM.

        5.  Sets up error stack from ERnPDL.

        6.  Creates CPU and device status block data  using  RCDSTB,  and
            calls DAEMON to output those buffers.

        7.  Initiates a cache sweep and waits with  control  in  the  ACs
            until the sweep is finished.

        8.  Enters the secondary protocol.

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

        9.  Attempts to get the DIE interlock.

       10.  Prints stopcode information on CTY.

       11.  Dispatches to the routine that will take the dump and  handle
            the specific type of stopcode.

   INFO and EVENT stopcodes perform all the functions listed here, except
   that  they  do not turn off the PI system, do not halt the system, and
   do not perform a dump and reload.  The EVENT  output  on  the  CTY  is
   formatted differently from the other types of stopcodes.

   5.2.2  Continuing from Stopcodes

   JOB and DEBUG stopcodes do not  ordinarily  crash  the  system.   They
   allow  error  collection to be done, and then the system can continue.
   Whenever a JOB or DEBUG stopcode occurs, the  default  action  of  the
   monitor  is  to dump memory to disk for later analysis.  This is known
   as a continuable stopcode dump and is handled by  BOOT.   This  allows
   the system to continue to do work even though the state of the machine
   is being saved.

   The majority of stopcodes are caused by a corruption of  some  portion
   of  the  monitor's  database.   Often,  a corrupted piece of data will
   cause several stopcodes, one right  after  the  other.   However,  the
   first  dump is the most important.  When you are analyzing a series of
   crashes, look at the first crash in the series.

   If two or more crashes have the same time stamp, you  should  look  at
   the dump with Bit 8 clear in the DEBUGF word.  You can probably ignore
   the other dump(s).  Refer to Section 6.3 for  more  information  about
   DEBUGF flags.

   5.2.3  Special Stopcodes

   Certain stopcodes occur more frequently because they represent a  wide
   range  of  problems.   Under  these conditions, debugging becomes more
   difficult.  The stopcodes of this type that you should be aware of are
   KAF,  IME,  UIL,  and  EUE.   The  causes  for  them  mentioned in the
   following paragraphs are not complete, but  they  illustrate  the  way
   such a stopcode could occur.

   Keep-Alive Fail (KAF) stopcodes occur  when  the  system  is  hung  or
   looping.   In  this  situation,  you  cannot  get  response  from  the
   terminals, there are no jobs  running,  and  no  I/O  is  being  done.
   Eventually,  the front-end, RSX-20F, realizes the keep-alive count has
   expired, and forces the KL to  execute  the  instruction  in  physical
   location  71 of memory, [email protected], which stores the contents of P in

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

   KFnSVP, and issues the KAF stopcode.  The address (a  double-word  PC)
   of  the  instruction  that  was being executed is stored at APnKAF and

   A KAF occurs when something prevents the processor from reaching clock
   level,  thus  preventing  the  keep-alive count from being updated and
   scheduling from being done.  This can occur if a process at  a  higher
   PI level never exits, which could be caused by one of the following:

         o  A higher level interrupt goes into an infinite loop.

         o  A higher level interrupt does not clear an  interrupt  signal
            when   the   interrupt  routine  exits.   The  signal,  being
            constantly asserted, causes one interrupt after another.

         o  The clock does not tick because it has malfunctioned.

         o  The clock does not  tick  because  the  PI  system  has  been

         o  A monitor routine does not release an interlock.

         o  A CPU in  a  multiple-CPU  system  does  not  release  a  CPU

   IME stands for Illegal Memory Reference from Executive and  is  issued
   when  an  unexpected  page  fault  occurs  in  exec mode.  Some of the
   potential causes for an IME include:

         o  An attempt to write into the monitor's high segment.

         o  An attempt to reference data mapped through a UPT that is not

         o  Invalid indexing because accumulators were misused.

   To solve IMEs, you can look at the following locations in the UPT:

         o  .USPFW (location 500) contains the page fail word.

         o  .USPFP (501) contains the flags in the left half.

         o  .USPFN (502) contains the PC of the page fail instruction.

   The CDB also contains some relevant  information,  referenced  by  the
   following symbols:

         o  .CnAPC contains the APR error or trap PC on this CPU.

         o  .CnPFW contains the page fail word on traps to SEILM.

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

         o  .CnPPI contains the results of CONI PI, on a parity/NXM trap.

         o  .CnTCX contains the page fail word context word on  traps  to

   EUE stands for  Executive  UUO  Error  and  occurs  when  the  monitor
   attempts  to  execute  an  illegal  UUO (usually with an opcode of 0).
   This stopcode is usually the result of the  monitor  branching  to  an
   address  that contains data instead of an instruction.  Its causes are
   very similar to that of an IME.  The same problem may produce  an  EUE
   one time and an IME another time, depending on specific conditions.

   To solve EUE and UIL stopcodes, you should look at the contents of the
   following locations in the UPT:

         o  .USMUO contains the flags and left half of the UUO.

         o  .USMUP contains the address of the UUO routine.

         o  .USMUE contains the effective address half of the UUO.

         o  .USUPF contains the process context word at the time  of  the


   When  the  RSX-20F  console  front-end  detects   certain   KL   error
   conditions,  it  collects  data  using command files (sometimes called
   TAKE files).  The error conditions and the command file for  each  are
   listed below.

   The command files are used to gather status and error data for special
   cases,  and  (on  single-CPU systems) to assist in system continuation
   after a stopcode.

   When the RSX-20F reload-enable flag  is  set,  the  following  command
   files are automatically executed for the following conditions:

        File           Error Condition

        CLOCK.CMD      Field service probe clock error stop
        CRAM.CMD       Control RAM (CRAM) clock error stop
        DRAM.CMD       Dispatch RAM clock error stop
        EBUS.CMD       EBUS parity error
        FMPAR.CMD      Fast memory parity clock error stop
        DEX.CMD        Deposit/Examine failure
        HALT.CMD       KL executes HALT instruction
        TIMEO.CMD      Protocol timeout condition
        KPALV.CMD      Keep-alive failed condition (*)
        DUMP.CMD       Optional system hung file

                          ERROR HANDLING ROUTINES

   * When a Keep-Alive Fail  occurs,  the  KPALV.CMD  file  is  not  used
     immediately.   Instead,  RSX-20F  attempts  to reload the monitor at
     location 71 (described in Section 5.2.3).  If the front-end fails to
     reload the monitor, RSX-20F takes a Keep Alive Fail and executes the
     KPALV.CMD file.  However, if the Retry-Enable Flag (which is set, by
     default)  is  cleared,  the  KPALV.CMD  file is executed immediately
     without trying a reload.

     The KPALV.CMD is useful when the  system  hangs  without  doing  any
     productive  work.   You  can  execute  KPALV.CMD  to  gather  status
     information and  force  a  dump.   To  invoke  KPALV.CMD,  type  the
     following commands on the CTY:

     ^/                          ;<CTRL-backslash>
     PAR>TAKE KLPALV             ;initiates the .CMD file


                                 CHAPTER 6

                           DEBUGGING THE MONITOR

   There are two ways to make corrections  to  the  monitor.   The  first
   method  is  to  alter  the  running monitor using the monitor-specific
   FILDDT.  You can use this method when the changes are small and it  is
   unlikely  that  the  system  will  crash  due to patching errors.  The
   second method involves taking the system standalone  and  loading  the
   monitor with EDDT.


   The monitor-specific FILDDT  contains  functions  that  allow  you  to
   change  or  patch  the  running  monitor.  To run FILDDT and patch the
   monitor, you must use the following commands:

        .R MONDDT
        File: /M/P

   The /M switch indicates that all Examine and  Deposit  functions  will
   refer  to  the running monitor.  The /P switch allows you to patch the
   monitor.  To use these switches, your job  must  have  PEEK  and  POKE

   Often the changes to be added in the monitor do not  fit  easily  into
   the  existing code.  To add several lines of code, you must access the
   pre-allocated patching space that is resident in the running  monitor.
   The  patching  space  starts  at  the address pointed to by the symbol
   PATCH.  The amount of words reserved for patching space  is  assembled
   into  the  monitor  module  PATCH.MAC  (the symbol is PATSIZ), but the
   patch area is usually 50 (octal) words long.  It is  recommended  that
   large  changes be made directly to monitor sources, not to the running


           When you install a  change  to  the  running  monitor,
           remember  that the monitor code should not dispatch to

                           DEBUGGING THE MONITOR

           the patched location  until  you  have  installed  the
           entire   patch.    Therefore,   the  instruction  that
           dispatches to the changed  code  should  be  the  last
           instruction  you  install.  It is recommended that you
           use the $< command to FILDDT specifying PATCH  as  the
           patching area.

   6.2  USING EDDT

   EDDT is a version of DDT that runs in both user and exec modes.   EDDT
   is  part of the monitor, in the sense that it resides in the monitor's
   .EXE file and is loaded into core with the monitor.   The  command  to
   BOOT to enable debugging with EDDT is:


   The /EDDT switch instructs BOOT to start at  the  EDDT  start  address
   rather than the monitor's normal starting address.  You can type /EDDT
   or /START:401.

   When BOOT starts the monitor at  location  401,  the  CPU  is  running
   unmapped.   In  this  mode,  EDDT  could  run, but the symbol table is
   inaccessible.   Since  this  situation  would  provide  only   limited
   debugging  capabilities,  the  monitor  sets  up minimal page mapping.
   When this is done, all monitor code  and  the  symbol  table  will  be
   accessible from EDDT.  The monitor than jumps to EDDT.

   When EDDT starts, it displays "EDDT" on the CTY and it is  similar  to
   user-mode  DDT.   There is no prompt, and the command syntax is nearly
   identical to DDT.  For more information  on  the  exec-mode  debugging
   commands, refer to the TOPS-10 DDT Manual.

   6.2.1  Starting the Monitor

   When the monitor is loaded into core, data storage mapping and devices
   have  not been configured.  However, most of the useful information on
   the status of the monitor is contained in the monitor's high segment.

   The monitor will be mapped  after  you  start  it,  but  normally  the
   monitor's  symbol  table,  EDDT,  and the SYSINI locations are cleared
   after initialization.  You can preserve the symbol  table,  EDDT,  and
   SYSINI  initialization code by starting the monitor at location DEBUG,
   using the following command to EDDT:


   On a normal startup, the monitor discards its symbol table, EDDT,  and
   SYSINI  initialization  code.   The address space is reclaimed for the

                           DEBUGGING THE MONITOR

   monitor's Section 0 free core pool.  However, when  you  use  EDDT  to
   load  the  monitor  (using the DEBUG$G command), this address space is
   preserved, and the symbol table is moved into Section 35 (KL10) or out
   of  the  monitor's address space into unmapped core (KS10).  A pointer
   to the physical address of the symbol table is stored in the Exec Data
   Vector for use by EDDT.

   6.2.2  Breakpoints

   You can insert breakpoints anytime after the EDDT prompt.  Unless  you
   are  debugging  system  initialization  code,  it  is useful to set an
   initial breakpoint at the label "HIGHIN".  When this point in the code
   has  been  reached,  the  monitor is ready to run.  That is, all other
   CPUs have been started, channels can be autoconfigured, and so forth.

   After the monitor starts running, you can type <CTRL/D> on any CTY  to
   enter  EDDT  on  the  current  CPU.   SCNSER  intercepts  the <CTRL/D>
   character at interrupt level, saves the contents  of  the  current  AC
   block,  and  executes an unsolicited breakpoint entry into EDDT.  Then
   you can type any valid EDDT  command  on  the  CTY.   You  can  resume
   monitor  execution  by  typing  $P.   SCNSER  will ignore the <CTRL/D>
   character that caused control to pass to EDDT.  The <CTRL/D>  facility
   is  controlled  under  timesharing by the use of the following monitor
   command on the CTY:


   The default setting for this command is ON when Bit 0 is  set  in  the
   DEBUGF word.


   The DEBUGF word contains the following flags, which  can  be  set  and
   cleared  using  OPR  commands.   The  most useful flag for the systems
   analyst is Bit 0, the sign bit.  This  flag  indicates  that  EDDT  is
   loaded  for  debugging  the  monitor and enables breakpointing monitor

        Bit  Name      Description

        0    DF.SBD    System being debugged (EDDT loaded).
        1    DF.RDC    Reload on DEBUG stopcodes.
        2    DF.RJE    Reload on JOB stopcodes.
        3    DF.NAR    Do not automatically reload.
        4    DF.CP1    Stop entire system on any CPU stopcode.
        5    DF.DDC    Do not output a memory dump on a DEBUG stopcode.
        6    DF.DJE    Do not output a memory dump on a JOB stopcode.
        7    DF.DCP    Do not output a memory dump on a CPU stopcode.

                           DEBUGGING THE MONITOR

        8    DF.RQC    Start CRSCPY program to copy  the  previous  crash
                       file  at  the  time  of the next clock tick on the
                       policy CPU.
        9    DF.RQK    Call KDPLDR on the next clock tick.
        10   DF.RQN    Call KNILDR on the next clock tick (obsolete).
        11   DF.WFL    Copy output to FRCLIN at system CTY.
        12   DF.DDC    Disable next CRSCPY request.
        13   DF.RIP    Reload in progress (RECON. function .RCRLD)
        14   DF.RAD    Reload after dump (don't dump twice in BOOT).
        15   DF.RLD    Stopcode caused by a reload (used CRSCPY).
        18   DF.BP0    Can enter EDDT on CPU0 using XCT .C0DDT.
        19   DF.BP1    Can enter EDDT on CPU1 using XCT .C1DDT.
        20   DF.BP2    Can enter EDDT on CPU2 using XCT .C2DDT.
        21   DF.BP3    Can enter EDDT on CPU3 using XCT .C3DDT.
        22   DF.BP4    Can enter EDDT on CPU4 using XCT .C4DDT.
        23   DF.BP5    Can enter EDDT on CPU5 using XCT .C5DDT.

   For example, suppose you want to stop the system before  reloading  to
   reconfigure the hardware.  To do this, Bit 3 in the DEBUGF word should
   be set.  To disable automatic reloads, run the OPR  program  and  type
   the following commands to CONFIG:

        .R OPR<RET>


   Debugging a multiple-CPU system requires special considerations.  EDDT
   performs all terminal I/O for the CTY that encountered the breakpoint.
   It is not unusual to use all CTYs on the  system  during  a  debugging

   When a CPU stops at a  breakpoint,  normally  the  other  CPU(s)  will
   continue  to run.  If the breakpoint occurred on a non-policy CPU, the
   CTY on the policy CPU will report the following message:

        problem on CPUn ...

   However, if the breakpoint occurs on the policy  CPU,  a  role  switch
   occurs  and  another CPU assumes the role of the policy CPU.  Although
   this behavior is desirable during timesharing, the role  switch  makes
   it  very  difficult to debug a multiple-CPU monitor when more than one
   CPU is running.  Also, when the CPUs in the  system  detect  the  fact
   that  one  of  the CPUs is not running, interlocks owned by the halted
   CPU are broken.  If the CPU was actually paused at a  breakpoint,  and
   then continued, CIB stopcodes can occur.

                           DEBUGGING THE MONITOR

   To prevent role switching, a flag (DEBCPU) is set,  and  contains  the
   CPU  number  on  which  you  typed  DEBUG$G.  DEBCPU is checked in the
   BRKLOK and BECOM0 routines, to prevent possible role  switches.   This
   may  be  circumvented  by  patching  a  JFCL at DDTCPU prior to typing

   Monitor messages are sent once per hour on  the  CTY.   The  following
   patch will circumvent this BIGBEN routine:

        BIGBEN/POPJ P,

   6.5  CAUTIONS

   Remember, EDDT provides little protection against user  errors.   Keep
   the following points in mind when you are debugging a running monitor:

         o  EDDT cannot execute a UUO when  you  issue  the  $X  and  $$X
            commands.   This  is a restriction.  Attempts to do this on a
            KL usually result in  a  PI  Level  0  Interrupt  Error  from
            RSX-20F.   The  monitor performs some UUOs internally, in the
            SAVE/GET code, and the CLOSE and FINISH commands.

         o  You can change the AC block for EDDT when the monitor is at a
            breakpoint  and  you  wish  to  deposit data into an AC block
            other than the current one.  Use  the  following  command  to
            change to the AC block you specify (n):


            Do not attempt to use AC Blocks 6 or 7 on a KL10.  This  will
            crash  the  system  because the microcode uses portions of AC
            Block 6 and all of AC Block 7.

         o  On a multiple-CPU system, there are locations in  ONCMOD  and
            SYSINI  where  the CPU must wait for another CPU to finish an
            operation.  If that other CPU is halted at a breakpoint,  the
            waiting  CPU will time out.  You must devise specific patches
            at CPUXCT to prevent this situation.



                                 APPENDIX A

                            ADDRESS SPACE LAYOUT

                        Monitor Code Section Layout


           The specifications shown in the following figures  are
           subject to change without notice.  Addresses are shown
           for comparison purposes only; actual addresses may  be
           different   depending   on   your   specific   monitor

                            ADDRESS SPACE LAYOUT

                        Monitor Code Section Layout

            00,,000000  |    Traditional "Low Seg"                  |
                        |    COMxxx data structures,  Exec page     |
                        |    maps, Interrupt vectors & code,        |
            00,,073777  |    Prototypes DDBs, Job (JBT) Tables      |
            00,,074000  |    PTY DDBs, TTY DDBs, Monitor free       | 
                        |    core, KDBs, UDBs, PDBs, Context        |
            00,,245777  |    blocks, etc.                           |
            00,,246000  |    Void                                   |
            00,,327777  |                                           |
            00,,330347  |    Common Subroutines                     |
            00,,334777  |                                           |
            00,,335000  |    Void                                   |
            00,,337777  |                                           |
            00,,340000  |    Traditional "High Seg", Pure code,     |
                        |    UUO calls, Device drivers, IPCF,       |
            00,,726777  |    ENQ/DEQ, ANF, etc.                     |
            00,,727000  |    Void                                   |
            00,,733777  |                                           |
            00,,734000  |    Per-CPU CDB mapping                    |
            00,,735777  |                                           |
            00,,736000  |    Void                                   |
            00,,737777  |                                           |
            00,,740000  |    Job Per-process mapping                |
                        |    UPT, Extended-exec-PDL, Disk DDBs,     |
                        |    TMPCOR, pathological names, .TEMP,     |
            00,,777777  |    .JBPK, ect. map slots                  |
            01,,000000  |    Monitor Section One                    |
            01,,777777  |    (mapped identically to Section Zero)   |

   Figure A-1:  Monitor Code Section Layout

                            ADDRESS SPACE LAYOUT

                         DECnet Code Section Layout

            02,,000000  |    Traditional "Low Seg"                  |
                        |    COMxxx data structures, Exec page      |
                        |    maps, Interrupt vectors & code,        |
            02,,073777  |    Prototypes DDBs, Job (JBT) Tables      |
            02,,074000  |    PTY DDBs, TTY DDBs, Monitor free       |
                        |    core, KDBs, UDBs, PDBs, Context        |
            02,,245777  |    blocks, etc.                           |
            02,,246000  |    Void                                   |
            02,,327777  |                                           |
            02,,330000  |    Common Subroutines                     |
            02,,334777  |                                           |
            02,,335000  |    Void                                   |
            02,,627777  |                                           |
            02,,630000  |    "Sky Hi Seg"                           |
            02,,717777  |    DECnet code                            |
            02,,720000  |    Void                                   |
            02,,733777  |                                           |
            02,,734000  |    Per-CPU CDB mapping                    |
            02,,735777  |                                           |
            02,,736000  |    Void                                   |
            02,,737777  |                                           |
            02,,740000  |    Job Per-process mapping                |
                        |    UPT, Extended-exec-PDL                 |
                        |    Disk DDBs, TMPCOR                      |
                        |    Pathological names                     |
            02,,777777  |    .TEMP, .JBPK, ect. map slots           |

   Figure A-2:  DECnet Code Section Layout

                            ADDRESS SPACE LAYOUT

                       Monitor Data Section 3 Layout

            03,,000000  |    PAGTAB                                 |
            03,,017777  |                                           |
            03,,020000  |    PT2TAB                                 |
            03,,037777  |                                           |
            03,,040000  |    MEMTAB                                 |
            03,,057777  |                                           |
            03,,060000  |    Disk Cache                             |
            03,,174777  |    "NZS" free core                        |
            03,,175000  |    Void                                   |
            03,,277777  |                                           |
            03,,300000  |    DECnet "MB" pool                       |
            03,,407777  |                                           |
            03,,410000  |    DECnet free pool                       |
            03,,517777  |                                           |
            03,,520000  |    DECnet name-to-address                 |
            03,,543777  |    translation table                      |
            03,,544000  |    KLNI free pool                         |
            03,,547777  |                                           |
            03,,550000  |    LAT free pool                          |
            03,,553777  |                                           |
            03,,554000  |    Void                                   |
            03,,777777  |                                           |

   Figure A-3:  Monitor Data Section 3 Layout

                            ADDRESS SPACE LAYOUT

                      Monitor Data Sections 4,5 Layout

            04,,000000  |    SCNSER TTY LDBs & Chunks               |
            04,,051777  |                                           |
            04,,052000  |    Void                                   |
            04,,777777  |                                           |

            05,,000000  |    SCA Free pool                          |
            05,,004777  |                                           |
            05,,005000  |    SCA Datagram buffers                   |
            05,,121777  |                                           |
            05,,122000  |    SCA Message buffers                    |
            05,,165777  |                                           |
            05,,166000  |    SCA Connect ID table                   |
            05,,166777  |                                           |
            05,,170000  |    KLIPA BSDs                             |
            05,,171777  |                                           |
            05,,172000  |    KLIPA BHDs                             |
            05,,172777  |                                           |
            05,,173000  |    LAT "extra allocation"                 |
            05,,176777  |                                           |
            05,,177000  |    Void                                   |
            05,,777777  |                                           |

   Figure A-4:  Monitor Data Sections 4,5 Layout

                            ADDRESS SPACE LAYOUT

                      Monitor Data Sections 6,7 Layout

            06,,000000  |    BOOT                                   |
            06,,007500  |                                           |
            06,,007500  |    DX10 (DXMPA) ucode                     |
            06,,012250  |                                           |
            06,,012250  |    DX20 (DXMCA) ucode                     |
            06,,014650  |                                           |
            06,,014650  |    DX20 (DXMCD) ucode                     |
            06,,017250  |                                           |
            06,,017250  |    KLIPA (KLPCOD) ucode                   |
            06,,034530  |                                           |
            06,,034530  |    KLNI (KNICOD) ucode                    |
            06,,051777  |                                           |
            06,,052000  |    Void                                   |
            06,,777777  |                                           |

            07,,000000  |    Swapping SATs                          |
            07,,003777  |                                           |
            07,,004000  |    Disk SATs                              |
            07,,076777  |                                           |
            07,,077000  |    SAT free core                          |
            07,,122777  |                                           |
            07,,123000  |    Void                                   |
            07,,777777  |                                           |

   Figure A-5:  Monitor Data Sections 6,7 Layout

                            ADDRESS SPACE LAYOUT

                   Monitor Data Sections 35,36,37 Layout

            35,,000000  |    Symbol table for EDDT while            |
            35,,252777  |    debugging, otherwise void.             |
            35,,253000  |    Void                                   |
            35,,777777  |                                           |

            36,,000000  |    SNOOPY Scratch space                   |
            36,,777777  |                                           |

            37,,000000  |    Void                                   |
            37,,677000  |                                           |
            37,,700000  |    Exec section maps                      |
            37,,737777  |                                           |
            37,,740000  |    User section maps                      |
            37,,777777  |                                           |

   Figure A-6:  Monitor Data Sections 35,36,37 Layout




   The table below provides an alphabetized list of the abbreviations and
   acronyms used in this manual, with expanded names to define them.

   Table Gloss-1:  Glossary of Acronyms


     Acronym      Meaning

     AC           Accumulator
     APR          Arithmatic Processor
     BR           Buffer Register
     CDB          Central Processing Unit Data Block
     CFP          Compressed File Pointer
     CHN          Channel Data Block
     CI           Computer Interconnect
     CPU          Central Processing Unit
     CRAM         Control Random-Access Memory
     CTY          Console Terminal
     CX           A job context
     DDB          Device Data Block
     DDT          DEC Debugging Tool
     DRAM         Dispatch Random-Access Memory
     EBR          Exec Base Register
     EPT          Exec Process Table
     EVM          Exec Virtual Memory
     FM           Fast Memory
     I/O          Input/Output
     IORB         Input/Output Request Block
     IPCF         Interprocess Communication Facility
     IR           Instruction Register
     JDA          Job Device Assignment table
     KDB          Controller Data Block
     KON          Disk Controller Data Block
     LDB          Line Data Block
     MB           Memory Buffer


     MFD          Master File Directory
     MQ           Multiplier/Quotient Register
     MUUO         Monitor UUO (see UUO)
     NI           Network Interconnect
     NZS          Non-Zero Section
     PC           Program Counter
     PDB          Process Data Block
     PI           Priority Interrupt
     PMA          Physical Memory Address
     PPB          PPN Data Block
     PPN          Project-Programmer Number
     PTY          Pseudo-Terminal
     PWQ          Position Wait Queue
     RAM          Read-Access Memory
     RIB          Retrieval Information Block
     SAT          Storage Allocation Table
     SCA          Systems Communications Architecture
     SCS          Systems Communications Services
     SFD          Sub-File Directory
     SMP          Symmetric Multiprocessing
     SPR          Software Performance Report
     SPT          Special Pages Table (for mapping)
                  Storage Allocation Pointer Table (for disk I/O)
     STR          Structure Data Block
     TKB          Tape Controller Data Block
     TTY          Terminal
     TUB          Tape Unit Data Block
     TWQ          Transfer Wait Queue
     UBR          User Base Register
     UDB          Unit Data Block
     UFD          User File Directory
     UNI          Disk Unit Data Block
     UPT          User Process Table
     UUO          Unimplemented User Operation (monitor call)
     VMA          Virtual Memory Address



               -A-                     Caching
                                         disk information, 4-34
   AC blocks                             UPT locations, 3-7
     finding, 3-15                     CALLI UUOs, 4-13
     switching, 3-6, 4-7               CDB
   Access                                constants area, 4-10
     codes, 3-2                          defining locations, 4-11
     table (ACC), 4-32                   variables area, 4-10
   Accumulators, 2-6                   Changing AC sets, 6-5
     locations, 3-15                   Channels, 4-13
     monitor, 3-6, 4-1                   data blocks (CHN), 4-23, 4-24,
     saving, 3-11                            4-32
     scheduler, 3-15                     error report, 5-5
     traps, 3-14                         status bits, 4-13
     user, 4-10                        Checking parity, 5-9
   Addressing non-zero sections, 3-5   Chunks
   Allocating disk space, 4-27           counts, 4-18
   Alternate page maps, 3-3              terminal, 4-19
   ANF-10 networks, 4-14               Clearing virtual addressing, 2-6
   APR interrupts, 5-3                 Clock, 3-14
   APRSER module, 5-5                  CLOCK1 module, 3-16
   AR/ARX parity errors, 5-6           Clusters, 4-27
   Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), 5-7    CNFDVN location, 2-9
   Assigning channel numbers, 4-13     COMDEV module, 4-5
   Attached terminals, 4-21            Command
   AU resource, 4-12                     dispatch bits, 4-2
   AUTCON module, 3-17, 4-24, 4-31       files
   Automatic reloads, 2-3                  FILDDT, 2-9
   AVALTB table, 4-11                      RSX-20F, 5-15
                                         tables, 4-12
               -B-                     COMMOD module, 4-5
                                       COMMON module, 3-16, 4-5, 4-11,
   30-bit addressing, 3-5                  4-21, 5-4
   Blocking                            Common modules, 4-5
     programs, 3-5                     Compressed File Pointer (CFP),
     user jobs, 3-7                        4-27
   BOOT, 2-1, 2-2                      COMTAB table, 4-12
   Booting systems, 2-2                Concealed mode, 3-5, 3-6
   Break characters, 4-19              Conditionals, 4-7
   Breakpointing monitors, 6-3         Connecting devices, 5-8
   BUG. macro, 5-10                    CONSO skip chain, 3-10, 3-16
   Building monitors, 4-5              Console
   Byte pointers, 4-4                    front-ends, 5-15
                                         terminal, 1-1
                                       Continuable stopcodes, 1-2, 5-13
               -C-                     Control RAM (CRAM), 5-7
                                       Controller data block (KON), 4-32
   Cacheable pages, 3-3                Controlling terminal, 4-21


   Copying crash files, 2-3            DEVIOS word, 4-2
   CPNSER module, 3-17                 DIE routine, 5-10, 5-12
   CPU                                 DIECDB location, 2-6
     Data Blocks (CDBs), 2-6, 4-10,    Directories, 4-25
         5-5                           Disabling
     interlocks, 6-4                     extended addressing, 2-6
     stopcodes, 5-11                     time messages, 6-5
   Crash                                 user addressing, 2-8
     analysis, 1-1                     Disk
     files, 1-2, 2-1                     cache, 4-34
     space, 2-1                          controller data block (KON),
   Crash files, 1-1, 1-2, 1-5, 2-1,          4-2
       2-3                               device data blocks, 4-33
   CRASH.EXE file, 2-1                   dual-ported devices, 4-7
   Creating                              file structure, 4-25
     crash files, 2-1                    I/O, 4-24
     FILDDT command files, 2-10          on-line information, 4-31
     symbolic FILDDT, 2-4                storage allocation, 4-27
   CREF                                Dismissing interrupts, 3-10
     listings, 4-7                     DISP table, 4-12
     program, 4-6                      Dispatch RAM (DRAM), 5-7
   CRSCPY program, 2-1, 2-3            DN20 front-ends, 4-14
   CTXSER module, 3-17                 Doubleword PC, 3-4
   CTY, 1-1                            DTE
   Current ACs, 2-8                      DDBs, 4-14
   Cursor position counter, 4-19         interrupts, 3-12
   CX resource, 4-12                   DTEPRM module, 3-18, 4-8
   CYCLE error, 5-10                   DTESER module, 4-14
   Cycles, 3-14                        Dual-ported disks, 4-7
               -D-                                 -E-
   D36PAR module, 3-18                 Echo count, 4-19
   DA resource, 4-12                   EDDT, 6-2
   DDBs, 4-13                          Enabling addressing, 2-6
   DEBUG stopcodes, 5-12               ENQ/DEQ
   DEBUGF word, 5-13, 6-3                module, 3-17
   Debugging the monitor, 6-1          ERnPDL stack, 3-15, 5-5
   DECnet                              ERRCON module, 5-12
     front-ends, 4-14                  Error
     layout, 3-3                         handling, 5-1
   Defining                              hardware codes, 3-13
     CDB locations, 4-11                 parity, 5-9
     symbols, 3-18                       processing routines, 3-15
   Device                              ETHPRM module, 3-18
     codes, 3-6                        EUE stopcodes, 5-15
     Data Blocks (DDBs), 4-2, 4-14     EV resource, 4-12
     information, 4-14                 EVENT stopcodes, 5-12
     interrupts, 3-9                   Exec
     status word, 4-2                    Base Register (EBR), 3-2
   Devices                               kernel mode, 3-5
     RDA, 4-14                           mode, 3-2, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6


   Exec (Cont.)                                    -H-
     Process Table (EPT), 2-5, 2-6,
         3-2                           HALT stopcodes, 5-11
   Exec-mode DDT, 6-2                  Halting systems, 2-2
   EXECAC macro, 4-7                   Handling
   Execute-only programs, 3-6            errors, 5-1
   Executing command files, 2-10         interrupts, 3-11
   Execution Box (EBOX), 5-6           Hardware
   Executive UUO Error (EUE), 5-15       addressing, 2-6
   Exiting FILDDT, 2-4                   error codes, 3-13
   Extended                              errors, 5-1
     addressing, 2-6, 3-3                interrupts, 3-16
     channel table, 4-13                 mapping, 3-2
     software channels, 3-4            HOME blocks, 4-26
   F module, 3-18, 4-7                   channels, 4-13
   FAKEAC flag, 2-6                      Request Block (IORB), 4-23
   Fast Memory (FM), 5-7                 status word, 4-2
   Fatal errors, 1-1, 1-2                tables, 4-13
   Fault continuation, 1-3             IF statement, 4-7
   Feature test options, 4-7           IME stopcodes, 5-14
   FILDDT                              INFO stopcodes, 5-12
     command files, 2-9                Inserting breakpoints, 6-3
     mapping commands, 2-6             Instruction Register (IR), 5-7
     program, 2-3                      Interlocks between CPUs, 6-4
   Finding                             Interrupt, 3-7
     AC blocks, 3-15                     accumulators, 3-11
     DDBs, 4-13                          error-handling, 3-10
     stopcodes, 5-10                     handling routine, 3-9
     symbolic definitions, 4-7           levels, 3-7
   Flag-PC doubleword, 3-4               PDLs, 3-11
   Flags for DEBUGF, 6-3                 processor, 5-3
   Forced commands, 4-12                 stacks, 3-11
   Forced system dumps, 2-1              Vector (IVIR), 3-12
   Forcing reloads, 2-1                Interrupting
   Free core, 4-12                       on Level 0, 3-10
   Front-ends, 4-14                      on Level 7, 3-14
   Full clock cycle, 3-14              Intertask communication, 4-14
   Funny space, 3-3, 3-4               INTTAB table, 4-12
                                       Invalid mapping, 2-8
                                       IPCSER module, 3-17
               -G-                     IVIR register, 3-12
   Generating parity, 5-8                          -J-
   GLOB program, 4-8
   Global                              JBT tables, 4-8
     section references, 3-5           JBTPPB table, 4-32
     symbols, 4-1, 4-8                 Job
   Groups of disk data, 4-26             context module, 3-17


   Job (Cont.)                         Magnetic tape devices, 4-23
     Device Assignment table (JDA),    Mapping
         4-13                            ACs, 2-8
     stopcodes, 5-11                     dumps, 2-6
     tables, 4-8                         exec virtual memory, 2-7
   Job-specific monitor locations,       extended sections, 2-6
       3-3                               user jobs, 2-8
   JOBDAT                                verification, 2-8
     area, 3-6                           virtual addresses, 2-5, 2-6,
     locations, 4-10                         3-2
     module, 3-18, 4-8                 Master File Directory (MFD), 4-25
     vestigial, 3-4                    MCA25 bit, 3-3
                                       MCB software, 4-14
               -K-                     Memory
                                         Box (MBOX), 5-6
   Keep Me bit, 3-3                      dump, 1-2
   Keep-Alive Fail (KAF), 5-13, 5-15     tables, 4-12
   Kernel mode, 3-5                    MEMTAB table, 4-12
   KL interrupt handling, 3-11         MIC information, 4-19
   KL-paging, 2-6, 3-3                 MM resource, 4-12
   KLPPRM module, 3-18                 Mode flag, 3-4
   KNO word, 4-33                      Modules, 3-16
   KS                                    common, 4-5
     alternate page maps, 3-3            monitor startup, 3-17
     interrupt handling, 3-11            optional, 3-17
     reloading systems, 2-2              symbol definition, 3-18
                                       MONGEN program, 4-5
               -L-                     Monitor
                                         ACs, 4-1
   Label DDBs, 4-24                      breakpointing, 6-3
   Line                                  building, 4-5
     characteristics bits, 4-18          command processing, 4-12
     Data Blocks (LDBs), 4-2, 4-18       functions, 3-1
   LINTAB table, 4-19                    macros, 4-6
   Loading FILDDT symbols, 2-4           modules, 3-16
   Local symbols, 4-1                    name, 2-9
     unlocking, 4-8                      sources, 4-6
   Locating EPTs, 2-6                    startup modules, 3-17
   Locations                             symbols, 4-1
     0-17, 2-6                           version numbers, 2-9
     30, 2-1                           Monitor-resident user data, 3-3
     406, 2-2                          Monitor-specific FILDDT, 2-4
     407, 2-2                          MSCPAR module, 3-18
     500, 3-12                         Multiple-KL systems, 4-7
     DIECDB, 2-6                       MUUO, 3-6
   LOKCON module, 3-17
   Low segment addresses, 2-6                      -N-
               -M-                     Name Block (NMB), 4-32
                                       Nested SFDs, 4-25
   Macros, 4-6                         NETDEV module, 4-14
   MACSYM module, 3-18, 4-8            NETPRM module, 3-18, 4-8


   NETSER module, 4-14                 Process
   Network devices, 4-14                 context word, 3-8
   Non-Zero Sections (NZS), 2-6, 3-3,    Data Block (PDB), 4-2, 4-9
       3-5                               tables, 3-2
   Nonvectored interrupts, 3-9         Processing
   NXM errors, 5-6                       errors, 3-15
                                         UUOs, 4-13
               -O-                     Processor
                                         interrupts, 5-3
   ONCE module, 3-17                     modes, 3-2, 3-5
   Optional modules, 3-17              Program Counter (PC), 3-4, 5-7
                                       Prototype KDBs, 4-24
               -P-                     Pseudo-instructions, 4-6
                                       PSISER module, 3-17
   Page                                Public
     faults, 3-12                        mode, 3-5, 3-6
     map pointers, 3-2                   pages, 3-3
     maps, 2-5, 3-2, 3-3               PULSAR module, 4-24
     tables, 4-12                      Push-down lists, 3-11
   Page fail                             scheduler, 3-15
     codes, 3-13                         traps, 3-14
     traps, 5-3, 5-4                   PWFPDL stack, 5-5
     word, 3-12                        PXCT instruction, 4-7
   PAGTAB table, 4-12
   Parity                                          -Q-
     errors, 5-5, 5-9
     generating, 5-8                   QBITS table, 4-11
   Partial clock cycle, 3-14           QUESER module, 3-17
     files, 2-9, 2-10                              -R-
     space, 6-1
   PATCH module, 3-17                  RDA devices, 4-14
   Patching monitors, 6-1              Reading monitor sources, 4-6
   Per-process monitor free core,      Real-time module, 3-17
       3-4                             Recovering from errors, 3-14
   Performing terminal I/O, 4-20       REFSTR module, 3-17
   Physical addresses, 2-6             Registers, 5-7
   PI                                  Reloading automatically, 2-3
     channels, 3-7                     Reloads, 2-1
     CYCLE error, 5-10                 REQTAB table, 4-12
     status word, 3-8                  Resetting mapping, 2-8
   Pointers, 3-2                       Resources, 4-11
     compressed file, 4-27             Restoring accumulators, 4-3
     DDB, 4-2                          Retrieval Information Block (RIB),
     MFD, 4-26                             4-26
     retrieval, 4-26                   RH10 interrupts, 3-12
   Policy CPU, 2-2, 6-4                RH20 interrupts, 3-12
   Position Wait Queue (PWQ), 4-32     RH2PRM module, 4-8
   Power-fail stack, 5-5               Role switching, 3-6, 6-4
   PPN Data Block (PPB), 4-32          RSX-20F errors, 5-15
   Prime RIB, 4-26                     RTTRP module, 3-17
   Priority Interrupts (PI), 3-7       Run queues, 4-11


   Running                             Structure
     FILDDT, 2-4                         data blocks (STRs), 4-31
     symbolic FILDDT, 2-4                disk, 4-25
                                       Sub-File Directories (SFDs), 4-25
               -S-                     Superclusters, 4-27
                                       Swapped-out pages, 4-12
   S module, 3-18, 4-8, 4-13           SWITCH.INI files, 3-4
   Saving symbolic FILDDT, 2-4         Switching
   SAVnx routines, 3-11                  AC blocks, 3-6, 3-11, 4-7
   SCAPRM module, 3-18                   CPUs, 6-4
   Scheduler                             modes, 3-6
     ACs, 3-15                           UPTs, 3-11
     tables, 4-11                      Symbol definition, 3-18
   SCNSER module, 4-18, 4-19           Symbolic FILDDT, 2-4
   SCPAR module, 3-18                  Symbols
   Sections, 3-3                         monitor, 4-1
     DECnet, 3-3                         verifying, 2-9
     mapping, 2-6                      Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP),
     pointers, 3-2                         4-7, 6-4
     references, 3-5                   SYSINI module, 3-17, 4-20
     tables, 3-2                       SYSPPB table, 4-32
   SEILM routine, 3-14, 5-5            SYSSTR table, 4-31
   Servicing interrupts, 3-10          SYSTAT program, 2-3
   SET commands, 4-12
   Sharable resources, 4-11                        -T-
   Shutting down systems, 2-2
   Skip chain, 3-10                    TABSTR table, 4-31
   Software                            Tape
     channels, 4-13                      controller data block (KDB),
     disk cache, 4-34                        4-2, 4-23
   Source code, 4-6                      I/O, 4-23
   Spare RIB, 4-26                       label processing, 4-24
   Special Pages Table (SPT), 2-6,       unit data block (TUB), 4-23
       3-4                             Terminal
   SPT slot, 2-8                         chunk pointers, 4-18
   Stacks                                chunks, 4-19
     error processing, 3-15              controlling, 4-21
     interrupt, 3-11                     DDBs, 4-18, 4-20
   Starting BOOT, 2-2                    Device Data Blocks, 4-18
   Startup modules, 3-17                 I/O, 4-20
   Status bits                         TMPCOR, 3-4
     channels, 4-13                    Transfer
     I/O, 4-2                            tables, 4-11
   STOP stopcodes, 5-11                  Wait Queue (TWQ), 4-32
   STOPCD macro, 5-10                  Trapping
   Stopcodes, 1-2, 2-12, 5-10            page faults, 3-12, 5-4
   Storage Allocation Blocks (SABs),     UUOs, 3-6
       4-31                            Trapping page faults, 5-3
   Storage allocation Pointer Tables   TSKSER module, 4-14
       (SPTs), 4-32                    TTFCOM table, 4-12
   Storage Allocation Tables (SATs),   TTYINI routine, 4-20
       4-27                            TTYTAB table, 4-21


               -U-                     Using (Cont.)
                                         FILDDT, 2-4
                                         SYSTAT, 2-3
   UCLJMP table, 4-13                  USRJDA location, 4-13
   UCLTAB table, 4-13                  UUOCON module, 3-16
   UFD Data Block (UFB), 4-33          UUOERR routine, 4-13
   Unit                                UUOs
     Data Blocks (UDBs), 4-2, 4-31       processing, 4-13
   Universal files, 4-8                  trapping, 3-6
   Unlocking local symbols, 4-8          verification, 3-6
   UNQTAB table, 4-12                  UUOTAB table, 4-13
   Unrestricted device codes, 3-6
   UPT locations, 3-7                              -V-
     accumulators, 2-6, 2-8            Vectored interrupts, 3-9, 3-12
     ACs, 4-10                         Verifying
     Base Register (UBR), 3-2            FILDDT mapping, 2-8
     buffers, 4-20                       UUOs, 3-6
     concealed mode, 3-5               Virtual
     DDBs, 3-4                           address mapping, 3-2
     File Directories (UFDs), 4-25       addressing, 2-5, 2-6
     jobs                                Memory Address (VMA), 5-7
       blocking, 3-7                     sections, 3-3
       mapping, 2-8
       switching, 3-11                             -W-
       verifying, 2-8
     mode, 3-2, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6          Writeable pages, 3-3
     Process Table (UPT), 2-5, 2-6,
         3-2                                       -X-
     public mode, 3-5
   USERAC macro, 4-7                   XPN: area, 2-3
     command files, 2-10                           -Y-
     CREF listings, 4-6
     EDDT, 6-2                         YES word, 4-33
