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                            Monitor Calls Manual

                                  Volume 1
|                        Electronically Distributed
|            This  manual  describes  the  functions  that  the
|            monitor  performs  to  service  monitor calls from
|            assembly language programs.  The  TOPS-10  Monitor
|            Calls  Manual is divided into two volumes:  Volume
|            1 covers  the  facilities  and  functions  of  the
|            monitor;  Volume  2  describes  the monitor calls,
|            calling sequences, symbols, and GETTAB tables.
|            This manual supercedes the TOPS-10  Monitor  Calls
|            Manual,  Volume 1 published in October, 1988.  The
|            order number  for  that  manual,  AA-0974G-TB,  is
|            obsolete.

             Operating System:             TOPS-10 Version 7.04

             Software:                       GALAXY Version 5.1

   digital equipment corporation               marlborough, massachusetts

|  TOPS-10 Software Update Tape No. 03, September 1990

   First Printing, November 1975
   Revised, May 1977
   Revised, January 1978
   Revised, August 1980
   Revised, February 1984
   Revised, April 1986
   Revised, October 1988

   The information in this document is subject to change  without  notice
   and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by Digital Equipment
   Corporation.  Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no  responsibility
   for any errors that may appear in this document.

   The software described in this document is furnished under  a  license
   and  may  only  be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such

   No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on
   equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its
   affiliated companies.

   Copyright C 1975, 1984, 1988, 1990 Digital Equipment Corporation.

   All Rights Reserved.

   The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:

   CI             DECtape     LA50             SITGO-10
   DDCMP          DECUS       LN01             TOPS-10
   DEC            DECwriter   LN03             TOPS-20
   DECmail        DELNI       MASSBUS          TOPS-20AN
   DECnet         DELUA       PDP              UNIBUS
   DECnet-VAX     HSC         PDP-11/24        UETP
   DECserver      HSC-50      PrintServer      VAX
   DECserver 100  KA10        PrintServer 40   VAX/VMS
   DECserver 200  KI          Q-bus            VT50
   DECsystem-10   KL10        ReGIS
   DECSYSTEM-20   KS10        RSX              d i g i t a l




           1.1     MONITOR CALL SYMBOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
           1.2     PROCESSING MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
           1.2.1     User Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
           1.2.2     Executive Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
           1.2.3     User I/O Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5


           2.1     MEMORY ALLOCATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
           2.2     USER-MODE EXTENDED ADDRESSING  . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
           2.3     USER MEMORY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
           2.4     CONTROLLING PROGRAM SEGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
           2.4.1     Adjusting the Size of Segments . . . . . . . . . 2-6
           2.4.2     Merging Low Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
           2.4.3     Writing Into High Segments . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
           2.4.4     Testing for a Sharable High Segment  . . . . . . 2-7
           2.4.5     Finding the Origin of a High Segment . . . . . . 2-7
           2.4.6     Modifying a High Segment and Meddling  . . . . . 2-8
           2.5     RUNNING A PROGRAM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2-10
           2.5.1     Functions of RUN and GETSEG  . . . . . . . . .  2-10
           2.5.2     Reading Command Files  . . . . . . . . . . . .  2-13
           2.6     CONTROLLING PAGES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2-14
           2.6.1     Handling Page Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2-14
           2.6.2     The System's Page Fault Handler  . . . . . . .  2-15
           2.6.3     Building Your Own Page Fault Handler . . . . .  2-15
           2.7     LOCKING AND UNLOCKING A JOB IN MEMORY  . . . . .  2-17


           3.1     EXECUTING A PROGRAM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
           3.1.1     Starting a Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
           3.1.2     Stopping a Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
           3.1.3     Suspending a Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
           3.2     CONTROLLING MULTIPLE JOB CONTEXTS  . . . . . . . . 3-4
           3.3     RUNTIMES, TIMES, AND DATES . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
           3.3.1     Runtimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
           3.3.2     The System Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
           3.3.3     The Universal Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
           3.3.4     The System Time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
           3.3.5     Date-Time Elements from GETTAB Tables  . . . . . 3-8



           4.1     JOB DATA IN THE LOW SEGMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
           4.2     JOB DATA IN THE HIGH SEGMENT . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5


           5.1     ANF-10 NETWORK MONITOR CALLS . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
           5.2     ANF-10 INTERTASK COMMUNICATION . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
           5.2.1     Initiating a Connection  . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
      Using the LOOKUP/ENTER UUOs  . . . . . . . . . 5-5
      Using the TSK. UUO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
           5.2.2     Sending and Receiving Between Tasks  . . . . . . 5-8
           5.2.3     Breaking the Intertask Communication . . . . . . 5-9
           5.3     TASK TO TASK PROGRAMMING WITH DECnet-10  . . . . . 5-9
           5.3.1     Specifying a Destination Task  . . . . . . . .  5-12
           5.3.2     Specifying a Source Task . . . . . . . . . . .  5-15
           5.3.3     Reading the Connect Information  . . . . . . .  5-17
           5.3.4     Accepting the Connection . . . . . . . . . . .  5-19
           5.3.5     Rejecting the Connection . . . . . . . . . . .  5-20
           5.3.6     Reading the Connect Confirm Data . . . . . . .  5-20
           5.3.7     Reading the Status of the Link . . . . . . . .  5-21
           5.3.8     Using the PSI System . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-24
           5.3.9     Setting the PSI Reason Mask  . . . . . . . . .  5-24
           5.3.10    Enabling the PSI Interface . . . . . . . . . .  5-25
           5.3.11    Reading and Setting the Link Quota and Goal  .  5-26
           5.3.12    Transferring Information Over the Network  . .  5-27
           5.3.13    Sending Normal Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-28
           5.3.14    Receiving Normal Data  . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-29
           5.3.15    Sending Interrupt Data . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-31
           5.3.16    Receiving Interrupt Data . . . . . . . . . . .  5-32
           5.3.17    Closing a Network Connection . . . . . . . . .  5-32
           5.3.18    Releasing a Channel  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-34
           5.3.19    Aborting a Connection  . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-35
           5.3.20    Reading the Disconnect Data  . . . . . . . . .  5-35
           5.4     OBTAINING INFORMATION ABOUT DECNET-10  . . . . .  5-36
           5.5     ETHERNET NETWORKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-43
           5.5.1     Transmitting and Receiving Information . . . .  5-44
           5.5.2     Returned Channel Information . . . . . . . . .  5-45
           5.5.3     Returned Portal Information  . . . . . . . . .  5-47
           5.5.4     Returned Controller Information  . . . . . . .  5-48


           6.1     TRAPPING ERRORS AND CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
           6.2     INTERCEPTING ERRORS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
           6.2.1     Using the .JBINT Intercept Block . . . . . . . . 6-5
           6.2.2     Examples of Error Intercepts . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
           6.3     USING PROGRAMMED SOFTWARE INTERRUPTS . . . . . . . 6-8
           6.3.1     PSI Monitor Calls  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6-11


           6.3.2     Interrupt Control Block  . . . . . . . . . . .  6-12
           6.3.3     Interrupt Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6-14
           6.3.4     Example Using Programmed Interrupts  . . . . .  6-19


           7.1     PACKETS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
           7.2     FORMAT OF THE PHB  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
           7.2.1     IPCF Instruction Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
           7.2.2     IPCF Packet Descriptor Flags . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
           7.2.3     Process Identifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
           7.2.4     Symbolic Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
           7.2.5     IPCF Capability Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
           7.3     LONG-FORM MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
           7.4     QUOTAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-10
           7.5     SENDING AN IPCF PACKET USING IPCFS. UUO  . . . .  7-10
           7.6     RETRIEVING AN IPCF PACKET USING IPCFR. UUO . . .  7-11
           7.8     SYSTEM PROCESSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-13
           7.8.1     [SYSTEM]INFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-13
           7.8.2     [SYSTEM]IPCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-18


           8.1     REQUESTING A RESOURCE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
           8.1.1     Sharable Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
      Resource Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
      Partitioned Resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
           8.1.2     Multiple-Lock Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
      ENQ. Quotas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
      Request Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
           8.1.3     Granting Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
      ENQ. Software Interruption . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
      Time Limits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
      Deadlock Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
           8.2     RELEASING RESOURCES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
           8.3     PASSING DATA TO OTHER JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
           8.4     ENQ/DEQ MONITOR CALLS  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-11
           8.5     BUILDING REQUESTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-11
           8.6     QUEUEING REQUESTS: ENQ. UUO  . . . . . . . . . .  8-15
           8.6.1     Requesting and Waiting for Locks . . . . . . .  8-16
           8.6.2     Requesting Locks Only if Available . . . . . .  8-16
           8.6.3     Requesting and Interrupting when Locked  . . .  8-16
           8.6.4     Modifying a Previous Request . . . . . . . . .  8-17
           8.7     DEQUEUEING REQUESTS: DEQ. UUO  . . . . . . . . .  8-17
           8.7.1     Cancelling a Specific Request  . . . . . . . .  8-18
           8.7.2     Cancelling All Requests for a Job  . . . . . .  8-18
           8.7.3     Cancelling Requests Based on Request-id  . . .  8-19
           8.8     CONTROLLING ENQ/DEQ: ENQC. UUO . . . . . . . . .  8-19
           8.8.1     Obtaining the Status of a Request  . . . . . .  8-20


           8.8.2     Obtaining the Quota for a Job  . . . . . . . .  8-22
           8.8.3     Setting the Quota for a Job  . . . . . . . . .  8-22
           8.8.4     Dumping the ENQ. Database  . . . . . . . . . .  8-23
           8.9     ENQ. ERRORS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-25
           8.10    EXAMPLE USING THE ENQ. FACILITY  . . . . . . . .  8-27


           9.1     CONNECTING REALTIME DEVICES  . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
           9.1.1     Normal Block Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
           9.1.2     Fast Block Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-10
           9.1.3     Single Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-12
           9.1.4     EPT Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-15
           9.1.5     Exec-Mode Trapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-15
           9.2     USING RTTRP AT THE INTERRUPT LEVEL . . . . . . .  9-18
           9.3     RELEASING REALTIME DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . .  9-18
           9.4     DISMISSING REALTIME INTERRUPTS . . . . . . . . .  9-18
           9.5     ASSIGNING RUN QUEUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-18
           9.6     SUSPENDING OTHER JOBS  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-19


           10.1    THE PERFORMANCE FACILITY: PERF.  . . . . . . . .  10-1
           10.1.1    Performance Modes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-1
           10.1.2    Performance Enable Flags . . . . . . . . . . .  10-2
           10.1.3    PERF. Functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-3
     Initializing the Performance Meter . . . . .  10-4
     Starting the Performance Meter . . . . . . .  10-6
     Reading the Performance Meter  . . . . . . .  10-6
     Stopping the Performance Meter . . . . . . .  10-6
     Releasing the Performance Meter  . . . . . .  10-7
           10.1.4    Background PERF. Functions . . . . . . . . . .  10-7
           10.1.5    PERF. Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-7
           10.2    THE SNOOP FACILITY: SNOOP. . . . . . . . . . . .  10-8
           10.2.1    Defining Breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-10
           10.2.2    Inserting Breakpoints  . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
           10.2.3    Removing Breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
           10.2.4    Deleting Breakpoint Definitions  . . . . . . . 10-11
           10.2.5    SNOOP. Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-12


           11.1    OVERVIEW OF THE I/O PROCESS  . . . . . . . . . .  11-1
           11.2    INITIALIZING A PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-2
           11.3    INITIALIZING A DEVICE  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-3
           11.3.1    TOPS-10 Devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-3
           11.3.2    Device Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-4
     Generic Device Names . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-6
     Physical Device Names  . . . . . . . . . . .  11-7


     Logical Device Names . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-7
     Ersatz Device Names  . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-8
     Pathological Device Names  . . . . . . . . . 11-10
           11.3.3    Universal Device Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . 11-10
           11.3.4    MPX-Controlled Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
           11.3.5    Spooled Devices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
           11.3.6    Restricted Access Devices  . . . . . . . . . . 11-12
           11.4    MODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13
           11.5    DEFINING A COMMAND LIST  . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15
           11.6    SELECTING A FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-17
           11.7    TRANSMITTING DATA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-18
           11.7.1    Output (Writing a File)  . . . . . . . . . . . 11-19
           11.7.2    Input (Reading a File) . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-23
           11.7.3    Writing a File Using FILOP.  . . . . . . . . . 11-25
           11.7.4    Modifying Files (Update Mode)  . . . . . . . . 11-26
           11.7.5    Block Pointer Positioning  . . . . . . . . . . 11-27
           11.7.6    Super USETI/USETO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-29
           11.8    RECOVERING FROM ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-30
           11.9    USING BUFFERED I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-31
           11.9.1    The INBUF and OUTBUF Monitor Calls . . . . . . 11-34
           11.9.2    The Buffer Control Block . . . . . . . . . . . 11-35
           11.9.3    The Buffer Header Block  . . . . . . . . . . . 11-36
           11.9.4    Using Buffered Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-37
     Normal Buffered Input  . . . . . . . . . . . 11-39
     Synchronous Buffered Input . . . . . . . . . 11-39
     Nonblocking Buffered Input . . . . . . . . . 11-40
           11.9.5    Using Buffered Output  . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-40
     Normal Buffered Output . . . . . . . . . . . 11-42
     Synchronous Buffered Output  . . . . . . . . 11-43
     Nonblocking Buffered Output  . . . . . . . . 11-43
           11.9.6    Buffered I/O for MPX-Controlled Devices  . . . 11-43
           11.9.7    Generating Your Own Buffers  . . . . . . . . . 11-48
           11.10   CLOSING A FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-53
           11.10.1   Maintaining File Integrity . . . . . . . . . . 11-53
           11.11   RELEASING A DEVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-54
           11.12   STOPPING A PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-54
           11.13   THE LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME ARGUMENT BLOCKS  . . . . 11-54
           11.13.1   The Short Form of the Argument List  . . . . . 11-55
           11.13.2   The Extended Argument List . . . . . . . . . . 11-56
           11.14   ERROR CODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-70

   CHAPTER 12      DISKS (DSK)

           12.1    DISK NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-1
           12.1.1    Logical Unit Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-2
           12.1.2    Physical Controller and Disk Unit Names  . . .  12-2
           12.1.3    Abbreviations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-3
           12.2    DISK FILE NAMES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-4
           12.3    DISK FILE PROTECTIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-4
           12.4    THE FILE DAEMON (FILDAE) . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-9
           12.5    DISK FILE FORMATS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-10


           12.6    DISK DIRECTORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-11
           12.6.1    The Master File Directory (MFD)  . . . . . . . 12-13
           12.6.2    User File Directories (UFDs) . . . . . . . . . 12-13
           12.6.3    Subfile Directories (SFDs) . . . . . . . . . . 12-14
           12.6.4    Directory Paths  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14
           12.6.5    Pathological Device Names  . . . . . . . . . . 12-16
           12.7    DISK DIRECTORY PROTECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 12-26
           12.8    JOB SEARCH LISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-28
           12.9    DISK PRIORITIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-30
           12.10   DISK I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-31
           12.11   DISK I/O PROCESSING  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-32
           12.12   DUAL-PORT HANDLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-34
           12.13   ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-34
           12.13.1   DATA TRANSFER ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35
    ECC Correctable Error  . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35
    Non-data Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35
    Data Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35
           12.13.2   SEEK AND STATUS ERRORS . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-36
    Drive Powered Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-36
    Drive Powered Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
    Seek Incomplete  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
    Hung Device  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
    Rib Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
    RAE Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
           12.14   BAT BLOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-38
           12.15   DSKRAT   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-38
           12.16   DISK DATA MODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-38
                   WITHIN A DISK FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-39
           12.17.1   Buffered Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-43
           12.17.2   Dump Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-43
           12.18   DISK I/O STATUS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-44


           13.1    DECTAPE DEVICE NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-1
           13.2    DECTAPE DATA MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-1
           13.2.1    Buffered Data Modes  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-2
           13.2.2    Unbuffered Data Modes  . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-2
           13.2.3    Nonstandard Data Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-3
           13.2.4    Semistandard Data Mode . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-3
           13.3    DECTAPE I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-4
           13.3.1    Monitor Calls for DECtape I/O  . . . . . . . .  13-5
           13.3.2    Special Argument Lists . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-7
     Using LOOKUP with DECtapes . . . . . . . . .  13-7
     Using ENTER with DECtapes  . . . . . . . . .  13-9
     Using RENAME with DECtapes . . . . . . . . .  13-9
           13.4    DECTAPE FORMATS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10
           13.4.1    Directory Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-11
     Summary of DECtape Directory Block . . . . . 13-12
     Block-to-File Index  . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14


     List of File Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-15
     List of File Extensions  . . . . . . . . . . 13-16
     File Creation Dates  . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17
     DECtape Label  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18
           13.4.2    Data Block Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-19
           13.5    DECTAPE I/O STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20


           14.1    MAGTAPE DEVICE NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14-2
           14.2    MAGTAPE DATA MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14-2
           14.3    MAGTAPE I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14-4
           14.4    MAGTAPE I/O STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14-5
           14.5    MODES SET BY .TFMOD  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14-7
           14.6    READ BACKWARDS (TX01, TM02, AND TX02 ONLY) . . . 14-12
           14.7    PROGRAMMING I/O TO LABELLED MAGTAPES . . . . . . 14-13


           15.1    TERMINAL DEVICE NAMES  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15-1
           15.2    TERMINAL DATA MODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15-1
           15.3    TERMINAL CHARACTER HANDLING  . . . . . . . . . .  15-3
           15.4    BREAK CHARACTER SET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15-8
           15.5    LAT TERMINALS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-10
           15.6    TERMINAL CLASSES, TYPES, AND ATTRIBUTES  . . . . 15-10
           15.6.1    Reading and Setting Terminal Class . . . . . . 15-10
           15.6.2    Reading and Setting Terminal Type  . . . . . . 15-11
           15.6.3    Reading and Setting Terminal Attributes  . . . 15-11
           15.6.4    Terminal Characteristics Definitions . . . . . 15-12
           15.7    TERMINAL I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13
           15.8    NON-BLOCKING TERMINAL I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14
           15.9    TERMINAL PAPERTAPE I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15
           15.9.1    Using Terminal Papertape Input . . . . . . . . 15-15
           15.9.2    Using Terminal Papertape Output  . . . . . . . 15-16
           15.10   TERMINAL I/O STATUS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16
           15.11   PSEUDO-TERMINALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17
           15.11.1   Pseudo-Terminal Names  . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18
           15.11.2   Pseudo-Terminal I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-19
           15.12   PSEUDO-TERMINAL DATA MODES . . . . . . . . . . . 15-21
           15.13   PSEUDO-TERMINAL I/O STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . 15-21


           16.1    LINE PRINTER NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16-1
           16.1.1    Controller Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16-1
           16.1.2    Unit Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16-1
           16.2    LINE PRINTER DATA MODES  . . . . . . . . . . . .  16-2
           16.3    LINE PRINTER I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16-2
           16.4    LINE PRINTER I/O STATUS  . . . . . . . . . . . .  16-3



           17.1    CARD DEVICE NAMES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-1
           17.2    CARD READER DATA MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-2
           17.3    CARD PUNCH DATA MODES  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-3
           17.4    CARD DEVICE I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-4
           17.5    CARD DEVICE I/O STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-4


           18.1    PAPERTAPE DEVICE NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-1
           18.2    PAPERTAPE READER DATA MODES  . . . . . . . . . .  18-1
           18.3    PAPERTAPE PUNCH DATA MODES . . . . . . . . . . .  18-2
           18.4    PAPERTAPE I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-3
           18.5    PAPERTAPE I/O STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-3


           19.1    PLOTTER DEVICE NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-1
           19.1.1    Controller Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-1
           19.1.2    Unit Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-1
           19.2    PLOTTER DATA MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-1
           19.3    PLOTTER I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-2
           19.4    PLOTTER I/O STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-2


           20.1    DISPLAY LIGHT PEN NAMES  . . . . . . . . . . . .  20-1
           20.1.1    Unit Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20-1
           20.2    DISPLAY LIGHT PEN DATA MODES . . . . . . . . . .  20-1
           20.3    DISPLAY LIGHT PEN I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20-1
           20.4    DISPLAY I/O STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20-3


           21.1    REMOTE DATA TERMINAL NAMES . . . . . . . . . . .  21-1
           21.2    REMOTE DATA TERMINAL I/O . . . . . . . . . . . .  21-2
           21.3    REMOTE DATA TERMINAL DATA MODES  . . . . . . . .  21-2
           21.4    REMOTE DATA TERMINAL I/O STATUS  . . . . . . . .  21-2




           6-1     The Software Interrupt Process . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
           6-2     Interrupt Control Block  . . . . . . . . . . . .  6-12
           7-1     Packet Header Block  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
           8-1     ENQ/DEQ Request Block  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-15
           11-1    Flow Diagram -- I/O Sequence . . . . . . . . . . 11-21
           11-2    The Buffer Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-32
           11-3    Flowchart for Buffered Input . . . . . . . . . . 11-38
           11-4    Flowchart for Buffered Output  . . . . . . . . . 11-41
           11-5    One Buffer in Each of Two Device Chains  . . . . 11-45
           11-6    Multiple Buffers in Multiple Device Chains . . . 11-46
           11-7    One Buffer Moved Back to Free Chain  . . . . . . 11-47
           12-1    Disk Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-10
           12-2    General Disk File Organization for a File 
                   Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-12
           12-3    Directory Paths on a Single File Structure . . . 12-17
           12-4    Directory Paths on Multiple File Structures  . . 12-19
           12-5    LOOKUP on DSK with No Matches  . . . . . . . . . 12-20
           12-6    LOOKUP on DSK for FILE2  . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21
           12-7    ENTER on DSKA for FILE1  . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-22
           12-8    ENTER on DSK for FILE6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-23
           12-9    ENTER on DSK for FILE2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-24
           12-10   ENTER on DSK for FILE7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-25
           13-1    DECtape Buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-2
           13-2    DECtape Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-10
           13-3    DECtape Directory Block  . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-12
           13-4    Directory Block for FILE.MAC . . . . . . . . . . 13-13
           13-5    First 83 Words on the DECtape of the Directory 
                   Block  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14
           13-6    Words 83 through 104 of DECtape Directory  . . . 13-15
           13-7    Words 105 to 126 of the Directory Block  . . . . 13-16
           13-8    High-Order Three Bits of Creation Date . . . . . 13-17
           13-9    Data Block Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-19
           15-1    PTY I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18


           5-1     NSP. UUO Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-11
           5-2     Allowable Combinations of Task Descriptor Values  5-13
           5-3     Fields in .NSACH (status variables)  . . . . . .  5-21
           5-4     NSP. Connection States . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-22
           6-1     Format of .JBINT Intercept Block . . . . . . . . . 6-6
           6-2     Control Flags  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6-14
           6-3     I/O Interrupt Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . .  6-15
           6-4     Non-I/O Interrupt Conditions . . . . . . . . . .  6-15
           11-1    Ersatz Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-9
           11-2    Data Modes (Bits 32-35 of the file status word)  11-14
           12-1    File Access Protection -- Owner Field  . . . . .  12-6
           12-2    File Access Protection -- Second and Third Digits 12-8
           13-1    LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME Argument Block for DECtape .  13-8


           14-1    9-Track DEC Dump Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14-8
           14-2    7-Track Dump Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14-9
           14-3    9-Track Industry-Compatible Dump Mode  . . . . . 14-10
           14-4    9-Track SIXBIT Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-11
           14-5    ANSI ASCII Mode  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-12
           15-1    Terminal Handling of ASCII Characters  . . . . .  15-4
           15-2    Terminal Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12


   The TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual is a complete reference set for using
   the TOPS-10 monitor calls.  The set consists of two volumes:

        Volume 1 contains descriptions of the facilities available to the
        assembly  language  programmer  through  the  use of calls to the
        monitor.  It details  the  requirements  for  performing  various
        types  of  I/O,  computation,  and  information  processing using
        monitor-defined symbols and data.  Specific  monitor  facilities,
        such  as  inter-process communication, programmed interrupts, and
        device I/O are each described in relation to  the  monitor  calls
        needed to use those facilities.

        Volume 2 lists the  monitor  calls  themselves,  in  alphabetical
        order, including coding sequences for calling the monitor and for
        reading data returned by the monitor.  The data may  be  returned
        on a successful completion of the call, or data on the error will
        be returned when an error occurs in the attempt  to  execute  the
        monitor  call.   Volume  2  also  contains  a  list of the GETTAB
        Tables, which contain data about the monitor and user jobs.   The
        data   stored  in  these  tables  is  extensive  and  yet  easily
        accessible through the GETTAB monitor call.   Finally,  Volume  2
        contains a glossary of the terms used in both volumes, a detailed
        description  of  the  format  of  an  executable  file,   and   a
        description   of   the   File   Daemon  program,  which  provides
        user-definable file security measures.

   Before you attempt to use the TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual, you should
   have  a  basic  familiarity with the structure, paging mechanisms, and
   hardware of the DECsystem-10.  The TOPS-10 Monitor Calls  Manual  does
   not  attempt  to  describe the monitor on a general level.  You should
   also be familiar with the MACRO programming language before  you  read
   this manual.  Specifically, it is recommended that you become familiar
   with the following manuals and topics before  attempting  to  use  the
   TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual:

         o  The DECsystem-10 MACRO Assembler  Reference  Manual  is  very
            important  to an understanding of the methods for programming
            in assembly language on TOPS-10.  The TOPS-10  monitor  calls


            are  written  to facilitate the task of programming in MACRO,
            but the bulk of assembly language  programming  involves  the
            operations described in the MACRO Reference Manual.

         o  Restrictions and  capabilities  of  higher-level  programming
            languages on TOPS-10 are not described in the TOPS-10 Monitor
            Calls Manual.  If  you  are  programming  in  a  higher-level
            language  (FORTRAN, COBOL, and so forth), you should obtain a
            copy of the programming language's specific reference  manual
            written for TOPS-10.

         o  Facilities and capabilities of software products that run  on
            TOPS-10  but  are  distributed  as a separate product are not
            included  in  the  TOPS-10  Monitor   Calls   Manual.    Many
            references  to  such  products (DECnet-10, IBM communication,
            and so forth) are made in the TOPS-10 Monitor  Calls  Manual,
            but  you  need the appropriate product-specific documentation
            to use the monitor facilities provided for these products.

   The TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual is  divided  into  two  volumes  only
   because  there  is a great amount of information that must be included
   in the manual.  Therefore, neither volume  can  be  used  without  the

   Volume 1 describes the facilities  your  program  can  access  through
   requests  to  the  monitor; and contains specific references to calls,
   and calling functions; but only in Volume 2 can you find the  detailed
   lists  of functions available through each call, the specific kinds of
   data available after the execution of each call, and the  restrictions
   and requirements for each.

   Volume 2 contains detailed documentation of each monitor  call,  flag,
   argument   block,   and   returned   information,   with   programming
   requirements for each call, in a manner similar to the monitor  source
   file  UUOSYM.MAC.   However,  this  information is useless without the
   knowledge available in Volume 1:  the order in  which  calls  must  be
   made  to  the  monitor,  methods for handling errors, and the types of
   information you can use to make your programs interact  smoothly  with
   the monitor.


                                 CHAPTER 1

                       INTRODUCTION TO MONITOR CALLS

   A program written in MACRO-10 assembly  language  has  four  types  of

         o  Pseudo-op statements, such as BLOCK, TITLE,  and  RADIX,  are
            instructions to the MACRO assembler and do not generate code.

         o  Direct-assignment statements, such as T1=1 and P=17,  resolve
            definitions  of  symbols.   Pseudo-ops  and direct-assignment
            statements are described in the DECsystem-10 MACRO  Assembler
            Reference Manual.

         o  Machine instructions, such  as  ADD,  MOVEM,  and  JRST,  are
            direct hardware instructions.  Machine instructions and their
            symbols  are  discussed  in   the   DECsystem-10/DECSYSTEM-20
            Processor Reference Manual.

         o  Monitor  calls,  such  as  INPUT,  CLOSE,  and  GETSTS,   are
            directions to the monitor to perform special services for the
            program.  Monitor calls, also called UUOs (Unimplemented User
            Operations), are described in this manual.

   An operation code (opcode) and a symbol representing the name  of  the
   monitor  call  designates  each  monitor  call.   Use  operation codes
   (opcodes) to direct the TOPS-10  monitor  to  perform  I/O  and  other
   services  for your program.  Opcodes can be divided into the following

         o  Opcode 0 always returns your job to  monitor  command  level,
            because opcode 0 is an illegal UUO.  The monitor displays the
            following error message, followed by the monitor prompt.

                 ?Illegal UUO at user PC addr


         o  Opcodes  1  through  37  cause  the  hardware  to  store  the
            instruction  code  and  the effective address in location 40,
            and to execute the instruction at location 41 in  the  user's
            address  space.   The  original  contents  of location 40 are
            lost.  This trap allows your program  to  gain  control  when
            using  these  opcodes.   These  opcodes can be defined by the
            system programmer as Local UUOs  (LUUOs).   If  your  program
            executes  one  of  these  opcodes  accidentally,  the monitor
            displays the message:

                 ?HALT at user PC addr

            The monitor displays this message because  relative  location
            41  contains  a  HALT  instruction,  unless  the  contents of
            location 41 were changed  inadvertently.   The  LINK  program
            provides   the   HALT  instruction.   To  set  or  read  trap
            instructions for an LUUO in a non-zero section, you must  use
            the  UTRP. monitor call.  Refer to Volume 2 for a description
            of the UTRP. UUO.

         o  Opcodes 40 through 100 are the  opcodes  for  monitor  calls.
            The  TOPS-10  monitor defines these opcodes.  They are called
            Monitor UUOs (MUUOs).   This  manual  describes  all  monitor
            calls for TOPS-10.  A monitor call is stored at location 424,
            the new PC is loaded from location 436 of the user's  process
            table,  and  the  processor  operates in executive mode.  The
            monitor interprets the opcode; then the monitor performs  I/O
            and other control functions for your program.

         o  Opcodes 101 and 104 cause the monitor to  stop  your  program
            and display the following message:

                 ?Illegal instruction at user PC addr

         o  Opcodes 102, 103, 106, and 107  are  legal  only  on  the  KL
            processor.   On any other type of DECsystem-10 processor, the
            monitor will stop  the  program  and  display  the  following
            message if it receives one of these opcodes:

                 ?KL10 only instruction at user PC addr

                                            INTRODUCTION TO MONITOR CALLS


   Opcodes 40 through 100 provide the basic set of  monitor  calls.   The
   opcodes  and  names of these calls are listed in Chapter 22, Volume 2.
   Three of these calls (CALLI, MTAPE, and TTCALL) offer  extended  calls
   by  using  values in addition to the opcode value.  (CALLIs and MTAPEs
   use the address  field;  TTCALL  uses  the  accumulator  field.)  Each
   extended  call  has  a  symbol  that defines its opcode and its value.
   These symbols and their full values are also  listed  in  Chapter  22,
   Volume 2.

   Most monitor calls accept arguments, return values, or  both.   Almost
   all  these  arguments  and  values have symbols defined in the monitor
   symbol file  for  UUOs,  UUOSYM.MAC.   Error  codes,  flag  bits,  and
   interrupt conditions all have symbols defined in UUOSYM.MAC.  The file
   MACTEN.MAC contains definitions relating to the hardware, such as  the
   PC  flag  bits.   The  file JOBDAT.MAC defines the job data locations.
   User programs  should  be  written  to  reference  all  system  values
   symbolically  by  these  three  universal  files.   That  is, a SEARCH
   statement should appear near the beginning of the  program  to  search
   UUOSYM,  MACTEN,  or  JOBDAT.   Refer  to  the TOPS-10 MACRO Assembler
   Reference Manual for a description of universal files and  the  SEARCH

   Some of the symbols represent codes that  tell  the  monitor  what  is
   being  specified; others are masks that you can use to isolate or test
   a returned value.  For  example,  the  symbol  IO.ERR  is  defined  as


   This defines a 4-bit field in the I/O status  word,  allowing  you  to
   logically  AND  the returned file status word with the value IO.ERR to
   mask out all other bits of the word.


   The DECsystem-10 hardware defines three processing modes:  user  mode,
   executive  mode,  and  user  I/O mode.  Normally, programs run in user
   mode, which allows the processor to  protect  and  map  data  in  core
   successfully.   The  processor will switch from user mode to executive
   mode when a monitor call is issued.  The  monitor  controls  execution
   from  that  point  until  the monitor call finishes.  User I/O mode, a
   privileged alternative to user mode, provides the program with  direct
   access  to  I/O  devices.  This allows real-time device drivers to run
   under TOPS-10 in user mode.


   1.2.1  User Mode

   The majority of user programs execute in user mode.  For  a  user-mode
   program, the processor:

         o  Performs automatic memory protection and mapping.

         o  Passes control to the monitor if a monitor call or an illegal
            instruction  (including  HALT)  executes.   In this case, the
            processor enters executive mode.

   The hardware traps to location 40 in the job data area  if  an  opcode
   less than 40 (but not 0) executes (see Chapter 3).

   User mode requires an assigned area  of  memory.   Illegal  user  mode
   instructions are:

         o  I/O instructions  (opcodes  700  through  777)  except  those
            giving a device code greater than 734.  KS10 I/O instructions
            are all illegal.

         o  All unimplemented  opcodes  (those  not  defined  as  machine
            instructions or monitor calls).

         o  Any JRST instruction with  an  accumulator  greater  than  2,
            except JRST 5 (XJRSTF) and JRST 15 (XJRST).

   If your program executes an illegal instruction, one of the  following
   messages prints (and your program stops):

        ?HALT at user PC addr
        ?Illegal instruction at user PC addr

   Where:  addr is the memory location of the illegal instruction.

   For the HALT message above, you can continue  the  execution  of  your
   program  at  the  target  address  of  the JRST 4,(HALT) by giving the
   CONTINUE or CCONTINUE  monitor  command  (see  the  TOPS-10  Operating
   System  Commands  Manual).  For the "illegal instruction" message, you
   must correct your program and begin execution again.

   1.2.2  Executive Mode

   A user program switches to executive mode to perform  a  monitor  call
   when  it  encounters an illegal instruction, or on a HALT instruction.
   The monitor always executes  in  executive  mode,  giving  it  special
   memory protection and mapping.

                                            INTRODUCTION TO MONITOR CALLS

   1.2.3  User I/O Mode

   A program executes in user I/O mode if bits PC.USR and PC.UIO (bits  5
   and  6)  in  the  program  counter  (PC) word are set.  These bits are
   defined in the MACTEN.MAC symbol file.  I/O mode is the same  as  user
   mode,  except  that the hardware allows any opcodes or instructions to
   be executed except a HALT (JRST 4).

   User I/O mode provides  some  protection  against  partially  debugged
   monitor routines, and allows device service routines to be executed as
   user jobs.  Realtime programs execute in user I/O mode, allowing  them
   to    gain    direct    control    of    devices.     Refer   to   the
   DECsystem-10/DECSYSTEM-20 Processor Reference Manual  for  information
   about processing modes, or to Chapter 9 of this manual for information
   about programming real-time devices.

   To execute in user I/O mode, your job must have the JP.TRP  (trap)  or
   JP.RTT (realtime) privilege set, and you must successfully execute one
   of the realtime monitor calls TRPSET  or  RTTRP.   When  your  program
   issues  a  RESET monitor call or clears it with a JRSTF, user I/O mode



                                 CHAPTER 2


   Two distinct conventions allow you to reference  DECsystem-10  memory:
   physical  memory  addressing  and virtual addressing.  Physical memory
   defines the physical  limits  of  the  CPU  addressing  space,  and  a
   physical  address  refers  to  an  exact  physical location within the
   memory unit of the  processor.   However,  TOPS-10  is  a  timesharing
   system,  characterized  by  the  capability  of  serving multiple user
   programs simultaneously.  A single program can be loaded into  several
   different  parts  of  memory  that need not be contiguous.  Therefore,
   user programs do not normally reference actual physical  locations  in

   Programs reference a self-contained set of "virtual" addresses.  While
   the  program  is  running,  the  virtual addresses are translated into
   physical locations that can be referenced by the hardware.

   TOPS-10 provides each user  with  512  pages  of  addressable  virtual
   memory  on  the  KS  processor, and 16384 pages of addressable virtual
   memory on the KL processor.  Although the conventional  usage  of  the
   term  "core"  on  TOPS-10  often  is  used to mean any type of memory,
   throughout this chapter, references to "memory" are to virtual  memory
   and references to "core" are to physical memory.

   The  processor  protects  the  memory   needed   for   monitor-related
   functions,  and  the  memory  assigned  to  each  job.  It manages the
   assignment of memory space to each user, and controls the swapping  of
   jobs into and out of core.


   Core memory is a physical  and  therefore  finite  space  measured  in
   36-bit  words,  512-word  pages,  or 1024-word K.  Virtual memory uses
   these three measurements, and also 512-page sections.   There  are  32
   (decimal)  sections  on the KL.  They are referred to as Sections 0-37
   (octal).  A user's maximum virtual address space is  512P  (pages)  on
   the KS, and 16384P on the KL.


   To accommodate all the users in the timesharing  environment,  TOPS-10
   removes each job from core memory and places it in a special disk area
   temporarily to make room for another job.   This  function  is  called
   "swapping."  You  can  prevent a program or program segment from being
   swapped out by using the LOCK monitor call to lock your job in memory.
   (This requires that the LOCK privilege be set in the privilege word in
   GETTAB Table .GTPRV.) To use realtime devices, you need to  LOCK  your
   job in memory.

   A user job need not be entirely in memory or  on  disk  all  at  once.
   Your  program  can explicitly transfer individual pages of its virtual
   address space from core memory into and out of the working  set.   The
   working  set  is  the collection of pages in core that are immediately
   accessible to a job, and those in core  with  the  access-allowed  bit
   off.  Alternatively, if your program exceeds the current physical page
   limit for your job, it will be  subject  to  paging  by  the  monitor.
   Memory  limits  and  paging  are discussed later in this chapter.  The
   TOPS-10 monitor itself always remains in memory.

   On the KS, if you need to exceed the virtual memory limit of 512P, you
   must  use  an overlay structure.  On the KL processor, if your program
   requires more than the virtual memory limit of 16384P, or you  do  not
   want  to  use  extended  addressing  for  a  program  greater than one
   section, you can construct your program using  an  overlay  structure.
   Using overlays, your program can restrict its current virtual space to
   only a portion of the entire amount of references it may require.  For
   information  about using overlays, refer to the TOPS-10 Link Reference

   The monitor enforces the following limits on memory space:

        Symbol    Application

        GPPL      (Global Physical Page Limit) is the maximum  amount  of
                  core available to any user.

        GVPL      (Global Virtual Page Limit) is the  maximum  amount  of
                  virtual  memory available to any user.  GVPL is 512P on
                  the KS and 16384P on the KL.  You may change this limit
                  using the privileged SETUUO function .STMVM.

        MPPL      (Maximum Physical Page Limit) is the maximum amount  of
                  core available to a given user.

        MVPL      (Maximum Virtual Page Limit) is the maximum  amount  of
                  virtual memory available to a given user.

        CPPL      (Current Physical Page Limit) is the current amount  of
                  core  that  is available to the user, a value that must
                  not exceed the user's MPPL.


        CVPL      (Current Virtual Page Limit) is the current  amount  of
                  virtual memory available to the user, a value that must
                  not exceed the user's MVPL.

   The monitor also maintains values  to  measure  the  amount  of  space
   currently being used and currently available to your job.  Those are:

        CPPC      (Current Physical Page Count) is the number of physical
                  pages in core that are being used by your job.

        CVPC      (Current Virtual Page Count) refers to  the  number  of
                  virtual pages that are being used by your job.

   The monitor itself has a  virtual  address  space  greater  than  256K
   because  it  uses KL-paging, the default paging method for monitors on
   KL and KS systems.  Under KL-paging, multiple sets of 256K words  each
   can  be  used  by the monitor.  Each set is called a "section." The KL
   processor supports up to 32 sections.  Most of the monitor executes in
   Section  0.  KL-paging allows the monitor to refer to code and data in
   non-zero sections.  Refer to the  DECsystem-10/DECSYSTEM-20  Processor
   Reference Manual for more information about KL-paging.

   The user core allocation cannot exceed MPPL, but you can  adjust  your
   program's  limits  from  0  to  MPPL by using various functions of the
   SETUUO.  You can set the size of CPPL to limit the  physical  size  of
   your  job.  The sign bit of CPPL is symbolized as ST.VSG.  If this bit
   is off, the limit is interpreted as a  guideline  by  the  page  fault
   handler; if the bit is on, the value is interpreted as a strict limit.
   Use the CPPL word to control paging for your job.  If your job exceeds
   CPPL,  the  monitor  will  initiate  paging  for your job by using the
   virtual memory software.


   User-mode extended addressing gives you access to all 32  sections  of
   virtual  memory  on the KL processor.  30-bit addressing allows you to
   reference any address in the 32 sections.  Use extended addressing  in
   situations  where  your program or data requires more than one section
   of virtual memory.

   Your program may reference any  section  from  any  non-zero  section.
   However,  you  may  not  reference  a non-zero section from Section 0,
   unless  the  section  has  been  mapped  together  with   Section   0.
   Generally, however, if your program requires inter-section references,
   do not execute it in Section 0.


   When using user-mode extended addressing, make certain  that  the  UUO
   argument  list  does  not  cross  a section boundary.  If it does, the
   argument list will wrap around to the beginning of the  same  section,
   overwriting  the  previous  contents  of  those  addresses, instead of
   continuing into the next section.  To help you  identify  section  and
   address  within the section more easily, use the following format when
   writing the address:


   There are four ways to run  your  program  in  a  section  other  than
   Section 0.  They are:

         o  Using the XJRST or XJRSTF instruction to place  your  program
            in  an  extended  section.  See the DECsystem-10/DECSYSTEM-20
            Processor  Reference  Manual  for  information  about   these
            instructions.   The  addresses  in  the program become thirty
            bits in the form:  section,,18-bit addr.

         o  Placing a section number before a page number in any UUO that
            accepts page numbers as arguments.  These UUOs include PAGE. 
            and IPCFR..

         o  Supplying a 30-bit argument to a UUO  which  allows  extended
            addressing.   UUOs  that  accept thirty-bit addresses include
            CTX., NSP., and ETHNT..  Note that the value  in  the  AC  is
            always  interpreted  as  a  global  address  for  these UUOs,
            regardless of the section in which the UUO is executed.

         o  Formatting the core argument word to the GETSEG, MERGE,  RUN,
            or SAVE UUO to include a section number.


   You can exert considerable control over the functions of  the  monitor
   as  it  services  your program and memory space.  However, it is first
   necessary for you to understand the interaction  of  the  monitor  and
   your  program.   Before  the  monitor  can  run  a program, it must be
   compiled or assembled, and loaded into core.   This  is  discussed  in
   more detail in Chapter 3.

   The LINK program loads compiled programs (.REL files) into memory.  If
   you  save  the core image of the loaded program, it is written to disk
   as an executable (.EXE) file, and need not be processed again by LINK.
   You  can  place  an .EXE file into core (ready for execution) by using
   the GET or RUN monitor command.  (See Chapter 3.)



   Programs that are loaded into memory can be divided into high and  low
   segments.  Every executable program has a low segment (lowseg).  A low
   segment is private.  A program can always modify its own low segment.

   A program can also have  one  or  more  high  segments  (hisegs).   By
   default,  high  segments  start  at  virtual  location 400000, and are
   either private or sharable.  Sharable high segments  can  be  used  by
   more  than  one  job.   By  default,  the  monitor write-protects high
   segments so that no users can modify them.  However, the owner of  the
   file  can  clear the write-protect bit, allowing the program to modify
   the hiseg.

   Programs written in a high-level language such as FORTRAN commonly use
   a  sharable  high  segment.  As an example of a program using a single
   sharable high segment, suppose several  users  are  executing  FORTRAN
   programs.  Each user has a low segment, containing most of his FORTRAN
   program.  However, all FORTRAN users share the same high segment  that
   contains the FORTRAN object-time system FOROTS.

   As an example of a program  using  multiple  sharable  high  segments,
   these  same  FORTRAN  users  might  also  share  a second high segment
   containing  FSORT,  the  FOROTS-callable  version   of   SORT,   which
   implements  the  SORT  built-in  for  FORTRAN-10.  Using sharable high
   segments conserves memory space used by  programs  that  will  not  be

   If your  program  uses  multiple  high  segments,  you  must  use  the
   SEGOP. UUO  to  create and control these segments.  The SEGOP. monitor
   call provides the same functions for multiple  high  segments  as  the
   separate  CORE,  SETUWP,  GETSEG,  and REMAP monitor calls provide for
   controlling single high segments.  You may also use the SEGOP. UUO  to
   control  single  high  segments,  or  you  may  use the separate calls
   described in the following sections.

   The SEGOP. UUO functions, the monitor calls to which they  correspond,
   and a brief description of the action they perform, are listed below.

   Monitor Call    Action                             SEGOP. UUO Function

   CORE            Dynamically changes CORE           .SGCOR
                   allocation of a low or high 

   GETSEG          Create a high segment.             .SGGET
                   Replace a high segment.            .SGREL plus .SGGET

   SETUWP          Sets or clears the high            .SGSWP
                   segment's write-protect bit.   


   REMAP           Create a high segment from         .SGRMP
                   already-existing memory in a
                   program's low segment.

   The following sections describe the monitor calls that  allow  you  to
   control   the  allocation,  accessibility,  and  contents  of  program
   segments.  Remember that you must use  the  SEGOP. UUO  to  manipulate
   multiple high segments.

   2.4.1  Adjusting the Size of Segments

   The CORE monitor call  allows  you  to  dynamically  change  the  core
   allocation  of  your  program's low segment and a single high segment.
   You cannot change the core allocation of segments or programs that are
   locked in core.

   You should use separate CORE calls to change the sizes of the low  and
   high  segments  to  ensure  that your program does not exceed its core
   limits.  Memory that is allocated by CORE will be cleared before it is
   made  available,  to ensure privacy of user data.  A CORE UUO function
   that does not alter the size of the program, or  which  decreases  the
   program  size,  will  clear any non-contiguous pages.  You can use the
   CORE monitor call to eliminate a single high  segment,  thus  allowing
   you to create a new high segment.

   2.4.2  Merging Low Segments

   You can merge portions of an .EXE file with the  low  segment  of  the
   program that is currently in memory by using the MERGE. UUO.

   2.4.3  Writing Into High Segments

   You can set or clear the  high  segment  write-protect  bit  for  your
   program's  high  segment  by using the SETUWP monitor call.  After the
   bit is cleared, you can modify  your  job's  high  segment.   You  can
   replace or create a high segment for your job using the GETSEG call to
   read a hiseg from an  .EXE  file  or  the  REMAP  call  to  convert  a
   contiguous portion of the low segment into the high segment.

   The GETSEG monitor call replaces the current  program's  high  segment
   with  a  new  high segment from another .EXE file.  The low segment of
   the .EXE file, if any, is not changed.  This high-segment  replacement
   is  useful  for  sharing  data,  overlays,  and runtime routines.  The
   GETSEG monitor call accomplishes this in a manner similar to that used
   by the RUN monitor call (refer to Section 2.4.1.).


   You can create a high segment from  already-existing  memory  in  your
   program's  low  segment by using the REMAP monitor call.  Use REMAP to
   specify the virtual address where you want the hiseg to  start.   This
   allows  you  to  define a contiguous portion of the low segment as the
   high segment.  The specified portion of the low segment is removed and
   placed at the address in the REMAP call, which is the new hiseg origin

   If your job uses multiple high segments, use the  .SGGET  function  of
   the  SEGOP. monitor call to create an additional high segment for your
   job.  .SGGET  creates  a  new  high  segment  without  discarding  any
   previous  high  segments.   In  order to replace one high segment with
   another, you must first create a new one using .SGGET and then release
   the  old  one  using  the  function  .SGREL.   To convert a contiguous
   portion of the low segment into a  specified  high  segment,  use  the
   .SGRMP  function  of  the  SEGOP. UUO.   .SGRMP will create a new high
   segment without discarding any previous segments.

   2.4.4  Testing for a Sharable High Segment

   The bit SN%SHR in GETTAB Table .GTSGN is set for each job that has one
   or more sharable high segments.  The following code sequence shows how
   to use this bit to determine whether your own job's  high  segment  is
   sharable.   Note  that  -1 is used here for the job number to refer to
   your own job.

        MOVE         AC1,[XWD -1,.GTSGN] ;Set up GETTAB
        GETTAB       AC1,                ;Get hiseg parameters
          JRST       ERROR               ;GETTAB failed
        TLNN         AC1,(SN%SHR)        ;Is it sharable?
        JRST         NOTSHR              ;No
        JRST         SHAR                ;Yes

   2.4.5  Finding the Origin of a High Segment

   The usual origin for  a  program  high  segment  is  location  400000;
   however,  the  origin  can be at a different location.  If you need to
   find the origin for a program's high segment (for example,  to  access
   the  vestigial job data area), you can get the address from the GETTAB
   Table .GTUPM.


   The following example shows how to obtain  the  high  segment  origin.
   Note  that  -2  is  used  here  for the segment number to refer to the
   program's own high segment.

        MOVE         AC,[XWD -2,.GTUPM]  ;Set up GETTAB
        GETTAB       AC,                 ;Get origin
          JRST       NOHIGH              ;GETTAB failed
        HLRZ         AC,AC               ;Set up origin
        JUMPE        AC,NOHIGH           ;If 0, no high segment
        MOVEM        AC,HIORGN           ;Store hiseg origin
                                         ;Code for no hiseg

   2.4.6  Modifying a High Segment and Meddling

   The monitor sets the write-protect bit for each new high segment.  You
   can  clear this bit using the SETUWP monitor call if your program uses
   a single high segment.  If your program uses multiple  high  segments,
   use  the .SGUWP function of the SEGOP. monitor call.  You can increase
   or decrease the shared core using either the CORE monitor call if your
   program  uses  a  single  high  segment, or the .SGCOR function of the
   SEGOP. monitor call if your program uses multiple high segments.

   These calls are legal from either the  low  or  high  segment  if  the
   following is true:

         o  You have write privileges for the file from  which  the  high
            segment was loaded.

         o  The segment has not been "meddled." Meddling  occurs  when  a
            program  attempts  to  modify  a sharable hiseg, because such
            modifications might interfere with the other jobs  using  the

   A sharable high segment is considered to be  meddled  if  any  of  the
   following is true:

         o  The  program  was  started  with  a  RUN  monitor  call  that
            specified  an offset start address other than 0 or 1, or with
            a START or CSTART command that supplied an address.

         o  The D (deposit) monitor command was used.

         o  The high segment was obtained with a GETSEG monitor call,  or
            the .SGGET function of the SEGOP. monitor call.

   It is not considered meddling if you perform any of the above commands
   or calls with a nonsharable high segment.


   If you have privileges to write to the file from  which  the  sharable
   high  segment  came,  you can use the D monitor command and the SETUWP
   and CORE calls for that high segment without meddling.  For a  program
   that  uses  multiple  high segments, you can use the .SGSWP and .SGCOR
   functions of the SEGOP. monitor call.  You can write  a  program  that
   accesses  a  sharable  high segment using the GETSEG monitor call, and
   then turn off the write-protect bit  with  the  SETUWP  call.   For  a
   program  that  uses multiple high segments, use the .SGGET function of
   the SEGOP. monitor call to access a specified high segment, then  turn
   off  the  write-protect  bit  of the specified segment with the .SGSWP

   When a sharable program has been meddled, the monitor sets the  meddle
   bit  for  the  meddling  user.   If  the  user  attempts  to clear the
   write-protect bit with a SETUWP (or .SGSWP when there is more than one
   high  segment)  monitor  call,  or  to  change  the  high-segment core
   assignment with a CORE monitor call (or .SGCOR when there is more than
   one  high segment), without removing the hiseg completely, the monitor
   takes the error return.  If the meddling user attempts to  modify  the
   high  segment  with  a  D  monitor  command,  the  monitor  prints the
   following message:

        ?Out of bounds

   Whenever the hiseg has been meddled, the monitor resets the  user-mode
   write-protect bit to protect the high segment.

   If you are suitably privileged, you  can  supersede  a  sharable  high
   segment.   When  you  use  a CLOSE, OUTPUT, or RENAME monitor call, or
   some of the functions of the FILOP. UUO, on the file  from  which  the
   sharable  high  segment  was  initialized,  the monitor zeros the word
   containing  the  segment  name  in  the  GETTAB  Table  .GTPRG.   Jobs
   currently  using  that  high  segment can continue to do so, but after
   those jobs are completed (that is, when the segment becomes  dormant),
   the  monitor  deletes  that segment.  Meanwhile, new users are able to
   share the new (superseding) segment.

   If your program modifies a sharable hiseg,  you  are  responsible  for
   coordinating the changes with other users of the hiseg.  Remember that
   your program can be interrupted within the execution  of  instructions
   that   require  multiple  services,  such  as  monitor  calls,  and  a
   concurrent  user  program  can  be  started  at  that  time.    On   a
   multiple-CPU  system,  your program can be running simultaneously with
   another user program.  Generally, when modifying a shared  hiseg,  you
   should  refer  to  shared data with non-interruptable instructions, or
   under the protection of an interlock such  as  that  provided  by  the
   ENQ/DEQ facility (see Chapter 8).

   Because a sharable hiseg can exist on the  swapping  space  after  all
   users  have  released  it,  your  program  must  be prepared to handle
   inconsistencies in data or "stale" interlocks left  by  previous  user
   programs that ended prematurely.



   The RUN monitor call transfers control to another program by replacing
   both  segments  of the current program with the specified program, and
   starting execution of that program at its normal start address or at a
   specified  offset  from the start address.  The new program completely
   replaces the calling program, so  that  there  is  no  return  to  the
   calling program (unless you RUN it later).

   When the RUN monitor call is executed, the monitor clears all of  your
   job's  memory.   Your  programs,  however, should not assume that this
   action will occur.  You must initialize memory to the  desired  values
   to  allow  your  programs  to  be  restarted  by  the CTRL/C and START

   If you want to call a program from  a  system  library,  your  program
   should  call  it  by  using  device SYS, and a zero project-programmer
   number.  The extension you specify for these programs should  also  be

   The  RUN UUO  executes  a  RESET  monitor  call,  which  (among  other
   functions) releases all user I/O channels.

   The RUN call uses the following information in its ac:


   Where:  start-addr-offset is the offset to the starting address of the
           program that is being called.

           addr is the address of the first word in the RUN UUO  argument

   Before the monitor transfers control to the program you call, it  adds
   the program's starting address to the left half of the value in the ac
   and starts the program at this  address.   If  you  set  the  starting
   address offset to be anything other than 0 or 1, you are considered to
   be meddling with the program, unless the program being executed is  an
   execute-only  program  for  your  job.  For execute-only programs, the
   monitor ignores any value other than 0 or 1.

   2.5.1  Functions of RUN and GETSEG

   To successfully program the RUN monitor call on systems of  all  sizes
   and  for  programs  whose  size  is  not  known at the time of the RUN
   monitor  call's  execution  you  must  understand  the   sequence   of
   operations  initiated  by  the  RUN  monitor  call.  Note that the RUN
   monitor call can be executed from either the high or the low segment.


   Before calling a new program with the RUN  monitor  call,  you  should
   change  your  low segment core allocation to one page, and delete your
   high segments (if any).

   The GETSEG and RUN monitor calls perform the following functions:

        1.  Using the file name you specify in the  argument  block,  the
            monitor  searches for a sharable high segment that is already
            in core that has the same name as the program you  specified.
            If  a sharable high segment already exists, it is attached to
            your job.

            If there is no existing sharable high  segment,  the  monitor
            looks  up  the  program  on disk, searching for the same file
            name with the extensions .EXE, .SHR, and .HGH, in that order.

            If it finds a file with one of these extensions, the  monitor
            loads  the  high segment of the file into memory, starting at
            the high end of your current low segment.   If  it  does  not
            find a file, it goes to Step 5.

            It then remaps the hiseg, placing the  hiseg  origin  at  the
            .JBHGH location.

            However, if the current low segment contains any  pages  that
            would  conflict  with  the new high segment, the monitor call
            takes the error return, with error code 31 in the AC.

        2.  Then the monitor adjusts its internal data  base  to  include
            the new information.  Either a new user for the sharable high
            segment or a new high segment must be added.  (If the UUO was
            a  GETSEG, the monitor returns control to the user program at
            this point.)

        3.  Information from the vestigial job data area is  copied  into
            the  low  segment's job data area.  The vestigial job data is
            always loaded into the high segment (see Chapter 4).

        4.  Part of the job data area is the .JBCOR word.   If  the  left
            half of .JBCOR is less than or equal to 137, the monitor does
            not have to read data into the low segment because  it  is  a
            null  low  segment.  Then the monitor reads the right half of
            .JBCOR to determine how much space to allocate  for  the  low
            segment.   For  a  null low segment, control is passed to the
            user program at this point.


        5.  If the left half of .JBCOR is greater than 137,  the  monitor
            loads  the  program's low segment, using one of the following

             o  If the original file contained both segments, the monitor
                continues  reading  the  currently open file, loading the
                data  from  its  low  segment  into  memory  starting  at
                location 140.  The user program is started.

             o  If the original file contained only the high segment, the
                monitor  looks  up  the file using the same file name and
                one of the extensions .EXE, .SAV, .LOW, or the  extension
                specified in the argument block, in that order.

                If found,  the  file  is  opened  and  read  into  memory
                starting at location 140.  The user program is started.

                If a low segment file is not found, the  monitor  returns
                control to the user, giving an error return.  The monitor
                handles the error in either of the following ways:

                a.  If the call came from the high segment, or  if  there
                    is  a  HALT  in  the  error return after the UUO, the
                    monitor prints one of the following error messages:

                         ?Not a save file
                         ?filename.SAV not found
                         ?Transmission error
                         ?LOOKUP failure n
                         ?nP of core needed
                         ?No start adr

                b.  If the call came from the low segment and there is no
                    HALT in the error return, the monitor puts the LOOKUP
                    error code into the ac and passes control to the user

   The GETSEG monitor call works like the RUN monitor  call,  except  for
   the following differences:

         o  No attempt is made to read the low segment of the  file.   If
            an  .EXE  file is found, only the pages representing the high
            segment will be merged into the user's address space.


         o  The only changes made to the Job Data Area are:

            1.  the left half of .JBHRL is set to zero.

            2.  the right half of .JBHRL is set to the highest legal high
                segment address.

            3.  .JBSA and .JBREN in the Job Data Area are set to zero  by
                the monitor if they point to a high segment that is being
                removed.  If this should occur, the following message  is
                printed  on  your  terminal  when  the  START  or REENTER
                command is issued:

                     ?No start adr

         o  If an error occurs, control is returned to the  error  return
            location,  unless  the left half of the error return location
            contains a  HALT  instruction;  in  this  case,  the  monitor
            displays an error message and the program is HALTed.

         o  The call should be made  from  the  low  segment  unless  the
            normal  return coincides with the starting address of the new
            high segment.

         o  User channels are  not  released.   Channel  0,  however,  is
            released because it was used by the GETSEG monitor call.

         o  The contents of the job's  accumulators  are  not  preserved.
            Therefore,  any  AC  used  as  a  stack  pointer  will become

   2.5.2  Reading Command Files

   Programs that accept commands can input those commands from a terminal
   or  a  file, depending on how the program is started.  If a program is
   started at the normal starting address (.JBSA), it  should  display  a
   prompt, such as an asterisk, and read commands from the terminal input
   buffer.  With a CCL entry, commands are read from a file  on  disk  or
   from a list of commands stored in memory.

   CCL entry is determined by the argument to the RUN monitor  call.   If
   the  RUN UUO  has  a  0  in  the left half of the ac, the normal start
   address will be used.  If the RUN UUO has a 1 in the left half of  the
   ac,  the CCL entry will be used; the program is started at the address
   found in .JBSA+1, and should read commands  from  TMPCOR  or  from  an
   indirect  command file on disk.  TMPCOR is the name for the section of
   memory that is searched first.   The  format  of  a  command  file  is
   defined by the program that must read it.


   The TMPCOR area is limited in size; therefore,  programs  should  also
   search  for  the command file on disk.  If TMPCOR does not contain the
   command list, it should contain a file specification for  an  indirect
   command  file.   The  file  specification  is usually preceded by @ to
   indicate indirection.  Note that the PIP  program  expects  the  @  to
   follow  the  file specification.  By convention, the file name on disk
   is of the form:


   Where:  nnn is your job number in decimal,  including  leading  zeros.
           The job number is included to allow users to run more than one
           job under the same PPN.

           abc is usually the name looked for in TMPCOR.

   For example:

        009PIP.TMP     ;Job 9 commands to PIP
        039MAC.TMP     ;Job 39 commands to MACRO

   These files are temporary and will be deleted by the LOGOUT program.

   If a command file does not exist, or the program does not support  CCL
   entry, the program should display a command prompt and accept commands
   from the terminal.


   By using the PAGE. monitor call, you  can  manipulate  pages  in  your
   program's  virtual  address  space and manipulate or obtain data about
   those pages.

   2.6.1  Handling Page Faults

   When your program refers to a page of memory that  is  either  not  in
   physical memory or has the access-allowed bit turned off, a page fault
   occurs.  Program control then passes to a  page  fault  handler.   The
   page  fault  handler  can  be  either the system's internal page fault
   handler or your program's page fault handler, if you have defined  one
   by  setting  .JBPFH in JOBDAT.  (See Chapter 4 for more information on
   .JBPFH.)  Refer to Section 2.6.3 for information on building your  own
   page fault handler.


   2.6.2  The System's Page Fault Handler

   Unless your program has its own page fault handler, the  monitor  uses
   its  internal  page  fault  handler  when  a  page fault occurs.  This
   default page handler selects the page to swap out of  memory  to  make
   room for a needed page that is not in memory.

   Each page has an access-allowed bit associated with it.   Periodically
   the  page  fault handler clears every page's access-allowed bit.  When
   the page fault handler clears the access-allowed  bit,  a  page  fault
   occurs  the  next  time  your program references that page.  After the
   reference is  made,  the  monitor  sets  the  access-allowed  bit  and
   execution of the program continues.

   The system's page fault handler selects the page that has been in core
   the  longest  since  the  last reference to it.  This selection method
   assures that frequently-referenced  pages  are  likely  to  remain  in
   memory,  while  seldom-referenced  pages  are  likely  to be paged out
   sooner.  By using an age-ordered list and  a  periodic  check  of  the
   access-allowed  bit,  the  page  fault  handler  pages  on  a modified
   first-in/first-out basis.

   2.6.3  Building Your Own Page Fault Handler

   You can override the  system's  page  fault  handler  by  setting  the
   location  .JBPFH  to  point to your program's page fault handler (left
   half = end address and right half = start address).  Setting .JBPFH to
   zero  returns  your  program to using the system's page fault handler.
   If the area  of  core  containing  your  own  page  fault  handler  is
   destroyed,  a  reference  to  the page fault handler will result in an
   illegal memory reference error.


           Use the system's page fault handler  if  your  program
           will   execute   in  a  non-zero  section  or  contain
           thirty-bit addresses.  The format given below for your
           own  page  fault  handler can accept only eighteen-bit
           addresses, and is restricted to programs executing  in
           Section 0.


   The format of your page fault handler must be:

   Word   Symbol    Contents

      0   .PFHJS    The instruction "JRST .+.PFHST".
      1   .PFHOP    Old PC and flags.  That is, the flag/PC word used for
                    JRSTF, same as .JBTPC, .JBOPC, and so on.
      2   .PFHFC    Fault word, filled in by the monitor on each page
                    fault.  The fault word is described below.
      3   .PFHVT    Virtual time.
      4   .PFHPR    Paging rate.
      5   .PFHPV    Highest PSI vector in use (in left half); address of
                    PSI vector (in right half).
      6   .PFHUR    Version number of the page fault handler.
   7-11             Reserved for runtime statistics.
     12   .PFHST    Origin of the page fault handler (first instruction)

   The fault word (.PFHFC) contains the following information:

    Bits  Symbol    Contents

       0  PF.HCB    Working set was changed by a routine other than this
                    page fault handler.
       1  PF.HBS    Working set has been scrambled.
     2-8            Reserved for use by DIGITAL.
    9-17  PF.HPN    Page number of the page causing the fault.
   18-35  PF.HFC    Fault code, described below.

   The fault code (PF.HFC) is one of the following:

   Code   Symbol    Meaning

     1    .PFHNA    Page is inaccessible (access-allowed bit is cleared)
                    but in core.
     2    .PFHNI    Page has been paged out and is not in memory.
     3    .PFHUU    A page containing a monitor call argument has been
                    paged out.  This is a monitor-detected fault.
     4    .PFHTI    A virtual timer trap has occurred.  The monitor will
                    cause this kind of trap every n units of time, if
                    requested by the .STTVM function of the SETUUO
                    monitor call.
     5    .PFHZI    The page has been allocated, but is a zero page,
                    occurring after a user instruction.
     6    .PFHZU    The page has been allocated, but is zero after a
                    monitor call is executed.



   When a job is "locked" in memory, it is not  available  for  swapping.
   You can lock a job in user memory by using the LOCK monitor call.  You
   may want to lock a job for any of the following reasons:

         o  The job is a realtime job that should respond to interrupts
            promptly, without the delay of swapping.

         o  The job uses a display device that must refresh the display
            from a buffer without flickering.

         o  The job analyzes system performance, and must be invoked

         o  The job uses the SNOOP. UUO.

   You must have the lock privilege to use the LOCK UUO.  This is set  by
   the JP.LCK bit in GETTAB Table .GTPRV.

   Using the LOCK call, you can lock either or both program segments into
   memory,  and  you  can  specify  whether the memory must be physically

   A job can be unlocked (made available for swapping) using  either  the
   RESET  or  UNLOK. monitor  call.   Execution  of  a RESET monitor call
   automatically performs several  other  functions.   You  may  want  to
   unlock the job without resetting everything.  You can do this by using
   the UNLOK. monitor call.

   The UNLOK. call allows you to unlock either or both segments  of  your
   job.   Note,  however,  that  a  locked high segment that is shared by
   several jobs will not be unlocked until the SN%LOK bit in  the  GETTAB
   Table  .GTSGN is off for all those jobs.  The shared high segment will
   not be unlocked until every job sharing the segment has issued  either
   a RESET or UNLOK. monitor call for that segment.



                                 CHAPTER 3

                                JOB CONTROL

   This  chapter  discusses   initializing,   starting,   stopping,   and
   suspending   programs,  timing  considerations,  and  other  functions
   pertaining to jobs.


   After you write a program, it must be compiled and  loaded  before  it
   can  be  executed.  The compilation process depends on the programming
   language used in the source program, but the COMPILE  monitor  command
   will  initiate  compilation  of  any  program in a supported language.
   Refer to the TOPS-10 Operating System Commands Manual for  information
   about the COMPILE command and all monitor commands.

   The compiled program exists on disk in relocatable format; this  stage
   of  program  preparation  is known as the .REL file.  The LINK program
   (the linking loader) processes  the  .REL  file  by  resolving  symbol
   definitions  and  by loading the program into user core memory.  After
   it has been loaded successfully, the program is ready to  be  executed
   or  saved  in its executable format.  LINK offers switches to initiate
   execution or saving.  LINK is described in detail in the TOPS-10  LINK
   Reference Manual.

   Each time the source program is changed, it  must  be  recompiled  and
   reloaded before it can be executed.

   Once  the  program  is  loaded  into  memory,  execution   can   start
   immediately,  but  it  is  more  common to write the core image of the
   program to disk, thus saving it in executable format as an .EXE  file.
   This  .EXE  file  can  be  loaded from disk and executed using the RUN
   monitor command.

   Programs can be called from within another program  as  well  as  from
   monitor command level.

                                JOB CONTROL

   3.1.1  Starting a Program

   You can start a program from the monitor level by  using  any  of  the
   following monitor commands:

         o  RUN loads an .EXE file from disk and starts execution at the
            address given by .JBSA in the job data area.

         o  EXECUTE starts execution of a specified program at its normal
            start address.  This command loads the program from its .REL
            file.  If no .REL file exists, EXECUTE compiles the source
            file and then loads the .REL file.

         o  START starts (or restarts) execution of an already-loaded
            program at its normal start address.

         o  CSTART starts execution of an already-loaded program at its
            normal start address, but leaves the terminal at monitor

         o  DDT starts execution of the debugging program specified by
            the right half of .JBDDT.  (Refer to Chapter 4 for
            information about JOBDAT locations.)

   You can continue execution of an already-loaded program  from  monitor
   level by using either of the following monitor commands:

         o  CONTINUE continues execution of an already-loaded program at
            the place where the program was interrupted.

         o  CCONTINUE functions like the CONTINUE command, except that it
            leaves your terminal at monitor level.

   You can start a program from within another program with  any  of  the
   following monitor calls:

         o  RUN transfers execution control to the specified program.
            The calling program is overwritten in core, and control is
            passed to the new program.  The RUN call allows you to
            specify an offset to the normal starting address.

         o  GETSEG replaces the high segment of the calling program with
            a specified high segment.

         o  MERGE. merges specified pages of an .EXE file into the low
            segment of the current program.

                                JOB CONTROL

   The RUN and GET monitor commands are often used in the  same  session.
   Therefore,  for  these commands, the monitor saves the argument to the
   command (that is, the program name) in a GETTABable form.  If you  use
   one  of  these  commands  without  an  argument, the saved argument is
   assumed by the monitor.  To read the argument that is currently  being
   stored, see GETTAB Tables 135-137 and 145-151.

   3.1.2  Stopping a Program

   You can stop execution of your program by using any of  the  following
   commands or monitor calls:

         o  CTRL/C, if your program is waiting for terminal input, or if
            your program is running but your terminal is at monitor

         o  Two CTRL/Cs, if your program is not waiting for terminal
            input, but is attached to your terminal.

         o  The HALT monitor command.

         o  The EXIT monitor call in your program code.

         o  The LOGOUT monitor call in your program code.

         o  The FRCUUO monitor call in your program code.

   If a fatal error occurs (including a HALT), the monitor will stop your

   3.1.3  Suspending a Program

   You can suspend execution of a program until  some  event  occurs,  or
   until  some  time has elapsed, by using the following monitor calls in
   your program:

         o  The HIBER monitor call suspends execution of your program
            until some specified event occurs or until a specified amount
            of time has elapsed.  The program will be continued by the

         o  The SLEEP monitor call suspends execution of your program
            until a specified time has elapsed.

   You can also use the PSI system, which can  interrupt  a  job  when  a
   particular event occurs.  (Refer to Chapter 6.)

                                JOB CONTROL


   The core image of a job, some system resources such as ENQ/DEQ  locks,
   some terminal parameters, and monitor overhead data constitute a job's
   context.  The CTX. UUO allows you to  save  and  retrieve  information
   about contexts, and manipulate them in ways that give you control over
   multiple jobs.  For instance, using contexts, you can halt and save  a
   running  program  to  perform  some  other task, and later restore the
   context and continue the program.  For jobs that have set a program to
   run  automatically at login, you must use the RUN. UUO from within the
   captive program to transfer execution control to another program.

   Using CTX., you can  create  two  kinds  of  contexts:   inferior  and
   parallel.  Creating either an inferior or a parallel context halts the
   current job and saves the current context.  However, when you work  in
   an  inferior  context,  returning  to  the original (superior) context
   causes the system to automatically delete the inferior context.   When
   you  create a parallel context, it co-exists with the original context
   until you explicitly delete  it.   You  may  switch  between  parallel
   contexts  without deleting any of them.  Under the system default, you
   may work with a maximum of four parallel and/or inferior  contexts  at
   any one time.  This value may be changed in the user's accounting file

   Once the system has swapped a  job's  core  image  out  to  disk,  the
   context is considered idle.  The items saved in a context are:

         o  Program run; from physical SYS bit (JB.LSY from JBTLIM(J))

         o  Monitor mode bit:  LDLCOM from LDBDCH(U)

         o  SAVCTX word in the PDB:  .PDSCX(W)

         o  Break mask words:  LDBBKM(U), LDBBKB(U), and LDBCSB(U)

         o  PSI data base address:  JBTPIA(J)

         o  All IPCF-related words in the PDB

         o  Enqueue block chain address:  .PDEQJ(W)

         o  Selected words in the TTY DDB

         o  Job status word:  JBTSTS(J)

         o  Swapped out disk address:  JBTSWP(J)

         o  Swapped in image size:  JBTIMI(J)

         o  Swapped out image size:  JBTIMO(J)

                                JOB CONTROL

         o  High segment number:  JBTSGN(J)

         o  Funny space (per-process space) page count:  JBTPDB(J)

         o  Swapped out checksum:  JBTCHK(J)

         o  Program name:  JBTNAM(J)

         o  User PC:  JBTPC(J)

         o  I/O wait DDB:  JBTDDB(J)

         o  Program run data:  .PDNAM(W), .PDSTR(W), .PDDIR(W), .PDSFD(W)

         o  Time of last reset:  PDSTM(W)

         o  Address of user-defined commands:  PDCMN(W)

         o  Address of UNQTAB for user-defined commands:  PDUNQ(W)

         o  Address of DECnet session control block:  PDSJB(W)

   The ENQ/DEQ, IPCF, and PSI facilities can all work in conjunction with
   multiple  contexts.  The Job/Context Handle (JCH) allows a facility to
   uniquely identify a job and one of its contexts.  JCH storage requires
   18  bits.   ENQ/DEQ,  IPCF,  and  PSI  have  18 bits reserved for this
   purpose.  If you have not enabled the context facility, the JCH equals
   the  job  number.  If the JCH has a zero context component, the system
   translates it into the JCH for the job's current context.  A  non-zero
   context  component  allows  a  program to target a job at a particular
   context.  Refer to Chapter 22, Volume  2  for  a  description  of  the
   CTX. monitor call.


   The TOPS-10 monitor calculates runtimes, the  time  of  day,  and  the
   date.   You  can  obtain any of these either from your terminal or for
   use in your programs.

                                JOB CONTROL

   3.3.1  Runtimes

   The TOPS-10 monitor has several  ways  of  monitoring  runtimes.   The
   runtimes  available to you depend on the type of processor your system
   uses, and on system parameters.

   The KS and KL processors simulate a clock, called the APR clock, which
   is  based on the frequency of the system power source (either 50 or 60
   Hz).  The APR clock may be used  to  keep  the  system  time  of  day,
   because  it  is accurate over long periods of time.  The APR clock may
   also be used for job accounting.  However, it may  not  be  completely
   accurate, as its tick may be longer than the runtime period for a job.
   The KS and KL processors simulate the APR clock by setting up internal
   timers to simulate the jiffy clock.

   The DK10 clock has higher  resolution  than  the  APR  clock,  and  is
   therefore  more  reliable  for job accounting.  High-precision runtime
   simulates the DK10 clock time.

   EBOX/MBOX runtime is computed from  KL10  accounting  meters  (to  the
   nearest  10  microseconds).   This runtime is not related to any other
   runtime, and it is not directly related to real time.

   Runtimes returned by the  monitor  (by  the  RUNTIM  call;  the  TIME,
   USESTAT,  or  CTRL/T monitor commands; or the .GTTIM GETTAB Table) are
   all either high-precision runtime  or  EBOX/MBOX  runtime  (selectable
   with  MONGEN).   The  type of runtime reported depends on the value of
   the ST%ERT bit in item %CNST2 of the .GTCNF GETTAB Table.  (The  value
   1  selects  EBOX/MBOX  runtime; 0 selects high-precision runtime.) The
   RUNTIM call reads RN.PCN in its accumulator to initiate high-precision
   runtime.    A   program  that  uses  high-precision  runtime  can  run
   successfully even though the ST%ERT bit is on.  The time returned will
   be  approximated to simulate high-precision, but the low-order bits of
   the high-precision word will be zero.

   Monitor  overhead  can  optionally  be  included  in  these  runtimes,
   depending on MONGEN parameters.

   3.3.2  The System Date

   The DATE monitor call returns the system date as a 15-bit integer that
   must  be  decoded  to  obtain  a calendar date.  (See the DATE call in
   Volume 2 of this manual for an  example  showing  how  to  decode  the
   date.)  This  15-bit  date  is  in  multiple-radix  form,  so that the
   difference between two dates is usually not the number of days between
   them.  The format of the code is:

        (day of month - 1) + 31 * [(month - 1) + 12 * (year - 1964)]

                                JOB CONTROL

   3.3.3  The Universal Date

   The monitor also keeps the date in an alternate format, the  universal
   date standard.  This fullword value is in the form:


   Where:  day is the number of  days  since  November  17,  1858  (where
           November 17th is day 0, the 18th is day 1, and so on).

           fraction represents the fractional part  of  the  day  elapsed
           since  midnight,  to  approximately  1/3  of  a  second.   The
           fraction is the numerator of a fraction whose  denominator  is
           2**18,  so  that the following expression gives the portion of
           the day elapsed since midnight:


   The arithmetic difference between two universal dates gives the number
   of days and the portion of a day between the dates.

   The universal date is stored in item %CNDTM in GETTAB Table .GTCNF and
   is taken from the Smithsonian Universal Date/Time Standard (UDT).

   To obtain the local time (at your time zone), add the contents of item
   %CNGMT in the same GETTAB Table (.GTCNF) to UDT.

   You can derive the day of the week from the UDT by dividing  the  left
   half by 7, and using the remainder to determine the day of the week.

   Where:  0 = Wednesday, 1 = Thursday, 2 = Friday,... 6 = Tuesday

   3.3.4  The System Time

   You can obtain the system time in jiffies (one jiffy = 1/60 second) by
   using  the  TIMER  monitor call.  (For 50 Hz power supplies, 1 jiffy =
   1/50 second.)

   You can also obtain the system time in milliseconds (one millisecond =
   .001  seconds, to the nearest jiffy) by using the MSTIME monitor call.
   This call is preferable to the TIMER call, because the  returned  time
   is the same, regardless of the type of power supply (50 or 60 Hz).

                                JOB CONTROL

   3.3.5  Date-Time Elements from GETTAB Tables

   The GETTAB Table .GTCNF contains the  parts  of  the  date  and  time.
   These items are:

        Symbol         Contents

        %CNYER         Local year.
        %CNMON         Local month.
        %CNDAY         Local day of the month.
        %CNHOR         Local hour.
        %CNMIN         Local minute.
        %CNSEC         Local second.

   The cautious programmer should assume that individual items can change
   between  successive GETTABs.  If a date and time must be guaranteed to
   be consistent, your program should test values returned from the items
   above  until  it  obtains  two consecutive, identical readings, or you
   should derive the date and time from the UDT (available with a  single


                                 CHAPTER 4

                             THE JOB DATA AREA

   Memory locations 20 through 137 (octal) and the high segment origin to
   hiseg  origin + 7 (normally locations 400000-400007) are allocated for
   specific monitor and program uses.  This area is called the  job  data
   area.   Your  program sets some locations in the job data area for the
   monitor's use; the monitor sets other  locations  for  your  program's

   During a program load, LINK loads the job data area  symbols  if  they
   are  required to satisfy global references.  In your program, refer to
   job data area locations by their symbol names (of  the  form  .JBxxx).
   These  symbols  are defined as external symbols in UUOSYM.MAC, and are
   given values in JOBDAT.MAC.

   Section 4.1 lists important JOBDAT locations.   The  JOBDAT  locations
   that  are  not  listed in this table are either unused or used only by
   the monitor.  Your program should be written to reference only the job
   data area locations described in Section 4.1.


   The low-segment job data area is in locations 20 through 137  (octal).
   Locations relevant to your job are:

   Word     Symbol    Contents

    40      .JBUUO    Used by hardware for processing local UUOs (opcodes
                      0  through  37); the hardware stores the opcode and
                      the effective address in this location.

    41      .JB41     Executed to start the user-programmed monitor  call
                      (LUUO)  stored  in  .JBUUO;  this  location usually
                      contains a JSR or PUSHJ instruction.  LINK  puts  a
                      HALT  here  if  the  user  does not explicitly load
                      anything else.

                             THE JOB DATA AREA

    42      .JBERR    System program  error  count.   The  left  half  is
                      reserved; the right half is the number of errors in
                      the previous compilation.

    44      .JBREL    The left half is reserved; the right  half  is  the
                      highest  physical  memory location available to the
                      user program (low segment).

    45      .JBBLT    First location of three words used by LINK to  move
                      the  program before calling the exit routine.  This
                      location is used by the PA1050 program to store the
                      return address for the user program.

    74      .JBDDT    The left half is the first address  after  DDT,  if
                      DDT  is  loaded.  If any other debugging program is
                      loaded, this halfword is zero.  The right  half  is
                      the start address of the debugging program.  .JBDDT
                      can be set only with the SETDDT monitor  call.   If
                      .JBDDT  is  zero,  DDT  has not been loaded and the
                      monitor will attempt to read SYS:VMDDT.EXE when you
                      execute a DDT command.  If successful, VMDDT.EXE is
                      brought into the program's virtual  address  space.
                      The  left  and  right  halves of .JBDDT will be set

    74      .JBPFI    The highest location that is  protected  from  user
                      access.   User programs cannot write into locations
                      up to .JBPFI.

    75      .JBHSO    Reserved for use by DIGITAL.

    76      .JBBPT    The  unsolicited  breakpoint  address.    Use   the
                      instruction  JSR @.JBBPT  to  invoke  this facility
                      from a program.   It  is  necessary  to  explicitly
                      search JOBDAT to define this symbol.

   112      .JBEDV    The Exec Data Vector, which the monitor uses  as  a
                      pointer  to  EDDT.   This location is valid only in
                      exec mode.

   115      .JBHRL    High-segment addresses.  If zero, there is no  high

                      The left half is the first  free  location  in  the
                      high  segment, relative to the high-segment origin.
                      This value is the same as the high segment  length.
                      This  address is initially set by LINK and then set
                      by the monitor on subsequent  GETs,  regardless  of
                      whether  there  is  a  file  to  initialize the low
                      segment.  The address is  a  relative  quantity  so
                      that  .JBHGH  can  be  changed.   The  SAVE monitor
                      command uses this value to determine  how  much  to
                      write from the high segment.

                             THE JOB DATA AREA

                      The right half is the highest legal address in  the
                      high  segment.   This  value  is set by the monitor
                      each  time  a  user  program  begins  execution  or
                      executes a CORE or REMAP monitor call.

   116      .JBSYM    Pointer to the  program  symbol  table  created  by
                      LINK.   The left half is the negative length of the
                      symbol table, and the right half  is  the  starting
                      address of the symbol table.  If 0, this table does
                      not exist.  If this word is a positive  number,  it
                      contains a pointer to the extended symbol table for

   117      .JBUSY    Pointer to the table of undefined  symbols  created
                      by  LINK.   The left half is the negative length of
                      the  symbol  table,  and  the  right  half  is  the
                      starting address of the symbol table.  If .JBUSY is
                      0, .JBSYM contains a pointer to an extended  symbol
                      table for LINK.

   120      .JBSA     First free low-segment address and program starting
                      address:   the left half is the first free location
                      in the program low segment, as set  by  LINK.   The
                      right  half  is  the  starting  address of the user
                      program, unless an entry vector is in use.   (Refer
                      to the ENTVC.  monitor call in Volume 2.)

   121      .JBFF     The  first  free  address  in  the  program's   low
                      segment.  The left half is zero.  The right half is
                      the address of the first free  location  after  the
                      program  data  in  the  low  segment.   On  a RESET
                      monitor call, the value of the left half  of  .JBSA
                      is moved to this location.

                      When the monitor builds a buffer, it allocates  the
                      buffer  at  the  address  given  by .JBFF, and then
                      changes .JBFF to the address  at  the  end  of  the
                      buffer.   Note  that .JBFF may point to a non-legal
                      user  address  if  your  program   occupies   every
                      location in the last page of your low segment.

   123      .JBPFH    Pointer to page fault handler.  The  left  half  is
                      the  last  address  of the page fault handler.  The
                      right half is the address of the start of the  page
                      fault  handler.   If  this  address  is 0, the user
                      program has no page fault handler; on a page fault,
                      the  monitor calls its internal page fault handler.
                      This location remains zero when virtual  under  the
                      above circumstances.

                             THE JOB DATA AREA

   124      .JBREN    The left half is zero.  The right half is the start
                      address  for the REENTER monitor command, unless an
                      entry vector is  in  use.   (Refer  to  the  ENTVC.
                      monitor call in Volume 2.) This value is set either
                      by the user program or by LINK.

   125      .JBAPR    The left half is  zero.   The  right  half  is  the
                      address of a trap routine to handle APR traps.  See
                      the APRENB monitor call.

   126      .JBCNI    The state of the  APR  as  stored  by  the  monitor
                      instruction from a user trap.

   127      .JBTPC    The PC of the next instruction to be executed after
                      a  user-enabled  trap occurs.  This value is set by
                      the monitor.  Use the JRSTF @.JBTPC instruction  to
                      continue execution.

   130      .JBOPC    The last user-mode program  counter  for  the  job.
                      The  monitor  sets this value on each DDT, REENTER,
                      START, or CSTART monitor command.  Location  .JBOPC
                      contains   the   effective   address  of  the  HALT
                      instruction, when the user program contains a  HALT
                      instruction  followed  by the execution of a START,
                      DDT, CSTART, or REENTER command.   After  an  error
                      has  occurred  during  execution  of a monitor call
                      followed  by  a  START,  DDT,  CSTART,  or  REENTER
                      command,  .JBOPC  will  point to the address of the
                      monitor  call.   To  resume  execution,  type   the
                      following command to DDT:


   131      .JBOVL    The left half is the negative number (count) of the
                      root  segment  overlays.   The  right  half  is the
                      pointer to the header block for the root link of an
                      overlay  structure.   You may also reference .JBOVL
                      as .JBCHN.

   133      .JBCOR    LINK-written low segment break and  monitor-written
                      SAVE or GET argument.  The left half is the highest
                      non-zero  address  in  the  program  low   segment,
                      supplied by LINK.  If this address is less than 140
                      octal, no low segment will be written by a SAVE  or
                      SSAVE  monitor  command.   The  right  half  is the
                      user-specified argument for the last executed  SAVE
                      or GET command.  The value in the right half is set
                      by the monitor.

   134      .JBINT    The left half is reserved.  The right half  is  the
                      address  of  the  error-intercepting  block.  For a
                      description of the format of the block, see Chapter

                             THE JOB DATA AREA

   135      .JBOPS    Reserved for object-time systems.

   136      .JBCST    Reserved for customers.

   137      .JBVER    Program version number (in octal) and flags, in the
                      format  shown  below.   The  version  number of any
                      program can be obtained using the  VERSION  monitor

                      Bits   Meaning

                       0-2   Modifier flag:

                             Flag      Meaning

                                0      DIGITAL development group last
                                       modified the program.
                                1      Other DIGITAL employees last
                                       modified the program.
                              2-4      A customer last modified the
                              5-7      A customer's user last modified
                                       the program.

                      3-11   DIGITAL's latest major revision number,
                             usually incremented by 1 for each release.
                     12-17   DIGITAL's minor revision number, which is
                             usually 0, unless the program has been
                             modified since the last release.
                     18-35   The edit number, increased by 1 after each
                             edit to the program.  This value is never

     140    .JBDA     First location available for user program.


   Some job data area locations  are  in  your  program's  high  segment.
   These  are loaded at the high-segment origin (usually 400000), so that
   your program actually begins at the  origin  +  10  (usually  400010).
   Refer  to  Section 2.4 for information about accessing the information
   in the high segment.

   In the following description of the format of this area,  all  offsets
   are from the high-segment origin, usually .JBHGH (400000).

                             THE JOB DATA AREA

   The format of the vestigial job data area is:

   Word     Symbol    Contents

     0      .JBHSA    Copy of .JBSA in the job data area.
     1      .JBH41    Copy of .JB41 in the job data area.
     2      .JBHCR    Copy of .JBCOR in the job data area.
     3      .JBHRN    LH:  used to set LH of .JBHRL
                      RH:  used to set RH of .JBREN
     4      .JBHVR    Copy of .JBVER in the job data area.
     5      .JBHNM    High segment name set on execution of SAVE command.
     6      .JBHSM    Pointer to high segment symbol table, if any.  In
                      the left half is the length of the symbol table.
                      In the right half is the address of the first word
                      in the symbol table.  If 0, there is no symbol
     7      .JBHGA    GET address page number (bits 9-17).
    10      .JBHDA    First word in high segment that is available to the
                      user program.


                                 CHAPTER 5


   TOPS-10 supports four types of data networks:

         o  ANF-10, the TOPS-10 native communications software,  supports
            communication   among   DECsystem-10s   and   certain  remote
            stations.  ANF-10 provides terminal concentration, remote job
            entry, and front-end services for the monitor.  Using ANF-10,
            you can  perform  data  transfers  between  jobs  running  on
            different   systems,   and  the  same  facility  allows  data
            transfers among jobs running on the same system.  The  ANF-10
            software  is  bundled with the TOPS-10 monitor.  This chapter
            discusses the monitor calls and facilities available  in  the
            ANF-10 communications environment.

         o  DECnet-10 allows data communication among many  of  DIGITAL's
            operating  systems, for the purpose of file transfer, network
            virtual terminal  capability,  and  intertask  communication.
            (DECnet-10   must  be  purchased  separately.)  DECnet-10  is
            TOPS-10's implementation of the Digital Equipment Corporation
            Network  Architecture.   DECnet-10  Version  4  supports  the
            standards  defined  in  the  DECnet  Phase  IV   Architecture
            Specification, for Level 1 routing.  Three monitor calls deal
            directly with DECnet-10:

            1.  The NTMAN. call  is  used  only  by  the  DECnet  Network
                Management Layer.

            2.  The  NSP. call   is   used   for   task-to-task   program
                communication  over  DECnet  network  links.  Section 5.3
                discusses the NSP. monitor call.

            3.  The  DNET. call  is   used   to   access   monitor-stored
                information  about  DECnet  nodes,  links,  and networks.
                Section 5.4 discusses the DNET. call.


         o  IBM  Emulation/Termination  facility  provides  communication
            with  IBM  systems  using  batch  job submission.  IBM E/T, a
            separately  purchased  product,  interacts  with  the  GALAXY
            spooling  and  batch  subsystem  (Versions  4.1  and  later),
            allowing users to submit TOPS-10 batch jobs from  IBM  remote
            stations,  or to submit IBM-style batch jobs from the TOPS-10
            host.   This  facility  runs  on  a  DN60  front  end.    IBM
            communication    is    described    in    the   TOPS-10   IBM
            Emulation/Termination manual.

         o  Ethernet, which allows  you  to  implement  foreign  Ethernet
            protocols using the ETHNT. monitor call.  For example, if you
            wish to communicate with a printer that is on  the  Ethernet,
            but  is  unreachable  with  ANF-10  or  DECnet, you could use
            ETHNT. to develop software that would  communicate  with  the
            printer   over  the  Ethernet.   ANF-10  and  DECnet-10  also
            function on the Ethernet hardware.  Section 5.5 discusses the
            ETHNT. monitor  call.  See Volume 2 for a full description of
            ETHNT. functions.  Refer to The Ethernet:   Data  Link  Layer
            and  Physical  Link Layer Specifications for a description of
            the Ethernet hardware.

   Each computer processor in a network is called  a  node.   A  node  is
   either  a host or a remote station.  A host node is capable of running
   user programs.  A remote station, also known as a server,  is  a  node
   with  more  limited  capabilities.  It contains software that controls
   specific I/O functions, such as terminal concentration,  remote  batch
   job entry, network communications links, and more.

   A TOPS-10 system operates as a host node in any network.   A  KL-based
   DECsystem-10  can  operate  as  a  host  node  in  any  of the network
   environments described above.  The RSX-20F front end is not a separate
   node   in   the  network.   IBM  E/T  is  not  supported  on  KS-based

   Each node in the network has a node name of six  characters  or  less,
   and  a  node number, sometimes known as the node address.  For ANF-10,
   the node number is octal.  You can use either the node  name  or  node
   number in most cases when referring to an ANF-10 node.  You must refer
   to a DECnet node by its node name.

   The terms local node and remote node distinguish the host system  that
   is interpreting your commands (the local node) from the other nodes in
   the network  (the  remote  nodes).   Your  terminal  is  automatically
   connected  to  the  host  system by the remote station or front end to
   which your terminal is physically connected.



   A MACRO program can include the following monitor calls to  accomplish
   intertask communication in the ANF-10 network environment.

         o  GTNTN. UUO returns the line and remote station number of a

         o  GTXTN. UUO returns a terminal name for a physical node and
            line number.

         o  LOCATE UUO allows your job to send direct spooled output to
            the device at the node you specify.

         o  NODE. UUO can perform several network functions.  Among them

             -  Assign a logical name to a device and assign the device
                to your job.  The device may be connected to a remote

             -  Return a node number for a node name, or node name for
                node number.

             -  Send station control messages.

             -  Receive boot request messages.

             -  Return system configuration information (similar to the
                NODE command).

             -  Connect or disconnect a terminal to or from a remote

             -  List the known nodes.

             -  Return node data block information.

             -  Return and clear the ungreeted node flag.

         o  TSK. UUO allows you to use intertask communication, which may
            include tasks on the same system or on different systems.

         o  WHERE UUO returns the name of the node to which a terminal or
            other peripheral device is connected.

   You perform I/O in the ANF-10 environment using UUOs such as IN,  OUT,

   The following sections discuss the use of monitor calls  to  establish
   intertask communication between nodes on an ANF-10 network.



   Two tasks running in the same ANF-10 network can communicate with  one
   another.  For example, one task may wish to transfer a file to another
   task at another node.  This  communication  between  tasks  is  called
   intertask  communication.  Intertask communication can be used between
   jobs on the same system or between jobs on on different systems in the
   network.   In  this  discussion,  the  term task is used to refer to a

   Initially, both programs must open a channel  for  I/O  for  intertask
   communication.   This  is  accomplished using the OPEN UUO with SIXBIT
   /TSKnn/ in the argument block (Word 1), for the device name, where  nn
   is the node number of the node where the other task is running.

   The appropriate calling sequence for opening a channel  for  intertask
   communication is:

                  OPEN      channo,argblk
                     error return
                  normal return
                  . . .
        argblk:   EXP       mode
                  SIXBIT    /TSKnn/
                  XWD       outblk,inblk

   In this example, channo is the channel number, argblk is  the  address
   of  the  argument  block.  The first word of the argument block allows
   you to define the data mode.  The I/O modes  used  for  data  transfer
   between tasks are:

         o  ASCII and ASCII line modes, in 7-bit ASCII

         o  Byte mode, in 8-bit bytes

         o  Image and image binary modes, in 36-bit words

   Refer to Section 11.4 for information about I/O modes.

   The second word specifies the device and node number of the other task

   The third word of the argument block specifies the  addresses  of  the
   output (outblk) and input (inblk) buffer control blocks.

   After opening the I/O channels for communicating data, the tasks  must
   initiate  the  connection.   The  passive  task  describes the desired
   connection, and  then  waits  for  I/O  to  start.   The  active  task
   initiates a connection and may start I/O.

   Since interactive task-to-task communication is always  buffered,  you
   should  use  one buffer for each data request when sending data.  When
   receiving data, use  multiple  buffers,  so  that  all  incoming  data
   requests can be accommodated.

   5.2.1  Initiating a Connection

   The intertask connection can be initiated by either of  the  following

         o  The passive task uses the  LOOKUP UUO  to  specify  the  task
            name,  and  then  performs  an IN or INPUT.  The passive task
            then waits for the active task to initiate I/O.   The  active
            task  uses the ENTER UUO to initiate the connection, and then
            performs OUT or OUTPUT calls to start  data  transfer.   This
            procedure    is   described   in   the   following   section.
            LOOKUP/ENTER blocks are described in more detail  in  Chapter
            11.   Either  the  short  argument  block (shown here) or the
            extended argument block may be used to  initialize  intertask

         o  The passive task uses the TSK. UUO with the  .TKFEP  function
            code.   The active task uses the TSK.  function .TKFEA.  Both
            tasks must provide Network Process Descriptor  (NPD)  blocks.
            This  method  of  intertask  communication  is  described  in
            Section  Using the LOOKUP/ENTER UUOs - After OPENing the I/O  channel,
   the  passive  task  must  declare  the task name in the LOOKUP monitor
   call.  By specifying the task name in the argument block, the  passive
   task  ensures  that only the appropriate active task can initiate I/O.
   The task names specified by the passive and active tasks are  compared
   and must be equivalent before I/O can begin.

   The LOOKUP calling sequence is:

                  LOOKUP    channo,argblk
                     error return
                  normal return
                  . . .
        argblk:   SIXBIT    /tsknam/

   In this sequence, channo is the same channel number used in  the  OPEN
   UUO,  and  argblk  is the address of the argument block.  In Word 0 of
   the argument block, tsknam specifies the task name in SIXBIT.  Words 1
   and  2  are  unused.   Word  3 contains the ppn of the active task, if
   different from that of the passive task.  (You must have privileges to
   specify  a  PPN.)  A  PPN  of  777777,777777  indicates  full wildcard
   acceptance of a connection from any PPN.


   The passive task can then issue an IN or INPUT monitor  call  for  the
   given  channel  to initiate a wait state until connection is made from
   an active task, or, if the program has the PSI system enabled, it  can
   act on an appropriate interrupt condition (refer to Chapter 6).

   The active task uses an ENTER UUO to specify the task name  for  which
   to establish a connection.  The following calling sequence is used:

                  ENTER     channo,argblk
                     error return
                  normal return
                  . . .
        argblk:   SIXBIT    /tsknam/

   Where:  channo is the channel number used in the OPEN call.

           argblk is the address of the argument block.

           tsknam is the name of the task (same used in LOOKUP by the
           passive task).

           ppn is the project-programmer number of the active task, which
           you  should  include  only if it is different from that of the
           passive task.  You must have privileges to  specify  the  PPN.
           If  you  specify  0 for the PPN, it defaults to the task's own
           PPN.  Using the TSK. UUO - Both the passive and  active  tasks  can
   use  the  TSK. UUO to initiate the connection.  First you must OPEN an
   I/O  channel  for  task-to-task  communication,  just  as   with   the
   LOOKUP/ENTER  method.   However,  the  TSK. call  gives  your  program
   greater control over the  communication,  and  allows  many  functions
   useful in performing task-to-task communication.

   TSK. UUO operates by reading a Network Process Descriptor block  (NPD)
   for  each task.  In this description, the word "process" is equivalent
   to "task." Both tasks must specify an NPD for  both  the  passive  and
   active  tasks.   The  NPD that each task specifies for the remote task
   must match the other task's local NPD.  The format of the NPD is:

        Word    Symbol      Contents

          0     .TKNND      Node number of the task.
          1     .TKLNL      Length of task name.
          2     .TKNPN      First word of task name.
          n     .TKLNL+n    Last word of task name.


   An NPD describes a task (process).  The first word  (.TKNND)  contains
   the node number of the node on which the task is running, and could be
   -1 to indicate any node (-1 is not valid when connecting to  a  remote
   passive task).

   The second word specifies the length (in characters) of the task name.
   The  maximum length of the task name is 100 (decimal) characters; this
   maximum is defined as .TKMNL in UUOSYM.MAC.

   The third word contains the first word (in ASCII) of  the  task  name.
   The  length  of  the  NPD,  therefore, is the result of adding 2 + the
   contents of .TKLNL (the number of characters divided by 5 and  rounded
   up).   The  wildcard  characters  listed  here can be used in the task

        Character   Meaning

            *       Matches 0 or more characters.

            ?       Matches any one character.

            ^V      Quote next character, allowing you to specify
                    asterisks and question marks (for wildcard
                    characters) in the task name.

   The TSK. call is invoked as shown in the following calling sequence:

                  MOVE      ac,[XWD length,argblk]
                  TSK.      ac,
                     error return
                  normal return
        argblk:   EXP       function-code
                  EXP       channo
                  EXP       locnpd
                  EXP       remnpd

   In the TSK.  calling sequence, the ac is  first  loaded  with  a  word
   consisting  of  the length of the argument block (in this case, 4) and
   the address of the first word in the  argument  block  (argblk).   The
   argument block contains the following words.

   In Word 0, the function code is indicated by function-code.   For  the
   passive  task,  (similar  to  LOOKUP,  above) this is .TKFEP.  For the
   active task, (similar to ENTER, above) the function  code  is  .TKFEA.
   Although  a  monitor call must be issued by each task, both tasks need
   not use the same calling procedure.  That is, one  task  may  initiate
   the  connection  using  a LOOKUP or ENTER call, and the other task may
   use the appropriate TSK. function.

   In Word 1, the  channel  number  is  indicated  by  channo.   This  is
   identical to the channel number used in the OPEN UUO.


   In Word 2, the  address  of  the  local  Network  Process  Descriptor,
   indicated here by locnpd.  This is the task's own NPD.

   In Word 3, the address  of  the  remote  Network  Process  Descriptor,
   indicated  here  by  remnpd.  For the passive task, this is the NPD of
   the task from which it will accept a connection.  For the active task,
   this is the NPD of the task with which to attempt a connection.

   After using the TSK. UUO with the .TKFEP function,  the  passive  task
   can wait for input from the active task.

   After using the TSK. UUO with the .TKFEA function, the active task can
   begin data transfer.

   5.2.2  Sending and Receiving Between Tasks

   When  task-to-task  communication  is  established  with  LOOKUP/ENTER
   calls,  the  monitor generates NPDs for the tasks.  Thus, the programs
   can  use  TSK. call  functions  even  though  communication  was   not
   initiated  with  the TSK. monitor call.  The monitor generates a local
   NPD and a remote NPD for each program.

   The local NPD of each task consists of the node number  of  the  local
   node  (the node on which it is running), and the task name consists of
   the program name (obtained from .GTNAM) and the task's [PPN].

   The remote NPD for each task consists of  the  node  number  generated
   from the OPEN call

   Where:  TSKnn would contain the node number as nn, or -1 if  only  TSK
           was specified (implying that connections from any node will be
           accepted).  The task name  would  be  generated  by  the  file
           specification in the LOOKUP/ENTER block.

   Because of this facility, two tasks can  communicate  using  different
   calling  procedures.  One task can use the appropriate LOOKUP or ENTER
   call, and the other task  can  use  the  complementary  TSK. function.
   Note,  however,  that  the  TSK.  call must include references to NPDs
   that are equivalent to those  generated  by  TSKSER  for  LOOKUP/ENTER
   sequences.  The LOOKUP/ENTER NPD contains a file specification for the
   task name.  This must be matched exactly by the  program  issuing  the
   TSK.  call.

   When the intertask communication is established,  the  two  tasks  can
   send  and  receive data using the normal I/O monitor calls (IN, INPUT,
   OUT, and OUTPUT) for the open channel.

   Your program should require the  communicating  tasks  to  verify  the
   intertask  communication  by  sending and receiving identifying codes;
   these codes should be unique among tasks on the  network  so  that  no
   mistaken communication occurs.


   The TSK. call offers several functions useful for  performing  I/O  as
   well as establishing the task-to-task link.  The TSK. functions are:

        Fcn-code    Symbol    Meaning

          1         .TKFRS    Returns the state of the communications
                              link specified in the argument block.  The
                              link can be idle, waiting for a connection,
                              waiting for a connect confirmation, active,
                              or waiting for a disconnect confirmation.

          2         .TKFEP    Creates a passive link.

          3         .TKFEA    Creates an active link.

          4         .TKFEI    Enters idle state.  This allows the monitor
                              to CLOSE the connection.

          5         .TKFWT    Enters wait state.

          6         .TKFOT    Outputs messages with control of message

          7         .TKFIN    Inputs messages with control of message

          10        .TKFRX    Returns the state of the link and the
                              maximum data message size.

   5.2.3  Breaking the Intertask Communication

   Either the active task or the passive task  can  break  the  intertask
   communication.   When  one  task  issues  a CLOSE monitor call for the
   communication channel, the other task receives an end-of-file  on  its
   channel.   When the task issues a RELEAS monitor call for the channel,
   the communication is completely broken.  Both tasks should  close  and
   release their channels.


   You can write MACRO programs to  communicate  with  tasks  on  another
   DECnet  node.   When  doing  so,  you  use  the  NSP. monitor  call to
   interface to DECnet-10.  This section describes the functions  of  the
   NSP. monitor call.  These functions allow you to:

         o  Declare a network task as willing to accept connections.

         o  Initiate a request for a connection to another network task.


         o  Accept or reject a request for a connection from another
            network task.

         o  Transmit data to and receive data from another network task.

         o  Request the status of a logical link.

         o  Read the connect attributes of a network task.

         o  Exchange interrupt messages with other network tasks.

         o  Set buffer quotas for the link.

         o  Set a reason mask for PSI interrupts.

         o  Disconnect a network connection.

   The basic form of the NSP. monitor call is:

        MOVEI   AC,ADDR               ;Arg block pointer
        NSP.    AC,                   ;Do the UUO
          Error return                ;AC contains error code
        Normal return                 ;UUO succeeded, AC unchanged

   The AC always points to a data block that has the general form:

   Word       Symbol        Contents

                              0          17 18          35
    0         .NSAFN        |   Flags+Fcn  |    Length      |
    1         .NSACH        |   Status     |    Channel #   |
    2         .NSAA1        |         First Argument        |
    3         .NSAA2        |         Second Argument       |
    4         .NSAA3        |         Third Argument        |

   On an error (non-skip) return, AC always contains an error code.   The
   error  codes  and  their  meanings  are  listed  in  Volume  2, in the
   description of the NSP. UUO.  On a normal (skip)  return,  the  AC  is


   You may set two flags in the NSP. monitor call.

         o  NS.WAI (bit 0 of .NSAFN) indicates whether the program should
            wait  for  the function to be completed before returning from
            the monitor call.  If the bit is set, the monitor waits.

         o  NS.EOM (bit 1 of .NSAFN) indicates whether an end of  message
            is  to  be sent with a message.  DECnet-10 returns the NS.EOM
            flag as appropriate on a data  read.   If  the  program  sets
            NS.EOM  on  a normal data read call, DECnet-10 truncates data
            that overflows the program's buffer.

   The NSP. UUO has the functions listed below.  The function  code  must
   be  in  Bits  9  through  17  of  the first word of the argument block
   (.NSAFN).  The NSP. status variable and channel number are always  the
   second  word (.NSACH).  All functions return the after-function status
   of the link in the left half of  .NSACH.   All  functions  ignore  the
   status  in  .NSACH  when reading arguments, so the program can pass an
   old status along with a channel number if  that  is  convenient.   The
   interpretation of the argument words varies with the function.

   Table 5-1:  NSP. UUO Functions


     Fcn-code     Symbol     Meaning

     1            .NSFEA     Enter Active State
     2            .NSFEP     Enter Passive State
     3            .NSFRI     Read Connect Information
     4            .NSFAC     Accept Connect
     5            .NSFRJ     Reject the Connect
     6            .NSFRC     Read Confirm Information
     7            .NSFSD     Synchronous Disconnect
     10           .NSFAB     Abort and Release
     11           .NSFRD     Read Disconnect Data
     12           .NSFRL     Release Channel
     13           .NSFRS     Read Channel Status
     14           .NSFIS     Send Interrupt Data
     15           .NSFIR     Receive Interrupt Data
     16           .NSFDS     Send Normal Data
     17           .NSFDR     Receive Normal Data
     20           .NSFSQ     Set Quotas
     21           .NSFRQ     Read Quotas
     22           .NSFJS     Set Job Quotas
     23           .NSFJR     Read Job Quotas
     24           .NSFPI     Set PSI Conditions


   5.3.1  Specifying a Destination Task

   A task declares that it is ready to accept a connection  by  executing
   the Enter Passive function (.NSFEP).  The .NSFEP argument list has the

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFEP,3
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number (assigned by this call)
        .NSAA1    Connect block pointer

   The link is put into Connect Wait state (.NSSCW) and remains  in  this
   state  until  a  connect initiate message is received that matches the
   connect block, or until the link is released.

   DECnet-10 uses the  connect  block  specified  by  the  connect  block
   pointer  (.NSAA1) as a pattern for incoming connect initiate messages.
   The connect block has fields for pointers to  source  and  destination
   task  descriptor  blocks,  and  pointers to string blocks for the node
   name, user-id, password, account, and user data.  Fields that are zero
   in the connect block are considered wildcards and match anything.  The
   only field that must be specified is the pointer  to  the  destination
   task descriptor.

   The connect block has the following format:

   Word   Symbol   Field         Type

   0      .NSCNL   0 , Length    length of this argument block

   1      .NSCND   Node name     pointer to string block (max 6 bytes)

   2      .NSCSD   Source        pointer to task descriptor block

   3      .NSCDD   Destination   pointer to task descriptor block

   4      .NSCUS   User-id       pointer to string block (max 39 bytes)

   5      .NSCPW   Password      pointer to string block (max 39 bytes)

   6      .NSCAC   Account       pointer to string block (max 39 bytes)

   7      .NSCUD   User Data     pointer to string block (max 16 bytes)

   The connect block contains pointers to other  blocks,  such  as  those
   containing   the  node  name  or  accounting  information,  and  those
   containing information describing the source and destination tasks.


   The blocks for the node name, user-id, password, account, and data are
   called string blocks.  A string block has the following format:

   Word   Symbol    Field          Type

   0      .NSASL    NS.ASC,NS.ASL  LH: byte count; RH: block  
                                   length in words

   1      .NSAST    c1,c2,c3,c4,0  8-bit bytes of data

          NS.ASL-1  cn-1,cn,0  

   The user-id, password, account, and user data are optional.  They  can
   be used by the destination task to validate a network connection or to
   perform any other handshaking  functions  agreed  to  by  both  tasks.
   Except  for  the  data  (which can be up to 16 characters long), these
   strings can be up  to  39  characters  long.   They  must  consist  of
   alphanumeric  ASCII characters (including the hyphen, dollar sign, and

   The task descriptor block identifies the source or  destination  task.
   Its format is shown below:

   Word   Symbol    Field         Type

   0      .NSDFL    0 , Length    length of the argument block

   1      .NSDFM    Format type   0, 1 or 2

   2      .NSDOB    Object type   integer

   3      .NSDPP       PPN        2 half words (16 bits, 16 bits) 

   4      .NSDPN    task name     pointer to string block (max 16 bytes)

   By including the proper combination of values in the  task  descriptor
   block,  you  identify  the  task  and  specify  whether it is a system
   program or a user program.  Table 5-2 shows the information  you  must
   supply for each type of program.

   Table 5-2:  Allowable Combinations of Task Descriptor Values


     Kind of Program   Format Type   Object Type   PPN   Task Name

     DECnet system     0             1-127         0     0
     Customer system   0             128-255       0     0
     User, name only   1             0             0     string pointer
     User, with PPN    2             0             n,n   string pointer


   Use format type 0 only with a non-zero object type to specify a system
   program.   Object  types  1  through  127 identify DECnet utilities or
   control programs.  Only a privileged program can have an  object  type
   of  1  through  127.   Object  types 128 through 255 identify customer
   system programs and are assigned by the  system  manager.   A  program
   need  not  be  privileged  to  have an object type of 128 through 255.
   Refer to UUOSYM.MAC for a list of the currently-defined object types.

   Use Format types 1 and 2 to specify user programs.  With Format  types
   1  and  2,  you  must specify an object type of 0 and a pointer to the
   task name.  With Format type 1, you specify a task name of  up  to  16
   characters, but not a project-programmer number.  Format type 2 allows
   you to specify both a task name and a project-programmer  number,  but
   there  are  restrictions  on each.  The task name can only be up to 12
   characters long because DECnet-10 adds the  project-programmer  number
   to it.  Also, your project-programmer number must fit into 16 bits, or
   your program must be privileged  (so  it  does  not  require  a  PPN).
   Otherwise, your program must identify itself using format type 1.

   When DECnet-10 receives a connect initiate  message,  it  matches  the
   message  against  the  connect  blocks of successive destination tasks
   until it finds a match.  When a match  succeeds,  DECnet-10  puts  the
   link in the Connect Received (.NSSCR) state, and passes control to the
   destination program.  At this point the program can read  the  connect
   data and accept or reject the connection.

   Example of Specifying a Destination Task

   This example shows use of the NSP. UUO to declare that a program is  a
   destination  task.   It  also  shows the connect, task descriptor, and
   string blocks for the Enter Passive function.
   ; Begin by using the NSP. Enter Passive function to wait
   ; for a program on some other host to send a message.
           MOVEI   T1,EPBLK        ; Pointer to Enter Passive arg block
           NSP.    T1,             ; Enter Passive
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't Enter Passive /]; Error
                   JRST    EREXIT] ; return

   ; Argument block for Enter Passive
   EPBLK:  NS.WAI+XWD  .NSFEP,3    ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0             ; No status or channel number yet
           XWD     CONBLK          ; Pointer to Connect Block

   ; Connect block for Enter Passive
   CONBLK: EXP     4               ; Length of block in words
           EXP     0               ; Accept connects from any host
           EXP     0               ; Accept connections from any source
           EXP     TDB1B           ; Destination task descriptor block


   ; Destination task descriptor block
   TDB1B:  EXP     5               ; Length of TDB
           EXP     2               ; Format type 2
           EXP     0               ; Object type 0
           XWD     20,7200         ; Project-programmer number
           EXP     STRB1C          ; String block for destination name

   ; String block for destination name
   STRB1C: XWD     4,2             ; Number of bytes, number of words
           BYTE    (8) "P", "G", "M", "B"

   5.3.2  Specifying a Source Task

   A task declares that it is a source program  by  executing  the  Enter
   Active function (.NSFEA).  The .NSFEA argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFEA,length (length = 3 to 5)
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number (assigned by this call)
        .NSAA1    Connect block pointer
        .NSAA2    Segment size (optional; default: maximum allowed)
        .NSAA3    Flow control (optional, privileged; default: segment)

   DECnet-10 sends a connect initiate message using  the  information  in
   the  connect  block  pointed  to  by  .NSAA1,  and the link enters the
   Connect Sent state (.NSSCS).  The source connect block  has  the  same
   format as that used for a destination task.

   When DECnet-10 is transmitting data across a physical link,  the  data
   is  in  the  form of segments whose maximum size is set during network
   generation.  The actual segment size used  for  a  particular  logical
   link  is  negotiated  by  the two hosts when the link is being set up.
   So, when transmitting a message, DECnet-10 will try to fit it  into  a
   segment,  breaking  it  if  the  message  is larger than a segment, or
   sending a partial segment if the message is smaller than a segment.

   To enhance performance, you may wish to find out the segment size  and
   set the program's buffers to that size.  Then each segment transmitted
   would contain a complete message.  The program can  find  the  segment
   size of a logical link by executing the Read Channel Status function.

   Flow control is necessary because it may take some time for a  message
   segment  to  travel  through  the  network from the source node to the
   destination node.  Therefore, it is desirable for a node to be able to
   transmit  a number of segments, one after another, without waiting for
   an acknowledgement of one segment before transmitting another.  DECnet
   recognizes three types of flow control:

         o  Segment flow control (.NSFCS) - The receiving  node  sends  a
            request  for data that includes the maximum number of message
            segments it can accept at one time.  This is the default  for


         o  Message flow control (.NSFCM) - The  sending  node  transmits
            all  the  segments  necessary  to  form  a  complete message.
            DECnet-10 supports this type  of  flow  control  for  sending

         o  No flow control (.NSFC0) -  A  node  sends  segments  without
            waiting for a data request from the receiving node.  When the
            receiving node fills its buffers and cannot handle  any  more
            segments, it sends an OFF link service message to the sending
            node to stop the flow.  The sending node  stops  sending  and
            will  not  send  any  more  segments until the receiving node
            signifies that it can again accept segments by sending an ON.

   If the connection attempt succeeds, DECnet-10 sets the link  state  to
   Running  (.NSSRN); if the attempt fails, DECnet-10 sets the link state
   to Connect Rejected (.NSSRJ).

   Example of Specifying a Source Task
   ; Begin by using the Enter Active function to attempt to establish
   ; a logical link with PGMB on system HOSTB.
           MOVEI   T1,EABLK        ; Point to Enter Active arg block
           NSP     T1,             ; Enter Active
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't Enter Active /]; Error
                   JRST    EREXIT] ; return

   ; Argument block for Enter Active

   EABLK:  NS.WAI+XWD .NSFEA,3     ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0             ; No status or channel number yet
           XWD     CONBLK          ; Pointer to connect block

   ; Connect block for Enter Active
   CONBLK: EXP     4               ; Length of block in words
           EXP     STRB1A          ; Pointer to string block of node name
           EXP     TDB1A           ; Source task descriptor block
           EXP     TDB1B           ; Destination task descriptor block

   ; String block for node name
   STRB1A: XWD     5,3             ; Number of bytes, number of words
           BYTE    (8) "H", "O", "S", "T", "B" ; Name of destination node

   ; Source task descriptor block
   TDB1A:  EXP     5               ; Length of TDB
           EXP     2               ; Format type 2
           EXP     0               ; Object type 0
           XWD     20,7100         ; Project-programmer number on HOSTA
           EXP     STRB1B          ; String block for source name

   ; String block for source name
   STRB1B: XWD     4,2             ; Number of bytes, number of words
           BYTE    (8) "P", "G", "M", "A"


   ; Destination task descriptor block
   TDB1B:  EXP     5               ; Length of TDB
           EXP     2               ; Format type 2
           EXP     0               ; Object type 0
           XWD     20,7200         ; Project-programmer number on HOSTB
           EXP     STRB1C          ; String block for destination name

   ; String block for destination name

   STRB1C: XWD     4,2             ; Number of bytes, number of words
           BYTE    (8) "P", "G", "M", "B"

   5.3.3  Reading the Connect Information

   After DECnet-10 has matched the source and destination tasks, it  puts
   the link into Connect Received state.  The destination task can accept
   or reject the connection at this point, or it  can  execute  the  Read
   Connect  Information  function  (.NSFRI)  to move the connect initiate
   data into the connect block supplied in the  call.   The  program  can
   then  examine  the  data  to  decide  whether  to accept or reject the
   connection.  The .NSFRI argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFRI,length (length = 3 to 5)
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    Connect block pointer
        .NSAA2    Segment size (optional)
        .NSAA3    Flow control (optional)

   The program must specify a pointer to each  block.   However,  it  can
   specify  the  length  of  the block as zero, and DECnet-10 ignores the
   data.  If the program uses 0 instead of a pointer,  DECnet-10  accepts
   it as the pointer to AC 0 and stores the data starting at AC 0.

   If the destination program has included fields for  segment  size  and
   flow control, DECnet-10 stores those values for the source node.

   The UUO takes the error return if the  link  is  not  in  one  of  the
   following states:

        .NSSCR    Connect Received
        .NSSCW    Connect Wait
        .NSSRN    Running

   If the link is in Running state and the  program  has  issued  neither
   read  nor  write functions, DECnet-10 passes the connect initiate data
   to the program.


   Example of Reading the Connect Information

   ; When control reaches this point, a program is attempting to initiate 
   ; a connection with this program. The Read Connect Info function
   ; determines information about the job trying to establish contact.
           HRRM    CHAN,RIBLK+.NSACH; Store channel number into arg block
           MOVEI   T1,RIBLK        ; Point to Read Connect Info arg block
           NSP.    T1,             ; Read Connect Info
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't Read Connect Info /]; Error
                   JRST    EREXIT] ; return

   ; Here the program checks to make sure that the source PPN is [20,*].

           HLRZ    T1,SRCPDB+.NSDPP; Get left half of source PPN field
           CAIE    T1,20           ; Test for project number 20
           JRST    REJCON          ; Reject connection if not
           JRST    ACCCON          ; Accept connection if so

   ; Argument block for Read Connect Info
   RIBLK:  NS.WAI+XWD  .NSFRI,3    ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0             ; Code supplies channel number
           XWD     SRCCNB          ; Pointer to source connect block

   ; Connect Block for Read Connect Info
   SRCCNB: EXP     ^D8             ; Length of block in words
           EXP     STNODE          ; String block for node name
           EXP     SRCTDB          ; Source task descriptor block
           EXP     DSTTDB          ; Destination task descriptor block
           EXP     STUSID          ; String block for user id
           EXP     STPSWD          ; String block for password
           EXP     STACCT          ; String block for account
           EXP     STDATA          ; String block for user data

   ; String block for node name
   STNODE: XWD     0,3             ; Number of words -- max 6 bytes
           BLOCK   2

   ; Source task descriptor block
   SRCTDB: XWD     0,5             ; Number of words
           EXP     0,0,0           ; Format type, Object type, PPN
           EXP     STNAME          ; String block for task name

   ;Destination task descriptor block
   DSTTDB: XWD     0,0             ;Block is zero-length; no info wanted

   ; String block for user id
   STUSID: XWD     0,^D11          ; Number of words -- max 39 bytes
           BLOCK   ^D10

   ; String block for password
   STPSWD: XWD     0,^D11          ; Number of words -- max 39 bytes
           BLOCK   ^D10


   ; String block for account
   STACCT: XWD     0,^D11          ; Number of words -- max 39 bytes
           BLOCK   ^D10

   ; String block for data
   STDATA: XWD     0,5             ; Number of words -- max 16 bytes
           BLOCK   4

   ; String block for source name
   STNAME: XWD     0,5             ; Number of words -- max 16 bytes
           BLOCK   4

   5.3.4  Accepting the Connection

   Once the link is in Connect Received state, the destination  task  can
   accept  or  reject the connection, whether or not it reads the connect
   initiate  information.   By  executing  the  Accept  Connect  function
   (.NSFAC),  the  destination  task  declares that it will exchange data
   with the source task.  The .NSFAC argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    XWD .NSFAC,length (length = 2 to 5)
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    Pointer to user data (string block pointer, optional)
        .NSAA2    Segment size (optional; default: maximum allowed)
        .NSAA3    Flow-control (optional, privileged; default: segment)

   If execution of the Accept Connect function succeeds, DECnet-10  sends
   a  connect  confirm  message  to  the source task and puts the link in
   Running state (.NSSRN).  The  connect  confirm  message  contains  the
   optional  data  supplied  by  the  destination  task, the segment size
   agreed to by both nodes, and the  flow  control  to  be  used  by  the
   destination node.

   If the link is not in Connect Received state when the  Accept  Connect
   function executes, the UUO takes the error return.

   Example of the Accept Connection Function

   ; The program comes here to accept the requested connection
           HRRM    CHAN,ACBLK+.NSACH; Store channel number into arg block
           MOVEI   T1,ACBLK        ; Point to Accept Connection arg block
           NSP.    T1,             ; Accept Connection
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't Accept Connection /]; Error
                   JRST    EREXIT] ; return

   ; Argument block for Accept Connection
   ACBLK:  NS.WAI+XWD  .NSFAC,2    ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0             ; Code supplies channel number


   5.3.5  Rejecting the Connection

   Once the link is in Connect Received state, the destination  task  can
   accept  or  reject the connection, whether or not it reads the connect
   initiate  information.   By  executing  the  Reject  Connect  function
   (.NSFRJ), the destination task declares that it will not exchange data
   with the source task.  The .NSFRJ argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    XWD .NSFRJ,length (length = 2 or 3)
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    String block pointer to user data (optional)

   If the link is not in Connect Received state  upon  execution  of  the
   Reject Connect function, the UUO takes the error return.

   Example of the Reject Connection Function

   ; The program comes here to reject the requested connection
           HRRM    CHAN,RJBLK+.NSACH; Store channel number into arg block
           MOVEI   T1,RJBLK        ; Point to Reject Connection arg block
           NSP.    T1,             ; Reject Connection
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't Reject Connection /]; Error 
                   JRST    EREXIT] ; return

   ; After it has rejected the connection, the program goes back and
   ; executes the Enter Passive function again
           JRST    ENTPAS

   ; Argument block for Reject Connection
   RJBLK:  NS.WAI+XWD  .NSFRJ,2    ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0             ; Code supplies channel number

   5.3.6  Reading the Connect Confirm Data

   If the destination task accepts the connection, the DECnet software at
   the  destination  node  sends  a connect confirm message to the DECnet
   software at the source node.  The source task  can  (optionally)  read
   the  data in the connect confirm message by executing the Read Connect
   Confirm Data function (.NSFRC).  The  .NSFRC  argument  list  has  the

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFRC,length (length = 2 to 5)
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    String block pointer to user data (optional)
        .NSAA2    Segment size (optional)
        .NSAA3    Transmit flow control mode (optional)


   If the link is in Running (.NSSRN)  state  but  the  program  has  not
   executed any read or write functions on this link, the UUO returns the
   connect confirm data.  However, if the program has executed a read  or
   write  function  on  this link, DECnet-10 discards the connect confirm
   data, and the UUO takes the error return.  If the link is in any state
   other  than  Connect  Sent  (.NSSCS) or Running (.NSSRN), the UUO also
   takes the error return.

   5.3.7  Reading the Status of the Link

   The program can check the status of an assigned channel (and therefore
   the link) by executing the Read Channel Status function (.NSFRS).  The
   .NSFRS argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    XWD .NSFRS,length (length = 2 to 4)
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    Segment size for this link (optional)
        .NSAA2    XWD Remote flow control, local flow control (optional)

   The left half of the second  argument  (.NSACH)  contains  the  status
   variable, which contains the following fields:

   Table 5-3:  Fields in .NSACH (status variables)


     Bits  Symbol     Meaning

                                    If set:
   0       NS.IDA     Single bit.   Interrupt data can be read.
   1       NS.IDR     Single bit.   Interrupt data can be sent.
   2       NS.NDA     Single bit.   Normal data can be read.
   3       NS.NDR     Single bit.   Normal data can be sent.

   12-17   NS.STA     6-bit field that contains the state of the 
                      connection.  State values are listed in 
                      Table 5-4.

   The four data flags are set only if the  link  is  in  an  appropriate
   state  for  the  indicated  functions.   Table  5-4 lists the NSP. UUO
   connection states.


   Table 5-4:  NSP. Connection States


     Code    Symbol    Meaning

     1       .NSSCW    Connect wait:
                       The task has executed the Enter Passive function
                       and   is  awaiting  the  receipt  of  a  connect
                       initiate message.

     2       .NSSCR    Connect Received:
                       The task has executed the Enter Passive function
                       and  has received a connect initiate message; it
                       may now read the connect data  and  must  either
                       accept or reject the message.

     3       .NSSCS    Connect Sent:
                       The task has performed an Enter Active  function
                       which  sent  a  connect initiate message, and is
                       now awaiting either a connect confirm (and entry
                       into the Running state) or a connect reject (and
                       entry into the Reject state).

     4       .NSSRJ    Reject:
                       The remote node has rejected this node's connect
                       initiate  attempt.   The  task  should  read the
                       disconnect data and release the channel.

     5       .NSSRN    Running:
                       The link is up and may be used for the  transfer
                       of data.

     6       .NSSDR    Disconnect Received:
                       The task  has  received  a  disconnect  initiate
                       message.   The  task  should read the disconnect
                       data and release the channel.

     7       .NSSDS    Disconnect Sent:
                       The task has performed a Synchronous  Disconnect
                       function  and  is awaiting a disconnect confirm.
                       During this time, the task should be prepared to
                       read  data  from  the link (the other end having
                       not yet received the disconnect),  but  may  not
                       use the link for the transmission of new data.

     10      .NSSDC    Disconnect Confirmed:
                       This state is entered from the  Disconnect  Sent
                       state  when the disconnect is finally confirmed.
                       At this point,  the  only  legal  functions  are
                       Release   and  Read  Status.   The  task  should
                       release the channel.

     11      .NSSCF    No Confidence:
                       DECnet has no confidence in  this  logical  link
                       because  the  remote  node  is not acknowledging
                       messages.  The local node  has  retransmitted  a
                       message  more  than the retransmit factor number
                       of times without  receiving  an  acknowledgment.
                       The  retransmit factor is a system parameter set
                       by the system manager.  The task should  release
                       a channel in this state.

     12      .NSSLK    No Link:
                       There is no link  because  the  remote  node  no
                       longer  recognizes  this logical link.  This can
                       happen if the remote node is  reloaded  quickly,
                       or if the remote task is aborted without sending
                       a disconnect initiate message for  some  reason.
                       The task should release a channel in this state.

     13      .NSSCM    No Communication:
                       There is no communication between this node  and
                       the  remote  node.   A  connect  initiate cannot
                       succeed because there is no  communication  with
                       the  requested  node.   This  state  can only be
                       entered  from  Connect  Sent  state.   The  task
                       should release a channel in this state.

     14      .NSSNR    No Resources:
                       This state is entered from  Connect  Sent  state
                       when a No Resources message is received from the
                       destination   node,   which   had   insufficient
                       resources to make the requested connection.  The
                       task should release a channel in this state.

   Other functions can provide the same information as .NSFRS.   However,
   a  program  could  use  the  Read Channel Status function if it were a
   destination node that required the segment size.  It  could  also  use
   this  function  if  it  became  uncertain  of the link status (perhaps
   because it had not recently received data).

   Example of Read Link Status

   ; If there's a channel number, read the status of the channel and
   ; analyze it
           HRRM    T2,RSBLK+.NSACH  ; Store channel number into arg block
           MOVEI   T1,RSBLK         ; Point to Read Status arg block
           NSP.    T1,              ; Read Status
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't Read Status /]; Error
                   JRST    TYPRET]  ; return


   ; Argument block for Read Status
   RSBLK:  XWD     <(NS.WAI)>+.NSFRS,2 ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0              ; Code supplies channel number

   5.3.8  Using the PSI System

   A task source  or  destination  task  can  be  programmed  to  perform
   intertask  I/O  synchronously  or  asynchronously.   With  synchronous
   programming, the task sets a bit, called the wait  flag  (NS.WAI),  so
   that  each time the task executes the NSP. UUO it waits (blocks) until
   the I/O has been entirely completed.  With  asynchronous  programming,
   the  task  does  not  set  the  wait bit so that the task can continue
   executing even if the NSP. function has not completed.  The task  must
   check  the status variable to determine when the requested function is
   completed, or use the PSI (Programmed Software  Interrupt)  system  so
   that  it  will be interrupted when the status changes, indicating that
   the NSP. function is completed.  However, the program must enable  the
   PSI  system  and  set  a PSI reason mask before DECnet-10 can cause an

   5.3.9  Setting the PSI Reason Mask

   The  PSI  reason  mask  is  an  18-bit  value  that  contains   fields
   corresponding  to  the  fields  in  the  DECnet-10 status variable.  A
   program can set this  mask  by  executing  the  Set  PSI  Reason  Mask
   function (.NSFPI).  The .NSFPI argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFPI,3
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    XWD 0,reason mask

   In the right half of the third argument, the program sets to  1  those
   bits  that  correspond  to  the  status  or  states that will cause an
   interrupt.  All DECnet programmed interrupts come through a single PSI
   interrupt  condition.  You cannot assign a different interrupt to each
   DECnet channel, as you can for normal TOPS-10 I/O.

   When a program executes the Set PSI Reason  Mask  function,  DECnet-10
   simulates  a  status  change  from  zero to the current status for the
   affected link.  Thus, if the program has enabled the  PSI  system  and
   set  that  DECnet-10  condition  in  the reason mask, when the program
   executes the .NSFPI function, DECnet-10 causes a PSI interrupt.   This
   "free"  interrupt  enables  a  PSI-driven program to do all its DECnet
   checking in the PSI routine.


   For any bit set in the  reason  mask  corresponding  to  a  status  (a
   single-bit   field),  only  changes  from  false  to  true  cause  PSI
   interrupts.  For example, Normal Data Available changing from false to
   true  causes an interrupt, but not vice versa.  For the bit fields set
   in the reason mask corresponding to a state (more than one bit in  the
   field),  all  changes cause PSI interrupts.  For example, changing the
   state from .NSCCS (Connect Sent) to  .NSCRN  (Running)  means  that  a
   connect confirm message has arrived.

   5.3.10  Enabling the PSI Interface

   The program can enable the PSI system for  any  DECnet-10  channel  by
   doing the following:

           MOVEI   AC,IVB          ;address of Interrupt Vector Block
           PIINI.  AC,             ;initiate PSI system
                   error return
           normal return

           MOVE    AC,[PS.FON!PS.FAC,PSIARG]
           PISYS.  AC,             ;enable PSI
                   error return
           normal return

           MOVEI   AC,NSPARG
           NSP.    AC,             ;NSP. argument list
                   error return    ;to specify reason for interrupt
           normal return

   IVB:    ...                     ;interrupt vector: allow one
                                   ;4-word control block per channel
   ICB:    EXP HANDLER             ;interrupt control block
           0                       ;specifies address of code
           0                       ;to handle interrupt


   PSIARG: EXP .PCNSP              ;NSP.-type interrupt
           XWD <ICB-IVB>,0         ;offset in IVB to ICB
           XWD priority,0          ;priority of NSP. interrupts

   NSPARG: XWD .NSFPI,3            ;function code length
           XWD 0,channel           ;status word (status,channel number)
           XWD 0,reason mask       ;reason word

   HANDLER: ...                    ;code to handle NSP. interrupt


   When  DECnet-10  interrupts  the  program,  the  status  word  of  the
   interrupt control block contains:

        XWD status, channel

   Note that the PISYS. status word has the same  format  as  the  second
   argument (.NSACH word) of the NSP. function argument block.

   A program that has several links open at one time can  include  tables
   indexed  by  the  channel  numbers  of  the  links.  DECnet-10 assigns
   consecutive channel numbers starting with the lowest number available.
   Note,  however,  that  DECnet-10 also reassigns channel numbers if the
   program releases channels; therefore, the channel numbers may  not  be
   sequential  according  to  the order that the program first opened the

   If the status word for a DECnet-10 PSI interrupt is zero, the  program
   should ignore the interrupt.

   5.3.11  Reading and Setting the Link Quota and Goal

   The DECnet-10 administrator allocates monitor buffers  that  DECnet-10
   uses  to hold message segments being sent or received, and also sets a
   default number of buffers to use for each logical link.  The Set Quota
   function  allocates  a  portion of those buffers to a particular link.
   The Set Quota function also allows the program to set  the  percentage
   of buffers allocated to a link for input (receiving).

   If the program has privileges, it can also use the Set Quota  function
   to establish the data request input goal.  DECnet-10 uses segment flow
   control, in which the receiving node  must  request  data  before  the
   sending  node can send it.  To keep message segments flowing smoothly,
   DECnet-10 can be asked to send  data  requests  before  the  receiving
   program issues a read request.  DECnet-10 queues message segments that
   arrive before the receiving program issues a read function for them.

   The input goal controls the number of  data  requests  that  DECnet-10
   will  try  to keep outstanding at the remote node.  Whenever DECnet-10
   receives a message segment, it will send enough data requests  to  the
   remote node to bring the total outstanding data requests to the goal.

   If the input goal is larger than the link quota, this creates  a  pool
   of  "cached" messages that have been received but not yet acknowledged
   ("committed").  DECnet-10 allows cached messages to  be  discarded  at
   any time because the source node will resend them after a timeout.


   To  change  the  link  quota,  percent  input,  or  input   goal   (if
   privileged),  the program can execute the Set Quota function (.NSFSQ).
   The .NSFSQ argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFSQ,length (length = 3 to 5)
        .NSACH    XWD status, channel number
        .NSAA1    Link quota
        .NSAA2    Percent of input (optional)
        .NSAA3    Input goal (privileged optional)

   The program can set the link quota for each link to any  value  up  to
   the  maximum  number  of buffers in the pool.  DECnet-10 will allocate
   that number of buffers but will not necessarily use them all for  that

   The percent input can optionally be set to any number  between  0  and
   100; the default is 50.

   To find  out  the  number  of  buffers  allocated  to  the  link,  the
   percentage  of  those buffers allocated for input, and the input goal,
   the program can execute the Read Quota function (.NSFRQ).  The  .NSFRQ
   argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFRQ,length (length = 3 to 5)
        .NSACH    XWD status, channel number
        .NSAA1    Link quota
        .NSAA2    Percent of input (optional)
        .NSAA3    Input goal (privileged, optional)

   If the argument block contains five  words,  all  the  values  (quota,
   percent input, and input goal) will be returned.

   5.3.12  Transferring Information Over the Network

   Once a network connection has been established, the task at either end
   of the logical link can send information to the task at the other end.
   DECnet-10 provides functions for data messages and interrupt messages.
   Data  messages  are  primarily used by network tasks to move blocks of
   data.  Interrupt messages are used by network tasks to exchange  small
   amounts  of  data (16 bytes or less) that are not sequentially related
   to the main data flow.


   Data  transfers  over  a  logical  link  involve  the  segmenting  and
   reassembling  of  data  at  both the logical and physical link levels.
   The network software accepts data from the user program,  segments  it
   to conform to the maximum segment size allowable on that logical link,
   precedes each segment with a header, and passes these segments to  the
   physical  link  management  layer.   This  layer  segments the data to
   conform to the maximum segment size allowable on the physical link and
   proceeds  each  segment with a header to form a packet.  These packets
   are then sent over the physical line to the destination node.  At  the
   destination  node  the  reverse  procedure  takes  place:  headers are
   stripped and segments reassembled.

   Occasionally, errors or status changes in a task require bypassing the
   normal  flow  of data so the message is delivered promptly.  DECnet-10
   allows for the transmission and reception  of  short  messages  called
   interrupt  messages.   An  interrupt message is sent and accounted for
   independently of any  buffered  data  messages  and  its  delivery  is
   usually prompt.  Interrupt messages are limited in length to 16 bytes.
   They are most effectively used as event indicators and usually require
   the  subsequent  exchange  of  data  by  the  two processes owning the
   logical link.

   5.3.13  Sending Normal Data

   To send a data message to another task, the program executes the  Send
   Normal  Data  function  (.NSFDS).   The  .NSFDS  argument list has the

        .NSAFN    FLAGS+XWD .NSFDS,4
        .NSACH    XWD status, channel number
        .NSAA1    EXP byte count
        .NSAA2    Byte-pointer to data

   The program must include a count of the number of bytes in the message
   and  a  byte  pointer  (.NSAA2)  to  the data in a program buffer.  As
   DECnet-10 moves the data  from  the  program  buffer  to  the  monitor
   buffers,  it  decrements the byte count and advances the byte pointer.
   DECnet-10 then sends the data to the remote  node,  segmenting  it  as
   necessary to comply with the segment size.

   If the program sets the NS.EOM flag, the program buffer  represents  a
   message  or  the final portion of a message.  This can force DECnet-10
   to send the data even if it does not fill a segment.   Note  that  the
   program  must  set  the  NS.EOM  flag before executing the Synchronous
   Disconnect function or the disconnect function fails.


   If the program sets the NS.WAI flag, it waits until the  UUO  returns.
   The  UUO  returns  when DECnet-10 transmits the entire buffer of data.
   If the program does not set the NS.WAI flag, the UUO returns when  the
   program's quota of monitor buffers is exhausted.  If the entire buffer
   of data has not been sent, the byte count is  non-zero.   The  program
   must  check the byte count to determine whether all the data was sent,
   and execute the Send Normal Data function again if necessary.

   If the link is in a state other than running (.NSSRN) or Connect  Sent
   (.NSSCS),  the  UUO takes the error return.  If the link is in Connect
   Sent state, the NS.WAI flag must be set so that the program  can  wait
   for  the state to change to Running, otherwise the UUO takes the error

   Example of Send Normal Data Function

           HRRM    CHAN,DSBLK+.NSACH;Store channel number into arg block
           MOVE1   T1,DSBLK        ; Point to Send Normal Data arg block
           NSP.    T1,             ; Send Normal Data
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't  Send Normal Data /]; Error
                   JRST    EREXIT] ; Return

   ; Argument block for Send Normal Data
   DSBLK:  NS.WAI+ NS.EOM+XWD .NSFDS,4     ;Wait and end-of-message bits
                                   ; Function, block length
           XWD     0,0             ; Code supplies channel number
           EXP     33              ; Number of bytes in message
           POINT   7,MESSAG        ; Byte pointer to message to be sent

   ; Message to be transmitted

   5.3.14  Receiving Normal Data

   To receive a data message from another task, the program executes  the
   Receive  Normal  Data function (.NSFDR).  The .NSFDR argument list has
   the format:

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD  .NSFDR,4
        .NSACH    XWD status, channel number
        .NSAA1    EXP byte count
        .NSAA2    Byte pointer to data buffer

   The program must include a count of the number of bytes expected and a
   byte pointer to the buffer that will hold the incoming data.


   As DECnet-10 moves data  from  the  monitor  buffers  to  the  program
   buffer,  it  decrements  the byte count and advances the byte pointer.
   To determine the number of bytes received, the program  must  subtract
   the  value  of the byte count after execution from the value specified
   in the call.

   The program will never receive data from more than one  message  in  a
   single  execution  of  this function.  If the program does not set the
   NS.EOM flag, (or clears it from a previous call), DECnet-10 returns as
   much  of the message as will fit into the buffer.  If the program sets
   the NS.EOM flag, DECnet-10 returns as much of the message as will fill
   the  buffer  and  discards the excess data.  If DECnet-10 discards any
   data, it sets the byte count to the negative of the  number  of  bytes
   discarded.   Thus,  a  byte  count  of  zero or greater means that the
   message fit into the buffer.  If the program sets NS.EOM and does  not
   set NS.WAI as well, the .NSFDR function will fail.

   If the program sets the NS.WAI flag, the program waits until DECnet-10
   transfers an entire message into the buffer or the buffer is full.  If
   the program does not set the NS.WAI flag, the UUO returns  immediately
   unless  there  is  data  waiting.   If so, DECnet-10 returns either an
   entire message or as much of a message as will fill the  buffer.   The
   UUO  takes  the  error return if the NS.EOM flag is set and the NS.WAI
   flag is not.  This is to avoid the deadlock  possible  if  the  remote
   task  were  to  send  a  message  larger than the local task's monitor
   buffer quota.

   If the link is in a state other than Running (.NSSRN) or Connect  Sent
   (.NSSCS),  the  UUO takes the error return.  If the link is in Connect
   Sent state, the NS.WAI flag must be set so that the program  can  wait
   for the state to change to Running, otherwise, the UUO takes the error

   Example of the Receive Normal Data Function

           HRRZM   CHAN,DRBLK+.NSACH;Store channel number into arg block
           MOVEI   T1,500          ; Maximum number of bytes
           MOVEM   T1,DRBLK+.NSAA1 ; Store into argument block
           MOVE    T1,[POINT 7,MESSAG]; Same with message byte pointer
           MOVEM   T1,DRBLK+.NSAA2
           MOVEI   T1,DRBLK ; Point to Receive Normal Data arg block
           NSP.    T1,             ; Receive Normal Data
             JRST  REDERR          ; Error in Receive Normal Data


   ; When control comes here, there's a message
           MOVE    T1,[POINT 7,MESSAG]; Get byte pointer to message
           MOVEI   T2,500          ; Get size of buffer in bytes
           SUB     T2,DRBLK+.NSAA1 ; Subtract number of bytes in buffer
                                   ; to get number of bytes in message
           JUMPLE  T2,READM1       ; Skip output if no characters
   ; Output loop
           ILDB    T3,T1           ; Get first/next character
           OUTCHR  T3              ; Type out character
           SOJG    T2.-2           ; Count characters and loop

   ; If end-of-message bit is on, type <End of message> on terminal.
   READM1: MOVE    T1,DRBLK+.NSAFN ; Get flag/function,length word
           TLZE    T1,(NS.EOM)     ; Test for EOM and turn off EOM Bit
           OUTSTR  [ASCIZ  /       <End of message>/]

           MOVEM   T1,DRBLK+.NSAFN ; Turn off EOM bit in arg block for 
                                   ; next call
           JRST    READMS          ; Go read another message

   ; Argument block for Receive Normal Data
   DBRLK:  NS.WAI+XWD  .NSFLR,4    ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0             ; Code supplies channel number
           EXP     500             ; Maximum number of bytes in message
           POINT   7,MESSAG        ; Byte pointer to message

   ; Message to be received
   MESSAG: BLOCK   100             ; Space for 500 character message

   5.3.15  Sending Interrupt Data

   To send an interrupt message to another task, the program executes the
   Send  Interrupt  Data function (.NSFIS).  The .NSFIS argument list has
   the format:

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFIS,3
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    Pointer to string block containing the data

   The pointer in .NSAA1 points to a string block  containing  the  data.
   The data cannot be longer than 16 bytes.

   The program must set the byte count and block  length  in  the  string
   block.  However, DECnet-10 ignores any bytes beyond the maximum of 16.
   DECnet-10 does not segment interrupt messages, even if the NS.WAI flag
   is not set.  If there are outstanding interrupt data requests from the
   remote node, the Send Interrupt Data function causes DECnet-10 to send
   the interrupt data.


   The UUO takes the error return under any of the following conditions:

         o  There are no outstanding interrupt data requests

         o  There is already an interrupt message for transmission

         o  The link is not in Running or Connect Sent state

         o  The NS.WAI flag is not set while the link is in  the  Connect
            Sent state

   5.3.16  Receiving Interrupt Data

   To receive  an  interrupt  message  from  another  task,  the  program
   executes  the  Receive  Interrupt  Data function (.NSFIR).  The .NSFIR
   argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    Flags+XWD .NSFIR,3
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    Pointer to a string block to receive data

   .NSAA1 contains a pointer to a string  block  that  will  contain  the
   data.   The maximum block size is 16 bytes.  Interrupt messages cannot
   exceed that size.   If  the  string  block  is  too  small,  DECnet-10
   truncates the message.

   The program must set the byte count and block  length  in  the  string
   block,  but  DECnet-10  ignores  any space not necessary to hold data.
   DECnet-10 either receives the whole message or none of it.

   The interrupt message does not, of itself, cause an interrupt.  It can
   bypass  queued  normal data messages.  The program must enable the PSI
   system  and  set  the  PSI  reason  mask  appropriately  to  cause  an

   If the link is in a state other than Running (.NSSRN) or Connect  Sent
   (.NSSCS)  the  UUO  takes the error return.  If the link is in Connect
   Sent state, the NS.WAI flag must be set so that the program  can  wait
   for  the  state  to  change  to Running.  Otherwise, the UUO takes the
   error return.

   5.3.17  Closing a Network Connection

   Either of the two connected tasks can close a network  connection.   A
   connection can be closed normally, thereby preserving the integrity of
   any data in transit, or a connection can be aborted without regard  to
   any undelivered data.


   To close a connection normally, the program executes  the  Synchronous
   Disconnection function (.NSFSD).  (The Synchronous Disconnect function
   may be used by synchronously and asynchronously running programs.) The
   .NSFSD argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    XWD .NSFSD, length (length = 2 or 3)
        .NSACH    XWD Status, Channel number
        .NSAA1    String block pointer to disconnect data (optional)

   .NSAA1 contains a pointer  to  an  optional  string  block  containing
   disconnect data.  This data cannot be longer than 16 bytes.

   If the  Synchronous  Disconnect  function  is  executed  successfully,
   DECnet-10  sends  a disconnect initiate message to the remote task and
   puts the link into Disconnect Sent state (.NSSDS).  While the link  is
   in  this  state,  the  program  cannot  send  any  data, but should be
   prepared to read any data sent by the other task  before  it  received
   the  disconnect.   When  the  remote  task  confirms  the  disconnect,
   DECnet-10 places the link in Disconnect Confirmed state (.NSSDC).  The
   program  can  then  release  the channel.  If the program releases the
   channel  (using  .NSFRL,  RESET. or  EXIT)  without  waiting  for  the
   disconnect message, unacknowledged messages from the remote task could
   be lost.

   To insure that messages are not lost, the program should not  set  the
   NS.WAI  flag  and should be prepared to read any further messages.  If
   the PSI system is  enabled  and  the  reason  mask  is  set  for  data
   available, an interrupt occurs when a message arrives.  If the program
   has also set the reason mask for disconnect confirm, the arrival of  a
   disconnect  confirm  message also causes an interrupt.  If not enabled
   for interrupts,  the  program  can  read  any  left-over  messages  by
   executing one of the Receive Data functions (see the .NSFDR and .NSFIR
   functions) with the NS.WAI flag set.  By doing so,  the  program  also
   determines  the  arrival  of  the  disconnect  confirm message because
   either function takes  the  error  return  for  a  disconnect  confirm

   If the link is in any state other than Running (.NSSRN) or if the last
   message  sent  did  not have the end-of-message (NS.EOM) flag set, the
   UUO takes the error return.

   Example of the Synchronous Disconnect Function

           HRRM    CHAN,SDBLK+.NSACH; Store channel number into arg block
           MOVEI   T1,SDBLK         ; Point to Sync Disconnect arg block
           NSP.    T1,              ; Synchronous Disconnect
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't Sync Disconnect /]; Error
                   JRST    EREXIT]  ; Return

   ; Argument block for Synchronous Disconnect
   SDBLK:  NS.WAI+XWD .NSFSD,2      ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0              ; Code supplies channel number


   5.3.18  Releasing a Channel

   After receiving a disconnect received or disconnect  confirm  message,
   the  task can execute the Release Channel function (.NSFRL) to release
   the channel.  The .NSFRL argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    XWD .NSFRL,2
        .NSACH    XWD status, channel number

   The UUO returns immediately, even if the NS.WAI flag is set.

   When a program receives a disconnect initiate message (.NSSDR  state),
   it  executes  the  Release Channel function to confirm the disconnect,
   release the link, and return all buffers  for  that  link.   DECnet-10
   sends a message to the other task confirming the disconnect.

   When a program receives a disconnect confirm message, it executes  the
   Release  Channel  function  to release the link and return all buffers
   used for that link.

   A program that has executed the Enter Passive function and is  waiting
   for  a  connection  (.NSSCW  state)  can  execute  the Release Channel
   function to release the link and any buffers allocated for  the  link.
   Since  no  connection  has  yet  been  made, DECnet-10 does not send a
   disconnect confirm message.

   If the link  is  in  any  state  other  than  Connect  Wait  (.NSSCW),
   Disconnect  Received  (.NSSDR),  or Disconnect Confirmed (.NSSDC), the
   link is immediately released without any disconnect  message  sent  to
   the other task.  This is an abrupt aborting of the link.

   Example of the Release Channel Function

           HRRM    CHAN,RLBLK+.NSACH; Store channel number into arg block
           MOVEI   T1,RLBLK         ; Point to Release Channel arg block
           NSP.    T1,              ; Release Channel
             JRST  [OUTSTR [ASCIZ /?Can't Release Channel /]; Error
                   JRST    EREXIT]  ; Return

   ; Argument block for Release Channel
   RLBLK:  NS.WAI+XWD .NSFRL,2      ; Wait bit, function, block length
           XWD     0,0              ; Code supplies channel number


   5.3.19  Aborting a Connection

   To abort the connection, release the link, and send an abort  message,
   the  program  executes  the  Abort and Release function (.NSFAB).  The
   .NSFAB argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    XWD .NSFAB,length (length = 2 or 3)
        .NSACH    XWD status, channel number
        .NSAA1    Pointer to disconnect data (optional)

   .NSAA1 can contain a pointer to an optional  string  block  containing
   disconnect data.  This data cannot be longer than 16 bytes.

   If the link is in Running state (.NSSRN) and  the  Abort  and  Release
   function is executed successfully, DECnet-10 sends an abort message to
   the other task and immediately  releases  the  link  and  all  buffers
   allocated to that link.  The other task should release the link on its
   end to complete the disconnect.  If the link is in a state other  than
   Running, the UUO takes the error return.

   5.3.20  Reading the Disconnect Data

   As a result of a Synchronous Disconnect, an Abort and  Release,  or  a
   Reject  Connect  function, DECnet-10 sends a disconnect message to the
   other task.  To read the data from the disconnect message, the program
   executes  the  Read  Disconnect  Data  function  (.NSFRD).  The .NSFRD
   argument list has the format:

        .NSAFN    XWD .NSFRD,length (length = 3 or 4)
        .NSACH    XWD status, channel number
        .NSAA1    Pointer to string block to receive the data
        .NSAA2    Reason code (optional)

   .NSAA1 contains a pointer to a string block that will receive any data
   that  the  other task included with its disconnect function.  If there
   is no data, DECnet-10 leaves the string block empty.  The data  cannot
   be longer than 16 bytes.

   DECnet-10 sets .NSAA2 to a reason code that specifies the  reason  for
   the  disconnect.   These reason codes are not from the other task, but
   from DECnet-10 and are universal to all DECnet  implementations.   The
   possible reason codes and their meanings are:

    0 - Rejected or disconnected by object (task)
    1 - No Resources
    2 - Unrecognized node name
    3 - Remote node shut down
    4 - Unrecognized object
    5 - Invalid object name format
    6 - Object too busy


    8 - Abort by network management
    9 - Abort by object
   10 - Invalid node name format
   11 - Local node shut down
   34 - Access control rejection
   38 - No response from object
   39 - Node unreachable
   41 - No link or logical link has been lost
   42 - Disconnect complete
   43 - Image field too long (rqstrid, password, account, usrdata, etc.)
   44 - Unspecified reject reason

   Note that some of these reasons apply to a task that  has  rejected  a
   connection.  DECnet-10 sends a disconnect initiate message when a task
   rejects a connection as well as when the task disconnects the link.

   If the link is in Disconnect Received state, (.NSSDR) the function  is
   executed successfully and the link remains in that state.  If the link
   is in any state other than Disconnect  Received,  the  UUO  takes  the
   error return.


   For monitors that support DECnet-10 Version 3 and Version 4  networks,
   the  DNET. monitor  call  allows you to obtain data about the nodes in
   the DECnet area you are in, and the DECnet links  used  for  intertask
   communication.  The DNET. call has three functions:

        Fcn-code    Symbol    Meaning

          1         .DNLNN    Lists  the  names  of  the  nodes  in   the

          2         .DNNDI    Returns information about each node in  the
                              network  as it relates to the EXECUTOR node
                              (that is, the node at which your program is

          3         .DNSLS    Returns information about each logical link
                              established from your node.  A logical link
                              is  the  path  of  communication  used  for
                              DECnet intertask communication.


   Function 1 for DNET. is .DNLNN, to list the node names of the nodes in
   the  DECnet  area.   The  calling sequence and argument block that you
   must supply for .DNLNN is:

                MOVEI    ac,addr
                DNET.   ac,
                  error return
                normal return

        addr:   flags+.DNLNN,,length+1
                BLOCK length

   Where:  addr points to the argument list.

           length specifies  the  number  of  words  to  reserve  in  the
           argument  block  for  the  returned  list  of node names.  The
           maximum number of nodes in a DECnet-10 area is  1024,  so  the
           value  of length should not exceed this.  The symbol .DNLLN is
           defined to have this value.  If the length is  too  short  for
           the list of returned node names, the list will be truncated to
           the number of words reserved.

   You must set one of the following flags for .DNLNN:

        Bits    Symbol     Meaning

         1      DN.FLK     List only "known" nodes.  That is, the list of
                           node names returned will be all the nodes that
                           are defined with node  names  plus  all  nodes
                           that  are reachable.  If the system is running
                           as an Ethernet end  node,  the  only  node  it
                           knows  is  itself.   The  ST%END  entry in the
                           %CNST2  GETTAB  Table  indicates  whether  the
                           DECnet is running as an Ethernet endnode.

         2      DN.FLR     List  only   reachable   nodes.    This   flag
                           restricts  the  returned  list  to  only those
                           nodes that are currently in the network.

         3      DN.FLE     List only the EXECUTOR node.  This is the node
                           at which the program is running.

   When the information is returned at addr+1, the form of  the  returned
   block is:

        addr:   flags+.DNLNN,,length
                first node name
                second node name


   Where:  Word 0 (.DNFFL) contains the same  information  you  place  in
           this word.

           Word 1 (.DNCNT) contains the number of node names returned.

           Words 2 and following (.DNNMS)  each  contain  a  SIXBIT  node


   The following is an example of the use of .DNLNN:

           MOVE    T1,[<.DNLNN>B17!DN.FLK!.DNLLN]  ;Function word to return
                                                   ; known nodes up to the 
                                                   ; maximum length arg block
           MOVEM   T1,DNARG                        ;Save word in arg block
           MOVEI   T1,DNARG                        ;Point to arg block
           DNET.   T1,                             ;Ask for information
             HALT                                  ;Shouldn't happen

   At this point, the argument block should be:

           20                                      ;20 nodes
           SIXBIT/ONE/                             ;First node
           SIXBIT/TWO/                             ;Second node

   Function 2 of DNET. is  .DNNDI,  which  returns  information  about  a
   specific  node  in  the network or about all the nodes in the network.
   There are two methods  of  using  this  function:   step  control  and
   non-step  control.  In step mode, the information is returned for each
   node in the network, arranged by node address.  Under step  mode,  you
   must  clear addr+1 on the first call, so that the information returned
   will begin with the first node in the node list.  If you  do  not  set
   the  step  mode  flag, information is returned only for the node whose
   name you specify in addr+1.  The control method is set by flag DN.FLS.
   Specifically, the calling sequence and argument block for .DNNDI is:

                MOVE    ac,addr
                DNET.   ac,
                  error return
                normal return

        addr:   flags+.DNNDI,,length
                node name
                BLOCK n

   Where the flags are:

        Bits    Symbol     Meaning

         0      DN.FLS     Set step mode for controlling returned
                           information about every node in the DECnet

         1      DN.FLK     List information about known nodes.  Set this
                           flag only if you set step mode (DN.FLS).

         2      DN.FLR     List reachable nodes.  Set this flag only if
                           you set step mode (DN.FLS).

         3      DN.FLE     List EXECUTOR node.

   If you do not set DN.FLS, you can return information  only  about  the
   node whose name you specify, in SIXBIT, in addr+1.  The information is
   returned in the argument block as follows:

        addr:   flags+.DNNDI,,length
                router information
                link information
                node address
                circuit name

   Where each word at addr is returned as follows:

        Word    Symbol     Contents

         0      .DNFFL     Flag word that you specified.

         1      .DNNAM     The node name of the currently listed node.

         2      .DNRTR     Router information.  Bit 0  (DN.RCH)  of  this
                           word  is set if the node is reachable.  If bit
                           0 equals 0, the node is  not  reachable.   The
                           remainder  of  the  left  half  of  this  word
                           (DN.HOP)   contains   the   number   of   hops
                           (node-to-node  paths) over which a signal must
                           pass to get from the EXECUTOR node to the node
                           in  addr+1.   The  right  half  of  this  word
                           (DN.CST) contains the  relative  cost  of  the
                           path to the specified node.


         3      .DNLLI     Link information.  Bit 0 (DN.VLD)  is  set  if
                           the   rest   of   this   word  contains  valid
                           information.  In this case, the left  half  of
                           the word indicates the number of logical links
                           currently established between  the  local  and
                           remote   nodes.    If   bit   0  is  off,  the
                           information  in  this  word  is   not   valid,
                           indicating  that  no  attempt has been made to
                           communicate with the remote node.

         4      .DNADR     Node address.

         5-10   .DNCKT     Circuit   information.     This    information
                           describes  the  controller of the line that is
                           the first hop in the path to the remote  node.
                           The circuit name is up to 4 ASCIZ words.


   The following example shows how the  DNET. function  .DNNDI  might  be
   used in step mode to show information about known nodes:

        MOVE    T1,[<.DNNDI>B17!DN.FLK!DN.FLS!.DNNLN] ;Show link status
                                                ; up to the maximum
                                                ; length of the
                                                ; argument block (.DNNLN)
        MOVEM   T1,DNARG                        ;Save in arg block
        SETZM   DNARG+.DNNAM                    ;Clear arg+1 to start at
                                                ; First node name
        MOVEI   T1,DNARG                        ;Point to arg block
        DNET.   T1,                             ;Ask for information
          HALT                                  ;Shouldn't happen

   The argument block returned may be:

        DNARG:  DN.FLK!DN.FLS!<.DNNDI>B17!.DNNLN ;Flag word
                SIXBIT/ONE/                     ;Node name
                1B0!3B17!4B35                   ;Reachable,3 hops, cost=4
                0                               ;No active links
                1                               ;Node address=1
                ASCII/DTE-0/                    ;Circuit-id
                ASCII/-1/                       ;Continuation of
                                                ; Circuit-id


   Function 3 of DNET., .DNSLS, lists information  about  DECnet  logical
   links.  Every intertask communication through DECnet is performed over
   a logical link (also known as a DECnet channel).  Refer to Section 5.3
   for information about establishing DECnet links.  The calling sequence
   and argument list for .DNSLS is:

                MOVE    ac,addr
                DNET.   ac,
                  error return
                normal return

        addr:   DN.FLS+<.DNSLS,,length>
                BLOCK n

   Where:  Bit 0 (DN.FLS) of the word  at  addr  is  optional.   If  set,
           DN.FLS  sets step control for the information returned.  Under
           .DNSLS, step mode returns information about each link that  is
           open  from  the  EXECUTOR  node,  in  the order of job number,
           starting with job 1, and by link number within the job.  After
           all  the jobs are listed, then job number -1 is listed.  Under
           step mode, you should clear addr+1 (.DNJCN) the first time the
           call is issued.

           If DN.FLS is not set, non-step mode is the control method, and
           addr+1  (.DNJCN)  should  contain  the  job  number and DECnet
           channel number of the link for which you  want  the  following

   The link information is returned to you in the following form:

        Word    Symbol     Contents

         0      .DNFFL     The flag word you specified  in  the  argument

         1      .DNJCN     The job number and channel  number  for  which
                           the following information is appropriate.

         2      .DNNOD     The node name (in SIXBIT) of the node to which
                           the link is made.

         3      .DNOBJ     The object types of  the  communicating  jobs.
                           The   standard  object  types  are  listed  in
                           UUOSYM.MAC.   The  left  half  of  this   word
                           (DN.DOB)  contains  the  object  type  of  the
                           destination  process,  and  the   right   half
                           (DN.SOB)  contains  the  object  type  for the
                           source process.  If a non-zero format type  is
                           used for transmission, this entire word is 0.


         4      .DNSTA     Contains the status of  the  link.   The  left
                           half     (DN.LSW)    contains    the    binary
                           representation of the link  status  (refer  to
                           Volume  2).   The right half (DN.STA) contains
                           the two-letter status of the link, in  SIXBIT.
                           These status symbols are:

                           Symbol     Meaning

                           CF         No confidence
                           CM         No communication
                           CR         Connect received
                           CS         Connect sent
                           CW         Connect wait
                           DC         Disconnect confirmed
                           DR         Disconnect received
                           DS         Disconnect sent
                           LK         No link
                           NR         No resources
                           RJ         Remote node rejected
                                      connect initiate message
                           RN         Link is running

         5      .DNQUO     Quota  word,  where  the  left  half  (DN.QUI)
                           contains  the  input quota, and the right half
                           (DN.QUO)  contains   the   output   quota   of
                           outstanding messages allowed on the link.

         6      .DNSEG     Contains the segment size.

         7      .DNFLO     Contains the flow control  option,  where  the
                           left  half  (DN.XMF)  is  the flow control for
                           transmission, and the right half  (DN.RCF)  is
                           the flow control for reception of messages.

         10     .DNMSG     Contains the message  count,  where  the  left
                           half  (DN.MRC) contains the number of messages
                           received, and the right half (DN.MXM) contains
                           the number of messages sent over the link.

         11     .DNMPR     Contains the monitor process or  the  terminal
                           number  of the job associated with the channel
                           number in .DNJCN.  If the job  number  is  -1,
                           this    words    contains   the   TTY   number
                           corresponding to the monitor process  NRTSER's



   The following example shows how the .DNSLS function might be  used  to
   obtain information about the first link for job 1, under step control.
   .DNSLN is the maximum block length for the function.

        MOVE    T1,[<.DNSLS>B17!DN.FLS!.DNSLN]  ;Link status, step 
                                                ; control
        MOVEM   T1,DNARG                        ;Save in arg block
        SETZM   DNARG+.DNJCN                    ;Start at first link
        MOVEI   T1,DNARG                        ;Point to arg block
        DNET.   T1,                             ;Ask for information
          HALT                                  ;Shouldn't happen

   At this point, the argument block should look like:

        DNARG:  DN.FLS!,.DNSLS>B17!.DNSLN       ;Flag word
                -1,,1                           ;NRTSER pseudo-job, 
                                                ; channel 1
                SIXBIT/THREE/                   ;Connected to node THREE
                27,,27                          ;NRT object type on both
                                                ; sides of the link
                240005,,'RN'                    ;Binary status,running 
                                                ; link
                10,,10                          ;10 credits either 
                                                ; direction
                100                             ;Segment size 
                2,,1                            ;Segment flow control,,no
                                                ; flow control
                2073,,1241                      ;Messages sent and 
                                                ; received
                110                             ;Link is NRT TTY110


   The ETHNT. monitor call allows you to develop custom protocols for the
   Ethernet   hardware.    Writing  software  using  the  function  codes
   described in Volume 2 gives you access to any device or system that is
   connected  to  the Ethernet.  Once your program accesses the device or
   system, data may be transmitted and received between  the  devices  or

   ETHNT. uses buffers called datagrams for information exchange over the
   Ethernet.  Datagrams are transmitted on logical communication channels
   called portals.  Portals uniquely identify particular Ethernet  users,
   by the portal ID.  Executing the Open User Portal function generates a
   portal  ID,  which  is  a  27-bit  long,  randomly  assigned   number.
   Information  associated  with each portal includes a protocol type and
   (optionally) one or more multicast addresses.  A multicast address  is
   an address meant for multiple destinations on the same Ethernet.


   A protocol  type  indicates  to  the  Ethernet  the  type  of  network
   communications  associated  with the portal.  Decimal values from 0 to
   65535 are interpreted as protocol types.  Each protocol type must  not
   be  associated  with any other existing portals in the system.  If the
   type contains -1, then the portal has no protocol type associated with
   it.   If  the  type  contains -2, promiscuous mode is enabled.  If the
   protocol type contains -3, the Ethernet  assigns  the  value  "Unknown
   Protocol Type Queue" to the portal.  This queue receives messages that
   do not match any enabled protocol type.   Types  -2  and  -3  are  not

   5.5.1  Transmitting and Receiving Information

   When you queue a receive or transmit buffer  (ETHNT. functions  .ETQRB
   and  .ETQXB,  respectively), you must include a user buffer descriptor
   list (also called a descriptor block) that contains information  about
   the  buffer.   The  .ETUBL  argument  for these functions contains the
   address of this buffer descriptor list.  When you read the transmit or
   receive queues (ETHNT. functions .ETRRQ and .ETRXQ, respectively), you
   must also include the address of the buffer descriptor list.

   Each of these descriptor blocks contains a status word, .UBSTS.   This
   word  indicates  when  a  buffer  has  been  transmitted  or  received
   successfully.  If a failure occurred, the word indicates the nature of
   the  failure.   You  should examine this word upon the completion of a
   transmit or receive.

   The format of the User Buffer Descriptor Block is:

        Word    Symbol      Contents

          0     .UBNXT      Address of the next user buffer descriptor.

          1     .UBBID      User buffer ID.

          2     .UBSTS      User buffer status.  This may return with the
                            flag  UB.ERR, indicating an error occurred in
                            transmitting or receiving the buffer.  UB.ECD
                            in  this  word contains the error code if the
                            error flag is set.

          3     .UBBSZ      Length of the datagram (in bytes).

          4     .UBBFA      A byte pointer to the datagram.

          6     .UBPTY      Protocol type.

          7     .UBDEA      A two-word Ethernet destination address.

         11     .UBSEA      A two-word Ethernet source address.


   The User Buffer descriptor block has a length of  13;  .UBLEN  is  the
   symbol for block length.

   An example of the ETHNT.   queue  receive  buffers  function  follows.
   This  function  includes  returns  from .ETRRQ, the Read Receive Queue

                XMOVEI    ac,addr
                ETHNT.    ac
                  error return
                normal return

        addr:   .ETQRB,,3                       ;Function,,block length
                portal ID                       ;Portal ID
                UBL                             ;Address of buffer 
                                                ; descriptor list

        UBL:    0                               ;Address of next buffer 
                                                ; descriptor list
                buffer ID                       ;Returned on .ETRRQ 
                                                ; function
                0                               ;Status, returned on 
                                                ; .ETRRQ
                1000                            ;Datagram length in bytes
                POINT 8,DGM                     ;Byte pointer
                0                               ;Protocol type, returned 
                                                ; on .ETRRQ
                0                               ;Destination Ethernet 
                0                               ; addr,returned on .ETRRQ
                0                               ;Source Ethernet addr,
                0                               ; returned on .ETRRQ

        DGM:    BLOCK <1000+3>/4                ;Space for datagram

   5.5.2  Returned Channel Information

   When you request the Read Channel Information function (.ETRCI) or the
   Read Channel Counters function (.ETRCC), ETHNT.  returns a buffer that
   contains the requested information.  The  buffers  are  different  for
   each  function.   The  returned information will be at the address you
   specified in the .ETBFA word of the function.  You specify the  buffer
   length  (in  words)  in  the  .ETBFL  word of the function.  (Refer to
   Volume 2 for a description of these words.)


   The form of the return buffer for .ETRCI is:

        Word    Symbol      Contents

          0     .EICNM      The Ethernet channel number.

          1     .EICEA      The current (two-word) Ethernet address.

   The form of the return buffer for .ETRCC is:

        Word    Symbol      Contents

          0     .ECCSZ      Seconds since the counters were last zeroed.

          1     .ECCBR      Number of bytes received.

          2     .ECCBX      Number of bytes transmitted.

          3     .ECCDR      Datagrams received.

          4     .ECCDX      Datagrams transmitted.

          5     .ECCMB      Multicast bytes received.

          6     .ECCMD      Multicast datagrams received.

          7     .ECCXD      Datagrams transmitted, but initially

         10     .ECCX1      Datagrams transmitted, single collision.  A
                            collision occurs when two station's
                            transmissions overlap.

         11     .ECCXM      Datagrams transmitted, multiple collisions.

         12     .ECCXF      Transmit failures.

         13     .ECCXX      The transmit failures bit mask.  The bits

                            Bit   Symbol    Meaning

                            28    EC.XCL    Carrier was lost.
                            29    EC.XBP    Transmit buffer parity error.
                            30    EC.XFD    Remote failure to defer.
                            31    EC.XFL    Transmitted frame too long.
                            32    EC.XOC    Open circuit.
                            33    EC.XSC    Short circuit.
                            34    EC.XCC    Collision    detect     check
                            35    EC.XEC    Excessive collisions.


         14     .ECCRF      Receive failures.

         15     .ECCRX      The receive failures bit mask.  The bits are:

                            Bit   Symbol    Meaning

                            31    EC.RFP    Free list parity error.
                            32    EC.RNB    No free buffers.
                            33    EC.RFL    Frame too long.
                            34    EC.RFE    Framing error.
                            35    EC.RBC    Block check error.

         16     .ECCUD      Unrecognized frame destination.

         17     .ECCDO      Data overrun.

         20     .ECCSU      System buffer unavailable.

         21     .ECCUU      User datagram buffer unavailable.

   5.5.3  Returned Portal Information

   When you request the Read Portal Information function (.ETRPI) or  the
   Read  Portal  Counters  function  (.ETRPC),  ETHNT.   returns a buffer
   containing the  information.   The  buffers  are  different  for  each
   function.   The  returned  information  will  be  at  the  address you
   specified in the .ETBFA word  of  the  function  you  requested.   You
   specify  the  buffer  length  (in  words)  in  the .ETBFL word of that
   function as well.

   The format of the returned Read Portal Information buffer is:

        Word    Symbol      Meaning

          0     .EIPCJ      Job Context Handle (JCH) of the portal owner.

          1     .EIPPI      Protocol identification word.

          2     .EIPCS      Channel status word.

          3     .EIPKC      Controller status word.


   The returned buffer for a Read Portal Counters has the format:

        Word    Symbol      Meaning

          0     .ECPSZ      Seconds since the counters were last zeroed.

          1     .ECPBR      Bytes received.

          2     .ECPDR      Datagrams received.

          3     .ECPBX      Bytes transmitted.

          4     .ECPDX      Datagrams transmitted.

          5     .ECPUU      User datagram buffer unavailable.

   5.5.4  Returned Controller Information

   When you request the Read Controller Information function (.ETRKI)  or
   the  Read  Controller  Counters  function  (.ETRKC), ETHNT.  returns a
   buffer that contains  the  requested  information.   The  buffers  are
   different  for each function.  The returned information will be at the
   address you specified in the .ETBFA word of the function.  You specify
   the buffer length (in words) in the .ETBFL word of the function.

   The buffer returned for a Read Controller Information request is:

        Word    Symbol      Meaning

          0     .EIKCS      Channel status word.

          1     .EIKCP      CPU number of controller.

          2     .EIKTY      Controller type.  A value of 1 (EI.KNI) is
                            returned for an NIA20 interface.

          3     .EIKNO      Controller number.

          4     .EIKHA      A two-word Ethernet hardware address.


   The buffer returned for a Read Controller Counters request is:

        Word    Symbol      Contents

          0     .ECKSZ      Seconds since the counters were last zeroed.

          1     .ECKBR      Number of bytes received.

          2     .ECKBX      Number of bytes transmitted.

          3     .ECKDR      Datagrams received.

          4     .ECKDX      Datagrams transmitted.

          5     .ECKMB      Multicast bytes received.

          6     .ECKMD      Multicast datagrams received.

          7     .ECKXD      Datagrams transmitted, but initially

         10     .ECKX1      Datagrams transmitted, single collision.

         11     .ECKXM      Datagrams transmitted, multiple collisions.

         12     .ECKXF      Transmit failures.

         13     .ECKXX      The transmit failures bit mask.  The bits are
                            listed in Section 5.5.2

         14     .ECKRF      Receive failures.

         15     .ECKRX      The receive failures bit mask.  The bits are
                            listed in Section 5.5.2

         16     .ECKUD      Unrecognized frame destination.

         17     .ECKDO      Data overrun.

         20     .ECKSU      System buffer unavailable.

         21     .ECKUU      User datagram buffer unavailable.



                                 CHAPTER 6


   Assembly language programs can handle errors and  interrupt  execution
   when specific conditions occur, using the following methods:

         o  Trapping an error and  jumping  to  a  trap-service  routine.
            Traps  can  be  set  for  several  kinds of errors, including
            illegal  memory  references,  pushdown  list  overflows,  and
            arithmetic overflows (generally CPU conditions).

         o  Intercepting specific kinds  of  errors.   The  monitor  then
            transfers  control to a predefined address for error handling
            (generally I/O conditions).

         o  Using the  software  interrupt  facility.   The  program  can
            define  any or all of a wide variety of interrupt conditions;
            when one of these conditions occurs,  the  monitor  transfers
            control to a predefined address for interrupt handling.

   Traps are synchronous events that often occur in the normal  execution
   of a program (for example, a context switch).  After a trap, the PC is
   predictable.  A UUO, for  example,  causes  a  trap  to  the  monitor.
   Interrupts,  however,  are  asynchronous conditions caused by external
   events, interrupting program execution because of a specific change in
   a  condition  or  word.   After  an  interrupt,  the PC is usually not
   predictable.  For example, if the interrupt  occurs  during  I/O  that
   takes multiple instructions, the program can only detect the interrupt
   after I/O is completed.

   This  chapter  describes  methods  for  handling  halts,  errors,  and
   software   conditions   in   a   TOPS-10  assembly  language  program.
   Throughout this chapter, the term "interrupt" refers  to  a  condition
   produced  by  the  software interrupt facility as opposed to the CPU's
   hardware interrupt system.  Using the  software  interrupt  system  is
   more versatile than trapping and intercepting errors.



           APRENB  traps  and  the  .JBINT  intercept  block  are
           supported  for Section 0 programs only.  Programs that
           require error handling and  interrupting  in  non-zero
           sections  must  use  the Programmed Software Interrupt
           (PSI) system.


   Your program can trap errors by  using  the  APRENB  monitor  call  to
   enable  certain  kinds  of  traps and then handle the traps that occur
   with special trap-servicing routines.

   To set an APRENB trap, your program must:

        1.  Place the address of the  trap-service  routine  in  location
            .JBAPR in the job data area.

        2.  Enable one or more conditions  for  trapping  by  issuing  an
            APRENB monitor call.

        3.  Include a trap  service  routine  at  the  address  given  in
            .JBAPR.   This  routine  should  test  to see which condition
            occurred, and (if the program is to  regain  control)  should
            end with the following instruction:

                 JRSTF @.JBTPC 

            This instruction clears the  bits  that  indicated  the  trap
            condition, restores the state of the processor, and continues
            the program.

   APRENB traps can be set  to  handle  the  following  conditions.   The
   address specified in the error messages is your current PC.

         o  Pushdown list overflows.  If your program does not trap these
            overflows, the monitor stops the job and prints:

                 ?Pushdown list overflow at user PC address

         o  Illegal memory references.  If your  program  does  not  trap
            these violations, the monitor stops your job and prints:

                 ?Illegal memory reference at user PC address

            Or, if the reference is from your program's PC:

                 ?PC out of bounds at user PC address


         o  References to nonexistent memory.  If your program  does  not
            trap these references, the monitor stops your job and prints

                 ?Non-existent memory at user PC address

         o  Memory parity errors.  If your program does  not  trap  these
            errors, the monitor stops the job and prints:

                 ?Memory parity error at user PC address

         o  Clock ticks while the program is running.   These  conditions
            are  not errors, and the monitor does not expect your program
            to trap them.

         o  Floating-point and arithmetic  overflows.   If  your  program
            does  not  trap  these  overflows,  the  monitor  ignores the
            condition and continues your job.  A condition such  as  this
            can  cause  a hazardous situation for your program that could
            result in fatal errors later in execution.

            If you are  using  APRENB  to  trap  for  floating  point  or
            arithmetic  overflows, and the condition occurs in a non-zero
            section, the monitor stops the job and prints:

                 ?Arithmetic overflow at extended user PC address

            The  UTRP. call  is  the  preferred   method   for   handling
            arithmetic overflows.

   When an enabled  trap  condition  occurs,  the  monitor  performs  the
   following functions:

        1.  Leaves a bit mask of conditions in .JBCNI  in  the  job  data
            area.  The bit mask is the same as the APRENB bits

        2.  Moves the current program counter (PC) to the location .JBTPC
            in  the  job  data  area,  clearing  the  floating  point and
            arithmetic overflow flags.  Note that the PC at this time  is
            pointing  to  the next instruction to be executed and not the
            instruction that caused the trap.  If this PC points  to  the
            first  or second instruction in the trap service routine, the
            monitor stops your job.

        3.  Transfers control to the address given in location .JBAPR  in
            the  job  data area.  This is the address you have set as the
            beginning of the trap service routine.

   In general, each time a  trap  occurs  the  monitor  clears  the  trap
   conditions  that your program set.  To enable repetitive trapping, you
   must set the AP.REN bit when executing the APRENB monitor call.   This
   repetitive-enable   does   not   affect  clock-tick  traps.   To  trap
   consecutive clock ticks, your program must  explicitly  re-enable  the
   trap condition.



   For specific kinds of errors, the monitor intercepts control  of  your
   program  automatically.   Your  program  can allow the monitor to take
   some default action  for  these  intercepts,  or  it  can  handle  the
   intercepts  with  a special intercept block.  This block allows you to
   accept or suppress the monitor's error  message  for  the  encountered
   error condition.

   The errors that the monitor intercepts in this way are:

         o  Fatal errors in your job's execution.  If  these  errors  are
            not  intercepted,  they  abort  your  job;  the job cannot be
            continued.  The possible error messages are:

                 ?Illegal UUO at user PC address
                 ?Address check at user PC address
                 ?PC out of bounds at user PC address

            You can add APRENB error traps to your program or enable  the
            software  interrupt  system  and  re-execute  the  program to
            determine the exact cause of the error.

         o  Jobs running past their time  limits  (nonbatch  jobs  only).
            This  occurs when a job runs longer than the limit set by the
            SET TIME command.  The error message is:

                 ?Time limit exceeded

            You can issue the SET TIME command again, altering your job's
            time  limit,  and  then  use  the  CONTINUE  or START monitor
            command to restart your program.

         o  Requests for space that would exceed your  disk  quota.   The
            error message is:

                 [Exceeding quota on str]

            Where:  str is the name of the relevant file structure.   You
                    must delete some files from your disk area before the
                    program can execute properly.

         o  Requests for space on a file structure that  is  full.   Your
            job must wait until some blocks are freed on the structure.

         o  CTRL/Cs typed from the  controlling  terminal.   The  monitor
            normally stops your program and puts your terminal in monitor
            mode.  No message is displayed.


         o  Device errors that the  operator  can  correct,  such  as  an
            offline disk.  The error message is:

                 Device dev OPRnn Action requested

            Where:  dev is the name of the relevant device.

                    nn is the number of the node where the operator  must
                    take action.

            The operator at that node receives  a  message  stating  that
            there  is  a problem on the device.  After fixing the device,
            the operator can continue your job by typing JCONTINUE.  This
            generates the following message to your job:

                 Cont by opr

            The function of JCONTINUE is automatically performed  by  the
            monitor once a minute.

   The bits that affect the monitor's handling of  these  conditions  are
   described in Table 6-1.

   6.2.1  Using the .JBINT Intercept Block

   To intercept these conditions, your program must:

        1.  Place the address of an intercept block in location .JBINT in
            the job data area.

        2.  Contain an intercept block at the address placed in .JBINT.

   As with APRENB traps,  .JBINT  traps  should  resume  the  interrupted
   program (if desired) by using a JRSTF, where the return address is the
   interrupted PC as stored by the monitor in the trap  block  at  offset
   .EROPC.   Again,  as  with  APRENB,  the stored PC may or may not have
   anything to do with the intercept condition.

   The intercept block contains the address to which  control  is  to  be
   transferred  to  handle the intercept, a message control bit, and bits
   specifying which errors are to be  intercepted.   The  format  of  the
   intercept block is given in Table 6-1.


   Table 6-1:  Format of .JBINT Intercept Block


     Word    Symbol      Contents

     0       .ERNPC      Length and new PC, where the left half of this
                         word  is  the  length of the block (at least 3
                         words), and the right half is the new  PC  for
                         the intercept-handling routine.

     1       .ERCLS      Intercept message  control  and  class  flags.
                         Bit  0  (ER.MSG)  suppresses the error message
                         that the monitor  displays  by  default.   The
                         class flags are:

                         Flag   Symbol    Error

                          29    ER.EIJ    Error in job.
                          30    ER.TLX    Time limit exceeded.
                          31    ER.QEX    Disk quota exceeded.
                          32    ER.FUL    File structure full.
                          33    ER.OFL    Disk unit off line.
                          34    ER.ICC    CTRL/C typed.
                          35    ER.IDV    Problem with device.

     2       .EROPC      Old PC.  This location must  be  zero  in  the
                         intercept  block,  unless you want the monitor
                         to stop your job.  The monitor fills this word
                         with   the  interrupt  PC  when  an  intercept

     3       .ERCCL      When an intercept occurs,  the  monitor  fills
                         this word with the channel number in the right
                         half and the class of error that  occurred  in
                         the  left  half.   The  class flags are listed
                         under  _.ERCLS,  with  18  added  to  the  bit

   For each type of error condition, there is an associated  class  flag.
   The monitor examines the class flags in .ERCLS and .EROPC to determine
   whether to interrupt your program or to stop  the  job.   The  monitor
   interrupts  your  program  for  an  error  if  your  program  sets the
   appropriate flag in .ERCLS, and .EROPC is zero.  It stops your job  if
   you clear the appropriate flag in .ERCLS or if .EROPC is non-zero.

   When the monitor interrupts your program, it returns  the  interrupted
   PC  in  .EROPC  and  the  reason for the intercept in .ERCCL.  Then it
   restarts your job at the location specified in .ERNPC.


   6.2.2  Examples of Error Intercepts

   The following example intercepts CTRL/Cs.  The user is returned to the
   monitor level as quickly as possible.

           LOC     .JBINT             ;Set pointer to .JBINT
           EXP     INTBLK             ;Address of intercept block
           RELOC                      ;Resume relocatable

   INTBLK: XWD     4,INTLOC           ;4 words long,,handler address
           EXP     ER.ICC             ;Intercept CTRL/Cs
           BLOCK   2                  ;For returned data

   ;Intercept routine starts here.

   INTLOC: MOVEM   AC1,TEMP##         ;Save AC1
           MOVSI   AC1,ER.ICC         ;Get CTRL/C bit
           TDNN    AC1,INTBLK+.ERCCL  ;Was this a CTRL/C?
           HALT                       ;No

   ;Here if it was a CTRL/C.
   ;At this point the program should release any special resources,
   ; taking care to be quick and not to loop.

           . . .
           MONRT.                     ;Return to monitor

   ;Here if user CONTINUEs.

           MOVE    AC1,INTBLK+.EROPC  ;Get continuation PC
           EXCH    AC1,TEMP           ;Restore AC1
           SETZM   INTBLK+.EROPC      ;Clear to allow another intercept
           JRSTF   @TEMP              ;Resume where program stopped

   The following  example  shows  how  to  enable  and  handle  a  CTRL/C
   intercept, preventing the user from returning to monitor mode:

           LOC     .JBINT             ;Set pointer to .JBINT
           EXP     INTBLK             ;Address of intercept block
           RELOC                      ;Resume relocatable

   INTBLK: XWD     4,INTLOC           ;4 words long,,handler address
           EXP     ER.ICC             ;Intercept CTRL/Cs
           BLOCK   2                  ;For returned data


   ;Intercept routine starts here.

   INTLOC: SKIPN   CCEXIT             ;Can program be interrupted by
                                      ; CTRL/C?
           JRST    EXITOK             ;Yes, go clean up and exit
           SETOM   CCSEEN             ;Set flag that we saw a CTRL/C
           PUSH    P,INTBLK+.EROPC    ;Put interrupt PC in stack
           SETZM   INTBLK+.EROPC      ;Reenable intercept
           POPJ    P,                 ;Return to interrupted PC

   CCEXIT: EXP     -1                 ;Flag set non-zero if a CTRL/C
                                      ;May not interrupt execution

   CCSEEN: EXP     0                  ;Flag set non-zero by INTLOC
                                      ; if a CTRL/C was typed and
                                      ; CCEXIT was non-zero.

   EXITOK: SETZM   INTBLK+.EROPC      ;Here if it was OK to interrupt
                                      ; execution of the program. Do
                                      ; any cleanup and exit.


   Your job can use software interrupts that  are  generated  by  a  wide
   variety of conditions.  These interrupts allow your program to respond
   to external conditions and to requests for error servicing.

   Most interrupts occur after  the  execution  of  one  instruction  and
   before  the  execution  of  the  next.   (It  is  possible for certain
   multiple-operation  instructions,  such  as  BLT  and  ILDB,   to   be
   interrupted before processing is completed.)

   When an interrupt condition occurs, the monitor  first  determines  if
   this  type  of  condition  is  to  cause  a  transfer of control to an
   interrupt servicing routine.  If a transfer  is  to  take  place,  the
   monitor  transfers control to the location specified by your program's
   interrupt control block.  If a transfer is  not  to  take  place,  the
   condition's   default  action  occurs.   Figure  6-1  illustrates  the
   software interrupt process.


             PROGRAM (USER)                           INTERRUPT
                 LEVEL                                  LEVEL
          |   User program  |
          |    Interrupt    |
          |    condition    |
          |      occurs     |
            /  ====|====  \                 =============================
           /   Did user    \       YES      | The interrupt servicing   |
          / enable for this \  -----------> | routine, designated by    |
          \    interrupt    /               | the appropriate interrupt |
           \   condition   /                | control block             |
            \  =========  /                 =============================
                   |                                       |
                   | NO                                    |
                   |                                       |
                   V                                       |
          ====================                             |
          | Take default     |                             |
          | action/          |                             |
          | (do nothing/     |                             |
          | stop job/        |                             |
          | print error      |                             |
          | message)         |                             |
          ====================                             |
                   |                                       |
                   |                                       |
          =========|==========                  ===========|==========
          | User program     |                  | DEBRK monitor call |
          ====================                  ======================

   Figure 6-1:  The Software Interrupt Process

   When a transfer of control takes place, the monitor transfers  control
   to  your program's interrupt servicing routine.  This action is called
   granting an interrupt request.


   After an interrupt request has been granted, your program operates  at
   interrupt  level  until  it  issues  the  DEBRK. monitor call.  DEBRK.
   dismisses the interrupt  servicing  routine  and  causes  any  pending
   interrupt  requests  to  be  granted  by the monitor.  If there are no
   pending interrupt requests, your program is restarted at the point  of
   interruption  as  though  no  interrupt had occurred.  However, if the
   location containing the interrupted PC is changed during the interrupt
   handling,  your  program  will return to a different location.  If the
   interrupt occurred  during  the  processing  of  a  multiple-operation
   instruction,  such as BLT, and the location containing the interrupted
   PC is changed, the remainder of the instruction is not completed.

   When the monitor grants an  interrupt  request,  the  conditions  that
   caused  the  interrupt  are  not  changed.   If  the interrupt service
   routine that  gains  control  after  the  interrupt  does  no  further
   processing  but only issues the DEBRK. monitor call, the result is the
   same as if the interrupt had not occurred.  The  monitor  performs  no
   special action on the condition (such as stopping a job on CTRL/C).

   If an error interrupt occurs while the monitor is executing a  monitor
   call  for  your  program, the call is terminated.  The only conditions
   that can cause interrupts during monitor  call  processing  are  error
   conditions  in the calls.  All other interrupt conditions (such as I/O
   completion) are deferred until the monitor call takes the error return
   or normal return.

   To use software interrupts, your program must perform the following:

        1.  Initialize the software interrupt system.  To  do  this,  use
            the  PIINI. UUO.   PIINI.   specifies  the base address of an
            interrupt vector.  The vector contains  one  or  more  4-word
            interrupt  control blocks, which control the PSI system.  The
            PIINI. UUO clears  any  previous  software  interrupt  system
            established by the program.

        2.  Turn on the  PSI  system  with  the  PISYS. UUO.   This  call
            describes the conditions on which your program wishes control
            to be passed to an interrupt service routine and  the  offset
            to   the  appropriate  interrupt  control  block  within  the
            interrupt vector specified in PIINI.

        3.  Contain an interrupt service routine to handle the  specified
            interrupts.  If control is to return to the main program, the
            interrupt service routine should  end  with  the  DEBRK. UUO.
            DEBRK. dismisses  the  software interrupt and returns control
            to the location where the interrupt occurred.  Unlike  APRENB
            and  .JBINT  trapping,  you should not resume the interrupted
            program by using a JRSTF instruction.


   6.3.1  PSI Monitor Calls

   The following monitor  calls  are  provided  to  allow  you  to  write
   programmed interrupt service routines:

         o  PIINI.  and PISYS.

            To initialize the PSI  system  for  your  program,  you  must
            specify  the  PIINI. UUO.   You can specify extended (30-bit)
            addressing format by setting the PS.IEA  bit  in  PIINI.   To
            specify  the  conditions for interruption and the location of
            the interrupt handling routine, use PISYS. UUO.

         o  PIFLG.

            The PIFLG. UUO allows you to read or write PC  flags  at  the
            time  of  the interrupt.  Use PIFLG.  when you have specified
            extended addressing in PIINI..  No flags are stored in the PC
            when extended addressing is in use.

         o  PIJBI.

            The PIJBI. UUO allows you to interrupt  another  job  or  JCH
            (Job  Context  Handle).  The job you intend to interrupt must
            be enabled for the cross-interrupt (non-I/O)  condition.   If
            that  job  is  currently  handling  an  interrupt, the PIJBI.
            interrupt will fail,  and  your  program  should  repeat  its
            attempt to interrupt the job.

         o  PITMR.

            The program can be written to receive an  interrupt  after  a
            specified amount of time.  You must enable .PCTMR interrupts,
            and then use the PITMR. UUO to specify  the  amount  of  time
            after which to interrupt your job.

         o  PIBLK.

            Your program  can  examine  the  location  of  its  interrupt
            control  block  when an interrupt is in progress by using the
            PIBLK. UUO.  This is usually used by library modules that  do
            not  have direct control over the PSI vector and need to find
            out where it is.

         o  PISAV.  and PIRST.

            Some programs may need to save and restore the  PSI  system's
            data  base.   For  example,  this  may  be  used when calling
            another program using a GETSEG call, and the  called  program
            also wishes to use the PSI system.


            The PISAV. UUO returns the entire monitor data base  for  the
            PSI  system  to the program.  This data base can be saved for
            reloading by using the PIRST. UUO,  or  can  be  analyzed  to
            construct  reports.  The PISAV. UUO clears the current system
            after returning it to the program.  Any interrupt  conditions
            that  may  have  occurred  between the PISAV.  and associated
            PIRST.  call are lost.

            The PIRST. monitor call restores (to the  monitor)  the  data
            base  for  the PSI system; this data base is the one that was
            saved by a PISAV. call.  The monitor checks the format of the
            restored block for consistency.

   6.3.2  Interrupt Control Block

   The interrupt control block is the controller of the PSI system.   The
   control block keeps track of the following:

         o  The instruction that would have been executed next  when  the
            interrupt occurred.

         o  The location of the interrupt service routine to be used  for
            processing the current interrupt.

         o  The reason for the current interrupt.

   Your program can associate more than one interrupt condition with  one
   interrupt  control block.  But the preferred usage is for your program
   to associate only one interrupt condition with  an  interrupt  control
   block.  An interrupt control block is represented in Figure 6-2.

   0                           17 18                           35
   |                          New PC                            |  .PSVNP
   |                          Old PC                            |  .PSVOP
   |         Control flags       |           Reason             |  .PSVFL
   |                        Status word                         |  .PSVIS

   Figure 6-2:  Interrupt Control Block


   Where:  new PC is the location of the interrupt servicing  routine  to
           be  used  for  processing  the  current  interrupt.  This is a
           30-bit PC if you set PS.IEA in the PIINI. UUO.  Otherwise, the
           left half is ignored.

           old PC is the current contents of the program counter.  If you
           set  PS.IEA  in the PIINI. UUO, this is a 30-bit PC.  You must
           use the PIFLG. UUO to read or  write  the  flags.   Otherwise,
           .PSVOP  contains  an 18-bit PC and flags.  This value is equal
           to the address of the instruction after the location  in  your
           program  where the interrupt occurred.  If your program was in
           the process of executing  a  monitor  call  when  the  program
           received  the  interrupt,  old  PC contains the address of the
           call's return location (either error return or normal return).
           If,  because  there  was  an  error condition in the call, the
           monitor call was terminated by the monitor,  old  PC  contains
           the  address  of  the  monitor  call,  instead  of  its return
           address.  This value is where your program will be resumed  at
           the  execution  of  a DEBRK. call.  You can change the flow of
           the program by changing this value to another location  within
           the program.

           control flags  are  indicators  specifying  the  circumstances
           under  which  an  interrupt  is  to  occur  as well as how the
           monitor should treat the interrupt level code.  This  is  what
           to  do  with  other,  possibly  unrelated, interrupts while at
           interrupt level (refer to Table 6-2).

           reason is the type of interrupt condition that  has  occurred.
           If  BIT 18 is 0, refer to Table 6-3.  If Bit 18 is 1, refer to
           Table 6-4.

           status word  contains  status  information  pertinent  to  the
           condition  causing the interrupt.  The information returned in
           the status word depends  on  the  condition  that  caused  the
           interrupt.   For  I/O  conditions  (see Table 6-3), the status
           word is returned as:

                0             17 18             35
                |      UDX      |   File status  |

                Where:  udx is the Universal Device Index for the  device
                        specified  in  the interrupt condition.  For disk
                        devices, this is the channel number.

                        file status is the  file  status  word  (same  as
                        result of GETSTS monitor call).


   If your program is enabled for interrupt conditions PS.RDO, PS.RIE, or
   PS.ROE  on a network device, the monitor signals that the network node
   is no longer accessible by storing the "input error," "output  error,"
   and  "device  offline" status bits in the status word of the interrupt
   control block.  Then the monitor generates the interrupt.   This  also
   occurs if I/O is attempted to a device on a CPU that has been DETACHed
   by the system operator.

   Table 6-2:  Control Flags


     Bit     Symbol      Meaning

     0                   Reserved for use by DIGITAL.

     1       PS.VPO      Disable  all  interrupts  until  your  program
                         re-enables  them by using the PISYS_.  monitor

     2       PS.VTO      Disable  all  interrupts  of  higher  priority
                         until  your  program issues a DEBRK_.  monitor

     3       PS.VAI      Allow additional interrupts.

     4       PS.VDS      Dismiss any additional interrupt requests  for
                         this  condition (Table 6-4) or device that are
                         received while an interrupt  is  in  progress.
                         This  bit  is  useful if the interrupt service
                         routine wants to perform functions that  would
                         cause another interrupt.

     5       PS.VPM      Print the standard message, if one is relevant
                         to this interrupt condition.

     6                   Reserved for use by DIGITAL.

   6.3.3  Interrupt Conditions

   The  interrupt  conditions  are  divided  into  two  categories:   I/O
   interrupts  and  non-I/O interrupts.  You can specify an I/O condition
   for any device.  The I/O conditions are  listed  in  Table  6-3.   The
   non-I/O conditions are listed in Table 6-4.


   Table 6-3:  I/O Interrupt Conditions


     Bit  Symbol   Meaning                Bit  Symbol   Meaning

     19   PS.RID   Input done             26   PS.RQE   Quota exceeded

     20   PS.ROD   Output done            27   PS.RWT   I/O wait

     21   PS.REF   End-of-file            28   PS.ROL   Device on line

     22   PS.RIE   Input error            29   PS.RRC   RIB has changed

     23   PS.ROE   Output error           30   PS.RDH   Device hung

     24   PS.RDO   Device off line        31   PS.RSW   Reel switch

     25   PS.RDF   Device full            32   PS.RIA   Input available

   Table 6-4:  Non-I/O Interrupt Conditions


     Code  Symbol    Meaning

      -1   .PCTLE    Not applicable to batch  jobs.   Your  job's  time
                     limit   has   been   exceeded.    The  runtime  in
                     milliseconds for  your  job  is  returned  in  the
                     status  word.   You can issue the SET TIME command
                     to alter your job's time limit.

      -2   .PCTMR    A timer interrupt occurred.

      -3   .PCSTP    You issued a CTRL/C.  If your job is  in  terminal
                     input  wait  state when this interrupt occurs, the
                     monitor returns a 1 in Bit 0 of the  status  word.
                     If  the  interrupt  routine  issues a DEBRK.  call
                     without altering the new PC, the program will  not
                     return  to  terminal input wait but will resume at
                     the PC following the monitor call that caused  the
                     terminal input wait.  This may not be desirable in
                     some applications.


      -4   .PCUUO    A monitor call is  about  to  be  processed.   The
                     status  word  contains  the  monitor call that was
                     intercepted.  If the interrupt  routine  issues  a
                     DEBRK.   call  without  altering  the  old PC, the
                     program will return  to  the  intercepted  monitor
                     call  and another interrupt will occur.  Note that
                     the only way to have  the  monitor  call  actually
                     processed  by  the  monitor  is  for the interrupt
                     routine to execute the call  itself.   You  cannot
                     use .PCUUO to trap any of the PSISER UUOs (such as
                     PIINI., PISYS., and DEBRK.).

      -5   .PCIUU    An illegal monitor call has  been  executed.   The
                     status word contains the illegal monitor call.

      -6   .PCIMR    An illegal memory location  has  been  referenced.
                     The  status  word  contains  the illegal effective

      -7   .PCACK    An address check has occurred.   The  status  word
                     contains the device name.

     -10   .PCARI    An arithmetic exception has occurred.

     -11   .PCPDL    A push-down list overflow has occurred.

     -12   .PCNSP    One of the following occurred on  DECnet:   DECnet
                     data  became  available,  there was a logical link
                     status change, or interrupt data became available.
                     Refer  to  Chapter  5  for  information  about the
                     NSP. UUO.

     -13   .PCNXM    A   non-existent   memory   location   has    been

     -14   .PCAPC    A line frequency clock tick occurred.  The  status
                     word  contains the universal date/time word.  This
                     occurs only when your  job  is  actually  running;
                     this does not occur every clock tick.

     -15   .PCUEJ    A fatal error has occurred in your job.

     -16   .PCXEJ    An external condition has caused a fatal error  in
                     your job.

     -17   .PCKSY    A KSYS warning  has  occurred.   The  status  word
                     contains the minutes left until KSYS.

     -20   .PCDSC    The dataset status has changed.  The  status  word
                     contains the new dataset status.


     -21   .PCDAT    Either an ATTACH or DETACH monitor call  has  been
                     executed.   If  DETACH, the status word contains a
                     -1;  if  ATTACH,  the  status  word  contains  the
                     terminal's Universal Device Index.

     -22   .PCWAK    A WAKE monitor call was executed.  The status word
                     contains the job number of the program that issued
                     the wake.  This interrupt is  given  only  if  the
                     WAKE  monitor  call  was actually issued while the
                     job was hibernating.

     -23   .PCABK    An address-break condition occurred.

     -24   .PCIPC    Your job has received an IPCF packet in its  input
                     queue.   The  status  word contains the associated
                     variable:  the length of the packet  in  the  left
                     half,  and  the  flag word in the right half.  The
                     IPCF  communications  facility  is  described   in
                     Chapter 7.

     -25   .PCDVT    A DECnet event occurred.  The status word contains
                     flags ( indicating the event.

     -26   .PCQUE    An ENQ/DEQ resource is  available  for  ownership.
                     The  status  word  contains  the request-id of the
                     request that was granted.   If  multiple  requests
                     were  granted,  the  request-ids are ORed into the
                     status  word.   Refer  to  Chapter  8   for   more

     -27   .PCNET    The ANF-10 network topology has changed.  If  your
                     program receives this interrupt, it should issue a
                     NODE. monitor call to determine the state  of  the
                     network.  This interrupt is useful for determining
                     when a network node goes offline or comes  online.
                     This  event  occurs  only  in  the  ANF-10 network

     -30   .PCJBI    A  PIJBI. UUO  was  executed.   The  status   word
                     contains  the  job  number or JCH in the left half
                     and the value sent in the right half.

     -31   .PCDTC    A date/time  change  occurred.   The  status  word
                     contains  the universal date and time offset to be

     -32   .PCOOB    An out-of-band character was received.  The status
                     word  contains either the character and the udx of
                     the TTY, or 400000,,udx.

     -33   .PCRC1    Reserved for customer use.


     -34   .PCRC2    Reserved for customer use.

     -35   .PCSCS    An SCS. event occurred.  Returned flags  take  the
                     form  SC%xxx.   See  the description of the .SSSTS
                     word of the SCS. monitor call in Volume  2  for  a
                     list of the flags.

     -36   .PCETH    An Ethernet event occurred.  Flags returned are in
                     the  form   See  the  description  of the
                     .ETPSW word of the ETHNT. monitor call in Volume 2
                     for a list of the flags.

     -37   .PCLLM    An LLMOP event occurred.  No flags are returned.

     -40   .PCLVT    A  LAT  event   occurred.    A   request   for   a
                     host-initiated  connection  has  been  accepted or
                     rejected.   See  the  description  of  the  .LARHC
                     function of the LATOP. monitor call in Volume 2.

   When an interrupt is granted  to  a  program,  the  interrupt  routine
   should  investigate  all  possible  causes for the interrupt.  This is
   necessary because the amount of time that elapses  between  the  event
   and  the  actual granting of the interrupt varies with system load and
   various scheduling parameters.  For example, a  single  interrupt  for
   network   topology  change  (.PCNET)  could  represent  several  nodes
   appearing online or going offline.

   It is possible for a condition enabled by a  program  to  occur  under
   circumstances where the program could not be granted an interrupt.  In
   this case, the monitor acts as though the program were not enabled for
   these  interrupts.  This may cause the job to be stopped with an error
   message.  The reasons an interrupt cannot be granted immediately are:

         o  The condition was caused by either the page fault handler  or

         o  The interrupt system is not active (turned off).

         o  The condition occurred during an interrupt routine that is of
            equal or higher priority.

   If the PSI vector is not usable, the monitor will  halt  your  program
   and the following message will be displayed:

      ?PSI interrupt vector at addr, for CONDITION, DEVICE, is paged out,
                                          (symbol)  (name)     write-


   In the message, addr refers to the address of the illegal vector.  The
   condition symbol is the last three characters of the non-I/O condition
   as listed above (.PCxxx, where xxx is the symbol).

   If you run your program in a non-zero  section,  you  should  set  the
   PS.IEA  bit in the PIINI. UUO to allow interrupting.  If you have not,
   the monitor halts your program and displays the following  message  on
   an interrupt:

        ?Illegal non-zero section PSI interrupt at user PC addr

   6.3.4  Example Using Programmed Interrupts

   The following program shows how to use the PSI system to optimize disk
   I/O and compute-bound background activity:

   TITLE PIEXMP - Example of programmed interrupts

   ;This program writes a file containing the integers ; from 0 to 100000
   while  doing  a  compute-bound background ; task.  Because the program
   never blocks for I/O, ; it can use all of the available CPU  time.   ;
   By using the programmed interrupt system, it drives ; the disk at full

   SEARCH  UUOSYM                     ;Symbol definitions


   T1==1                              ;Work N==2 ;Number to write on disk

   ;I/O channels

   DSK=1                              ;Disk file


   START:  RESET                      ;Reset everything  MOVEI  T1,VECTOR
   ;Get address of PI vector block    PIINI.   T1,  ;Initialize PI system
     HALT  ;Not implemented           OPEN DSK,[UU.AIO+.IOBIN ;Open  disk
   for asynch binary output                 SIXBIT  /DSK/      XWD OB, 0]
     HALT  ;Can't write               MOVE      T1,[PS.FAC+[EXP       DSK
           XWD 0,PS.ROD               ;Offset,,output   done          EXP
   0]] ;Priority 0,,reserved          PISYS.  T1, ;Enable for output done
   on disk           HALT              ;Failed MOVEI N,0 ;Initialize N


   ;Here on an output-done interrupt or at start of program

   OUTDON: SOSGE   BYTECT             ;Room in this buffer?  JRST  DMPBUF
   ;No, go output buffer              IDPB  N,BYTEPT  ;Yes, store in this
   buffer  CAME    N,[^D100000]       ;Done?  AOJA N,OUTDON ;No, back for
   next number     CLOSE              DSK, ;Yes, close the disk file EXIT

   ;Here to output the buffer

   DMPBUF: OUT     DSK,               ;Write out the buffer   JRST OUTDON
   ;No errors and more buffers        STATZ   DSK,IO.ERR   ;Any   errors?
     HALT  ;Fatal I/O error

   ;Here all available buffers are full, so we want to go back  ; to  the
   background task.

           DEBRK.                     ;Dismiss the interrupt   HALT  ;Can
   never get here

   ;Here  if  no  interrupt  was  in  progress.   We   were   called   by
   ; initialization, and must now start the background task.

           MOVSI   T1,(PS.FON)        ;Turn on the PSI system so  we  can
   PISYS.  T1,     ; get traps from background task   HALT ;Can't turn it
   on LOOP:        MOVEI              T1,0 ;Simple-minded background task
   AOJA T1,LOOP    ;Do it again

   ;Buffer ring header

   OB:     BLOCK   1 BYTEPT:          BLOCK  1  ;Byte   pointer   BYTECT:
   BLOCK 1 ;Byte count

   ;Interrupt vector

   VECTOR: EXP     OUTDON             ;New PC EXP 0 ;Old PC  stored  here
   EXP 0   ;Flags  EXP                0 ;Status

   END     START


                                 CHAPTER 7


   The TOPS-10 interprocess communication facility (IPCF) allows jobs and
   programs  on  the same computer system to communicate with each other.
   This communication occurs when processes send and receive  information
   in  the  form  of  packets.   For  the purposes of this description, a
   program is called a "process."

   When a sender process sends a packet  of  information  to  a  receiver
   process,  the  packet  is  placed  in the receiver's input queue.  The
   packet remains in the queue until the receiver checks  the  queue  and
   retrieves  the  packet.   Instead  of periodically checking its packet
   input queue, the receiver can enable the  PSI  system  to  generate  a
   software  interrupt when a packet is placed in the input queue.  Refer
   to Chapter 6 for details on the PSI system.

   The following monitor calls allow you to use IPCF:

         o  The IPCFS. UUO sends an IPCF packet to another process.

         o  The IPCFR. UUO retrieves a packet sent by another process.

         o  The IPCFQ. UUO queries the IPCF input queue about your job.

         o  The IPCFM. UUO replaces a  message  exchange  with  a  system

   Any user without privileges can use  the  IPCF  calls.   A  subset  of
   functions  are limited to privileged users, because IPCF services many
   communications needs of the monitor and the GALAXY batch and  spooling
   system.  Most functions enabling communication between user processes,
   however, do not require privileges.  The IPCFM. monitor call is  fully
   documented  in  Volume  2.   The  words and functions described in the
   following sections apply only to IPCFQ., IPCFR., and IPCFS..


   7.1  PACKETS

   Information is transferred in the form of packets from one process  to
   another.  Each packet is divided into two parts:

         o  A Packet Header Block (PHB) of four to six words in length.

         o  A Packet Message Block (PMB), which contains the actual

   The PHB describes the characteristics of  the  communication  (defines
   the sender and the receiver, for example) and points to the PMB, where
   the actual message is stored.

   The PMB will be either a short-form block consisting of  a  few  words
   (less  than or equal to 12 (octal)) or a long-form block consisting of
   an entire memory page (1000 words).  Use of  the  long-form  block  is
   also  called "page mode." The default packet is a short block, but you
   can use the long form if you  have  privileges  and  if  you  set  the
   appropriate  flags  bits  in the packet header block (refer to Section

   For the short block, the monitor copies  the  data  into  an  internal
   buffer  to  await a receiver.  The short message length must be within
   the monitor's maximum, which is stored in  the  GETTAB  Table  .GTIPC,
   item number 0 (%IPCML).


   The format of an IPCF Packet Header Block is as follows:

               0                   17 18                35
   .IPCFL      |                   Flags                 |
   .IPCFS      |               Sender's PID              |
   .IPCFR      |              Receiver's PID             |
   .IPCFP      |  Length of message  |    PMB address    |
   .IPCFU      |   Project-programmer number of sender   |
   .IPCFC      |          Capabilities of sender         |

   Figure 7-1:  Packet Header Block


   The PHB describes the sender of  the  message,  the  receiver  of  the
   message,  and  the location of the actual data message (Packet Message
   Block).  It also contains flags that instruct the  monitor  to  handle
   the communication of the data in different ways.

   To set up the PHB, you may include the following words:

   Word 0 (.IPCFL) contains instruction  flags  in  the  left  half,  and
   packet  descriptor  flags  in  the  right half.  Instruction flags are
   listed in Section 7.2.1.   Descriptor  flags  are  listed  in  Section

   Word 1 (.IPCFS) contains the sender's  process  identifier.   For  the
   sender,  this word is filled by the monitor.  For the receiver, one of
   the following may be specified in .IPCFS:

         o  The job number or JCH (Job Context Handle) of the sending

         o  The sending process's PID.  (A PID is a unique Process
            IDentifier that you can obtain from [SYSTEM]INFO.)

         o  The address of the sender's PID.  Setting the instruction
            flag IP.CFS in Word 0 allows you to indirectly reference the
            sender's PID.  The monitor assumes that .IPCFS contains the
            location of the sender's PID.

         o  Zero.  If you place a zero in this word, the monitor will
            assume one of the following:

            1.  If your job has any PID(s), the monitor will choose one.

            2.  If your job has no PID(s), the monitor will use the JCH
                for your current context.

   In many cases, the job number sufficiently identifies a process, and a
   PID need never be used.  The PID is used for programs that will be run
   from different jobs, so the program does not depend  on  job  numbers.
   Refer to Section 7.8.2 for information about obtaining PIDs.

   Word 2 (.IPCFR) contains the receiver's process identifier, which  may
   be a job number, JCH, 0, a PID, or address of PID (if IP.CFR is set in
   Word 0).  This word has the same characteristics as Word 1.   For  the
   receiving process, if this word is zero, the monitor fills it with the
   receiver's PID.  Refer to  Section  7.6  for  more  information  about
   receiving packets.


   Word 3 (.IPCFP) contains, in the left half, the  length  of  the  PMB,
   and,  in  the  right  half, the location of the first word in the PMB.
   For the short-form packet, the sender must include the  actual  length
   of  the  PMB,  and the receiver must specify the maximum length of the
   PMB it is expecting, in the left half of this word.  For the long-form
   packet,  both sending and receiving PHBs must specify 1000 in the left
   half of this word.  For the long-form packet, this word must  be  page

   Word 4 (.IPCFU)  contains  the  PPN  of  the  sending  process.   This
   optional  word  is  ignored  for sending packets.  It is filled by the
   monitor on a receive, if reserved by the process.

   Word 5 (.IPCFC) contains the sender's IPCF capability word.  The  IPCF
   capability word is described in Section 7.2.5.

   7.2.1  IPCF Instruction Flags

   The following instruction flags can be stored in the left half of Word
   0  (.IPCFL)  of  the  PHB.   They  are  optional,  and are listed here
   according to their bit positions.

        Bits   Symbol    Meaning

          0    IP.CFB    Do not block the receiver's job if there  is  no
                         packet   in   the  input  queue.   This  bit  is
                         meaningful only when an IPCFR. monitor  call  is
                         issued.   If  this bit is set when the IPCFR. is
                         issued and there  is  no  packet  in  the  input
                         queue,  the  IPCFR. call  takes the error return
                         and the monitor returns error code 3 (IPCNP%) in
                         the  AC.   Use the HIBER monitor call or the PSI
                         system (see Chapter 6) to notify  the  job  when
                         the packet arrives.

          1    IP.CFS    Use the PID obtained from the address  specified
                         in  .IPCFS  as  the  sender's  PID;  this PID is
                         called the indirect sender's PID.

          2    IP.CFR    Use the PID obtained from the address  specified
                         in  .IPCFR  as  the  receiver's PID; this PID is
                         called the indirect receiver's PID.

          3    IP.CFO    Allow the sending process  to  send  one  packet
                         more  than  the  send  packet  quota.   (This is
                         called the "last phone call" bit.) This  bit  is
                         meaningful  only  when an IPCFS. monitor call is
                         issued.  The default send  quota  is  two.   The
                         quota  is  stored  in  GETTAB  Table .GTIPQ, bit
                         field IP.CQS.


          4    IP.CFT    Truncate the message if it is  longer  than  the
                         area  reserved  for  it in .IPCFP.  This flag is
                         meaningful only when set for the  IPCFR. monitor
                         call.   If the IPCFR. call does not set this bit
                         and the packet in the input queue is larger than
                         the  area  reserved  for  it, the IPCFR. monitor
                         call takes the  error  return  and  the  monitor
                         returns  error  code  IPCTL% in the AC.  You can
                         delete messages from your input queue by setting
                         .IPCFP  to  0  and  IP.CFT  to  1.   This  is  a
                         convenient way to delete long messages  received
                         when your program accepts only short messages.

          5    IP.CFL    Allow a privileged program  to  send  short-form
                         packets  that are larger than the installation's
                         defined maximum.  The system's absolute  maximum
                         is  510  (decimal)  words.  The preferred method
                         for sending packets of this  length  is  to  use
                         page mode (long-form packets).

          6    IP.CRP    Receive packets only if they  are  addressed  to
                         the  PID  set in the .IPCFR word as specified in
                         the IPCFR. UUO.  This is called a  "PID-specific
                         receive".   If  this bit is not set, the monitor
                         will simply return the next message received (in
                         chronological  order)  for any PID owned by this

   7.2.2  IPCF Packet Descriptor Flags

   You can specify the following flags by setting the appropriate bits in
   the right half of .IPCFL, the first word in the packet header block.

        Bits   Symbol    Meaning

        7-17             Reserved for use by DIGITAL.

         18    IP.CFP    This  bit  signifies   that   the   program   is
                         privileged  and  intends  to  perform privileged
                         functions.  If this bit is not  set,  privileged
                         functions will not succeed.  If this bit is set,
                         both processes must be privileged processes.  If
                         an unprivileged process sets this bit, the error
                         return is taken from the monitor  call  and  the
                         monitor returns error code IPCPI% in the AC.

         19    IP.CFV    The packet message  is  a  page  of  data  (1000
                         words).   Both  the sender and the receiver must
                         set this bit.  Refer to  Section  7.3  for  more
                         information about using long-form messages.


         20    IP.CFZ    Send a packet with a packet header block but  no
                         packet  message  block;  this  type of packet is
                         called a zero-length packet.

         21    IP.CFA    The sender of the packet requires  the  receiver
                         to  acknowledge  receipt  of  the  packet.   The
                         monitor does not ensure that the acknowledgement
                         is made.

       22-23             Reserved for use by DIGITAL.

       24-29   IP.CFE    The field for an error code sent by a privileged
                         process  ([SYSTEM]INFO and [SYSTEM]IPCC).  These
                         error codes (70 through 77) are listed in Volume
                         2,  in  the  description  of the IPCFR. UUO.  An
                         error code in  this  field  indicates  that  the
                         monitor  call  executed  properly and the normal
                         return was taken with no errors returned in  the
                         AC.   However, the sending process (for example,
                         [SYSTEM]INFO) is returning  an  error,  such  as
                         "duplicate  name."  If  this  field is empty, no
                         error occurred.

       30-32   IP.CFC    The field for the system sender code.  This code
                         can   be  set  by  a  privileged  process  only;
                         however, the monitor will  return  the  code  so
                         that  an  unprivileged  process  can examine it.
                         The system sender codes are:

                         Code    Symbol    Meaning

                          1      .IPCCC    The packet was sent by

                          2      .IPCCF    The packet was sent by
                                           system-wide [SYSTEM]INFO.

                          3      .IPCCP    The packet was sent by the
                                           receiver's local [SYSTEM]INFO.

                          4      .IPCCG    The   packet   was   sent   by
                                           [SYSTEM]GOPHER,  a  privileged
                                           process       that       sends
                                           [SYSTEM]IPCF  message types 40
                                           and  50  listed   in   Section
                                           7.8.3.   It  does  not  accept
                                           packets  from  user  programs,
                                           but   often  conducts  dialogs
                                           with certain system  programs.
                                           GOPHER is an active task; IPCC
                                           is a passive task.


                          33-35  IP.CFM    The packet in the input  queue
                                           is  a packet that was returned
                                           to the sender.  If  IP.CFM  is
                                           equal to 1 (.IPCFN) the packet
                                           was  returned  to  the  sender
                                           because  the PID was destroyed
                                           before the packet was received
                                           but after the packet was sent.
                                           IP.CFM can only be  set  by  a
                                           privileged    process.     The
                                           monitor returns the packet  so
                                           that  a  nonprivileged process
                                           can examine it.

   7.2.3  Process Identifiers

   Words  1  (.IPCFS)  and  2  (.IPCFR)  of  the  PHB  are  reserved  for
   identifying the sender and the receiver of the packet.  When sending a
   packet, .IPCFS can be zero.  When receiving a packet,  .IPCFR  can  be

   Job numbers may be used to identify a process.  However, if  your  job
   has more than one process, or your job is communicating with more than
   one process, the PID  uniquely  identifies  each  process.   PIDs  are
   assigned  by  [SYSTEM]INFO,  and  may  or  may not be accompanied by a
   symbol name.

   PIDs are assigned to a process by  [SYSTEM]INFO.   There  can  be  any
   number  of  PIDs  assigned  to a process, up to the maximum PID quota,
   which by default is two.  Each PID is unique and  never  reused  until
   the system is reloaded; in this case, all previous PID assignments are
   cleared.  Both communicating processes should agree on  the  PIDs  and
   symbolic  names  being used.  This facility releases the programs from
   system-specific characteristics that  may  change  from  execution  to
   execution, such as job numbers.

   The method for sending packets to [SYSTEM]INFO is described in Section

   7.2.4  Symbolic Names

   Symbolic names are specified by the process.  A process specifies  the
   name   in   the   PMB  when  it  requests  a  PID  from  [SYSTEM]INFO.
   [SYSTEM]INFO assigns a PID to the process and associates the  symbolic
   name  with  the  PID.  [SYSTEM]INFO will not allow the assignment of a
   name that is already assigned to another PID, unless the owner of that
   name makes the request.


   A symbolic name must be an ASCIZ string  up  to  29  characters  long.
   Therefore,  the  maximum size of the name is six data words terminated
   by a zero byte.  The symbolic names to be used should be  agreed  upon
   in advance by the communicating processes.

   A symbolic name can be written in one of the following formats:

        Format                        Example

        text                          ASCIZ  /CORPORATION/

        [project,programmer]text      ASCIZ  /[27,2407]TEST/

        text[project,programmer]      ASCIZ  /TEST[26,7077]/

        text['ANY',programmer]        ASCIZ  /EXAMP['ANY',5332]/

        ['ANY',programmer]text        ASCIZ  /['ANY',2433]FOO/

        text['ANY','ANY']             ASCIZ  /ACCT['ANY','ANY']/

        ['ANY','ANY']text             ASCIZ  /['ANY','ANY']WONDER/

        text[project,'ANY']           ASCIZ  /FILE[10,'ANY']/

        [project,'ANY']text           ASCIZ  /[23,'ANY']CLASS/

        [SYSTEM]text                  ASCIZ  /[SYSTEM]GOPHER/

        text[SYSTEM]                  ASCIZ  /GOTO[SYSTEM]/

   The wildcard character * can be  substituted  for  the  phrase  'ANY'.
   Note that the following strings are different:

        Format                   Example

        Name[PPN]                ASCIZ/FOO[10,10]/

        [PPN]Name                ASCIZ/[10,10]FOO/

   When a PPN is used as part of the symbolic name, it must  be  the  PPN
   under  which  the  process is currently running.  [SYSTEM] can only be
   specified as part of the symbolic name of a privileged process.

   If a process wants to send a message to another process but  it  knows
   only  the  process's name and not its PID, the sending process can ask
   [SYSTEM]INFO for the PID associated with  the  name.   Note,  however,
   that  the  list  of PIDs and symbolic names that [SYSTEM]INFO keeps is
   cleared when [SYSTEM]INFO or the system is reloaded.


   7.2.5  IPCF Capability Word

   Word 5 (.IPCFC) of the PHB contains flags representing the  privileges
   of  the  sender.   Ignored  when specified for a sending process, this
   word will be filled by the monitor on a  receive,  if  this  word  was
   reserved.  The sender capability bits are:

        Bits   Symbol    Meaning

          0    IP.JAC    The sender of the packet is running with the
                         JACCT bit set; it is a privileged process.
          1    IP.JLG    The sender of the packet is logged-in.
          2    IP.SXO    The sender of the packet is an execute-only job.
          3    IP.POK    The sender of the packet has POKE privileges.
          4    IP.IPC    The sender of the packet has privileges allowing
                         him to perform special, privileged IPCF
                         functions.  Note that this requires your program
                         to have JP.IPC set in the job privilege word.
         5-17            Reserved for DIGITAL.
        18-26  IP.SCN    Sender's context number
        27-35  IP.SJN    This field contains the job number of the


   A packet can take either of two forms:  short  (normal)  or  long.   A
   short  message has a PMB of 0 to 12 (octal) words.  A long message has
   a PMB consisting of one page (1000 octal words) and can be sent  using
   page  mode.   Only one page can be sent per packet.  To use page mode,
   both sending and receiving processes must:

         o  Set the left half of Word 3 (.IPCFP) of the PHB to be 1000.

         o  Specify the page number in the right half of .IPCFP.

         o  Set Bit 19 (instruction flag IP.CFV) in Word 0 (.IPCFL) of
            the PHB.

         o  During an IPCFS., the page is  removed  from  your  program's
            core image.  You can create a new page in its place using the
            PAGE. UUO.

         o  During an IPCFR., a page is created at  the  virtual  address
            specified  in the right half of .IPCFP.  It is assumed that a
            page has been reserved there for this purpose.  If  the  page
            already  exists,  the  IPCFR. UUO  fails.   Your  program can
            ensure that the page is available by destroying it  with  the
            .PAGCD  function  of  the PAGE. UUO (with PA.GAF set), before
            using IPCFR.  If the page number is in a  section  that  does
            not exist, the section map will be created automatically.


   7.4  QUOTAS

   For each process, outstanding IPCF messages are  counted  for  sending
   and  receiving.   The  number  of  packets that have been received are
   counted and this count is stored in GETTAB Table 105 (.GTIPP) in  word
   IP.CQO.   The  number of packets that have been sent but have not been
   received is stored in the same table in IP.CQP.  Both the  send  queue
   and  the receive queue are limited to a maximum number of packets that
   can be outstanding:  these are the send quota and the  receive  quota.
   This  quota  cannot  be exceeded, and when the maximum is reached, the
   process must wait until a packet  has  been  sent/retrieved  from  its

   The default quotas allow two messages outstanding in  the  send  queue
   and  five  messages  outstanding  in  the receive queue.  However, the
   system manager at each installation can set IPCF quotas on a  per-user
   basis.  If these quotas are zero, the process cannot use IPCF.

   The send packet quota and the  receive  packet  quota  are  stored  in
   GETTAB  Table  77  (.GTIPQ).  The send quota is stored in field IP.CQS
   and the receive quota is stored in field IP.CQR.

   The quotas are used when the job sends packets using  the  IPCFS. UUO.
   Error code 10 (IPCFRS%) is returned in the AC when the sender queue is
   full.  The program should attempt to discover why the packets have not
   been  sent, and, resolving that, try to send the current packet again.
   Error code 11 (IPCFRR%) is returned in  the  AC  when  the  IPCFS. UUO
   fails because the receiver's queue is full.  The program should handle
   this error by building a resend queue, so that it can keep  trying  to
   send the packet.


   Any process can send a packet to another process using the IPCFS. UUO.
   The calling sequence for IPCFS.  is show below:

                  MOVE      ac,[XWD len,addr]   ;Point to PHB
                  IPCFS.    ac,                 ;Send the packet
                    error return                ;Something wrong
                  normal return                 ;Continue
                  .   .   .
        addr:     flags                         ;PHB
                  sender's PID
                  receiver's PID
                  XWD len2,addr2
                  .   .   .
        addr2:    message                       ;PMB


   In this calling sequence, len is the length of the PHB,  and  addr  is
   the  address  of  the  PHB.  The PHB includes your own PID and the the
   receiver's PID.  Also in the PHB, len2 and addr2 are  the  length  and
   address of the PMB, and message is the actual packet of data.  The PMB
   is a short-form message.


   For a process to retrieve a packet from its input queue,  the  process
   must issue the IPCFR. UUO.  To retrieve a packet, the process does not
   have to know who sent the packet.  The IPCFR. UUO  merely  checks  the
   IPCF  receive  queue  for any waiting packets and retrieves the packet
   that has been in the queue the longest period of time.

   The calling sequence for the IPCFR. UUO is shown below:

                  MOVE      ac, [XWD len,addr]  ;Set up call
                  IPCFR.    ac,                 ;Retrieve the packet
                    error return                ;Something wrong
                  normal return                 ;Continue
                  .   .   .
        addr:     flags                         ;PHB 
                  XWD len2,addr2
                  .   .   .
        addr2:    BLOCK 12                      ;PMB

   In this calling sequence, len is the length of the PHB and addr is the
   address  for  storing  the  PHB of the retrieved message.  In the PHB,
   neither sender's nor receiver's PID need to be specified.  Also in the
   PHB, len2 and addr2 point to where the actual message will be stored.

   Although the sender's and receiver's PID (.IPCFS  and  .IPCFR  in  the
   PHB)  need  not  be  specified  for the IPCFR. UUO, there are cases in
   which  it  is  very  useful  to  include  these.   Using  PID-specific
   receives,  it  is  possible  to  retrieve  a  message  from a specific
   process, rather than the packet that is next in the queue.

   On a normal return from the IPCFR. UUO,  the  associated  variable  is
   returned in the AC.  The associated variable describes the next packet
   in the process's input queue, if there is one.  It contains the length
   of  the  next packet in the queue in its left half, and the right half
   of the flag word (descriptor flags) of the PHB of the next  packet  in
   its  right  half.   The  associated variable is also stored in the PSI
   status word when a software interrupt is generated (refer  to  Chapter

   The associated variable is used to check the  receive  queue  for  the
   next message, and the type of message that is waiting.



   You  can  query  the  IPCF  receive  queue  for  your  job  using  the
   IPCFQ. UUO.   This  call  returns  the PHB for the next packet in your
   queue, but includes the number of packets in your queue instead of the
   address of the next packet's message block.

   The value of the IP.CFV bit in the returned PHB tells your job whether
   to  expect a long or short message block on the next IPCFR. call.  The
   more efficient programming technique, however, is to do an IPCFR. with
   the  expectation  of  receiving either a long or short packet.  If the
   IPCFR. call fails, your program can toggle the IP.CFV bit  and  repeat
   the  IPCFR. UUO.   This  reduces the number of monitor calls that your
   program makes, substantially  improving  performance.   Most  programs
   need never use the IPCFQ. UUO.

   To  query  the  next  IPCF  packet  in  your  input  queue,  use   the
   IPCFQ. monitor call as shown:

                  MOVE    ac, [len,addr]        ;Set up call
                  IPCFQ.  ac,                   ;Query the next packet
                    error return                ;Something wrong
                  normal return                 ;Continue
                  .   .   .
        addr:     flags                         ;PHB 
                  XWD len2,n

   In this calling sequence, len is the length of the argument  list  and
   addr  is  the  address  for  storing  the  retrieved  packet.  The PHB
   contains zero for sender and receiver PIDs.  Word 3, .IPCFP,  contains
   len2,  the length of the next packet, and n, the number of messages in
   the receive queue.

   Note that IPCFQ.  does not return the next packet  in  the  queue;  it
   returns  only  information  about  it.   Your program can identify the
   sending process on an IPCFQ. call as it would for IPCFR., by including
   the sender's PID in Word 1 (.IPCFS) and setting the flag IP.CRP in the
   flag word.

   If there is no packet in the queue, IPCFQ.  takes  the  error  return,
   with error code 3 (IPCNP%) in the AC.



   There are two system processes of general interest:  [SYSTEM]INFO  and
   [SYSTEM]IPCC.   The [SYSTEM]INFO process is the information center for
   the  Inter-Process  Communication  Facility.   This  process  performs
   system  functions related to process identifiers, and any IPCF process
   can request  these  functions  by  sending  packets  to  [SYSTEM]INFO.
   [SYSTEM]INFO is described in Section 7.8.1.

   [SYSTEM]IPCC is the IPCF  controller,  and  it  performs  many  packet
   controlling   functions.    Privileged   processes  can  request  IPCC
   functions by sending packets to [SYSTEM]IPCC.  Unprivileged  processes
   are  limited  in  the  functions  they  can request from [SYSTEM]IPCC.
   [SYSTEM]IPCC is described in Section 7.8.2.

   7.8.1  [SYSTEM]INFO

   [SYSTEM]INFO  is  the  information  center   for   the   Inter-Process
   Communication  Facility.  Any IPCF process can request [SYSTEM]INFO to
   perform a function for it.  A process requests a function  by  sending
   [SYSTEM]INFO  a  packet,  and  [SYSTEM]INFO responds to the request by
   sending a packet back  to  the  initiating  process.   The  initiating
   process  obtains the response to its requested function by issuing the
   IPCFR. call to retrieve the packet sent to it by [SYSTEM]INFO.  If the
   process  plans  to block for the [SYSTEM]INFO response, the IPCFM. UUO
   may provide a more convenient interface.  (Refer to the IPCFM. monitor
   call description in Volume 2.)

   The calling sequence of sending a request  to  [SYSTEM]INFO  is  shown

                            MOVE      ac,[XWD len,addr]
                            IPCFS.    ac,
                              error return
                            normal return
                            .   .   .
        addr:               flags
                            XWD len2,addr2+.IPCI0
                            .   .   .
        addr2+.IPCI0:       XWD ack-code,fcn-code
        addr2+.IPCI1:       0 or duplicate PID
        addr2+.IPCI2:       argument

   In the calling sequence, the PHB is set up  as  described  in  Section
   7.2.  Note that the PID for [SYSTEM]INFO is always 0.


   The PMB specifies  the  information  that  [SYSTEM]INFO  requires,  as

        ack-code is a unique code you may supply.  This code is  returned
        unchanged  in  the  response from [SYSTEM]INFO.  If a process has
        sent more  than  one  request  to  [SYSTEM]INFO,  the  user  code
        provides  a  method  of  determining  which response is for which

        function-code is a [SYSTEM]INFO function code.  The  [SYSTEM]INFO
        function codes are listed below.

        duplicate PID is the PID of the process that you  would  like  to
        receive  a  duplicate copy of the response from [SYSTEM]INFO.  If
        no process is to receive a duplicate copy, this value  should  be

        argument is the argument to  the  function  code.   The  argument
        depends on the function code, and these are listed below.

   The calling sequence to retrieve a  packet  sent  by  [SYSTEM]INFO  is
   shown below:

                  MOVE      ac,[len,,addr]
                  IPCFR.    ac,
                    error return
                  normal return
                  .   .   .
        addr:     flags
                  XWD len2,addr2
                  .   .   .
        addr2:    BLOCK 12

   To receive a packet from [SYSTEM]INFO, set up the PHB in the same  way
   as you constructed it for the IPCFS. UUO.  Location addr specifies the
   beginning  of  the  packet  header  block,  and  addr2  specifies  the
   beginning of the packet message block.  The response from [SYSTEM]INFO
   depends on the function code you specified in the  PHB.   In  general,
   the PMB returned by [SYSTEM]INFO takes the following form:

        Word             Contents

        addr2+.IPCI0/    ack-code,,fcn-code
        addr2+.IPCI1/    PID
        addr2+.IPCI2/    symbolic name


   Because this information depends on the function  you  specified,  the
   PMB  returned  for  each function is described with the function codes
   listed below.  Words  not  needed  for  [SYSTEM]INFO's  response  will
   remain unchanged.  The functions recognized by [SYSTEM]INFO are:

        Fcn-code   Symbol   Meaning

        1          .IPCIW   Requests  [SYSTEM]INFO  to  return  the   PID
                            associated  with the specified symbolic name.
                            The format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIW
                                      PID for copy or zero
                                      symbolic name

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIW
                                      PID for name
                                      symbolic name

        2          .IPCIG   Requests [SYSTEM]INFO to return the  symbolic
                            name  associated with the specified PID.  The
                            format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIG
                                      PID for copy or zero

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIG
                                      PID in request
                                      name for PID

        3          .IPCII   Requests [SYSTEM]INFO to assign a PID to  the
                            calling process and to associate the symbolic
                            name with the newly assigned PID.  The format
                            of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCII
                                      PID for copy or zero
                                      symbolic name

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCII
                                      symbolic name


                            Any  PID  obtained  from  [SYSTEM]INFO  as  a
                            result  of an .IPCII request is disassociated
                            from the calling job when the job performs  a
                            RESET.  PIDs obtained with this function code
                            have the format:  4nnnnn,,nnnnnn.

                            To obtain a  PID  without  a  symbolic  name,
                            simply zero the word at addr2+2.

        4          .IPCIJ   Requests [SYSTEM]INFO to  assign  a  job-wide
                            PID.   This  differs  from .IPCII in that the
                            PID requested with .IPCIJ will not be cleared
                            on a RESET.  It is retained until you destroy
                            the context or log out.  The  format  of  the
                            request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIJ
                                      PID for copy or zero
                                      symbolic name

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIJ
                                      symbolic name

                            Any  PID  obtained  from  [SYSTEM]INFO  as  a
                            result  of an .IPCIJ request is disassociated
                            from the calling job only when the  job  logs
                            off  the  system.   PIDs  obtained  with this
                            function    code     have     the     format:

                            A job can have more than one PID and symbolic
                            name  assigned  to  it.   However, there is a
                            maximum number of PIDs that can  be  assigned
                            to a job.  If a request is made for a PID and
                            the PID quota has been filled, the flag  word
                            of  the  response  from [SYSTEM]INFO contains
                            error code 73 in the error code  field.   The
                            PID  quota  is stored in GETTAB Table .GTIPC,
                            Item %IPCDQ.


        5          .IPCID   Requests  [SYSTEM]INFO  to  disassociate  the
                            specified  PID  from  its  job  number.  This
                            function can be requested only by  the  owner
                            of the specified PID or by an IPCF privileged
                            process.  The format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCID
                                      PID for copy or zero
                                      PID to be dropped

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCID
                                      PID that was dropped

        6          .IPCIR   Requests  [SYSTEM]INFO  to  disassociate  all
                            PIDs  that  were  created  by  .IPCII and are
                            associated with  the  specified  job  number.
                            This  function  can  be requested only by the
                            owner  of  the  job  or  JCH,  or   an   IPCF
                            privileged   process.    The  format  of  the
                            request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIR
                                      PID for copy or zero
                                      job-number or JCH

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIR
                                      job-number or JCH

        7          .IPCIL   Requests  [SYSTEM]INFO  to  disassociate  all
                            PIDs  that  were  created  by  .IPCIJ and are
                            associated with  the  specified  job  number.
                            This  function  can  be requested only by the
                            owner  of  the  job  or  JCH,  or   an   IPCF
                            privileged   process.    The  format  of  the
                            request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIL
                                      PID for copy or zero
                                      job-number or JCH

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCIL
                                      job-number or JCH


       10          .IPCIN   Requests notification from [SYSTEM]INFO  when
                            a specified PID has been disassociated from a
                            job.  The format of the request is:

                            addr2:  XWD user-code,.IPCIN
                                      PID for copy or 0

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:  XWD user-code,.IPCIN

       15          .IPCIS   Used only by [SYSTEM]IPCC on the execution of
                            the LOGOUT and RESET monitor calls.

   7.8.2  [SYSTEM]IPCC

   [SYSTEM]IPCC is the IPCF controller.  Only  privileged  processes  can
   request  all  [SYSTEM]IPCC functions.  A privileged process requests a
   function by sending [SYSTEM]IPCC a packet, and  [SYSTEM]IPCC  responds
   by  sending  a  packet back to the initiating process.  The initiating
   process obtains the response to its requested function by issuing  the
   IPCFR. UUO  to  retrieve  the  packet sent to it by [SYSTEM]IPCC.  The
   IPCFM. UUO provides  a  more  convenient  interface  to  [SYSTEM]IPCC.
   Since   [SYSTEM]IPCC  functions  always  complete  immediately,  using
   IPCFM. saves one UUO execution per request to [SYSTEM]IPCC.

   To  perform  IPCF  privileged  functions  and  to  send   packets   to
   [SYSTEM]IPCC,  a process must have the JACCT bit set, be running under
   [1,2], or have the IPCF privilege bit set.  The IPCF privilege bit  is
   in GETTAB Table .GTPRV, Bit 0, JP.IPC.  IP.CFP must also be set in the

   The format of sending a request to [SYSTEM]IPCC is:

                            MOVE      ac,[XWD len,addr]
                            IPCFS.    ac,
                              error return
                            normal return
                            .   .   .
        addr:               flags
                            sender's PID
                            receiver's PID
                            XWD len2,addr2+.IPCS0
                            .   .   .
        addr2+.IPCS0:       XWD ack-code,function-code
        addr2+.IPCS1:       argument1
        addr2+.IPCS2:       argument2
        addr2+.IPCS3:       argument3


   In an IPCC request, the PHB is set up as  described  in  Section  7.2.
   [SYSTEM]IPCC's  PID,  to be stored in Word 2 (.IPCFR), can be obtained
   from GETTAB Table 126, Item 0, %SIIPC.

   The PMB to [SYSTEM]IPCC depends on the function code being  used.   In
   general,  Word 0 contains the ack-code, a code you supply to determine
   which response is for which request, and the function-code, one of the
   [SYSTEM]IPCC function codes, which are listed below.

   The type of  argument  and  number  of  argument  words  is  different
   depending  on  the  function code used.  Therefore, they are described
   with the function codes, listed below.

   The format for retrieving a packet sent by [SYSTEM]IPCC is:

                  MOVE      ac,[len,,addr]
                  IPCFR.    ac,
                    error return
                  normal return
                  .   .   .
        addr:     flags
                  .   .   .
        addr2:    BLOCK 12

   Where:  PHB is  similar  to  that  described  in  Section  7.2.   When
           retrieving  a  packet,  it  is  not  necessary  to specify the
           receiver's and sender's PID.

   The response, starting at addr2, will  be  in  the  following  general

        Word             Contents

        addr2+.IPCS0/    ack-code,,fcn-code
        addr2+.IPCS1/    [SYSTEM]IPCC response
        addr2+.IPCS2/    .
        addr2+.IPCS3/    .

   In the response, the ack-code and fcn-code are those you specified  in
   your  PMB, and are returned unchanged for your verification.  The rest
   of [SYSTEM]IPCC's response depends  on  the  function  you  specified.
   Responses  for  each function code are listed below.  Words not needed
   for [SYSTEM]IPCC's response will remain unchanged.


                        [SYSTEM]IPCC Function Codes

        Fcn-code   Symbol   Meaning

        -n                  Negative function codes are reserved for  use
                            by customer programs.

         1         .IPCSE   Requests [SYSTEM]IPCC to enable the specified
                            job  number  to  receive  IPCF packets.  This
                            function can be requested  only  by  an  IPCF
                            privileged   process.    The  format  of  the
                            request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSE

                            The format of the response from  [SYSTEM]IPCC
                            is identical to the format of the request.

         2         .IPCSD   Requests   [SYSTEM]IPCC   to   disable    the
                            specified job from being able to receive IPCF
                            packets.  This function can be requested only
                            by an IPCF privileged process.  The format of
                            the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSD

                            The format of the response from  [SYSTEM]IPCC
                            is identical to the format of the request.

         3         .IPCSI   Requests  [SYSTEM]IPCC  to  return  the   PID
                            associated  with  [SYSTEM]INFO.  Unprivileged
                            processes may request this function.  The PID
                            returned  is  for  the local [SYSTEM]INFO (if
                            there is one) or the global [SYSTEM]INFO,  if
                            there is no local [SYSTEM]INFO.  This PID may
                            also be obtained from  GETTAB  Table  .GTSID,
                            item %SIINF.  The format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSI

                            The format of the response from  [SYSTEM]IPCC

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSI
                                      PID for [SYSTEM]INFO


         4        .IPCSF    Requests [SYSTEM]IPCC to  create  a  PID  for
                            [SYSTEM]INFO.  This function can be requested
                            only by  an  IPCF  privileged  process.   The
                            format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSF

                            In the PMB, m is the PID of a process to make
                            [SYSTEM]INFO  and  n  is  the  job number for
                            which  to  create  a   local   (job-specific)

                            To create a PID for a global [SYSTEM]INFO,  n
                            should be 0.  If n is a job number, a PID for
                            a  local  [SYSTEM]INFO  is  created  for  the
                            specified job.  Local [SYSTEM]INFOs are valid
                            only if another (local or  global)  does  not
                            exist.  If m is 0, the specified [SYSTEM]INFO
                            is deleted.

                            A local [SYSTEM]INFO can be created  only  by
                            another  local  [SYSTEM]INFO  or  by a global
                            [SYSTEM]INFO.    If   there   is   no   local
                            [SYSTEM]INFO,  any  privileged job can create
                            one.  The global [SYSTEM]INFO can be  changed
                            or  destroyed  only if the calling process is
                            [SYSTEM]INFO.  The format of the response  is
                            identical to the format of the request.

         5        .IPCSZ    Requests [SYSTEM]IPCC to  clear  a  specified
                            PID.   This  function  may be requested by an
                            unprivileged process for your own  PID.   The
                            format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSZ
                                      PID to be destroyed

                            The format of the response  is  identical  to
                            the format of the request.


         6        .IPCSC    Requests [SYSTEM]IPCC to create a PID  for  a
                            specified  job  number or JCH.  This function
                            is unprivileged for  your  job  or  JCH,  and
                            within  your  PID  quota.   The format of the
                            request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSC
                                      type,,job-number (or JCH)

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSC
                                      type,,job-number (or JCH)

                            In   the   PMB,   you   specify    type    by
                            setting/clearing  Bit  0.  When Bit 0 is set,
                            the PID created by  this  function  is  valid
                            until  the  job performs a RESET.  When Bit 0
                            is clear, the PID created by this function is
                            valid  until the job logs off the system.  In
                            the left half of  addr2+1,  you  specify  the
                            job-number  for  which  the  PID  is desired.
                            [SYSTEM]IPCC  returns   the   PID   for   the
                            specified job in addr2+1.

         7          .IPCSQ  Requests [SYSTEM]IPCC to set  a  send  and  a
                            receive  quota  for  the specified job.  This
                            function can be requested  only  by  an  IPCF
                            privileged   process.    The  format  of  the
                            request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSQ
                                      PID or job-number

                            On a response to this function,  [SYSTEM]IPCC
                            returns  the  send  quota  in  Bits  18-26 of
                            addr2+.IPCS2 and the receive  quota  in  Bits
                            27-35 of addr2+.IPCS2.

        10         .IPCSO   Requests  [SYSTEM]IPCC  to  change  the   job
                            number  associated  with  the  specified PID.
                            This function can be  requested  only  by  an
                            IPCF  privileged  process.  The format of the
                            request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSO
                                      new-job-number (or JCH)

                            The format of the response  is  identical  to
                            the format of the request.


        11         .IPCSJ   Requests  [SYSTEM]IPCC  to  return  the   JCH
                            associated    with    the    specified   PID.
                            Unprivileged  processes  may   request   this
                            function.  The format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSJ

                            The format of the response is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSJ

        12         .IPCSP   Requests  [SYSTEM]IPCC  to  return  the  PIDs
                            associated  with  the specified job number or
                            JCH.  Unprivileged processes may request this
                            function.    The   number  of  PIDs  returned
                            depends  on  the  length  of   the   reserved
                            argument  block.   The  format of the request

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,,.IPCSP
                            addr2+1:  job-number or JCH
                            addr2+2:  starting PID or 0

                            The PIDs are returned starting  with  addr2+2
                            in the form:

                            addr2:    user-code,.IPCSP
                                      job number or JCH
                            addr+n:   PID

        13         .IPCSR   Requests [SYSTEM]IPCC to return the send  and
                            receive  quotas associated with the specified
                            job number or  specified  PID.   Unprivileged
                            processes  may  request  this  function.  The
                            format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCSR
                                      job-number or PID

                            The send quota is returned in Bits  18-26  of
                            addr2+2  and the receive quota is returned in
                            Bits 27-35.

        14         .IPCSW   Obsolete


        15         .IPCSS   Reserved for DIGITAL.

        16         .IPCQS   Sets the PID quota of the target specified in
                            the request to the value given at addr2+2.  A
                            target can be a  job  number,  a  job-context
                            handle (JCH), or a PID.  This function can be
                            requested only by an IPCF privileged process.
                            The format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCQS
                                      target to be set
                                      PID quota

                            The response  takes  the  same  form  as  the

        17         .IPCQR   Requests [SYSTEM]IPCC to read the  PID  quota
                            of   the   specified   target.   Unprivileged
                            processes may  request  this  function.   The
                            format of the request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCQR

                            The response takes the form:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCQR
                                      PID quota

        20-22               Reserved to DIGITAL.

        23         .IPCLP   Requests [SYSTEM]IPCC to locate a  given  PID
                            in the special system PID table (listed below
                            in  .IPCRP).   Unprivileged   processes   may
                            request  this  function.   The  format of the
                            request is:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCLP
                                      PID to locate

                            The response takes the form:

                            addr2:    XWD user-code,.IPCLP
                                      Index of the located PID


        24         .IPCWP   [SYSTEM]IPCC will write the table of  special
                            system  PIDs  (listed  below).  This function
                            can be requested only by an  IPCF  privileged
                            process.  The request is in the form:


        25         .IPCRP   [SYSTEM]IPCC will read the special system PID
                            table.   Unprivileged  processes  may request
                            this function.  The request is in the form:


                            The response takes the form:


                            Special system PIDs are:

                            Code    Symbol    Meaning

                              -2      - -     Reserved for customer
                              -1      - -     Reserved for customer
                               0    .IPCPS    [SYSTEM]IPCC
                               1    .IPCPI    [SYSTEM]INFO
                               2    .IPCPQ    [SYSTEM]QUASAR
                               3    .IPCPM    Mountable Device Allocator
                               4    .IPCPT    Tape Label Process
                               5    .IPCPF    File Daemon
                               6    .IPCPC    Tape Automatic Volume
                                              Recognition Process
                               7    .IPCPA    [SYSTEM]Accounting
                              10    .IPCPO    Operator Interface
                              11    .IPCPL    System Error Logger
                              12    .IPCPD    Disk Automatic Volume
                                              Recognition Process
                              13    .IPCPE    [SYSTEM]TGHA
                              14    .IPCNM    Network Management (NCP)
                              15    .IPCPG    [SYSTEM]GOPHER
                              16    .IPCPV    [SYSTEM]CATALOG
                              17    .IPCPX    [SYSTEM]MAILER



                                The following message types are  sent
                                by  [SYSTEM]GOPHER or [SYSTEM]IPCC to
                                and from GALAXY components.

        26         .IPCSU   [SYSTEM]IPCC   will   send   a   message   to
                            [SYSTEM]QUASAR indicating that a spooled file
                            is closed.

        27         .IPCSL   [SYSTEM]IPCC will send a  logout  message  to
                            [SYSTEM]QUASAR.   The  job-number is returned
                            in addr2+1.

        30         .IPCTL   [SYSTEM]IPCC sends a tape labeling message.

        31         .IPCUO   A mountable unit is on-line.  (IPCC)

        32         .IPCON   LOGIN message sent to [SYSTEM]QUASAR.  (IPCC)

        33         .IPCAC   Accounting messages.  (IPCC)

        34         .IPCDE   MDA-controlled device deassigned.  (IPCC)

        35         .IPCME   MDA memory error.  (IPCC)

        36         .IPCCS   Reserved.

        37         .IPCRS   Reset with locked structure to MDA.  (IPCC)

        40         .IPCQU   QUEUE UUO to MDA.  (GOPHER)

        41         .IPCLC   Search list change to MDA.  (IPCC)

        42         .IPCAT   Primary disk port attach to MDA.  (IPCC)

        43         .IPCDT   Primary disk port detach to MDA.  (IPCC)

        44         .IPCXC   Disk unit exchange to MDA.  (IPCC)

        45         .IPCRM   Structure removal to MDA.  (IPCC)

        46         .IPCMT   Magtape unit accessible to MDA.  (IPCC)

        47         .IPCST   Structure mount to MDA.  (IPCC)

        50         .IPCIM   IPCFM. UUO request to [SYSTEM]INFO.  (GOPHER)

        51         .IPCSM   Schedule bits change to [SYSTEM]QUASAR.


   The following is an example program using IPCF communication to obtain
   information about the GALAXY input and output queues.

                          TITLE IPCF demonstration

   ;This program demonstrates how to acquire a named PID
   ; from [SYSTEM]INFO, and, using that PID, request a queue
   ; listing from QUASAR.  The QUASAR communications logic
   ; is similar to, but much less complex than that used
   ; in the QUEUE CUSP.

           SEARCH  UUOSYM              ;For TOPS-10 UUO symbols
           SEARCH  GLXMAC,QSRMAC       ;For GALAXY and QUASAR symbols

           T4=1+<T3=1+<T2=1+<T1=1>>>   ;Define some ACs to use
           P=17                        ;PHL pointer

           PDLSIZ==30                  ;Push down list length
           PHBLEN==6                   ;Packet header block length
           PMBLEN==12                  ;Packet message block length
           NAMLEN==<D29/5>+1           ;Max length of a name in words
           ACKCOD==171004              ;Initial ack code
           PAGSIZ==1000                ;Length of a page in words
           PAG==400                    ;Page number for page receives

   IPCF:   JFCL                        ;No CCL entry
           RESET                       ;Stop the world
           MOVE    P,[IOWD PDLSIZ,PDL] ;Set up push down list pointer
           MOVEI   T1,ACKCOD           ;Get initial ack code
           MOVEM   T1,ACK              ;Save it for later use
           MOVE    T1,[%SIQSR]         ;Argument to return a PID
           GETTAB  T1,                 ;Get QUASAR's PID
             SETZ  T1,                 ;Assume QUASAR isn't running
           JUMPE   T1,NOQSR            ;Is it?
           MOVEM   T1,QSR              ;Save the PID
           PUSHJ   P,GENNAM            ;Generate a name
           PUSHJ   P,GETPID            ;Get a PID from [SYSTEM]INFO
           PUSHJ   P,SNDQSR            ;Send queue list request to QUASAR
           PUSHJ   P,RCVQSR            ;Receive and list the queues
           EXIT                        ;Return to monitor level


   ;Generate an ASCIZ name to associate with our PID.
   ; To insure the name is unique, our job number will
   ; be appended to the end of the name text.

   GENNAM: SETZM   NAM                 ;Clear out
           MOVE    T1,[NAM,,NAM+1]     ;Name text
           BLT     T1,NAM+NAMLEN-1     ;Storage
           MOVE    T4,[POINT 7,NAM]    ;Set up byte ptr to storage
           MOVE    T2,[POINT 7,TXT]    ;Set up byte ptr to initial text
   GENNA1: ILDB    T1,T2               ;Get a character
           JUMPE   T1,GENNA2           ;End of text?
           IDPB    T1,T4               ;Put a character
           JRST    GENNA1              ;Loop through text string
   GENNA2: PJOB    T1,                 ;Get our job number
           SETZ    T3,                 ;Clear a counter
   GENNA3: IDIVI   T1,12               ;Divide by 10 (decimal)
           PUSH    P,T2                ;Save remainder
           SKIPE   T1                  ;Done?
           AOJA    T3,GENNA3           ;No--recurse
   GENNA4: POP     P,T1                ;Get a digit
           ADDI    T1,"0"              ;Make it ASCII
           IDPB    T1,T4               ;Append to name
           SOJGE   T3,GENNA4           ;Loop for all digits
           POPJ    P,                  ;And return

   ;Get a named PID from [SYSTEM]INFO.  This routine uses
   ; the name text generated by GENNAM.

   GETPID: SETZM   PHB+.IPCFL          ;Clear first word of PHB
           SETZM   PHB+.IPCFS          ;Default our PID
           SETZM   PHB+.IPCFR          ;0 is [SYSTEM]INFO's PID
           MOVE    T1,[PMBLEN,,PMB]    ;Load length,,addr of PMB
           MOVEM   T1,PHB+.IPCFP       ;Point to PMB
           SETZM   PHB+.IPCFU          ;No PPN
           SETZM   PHB+.IPCFC          ;Zero capability word
           AOS     T1,ACK              ;Add one to make unique ack-code
           HRLZS   T1                  ;Set up ack-code
           HRRI    T1,.IPCII           ;Request PID with name
           MOVEM   T1,PMB+.IPCI0       ;Load ack,,fcn-code into PMB
           SETZM   PMB+.IPCI1          ;Zero second word of PMB
           MOVE    T1,[NAM,,PMB+.IPCI2]  ;Pointer to load name into PMB
           BLT     T1,PMB+.IPCI2+NAMLEN-1  ;Load name into PMB
           PUSHJ   P,IPCSND            ;Send packet
   GETPI1: PUSHJ   P,IPCRCV            ;Retrieve packet
           HLRZ    T1,PMB+.IPCS0       ;Get ack-code of packet
           CAME    T1,ACK              ;Compare with ack of sent packet
           JRST    GETPI1              ;Acks not equivalent, try again
           MOVE    T1,PMB+.IPCS1       ;Get our PID
           MOVEM   T1,PID              ;Store our PID
           POPJ    P,                  ;Return


   ;Build and send a message to QUASAR.  A "normal" queue
   ; listing will be requested  (that is, the same listing obtained
   ; by issuing the QUEUE monitor command).

   SNDQSR: SETZM   PHB+.IPCFL          ;No IPCF flags
           MOVE    T1,PID              ;Get our PID
           MOVEM   T1,PHB+.IPCFS       ;Make it the sender's PID
           MOVE    T1,QSR              ;Get QUASAR's PID
           MOVEM   T1,PHB+.IPCFR       ;Make it the receiver's PID
           MOVE    T1,[PMBLEN,,PMB]    ;Get length and address of PMB
           MOVEM   T1,PHB+.IPCFP       ;Point the monitor at the PMB
           MOVE    T1,[PMBLEN,,.QOLIS] ;Length,,msg type (queue listing)
           MOVEM   T1,PMB+.MSTYP       ;Save it
           SETZM   PMB+.MSFLG          ;Send no flags to QUASAR
           AOS     T1,ACK              ;Get a new ack code
           MOVEM   T1,PMB+.MSCOD       ;Save for comparison later
           MOVEI   T1,1                ;One data block in the message
           MOVEM   T1,PMB+.OARGC       ;Save count in message
           SETZM   PMB+.OFLAG          ;Request a normal queue listing
           MOVE    T1,[2,,.LSQUE]      ;Queue block
           MOVEM   T1,PMB+.OHDRS+ARG.HD  ;Save queue block header
           SETOM   PMB+.OHDRS+ARG.DA   ;Save queue block data
           PUSHJ   P,IPCSND            ;Send queue listing request
           POPJ    P,                  ;Return

   ;Receive a queue listing from QUASAR.  This routine contains
   ; no provisions for handling multiple queue  listing messages
   ; which can occur when there are many jobs in the queues.

   RCVQSR: MOVEI   T1,IP.CFV           ;Returned message is a page
           MOVEM   T1,PHB+.IPCFL       ;Save flag
           MOVE    T1,[PAGSIZ,,PAG]    ;Length and page where to put msg
           MOVEM   T1,PHB+.IPCFP       ;Point monitor at it
   RCVQS1: PUSHJ   P,IPCRCV            ;Try to receive a msg
           MOVE    T1,<PAG_^D9>+.MSCOD ;Get ack code
           CAME    T1,ACK              ;Make the one we sent out?
           JRST    RCVQS1              ;No--try again
           MOVEI   T1,<PAG_^D9>+.OHDRS ;Point to start of data in msg
   RCVQS2: HRRZ    T2,ARG.HD(T1)       ;Get a block type
           CAIN    T2,.CMTXT           ;Is this the queue listing text?
           JRST    RCVQS3              ;Yes--go output it
           HLRZ    T2,(T1)             ;No--get this block length
           ADDI    T1,(T2)             ;Offset to the next block
           JRST    RCVQS2              ;Keep searching
   RCVQS3: OUTSTR  ARG.DA(T1)          ;Output listing text
           POPJ    P,                  ;Return
   IPCSND: MOVE    T1,[PHBLEN,,PHB]    ;Load length,,addr of PHB
           IPCFS.  T1,                 ;Send packet
             SKIPA                     ;Always skip on failure
           POPJ    P,                  ;Return
           OUTSTR  [ASCIZ |? Error sending packet|]  ;Print error
           EXIT                        ;Bomb out


   IPCRCV: MOVE    T1,[PHBLEN,PHB]     ;Load length,,addr of PHB
           IPCFR.  T1,                 ;Get packet
             SKIPA                     ;Always skip on failure
           POPJ    P,                  ;Return
           OUTSTR  [ASCIZ |? Error receiving packet|]  ;Print error
           EXIT                        ;Bomb out

   NOQSR:  OUTSTR  [ASCIZ  |? Cannot get QUASAR's PID|]  ;Print error
           EXIT                        ;Bomb out

   TXT:    ASCIZ   |IPCF demo Job  |   ;Symbolic name

   PDL:    BLOCK   PDLSIZ              ;Push down list
   PHB:    BLOCK   PHBLEN              ;Packet header block
   PMB:    BLOCK   PMBLEN              ;Packet message block
   NAM:    BLOCK   NAMLEN              ;Name to assign to PID
   ACK:    BLOCK   1                   ;Ack code
   PID:    BLOCK   1                   ;Our PID
   QSR:    BLOCK   1                   ;QUASAR's PID

           END     IPCF


                                 CHAPTER 8


   When several users access the same file, problems of interference  and
   inconsistency  can  arise.   While one user is reading the file, other
   users can also read that file; but no other user should be writing the
   same  portion  of  the file.  And while a user is writing the file, no
   other user should be reading or writing the same portion of the file.

   For example, suppose a group of users have  agreed  that  a  character
   string of the form:


   represents a block in the file CUSTMR.DAT, where  nnnn  is  the  block
   number.   Then  if  one user has obtained exclusive use of block 14 in
   that file, perhaps so that he can write the block,  the  monitor  will
   not  grant  other  requests  for  use of the same block until the user
   releases it.

   The ENQ/DEQ facility can be  used  for  dynamic  resource  allocation,
   computer  networks,  and internal monitor queueing.  Simultaneous file
   access, however, is its most common application.  The ENQ/DEQ facility
   ensures  data  integrity  among jobs, allowing multiple users to share
   resources, and it ensures synchronism among cooperating jobs.

   ENQ/DEQ ensures data integrity among jobs only when the  participating
   jobs  cooperate  when  using  both the facility and the resource.  The
   facility does  not  prevent  non-cooperating  jobs  from  accessing  a
   resource without first enqueueing it.  However, to enqueue a resource,
   the  requesting  user  must  have  access  to   the   resource.    The
   accessibility  of  the  resource depends on the type of resource.  If,
   for example, the resource is a file, access to the file  is  permitted
   or  denied  depending  on  the access protection code of the file (see
   Section 12.3).


   A resource is an entity within the  system.   Jobs  compete  with  one
   another  to  use  the  resource.   The physical resource itself has no
   relationship with the resource  definition  supplied  to  the  ENQ/DEQ
   facility  by  the  requesting  programs.  Competing jobs, however, are
   synchronized to allow controlled access to resources  by  the  ENQ/DEQ
   facility.  The ENQ/DEQ facility uses the resource definitions supplied
   by cooperating programs to arbitrate use of a resource.  Some examples
   of  resources  are  files,  operations  on  files (such as reading and
   writing), records, devices, and memory pages.

   The ENQ/DEQ facility maintains a queue of  requesting  jobs  for  each
   resource  that  has been enqueued (requested) by any job.  You request
   resource ownership by placing a request in the queue  associated  with
   that  resource.   You  make  this  request  for  a  resource using the
   ENQ. monitor call.  An ownership request indicates that you  want  the
   ENQ/DEQ  facility  to  create a lock between your job and the resource
   you have defined.  Each request in the queue must be satisfied  before
   following  requests  can be considered.  When you obtain a lock with a
   resource, your are the "owner" of the resource until you dissolve  the
   lock using the DEQ. monitor call to dequeue the resource.

   In the ENQ. call to request a resource, you specify information  about
   the   resource   itself,  the  type  of  ownership  you  require,  and
   information about  the  way  the  request  is  to  be  handled.   Each
   ENQ. request enters the queue associated with the resource.  The queue
   is an ordered list of all requests for that resource.

   When the monitor grants a lock to a requesting job, it establishes the
   type  of  lock  that  the job specified.  For each resource, the first
   owner of the resource determines the characteristics of the  lock  and
   the  resource.  While the lock is in effect, the requesting job is the
   owner of the resource and  can  use  the  resource.   All  other  jobs
   requesting  access  to  the  resource  must  specify the same resource
   identifier.  The resource identifier is an  ASCIZ  string  or  numeric
   value that is included in the ENQ. call.

   If the owner of the resource has defined  the  lock  to  be  sharable,
   other  jobs  can  be  granted  a sharable lock on the resource without
   waiting for the first owner to relinquish the  resource.   Without  an
   explicit   definition,  the  first  owner's  lock  is  assumed  to  be
   exclusive, and other jobs must wait in  the  queue  for  the  previous
   owner  to  relinquish the resource.  When the first owner relinquishes
   the resource, the next requesting job  is  granted  a  lock.   If  the
   ENQ. call  by  the  requesting job specifies a sharable lock, the lock
   will be granted to subsequent jobs that also request shared ownership.
   Therefore,  to  share  the ownership of a resource, all sharing owners
   must cooperate in  the  shared  ownership  agreement.   Section  8.1.1
   discusses sharable resources.

   You relinquish ownership of the resource by using the DEQ. call.  This
   call  can  also  be used to remove a waiting request from the resource


   This  cycle  of  enqueueing  and  dequeueing  requests  for   resource
   ownership  continues  until  all  requests  have been granted for that
   resource.  After the last job relinquishes the resource,  the  monitor
   deletes  the resource queue and all data associated with the resource.
   When a new job makes a request  for  the  resource,  a  new  queue  is
   created for the resource.


   The ENQ. call places a request in the resource queue for the  resource
   that  your program defines in the ENQ. argument list.  This definition
   is an arbitrary ASCIZ  text  string  pointed  to  by  a  word  in  the
   ENQ. argument  list,  or a numeric value included in the ENQ. argument
   list.  This resource definition  governs  the  queue  into  which  the
   request  is placed.  Therefore, cooperating programs must use the same
   resource definition  when  competing  for  the  same  resource.   This
   resource  definition  is an arbitrary value to the monitor, and is not
   used to actually prevent or allow access to any physical resource.

   As each request for the resource is made, the request is placed at the
   end of an ordered list of requests for the resource.  Depending on the
   types of requests in the queue, a lock may or may not  be  granted  to
   the  requesting  job immediately.  The first owner of the resource can
   specify sharable access  to  the  resource.   This  allows  subsequent
   requests  for  sharable  access  to  the  same  resource to be granted
   immediately.  If the first owner does not specify sharable access, the
   lock  is  assumed to be exclusive, and no further lock on the resource
   can be granted until the owner relinquishes the resource.

   8.1.1  Sharable Resources

   Sharable access is useful when multiple jobs must  access  a  resource
   (such  as  a file) in a non-modifying mode (such as reading the file).
   When reading files, multiple jobs can share ownership of the  resource
   without  interfering  with one another's data.  As long as the sharing
   programs  cooperate  in  ensuring  data  integrity,  they  can   share
   ownership  without  endangering one another.  If a request is made for
   exclusive ownership, that request and  all  subsequent  requests  must
   wait  until all the sharing jobs have relinquished the resource.  When
   the last sharing owner of the resource has dequeued the resource,  the
   owner  requesting  exclusive ownership (who may intend to write to the
   file) is granted a lock on the resource.   Any  jobs  making  requests
   after  the  exclusive  request  must  wait until the exclusive lock is
   dissolved by the owner.  Therefore, your ENQ. requests should  specify
   sharable access unless you must modify the resource.


   The ENQ/DEQ facility allows you to limit the set  of  users  that  can
   share  a resource at the same time.  You provide a sharer group number
   in your ENQ. argument list.   When  your  job  is  the  owner  of  the
   resource,  only other jobs specifying the same sharer group number can
   access the resource.  Again, note that jobs in the resource queue  are
   satisfied in order.  Thus, a request for sharable access with the same
   sharer number must  follow  the  first  owner's  request  without  any
   intervening requests of another type.

   Sharer group 0 is the default sharer group.  Thus, every request  that
   specifies  sharable  access,  without  specifying a group number, is a
   member of sharer group 0.  To restrict access to a sharable  resource,
   a sharer group number other than 0 must be specified.  Resource Pools - A resource pool  is  a  group  of  identical
   resources  (such as magtape drives) or copies of the resource (such as
   memory pages).  You specify the resource pool in the argument list  to
   the  ENQ. call  by  specifying  the  number  of units or copies of the
   resource that are in the pool.  You also specify the number  of  units
   or copies of the resource to which your job requires exclusive access.

   A pooled resource cannot be requested for sharable access.  That is, a
   resource  may  be either sharable or pooled, but never both.  When the
   owner has exclusively locked  a  certain  number  of  units  from  the
   resource  pool,  subsequent jobs can gain exclusive access to the rest
   of the units or copies in the pool.  Each subsequent job must  specify
   the total number of units in the pool and the number of units to which
   it requires access.  As long as each request specifies the  same  pool
   size,  the  resource is pooled, and units are subtracted from the pool
   according to the number of units requested by each job in  the  queue.
   The  ENQ/DEQ  facility  ensures  that  requests  for  pooled resources
   specify the same pool size (that is,  the  same  number  of  units  or
   copies  in  the  pool) and that requests are granted for the number of
   units or copies available (unowned) in the pool.

   Pooled resources can be actual physical units, such as  magnetic  tape
   drives.   A  certain number of these might be available on the system;
   this number is the pool size.  Each  job  requesting  access  to  tape
   drives must request a number of drives equal to or less than the total
   pool size.  A pooled resource might be only one actual unit (such as a
   disk file) to which a limited number of users can be allowed access at
   one time.  The disk file can be specified as a pool by a requestor  of
   the  resource,  and  subsequent  access  to the file is limited to the
   number of copies of the file specified as the  pool  size,  minus  the
   number of copies requested for ownership from the pool.


   When the number of resources in the  pool  has  been  determined,  the
   ENQ/DEQ  facility  allocates the resources until the pool is depleted,
   or until a request is made  for  more  units  in  the  pool  than  are
   available.   In  the  latter  case,  the job making the request is not
   granted ownership of any resources until enough  resources  have  been
   dequeued  by  other jobs to satisfy the request.  Because requests are
   satisfied in the order they are queued, all subsequent  requests  must
   wait  for  the  previous  request to be satisfied.  As jobs relinquish
   resources, the  resources  are  returned  to  the  pool  of  available
   resources.  When all resources have been returned, the monitor deletes
   the resource pool.  The next request for a pooled  resource  redefines
   the pool size and available number of units or copies in the pool.

   A pooled resource is useful when a limited  number  of  jobs  wish  to
   modify  the  same  resource  at the same time.  If the resource were a
   file, the jobs would be simultaneously updating the file.  Of  course,
   if  there  is  no  limit to the number of jobs modifying the resource,
   there is no need to use the ENQ/DEQ facility.  Partitioned  Resources - A  resource   can   be   exclusively
   accessed  by  more than one job if those jobs require a portion of the
   resource.  The resource is  requested  in  partitions,  thus  allowing
   several  users  access  to  the  resource,  but  with the intention of
   modifying restricted and exclusive sections of the resource.  This  is
   specified using a bit mask that defines the partition.

   For example, a user might  require  access  to  block  14  of  a  file
   CUSTMR.DAT,  but only for certain records in that block.  Another user
   might require access to a different record in the same  block  of  the
   same  file.   Each  request can specify a bit pattern, where bits that
   are set correspond to parts of the resource to be locked and bits that
   are  off  denote  portions that will be available to other jobs at the
   same time.

   If a job requests parts of a resource that are independent of parts of
   the  resource  already  owned  by another job, a request for exclusive
   access to the resource  can  be  granted.   Therefore,  the  bit  mask
   specified in the ENQ. request should specify unique bit masks for each
   portion of the resource.  In the case of a disk file, each bit in  the
   bit mask might correspond to a record.  Thus, if a request is made for
   exclusive access to a portion of a resource already owned  by  another
   job,  the bit masks would overlap.  The requests would be conflicting,
   and the second request would wait until the owner had relinquished the
   resource.   If  the  bit  masks  did not overlap, the records would be
   mutually exclusive, and the second request could  be  granted  at  the
   same time that the resource is owned by the first job.

   Since the monitor transfers one block at a time for I/O,  simultaneous
   attempts  to write to the same physical block of a file may cause data
   corruption.  Refer to Section 8.3 for information on passing  data  to
   other jobs.


   8.1.2  Multiple-Lock Requests

   If your job requires access to several resources at one time, you  may
   place  several  lock  requests  in  a  single  ENQ. call.   All of the
   requests  must  be  granted  to  your  job  before  the  ENQ. call  is
   successfully  returned.   The  lock  requests in the ENQ. call must be
   granted in the order that you specify the resources in the call.

   When your job issues a multiple-lock request,  the  first  request  is
   considered  before the subsequent requests.  Your job is placed in the
   queue for the first resource until the first lock  is  granted.   Then
   your job is placed in the queue for the second resource, and so forth.
   The requests that have not yet been considered are "invisible" to  the
   monitor.   Other  jobs  requesting  the same resource as the invisible
   requests in your call can be granted access ahead of your  job,  until
   the  request  for  that  resource  becomes visible (that is, until all
   previous requests made by your ENQ. call are granted).  ENQ.  Quotas - A multiple-lock request must not request  more
   resources  than  your  job's ENQ. quota allows.  The ENQ. quota is the
   total number of requests that your job can have at one time.  Your job
   cannot use the ENQ. facility if its ENQ. quota is 0.

   Your system administrator sets ENQ. quotas.   If  you  need  a  larger
   quota,  see  your  system  administrator.  You can check the quota for
   your job by using the .ENQCG function of the ENQC. monitor call.

   You can obtain the default ENQ. quota from item %EQDEQ in GETTAB Table
   .GTENQ.  Request Levels - Each request in a multiple lock  request  is
   granted  in  the  order  that  it is presented in the ENQ. call.  Each
   request in the call must be assigned a level number, unless you bypass
   level  checking,  by  setting  the  flag  EQ.FBL.  In this case, it is
   recommended that you use deadlock detection.  The level number for the
   first  request  in the call must be equal to or greater than the level
   number of any previous request  for  the  same  resource.   Subsequent
   requests in the call must have ascending level numbers.


   The level numbers you include in each request for a  resource  in  the
   same  ENQ. call  help  the ENQ/DEQ facility to avoid deadlocks between
   jobs.  A deadlock occurs when two or more jobs are  each  waiting  for
   resources  held  by  other  jobs,  and  no  job can relinquish its own
   resources until it is granted access to those resources owned  by  the
   other  jobs.   You  can avoid deadlocks if you always request the same
   resources in  the  same  order.   This  is  accomplished  using  level
   numbers.   Your  job  must  use a level number for each resource it is
   requesting, and all jobs must use the same level numbers for the  same
   resources.   The  jobs  must request the resources in ascending order,
   and relinquish the resources in descending order.  This  ensures  that
   your  job  will  not  be  granted  a  lock  for  a  resource until all
   lower-level requests have been  granted  first.   Resources  are  best
   utilized  if  the  scarcest  or most-requested resources are requested
   with higher level numbers.

   8.1.3  Granting Locks

   Requests for resources are granted on a first-come first-served basis.
   Multiple-request calls must be granted in the order that the resources
   are requested, and the call is returned only when  all  the  resources
   have  been  locked  for  the  job.  By default, jobs must wait for the
   requests to be granted.

   However, there  are  methods  for  avoiding  the  wait.   The  ENQ/DEQ
   facility allows you to use the PSI system, a time limit, or a deadlock
   detection flag to prevent undue interruption of processing.  ENQ. Software Interruption - You can enable the PSI system to
   interrupt your program when a request is granted for your job.  To use
   the PSI system, you should first consult Chapter 6.

   Non-blocking jobs should use the ENQ. function  .ENQSI  to  enqueue  a
   request  and  to  continue execution.  If all the requests in the call
   can be granted at once, the call is returned successfully.  If any  or
   all  requests cannot be granted, the ENQ. call takes the error return,
   returning the error code ENQRU% in the accumulator.   The  instruction
   in  your  program  at  the  non-skip  return from the ENQ. call should
   branch to a routine that can be processed while your program waits for
   the request(s) to be granted.

   When the monitor interrupts your job, your program  should  check  the
   status  word of the PSI interrupt control block.  The interrupt reason
   for ENQ. requests granted is .PCQUE.


   To use the PSI system for ENQ. requests, your program should include a
   request  identifier for each request in the ENQ. argument block.  This
   request-id is associated with the resource  being  requested,  and  is
   returned  when  that  resource  is  granted, in the status word of the
   interrupt control block.  When you make a multiple-request  ENQ. call,
   using  the  PSI system to interrupt your program when the requests are
   granted, the request-ids of the granted requests are inclusively  ORed
   into  the status word.  Therefore, for such a request, it is advisable
   to use bit masks for the request-ids, specifying a single bit for each
   request  in  the  call.   This allows you to check which requests have
   been granted.  Time Limits - Your program can avoid waiting an undue  length
   of  time without enabling the PSI system.  If you have a specific time
   limit within which the request must be granted, you can  include  this
   time  limit  (specified  in  seconds)  in  the  header  block  of  the
   ENQ. argument list.  If the requests  in  your  call  can  be  granted
   immediately, the call returns successfully.  If not, the job waits the
   specified  number  of  seconds  for  each  request  that   cannot   be
   immediately  granted.  When that time is over, and all the requests in
   the call have not been granted,  the  call  takes  the  error  return,
   returning error code ENQTL% in the accumulator.  Deadlock Detection - If your program makes multiple  requests
   with  multiple  calls,  you can avoid creating a deadlock situation by
   including the deadlock detection flag in your ENQ. call.  If  you  set
   this  flag,  your requests are compared against other requests for the
   same resource, and the possibility of a deadlock  is  determined.   In
   the  case that the requests can be granted without causing a deadlock,
   the call returns successfully.  However,  if  granting  your  requests
   would  cause a deadlock, the call takes the error return, and the code
   ENQDD% is returned in the accumulator.

   If you specify both a time limit and deadlock detection,  the  monitor
   first waits until the request times out before checking for deadlocks.
   This avoids the overhead of deadlock detection  for  the  majority  of
   cases  where  the job is being blocked, but the resource will be freed
   before the time limit is up.

   You can use this feature to implement a  form  of  deadlock  priority.
   For  example,  a  batch  job  could  specify  a long wait time, and an
   interactive job could specify a short wait time.  The interactive job,
   which  wants  quick  response,  will  time  out first in the case of a
   deadlock, and will back out of its transaction.  The batch job,  which
   probably has more time invested in its transaction, can afford to wait
   longer.  It continues processing when the interactive job releases its



   Resources are released when you relinquish them using the DEQ. monitor
   call.  The resources are also released if your program issues a RESET,
   EXIT, or LOGOUT call.  If your job issues a CLOSE on the  channel  for
   which ENQ. locks are in effect, the call fails, setting the I/O status
   bit IO.IMP.

   When resources are relinquished, they are  freed  according  to  level
   number,  in  descending  order.   That  is, resources locked first are
   released last.  If your job is the only owner  of  any  resource,  the
   queue and data for the resource are eliminated when you relinquish the
   resource, to be reset by any new request for the  resource.   However,
   your program can ensure that resource queues and data are preserved by
   using a long-term lock or an eternal lock.

   Normally the ENQ/DEQ facility retains its data for  defined  resources
   only  while  one  or  more  jobs  have  locks  or  requests  for those
   resources; when the last request is dequeued, the monitor deletes  the

   However, the overhead for deleting and redefining resource data can be
   eliminated  by  using  a long-term lock.  A lock is "long-term" if the
   EQ.FLT flag is set in the ENQ. call argument list  for  the  resource.
   When  the  last locking job releases the resource, the monitor retains
   the resource data for approximately five minutes, instead of  deleting
   the  data  immediately.  Thus, when another job requests the resource,
   the resource data is still in the ENQ. data base.

   You can also define the lock as an "eternal  lock."  An  eternal  lock
   prevents  the  resource  from  being  automatically dequeued when your
   program issues a RESET call.  The resource will only  be  relinquished
   when you explicitly relinquish it with DEQ.


   You can pass data to other jobs sharing ownership of the same resource
   owned  by  your  job.   The  data  is in the form of a lock-associated
   block; its content is arbitrary to the monitor, and is meaningful only
   to the participating programs.

   A lock-associated block is defined in  the  ENQ. argument  list.   The
   block  definition  and  data  persist  until  either  of the following

         o  Another job redefines it.

         o  The monitor deletes its data for the resource.   This  occurs
            immediately  when  there  are  no  further  requests  for the
            resource (or five minutes later, for a long-term lock).


   A lock-associated block may be lost too soon if  its  queue  does  not
   have  a long-term lock.  Therefore, it is good programming practice to
   use long-term locks when using lock-associated blocks.

   The lock-associated block can also be used for  local  buffer  caching
   (also  called  distributed  buffer  management).  Local buffer caching
   allows a number of jobs to maintain copies of data (for example,  disk
   blocks),  in  buffers local to each job.  The job can be notified when
   the buffers contain invalid data due to modifications by another  job.
   In  applications where modification is infrequent, substantial I/O may
   be saved by maintaining local  copies  of  buffers  (hence  the  names
   "local buffer caching" or "distributed buffer management").

   To support local buffer caching using the lock-associated block,  each
   job  maintains  a  cache  of  buffers  with no locks on resources that
   represent the current contents of each buffer.  If the buffer contains
   diskblocks,  the  lock-associated  block associated with each resource
   are used to contain a disk block version number.   The  first  time  a
   lock  is  obtained  on  a  particular  disk block, the current version
   number of that disk block is returned  in  the  job's  lock-associated
   block.   If the contents of the buffer are cached, this version number
   is saved along with the buffer.  To re-use the contents of the buffer,
   the resource associated with the buffer must have a long-term lock put
   on it, in either shared or exclusive mode, depending  on  whether  the
   buffer  will  be  read or written.  The lock-associated block returned
   with the lock contains the latest version number of  the  disk  block.
   The  version  number  of  the  disk  block  is compared with the saved
   version number.  If they are equal, the cached copy is valid.  If they
   are not equal, a fresh copy of the disk block must be read from disk.

   Whenever a procedure modifies a buffer, it writes the modified  buffer
   to  disk and then increments the version number in the lock-associated
   block prior to dequeueing the lock on the resource associated with the
   buffer.  This way, the next job that attempts to use its local copy of
   the same buffer will find a version number mismatch and must read  the
   latest  copy  from  disk,  rather  than use its cached and now invalid

   If more than five minutes have passed  since  the  last  user  of  the
   resource dequeued the lock, then no lock-associated block data will be
   returned, and the program should invalidate its buffer anyway.



   The ENQ. facility offers three monitor calls:

         o  The ENQ. call  requests  access  to  a  resource.   When  the
            requested  resource is not immediately available, the request
            is queued until the resource is released.  When the  resource
            is available, the request is granted, and a lock is placed on
            the resource.  The request defines the characteristics of the
            lock (for example, whether the resource is sharable; that is,
            may be accessed simultaneously by another process).

         o  The DEQ. call releases a resource, cancelling the lock on the
            resource, or cancels requests for a resource.

         o  The ENQC. call allows you to obtain the request quota  for  a
            job, change the request quota, and dump information about the
            monitor's data base of ENQ/DEQ resources.  Note that some  of
            these operations require privileges.


   When your program uses an ENQ., DEQ.,  or  ENQC. call,  it  must  have
   already constructed the argument block for the call, which defines the
   resources.  This consists of a header block for  the  entire  list  of
   requests  and  one lock block for each resource.  Together, the header
   and all associated lock blocks are known as the request block.

   The format of the header block is:

        Word   Symbol    Contents

          0    .ENQLL    Number of blocks and length:

                         Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                          0-5   EQ.BHS    Header block size
                         6-17   EQ.LNL    Number of lock blocks.
                        18-35   EQ.LLB    Total length of the request

          1    .ENQRI    Request identifier.

          2    .ENQTL    Time limit (number of seconds).

   The header block size (EQ.BHS) gives the length of the header block (1
   to 3 words).  The default size (if you give the size as 0) is 2.

   The number of lock blocks (EQ.LNL) is the number of lock blocks in the
   list that follows.


   The length of the argument list (EQ.LLB) gives the total length of the
   request block.  Note that all the lock blocks in a single ENQ. request
   must be the same length.  Thus, the value of EQ.LLB must be the header
   block size plus the length of each lock block times the number of lock

   The request identifier (.ENQRI) is  an  optional  identifier  for  the
   request.  The left half of .ENQRI must be 0.  The request-id is stored
   in the right half of this word.  If you use the ENQ/DEQ facility  with
   programmed  interrupts,  an  interrupt caused by the availability of a
   resource returns the inclusive OR of the request-ids of resources that
   have  become available, in the status word for the PSI system.  (Refer
   to Section 8.6.3.)

   The time limit (.ENQTL) is an optional word in the header  block  that
   you  can  use to specify a maximum amount of time for the job to block
   while waiting for a .ENQBL function to be granted.   You  specify  the
   number  of  seconds  for  your  job to wait for requests to be granted
   before returning from the ENQ. call.  (This word is used only  by  the
   ENQ. UUO.)  When  the  time limit is exceeded, the monitor returns the
   error code ENQTL%.

   One or more lock blocks follow the  header  block.   Each  lock  block
   requests  a  lock  for  one resource.  All the lock blocks in a single
   request block must be the same length.

   The format for each lock block is:

   Word   Symbol    Contents

      0   .ENQFL    Flags, level, and channel:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   EQ.FSR    Sharable lock.
                       1   EQ.FBL    Don't do level checking.
                       2   EQ.FLT    Long-term lock.
                       3   EQ.FEL    Eternal lock, released only on
                       4   EQ.FAB    Aborted lock.  This flag is useful
                                     on a modification function (.ENQMA)
                                     to prevent the resource from being
                                     locked by any other jobs.
                       5   EQ.FDD    Enable deadlock detection.
                       6   EQ.FCW    Specifies that .ENQBP contains a
                                     36-bit user code.
                     7-8             Reserved.
                    9-17   EQ.FLV    Level number.


                   18-35   EQ.FCC    Channel number (if positive integer)
                                     or  code (if negative integer).  The
                                     codes are:

                                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                                      -3    .EQFPL    Privileged global
                                                      (system-wide) lock.
                                                      This lock code can
                                                      be used only by
                                                      jobs logged in
                                                      under [1,2] or jobs
                                                      with the JACCT
                                                      privilege.  Thus,
                                                      only other jobs
                                                      with the [1,2] or
                                                      JACCT privileges
                                                      can share the lock.

                                      -2    .EQFGL    Global lock.  This
                                                      flag prevents any
                                                      sharers, regardless
                                                      of privileges, and
                                                      requires that you
                                                      have JP.ENQ
                                                      privileges set in
                                                      your job's
                                                      privilege word
                                                      (GETTAB Table

                                      -1    .EQFJB    Job-wide lock.
                                                      This flag prevents
                                                      other requests by
                                                      your job (including
                                                      other contexts) for
                                                      this resource from
                                                      being granted.


      1   .ENQBP    Resource identifier in the form of a numeric value or
                    a pointer to an ASCIZ string.

                    Bits 0 to 2 (EQ.BUC) have the value  5  if  a  33-bit
                    numeric  value  is  used.  The word contains a 36-bit
                    numeric value if EQ.FCW  is  set  in  the  flag  word
                    (.ENQFL).  The number is any arbitrary string that is
                    specified by all cooperating processes.

                    Otherwise, .ENQBP contains  a  pointer  to  an  ASCIZ
                    string of up to 30 words (150 characters) that is the
                    name of the resource.  .ENQBP cannot use  indirection
                    or indexing to address the name string.  This pointer
                    is either a byte pointer of the form:

                         POINT   7,address,bitplace

                    Where:  bitplace is the location of the rightmost bit
                            in the first byte in the first word.

                            address is the address of the first word,  or
                            a pointer of the form:

                                 XWD     -1,address

                            Where:  address is the address of  the  first
                                    word  of  the string.  For the second
                                    form, the string must be 7-bit  bytes
                                    and  begin  in  the first byte of the
                                    first word.

      2   .ENQPS    Pool size or sharer group.  If  a  resource  pool  is
                    being  specified, the left half of this word (EQ.PPS)
                    contains the total pool  size,  and  the  right  half
                    (EQ.PPR)  contains  the  number  of  units  or copies
                    desired  from  the  pool.   If  a  sharer  group   is
                    specified,  the left half (EQ.PPS) contains 0 and the
                    right half (EQ.PPR) contains the sharer group number.
                    This optional word defaults to zero.

      3   .ENQMS    Mask  for  partitioned  lock,  where  the  left  half
                    (EQ.MBL)  is the mask length, in words, and the right
                    half (EQ.MSK) is  the  address  of  the  mask.   This
                    optional word defaults to zero.

      4   .ENQTB    Lock-associated block, where the left  half  (EQ.TLN)
                    contains  the  length  of  the  block, in words.  The
                    right half  (EQ.TBL)  contains  the  address  of  the
                    block.  This optional word defaults to zero.


   The ENQ. header/lock block structure looks as follows:

                       0     5   8           17                35
   Header     .ENQLL   | EQ.BHS   EQ.LNL    |     EQ.LLB        |
   Block               |--------------------|-------------------|
              .ENQRI   |        0           | Request-id        |
              .ENQTL   |               Time Limit               |
   Lock       .ENQFL   |  Flags     EQ.FLV         EQ.FCC       |
   Block               |----------------------------------------|
              .ENQBP   |      Byte Pointer or User Code         |
              .ENQPS   |      Pool Size or Sharer Group         |
              .ENQMS   |       Partition Mask Pointer           |
              .ENQTB   |    EQ.TLN          |      EQ.TBL       |

   Figure 8-1:  ENQ/DEQ Request Block

   Note that the lock block is relative to the end of the  header  block,
   which  may  vary in size, because the request-id (.ENQRI) and the time
   limit (.ENQTL) are optional.  The lock  block  is  repeated  for  each
   resource in the request.


   To request a lock on an ENQ. resource, use the  ENQ. monitor  call  as

        MOVE   ac,[XWD fcncode,addr]  ;Set up call
        ENQ.   ac,                    ;Enqueue the request
          error return                ;Didn't get resource
        normal return                 ;Got it

   Where:  fcncode is one of the four ENQ. functions described below.

           addr is the address of the argument list.  The  argument  list
           is described in Section 8.5.

   The monitor attempts to lock each resource described by a  lock  block
   in the argument list.


   The ENQ. function codes are:

        Fcn-code   Symbol   Meaning

            0      .ENQBL   Enqueue the request and wait until the
                            requested resources are available.

            1      .ENQAA   Dequeue the request immediately if any of the
                            requested resources is unavailable.

            2      .ENQSI   Enqueue the request and interrupt the program
                            when the requested resources are available.

            3      .ENQMA   Modify a previous request.

   Each of these function codes and procedures are discussed below.

   8.6.1  Requesting and Waiting for Locks

   Your job can request locks on one or more resources and wait until the
   monitor   grants   the   request.   This  type  of  request  uses  the
   ENQ. function code .ENQBL.  When the request  is  enqueued,  your  job
   waits until the monitor can grant all the locks in the request.

   8.6.2  Requesting Locks Only if Available

   Your job can request locks on one or more resources, and  prevent  the
   monitor  from  queueing  the request.  That is, the monitor grants the
   request only if all the requested locks can  be  granted  immediately;
   otherwise,  the  request is dequeued immediately.  This procedure uses
   the ENQ. function code .ENQAA.

   The monitor takes the error return, giving the ENQRU% error  code,  if
   any of the requested resources is unavailable.  Otherwise, the monitor
   takes the normal return, having locked the requested resources.

   8.6.3  Requesting and Interrupting when Locked

   Your job can request locks on one or  more  resources,  and  have  the
   monitor  execute  a  software interrupt for the job when the requested
   resources are granted.  This procedure  uses  the  ENQ. function  code


   If all the requested locks can be  granted  immediately,  the  monitor
   takes  the  normal  return.  If not, it takes the error return, giving
   the error code ENQRU%.  The instruction at  the  error  return  should
   branch  to some program task that can be performed while the job waits
   for the requested locks.  This "task" could put the job to sleep.

   When the monitor interrupts the job, your  program  should  check  the
   status  word  of  the interrupt block.  If the interrupt was caused by
   the granting of the requested resources, the  request  identifiers  of
   the  granted  requests  are inclusively ORed into the status word.  If
   the interrupt was caused because the resource has  been  aborted,  the
   sign bit of the status word will be on.

   Your job must set up the PSI system for ENQ. interrupts  before  using
   the  .ENQSI  function  of  ENQ.  Refer to Chapter 6 for information on
   setting up the PSI system.

   8.6.4  Modifying a Previous Request

   Your  job  can  modify  a  previously  queued  request  by  using  the
   ENQ. function  .ENQMA.   The function fails if you attempt to change a
   request from sharable to exclusive access when  the  resource  already
   belongs to a sharer group.

   If the requested modification is already in effect, the monitor  makes
   no  change and takes the normal return.  If your job tries to modify a
   request that is not in the resource queue, the monitor takes the error
   return, giving the ENQNE% error code.

   If  your  call  to  the  .ENQMA  function  specifies  more  than   one
   modification,  and  the  monitor takes the error return, your job must
   use the ENQC. function .ENQCS to check the  status  of  each  request.
   The  error  code returned is only for the first error that occurred in
   the call.


   To release a lock on an ENQ. resource (or cancel  a  request  for  the
   lock), use the DEQ. monitor call as follows:

        MOVE   ac,[XWD fcncode,addr]  ;Set up call
        DEQ.   ac,                    ;Dequeue the request
          error return                ;Failed
        normal return                 ;Dequeued

   Where:  fcncode is one of the function codes discussed below.

           addr is the address of the argument list for function codes  0
           and 1, and contains the request-id for function 2.


   The monitor releases each resource described by a lock  block  in  the
   argument list.

   The DEQ. function codes are:

        Fcn-code   Symbol   Meaning

            0      .DEQDR   Dequeue or release a specified lock.

            1      .DEQDA   DEQ. all requests and release all locks for
                            the job.

            2      .DEQID   DEQ. all requests and release all locks for a
                            given request identifier.

   Each of these DEQ. functions is discussed below.

   8.7.1  Cancelling a Specific Request

   Your job can cancel a specific  request  by  using  the  DEQ. function
   .DEQDR.   This function deletes the request from the queue or releases
   the lock on the requested resource.

   If you use the .DEQDR function for a lock that is not in the queue and
   is not in force, the monitor takes the error return, giving the ENQNO%
   error code.

   8.7.2  Cancelling All Requests for a Job

   Your job can cancel all its ENQ. requests by using  the  DEQ. function
   .DEQDA.  This function cancels all of your requests from the queue and
   releases all the locks you have placed on resources.

   The monitor takes the error return, giving the ENQNO% error  code,  if
   you have no requests or locks.


   8.7.3  Cancelling Requests Based on Request-id

   Your job can cancel all its ENQ. requests that have the  same  request
   identifier  by using the DEQ. function .DEQID.  This function dequeues
   all requests that have the  specified  identifier,  and  releases  all
   locks that were requested using the specified identifier.

   The .DEQID function does not use an argument list; instead,  it  reads
   the  request  identifier  from the field that would otherwise point to
   the address of the argument list.  Thus, the calling sequence for  the
   .DEQID function is:

        MOVE   ac,[XWD .DEQID,request-id]
        DEQ.   ac,
          error return
        normal return

   Where:  request-id is the request identifier of the requests and locks
           that are to be cancelled.

   If your job has no requests or locks for  the  given  request-id,  the
   monitor takes the error return, giving the ENQNO% error code.


   The ENQ. facility offers the ENQC. monitor call  for  control  of  the
   facility  itself.   The calling sequence for the ENQC. UUO differs for
   each function code.  The function codes for this monitor call are:

        Fcn-code   Symbol   Meaning

            0      .ENQCS   Obtain the status of a request.

            1      .ENQCG   Obtain the ENQ. quota of a specified job.

            2      .ENQCC   Set the ENQ. quota for a specified job.

            3      .ENQCD   Examine the monitor's ENQ/DEQ database.

   Note that some of these functions require privileges.   The  functions
   are described in the following sections.


   8.8.1  Obtaining the Status of a Request

   Your program can use an ENQC. function .ENQCS to check on  the  status
   of an ENQ. request, which is specified by the request identifier given
   with the request.

   The calling sequence for the .ENQCS function is:

                  MOVE   ac,[XWD .ENQCS,addr]
                  MOVEI  ac+1,buffer
                  ENQC.  ac,
                    error return
                  normal return
        buffer:   BLOCK <lock blocks>*3

   Where:  addr is the address of the  request  block,  as  described  in
           Section 8.8

   On a normal return, the monitor returns a three-word status block  for
   each request at buffer.  Specify the amount of buffer space to reserve
   as number of lock blocks times 3.  The format of the block returned at
   buffer is:

   Word   Symbol    Contents

      0   .ENQCF    Flags:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   EQ.CFI    Invalid lock.  The monitor sets this
                                     bit if it found an error in the
                                     corresponding lock request
                                     specification.  When this bit is
                                     set, bits 18-35 contain an error

                       1   EQ.CFO    This user is owner.

                       2   EQ.CFQ    This user is in queue.

                       3   EQ.CFX    Owner's access is exclusive.

                     4-8             Reserved.

                    9-17   EQ.CFL    Level.


                   18-35   EQ.CFJ    Job context handle  or  error  code.
                                     (This   is   the   same  error  code
                                     returned  in  the  AC  on  an  error
                                     return  from  ENQC.) If several jobs
                                     share the  lock,  this  job  context
                                     handle  indicates  only one of those
                                     sharers.  However, if you are one of
                                     those  sharers,  this  value will be
                                     your job context handle.

                                     It is possible that there may be  no
                                     lock  owner even though several jobs
                                     may have  requested  ownership.   In
                                     this  case, the monitor returns a -1
                                     in bits 18-36.

      1   .ENQCT    Time (in universal date-time format)  that  the  lock
                    was   granted   to  its  owner.   This  36-bit  value
                    represents  the  last  time  someone  was  granted  a
                    request  for  the  specified resource.  This value is
                    written in UDT format.  If there is no owner  of  the
                    resource, this word will be zero.

                    This time stamp is useful if you want  some  type  of
                    watch  dog  timer.   Such  a timer could periodically
                    query the status of any queue in which throughput was
                    of maximum importance.  If it became obvious that the
                    time stamp of the queue had not changed  for  a  long
                    time, the time process could signal the operator that
                    someone had held the resource  for  longer  than  the
                    allowable  time  interval.   The  operator could then
                    take whatever action was deemed appropriate.

      2   .ENQCI    The left half (EQ.CIQ) contains the number of  owners
                    sharing   the  resource.   The  right  half  (EQ.CID)
                    contains the request-id of the request.

                    If you are currently in the  queue  for  a  specified
                    resource,  this value will be the request-id for your
                    request in the queue (even if a lock has not yet been
                    granted).   However,  if you are not the owner of the
                    resource and not in the queue for the  resource,  the
                    request-id  will  be  that  used  by the owner of the
                    resource.  The request-id field  allows  the  use  of
                    ENQ/DEQ with the PSI system.


   8.8.2  Obtaining the Quota for a Job

   You can use an ENQC. function (.ENQCG) to obtain the ENQ. quota for  a
   user.  The calling sequence for this function is:

                  MOVE   ac,[XWD .ENQCG,addr]
                  ENQC.  ac,
                    error return
                  normal return
        addr:     XWD 0,jobno

   Where:  addr is the address of the argument list.

           jobno is the number of the job whose quota is required (-1 for
           your own job).

   The monitor returns the quota for the specified job in ac.

   8.8.3  Setting the Quota for a Job

   If you have the required privileges (JP.POK, JACCT, or the [1,2] PPN),
   you  can  use  an ENQC.  function (.ENQCC) to set the ENQ. quota for a
   user.  The calling sequence for this function is:

                  MOVE   ac,[XWD .ENQCC,addr]
                  ENQC.  ac,
                    error return
                  normal return
        addr:     XWD quota,jobno

   Where:  addr is the address of the argument list

           quota is the new quota to be set for the job.

           jobno is the number of the job whose quota is to be set (-1
           for your own job).

   The monitor sets the quota for the specified job.


   8.8.4  Dumping the ENQ. Database

   If you have the required privileges (JP.SPM, JP.SPA, JACCT, or [1,2]),
   you   can  use  an  ENQC. function  (.ENQCD)  to  dump  the  monitor's
   ENQ. database.  The calling sequence for this function is:

                  MOVE   ac,[XWD .ENQCD,buffer]
                  ENQC.  ac,
                    error return
                  normal return
        buffer:   XWD 0,buflength
                  BLOCK  buflength

   Where:  buffer is the address of a buffer for returned data.

           buflength is the length of the buffer.

   The monitor returns a dump of the ENQ. database beginning  at  buffer.
   If the database does not fill the entire buffer, the balance is filled
   with zeros; if the database will  not  fit  into  the  buffer,  it  is

   The following diagram shows the general format of the ENQC. dump:

          |               Number of words in block                |
          |                                                       |
          |               Dump block for first lock               |
          |                                                       |
          \                                                       \
                                     . . .
          \                                                       \
          |                                                       |
          |               Dump block for last lock                |
          |                                                       |


   The format for each dump block is:

          |                                                       |
          |               Lock block for this lock                |
          |                                                       |
          |                                                       |
          |   Two-word queue block for first owner of this lock   |
          |                                                       |
          \                                                       \
                                     . . .
          \                                                       \
          |                                                       |
          |   Two-word queue block for last owner of this lock    |
          |                                                       |
          |                                                       |
          |  Two-word queue block for first waiter for this lock  |
          |                                                       |
          \                                                       \
                                     . . .
          \                                                       \
          |                                                       |
          |  Two-word queue block for last waiter for this lock   |
          |                                                       |

   Where each lock block is in the format:

   Word   Symbol    Contents

      0   .EQDFL    Flags, level, and lock identifier:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   EQ.DLB    This is a lock block.
                       2   EQ.DLT    This lock has text.
                       5   EQ.DLN    This lock block will not be dequeued
                                     on a reset.
                       6   EQ.DLA    This lock is aborted; no new
                                     requests will be granted.
                    9-17   EQ.DFL    Level number.
                   18-35   EQ.DFI    Lock identifier.  (That is, the
                                     access table address or code of -1,
                                     -2, or -3.)

                    The flag word (.EQDFL) is returned as -1 at  the  end
                    of the list of queue blocks.


      1   .EQDPR    Pooled request counts:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                    0-17   EQ.DPS    Size of pool.
                   18-35   EQ.DPL    Number of resources available in the

      2   .EQDTS    Time stamp.

      3   .EQDSU    Resource identification string or numeric code.

   The format of each 2-word queue block is:

   Word   Symbol    Contents

      0   .EQDFL    Flags in the left half, and associated job number  in
                    the right half.

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       1   EQ.DLO    This is the lock owner.
                       3   EQ.DXA    Exclusive access.
                       4   EQ.DJW    This job is blocked waiting for
                       7   EQ.DQI    This queue block is invisible.
                       8   EQ.DQD    This queue block will be checked for

      1   .EQDGI    Group number and request identifier:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                    0-17   EQ.DGR    Group or number requested.
                   18-35   EQ.DRI    Request identifier.

   8.9  ENQ. ERRORS

   For errors from  ENQ. monitor  calls  (ENQ.,  DEQ.,  and  ENQC.),  the
   monitor returns one of the following error codes in the AC:

        Code   Symbol   Error

          1    ENQRU%   At least one of the requested resources is not
          2    ENQBP%   You requested an illegal number of pooled
          3    ENQBJ%   You specified an illegal job number.
          4    ENQBB%   You specified an illegal byte size for the byte
                        pointer.  The byte pointer must be 1 to 36


          5    ENQST%   ASCIZ string is too long.  It must be less than
                        150 (decimal) characters.
          6    ENQBF%   You specified an illegal function code.
          7    ENQBL%   You specified an illegal argument list length.
                        The total length must be the header-block-size
                        plus (request-block-size times
         10    ENQIC%   You specified an illegal number of requests.
         11    ENQBC%   You specified an illegal channel number.
         12    ENQPI%   Your program does not have enough privileges for
                        specified function.
         13    ENQNC%   Not enough core available, or the maximum number
                        of active locks (item %EQMAQ in GETTAB Table
                        .GTENQ) has been exceeded.
         14    ENQFN%   File is not open or device is not a disk.
         15    ENQIN%   Address for byte pointer cannot be indirect or
         16    ENQNO%   Your program cannot dequeue resources not owned
                        by your job.
         17    ENQLS%   Levels not specified in ascending order.
         20    ENQCC%   Illegal modification of ownership; you cannot
                        change a request from shared to exclusive
                        ownership.  DEQ. first, then re-ENQ.
         21    ENQQE%   Enqueue quota exceeded; your quota is set by the
                        system administrator.
         22    ENQPD%   Number of resources in pool disagrees with number
                        in your request.
         23    ENQDR%   Duplicate request; the request is identical to a
                        request already queued by your job.
         24    ENQNE%   The resource cannot be dequeued because it is not
                        enqueued for your job.
         25    ENQLD%   Level in request does not match lock.
         26    ENQED%   Not enough privileges for ENQ/DEQ; you must have
                        JP.ENQ set.
         27    ENQME%   Mask too long or lengths do not match.
         30    ENQTE%   Lock-associated block is too long.
         31    ENQAB%   A resource that was requested has been marked as
         32    ENQGF%   An eternal lock cannot be placed on a "ghost
                        file" (that is, a file that is in the process of
                        being created or superseded on disk).
         33    ENQDD%   A deadlock was detected.
         34    ENQTL%   The specified time limit was exceeded.



   An example of the ENQ. monitor call is shown below.

   TITLE     ENQEXA - A simple ENQ application

             SEARCH JOBDAT,MACTEN,UUOSYM ;Get standard symbol definitions
             SALL                        ;Make listing pretty

             T1=1                        ;Temporary ACs
             P=17                        ;Push down pointer

             IO==1                       ;Input-output disk channel

             LN$PDL==40                  ;Stack size
             LN$DAT==200                 ;Data block size

   DEFINE    ERROR  (COD,TXT),<          ;;Standard error macro
             JRST   [OUTSTR [ASCIZ/?ENQ'COD 'TXT/]
                    RESET                ;;Clear all locks, etc.
                    MONRT.               ;;Return to monitor fast
                    JRST START]          ;;Start all over again>

             TWOSEG 400000               ;Make program sharable

   START:    JFCL                        ;In case of CCL entry
             RESET                       ;Reset the world
             MOVE   P,[IOWD LN$PDL,PDLST] ;Initialize push down list
             MOVE   T1,[SIXBIT /DATA/]
             MOVEM  T1,LKPBLK            ;File name is DATA
             MOVSI  T1,'DAT'
             MOVEM  T1,LKPBLK+1          ;File extension is .DAT
             MOVE   T1,[6,,[IO,,.FOMAU   ;Channel=IO,mode=MULTI-USER
                    .IODMP               ;Mode=DUMP
                    SIXBIT /DSK/         ;Device=DSK
                    0,,0                 ;No buffer headers
                    0,,0                 ;No buffers
                    ENTBLK,,LKPBLK]]     ;File name blocks
             FILOP. T1,                  ;Open a file in simul update mode
              ERROR (COF,Can't open file DATA.DAT for simultaneous update)

   RECORD:   MOVE   T2,[POINT 7,MSGBLK]  ;Point to start of message
             MOVEI  T3,LN$DAT*5          ;Count of character
             SETZM  MSGBLK               ;Zero out message block
             MOVE   T1,[MSGBLK,,MSGBLK+1] ;..
             BLT    T1,MSGBLK+LN$DAT-1   ;..


   TTYINP:   INCHWL T1                   ;Read a character (line mode)
             CAIN   T1,.CHCNZ            ;^Z?
              EXIT                       ;Yes, done with program
             SOSL   T3                   ;Room left in message block
              IDPB  T1,T2                ;Yes, append to message
             CAIE   T1,.CHLFD            ;End of line?
              JRST  TTYINP               ;No, loop for more

             MOVE   T1,[.ENQBL,,[1B5+1B17+3 ;Header=1,locks=1,length=3
                    EQ.FCW+IO            ;Code word,level=0,channel=1
                    -1]]                 ;Arbitrary code
             ENQ.   T1,                  ;Lock the resource
              ERROR (CEB,Can't ENQ. a block for DATA.DAT)
             USETI  T1,1                 ;Set to block 1
             INPUT  T1,[IOWD LN$DAT,DATBLK
                    Z]                   ;Read the block
             USETO  T1,1                 ;Set to block 1
                    Z]                   ;Write new message
             MOVE   T1,[.DEQDA,,0]       ;DEQ all locks
             DEQ.   T1,                  ;Unlock the resource
              ERROR (CDB,Can't DEQ. a block for DATA.DAT)
             OUTSTR [ASCIZ /            => /]
             OUTSTR DATBLK               ;Type the contents of the block
             JRST   RECORD               ;Do it again

             LIT                         ;Store the literals in the high seg

             RELOC                       ;Switch to low segment storage

   LKPBLK:   BLOCK  4                    ;Storage for LOOKUP block
   ENTBLK:   BLOCK  4                    ;Storage for ENTER block
   DATBLK:   BLOCK  LN$DAT               ;Storage for data block
   MSGBLK:   BLOCK  LN$DAT               ;Storage for message input
   PDLST:    BLOCK  LN$PDL               ;Storage for push-down list

             END    START


                                 CHAPTER 9


   Most jobs run under the TOPS-10  monitor  as  timesharing  jobs.   The
   system   scheduler  schedules  them  for  CPU  time.   (Refer  to  the
   SCHED. monitor call in Volume  2.)  But  realtime  jobs  are  assigned
   higher  priorities than timesharing jobs and the CPU serves them on an
   event-driven basis.  Timesharing jobs use  the  CPU  time  left  after
   realtime jobs have been served.


           Realtime execution is not available  on  KS  processor

   Realtime programs connect devices to the CPU priority  interrupt  (PI)
   system.   The  device  is then under exclusive control of the realtime
   program,  and  is  called   a   realtime   device.    Refer   to   the
   DECsystem-10/DECSYSTEM-20  Processor Reference Manual for a discussion
   of the hardware Priority Interrupt system.

   A realtime program must be locked in core  so  that  the  program  can
   service  the  device  at  interrupt  level.   (The  system  cannot  do
   paging/swapping  at  interrupt  level.)  A  realtime  program   cannot
   connect to a device unless the program is locked in core.

   The monitor calls that are most important for realtime programs are:

        RTTRP    Connects and releases realtime devices.

        UJEN     Dismisses a realtime interrupt.

        HPQ      Places a job in a high-priority run queue.   You  should
                 not  place a job in a high-priority run queue if the job
                 will run for a long time.  Doing so can cause other jobs
                 to lose data.

        TRPSET   Temporarily suspends execution  of  all  other  jobs  to
                 facilitate realtime processing.

        LOCK     Locks a job in core.



   To connect a realtime device, use the RTTRP monitor call.  A  realtime
   device is controlled in one of four ways; this control is specified in
   the RTTRP call that connects the device.  The four control modes are:

         o  Block mode in which the monitor reads an entire block of data
            before  it  interrupts your program.  To accomplish this, the
            monitor places BLKI/BLKO in the skip chain.

         o  Fast block mode, in which the monitor also  reads  an  entire
            block  of  data  before  it  runs  the interrupt program, but
            responds faster than normal block mode.  To accomplish  this,
            the monitor places BLKI/BLKO at the interrupt location.

         o  Single mode, in which the monitor runs your interrupt routine
            each  time  the  device  interrupts.  To accomplish this, the
            monitor places an XPCW instruction at the interrupt location.

         o  Executive Process Table (EPT) relative  mode,  in  which  the
            monitor  responds  to  a  vectored  interrupt.  To accomplish
            this, the monitor places the XPCW instruction  into  the  EPT

   Note that EPT mode responds to vectored interrupts.  The  first  three
   modes are for non-vectored interrupts.  Your choice of the first three
   modes should depend on the speed of response required by your program.

   Interrupts are distinguished as standard or vectored, depending on how
   they get a new PC.  With standard interrupts, two memory locations are
   assigned to each channel starting at locations 40 + 2n and 41 + 2n  in
   the  EPT.  The processor starts an interrupt on channel n by executing
   the instruction in  location  40  +  2n  in  the  EPT.   The  standard
   interrupt  follows the CONSO skip chain testing all the devices in the
   following way:

        40+2n:    XPCW CH'N

        CH'N:     Old flags
                  Old PC
                  New flags
                  New PC (always .+1)
                  JRST to CONSO skip chain

        DEV'INT:  CONSO DEV1,bits
                  JRST DEV2'INT


        DEV2'INT: CONSO DEV2,bits
                  JRST DEV3'INT

                  The last entry on the chain contains an XJEN CH'N

   With vectored interrupts, the device gives the new PC to the  hardware
   by  using  an  offset into the Executive Process Table.  This location
   contains the instruction which the hardware executes on an  interrupt.
   In the following example, the interval time uses location 514.

        EPT+514/     XPCW TM0INT

   The interval timer is a vectored interrupt device, as are the RH20's.

   Normally, the interrupt service routine is run in user mode with  user
   I/O privileges.  However, your program can also use executive mode for
   its realtime interrupts if it requires extremely fast response.   (See
   Section 9.1.4.)

   Using normal or fast block mode places  a  BLKI  or  BLKO  instruction
   directly  on  a  PI  level.   Since  this  instruction  is executed in
   executive mode, you must first lock  your  job  in  executive  virtual

   In normal block mode, the monitor places the BLKI or BLKO  instruction
   directly  after  the  entry for the device in the monitor's CONSO skip
   chain.  Any number of realtime devices using  either  single  mode  or
   normal  block mode can be placed on any available PI level.  The level
   is considered available  if  it  is  not  used  for  a  BLKI  or  BLKO
   instruction  by  the  system or by other realtime users, including the
   APR channel.  (The average overhead per device on the same PI level is
   5.5 microseconds per interrupt.)

   In fast block mode, the monitor places the BLKI  or  BLKO  instruction
   directly  in  the PI location.  This requires that the interrupt level
   be dedicated to the realtime job during data transfers.

   In single mode, the  monitor  places  an  XPCW  instruction  into  the
   interrupt location to pass control to your program on every interrupt.

   In EPT-relative mode, the monitor places the XPCW into the EPT  vector
   to pass the control to your program on an interrupt at that vector.


   On a normal return from a RTTRP monitor call, the job is  granted  IOT
   privileges,  allowing  the  job to execute restricted I/O instructions
   from user mode.  These instructions could  halt  the  system  if  used
   improperly.  The restricted instructions are:

        CONO      DATAI     JEN
        CONI      DATAI     XSFM
        CONSO     BLKI      XJEN
        CONSZ     BLK0      

   A RTTRP monitor call with the PI  level  (see  below)  given  as  zero
   produces the IOT privilege without setting up a device.

   A realtime device must be placed on the same interrupt  level  in  its
   RTTRP  monitor call, and in the CONO instruction which establishes the
   interrupt level for the device.

   If a CONSO bit mask is set up for a device, but  the  device  has  not
   been  placed  on  its  proper  interrupt  level, and if a flag for the
   device is on, an interrupt to your program can occur.  This is because
   there  is  a  CONSO  skip  chain for each interrupt level; if a device
   interrupts whose CONSO instruction is further down the chain than  the
   device  itself,  the  CONSO is executed.  If a hardware device flag is
   set (and the corresponding bit is set in  the  CONSO  bit  mask),  the
   CONSO  skips and an interrupt to your interrupt service routine occurs
   even though the device did not interrupt.

   To avoid this, your program can store the CONSO bit mask in  the  your
   area (for example, at MSKADD) and use an indirect address in the CONSO
   instruction (for example, CONSO device, @MSKADD).   This  allows  your
   program  to  chain  the device to its interrupt level, but keep a zero
   bit mask until the device is placed on its interrupt level by  a  CONO

   When your program removes a device from the interrupt chain,  it  must
   also  remove  it  from  the  interrupt  level  with  a  CONO  device,0

   The calling sequence for the RTTRP monitor call is:

        MOVEI  ac,addr
        RTTRP  ac,
          error return
        normal return

   Where:  addr is the address of the argument list.  The contents of the
           argument  list  depend  on  which  mode is being set up by the
           call.  The  argument  list  for  each  mode  is  discussed  in
           Sections 9.1.1 through 9.1.5.


   The RTTRP functions require the following types of information:

         o  Realtime interrupt levels

            The realtime interrupt level (given as level in the  argument
            lists  in  this  chapter)  is  the  PI level for the realtime
            device.  You may specify any of the following in the PI level

            1.  A positive PI channel.  Specifying level 0 with the RTTRP
                monitor  call  releases  the  device.  Levels 1 and 2 are
                often reserved for tape devices such  as  TD10  or  TM10.
                Levels  3  through 6 are legal levels.  Level 7 is always
                reserved for the system.

                If you lock your  job  on  a  CPU,  and  then  specify  a
                positive  PI  channel,  the  system  assumes the realtime
                device is on that CPU.  If your job is not  locked  on  a
                CPU, the system locks it on CPU0, and attaches the device
                to the channel you indicated.  The  system  then  removes
                all  occurrences  of  the device on any PI channel on the
                same CPU in the system.  This is  useful  when  a  device
                uses   multiple  PI  levels  for  flags  and  data  or  a
                software-generated  interrupt  is  used  for  lower-level

            2.  A negative PI channel.  When your job is locked on a CPU,
                the  system  assigns the PI channel in the same manner as
                for a positive PI channel  specification,  but  does  not
                remove  occurrences of the device from other PI channels.
                When your job is not locked on a CPU, and  you  assign  a
                negative  PI  channel,  the system attaches the device to
                the channel the same way as for a positive specification,
                but does not remove other occurrences of the device.

            3.  A bit mask in the form:

                1B0 + <CPU no.>B8 + <PI chan.>B17.

                The system assigns the device on the specified channel on
                the  CPU  you indicate in the CPU number (CPU no.) field.
                If you do not specify  a  CPU,  the  system  assigns  the
                device  to the channel as though you specified a positive
                PI channel.

            4.  A bit mask in the form:

                1B0 + 1B1 + <CPU no.>B8 + <PI chan.>B17.

                The system assigns the device on the specified channel on
                the  CPU  you indicate in the CPU number (CPU no.) field.
                If you do not specify  a  CPU,  the  system  assigns  the
                device  to the channel as though you specified a negative
                PI channel.

         o  Trap location

            The location to which a realtime interrupt traps is given  as
            realtrap  in the argument lists in this chapter.  Realtrap is
            the start of the interrupt service routine.  When a user mode
            realtime    interrupt   occurs,   the   monitor   saves   all
            accumulators; therefore a realtime interrupt service  routine
            can overwrite them without loss.

         o  APR trap location

            The location to which APR conditions trap is given as aprtrap
            in  the  argument lists in this chapter.  On an APR trap such
            as  NXM  or  PDL  overflow,  the  monitor  executes   a   JSR
            instruction to the trap address.  (If a realtime device is on
            a  higher  interrupt  level  than  the  APR  level,  no   APR
            conditions on the device are detected.)

         o  Device name

            A realtime device is defined by a symbol for the device code.
            See  the  MACRO  Reference  Manual  for  a list of I/O device

         o  Bit mask

            A mask is defined in each CONSO  instruction  in  a  realtime
            trap.   The  mask  bits  differ  for  each  device.   See the
            Hardware Reference Manual for a list  of  the  bits  in  each
            mask.  The CONSO instruction can be written as:

                       CONSO     device,mask

            Where:  mask is in the address field of the  instruction;  or
                    the CONSO instruction can be written as:

                                    CONSO     device,@mskadd
                                    . . .
                         mskadd:    XWD       0,mask

            Where:  mskadd is the address of  the  word  (in  your  area,
                    which   is   locked   in  executive  virtual  memory)
                    containing the mask.

                    mask is the 18-bit mask value.

            The indirect addressing of this mask allows your  program  to
            store  the  mask  in  your  memory  area.   However, the word
            containing the mask must  not  have  the  indirect  or  index
            fields set (that is, Bits 13 through 17 must be 0).


         o  BLKI/BLKO pointer word

            The address (in your memory area) of  the  BLKI/BLKO  pointer
            word  is  given  in  the  argument  lists  in this chapter as
            blockaddr.  On a  realtime  interrupt,  the  monitor  adds  a
            relocation  constant  to this pointer; therefore your program
            must restore the pointer to its  original  value  after  each

         o  Interrupt flags

            Realtime interrupt flags (given  as  flags  in  the  argument
            lists in this chapter) are as follows:

             Flag      Meaning

              0        If set, Bits 6-8 contain the CPU number of the CPU
                       to which the device is connected.  If this flag is
                       not set, the device is on the same  CPU  that  the
                       program  is  locked  on.   If  the  program is not
                       locked on this CPU, RTTRP locks it on CPU0:.

              1        There  are  multiple  device  references  in   the
                       interrupt  chain.   Thus,  the device can generate
                       interrupts on more than one PI channel.

              15       This is an EPT-mode interrupt; the  address  given
                       in  addr+2  is  an  offset into the executive page

              16       The device indicated in the argument list supports
                       and produces vectored interrupts.

              17       The monitor patches the trap to a JSR  to  a  trap
                       address.   If  this  bit  is  not set, the monitor
                       patches the trap to a JSR to the context switcher.
                       If this bit is set, your interrupt service routine
                       is entered in executive mode with no  accumulators
                       saved.  (Refer to Section 9.1.4.)

   Should the job running realtime abort the program  using  CTRL/C,  the
   monitor  uses  the device field to execute a CONO instruction to reset
   the device and remove it from realtime processing.


   9.1.1  Normal Block Mode

   The RTTRP argument list for normal block mode is:

        addr:     XWD       level,realtrap
                  XWD       flags,aprtrap
                  CONSO     device,mask
                    BLKx    device,blockaddr

   Where:  level is the interrupt level for the device.

           realtrap is the address of the interrupt service routine for
           the given device.

           flags are realtime interrupt flags.

           aprtrap is the trap location for all APR traps.

           BLKx is your choice of BLKI or BLKO.

           device is the device code for the realtime device.

           mask is the bit mask.

           blockaddr is the address in your area of the BLKI/BLKO pointer


   TITLE   RTNBLK - Papertape read test in BLKI mode

   SEARCH  UUOSYM                     ;Standard symbols

   ;Some values

   TAPE=400                           ;No more tape in reader if TAPE=0
   BUSY=20                            ;Device is busy reading
   DONE=10                            ;A character has been read
   AC1=1                              ;Work register
   AC2=2                              ;Work register
   TABLEN=200                         ;Table length
   PICHAN=6                           ;PI channel


   ;Realtime data block

   RTBLK:  XWD     PICHAN,TRPADR      ;PI channel and trap address
           XWD     0,APRTRP           ;Flags and APR trap
           CONSO   PTR,DONE           ;Wait only for done flag
           BLKI    PTR,POINTR         ;Read a block at a time


   POINTR: IOWD    TABLEN,TABLE       ;Pointer for BLKI instruction
   OPOINT: BLOCK   1                  ;Original pointer
   TABLE:  BLOCK   TABLEN             ;Table area for data being read
   DONFLG: BLOCK   1                  ;PI level to user level command

   RTBLK1: EXP 0                      ;Data block to remove PTR
           EXP 0                      ; from PI channel
           CONSO   PTR,0
           EXP     0

                                      ;Here we begin

   BLKTST: RESET                      ;Reset the program
           MOVE    AC1,[LK.HLS+LK.LLS] ;Lock both segments
           LOCK    AC1,               ;Lock the program in core
             JRST  FAILED             ;LOCK call failed
           MOVEI   AC1,RTBLK1         ;Get address of realtime block
           RTTRP   AC1,               ;Get user IOT privilege

             JRST  FAILED             ;RTTRP call failed
           CONO    PTR,0              ;Clear all PTR bits
           SETZM   DONFLG             ;Initialize the done flag
           MOVEI   AC1,RTBLK          ;Get address of realtime data block
           RTTRP   AC1,               ;Put realtime device on PI level
             JRST  FAILED             ;RTTRP call failed
           MOVE    AC1,POINTR         ;Get relocated pointer for later
           MOVEM   AC1,OPOINT         ;Store for interrupt level use
           HLRZ    AC2,RTBLK          ;Get PI number from RTBLK
           TRO     AC2,BUSY           ;Set up CONO bits to start tape
           CONO    PTR,(AC2)          ;Turn on PTR
           MOVEI   AC1,5              ;For five seconds . . .
           SLEEP   AC1,               ;Sleep
           SKIPN   DONFLG             ;Finished reading the tape?
           JRST    .-3                ;No, back to sleep
           EXIT                       ;Yes, stop the job

                                      ;Here's the trap

   TRPADR: CONSO   PTR,TAPE           ;End-of-tape?
           JRST    TDONE              ;Yes, stop the job
           MOVE    AC1,OPOINT         ;No, get original pointer
           MOVEM   AC1,POINTR         ;Store in pointer location
           UJEN                       ;Dismiss the interrupt

                                      ;Here on end-of-tape

   APRTRP: BLOCK   1                  ;APR error trap address


   TDONE:  MOVEI   AC1,RTBLK1         ;Set up to remove PTR
           CONO    PTR,0              ;Take device off hardware PI level
           RTTRP   AC1,               ;Take device off software PI level
             JFCL                     ;Ignore errors
           SETOM   DONFLG             ;Indicate that reading is over
           UJEN                       ;Dismiss the interrupt

                                      ;Here if LOCK or RTTRP call failed

   FAILED: OUTSTR  [ASCIZ /RTTRP or LOCK call failed.
           EXIT                       ;Stop the job

           END     BLKTST

   9.1.2  Fast Block Mode

   The RTTRP argument list for fast block mode is as follows:

        addr:     XWD       level,realtrap
                  XWD       flags,aprtrap
                    BLKx    device,blockaddr

   Where:  level is the interrupt level for the device.

           realtrap is the address of the interrupt service routine for
           the given device.

           flags are realtime interrupt flags.

           aprtrap is the trap location for all APR traps.

           BLKx is your choice of BLKI or BLKO.

           device is the device code for the realtime device.

           blockaddr is the address in your area of the BLKI/BLKO pointer



   TITLE   RTFBLK - Papertape read test in BLKI mode

   SEARCH  UUOSYM                     ;Standard symbols

   ;Some values

   TAPE=400                           ;No more tape in reader
   BUSY=20                            ;Device is busy reading
   DONE=10                            ;A character has been read
   TABLEN=5                           ;Length of table
   AC1=1                              ;Work register
   AC2=2                              ;Work register
   PICHAN=6                           ;PI channel


   POINTR: IOWD    TABLEN,TABLE       ;Pointer for BLKI instruction
   OPOINT: BLOCK   1                  ;Original pointer word for BLKI
   TABLE:  BLOCK   TABLEN             ;Table area for data being read
   DONFLG: BLOCK   1                  ;PI level to user level command

   RTBLK1: BLOCK   1                  ;Data block to remove PTR
           BLOCK   1                  ; from PI channel
           CONSO   PTR,0
           BLOCK   1

   ;Realtime data block

   RTBLK:  XWD     PICHAN,TRPADR      ;PI channel and trap address
           XWD     0,APRTRP           ;APR error trap address
           BLKI    PTR,POINTR         ;Read a block at a time
           BLOCK   1

   ;Here we begin

   BLKTST: RESET                      ;Reset the program
           MOVE    AC1,[LK.HLS+LK.LLS];Lock both segments
           LOCK    AC1,               ;Lock the job in core
             JRST  FAILED             ;LOCK call failed
           SETZM   DONFLG             ;Initialize done flag
           MOVEI   AC2,RTBLK          ;Get address of realtime data block
           RTTRP   AC2,               ;Put realtime device on PI level
             JRST  FAILED             ;RTTRP call failed
           MOVE    AC2,POINTR
           MOVEM   AC2,OPOINT


           HLRZ    AC2,RTBLK          ;Get PI number from RTBLK
           TRO     AC2,BUSY           ;Set up CONO bits to start tape
           CONO    PTR,(AC2)          ;Turn on PTR
           MOVEI   AC1,5              ;For five seconds . . .
           SLEEP   AC1,               ;Sleep
             SKIPN DONFLG             ;Finished reading the tape?
           JRST    .-3                ;No, back to sleep
           EXIT                       ;Yes, stop the job

   ;Here's the trap

   TRPADR: CONSO   PTR,TAPE           ;End-of-tape?
           JRST    TDONE              ;Yes, stop the job
           MOVE    AC2,OPOINT         ;Get original pointer
           MOVEM   AC2,POINTR         ;Restore BLKI pointer
           UJEN                       ;Dismiss the interrupt

   ;Here on end-of-tape

   APRTRP: BLOCK   1                  ;APR trap address

   TDONE:  MOVEI   AC2,RTBLK1         ;Set up to remove PTR
           CONO    PTR,0              ;Take device off hardware PI level
           RTTRP   AC2,               ;Take device off software PI level
             JFCL                     ;Ignore errors
           SETOM   DONFLG             ;Indicate that reading is done
           UJEN                       ;Dismiss the interrupt

   ;Here on failure for LOCK or RTTRP call

   FAILED: OUTSTR  [ASCIZ /RTTRP or LOCK call failed.
           EXIT                       ;Stop the job

           END     BLKTST

   9.1.3  Single Mode

   The RTTRP argument list for single mode is as follows:

        addr:     XWD       level,realtrap
                  XWD       flags,aprtrap
                  CONSO     device,mask
                  BLOCK     1


   Where:  level is the interrupt level for the device.

           realtrap is the address of the interrupt service routine for
           the given device.

           flags are realtime interrupt flags.

           aprtrap is the trap location for all APR traps.

           device is the device code for the realtime device.

           mask is an 18-bit mask for the CONSO instruction.


   TITLE   RTSNGL - Papertape read test using CONSO chain

   SEARCH  UUOSYM                     ;Standard symbols

   ;Some values

   PIOFF=400                          ;Turn PI system off
   PION=200                           ;Turn PI system on
   TAPE=400                           ;No more tape in reader
   BUSY=20                            ;Device is busy reading
   DONE=10                            ;A character has been read
   PICHAN=5                           ;PI channel
   AC1=1                              ;Work register
   AC2=2                              ;Work register


   PDATA:  BLOCK   1                  ;Read data into this location

   ;Realtime data block

   RTBLK:  XWD     PICHAN,TRPADR      ;PI channel and trap address
           XWD     0,APRTRP           ;APR error trap address
           CONSO   PTR,@PTRCSO        ;Indirect CONSO bit mask = PTRCSO
           BLOCK   1                  ;No BLKI/O instruction

   PTRCSO: BLOCK   1                  ;CONSO bit mask

   DONFLG: BLOCK   1                  ;PI level to user level command

   RTBLK1: BLOCK   1                  ;Data block to remove PTR
           BLOCK   1                  ; from PI channel
           CONSO   PTR,0
           BLOCK   1


   ;Here we begin

   PTRTST: RESET                      ;Reset the program
           MOVE    AC1,[LK.HLS+LK.LLS];Lock both segments
           LOCK    AC1,
             JRST  FAILED             ;LOCK call failed
           SETZM   PTRCSO             ;Zero CONSO bits
           SETZM   DONFLG             ;Initialize done flag
           MOVEI   AC1,RTBLK          ;Address of realtime data block
           RTTRP   AC1,               ;Put realtime device on PI level
             JRST  FAILED             ;RTTRP call failed
           MOVEI   AC1,DONE           ;Set up CONSO bit mask
           HLRZ    AC2,RTBLK          ;Get PI number from RTBLK
           TRO     AC2,BUSY           ;Set up CONO bits to start tape
           CONO    PI,PIOFF           ;Guard against interrupts
           MOVEM   AC1,PTRCSO         ;Store CONSO bit mask
           CONO    PTR,(AC2)          ;Turn on PTR
           CONO    PI,PION            ;Allow interrupts again
           MOVEI   AC1,5              ;For five seconds . . .
           SLEEP   AC1,               ;SLEEP
             SKIPN DONFLG             ;Finished reading the tape?
           JRST    .-3                ;No, back to sleep
           EXIT                       ;Finished

   ;Here's the trap

   TRPADR: CONSO   PTR,TAPE           ;End of tape?
           JRST    TDONE              ;Yes, stop job
           DATAI   PTR,PDATA          ;Read in data word
           UJEN                       ;Dismiss the interrupt

   ;Here on end-of-tape

   APRTRP: BLOCK   1                  ;APR trap address

   TDONE:  MOVEI   AC1,RTBLK1         ;Set up to remove PTR
           CONO    PTR,0              ;Take device off hardware PI level
           RTTRP   AC1,               ;Take device off software PI level
             JFCL                     ;Ignore errors
           SETOM   DONFLG             ;Indicate that read is done
           SETZM   PTRCSO             ;Clear CONSO bit mask
           UJEN                       ;Dismiss the interrupt

   ;Here on failure of RTTRP or LOCK call

   FAILED: OUTSTR  [ASCIZ /RTTRP or LOCK call failed.
           EXIT                       ;Stop the job

           END     PTRTST


   9.1.4  EPT Mode

   Executive page table (EPT) mode addresses an interrupt  by  an  offset
   into the executive page table.  This mode is only for KL10 processors.
   The RTTRP argument list for EPT mode is as follows:

        addr:     XWD       level,realtrap
                  XWD       flags,aprtrap
                  EXP       <device>B9+evaddr
                  BLOCK     1

   Where:  level is the interrupt level for the device.

           realtrap is the address of the interrupt service routine for
           the given device

           flags are realtime interrupt flags.

           aprtrap is the trap location for all APR traps.

           device is the device code for the realtime device.

           evaddr is an offset within the executive process table of an
           EPT-mode interrupt vector.

   9.1.5  Exec-Mode Trapping

   In special cases, the realtime user requires a  faster  response  time
   than  that  offered  by  the  RTTRP monitor call when executed in user
   mode.  To accommodate these cases, you can specify  a  special  status
   bit  in  the RTTRP monitor call that gives the program control in exec
   mode.  Exec-mode  trapping  gives  response  times  of  less  than  10
   microseconds  to real-time interrupts.  To use this exec-mode trapping
   feature, the job must have real-time privileges (granted by LOGIN) and
   be  locked in core (accomplished by using the LOCK monitor call).  The
   job must also be mapped contiguously  in  exec  virtual  memory.   The
   privilege bits that must be set in JBTPRV are:

        JP.TRP(Bit 15)
        JP.LCK(Bit 14)
        JP.RTT(Bit 13)

   Several restrictions must be placed  on  user  programs  in  order  to
   achieve  this  level of response.  On receipt of an interrupt, program
   control is transferred to the user's real-time program without  saving
   the accumulators and with the processor in exec mode.  Therefore, the


   user program must save and restore all  accumulators  that  are  used,
   must  not execute any monitor calls, and cannot leave exec mode.  This
   means that the programs must be self-relocating (that is, through  the
   use of an index or base register).


           Improper use of the exec mode  feature  of  the  RTTRP
           monitor  call can cause the system to fail in a number
           of ways.  Unlike  the  user  mode  feature  of  RTTRP,
           errors  are  not  prevented because, in exec mode, the
           programs run with no accumulators being saved.

   To specify RTTRP exec mode trapping, Bit 17 of the second word in  the
   RTTRP  argument  block must be set to 1.  This implies that no context
   switching is to be done and that a JSR instruction is to  be  used  to
   enter  the  user's  realtime interrupt routine.  The user program must
   save and restore all accumulators and  should  dismiss  the  interrupt
   with a JRSTF to an indirect location.  This instruction must be set up
   prior to  the  start  of  the  real-time  device  as  an  absolute  or
   unrelocated  instruction.   This  can be done because the LOCK monitor
   call returns the exec  virtual  page  numbers  of  the  low  and  high
   segments after the job is locked in a fixed place in memory.

   The exec mode trapping feature can be used with any  of  the  standard
   forms of the RTTRP monitor call.


   TITLE   RTFXEX - Realtime trapping in executive mode

   SEARCH  UUOSYM                     ;Standard symbols

   ;Some values

   TAPE=400                           ;No more tape in reader if TAPE=0
   BUSY=20                            ;Device is busy reading
   DONE=10                            ;A character has been read
   I=1                                ;Work register
   AC2=2                              ;Work register
   PICHAN=6                           ;PI channel


   DONFLG: BLOCK   1                  ;PI level to user level command

   APRTRP: BLOCK   1                  ;APR trap address


   ;Realtime data block

   RTBLK:  XWD     PICHAN,TRPADR      ;PI channel and trap address
           XWD     1,APRTRP           ;Bit 17 says trap in exec mode
           CONSO   PTR,DONE
           BLOCK   1

   PDATA:  BLOCK   1                  ;Data word
   INDEX:  BLOCK   1                  ;Base index register

   ;Here we begin

   RTEXEC: RESET                      ;Reset the program
           SETZM   DONFLG             ;Initialize the done flag
           MOVE    AC2,[LK.HLS+LK.LLS];Lock both segments
           LOCK    AC2,               ;Lock the job in core
                                      ; (Absolute address of job
                                      ; returned in AC2)
             JRST  FAILED             ;LOCK call failed
           HRRZS   AC2,               ;Get only low-segment address
           LSH     AC2,9              ;Justify the address
           MOVEM   AC2,INDEX          ;Save base address for later
           ADDM    AC2,EXCHWD         ;Relocate interrupt level program
           ADDM    AC2,JENWD          ;Relocate interrupt instruction
           MOVEI   AC2,RTBLK          ;Connect realtime device
           RTTRP   AC2,               ; to the PI system
             JRST  FAILED             ;RTTRP call failed
           CONO    PTR,20+PICHAN      ;Start realtime device reading
   SLEEP:  MOVEI   AC2,^D1000         ;For 1000 microseconds . . .
           HIBER   AC2,               ;Sleep
             JRST  FAILED             ;HIBER call failed
           SKIPN   DONFLG             ;Interrupt level program done?
           JRST    SLEEP              ;No, back to sleep
           EXIT                       ;Yes, stop the job

   TRPADR: BLOCK   1                  ;JSR TRPADR on interrupt
   EXCHWD: EXCH    I,INDEX            ;Set up index register
           CONSO   PTR,TAPE           ;Tape finished?
           JRST    TDONE(I)           ;Yes, stop the reader
           DATAI   PTR,PDATA(I)       ;No, read next character
   RETURN: EXCH    I,INDEX(I)         ;Restore ACs used
   JENWD:  JRSTF   @TRPADR            ;Dismiss the interrupt

   TDONE:  CONO    PTR,0              ;Take the reader off-line
           SETOM   DONFLG(I)          ;Indicate that the tape is finished
           JRST    RETURN(I)          ;Go dismiss the interrupt

           EXIT                       ;Stop the job

           END     RTEXEC



   Your program can use the RTTRP call at interrupt  level  (that  is,  a
   realtime  trap  can  contain  an  RTTRP monitor call) if the following
   rules are observed:

         o  The program must save any accumulators it may need; an
            interrupt-level trap overwrites them.

         o  The AC used in the interrupt-level RTTRP call cannot be
            accumulator 16 or 17.

         o  If the device given with the interrupt-level RTTRP is the
            same one that caused the interrupt, then no monitor calls of
            any kind can be executed in the routine.  Execution of any
            further monitor calls (including RTTRP) dismisses the


   To release a realtime device, use  the  RTTRP  monitor  call  with  an
   argument list as follows:

        addr:   EXP     0
                BLOCK   1
                EXP     <device>B9

   Where:  device is the device name of the device to be released.


   To dismiss a realtime interrupt, use the UJEN monitor call; this  call
   causes  the  monitor  to  execute  a  JEN (or XJEN) instruction to the
   address saved by the previous JSR  (to  trapaddr  or  to  the  context

   Executing any monitor  call  other  than  RTTRP  during  an  interrupt
   dismisses the interrupt.


   If your job has the JP.HPQ privilege, you can use the HPQ monitor call


   to place the job in a high-priority run queue.  When your job executes
   a RESET or EXIT monitor call, the job returns to the  queue  given  in
   the most recent SET HPQ monitor command.

   As the monitor  executes  timesharing  jobs,  it  scans  high-priority
   queues  before normal-priority queues; therefore jobs in high-priority
   queues are selected for  execution  before  those  in  normal-priority

   Jobs in high-priority queues are also given preferential treatment  by
   the  monitor  in  its  use  of shared resources (such as shared device
   controllers).  The monitor's swapper prefers  high-priority  jobs  for
   first swap-in and for last swap-out.

   The calling sequence for HPQ is:

        MOVEI  ac,queue
        HPQ    ac,
          error return
        normal return

   Where:  queue is the number of the high-priority queue that the job is
           to  be  placed in.  If you give queue as 0, the job returns to
           timesharing level.  The  highest  queue  number  is  a  system
           configuration parameter (0-15).


   If your job has the JP.TRP privilege, you can use the  TRPSET  monitor
   call  to  temporarily  suspend  execution of other jobs.  This assures
   fast response times to realtime interrupts  by  minimizing  contention
   for memory caused by other jobs' I/O.

   The calling sequence for TRPSET is:

        MOVE   ac,[XWD addr1,addr2]
        TRPSET ac,
          error return
        normal return
               . . .

   In  this  calling  sequence,  addr1  is  an  address  for  storing  an
   instruction  (must  be  between  40  and  57  octal), and addr2 is the
   address of the argument list.

   The argument block that addr2 points to is one of the following:

         o  addr2:   JSR   addr3


         o  addr2:   BLKI  addr3

   In this word, addr3 is a user virtual address.

   When the TRPSET call is executed,  the  monitor  stops  executing  all
   other  jobs.   The  contents  of  addr2 (a JSR or BLKI instruction) is
   moved to temporary storage, where the given address is converted to an
   executive  virtual  address.   This  address  is then written into the
   location addr1.

   The monitor also returns in the ac the previous contents  of  address;
   this  allows  your  program to restore the contents of addr1 after the
   TRPSET is executed.

   The routine  addressed  during  the  interrupt  must  be  locked  into
   contiguous  executive virtual memory; otherwise, the TRPSET call takes
   the error return.

   On a multiprocessor system,  the  TRPSET  call  applies  only  to  the
   processor  specified  as  your  job's  CPU  (use  the  SET CPU monitor
   command).  The default is CPU0.

   The calling sequence for resuming other jobs is:

        MOVEI  ac,0
        TRPSET ac,
          error return   ;insufficient privileges
        normal return    ;timesharing restarted

   On a successful return, user I/O is set for the job.


                                 CHAPTER 10

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

   The TOPS-10 monitor offers the  following  monitor  calls  to  provide
   privileged  users  with  tools  to  measure  system  performance:  the
   PERF. call   to   control   the   system's   performance   meter   and
   the SNOOP. monitor  call  to insert breakpoints in the monitor to trap
   to user programs.


   The PERF. monitor call allows privileged jobs on a KL10  processor  to
   measure  system  performance over medium to long periods of time.  See
   the  DECsystem-10/DECSYSTEM-20  Processor  Reference  Manual   for   a
   detailed  presentation  of the performance meter.  PERF. allows you to
   count rates associated  with  memory  cache,  PI  interrupt  channels,
   program counters, microcode, hardware, and I/O channels

   Only one job at a  time  can  use  the  performance  facility  on  any
   particular  CPU.  A job can have more than one CPU's PERF meter in use
   at the same time.

   10.1.1  Performance Modes

   The performance meter can operate in either of two modes:

         o  Timer mode (bit PM.MOD of .PMCPU is set) counts the number of
            CPU  cycles  while  a  condition specified by enabled bits is
            true.  When the logical AND of all enabled bits is true,  the
            counter  counts  at  1/2 the CPU cycle rate (Model A = 25MHz,
            Model B = 30MHz).

         o  Counter mode (bit PM.MOD of .PMCPU  is  cleared)  counts  the
            number of times the specified conditions occur.

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

   10.1.2  Performance Enable Flags

   The PERF. meter must be initialized before it can  be  started.   When
   your  job  initializes  the  performance  meter,  it  specifies  which
   conditions are to be timed (timer mode) or counted (counter mode).

   The meter has classes of conditions that you can enable  by  including
   flags  in the argument list for .PRSET function of the PERF. UUO.  The
   meter runs if all classes are true.  A class is true if any  condition
   within that class is true.  For PERF., if no conditions within a class
   are specified, that class is ignored (forced true).

   To obtain accurate measurement of the cache hit rate, set  the  PM.SYN
   bit   in  the  cache  enable  word  (.PMCSH);  this  synchronizes  the
   performance and accounting meters.

   Your job can measure the number of cache hits by using the performance
   meter to measure the total number of memory references and subtracting
   the number of cache misses.  The cache hit rate is the number of cache
   hits divided by the total number of memory references.

   To measure the cache hit rate for a job, the  accounting  meters  must
   exclude  both  priority-interrupt  time and monitor overhead.  You can
   exclude these by rebuilding the monitor, after  selecting  the  proper
   accounting  options  with  MONGEN.   Note, however, that these changes
   affect the methods for gathering usage accounting data.

   Alternatively, you can set the following bits in GETTAB Table .GTCNF:

        Word   Symbol    Bit   Name    Meaning

          17   %CNSTS    15    ST%EMO  Exclude monitor overhead from user

         106   %CNST2    19    ST%XPI  Exclude priority interrupt time
                                       from user runtime.

         106   %CNST2    20    ST%ERT  Use EBOX/MBOX accounting.

   Your job must also set bit PM.NPI  in  the  priority-interrupt  enable
   word  (.PMPIE);  this enables the meter only when no interrupts are in

   To measure the cache hit rate for the system,  the  accounting  meters
   must  include  both priority-interrupt time and monitor overhead.  You
   can include these by rebuilding  the  monitor  (selecting  the  proper
   accounting options), or by setting bit ST%XPI to 0 and ST%ERT to 1, in
   item %CNST2 of the GETTAB Table .GTCNF.  The performance meter must be
   set  to  measure  cache  misses,  with  no  bits set in enable words 4
   through 11 (.PMPIE through .PMCHN).

   Note that the formats of accounting meter  counts  are  different;  to
   make them consistent, divide MBOX counts by 10000 (octal).

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

   10.1.3  PERF. Functions

   The following is a list of the PERF. functions:

        Fcn-code     Symbol      Meaning

            1        .PRSET      Sets up the performance meter.
            2        .PRSTR      Starts the performance meter.
            3        .PRRED      Reads the performance meter.
            4        .PRSTP      Stops the performance meter.
            5        .PRRES      Releases the performance meter.
            6        .PRBPF      Turns background PERF analysis off.
            7        .PRBPN      Turns background PERF analysis on.

   The PERF. functions are usually used in the following order:

        1.  Initialize the performance meter (.PRSET).

        2.  Start the performance meter (.PRSTR).

        3.  Stop the performance meter (.PRSTP).

        4.  Release the performance meter (.PRRES).

   Your program can also read the performance meter (.PRRED function) any
   time after initializing it, but before releasing it.

   The calling sequence for the PERF. monitor call is:

             MOVE      ac,[XWD len,addr]
             PERF.     ac,
               error return
             normal return
             . . .
   addr:     XWD       fcn-code,arglst
             . . .
             XWD       fcn-code,arglst
             . . .
   arglst:   argument block

   Where:  len is the length of the argument list.

           addr is the address of the argument list.

   At the address you  loaded  into  the  ac,  fcn-code  is  one  of  the
   PERF. functions listed above and arglst is the address of the argument
   list for the  function  code.   This  format  allows  you  to  specify
   multiple functions with a single PERF. call.  At the address specified
   in arglst, store the argument block for the function  code.   Function
   codes  and  their  argument  blocks  are  described  in  the following

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE  Initializing the Performance Meter - Use the .PRSET function
   to  initialize  the  performance  meter.   The  format of the argument
   block, with offsets from the beginning of arglst (see above)  for  the
   .PRSET function is:

   Word   Symbol    Contents

     0    .PMLEN    Length of the  argument  block  (not  including  this

     1    .PMCPU    CPU type:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   PM.PD6    PDP-6.
                       1   PM.KA     KA10.
                       2   PM.KI     KI10.
                       3   PM.KL     KL10.
                       4   PS.KS     KS10

     2    .PMMOD    CPU number and mode:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                    0-17   PM.CPN    CPU number.
                      18   PM.MOD    Performance mode.  If this bit is
                                     not set, the duration of time during
                                     which enabled events are true is
                                     counted.  If this bit is set, the
                                     number of enabled events is counted.
                                     Refer to Section 10.1.1.
                      19   PM.CLR    Clear performance meter counts.

     3    .PMCSH    Cache enable flags:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   PM.CCR    Count references.
                       1   PM.CCF    Count fills.
                       2   PM.EWB    Count EBOX writebacks.
                       3   PM.SWB    Count sweep writebacks.
                       4   PM.SYN    Synchronize performance and
                                     accounting meters.

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

     4    .PMPIE    Priority interrupt enable flags:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   PM.PI0    Enable for channel 0.
                       1   PM.PI1    Enable for channel 1.
                       2   PM.PI2    Enable for channel 2.
                       3   PM.PI3    Enable for channel 3.
                       4   PM.PI4    Enable for channel 4.
                       5   PM.PI5    Enable for channel 5.
                       6   PM.PI6    Enable for channel 6.
                       7   PM.PI7    Enable for channel 7.
                       8   PM.NPI    Enable for no interrupt in progress.

     5    .PMPCE    Program counter enable flags:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   PM.UPC    User-mode enable.
                       1   PM.XPC    Executive-mode enable.

     6    .PMMPE    Microcode probe enable flag:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   PM.MPE    Enable microcode probe.

     7    .PMHPE    Hardware probe enable flags:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   PM.P0L    Probe zero low.
                       1   PM.P0H    Probe zero high.

                      10   .PMJOB    Job enable word.  This contains the
                                     job number of the job for which the
                                     meter is enabled, or one of the
                                     following values:

                    Code   Symbol    Meaning

                      -2   .PMNUL    Enable for null job.
                      -1   .PMSLF    Enable for calling job.

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

    11    .PMCHN    Channel enable flags:

                    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

                       0   PM.EC0    Enable for channel 0.
                       1   PM.EC1    Enable for channel 1.
                       2   PM.EC2    Enable for channel 2.
                       3   PM.EC3    Enable for channel 3.
                       4   PM.EC4    Enable for channel 4.
                       5   PM.EC5    Enable for channel 5.
                       6   PM.EC6    Enable for channel 6.
                       7   PM.EC7    Enable for channel 7.  Starting the Performance Meter - To  start  the  performance
   meter,  use the .PRSTR function.  The argument block for this function
   is listed here with offsets from arglst (See Section 10.1.3.)

        Word    Symbol    Contents

          0     .PMLEN    Count of following words.  (Supply this in your
          1     .PMCPN    CPU number.  (Supply this in your program.)
          2     .PMHTB    High-order word of time-base.  (The rest of the
                          data is returned by the monitor.)
          3     .PMLTB    Low-order word of time-base.
          4     .PMHPM    High-order word of performance counter.
          5     .PMLPM    Low-order word of performance counter.
          6     .PMHMC    High-order MBOX reference count.
          7     .PMLMC    Low-order MBOX reference count.

   Your program supplies the first  two  words  of  this  argument  block
   (.PMLEN  and  .PMCPN);  the  monitor  returns the remaining words on a
   normal return.  Reading the  Performance  Meter - To  read  the  performance
   meter,  use the .PRRED function.  The argument block for this function
   is the same as for the .PRSTR function.   Your  program  supplies  the
   first  two  words  of  the argument; the monitor returns the remaining
   words on a normal return.  Stopping the Performance  Meter - To  stop  the  performance
   meter,  use the .PRSTP function.  The argument block for this function
   is the same as for the .PRSTR function.   Your  program  supplies  the
   first  two  words  of  the argument; the monitor returns the remaining
   words on a normal return.

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE  Releasing the Performance Meter - To release the performance
   meter,  use the .PRRES function.  The argument block for this function
   is the same as for the .PRSTR function.   Your  program  supplies  the
   first  two  words  of  the argument; the monitor returns the remaining
   words on a normal return.

   10.1.4  Background PERF. Functions

   When the performance meter is not assigned to a specific job,  it  can
   be  set  to gather system-wide statistics.  This is called "background
   performance analysis." It is enabled using the PERF.  function .PRBPF,
   and disabled with .PRBPN.  While it is enabled, the monitor can sample
   PI channel and RH20 usage.

   When setting the background performance meter, it is advisable to  set
   bit  19  in .PMMOD to clear the counters.  You set the timing interval
   in word .PSCSH, specifying the number of ticks.

   The data for the background performance meter is kept in GETTAB  Table
   .GTCnV,  where  n is the CPU number.  The table is formatted in 4-word
   blocks, of which the first pair of words  contains  the  elapsed  time
   since  the  time  was cleared.  The second pair of words in each block
   contains the meter count for the performance meter.

   Because each CPU has one performance meter, the monitor  samples  each
   item in turn, for the specified period.  At the end of the period, the
   meter updates  the  counter.   The  background  performance  meter  is
   suspended  if a job assigns the performance meter for another purpose.
   When it is deassigned, the background meter is restored.

   10.1.5  PERF. Errors

   On an error for a PERF. monitor call, one of the following error codes
   is returned in the ac:

        Code    Symbol    Error

          1     PRCPU%    Invalid CPU specified.
          2     PRNXC%    Nonexistent CPU specified.
          3     PRMOD%    Improper mode specified.
          4     PRSET%    Meter not set up.
          5     PRUSE%    Meter already in use.
          6     PRRUN%    Meter already running.
          7     PRJOB%    Invalid job number.
         10     PRNRN%    Meter not running.
         11     PRNIM%    Function not implemented.
         12     PRFUN%    Invalid function code.
         13     PRPRV%    Not enough privileges.

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE


   The SNOOP. UUO allows the  privileged  program  ([1,2]  or  JACCT)  to
   insert  breakpoints  into  the monitor, thereby patching routines into
   the monitor code.

   The  breakpoints  must  be  defined  before  they  can   be   enabled.
   The SNOOP. function  to  define  breakpoints  requires your program to
   supply the checksum of  the  current  monitor's  symbol  table.   This
   requirement  ensures  that your program recognizes the current monitor
   symbols and locations.  The checksum will be compared to the monitor's
   own  analysis  of  the  checksum,  and  if  the two are not equal, the
   SNOOP. UUO will fail.

   In addition, the breakpoint definitions must supply monitor  addresses
   for  locations  that will be patched.  These addresses can be obtained
   from the monitor symbol table as well.

   To obtain the checksum and monitor addresses, your program can use its
   own  algorithms,  or  you  can call routines from the SNUP.MAC package
   that is distributed  with  the  monitor  sources.   SNUP.MAC  contains
   several   routines   that   obtain   information   to   be   used   in
   the SNOOP. argument block, and others serve as examples of how to  use
   the SNOOP. UUO.

   To compute the checksum and locations yourself, you  must  obtain  the
   file  specification  of the current monitor.  The relevant information
   can be obtained from GETTAB Table .GTCNF, where  the  important  words

        Word    Contents

        %CNBCP  Bootstrap CPU number.
        %CNBCL  Bootstrap line number.
        %CNNCR  Number of CPUs allowed to run.
        %CNMBS  File structure where bootstrap monitor is stored.
        %CNMBF  File name of bootstrap monitor.
        %CNMBX  File extension of bootstrap monitor.
        %CNMBD  Bootstrap file directory.

   The maximum number of breakpoints that can be inserted is  defined  as
   GETTAB symbol %CNBPM in Table .GTCNF; the default monitor defines this
   value to be 64.

   To insert the defined breakpoints, your program must  be  locked  into
   contiguous Executive Virtual Memory (EVM).  You can lock your job into
   EVM using the LOCK. UUO, which will return the  new  starting  address
   (as  the  virtual  page number) of your job.  Remember that subsequent
   references to user address space must be accompanied by the offset  of
   the  relocation.   That  is, you should compute the difference between
   your original starting address in user  space  and  the  new  starting
   address in EVM, and use that difference as an offset for references to
   locations in your program.

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

   Because you must lock your job in EVM to  use  the   SNOOP.   UUO, you
   must  remember that the monitor will perform no functions to save data
   when you pass control to the routines in your program that perform the
   actually  data gathering and analysis.  In other words, save the state
   of the current accumulators when you  JRST  to  your  routine  at  the
   breakpoint.  Observe that the monitor defines accumulator P=1, not 17,
   as user programs normally do.  While in breakpoint code, your  program
   cannot execute a monitor call or leave exec mode.

   After inserting the breakpoints, you can  remove  them  at  will  with
   SNOOP. UUO.  After you remove them, you can re-enable them, or you can
   delete the breakpoint definition.  To delete a breakpoint  definition,
   you  must  remove  the  breakpoint  first.   Similarly,  to  insert  a
   breakpoint, you must define it first.

   As with real-time job execution, only one job can  define  breakpoints
   at  a  time.   Until the job undefines its breakpoints, all other jobs
   attempting to snoop will receive an error.  In the event of  necessary
   recovery functions, the monitor can delete the breakpoint definitions.
   This might occur if a memory parity error occurred,  or  if  your  job
   received  a  stopcode.   When  your  program issues a RESET, that also
   removes and deletes definitions of breakpoints.

   Examples of  using SNOOP. are  provided  in  the  description  of  the
   monitor call in Chapter 22.

   The SNOOP. functions are listed here.  More  specific  explanation  of
   their action is given in following sections.

        Fcn-code   Symbol   Meaning

           0       .SODBP   Define breakpoints.
           1       .SOIBP   Insert breakpoints.
           2       .SORBP   Remove breakpoints.
           3       .SOUBP   Delete breakpoint definitions.
           4       .SONUL   Null function.  This function is useful when
                            you must patch code into the monitor to
                            perform functions at UUO level that cannot be
                            accomplished at interrupt level.

   The calling sequence for the SNOOP. call depends on the function code.
   Only  the function to define breakpoints (.SODBP) requires an argument
   block.  After  the  breakpoints  have  been  defined,  the  subsequent
   functions  of  the SNOOP. call will take action on the breakpoints you
   have defined.

   Each function and calling  sequence  is  described  in  the  following

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

   10.2.1  Defining Breakpoints

   The SNOOP. function 0 allows you to define the  breakpoints  that  you
   will  insert  into  the monitor code.  The calling sequence for .SODBP

        MOVE      ac,[XWD .SODBP,addr]
        SNOOP.    ac,                   
          error return                  
        normal return                   

   In this calling sequence, the left half of the ac is loaded  with  the
   function code (in this case, .SODBP, function code 0).  The right half
   is loaded with addr, the address of the argument list.  On  an  error,
   the  SNOOP. call takes a non-skip return, and the error code is stored
   in the ac.  (Error codes are listed in Section 10.2.5.) No breakpoints
   will be defined on an error.  If, however, the call takes a successful
   (skip) return, all the  breakpoints  in  the  argument  list  will  be
   defined.  You can issue the SNOOP. call with function code 1 to insert
   the breakpoints, enabling the breakpoint facility.

   The argument list for SNOOP. function 0 (.SODBP) is:

        Word   Symbol    Contents

         0     .SOLEN    The total length of the argument list, including
                         this word.

         1     .SOMSC    The checksum of the monitor symbol table.

   Following these is a two-word pair for each  breakpoint  you  want  to
   define.  Therefore, the total number of breakpoints will be the result
   of:  {[.SOLEN minus 2] divided by 2}.

        Word   Symbol    Contents

         2     .SOMVA    The monitor virtual address where the breakpoint
                         instruction is to be inserted.  This address
                         must be obtained from the monitor symbol table
                         to ensure accuracy.

         3     .SOBPI    The breakpoint instruction that is to be
                         inserted at the monitor address specified in

   Repeat words .SOMVA and .SOBPI for each breakpoint to be defined.

   Note that the inserted instruction is executed prior to  the  original
   instruction.   If  the  inserted  instruction  skips  on  return,  the
   original  instruction  will  not  be  executed.    If   the   inserted
   instruction  skips  more  than  one  instruction,  or does not return,
   the SNOOP. data base will be damaged.

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

   10.2.2  Inserting Breakpoints

   After your program defines the breakpoints, they can be inserted  with
   SNOOP. function  1, .SOIBP.  Your program must be locked in contiguous
   EVM to use this function.   (Refer  to  the  LOCK. UUO.)  The  calling
   sequence for the .SOIBP function is:

        MOVE      ac,[XWD .SOIBP,0]
        SNOOP.    ac,
          error return
        normal return

   The .SOIBP function does not require an argument list.  If  the  error
   return  is taken, the error code is returned in the ac.  If the normal
   return is taken, the breakpoints were inserted and are enabled.

   10.2.3  Removing Breakpoints

   Breakpoints that have been inserted with the .SOIBP  function  can  be
   removed  with  the  .SORBP  function (function code 2).  This function
   will succeed if the breakpoints have been inserted,  and  will  remove
   all the breakpoints.  The calling sequence for this function is:

        MOVE      ac,[XWD .SORBP,0]
        SNOOP.    ac,
          error return
        normal return

   After removing the breakpoints,  you  can  insert  them  again  (using
   function  .SOIBP), or you can delete the breakpoint definitions (using
   function .SOUBP).

   10.2.4  Deleting Breakpoint Definitions

   After breakpoints have  been  removed  (using  function  .SORBP),  the
   breakpoint  definitions  can  be deleted.  This clears the definitions
   that you made with the .SODBP function.  The calling sequence for this
   function is:

        MOVE      ac,[XWD .SOUBP,0]
        SNOOP.    ac,
          error return
        normal return

   This function will delete all definition of the breakpoints,  and  you
   must  redefine  them by using .SODBP if you want to insert them again.
   Note that breakpoint definitions can be deleted by the monitor and  by
   a RESET from your program (as described in Section 10.2).

                        ANALYZING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE

   10.2.5  SNOOP. Error Codes

   The following is a list of the error codes that can be returned in the
   ac after a SNOOP. UUO fails:

        Code      Symbol    Error

           1      SOIAL%    Illegal argument list.
           2      SONPV%    Not enough privileges.
           3      SOSAS%    Another program is already SNOOPing.
           4      SOMBX%    Maximum number of breakpoints is exceeded.
           5      SOIBI%    Breakpoints are already inserted.
           6      SONFS%    No monitor free core is available.
           7      SOADC%    Address check.
          10      SOINL%    Program is not locked in contiguous EVM.
          11      SOWMS%    Monitor symbol table checksum does not match.


                                 CHAPTER 11

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   This chapter describes I/O  programming  in  general  terms.   Further
   discussions  of  I/O  programming for specific devices are included in
   the chapters describing devices.


   To perform I/O, your program should:

         o  Initialize the program.

         o  Initialize a device.

         o  Initialize a buffer ring when using buffered I/O or define a
            command list when using dump I/O.

         o  Select a file.

         o  Transmit/receive data.

         o  Close the file.

         o  Release the device.

         o  Stop the program.

   There are two ways of performing I/O:  buffered I/O and dump I/O.  The
   list below summarizes the monitor calls you need to perform I/O with
   each method.  Each of the monitor calls listed below in the summary is
   described in detail in Volume 2, Chapter 22.  Note that any device
   operation listed below can be done with the FILOP.  call, because I/O
   operations using channels 20-117 can only be done with FILOP.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Step                        Buffered I/O           Dump I/O

   Program Initialization      RESET                  RESET

   Device Initialization       INIT, OPEN, FILOP.     INIT, OPEN, FILOP.

   Buffer Initialization       INBUF, OUTBUF, FILOP.

   File Selection              LOOKUP, ENTER          LOOKUP, ENTER
                               FILOP.                 FILOP.

   Device Position             USETI, USETO           USETI, USETO
                               UGETF, SUSET.,         UGETF, SUSET.,
                               FILOP., MTAPE          FILOP., MTAPE

   Data Transmission           IN, INPUT, FILOP.      IN, INPUT, FILOP.,
                               OUT, OUTPUT            OUT, OUTPUT

   Command List Definition                            command list

   File Termination            CLOSE, FILOP.          CLOSE, FILOP.

   Device Termination          RELEASE, FILOP.        RELEASE, FILOP.

   Program Termination         EXIT                   EXIT

   In the summary above, when a group of monitor calls is  listed  for  a
   given  I/O  step, usually only one of the calls from the group must be
   included in your program.  For example,  the  data  transmission  step
   lists  four  calls (IN, INPUT, OUT, and OUTPUT).  However, only one of
   these is present in your program for each data transmission.   On  the
   other  hand, there are three calls listed for the file selection step.
   At times you should include more than  one  of  these  calls  in  your
   program for proper file selection.

   The following sections in this chapter describe  the  calls  that  are
   necessary  for  each  step.  Note that the file selection step and the
   device  position  step  apply  only  to  directory  devices  (DECtape,
   labelled  magtape,  and  disk).   Unlabelled  magnetic  tapes  can  be
   positioned using the MTAPE  or  TAPOP.   monitor  calls.   The  device
   positioning  monitor  calls,  however, may be included in your program
   for  any  device,  allowing  device  interchangeability,  because  the
   monitor ignores calls which are inappropriate for the device.


   To initialize a program,  use  the  RESET  monitor  call.   This  call
   performs  most  of  the functions you will want when initializing your
   program.  The RESET call should be the  first  monitor  call  in  your

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT


   To initialize a device, use the OPEN, INIT,  or  FILOP. monitor  call.
   Each of these calls can initialize a channel for the device, making it
   available for use in your program.  Your program can use up to 16  I/O
   channels  (0-17  octal)  using  OPEN  or  INIT.   The extended channel
   facility, which you use with FILOP.   allows  you  to  use  up  to  64
   (decimal)  additional  I/O  channels  (providing  a  total of up to 80

   11.3.1  TOPS-10 Devices

   The TOPS-10 operating system supports the  following  devices.   Note,
   however,  that current versions of TOPS-10 restrict the support status
   of some devices.  For information about the current support status  of
   TOPS-10 devices, refer to the TOPS-10 Software Product Description.

         o  Disks (DSK).  Refer to Chapter 12.

         o  DECtapes (DTA).  Refer to Chapter 13.

         o  Magtape units (MTA).  Refer to Chapter 14.

         o  Terminals (TTY).  Refer to Chapter 15.  This chapter also
            discusses the pseudo-terminal (PTY) device.  The remote data
            terminal (RDx) device is discussed in Chapter 21.

         o  Line printers (LPT).  Refer to Chapter 16.

         o  Card readers (CDR) and card punches (CDP).  Refer to Chapter

         o  Papertape readers (PTR) and papertape punches (PTP).  Refer
            to Chapter 18.

         o  Plotters (PLT).  Refer to Chapter 19.

         o  Display light pens (DIS).  Refer to Chapter 20.

         o  Network nodes, using the TSK logical device.  Refer to
            Chapter 5.

         o  Multiplexed devices (MPX).  Refer to Section 11.3.4.

   This chapter contains information common to all these devices.

   When the system is loaded, most devices are assigned to the  monitor's
   pool  of  available  resources.  When a program requests a device, the
   monitor assigns it to the  program;  when  the  program  releases  the
   device, the monitor returns it to the pool.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Most devices can be used  interchangeably  during  program  execution.
   Therefore  you  can  write  a program for one device, and substitute a
   different device during program execution.  This substitution  can  be
   accomplished by the ASSIGN command, or by the REASSI or DEVLNM monitor

   Specifically, TOPS-10 devices may be divided into "directory  devices"
   and  "non-directory  devices." A directory device contains named files
   stored in directories.   Disk,  DECtape,  and  labelled  magtapes  are
   directory  devices.   A  DECtape  contains  one  directory;  disk file
   structures and magtapes may contain multiple directories.   Therefore,
   to  access data on disk, a file name and directory specification might
   be required.  TOPS-10 allows you to program I/O regardless of the type
   of  device.   You  should  include the file name and directory for all
   references to files.  For non-directory devices, the  monitor  ignores
   directory information.

   11.3.2  Device Names

   Your program refers to devices by their  device  names.   The  various
   formats  of device names are described below.  In this description, dd
   and ddd are 2- and 3-letter mnemonics, nn is a  2-digit  node  number,
   and  u  is  a  1-digit  unit  number.   Note that many system and user
   programs require a trailing colon for parsing; however, monitor  calls
   do not allow the trailing colon in device names.

        Format   Example  Meaning

        d                 Do not use this format.

        dd       LL       The monitor tries to select  a  device  of  the
                          type  specified  (in  the  example, a lowercase
                          line printer) at the job's node.

                          If all such devices are  in  use,  the  monitor
                          takes the error return for the monitor call; if
                          no such device exists at the  job's  node,  the
                          monitor tries to select a device at the central

                          If the job has such a device assigned  but  not
                          initialized, the monitor selects that device.

        ddnn     LL23     The monitor tries to select  a  device  of  the
                          type  specified  at  the specified node (in the
                          example, a lowercase line printer at node 23).

        ddnnu             Do not use this format.

        ddu               Do not use this format.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

        ddd      LPT      The monitor tries to select  a  device  of  the
                          type  specified  at  the  job's  node  (in  the
                          example, a line printer).  See the  meaning  of
                          dd above.

                          If all such devices are  in  use,  the  monitor
                          takes the error return for the monitor call; if
                          no such device exists at the  job's  node,  the
                          monitor tries to select a device at the central

        dddnn    LPT23    The monitor tries to select  a  device  of  the
                          type  specified  at  the specified node (in the
                          example, a line printer at node 23).   See  the
                          meaning of ddnn above.

        dddnnu   LPT231   The  monitor  tries  to  select  the  specified
                          device  at  the specified node (in the example,
                          line printer number 1 at node 23).

        dddu     LPT3     The  monitor  tries  to  select  the  specified
                          device  at the job's node (in the example, line
                          printer number 3 at the job's node).

                          If all such devices are  in  use,  the  monitor
                          takes the error return for the monitor call; if
                          no such device exists at the  job's  node,  the
                          monitor tries to select a device at the central

        ddnuuu   RAD222   The monitor tries to select the dd disk device,
                          unit  uuu, on the HSC-50 node n.  In this case,
                          the device is an RAxx type, the  unit  is  222,
                          and  the  HSC-50 node is 4 (where A=1, B=2, and
                          so on).   Unit  numbers  for  disk  are  always

   There are four types of device names:

         o  Generic names specify general types  of  devices.   When  you
            specify  a generic device name, the monitor chooses the first
            available unit that satisfies the requirements of the generic
            device name.

         o  Physical names specify device  units,  possibly  on  specific
            controllers,  allowing you to specify the exact unit your job

         o  Logical names are user-defined or monitor-defined  names  for
            devices.   Monitor-defined logical names are specific devices
            that have a special purpose in the system.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

         o  Ersatz names are logical device names assigned by the monitor
            for  disk  areas  that  have  a  particular  purpose, such as
            libraries.  This allows you to specify a  disk  area  with  a
            short device name.  Generic Device Names - A generic device  name  is  the  most
   general  name  of  a  device.   When  your program specifies a generic
   device name, the  monitor  tries  to  select  a  free  device  of  the
   specified  type  at  the job's node; if none is available, the monitor
   tries to select a free device of the type  specified  at  the  central

   A generic device name is a 2- or  3-letter  string.   Note  that  many
   system  and  user  programs  require  a  trailing  colon  for parsing;
   however, monitor calls do not  allow  the  trailing  colon  in  device

   The generic device names and their meanings are:

   3-Letter Name   2-Letter Name    Meaning

   TTY             TT               User terminal.

   DSK             DS               Disk.  The monitor uses the job
                                    search list to select the device.
                                    See Chapter 13 for a discussion of
                                    job search lists.

   MTx             MT               Magtape unit on controller x.  For
                                    example, MTA specifies a magtape unit
                                    on controller A.

                   M7               7-track magtape.

                   M9               9-track magtape.

   DTx             DT               DECtape unit on controller x.  For
                                    example, DTA specifies a DECtape unit
                                    on controller A.

   LPT             LP               Line printer.

                   LL               Uppercase and lowercase line printer.

                   LU               Uppercase line printer.

   CDR             CR               Card reader.

   CDP             CP               Card punch.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   PTR             PR               Papertape reader.

   PTP             PP               Papertape punch.

   PLT             -                Plotter.

   DIS             -                Display.

   PTY             -                Pseudo-terminal.

   RDx             -                Remote data terminal, where x is the
                                    controller name (A to Z).  Physical Device Names - Every device has a  physical  device
   name of the form:


   Where:  ddd is a 3-letter generic device name.

           nn is a node number.

           u is a unit number.  For example, LPT231 specifies line
           printer number 1 at node 23.  This convention does not apply
           to terminals, magtapes, and DECtapes, however.  Logical  Device  Names - A  logical  device   name   is   an
   alphanumeric  string  of up to six characters, assigned by the monitor
   or by the user.  The monitor  has  the  following  predefined  logical
   device  names  to  refer  to  specific  devices  that are used for the
   following purposes:

         o  OPR specifies the physical terminal designated by the
            operator as the operator terminal.

         o  NUL specifies a null device.  Output to NUL is lost.  If you
            attempt input from NUL; your IN UUO fails and GETSTS returns
            IO.EOF (end-of-file) in the file status word.

         o  CTY specifies the console terminal for the system.

         o  TTY specifies your job's terminal.

   User-defined logical names are defined by the ASSIGN or MOUNT  monitor
   command,  or by the REASSI or DEVLNM monitor call.  You can assign one
   logical name to each nondisk physical device.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   A logical device name takes precedence over a  physical  device  name.
   Therefore,  if your program defines the logical name DSK for a magtape
   device, all references to DSK specify the magtape rather than the user
   disk area.

   There are methods  for  indicating  that  the  monitor  should  ignore
   logical  name definitions.  This can be specified in the OPEN call, by
   setting the bit UU.PHS in the argument block.  (Note that this bit can
   also be set in FILOP. word .FOIOS).

   Alternatively,  you  can  disable  logical  name  definitions  for   a
   particular  CALLI  function  by  XORing Bit 19 (UU.PHY) into the CALLI
   monitor call.  For example, to obtain the device type  of  a  physical
   device LPT, use the following sequence:

        MOVE  T1,[SIXBIT/LPT/]
        DEVTYP  T1,UU.PHY

   This calling sequence ORs UU.PHY into the argument of the DEVTYP call,
   with  the  device  name  LPT.   The  information  will be returned for
   physical device LPT.

   For negative CALLIs, you must place the NEGATIVE value  of  UU.PHY  in
   the  address  field.   For  the  LIGHTS  monitor  call (CALLI -1), and
   customer-defined monitor calls (CALLI -2 and less), use the  following
   sequence to perform the call, ignoring logical names:

        LIGHTS T1,-UU.PHY  Ersatz Device Names - An ersatz device is  a  disk-simulated
   library.  Although an ersatz device is OPENed like a directory device,
   an ersatz device represents a particular project-programmer number  on
   disk  structures  that are specified in a search list.  The particular
   search list used depends  on  the  ersatz  device  specified  in  your
   program.   The  following  is a list of TOPS-10 standard ersatz device
   names.  It shows the ersatz device name, the PPN to which the name  is
   assigned (if any), the search list of file structures on which the PPN
   exists, and the intended use of the disk area.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Table 11-1:  Ersatz Devices


     Name      PPN    Search List   Purpose of Area

     ACT       1,7        SSL       System accounting
     ALG       5,4        SSL       ALGOL
     ALL       NONE       ALL       All structures
     APL       5,31       SSL       APL
     BAS       5,1        SSL       BASIC
     BLI       5,5        SSL       BLISS
     COB       5,2        SSL       COBOL
     CTL       5,27       SSL       Control files
     D60       5,32       SSL       DN60 (IBMCOM) files
     DBS       5,24       SSL       DBMS
     DEC       10,7       SSL       Field-image versions of programs
     DMP       5,21       SSL       Dump area
     DOC       5,14       SSL       Documentation
     DSK       NONE       JSL       Default device
     FAI       5,15       SSL       FAIL
     FFA       1,2        SSL       Operator (Full  File Access)
     FOR       5,6        SSL       FORTRAN
     FNT       5,36       SSL       LN01 fonts
     GAM       5,30       SSL       Games
     HLP       2,5        SSL       HELP files
     INI       5,34       SSL       Initialization files
     LIB       SETTABLE   JSL       Library
     MAC       5,7        SSL       MACRO
     MFD       1,1        SSL       Master file directory
     MIC       5,25       SSL       MIC files
     MUS       5,16       SSL       Music
     MXI       5,3        SSL       PDP-11
     NEL       5,20       SSL       NELIAC
     NEW       1,5        SSL       New CUSPs
     OLD       1,3        SSL       Old CUSPs
     POP       5,22       SSL       POP2
     PUB       1,6        SSL       User maintained programs
     REL       5,11       SSL       .REL files
     RNO       5,12       SSL       RUNOFF files
     SNO       5,13       SSL       SNOBOL
     SPL       3,3        SSL       Spooling area
     SSL       NONE       SSL       System search list
     STD       1,4        SSL       Same as SYS, but /NEW doesn't apply
     SYS       1,4        SSL       System CUSPs
     TED       5,10       SSL       Text editor
     TPS       5,26       SSL       Text processing
     TST       5,23       SSL       Test area

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

     UMD       6,10       SSL       User mode diagnostics
     UNV       5,17       SSL       Universal files
     UPS       5,35       SSL       Mail system area
     UTP       5,33       SSL       UETP
     XPN       10,1       SSL       Crash dumps

   The search lists in this list are:

         o  SSL (System Search List) is defined  by  the  system  manager
            while  running the ONCE startup dialog.  Refer to the TOPS-10
            Software Installation Guide for more information.

         o  JSL (Job Search List) is defined as equivalent to the SSL  by
            default; the default can be changed using the SETSRC program.
            Refer  to  the  TOPS-10  User  Utilities  Manual   for   more
            information on SETSRC.

         o  ALL (All Search List) is the definition  of  all  the  public
            file structures in their order of accessibility.  Pathological Device Names - The user can  define  a  logical
   name  for a directory search path.  Such user-defined names are called
   "pathological names."  Pathological names can define one or more  disk
   directories, and are described in Section 12.6.5.

   11.3.3  Universal Device Indexes

   The monitor maintains an index to all active devices;  this  index  is
   called the Universal Device Index (UDX).  For Versions 7.02 of TOPS-10
   and later, the description of the Universal Device Index is fixed only
   for  terminal  devices.  Many operations allow your program to use the
   Universal Device Index for a device rather than its  name  or  channel
   number.   Use  the  IONDX. monitor call to obtain the Universal Device
   Index for a device.

   The format of a Universal Device Index is:

        Bits   Symbol    Meaning

       18-20             Device or process:

                         Code   Symbol    Meaning

                           0    .UXCHN    Physical device.
                           2    .UXTRM    Terminal.
                           3    .UXPRC    Process.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

       21-26   UX.TYP    Device type.  Refer to the DEVTYP call in Volume
                         2,  Chapter  22,  for  the list of device types.
                         This field is 0 for terminals.

       27-35   UX.UNT    Unit number within type.

   For example, the Universal Device Index 200114  indicates  the  device
   TTY114;  the  2 in Bits 18-26 shows that the device is a terminal, and
   the 114 in Bits 27-35 shows that it is TTY114.

   11.3.4  MPX-Controlled Devices

   An MPX (multiplexed) channel can have many devices  connected  to  it.
   (Refer  to  the  CNECT. monitor  call.)  A  device connected to an MPX
   channel is an MPX-controlled device.  Only terminals,  line  printers,
   papertape  punches,  card  readers,  remote  data  terminal (RDx), and
   pseudo-terminals are MPX-controllable.

   Your programs can refer to MPX-controlled devices by their physical or
   logical names, or by their Universal Device Indexes.

   11.3.5  Spooled Devices

   Some devices can be spooled by the monitor.   This  means  that  input
   from  or  output to these devices is not necessarily done immediately.
   Instead, the data is stored in a special system area and is  input  or
   output at a convenient time.

   Devices that can be spooled are:   card  reader,  line  printer,  card
   punch,  papertape  punch, and plotter.  The spoolers may be controlled
   by GALAXY, which is documented in the TOPS-10 Operator's  Guide.   For
   the  spooled  devices for your job, the GETTAB Table .GTSPL contains a
   bit for each type of device.  If the bit  is  on  and  the  device  is
   ASSIGNed  or  INITed  for  your  job, the device is spooled.  When you
   CLOSE or RELEAS a spooled output device, output  is  saved  until  the
   device becomes available.  The I/O is copied to disk, to the DSK:[3,3]
   (spooling) area.

   For example, if the system card reader is spooled, the  monitor  reads
   any  available input from the card reader into its storage area.  When
   a program requests card reader input, the monitor  supplies  the  data
   previously read.

   For another example, if the system line printer is spooled, output for
   the  line  printer  is placed in the monitor's storage area.  Then the
   system prints the data at a convenient time.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   You spool the device using the SET SPOOL monitor command or the SETUUO
   monitor  call.   Frequently, LOGIN spools devices under control of the
   accounting files.

   For input spooling, if a LOOKUP  is  given  after  the  cardreader  is
   initiated  with  the INIT call, the LOOKUP is ignored and an automatic
   LOOKUP is done, using the file name given  in  the  previous  SET  CDR
   monitor  command  with  the  file  extension  of  .CDR.   After  every
   automatic LOOKUP,  the  name  in  the  input-name  counter  .GTSPL  is
   incremented  by  1,  so  that  the  next automatic LOOKUP will use the
   correct file name.

   For output spooling, if an ENTER is done, the file name is  stored  in
   the  RIB  in  location .RBSPL so that the output spooler can label the
   output.  Therefore, programs should specify a file name  if  possible.
   If an ENTER is not done, an automatic ENTER is generated, using a file
   name in the form:


   Where:  xxx is a unique, three-character name devised by the monitor.

           yyy is either of the following:

            o  Snn, where nn is the ANF-10 remote station node number for
               a generic device.

            o  The unit number of the specified unit.

           zzz is a three letter generic device name, such as LPT.  Under
           GALAXY  4.1  and  later  versions,  the file names for spooled
           files are generated as:


   For previous versions of GALAXY or MPB, the file names are:

        filename.CDP for card punch
        filename.CDR for card readers
        filename.LPT for line printers
        filename.PLT for plotters
        filename.PTP for papertape punch

   11.3.6  Restricted Access Devices

   Any device except a disk or a terminal can be restricted to controlled
   access.   This means that the operator (or a privileged user) can make
   the device assignable only by the operator.  Privileged users can  use
   the  DVRST. monitor  call  to  designate  a  specified device as being
   restricted and the DVURS. call to remove the restricted  status  of  a

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   The GALAXY 4.1 batch and spooling system  controls  devices  with  the
   Mountable Device Allocator (MDA) routines.  Control by MDA is set with
   the DEVOP. function .DVMDS, and cleared using function  .DVMDC.   This
   MDA-controlled  bit  is  set  to prevent assignment of devices (except
   disk devices) by user jobs.  MDA control prevents access  by  programs
   using the DVURS. call.

   To request a restricted device, give the MOUNT monitor  command.   The
   operator  or  GALAXY  system  can  then send you a message granting or
   refusing your request.

   To release a restricted device, give a DISMOUNT, DEASSIGN,  or  FINISH
   command,  or log off the system.  This returns all devices assigned to
   your job to the monitor.

   You can request unrestricted devices for use either by your job or  by
   a  program.  To request a device for your job, give the ASSIGN monitor
   command or use the REASSI UUO.  You will receive a message  confirming
   or  denying  your  request.  To request a device for use by a program,
   use the OPEN, INIT, or FILOP. monitor call.

   To release an unrestricted device from your job, give the DEASSIGN  or
   FINISH  command,  or  log  off the system.  To release an unrestricted
   device from your program, use the RELEAS, RESET, or EXIT monitor call.

   11.4  MODES

   You can use eleven data modes when performing I/O.  These  data  modes

        *ASCII              *Image Binary
        *8-bit ASCII        *Binary
        *ASCII Line          Image Dump
        *Packed Image        Dump Records
        *Byte                Dump

   Data modes preceded by an asterisk (*) transmit data in  buffered  I/O
   mode.   Packed  Image  mode  transmits  data  in buffered I/O mode for
   terminals only.  The remaining  data  modes  do  not  use  the  normal
   buffering  scheme.   These  data  modes  are  sometimes referred to as
   unbuffered modes or, more commonly, dump I/O data modes.

   All data transmissions are performed in either buffered  I/O  mode  or
   dump  I/O mode.  Your program specifies the mode of transmission in an
   argument to the INIT, OPEN, FILOP., or SETSTS monitor call.  The  data
   modes are listed in Table 11-2, and every data mode that is applicable
   to each device is described in the chapter describing the device.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Table 11-2:  Data Modes (Bits 32-35 of the file status word)


     Code    Symbol   Data Mode     Applicable Devices

     0       .IOASC   ASCII         Disk,  terminal,   magnetic   tape,
                                    DECtape,  plotter, card punch, card
                                    reader, line  printer,  paper  tape
                                    punch, paper tape reader

     1       .IOASL   ASCII Line    Disk,  terminal,   magnetic   tape,
                                    DECtape,  plotter, card punch, card
                                    reader, line  printer,  paper  tape
                                    punch, paper tape reader

     2       .IOPIM   Packed Image  Terminal

     3       .IOBYT   Byte          Magnetic tape, ANF-10 network task

     4       .IOAS8   8-bit ASCII   Terminal, network line printer, PTY

     5                              Reserved for DEC

     6-7                            Reserved for customer

     10      .IOIMG   Image         Disk,  terminal,   magnetic   tape,
                                    DECtape,  plotter, card punch, card
                                    reader, line  printer,  paper  tape
                                    punch, paper tape reader

     11-12                          Reserved for DEC

     13      .IOIBN   Image binary  Disk, magnetic tape, line  printer,
                                    DECtape,  plotter, card punch, card
                                    reader,  paper  tape  punch,  paper
                                    tape reader

     14      .IOBIN   Binary        Disk, magnetic tape, line  printer,
                                    DECtape,  plotter, card punch, card
                                    reader,  paper  tape  punch,  paper
                                    tape reader

     15      .IOIDP   Image dump    Display

     16      .IODPR   Dump record   Disk, magnetic tape, DECtape

     17      .IODMP   Dump          Disk, magnetic tape, DECtape

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT


   Image Dump, Dump Record, and Dump modes  are  nonbuffered  I/O  modes.
   These  modes  use  a  command  list  that  specifies  the area in your
   allocated memory to be read or written.  The address  of  the  command
   list  is  specified in your program with either an IN or INPUT monitor
   call for input or an OUT or OUTPUT monitor call for output.

   The command list must exist in your program's low segment.  Take  care
   not  to  load the command list into the high segment.  Otherwise, your
   program will be stopped when the IN, INPUT, OUT,  or  OUTPUT  call  is
   executed and the following message will be printed by the monitor:

        ?Address check for device device; UUO at user PC addr

   Your program specifies the first word of the command list in a FILOP.,
   IN,  INPUT,  OUT, or OUTPUT monitor call.  Only three types of entries
   can appear in a command list.  These entries are:

         o  An I/O instruction, in IOWD format

         o  A GOTO instruction

         o  A terminator, in the form of a zero word

   An  IOWD  instruction  causes  a  specified  number  of  words  to  be
   transmitted  to  or  from  a  specified location in your program.  Its
   format is:

        IOWD n,loc

   The n specifies the  number  of  words  to  be  transmitted,  and  loc
   specifies the location of the first word to be transmitted.  After the
   specified data has  been  transmitted,  the  monitor  finds  the  next
   command  at  the  location  immediately  following  the  IOWD  in your
   program.  Note that the following are equivalent:

        IOWD n,loc = XWD -n,loc-1

   Note that every IOWD that transmits data to the disk writes a separate
   record on the disk.

   The GOTO command specifies the  next  command  to  be  executed.   Its
   format is:

        XWD 0,y

   The y specifies the location of the next command.  A maximum of  three
   consecutive  GOTOs  are  permitted in a command list.  After the third
   consecutive GOTO, your program must include  an  IOWD  that  transfers

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   The zero word must be present in the command  list  to  terminate  the
   list.   When  the  command  list  has  been  completely processed, the
   monitor returns control to your  program.   However,  if  the  monitor
   encounters  an  illegal address while processing the command list, the
   monitor stops your job  and  prints  the  following  message  on  your

        ?Illegal address in UUO at user PC addr

   Below are some sample command lists that can be used for  dumping  I/O
   to disk:

        OUTPUT DISK,[IOWD 70,BUF1    ;Transmit 70 words beginning at BUF1
                    IOWD 70,BUF2     ;Transmit 70 words beginning at BUF2
                    Z]               ;A zero word

   Another example is:

               OUTPUT DSK,ADDR1      ;ADDR1 is address of command list
        ADDR1: IOWD 70,BUF1          ;Transmit 70 words beginning at BUF1
               IOWD 70,BUF2          ;Transmit 70 words beginning at BUF2
               0                     ;A zero word

   Below is an example of dump mode input:

                TITLE    HOME - Routine to read HOME block
                SUBTTL   HANLEY A. STRAPPMAN 6-27-83/HAS
                SEARCH   UUOSYM

                T1=1                     ;Temp
                P=17                     ;Stack pointer
                HOMNAM==0                ;SIXBIT/HOM/
                HOMCOD==176              ;Code number
                CODHOM==707070           ;Code for HOME
                BLKSIZ==200              ;Size of a disk block
                II==0                    ;Channel

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

        ;Routine to read the HOME block
        ;T1 passes the structure name
        ;The HOME block is returned in BF
        ;Skip if successful
        HOME::  MOVEM    T1,DEV+.OPDEV   ;Store str name
                OPEN     II,DEV          ;Open str
                  POPJ   P,
                LOOKUP   II,FIL          ;LOOKUP HOME.SYS
                  POPJ   P,
        LOOP:   IN       II,CMD          ;Read a block
                  SKIPA  T1,BF+HOMCOD    ;Pick up code word
                POPJ     P,              ;EOF
                MOVS     T2,BF+HOMNAM    ;Pick up name
                CAIN     T1,CODHOM       ;Right block?
                CAIE     T2,'HOM'
                JRST     LOOP            ;No, keep searching
                RELEAS   II,             ;Release channel
                AOS      (P)             ;Skip return
                POPJ     P,

        DEV:    .IODMP                   ;OPEN block
                BLOCK    1
        FIL:    .RBEXT                   ;LOOKUP block
                XWD      1,4
                SIXBIT   /HOME/
                SIXBIT   /SYS/
        CMD:    IOWD     BLKSIZ,BF       ;I/O command list
        BF::    BLOCK    BLKSIZ          ;Buffer


   There are several monitor calls you can use to select a file  for  use
   in your program:

         o  To CREATE or WRITE a new  file,  use  the  FILOP.   or  ENTER
            monitor  call.  This enters the file name into the directory.
            You can then (optionally) use a USETO monitor call to specify
            a  block  number  for  file  output.   Then use OUT or OUTPUT
            monitor calls to write the file.

         o  To DELETE an existing file, use the LOOKUP  monitor  call  to
            identify  the  file;  then use the RENAME monitor call with a
            zero file name to delete the file.  If the program must  read
            the  file  before  it is deleted, use the IN or INPUT monitor
            calls before the RENAME call.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

         o  To READ a file, use the LOOKUP monitor call to  identify  the
            file.   You  can  then  (optionally)  use  the  USETI call to
            specify a block number within the file.  Read from  the  file
            using the IN or INPUT monitor calls.

         o  To UPDATE a file, use the LOOKUP and ENTER monitor  calls  to
            identify  the  file.  You can then (optionally) use the USETI
            and USETO calls to specify block  numbers  within  the  file.
            Use  the IN or INPUT calls to read from the file, and the OUT
            or OUTPUT calls to write into the file.

         o  To CHANGE THE ATTRIBUTES of a file, use the LOOKUP and RENAME
            monitor calls, giving the desired new attributes.

         o  To RENAME a file, use the LOOKUP monitor call to identify the
            file; then use the RENAME call to define its new name.

         o  To APPEND TO a file, use the LOOKUP and ENTER  monitor  calls
            on the same I/O channel to identify the file.  Then skip over
            the old part of the file by using a USETO call to the end  of
            the file.  The FILOP.  monitor call may also be used; it will
            do all the skipping for you.  Append new data to the file  by
            using the OUT or OUTPUT calls.

         o  To SUPERSEDE a file, use the ENTER monitor call  to  identify
            the  file.   Then  write  the new file by using OUT or OUTPUT


   To transmit data to and from files, use the IN, INPUT, OUT, and OUTPUT
   monitor calls.  These calls can be used only for initialized channels.

   You can select a block number within a file for  input  or  output  by
   using  the  USETI  and  USETO  monitor calls (disk and DECtape devices

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   11.7.1  Output (Writing a File)

   The monitor controls I/O in response to monitor calls issued from your
   program  through which data may be passed between memory and disk.  As
   many as 80 (decimal) channels are available to each user.   Note  that
   Channels 20-117 (octal) can only be used with the FILOP. call.

   The request to open a channel is made with the OPEN call.   You  would
   proceed by issuing:

        OPEN channo,OPNBLK

   Where:  channo is the I/O channel number.

           OPNBLK is the starting address of an argument  list.   At  the
           location starting with OPNBLK, you must reserve three words.

   In the first word, among other things, you must declare  the  mode  of
   data  transmission.  Data transmission is always in bytes and the mode
   designates the byte size that is to be used.   Suppose,  for  example,
   that  the  first word of OPNBLK contains 0.  Data transmission is then
   in 7-bit  ASCII  mode  (IO.ASC),  five  characters  to  a  word.   All
   available data modes are listed in Section 11.4.

   The second word, OPNBLK+1, contains the device name.  If you  wish  to
   do disk I/O, the name for the disk is DSK, entered in SIXBIT.

   The third word contains the addresses of the ring headers  (used  only
   in  buffered mode).  The format of the buffer ring header is described
   in Section 11.9.  The left half specifies the address  of  the  output
   ring  header.   The right half specifies the address of the input ring
   header.  For present purposes, we shall not perform input, so  we  set
   the  right  half of OPNBLK+2 to zero.  Thus, our 3-word block looks as

        OPNBLK: 0        
                SIXBIT   /DSK/
                XWD      OUTB,0

   The next monitor call to be issued in connection with your  output  is
   the  OUTBUF  call.   The  monitor responds to this call by reserving a
   block of memory locations.  The monitor transmits data in blocks, with
   the  size  of each block depending on the destination device.  A block
   of data on the disk contains 200 octal words.  An area  of  memory  is
   used  by  the monitor to hold data until a full block is collected for
   output to the disk.  Data is written to disk in multiples of  200-word
   blocks.   When  a program writes a partial block, the remainder of the
   block is filled with zeros.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   For directory devices, you must now specify the  name  of  a  file  to
   which  your data is to be output.  For this, use the ENTER call, which
   causes the monitor to store a directory entry for subsequent use.  The
   ENTER call is formatted as:

        ENTER    channo,entblock

   Where:  entblock is the starting address of an argument list that  you
           set up for reference by the monitor when it executes the ENTER

   The argument block for the ENTER UUO is called the LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME
   block because the same type of block is used for output operations and
   input operations.  The LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME argument block can be given
   in  either  of two forms:  a four-word argument block (also called the
   "short form"), and an extended argument list (also  called  the  "long
   form").   These  argument  blocks  are  described in greater detail in
   Section 11.13.  For the purposes of this discussion, the short form of
   the argument block is used in the following examples.

   The first word of the LOOKUP/ENTER  block  contains  the  name  to  be
   assigned  to the file.  The second word of the argument block contains
   the file extension.  Both the first and second words are SIXBIT names.
   Words  3  and  4,  for  present purposes, may be considered null.  The
   four-word argument block for ENTER, assuming we choose "NAME"  as  the
   file name and EXT as the file extension, looks as follows:

        entblock:    SIXBIT/NAME/

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   A flow diagram for the I/O sequence is shown in Figure 11-1.

                                Data mode
                       |       Device name        |
                       | output addr | input addr |
                              |    OPEN     |
   ----------        ----------    BLOCK    ----------        ---------
   | OUTBUF |       |                                 |       | INBUF |
   | CALL   |       |                                 |       | CALL  |
   ----------       V                                 V       ---------
          ------------------                  ------------------
   .BFADR | Buffer address |---\           /--| Buffer address | .BFADR
          |----------------|   |           |  |----------------| 
   .BFPTR | Byte pointer   |---+-\       /-+--| Byte pointer   | .BFPTR
          |----------------|   | |       | |  |----------------|
   .BFCTR | Byte count     |---+-+-\   /-+-+--| Byte count     | .BFCTR
          ------------------   | | |   | | |  ------------------
            Buffer Control     | | |   | | |    Buffer Control
            Block              | | |   | | |    Block
                               | | |   | | | 
   ---------------------       | | |   | | |        ---------------------
   |* I/O Status       | .BFSTS| | |   | | | .BFSTS |* Buffer address   |
   |-------------------|       | | |   | | |        |-------------------|
   |* Buffer size,,addr|<------/ | |   | | \------->|* Buffer size,,addr|
   |                   |         | |   | |          |                   |
   | Additional buffers|         | |   | |          | Additional buffers|
   |-------------------|         | |   | |          |-------------------|
   |* Word count       | .BFCNT  | |   | |   .BFCNT |* Word count       |
   |-------------------|         | |   | |          |-------------------|
   |                   |         | |   | |          |                   |
   |                   |         | |   | |          |                   |
   |-------------------|         | |   | |          |-------------------|
   |                   |<--------/ |   | \--------->|                   |
   |-------------------|           |   |            |-------------------|
   |                   |<----------/   \----------->|                   |
   |                   |                            |                   |
   ---------------------                            ---------------------

   * indicates Buffer Header Block

   Figure 11-1:  Flow Diagram -- I/O Sequence

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Here OPEN, OUTBUF, and INBUF are monitor calls while OUTB, OBPTR,  and
   others are arbitrary symbols.

   The following example shows a program that writes the file NAME.EXT on
   disk.   The  program  uses  several monitor calls in addition to those
   already discussed in this chapter,  including  RESET,  CLOSE,  OUTSTR,

           TITLE   WRITE1 - Write TTY input to disk
           SUBTTL  HANLEY A. STRAPPMAN 6-27-83/HAS
           SEARCH  UUOSYM

           T1=1                        ;Temp
           P=17                        ;Stack pointer

           D==1                        ;Channel number for disk output
           ESC==33                     ;Use ESCAPE to mark EOF
           PDLSIZ==4                   ;Size of PDL
   WRITE1: RESET                       ;Initialize
           MOVE    P,[IOWD PDLSIZ,PDL] ;Set up PDL
           OPEN    D,DEV               ;OPEN device
             HALT                      ;Can't
           OUTBUF  D,                  ;This UUO is optional
           ENTER   D,FIL               ;ENTER the file
             HALT                      ;Can't
           OUTSTR  [ASCIZ /DATA: /]    ;Prompt the user
   LOOP:   INCHWL  T1                  ;Input a char from the TTY
           CAIN    T1,ESC              ;ESCAPE?
           JRST    DONE                ;Yes
           PUSHJ   P,CO                ;Output char to disk
           JRST    LOOP

   DONE:   CLOSE   D,                  ;CLOSE the disk file
           STATZ   D,IO.ERR            ;Problems during CLOSE?
             HALT                      ;Yes
           RELEAS  D,                  ;This UUO is optional

   ;Routine to output a char to disk
   CO:     SOSGE   OBUF+.BFCTR         ;Room in buffer?
           JRST    CO2                 ;No
           IDPB    T1,OBUF+.BFPTR      ;Yes, store char
           POPJ    P,
   CO2:    OUT     D,                  ;Get another buffer
             JRST  CO                  ;Try again
           HALT                        ;Disk error

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   DEV:    .IOASC                      ;OPEN block
           SIXBIT  /DSK/
           XWD     OBUF,0
   OBUF:   BLOCK   3                   ;Ring header
   FIL:    .RBEXT                      ;ENTER block
           SIXBIT  /NAME/
           SIXBIT  /EXT/
   PDL:    BLOCK   PDLSIZ              ;Push-down list
           END     WRITE1

   Note that after OUTBUF and RESET there are no error returns.  If CLOSE
   returns  with  an error, use GETSTS, STATO, and STATZ to ascertain the
   error condition.

   The program continues to fill the output buffer until, in  this  case,
   an  ESCape  (octal  33)  character appears.  The byte pointer count in
   location OBCT in word 2 of the buffer control block maintains a  count
   of the number of bytes remaining in the output buffer.

   The OUT monitor call causes the contents of the output  buffer  to  be
   transferred  to  the  destination  device  and  then clears the buffer
   except for the buffer header block.

   11.7.2  Input (Reading a File)

   For input, as for output, you issue  an  OPEN  call  and  designate  a
   channel  over  which  data  is to be passed.  Since you are performing
   input, the third word of OPNBLK must contain, in its  right  halfword,
   the  location of the first word of the input buffer control block in a
   manner analogous to output.

   For a directory device, the LOOKUP monitor call  is  then  invoked  to
   find the file that is to be read.  The format of the LOOKUP call is:

        LOOKUP   channo,entblock
           error return
        normal return

   Where:  entblock is the address of an argument list that specifies the
           file.  This is the same type of argument list as that used for
           the ENTER call.  Note, however, that separate  argument  lists
           should  be  defined  for ENTER and LOOKUP calls, because it is
           possible for the data in the argument block to be  changed  by
           the action of these calls.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   The following is an example of a program that reads a file:

           TITLE   READ1 - Type out a disk file
           SUBTTL  HANLEY A. STRAPPMAN 6-27-83/HAS
           SEARCH  UUOSYM

           T1=1                     ;Temp
           P=17                     ;Stack pointer

           D==1                     ;Channel number for disk
           PDLSIZ==4                ;Size of PDL

   READ1:  RESET                    ;Initialize
           MOVE    P,[IOWD PDLSIZ,PDL];Set up PDL
           OPEN    D,DEV            ;OPEN device
             HALT                   ;Can't
           INBUF   D,               ;This UUO is optional
           LOOKUP  D,FIL            ;LOOKUP the file
             HALT                   ;Can't
   LOOP:   PUSHJ   P,CI             ;Input a char from disk
             EXIT                   ;EOF
           OUTCHR  T1               ;Output char to TTY
           JRST    LOOP
   ;Routine to input a char from disk
   ;This routine returns noskip if EOF, but otherwise skips
   CI:     SOSGE   IBUF+.BFCTR      ;More chars in buffer?
           JRST    CI2              ;No
           ILDB    T1,IBUF+.BFPTR   ;Yes, get one
           JUMPE   T1,CI            ;Ignore nulls
           AOS     (P)              ;Skip return
           POPJ    P,
   CI2:    IN      D,               ;Get another buffer
             JRST  CI               ;Try again
           STATZ   D,IO.ERR         ;Error or just EOF?
             HALT                   ;Disk error
           POPJ    P,               ;EOF
   DEV:    .IOASC                   ;OPEN block
           SIXBIT  /DSK/
   IBUF:   BLOCK   3                ;Ring header
   FIL:    .RBEXT                   ;LOOKUP block
           SIXBIT  /NAME/
           SIXBIT  /EXT/
   PDL:    BLOCK   PDLSIZ           ;Push-down list
           END     READ1

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   After the LOOKUP, issue an  IN  monitor  call  to  pass  data  on  the
   designated  channel  to the input buffer, thus reading the file.  Note
   that, as with the OUT monitor call, the normal return for  IN  is  the
   succeeding  line  with  the  error  return  located in the second line
   following the IN.

   Each IN call reads into the buffer  one  disk  block.   Subsequent  IN
   calls  read  sequential  blocks  starting  with the first block in the
   file.  The IN call differs from the OUT call in that each issue of  an
   IN call, including the first in a program, fills a buffer with data as
   long as there is data left in the file being read.   If  there  is  no
   more data in the file being read, IN takes the error (skip) return.

   11.7.3  Writing a File Using FILOP.

   The FILOP.  UUO can be used in place of the OPEN, OUTBUF,  INBUF,  and
   other  monitor  calls.   It  performs functions to delete, rename, and
   append to a file  that  has  been  defined  in  a  LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME
   argument  block.  Refer to Chapter 22 for a complete discussion of the
   FILOP.  call.

   The following example shows a write operation using FILOP.:

           TITLE   WRITE2 - Write TTY input to disk
           SUBTTL  HANLEY A. STRAPPMAN 6-27-83/HAS
           SEARCH  UUOSYM

           T1=1                     ;Temp
           P=17                     ;Stack pointer

           ESC==33                  ;Use ESCAPE to mark EOF
           PDLSIZ==4                ;Size of PDL

   WRITE2: RESET                    ;Initialize
           MOVE    P,[IOWD PDLSIZ,PDL];Set up PDL
           MOVE    T1,[XWD FLOPL,FLOP];ENTER the file
           FILOP.  T1,
            HALT                    ;Can't
           MOVSI   T1,(FO.CHN)      ;Isolate chan number
           AND     T1,FLOP+.FOFNC
           MOVEM   T1,CHAN+.FOFNC
           OUTSTR  [ASCIZ /DATA: /] ;Prompt the user
   LOOP:   INCHWL  T1               ;Input a char from the TTY
           CAIN    T1,ESC           ;ESCAPE?
           JRST    DONE             ;Yes
           PUSHJ   P,CO             ;Output char to disk
           JRST    LOOP

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   DONE:   MOVEI   T1,.FOCLS        ;Function code
           HRRM    T1,CHAN+.FOFNC
           MOVE    T1,[XWD 1,CHAN]  ;CLOSE the file
           FILOP.  T1,
             HALT                   ;Problems during CLOSE

   ;Routine to output a char to disk
   CO:     SOSGE   OBUF+.BFCTR      ;Room in buffer?
           JRST    CO2              ;No
           IDPB    T1,OBUF+.BFPTR   ;Yes, store char
           POPJ    P,
   CO2:    MOVEI   T2,.FOOUT        ;Function code
           HRRM    T2,CHAN+.FOFNC
           MOVE    T2,[XWD 1,CHAN]  ;Output the buffer
           FILOP.  T2,
             HALT                   ;Disk error
           JRST    CO               ;Try again

   FLOP:   FO.ASC+.FOWRT            ;Assign channel, write file
           SIXBIT  /DSK/
           XWD     OBUF,0
           XWD     -1,0             ;Default number of buffers
           FLOPL==.-FLOP            ;Size of block
   CHAN:   BLOCK   1                ;Channel number
   OBUF:   BLOCK   3                ;Ring header
   FIL:    .RBEXT                   ;ENTER block
           SIXBIT  /NAME/
           SIXBIT  /EXT/
   PDL:    BLOCK   PDLSIZ           ;Push-down list
           END     WRITE2

   11.7.4  Modifying Files (Update Mode)

   To modify an existing file, you must  be  in  update  mode.   As  with
   writing and reading a file, you must first OPEN the channel.  You then
   issue a LOOKUP call and then an ENTER call to the same file,  in  that
   order.   If  you  issue  an ENTER only, to a file already on disk, the
   monitor writes a new file.  When the file is CLOSED, the  old  version
   of the file is deleted from the disk with the new file superseding the
   old file.  Note that to read from one file and write to  another,  two
   OPENs referencing two different channels must be used.

   LOOKUP and ENTER both reference blocks of identical  format;  however,
   the  monitor  alters the contents of the block when it executes either
   of these calls.  Thus, after a LOOKUP call, the block  should  usually
   not  be  used  by an ENTER call.  Refer to Section 11.13.1 and 11.13.2
   for more information.
                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   The  monitor  maintains  pointers,  one  for  each  channel  in   use,
   designating  the  block  of  the  file  being referenced.  You set the
   pointer on a channel for input or output by using  the  USETI  monitor
   call (for input) or the USETO monitor call (for output).  After LOOKUP
   and ENTER have been issued for a given file, input and output  may  be
   performed  on  the  same channel but there must be two separate buffer
   header blocks.  To reference the first block of data in the file,  the
   LOOKUP  call sets the input block pointer to 1 and the ENTER call sets
   the output block pointer to 1.  Each successive  IN  call  causes  the
   input  block  pointer  to  be incremented by 1 so the succeeding block
   will be read by the next IN call.  This continues block by block until
   there  are  no  more blocks left, at which time the EOF bit in the I/O
   status word is set.  The IN attempting to  fill  an  unreserved  block
   will fail, taking the skip return.

   Execution of a subsequent OUT call causes the output block pointer  to
   be  incremented  by  1,  which prepares the next OUT call to write the
   next block of the file.

   11.7.5  Block Pointer Positioning

   You can control the  setting  of  the  input  and  output  data  block
   pointers  instead of having them advanced one block at a time with the
   IN and OUT calls.  Using the USETI (User Set Input)  and  USETO  (User
   Set  Output)  calls,  the  pointers  may be set to any selected block.
   Note  that  the  FILOP. and  SUSET. calls  can  also   perform   these
   functions.   The following instruction sets the input block pointer to
   point to the sixth block from the beginning of the file that  is  open
   on channel CHAN:

        USETI   CHAN,6

   No input is performed by the USETI call.  It simply sets  the  pointer
   for  a  subsequent IN call to read the desired block.  A program using
   the USETO call should have only one buffer for input  and  output,  to
   simplify keeping track of the block being referenced.  Buffered I/O is
   not recommended for programs doing random access with USETI/USETO.

   If a USETI designates a block number larger  than  that  of  the  last
   block  in  the file, the subsequent IN call fails.  If a USETI is then
   issued to an existing block, the EOF bit is cleared by the monitor and
   input is then again enabled.

   Issuing the call USETO CHAN,n with n greater than the number of blocks
   in  the  file causes the monitor to allocate any intervening blocks as
   part of the file.  For example, if a file contains  10  octal  blocks,
   the  call  USETO CHAN,60 followed by the call OUT CHAN, creates a file
   of 60 octal blocks; the new data is written into the  last  block  and
   blocks 11-57 (octal) contain zeros.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   The USETI and USETO monitor calls do not actually perform any input or
   output.  They change the pointers of the current position of the file.
   Note that each INPUT and OUTPUT monitor call in your program  advances
   the  file.   Your  program  can  rewrite  or  reread the same block by
   issuing a USETI or USETO before issuing an INPUT or  OUTPUT.   When  a
   USETI or USETO is executed, the monitor writes all output buffers that
   your program filled before it  changes  the  pointer  to  the  current
   position in the file.

   Because the monitor reads or writes as many buffers as it can when  an
   INPUT  or  OUTPUT  monitor  call is executed, it is difficult for your
   program to determine which buffer the monitor  is  processing  when  a
   USETI  or  USETO  is  performed.   Therefore, the INPUT or OUTPUT your
   program  issues  following  the  USETI   or   USETO   might   not   be
   reading/writing  the  buffer that contains the specified block number.
   A buffer ring consisting of one buffer  will  read/write  the  desired
   block  number because the device must stop after each INPUT or OUTPUT.
   A device having a multiple buffer  ring  can  be  stopped  after  each
   bufferful  of  data  when your program sets Bit 30 (IO.SYN) in the I/O
   status word.  This bit can be set  with  an  INIT,  OPEN,  FILOP.,  or
   SETSTS  monitor  call.   A subsequent USETI or USETO will then specify
   the correct buffer to be used on the next INPUT or OUTPUT.

   If the file protection code does not prevent your job from accessing a
   file, your program can append data to the last block of an append-only
   file.  You can append data to the file by issuing a USETO to the  last
   block  of  the file followed by a dummy OUTPUT.  The monitor reads the
   block into the buffer, copies words n+1 through 200 from  your  buffer
   into  the  monitor's  buffer,  and  rewrites  the  block.  On an INBUF
   monitor call, the monitor sets  the  byte  count.   Your  program  can
   obtain  the current length of the file and the last block by examining
   the .RBSIZ word of the LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME block.  It is not necessary
   that  your program read the last block of the file before appending to
   it.  Any data that was in the file will not be changed.

   When your program appends to  the  end  of  a  file  with  append-only
   protection (protection code 4), the monitor sets the IO.BKT bit in the
   file status word and performs no output when the following occurs:

         o  Any block before the last block is written.

         o  The last block of the file already contains 200 octal words.

         o  Fewer words are written than the current size of the block.

   If the last block of the file is output, the size of  the  last  block
   becomes 200 (octal) and cannot be appended to, but the entire file can
   be appended to by creating new blocks.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   11.7.6  Super USETI/USETO

   The  preferred   method   of   performing   the   functions   of   the
   super-USETI/USETO  is  using the SUSET. monitor call.  When using disk
   packs, there may be a need for your program to  read  and  write  data
   without  using a directory hierarchy (such as, for testing a pack in a
   timesharing environment or for  a  privileged  recovery  on  any  file
   structure).   You  must be able to specify individual blocks on a file
   structure and/or unit without referring to a file.   Super-USETI/USETO
   (or  SUSET.)  can  specify  logical  blocks within a file structure or
   physical blocks within a unit.  Under certain  conditions,  USETI  and
   USETO can be used to specify these logical blocks.  When the following
   conditions are true, USETI and USETO reference logical blocks  numbers
   in a file structure, instead of relative blocks within a file:

         o  When the channel has been initialized with a  file  structure
            name, such as DSKB.

         o  When no file has been opened on the channel specified in  the
            AC field (that is, no LOOKUP or ENTER has been performed).

   Unit referencing occurs when both of the following are true:

         o  The channel has been initialized with a  physical  unit  name
            (such as, DPA2) or a logical unit name (such as, DSKC3).

         o  A file has not been opened on the channel specified in the ac
            field  (that  is,  no  LOOKUP  or  ENTER has been performed).
            Super-USETI and super-USETO accept  their  arguments  in  the
            contents  of the effective address, because it is possible to
            have file structures with more than 377777 octal blocks.

   SUSET. requires either [1,2] or JACCT privileges, and if  you  attempt
   to  use  it  without sufficient privileges, the IO.IMP and IO.BKT bits
   will be set in the I/O status word.

   An output function writes headers and data formats.  Only  the  output
   immediately  following  the  USETO  writes  the format.  Therefore, to
   write two IOWDs of format, the following sequence must be used:


   An INPUT does a read header and data operation if the unit is an  RP04
   or  an  RP06, and it uses an ordinary read operation if the unit is an
   RP02 or RP03.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT


   The OPEN monitor call can fail (taking the  non-skip  return)  if  the
   device is not available to your job.

   If the ENTER, LOOKUP, or RENAME call fails, the error code  is  stored
   in the LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME block.  This is described in greater detail
   in Section 11.13.  The error codes that can be returned are listed  in
   Section 11.14.

   If the IN/INPUT or OUT/OUTPUT call fails, the error code is  indicated
   in the I/O status word (also known as the file status word).

   Each channel has an associated  I/O  status  word  maintained  by  the
   monitor.  The setting of certain bits in the I/O status word indicates
   any errors that may have occurred on the channel.  The I/O status word
   is  stored  in  the same data block with the file by the monitor after
   you specify the settings of some of the I/O status bits and  the  data
   mode in your argument block to the INIT, OPEN, or FILOP.  call to open
   the I/O channel.  You can set I/O status bits that  control  the  data
   transmission.   The  data  mode  that you specify for the channel will
   also be stored in the I/O status word.

   The I/O status word appears as the right  half-word  returned  by  the
   GETSTS call.  Bits 18 through 29 contain the I/O status bits.  The I/O
   status bits are usually set by the monitor to indicate  the  state  of
   the  file after a transfer.  The I/O error bits are Bits 18 through 22
   (IO.ERR).  Your program can set these  bits  using  the  SETSTS  call.
   However, the I/O status bits returned by the monitor are different for
   each type of device.  They are described, therefore, in  the  chapters
   describing specific types of devices.

   The data mode is stored in the I/O status word in Bits 30 through  35.
   The data modes are described in Section 11.4.

   The EOF (end-of-file) bit (Bit 22) is set to 1 if an IN call tries  to
   read past the EOF.  You can use the following instruction to check the
   status of error bits in the I/O status word:

        STATO     CHAN,x

   The STATO call causes a skip if any of the bits in the I/O status word
   for  the  channel  CHAN that are masked by the right half word value x
   are set to 1.  The error return  for  the  IN  call  should  therefore
   contain the following code:

        STATO     CHAN,IO.EOF
          JRST    ERROR          ;Not end-of-file

   Before continuing as before, the  remaining  error  bits  of  the  I/O
   status word could also be checked using STATO or STATZ monitor calls.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Extended error codes are used to extend the limited set of error  bits
   allowed  in  the  I/O  status  word.  On an extended error, all of the
   error bits in IO.ERR are set.  If  your  program  encounters  such  an
   error, it should proceed to use the .DFRES function of the DEVOP. call
   to determine the exact nature of the error.


   Buffered I/O allows the monitor to overlap I/O  transfers  with  other
   program  operations.   The  buffered data modes are ASCII, ASCII Line,
   Packed Image, Byte, Image, Image Binary, and Binary.  These modes  use
   a buffer ring for both input and output.

   Your program specifies the location of a buffer control  block,  which
   the  monitor  sets up.  This buffer control block contains pointers to
   the current buffer and the current byte in the buffer.  A buffer  ring
   structure is shown in Figure 11-2.

   A program using buffered I/O can become larger and larger  because  of
   repeated  INBUF  and  OUTBUF  monitor calls.  Before an OPEN call, the
   current pointers to the buffers should be saved from the  buffer  ring
   header.  After the OPEN call, the pointers may be restored.  Growth of
   the user area may be thus avoided by saving and restoring  Word  0  of
   the  buffer  ring  header before and after an OPEN call, or by setting
   .JBFF in the job data area to an appropriate value.

   The buffer control block is either three  or  four  words  long.   The
   fourth  word  is  present  only  for MPX-controlled devices.  When the
   buffer ring is initialized, the buffer control  block  points  to  the
   first buffer in the buffer ring.  Thereafter, the buffer control block
   points to the current buffer in the  buffer  ring.   The  buffers  are
   linked  to  form  an  endless  ring.   The buffer header block of each
   buffer points to the next buffer in the ring.  The monitor sets up and
   maintains the buffer header blocks.

   Your program need only specify the  location  of  the  buffer  control
   block.  This specification is made in an OPEN, INIT, or FILOP. monitor
   call.  However, if your program should  decide  at  a  later  time  to
   change  the  location  of  the  ring  control  block, it can issue the
   MVHDR. monitor call.

   Your program can specify the number of buffers to be  contained  in  a
   buffer ring, or the monitor will set up the default number of buffers.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Figure 11-2 shows a buffer ring containing a buffer control block  and
   three buffers.

             - -------------------
            /  |                 |.
           /   |-----------------| .
   Buffer  \   |                 | . <--- Points to Current Buffer
   Control <   |-----------------| .
   Block   /   |                 | .
           \   |-----------------| .
            \  |                 | .     /----------------------\   -
             - ------------------- ..    |                       \   \
                                   . .   |                       |    \
                                   .  .  | -------------------   |    |
                                   .   . | |                 |   |    | 
                                   .    .| |--------+--------|   |    |
                                   .     ->|        |   B    |\  |    |
                                   .       |--------+--------| \ |    |
                                   .       |                 | | |    | A
                                   .       |-----------------| | |    |
                                   .       |     Buffer A    | | |    |
                                   ..      ------------------- | |    |
                                   . .   /---------------------/ |    | 
                                   .  .  | -------------------   |    | B
                                   .   . | |                 |   |    / U
                                   .    .| |--------+--------|   |    > F
                                   .     ->|        |   C    |\  |    \ F
                                   .       |--------+--------| \ |    | E
                                   .       |                 | | |    | R
                                   .       |-----------------| | |    |
                                   .       |     Buffer B    | | |    | 
                                    .      ------------------- | |    | 
                                     .   /---------------------/ |    | R
                                      .  | -------------------   |    | I
                                       . | |                 |   |    | N
                                        .| |--------+--------|   /    | G
                                         ->|        |   A    +--/     |
                                           |--------+--------|        |
                                           |                 |        |
                                           |-----------------|        /
                                           |     Buffer C    |       /
                                           -------------------      -

   Figure 11-2:  The Buffer Structure

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Normally, buffers are filled and emptied in the order  in  which  they
   are  placed  in  the buffer ring.  However, your program can specify a
   deviation from this normal buffering  scheme.   To  deviate  from  the
   normal  scheme, your program specifies the buffer's address in the IN,
   INPUT, OUT, or OUTPUT monitor call.

   Buffered I/O is performed in the same manner for  all  devices  except
   those  connected  to an MPX channel.  For more information on buffered
   I/O, refer to Sections 11.9.3 through 11.9.7.

   Note that when a buffer ring is initialized, the  monitor  places  the
   buffers  at  the  first  free  location, whose address is contained in
   .JBFF in the job data area.   After  placement  of  the  buffers,  the
   monitor  updates  .JBFF  to  contain the first free location after the
   buffers.  Your program must  use  FILOP. when  placing  buffers  in  a
   non-zero  section.  .JBFF is available for programs running in Section
   0 only.

   In buffered I/O, buffers allow overlap of a  program's  execution  and
   I/O  transfers.   While your program processes data in one buffer, the
   monitor fills or  empties  another  buffer.   The  I/O  transfer  also
   overlaps the processing of other user jobs running on the same system.

   Normally, the monitor sets up buffers at the end of your low  segment,
   unless  you  tell it otherwise.  However, your program may also set up
   the buffers.  An arbitrary number of buffers may be used for  a  given
   device  or  file.   These  buffers  are  linked  to form a BUFFER RING

   The first three words in each  buffer  are  not  used  to  hold  data.
   Instead,  they  hold  information  pertaining  to  the  buffer.   This
   information includes:  the address of the next buffer  in  the  buffer
   ring,  status  bits  concerning  the  I/O device being used, and a bit
   indicating whether the buffer has been filled.  These three words  are
   referred  to  as the BUFFER HEADER and are not part of the data on the

   Associated with every buffer ring is  another  group  of  three  words
   (four  for  MPX-controlled  devices).   These three words are called a
   BUFFER CONTROL BLOCK.  The buffer control block  contains  information
   that  is  examined  to  determine  whether your program can access the
   buffers in the ring.  Your program must reserve space for  the  buffer
   control  block,  and  your  program  must  inform  the  monitor of its
   location.  Buffer rings, buffer headers, and buffer control blocks are
   described in detail in the following sections.

   Typically, the monitor sets information in the  buffer  control  block
   every time your program issues a monitor call that requests that a new
   buffer be made available to  your  program.   As  your  program  works
   through a buffer, your program usually increments the byte pointer and
   decrements the byte counter.  Each  time  the  counter  expires,  your
   program can execute another monitor call asking for another buffer.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   To  perform  buffered  input/output,  your  program  should  use   the
   following monitor calls:

         o  RESET initializes your program.

         o  INIT, FILOP., and OPEN initialize devices.

         o  INBUF, OUTBUF, and FILOP., initialize a buffer ring

         o  LOOKUP, ENTER, FILOP., USETI, USETO, and SUSET.  select a
            file and a block within a file.

         o  IN, INPUT, OUTPUT, FILOP., and OUT transmit data.

         o  CLOSE and FILOP. close a file.

         o  RELEASE and FILOP. terminate device activity.

         o  RESET and RESDV. forcibly terminate device activity.

         o  EXIT terminates your program.

   11.9.1  The INBUF and OUTBUF Monitor Calls

   The INBUF and OUTBUF monitor calls set up an input and  output  buffer
   ring  with  a  specified  number  of buffers, starting at the location
   pointed to by .JBFF.  Alternatively,  the  INBUF  and  OUTBUF  monitor
   calls can be left out of your program; in which case, the monitor sets
   up one of the following:

         o  A ring of two buffers for non-disk devices.

         o  Or a ring of n buffers for disk devices.   You  can  set  the
            value  of  N by using the SET DEFAULT BUFFERS monitor command
            or corresponding SETUUO  monitor  call.   If  no  default  is
            specified,   the   monitor   uses   the  system  default,  an
            installation  parameter  that  can  be  defined  with  MONGEN
            (usually 6).

   The calling sequences for the INBUF and OUTBUF monitor  calls  are  as

        INBUF channo,n           OUTBUF channo,n
        return                   return

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Where:  channo is the channel number associated with the device.   You
           can initialize an I/O channel using OPEN, INIT, or FILOP.

           n specifies the number of buffers in the buffer ring.  If n is
           zero  or  omitted,  the  monitor sets up the default number of
           buffers.  FILOP.  may be used to specify the number  of  input
           and/or output buffers.

   11.9.2  The Buffer Control Block

   The buffer control block is initialized when your program executes its
   first  OPEN,  INIT,  or  FILOP. monitor call specifying a buffered I/O
   data mode.  Your program specifies the location of this control  block
   in either the OPEN, INIT, or FILOP. monitor call, and the monitor sets
   up its contents.  You can change this address,  and  therefore  change
   the  control block, using the MVHDR.  monitor call.  This call changes
   the monitor pointer to a buffer control  block  from  one  address  to
   another.   The  new  control  block is at the new address; the monitor
   does not "move" the control block, but merely looks for it in the  new
   place  you  specified with the MVHDR.  call.  The format of the buffer
   control block is shown below:

                0 1                  17 18                  35
     .BFADR    |    U  |   X   |       |      pointer        |   Word 0
     .BFPTR    |                  byte pointer               |   Word 1
     .BFCTR    |                  byte counter               |   Word 2
     .BFUDX    |      (MPX only) Universal Device Index      |   Word 3

   The information in the buffer control block is described below.

   In Word 0 the symbol U, Bit 0, (BF.VBR) indicates the use  bit,  which
        is  set  if there has been any input to or output from the buffer

        X (BF.IBC), Bit 1 is  set  to  inhibit  the  clearing  of  output
        buffers.  To enforce this, your program must set this bit as well
        as UU.IBC in the OPEN argument block.

        pointer (.BFADR) is the address of  the  current  buffer  in  the
        buffer  ring.   This half-word points to the second word (Word 1)
        of the current buffer.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   In Word 1 the byte pointer (.BFPTR) points  to  the  byte  within  the
        current  buffer that contains the next input or output data.  The
        byte size is determined by the data mode.

   In Word 2 the byte counter (.BFCTR) is the  count  of  the  number  of
        bytes  remaining in the current buffer on input and the number of
        bytes for which there is still room on output.

   In Word 3 the Universal Device Index (.BFUDX)   is  present  only  for
        devices  connected to an MPX channel.  This word identifies which
        of the devices connected to the MPX channel is the current device
        (that  is, the device to which the current buffer applies).  Your
        program supplies this word in the buffer control block on output.
        The monitor supplies it on input.  Selective input, therefore, is
        not possible on MPX-controlled channels.

   A user program cannot use the same buffer control block for both input
   and  output.   Also,  the same buffer control block cannot be used for
   more than one I/O device at a time (except for MPX-controlled devices,
   refer to Section 11.9.7).  Therefore, users cannot use the same buffer
   control block for simultaneous input and output, and only  one  buffer
   ring can be associated with each buffer control block.

   11.9.3  The Buffer Header Block

   There is one buffer header block for each buffer  in  a  buffer  ring.
   The  monitor  maintains  the contents of the buffer header blocks, and
   all buffer linkages.  The format of a buffer header block is:

               0                    17 18                  35
     .BFSTS    |                      |        I/O status   |  Word -1
     .BFHDR    | x   |   size         |  addr next buffer   |  Word 0
     .BFCNT    |   bookkeeping word   |     word count      |  Word 1

   (Note that UUOSYM.MAC defines .BFSTS as 0.) The information maintained
   by the monitor in the buffer header block is described below.

   In Word 0, the I/O status (.BFSTS) contains the  status  of  the  file
        when  the  monitor advances to the next buffer in the ring.  This
        word contains the errors received while working  with  the  file.
        User  programs  should  not  be  written  to reference this word;
        instead, use the GETSTS, STATO, or STATZ monitor calls.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   In Word 1, x (BF.IOU) is the buffer's use bit.  This  bit  is  a  flag
        that  indicates  that  the  buffer  contains active data.  If the
        buffer contains data, the bit is set.  If the  buffer  is  empty,
        this bit is off.

        BF.IOU is set by the monitor when the buffer is full on output or
        has been filled on input (that is, if the use bit = 0, the buffer
        is available to the filler, if it is 1, the buffer  is  available
        to  the  emptier).   The setting and clearing of the buffer's use
        bit prevents the monitor and your program from  interfering  with
        each  other  by attempting to use the same buffer simultaneously.
        Your program does not advance to the  next  buffer;  the  monitor
        advances  the  buffer  ring  on  the execution of certain monitor
        calls.  Note that the monitor sets and clears  the  buffer's  use
        bit; your program should never change its state.

        size (BF.SIZ) is the size, in words, of  the  data  area  in  the
        buffer,  plus one.  The size of the data area is dependent on the
        type of device being used.

        addr next buffer (BF.NBA) is the address of the  next  buffer  in
        the ring.  (This address is the second word of the next buffer.)

   In Word 2, bookkeeping word is reserved for bookkeeping purposes;  the
        exact  purpose  depends  on  the  device  used  and the data mode
        specified.   When  a  device  connected  to  an  MPX  channel  is
        specified,   this   word  contains  the  Universal  Device  Index
        associated with that device.  When using DECtape, it is the  next
        block number on the tape for the next record of the file.

        word count (.BFCNT) is reserved for a  count  of  the  number  of
        words  that  actually  contain  data.  When using byte mode, this
        value is equal to the number of bytes that actually contain data.

   11.9.4  Using Buffered Input

   Using buffered input can speed your program's execution.  In  buffered
   input,  the monitor sometimes fills the buffers for your program while
   the program is performing other tasks;  thus  buffers  can  be  filled
   ahead and be ready when the program requests more data.

   Figure 11-3 is a flowchart showing the monitor's handling of  buffered

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

          Has Input Already Been        Has Buffer Ring       Set Up
          Done for This Device? --NO--> Been Set Up? ---NO--> Buffer Ring
                       |                      |                   |
                      YES                     |                   |
                       V                      |                   |
                 Is Use Bit Set               |                   |
      /---YES--- for Next Buffer?            YES                  |
      |                |                      |                   |
      |               NO                      |                   |
      |                V                      |                   |
      |            Call Device Service        V                   |
      |            Routine to Start the <-------------------------/
      |            Device
      |                |
      |                V            
      |            Non-Blocking ---- YES --------> Return to User,
      |                |                           Error Return
      |               NO
      |                V
      |            Put Job in I/O Wait
      |                            |
   ..........................      |
   : The Device Service     :      |
   : Routine Takes the Job  :      |
   : Out of Wait after      :      |
   : Buffer is Filled.  If  :      |
   : IO.SYN is Off, Service :      | 
   : Routine Continues to   :----->|
   : Fill Subsequent Buffers:      |
   : if They Are Available  :      |
   .........................:      |
      |                            V 
      |                      Is Use Bit Set
      |                      in Next Buffer? ----- NO -----> Error or
      |                            |                         EOF
      |                           YES
      |                            V
      |                   Set Up Buffer Control Block    
      |                   1) Address of New Buffer       
      \------------------>2) Byte Pointer to Data           Give Normal
                          3) Count of Bytes in Buffer       Return to
                          4) .BFUDX if MPX device --------> User

   Figure 11-3:  Flowchart for Buffered Input

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   To use buffered input, your program should:

        1.  Use the OPEN, INIT, or FILOP. monitor call to specify
            buffered mode, a device, and the location of the buffer
            control block for the input file.

        2.  Optionally, use the INBUF or FILOP. monitor call to specify
            the number of buffers in the ring.

        3.  Use IN or INPUT monitor calls to read from the file.

   There are four ways to do buffered input:

         o  In synchronous mode, blocking and non-blocking I/O.

         o  In asynchronous mode (default), blocking and non-blocking

   For all of these methods, your program requests the next bufferful  of
   data by using an IN, INPUT, or FILOP.  monitor call.  Normal Buffered Input - In  normal  (asynchronous  blocking)
   buffered  input, the monitor takes the following actions on each IN or
   INPUT monitor call:

        1.  Checks the use bit to determine whether to put  your  job  in
            wait  state.  When the data is ready, the monitor advances to
            that buffer and gives a success or error return based on  the
            contents .BFSTS in that buffer.

        2.  Advances the buffer ring pointer to the next buffer.

        3.  Updates the buffer control block, including  the  pointer  to
            the  current  buffer,  the  byte pointer to the data, and the
            byte count.

        4.  Returns control to your program.

   Note that if the next buffer is not ready, your job is put into a wait
   state  until  the  buffer  is  ready.  The advantage of using buffered
   input is that after the monitor returns control to your  program,  the
   monitor continues to fill empty buffers in the ring.  The monitor does
   this while your program is  running.   Therefore,  subsequent  INs  or
   INPUTs  in your program have a chance of finding the next buffer ready
   and avoiding the need to be put into the wait state.  Synchronous Buffered Input - You may  want  to  prevent  the
   monitor  from  filling  buffers  ahead, perhaps because error recovery
   procedures are in progress or you are doing USETIs  to  specify  exact
   blocks.  This is called synchronous buffered input.
                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   To use synchronous buffered input, use the SETSTS monitor call to  set
   the  IO.SYN bit in the I/O status word for the device.  Then, when the
   recovery procedure is completed, you can  clear  this  bit  to  resume
   filling  ahead.   The  monitor  may  be  filling buffers ahead of your
   program.  After using SETSTS, your program should check the buffer use
   bit to determine the current buffer.

   You  can  also  suspend  your  program's  execution  temporarily  (for
   example, to recover from an I/O error) by using the WAIT monitor call.
   This call causes your program's execution to wait  for  completion  of
   any I/O operations that are in progress on a given channel.  Nonblocking Buffered Input - You may  want  the  monitor  to
   continue  executing your program, rather than place your job in a wait
   state, if the next needed buffer is not ready.  For example,  you  may
   want  your  program  to  service  several  devices.   This  is  called
   nonblocking buffered input.

   To use nonblocking buffered input,  your  program  must  set  the  bit
   UU.AIO  (asynchronous  I/O)  in  the  first  word of the OPEN argument
   block.  Your program must use the IN or FILOP.  monitor call (NOT  the
   INPUT monitor call) for nonblocking buffered input.

   In nonblocking buffered input mode, the monitor takes the error return
   (with no error code in the I/O status word) from an IN monitor call if
   the buffer is not ready.  Therefore your program can determine whether
   the input was done, and can proceed appropriately.

   To determine whether error bits are set  on  the  return  from  an  IN
   monitor  call,  use  the GETSTS, STATZ, FILOP., or STATO monitor call.
   If no error bits are set, then there are no  buffers  containing  data
   ready  and  your  program  can perform other operations not associated
   with the same device (such as computations or I/O for other devices).

   Your program can periodically retry the IN call, to see if a buffer is
   ready.   Your  program can also be written to respond to an input-done
   software interrupt when a buffer is ready (see Chapter 7), or to  wake
   from  a  hibernating state when the buffer is ready (see the HIBER UUO
   in Chapter 22).

   11.9.5  Using Buffered Output

   Using buffered output can speed your program's execution.  In buffered
   output,  the monitor writes the buffer's data as soon as the buffer is
   filled.  Thus your program need not determine when a buffer  is  ready
   for output.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Figure 11-4 is a flowchart showing the monitor's handling of  buffered

          Has Output Already Been       Has Buffer Ring       Set Up
          Done for This Device? --NO--> Been Set Up? ---NO--> Buffer Ring
                       |                      |                   |
                      YES                     |                   |
                       V                      |                   |
                 Is Use Bit Set               |                   |
      /---NO---- for Next Buffer?            YES                  |
      |                |                      |                   |
      |               YES                     |                   |
      |                V                      |                   |
      |          Call Device Service          V                   |
      |          Routine to Start the <---------------------------/
      |          Device
      |                |
      |                V            
      |          Non-Blocking ---- YES --------> Return to User,
      |                |                           Error Return
      |                NO
      |                V
      |          Put Job in I/O Wait
      |                           |
   ...........................    |
   : The Device Service      :    |
   : Routine Takes the Job   :    |
   : Out of Wait after Buffer:    |
   : is Emptied.  If IO.SYN  :    |
   : is Off, Service Routine :    | 
   : Continues to Empty      :--->|
   : Subsequent Buffers if   :    |
   : They Are Available      :    |
   ..........................:    |
      |                           V 
      |                      Is Use Bit Set
      |                      in Next Buffer? ----- YES -----> Error or
      |                           |                           EOF
      |                           NO
      |                           V
      |                   Set Up Ring Control Block    
      |                   1) Address of New Buffer       
      \------------------>2) Byte Pointer to Data Area       Give Normal
                          3) Count of Bytes in Buffer        Return to
                          4) .BFUDX if MPX device ---------> User

   Figure 11-4:  Flowchart for Buffered Output

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   To use buffered output, your program should:

        1.  Use  the  OPEN,  INIT,  or  FILOP. monitor  call  to  specify
            buffered  mode,  a  device,  and  the  location of the buffer
            control block for the output file.

        2.  Optionally, use the OUTBUF or FILOP. monitor call to  specify
            the number of buffers in the ring.

        3.  Issue a "dummy" OUT or OUTPUT monitor call to initialize  the
            buffer ring.  This is normally transparent to the program and
            does not require special coding.

        4.  Use OUT or OUTPUT monitor calls to write to the file.

   If the BF.IOU bit in the buffer control block and the  IO.UWC  bit  in
   the  I/O  status  word  are both cleared, the monitor assumes that the
   current buffer is empty.  The monitor then keeps track of  the  number
   of  bytes  in the buffer as it is filled.  This value is stored in the
   .BFCTR word of the buffer control block.

   If the IO.UWC bit in the I/O status word is set, the  monitor  assumes
   that  your  program  has  already  computed the number of words in the
   buffer.  If you are in .IOBYT mode,  the  monitor  assumes  that  your
   program  has  already computed the number of bytes in the buffer.  The
   monitor then sets the BF.IOU (use) bit in the buffer control block and
   starts the device needed to empty the buffer.  Normal Buffered  Output - In  normal  buffered  output,  the
   monitor  takes  the  following  actions on each OUT, OUTPUT, or FILOP.
   output monitor call:

        1.  Checks to make sure the next buffer in the ring is empty.  If
            not,  the  monitor  places the job in a wait state and starts
            the device needed to empty the buffer.

        2.  Advances the buffer ring pointer to the next buffer.

        3.  Updates the buffer control block, including  the  pointer  to
            the  current  buffer,  the  byte pointer to the data, and the
            item byte count.

        4.  Returns control to your program.

   Note that if the next buffer is not ready, your job is put into a wait

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT  Synchronous Buffered Output - You may want  to  prevent  the
   monitor  from  filling  buffers  ahead, perhaps because error recovery
   procedures are in  progress.   This  is  called  synchronous  buffered

   To use synchronous buffered output, use the SETSTS monitor call to set
   the  IO.SYN bit in the I/O status word for the device.  Then, when the
   recovery procedure is completed, you can  clear  this  bit  to  resume
   buffering ahead.

   You  can  also  suspend  your  program's  execution  temporarily  (for
   example, to recover from an I/O error) by using the WAIT monitor call.
   This call causes your program's execution to wait  for  completion  of
   any I/O operations that are in progress on a given channel.  Nonblocking Buffered Output - You may want  the  monitor  to
   continue  executing your program (rather than place your job in a wait
   state) even if the next needed buffer is not ready.  For example,  you
   may want your program to be allowed to service other devices.  This is
   called nonblocking buffered output.

   To use nonblocking buffered output, your  program  must  set  the  bit
   UU.AIO  in  the  first  word of the OPEN argument block.  Your program
   must use the OUT or FILOP.  monitor call (and NOT the  OUTPUT  monitor
   call) for nonblocking buffered output.

   In nonblocking buffered output  mode,  the  monitor  takes  the  error
   return  (with  no  error  code  in the I/O status word) from an OUT or
   FILOP.  monitor call if the  buffer  is  not  ready.   Therefore  your
   program  can  determine  whether  the output was done, and can proceed

   To determine whether error bits are set on  the  return  from  an  OUT
   monitor  call,  use  the  GETSTS, STATZ, or STATO monitor call.  If no
   bits are set, your program can perform other operations not associated
   with the same device (such as computations or I/O for other devices).

   Your program can periodically retry the OUT or FILOP.  call, to see if
   the  buffer  is ready.  Your program can also be written to respond to
   an output-done software  interrupt  when  the  buffer  is  ready  (see
   Chapter  6),  or  to  wake from a hibernating state when the buffer is
   ready (see Chapter 22).

   11.9.6  Buffered I/O for MPX-Controlled Devices

   The monitor recognizes  that  I/O  is  for  an  MPX-controlled  device
   because you OPENed MPX (or a logical name for it).  The buffer control
   block must be 4 words long; the last word  will  contain  a  Universal
   Device Index.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   For input, MPX-controlled devices use a conventional buffer  ring  (as
   described  above).   For  output,  they use a special buffer structure
   that consists of a free chain (for the MPX  channel)  and  one  device
   chain for each device on the channel.

   The free chain is a series of buffers in which each buffer  points  to
   the  next.   For  each  buffer  in the series, the BF.NBA field of the
   buffer header contains the address of the next buffer; BF.NBA  in  the
   last buffer header contains 0.

   The .BFADR word of the buffer control  block  points  to  the  current
   buffer in the free chain, so that there is a continuous chain from the
   buffer control block to the last buffer in the free chain.

   The buffer control block and the buffers in the free chain are in user
   core.   The  device data block (DDB) for the MPX channel is in monitor

   Each device chain consists of a DDB for the device  and  one  or  more
   buffers  linked to the DDB.  The DDB points to the first buffer in the
   device chain.  Each buffer (in its .BFADR word)  points  to  the  next
   buffer; the last buffer has 0 in the right half of .BFADR.

   As output proceeds in your program, the  monitor  handles  output  for
   MPX-controlled devices as follows:

        1.  The first OUT or OUTPUT monitor call to the  MPX  channel  is
            the "dummy" call.  The monitor creates the free chain for the
            MPX channel.

        2.  For each call to a device on the  MPX  channel,  the  monitor
            moves  a  buffer from the top of the free chain to the bottom
            of the device chain.  This is done  by  updating  the  .BFADR
            address  in  the  buffer control block to point to the second
            buffer in the free chain, which then becomes the  top  buffer
            in  the  free chain.  The BF.NBA field in the moved buffer is
            zeroed, because it is to be the end of the device chain.  The
            address  of  the moved buffer is placed in BF.NBA for the old
            end buffer in the device chain, so that the chain is extended
            to include the moved buffer.

        3.  When a buffer is emptied (written to its device), the monitor
            moves  the buffer back to the bottom of the free chain.  This
            is done by updating the pointers in both the device chain and
            the free chain.

   The following pages contain figures and explanations showing  how  the
   monitor handles buffered output for an MPX channel.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   The first OUT or OUTPUT call for a different MPX-controlled device  on
   the  channel  (a device with different Universal Device Index) moves a
   buffer from the top of the free chain to the bottom of  the  (formerly
   empty)   device  chain  for  that  device.   Figure  11-5  shows  this
   situation, in which there are two device chains.

                            - -------------         
                           /  |           |         
                  Buffer   |  |-----------|         
                  Control  |  |     |  C  |--\
                  Block    <  |-----------|  |     
                           |  |           |  |   
                           |  |-----------|  |   
                           \  |    UDX2   |  |   
   -----------------   --\  - -------------  |   
   |         /-----|     |                   |
   |    DDB1 |  A  |--\  |                   |   -------------  --\
   |         \-----|  |  |                   |   |           |    |
   -----------------  |  |                   |   |-----------|    |
   /------------------/  / Device            \-->|     |  D  |-\  |
   |   -------------     > Chain                 |-----------| |  |
   |   |           |     \   1                   |           | |  |
   |   |-----------|     |                       |-----------| |  |
   \-->|     |  0  |     |                       |  Buffer C | |  |
       |-----------|     |                       ------------- |  / Free
       |           |     |                    /----------------/  > Chain
       |-----------|     |                    |  -------------    \ 
       |  Buffer A |     |                    |  |           |    |
       -------------   --/                    |  |-----------|    |
                                              |  |     |  0  |    |
   -----------------   --\                    \->|-----------|    |
   |         /-----|     |                       |           |    |
   |    DDB2 |  B  |--\  |                       |-----------|    |
   |         \-----|  |  |                       |  Buffer D |    |
   -----------------  |  |                       -------------  --/
   /------------------/  | 
   |   -------------     / Device
   |   |           |     > Chain
   |   |-----------|     \   2
   \-->|     |  0  |     |
       |-----------|     |
       |           |     | 
       |-----------|     | 
       |  Buffer B |     |
       -------------   --/

   Figure 11-5:  One Buffer in Each of Two Device Chains

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   Another OUT or OUTPUT call for a device  that  already  has  a  device
   chain  moves  a buffer from the top of the free chain to the bottom of
   the device chain for that device.  Figure 11-6 shows  this  situation,
   in which multiple device chains have multiple buffers.

                          /- -------------
                          |  |           |
                          |  |-----------|
                Buffer    |  |     |  D  |--\         
                Control   <  |-----------|  |    
                Block     |  |           |  |
                          |  |-----------|  |     
                          |  |    UDX1   |  |   
                          \- -------------  |
                                            |   -------------  --\   
   -----------------   --\                  |   |           |    |
   |               |     |                  |   |-----------|    |
   |         /-----|     |                  \-->|     |  0  |    / Free
   |         |  A  |--\  |                      |-----------|    > Chain
   |         \-----|  |  |                      |           |    \
   |               |  |  |                      |-----------|    |
   -----------------  |  |                      |  Buffer D |    |
   /------------------/  |                      -------------  --/
   |   -------------     |                       
   |   |           |     |              
   |   |-----------|     |                 -----------------   --\
   \-->|     |  C  |--\  / Device          |               |     |
       |-----------|  |  > Chain           |    DDB2 /-----|     |
       |           |  |  \   1             |         |  B  |--\  |
       |-----------|  |  |                 |         \-----|  |  |
       |  Buffer A |  |  |                 |               |  |  |
       -------------  |  |                 -----------------  |  / Device
   /------------------/  |                 /------------------/  > Chain
   |   -------------     |                 |   -------------     \   2
   |   |           |     |                 |   |           |     |
   |   |-----------|     |                 |   |-----------|     |
   \-->|     |  0  |     |                 \-->|     |  0  |     |
       |-----------|     |                     |-----------|     |
       |           |     |                     |           |     |
       |-----------|     |                     |-----------|     |
       |  Buffer C |     |                     |  Buffer B |     |
       -------------   --/                     -------------   --/

   Figure 11-6:  Multiple Buffers in Multiple Device Chains

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   When the monitor has emptied a buffer in a device  chain,  it  returns
   the  buffer  to  the bottom of the free chain.  Figure 11-7 shows this
   situation, in which one of the buffers for a  device  has  been  moved
   from the device chain to the bottom of the free chain.

                          - -------------         
                         /  |           |         
                Buffer   |  |-----------|         
                Control  |  |     |  D  |--\    
                Block    <  |-----------|  |     
                         |  |           |  |   
                         |  |-----------|  |   
                         \  |    UDX    |  |   
                          - -------------  |   
   -----------------    --\                |   -------------    --\
   |         /-----|      |                |   |           |      |
   |    DDB1 |  C  |--\   |                |   |-----------|      |
   |         \-----|  |   |                \-->|     |  A  |--\   |
   -----------------  |   |                    |-----------|  |   |
   /------------------/   |                    |           |  |   |
   |   -------------      |                    |-----------|  |   |
   |   |           |      / Device             |  Buffer D |  |   / Free
   |   |-----------|      > Chain              -------------  |   > Chain
   \-->|     |  0  |      \   1            /------------------/   \
       |-----------|      |                |   -------------      | 
       |           |      |                |   |           |      |
       |-----------|      |                |   |-----------|      | 
       |  Buffer C |      |                \-->|     |  0  |      | 
       |-----------|      |                    |-----------|      | 
       |  Buffer C |      |                    |           |      | 
       -------------    --/                    |-----------|      | 
                                               |  Buffer A |      | 
   -----------------    --\                    -------------    --/ 
   |         /-----|      |
   |    DDB2 |  B  |--\   |                    Note that Buffer A was 
   |         \-----|  |   |                    returned to the free chain
   -----------------  |   |                    after it was emptied.
   /------------------/   |      
   |   -------------      |
   |   |           |      / Device 
   |   |-----------|      > Chain
   \-->|     |  0  |      \   2
       |-----------|      |
       |           |      |
       |-----------|      |
       |  Buffer B |      |
       -------------    --/

   Figure 11-7:  One Buffer Moved Back to Free Chain

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   11.9.7  Generating Your Own Buffers

   Your program can generate its own  buffers  instead  of  allowing  the
   monitor  to generate them.  You might want to do this, for example, if
   your buffers must use a nonstandard byte size.

   The following example shows how to set up buffers for an  input  file.
   This  code sequence is similar in its performance to the INBUF monitor
   call.  In the example, the device is MTA0; the undefined symbol BYTSIZ
   gives  the  byte size for the buffers; the undefined symbol SIZE gives
   the size of the buffers; the number of buffers in the ring is 2.

   ;This example shows how to set up a 2-buffer input buffer ring.

   GO:     OPEN    ICHN,OPNBLK        ;Initialize the channel
             JRST  ERROR              ;Not available
           MOVE    T1,[BF.VBR+BUF1+.BFHDR]
           MOVEM   T1,MAGBUF+.BFADR
           MOVESI  T1,(POINT BYTSIZ)
           MOVEM   T1,MAGBUF+.BFPTR
           JRST    CONTIN             ;On to something else

   OPNBLK: BLOCK   1                  ;For flags and status bits
           SIXBIT  /MTA0/             ;Device name
           XWD     0,MAGBUF           ;No output,,input ring header


   BUF1:   BLOCK   1                  ;For file status
           XWD     SIZE+1,BUF2+.BFHDR ;Size+1,,next buffer
           BLOCK   1                  ;For word count
           BLOCK   SIZE               ;Space for the buffer

   BUF2:   BLOCK   1                  ;For file status
           XWD     SIZE+1,BUF1+.BFHDR ;Size+1,,next buffer
           BLOCK   1                  ;For word count
           BLOCK   SIZE               ;Space for the buffer

   CONTIN:                            ;Something else

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   If you have a program with a specialized memory management scheme  and
   want  to specify the buffer locations, you would want to generate your
   own buffers.  The following example shows how this situation could  be


   GO:     OPEN    ICHN,OPNBLK        ;OPEN file
             JRST  ERROR              ;Not available
           MOVEI   T1,OPNBLK          ;Find number and
           DEVSIZ  T1                 ; size of
             JRST  ERROR              ; default buffers
           HLRZ    T2,T1              ;Compute words needed
           HRRZS   T1                 ; for size and number
           IMULI   T1,(T2)            ; of buffers
           PUSHJ   P,GETMEM           ;Call your memory allocator
                                      ; with words to get in T1,
                                      ;returns address of block in T1
             JRST  ERROR              ;Can't get?
           PUSH    P,.JBFF            ;Save current first free
           MOVEM   T1,.JBFF           ;Default number of buffers
           INBUF   T1,0               ;Make monitor put buffers
                                      ; where you want
           POP     P,.JBFF            ;Restore .JBFF now that
                                      ; buffers are allocated

   The following example demonstrates the  general  principles  of  using
   buffered I/O:

   TITLE   Buffered Input/Output Example for TOPS-10


   This program demonstrates the basic principles of buffered  input  and
   output  by  reading the ASCII input file INPUT:INPUT.IN and copying it
   to the ASCII output file OUTPUT:OUTPUT.OUT.

   Note that the logical names INPUT: and OUTPUT: must be assigned by the
   ASSIGN  command.   These  logical names can be assigned to any devices
   that support ASCII line mode.  The monitor will ignore the LOOKUP  and
   ENTER calls if the devices do not support directories.


                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   SEARCH  UUOSYM                     ;Use standard definitions

   SALL                               ;Keep the program neat

   ;Definitions for registers and channels

   T1=1                               ;For scratch
   C=10                               ;For storing a character
   J=15                               ;For JSPing around

   ICHN==1                            ;Input channel number
   OCHN==2                            ;Output channel number

   ;Macro for general messages

           JRST    [OUTSTR [ASCIZ |?'TEXT
   |]                                 ;Output message to TTY:
           JRST    MONRT]             ;And back to monitor mode
   >                                  ;End of macro definition

   ;Here on entry to initialize program.

   BUFENT: JFCL                       ;In case of CCL entry (ignore)
           RESET                      ;Reset any I/O, .JBFF, etc.
                                      ;(In case of CTRL/C start)

           OPEN    ICHN,INDEV         ;Open input device
           LOOKUP  ICHN,INFIL         ;Find input file
           OPEN    OCHN,OUDEV         ;Open output device
           ENTER   OCHN,OUFIL         ;Create output file
   Here we could optionally set up  buffer  rings  using  the  INBUF  and
   OUTBUF  monitor calls.  Instead, we'll let the monitor do it for us on
   the first IN and OUT monitor calls. This is normal.

   ;Here's the main I/O loop to transfer the file.

   IO:     JSP     J,GETBYT           ;Read a byte of input
             JRST  EOF                ;End of input file
           JSP     J,PUTBYT           ;Write the byte
           JRST    IO                 ;Back for next byte

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   ;Here on end of input file.

   EOF:    RELEAS  ICHN,              ;Let input device and channel go
           CLOSE   OCHN,              ;CLOSE output file
                                      ;(Writing last buffers)
           STATZ   OCHN,IO.ERR        ;Any last errors?
             JRST  OUERR              ;Yes, complain to user
           RELEAS  OCHN,              ;No, release output device

   ;Here to return to monitor mode.
   ;If user continues, restart.

   MONRT:  MONRT.                     ;Back to monitor mode
           JRST    BUFENT             ;User said continue


   The following routines are the basic low-level buffered I/O  routines.
   Note  that both GETBYT and PUTBYT are self-initializing.  On the first
   call to each, the input and output byte  counts  are  0  (set  by  the
   monitor on the OPEN).

   GETBYT falls into the IN call to set up the default  number  of  input
   buffers  and  starts filling them.  Control returns to GETBYT when the
   first buffer is full.

   PUTBYT falls into the OUT call (the so-called "dummy" OUT) to  set  up
   the  default  number  of  output buffers.  Then it returns so that the
   program can fill and output the buffers.


   ;GETBYT - Routine to read 7-bit ASCII input data.

   GETBYT: SOSGE   INCNT              ;Any chars in input buffer?
             JRST  GETBUF             ;No, must read next buffer
           ILDB    C,INPTR            ;Yes, return char in C
           JUMPN   C,1(J)             ;Successful return is skip
           JRST    GETBYT             ;Null char, throw away

   GETBUF: IN      ICHN,              ;Advance to next input buffer
           JRST    GETBYT             ;And back for next character
           GETSTS  ICHN,T1            ;Input error
           TRNE    T1,IO.EOF          ;Was it end-of-file?
             JRST  (J)                ;Ok, not a real error
           ERROR   <I/O ERROR ON INPUT>

   ;PUTBYT - Routine to write 7-bit ASCII output data.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   PUTBYT: SOSGE   OUCNT              ;Any room in current output buffer?
             JRST  PUTBUF             ;No, write out and get next
           IDPB    C,OUPTR            ;Yes, put it in output buffer
           JRST    (J)                ;Return for more (note nonskip)

   PUTBUF: OUT     OCHN,              ;Write out this buffer
           JRST    PUTBYT             ;And start filling next

   ;Here all data blocks are defined.
   ;First the input and output OPEN blocks:

   INDEV:  .IOASL                     ;ASCII line mode
           SIXBIT  /INPUT/            ;Input device name
           XWD     0,INHDR            ;Address of input buffer
                                      ;Control block

   OUDEV:  .IOASL                     ;ASCII line mode
           SIXBIT  /OUTPUT/           ;Output device name
           XWD     OUHDR,0            ;Address of output buffer
                                      ;Control block


   INFIL:  SIXBIT  /INPUT/            ;Input file name
           SIXBIT  /IN/               ;Input extension
           BLOCK   1                  ;Protection, mode, creation date
           BLOCK   1                  ;PPN or path number

   OUFIL:  SIXBIT  /OUTPUT/           ;Output file name
           SIXBIT  /OUT/              ;Output extension
           BLOCK   1                  ;Protection, mode, creation date
           BLOCK   1                  ;PPN or path pointer

   ;Next the buffer control blocks. (The monitor will build the
   ; buffers on the first IN and OUT calls.):

   INHDR:  BLOCK   1                  ;Input buffer control block
   INPTR:  BLOCK   1                  ;Input buffer ring byte pointer
   INCNT:  BLOCK   1                  ;Input buffer ring byte count

   OUHDR:  BLOCK   1                  ;Output buffer control block
   OUPTR:  BLOCK   1                  ;Output buffer ring byte pointer
   OUCNT:  BLOCK   1                  ;Output buffer ring byte count

           END     BUFENT

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   11.10  CLOSING A FILE

   To close a file, use the CLOSE or FILOP.  monitor calls.  These  calls
   end  I/O  operations  for  the  file and ensure that all data input or
   output is completed.

   11.10.1  Maintaining File Integrity

   Ordinarily, the integrity of a disk file  is  not  assured  until  you
   perform  a  CLOSE  operation on the file.  For instance, if the system
   crashes when writing a disk file, the entire  disk  file  to  date  is
   lost.   The  entire  current  file  may  not be lost if a system crash
   occurred during an update-mode writing of the file, but its  integrity
   cannot  be  guaranteed.   This  happens because an update-mode writing
   that  extends  the  file  allocates  new  disk  blocks  to  the  file;
   therefore, the file's RIB must also be re-written.  However, after you
   perform the CLOSE, the monitor guarantees the  file's  integrity  even
   across  a  system  crash,  unless something destroys the physical file
   structure.  There are, however, two methods you can use to assure file
   integrity while actively using the file:

         o  Using  the  FILOP. .FOURB  function.   This   FILOP. function
            writes  the complete file to disk, and updates the file's RIB
            on disk as though you had  performed  a  CLOSE.   The  .FOURB
            function  acts  as  a  checkpoint  operation for a disk file.
            After the FILOP. .FOURB, the file is guaranteed on  disk  and
            will  survive a system crash or any halt, such as a <CTRL/C>.
            Programs that perform journaling operations use this function
            to  save user input in a separate file.  This journal file is
            saved on disk if an unexpected halt occurs.  Later,  you  can
            recall  this  file  and  use it to restore previous input and
            re-execute commands.

            You should note that the monitor performs an OUT monitor call
            for  you  when  you  use  this procedure.  This positions the
            buffer header byte pointer at the beginning  of  a  word,  no
            matter where the byte pointer was before the .FOURB call.  If
            the byte pointer is in the last word of a  buffer,  then  the
            header points at the next buffer in the ring after the .FOURB
            call.  As a result, the disk file may contain  embedded  null
            bytes of data for each of the checkpoint operations executed.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

         o  Using either  the  FILOP. .FORRC  function,  or  setting  the
            UU.RRC  bit  in  the  OPEN monitor call.  If you periodically
            issue the FILOP. monitor call with the .FORRC  function,  the
            monitor will checkpoint the file if the RIB has changed since
            the last .FORRC call.  The program may enable a  PSI  program
            interrupt  whenever  a  disk  file RIB has changed (interrupt
            condition PS.RRC).

            If you set the UU.RRC flag when you issue  the  OPEN  monitor
            call,  the  monitor  automatically checkpoints your file when
            you write enough data to cause a change in the RIB.


   To release a device, use the RELEASE or FILOP.  monitor  call.   These
   calls return the device and its channel to the monitor's pool.


   To stop execution of a program, use the EXIT monitor call.  This  call
   terminates  execution  of  the program, but leaves the program in your
   user memory so that it can be restarted.

   Most programs can also be stopped  by  the  CTRL/C  command.   If  the
   program  is waiting for terminal input, type one CTRL/C.  If not, type
   two CTRL/Cs.


   As discussed in Section 11.7, the LOOKUP, ENTER,  and  RENAME  monitor
   calls  accept  argument lists in the identical formats.  There are two
   formats you can use to supply arguments to  these  calls.   The  short
   form  allows you to accomplish the call by specifying a minimal amount
   of information.  This form is used in Section 11.7  and  following  to
   illustrate  the  general  sequence  of calls needed to accomplish I/O.
   The short form of the argument block is described in detail in Section

   The long form  of  the  argument  block  (also  called  the  "extended
   argument  list")  is used to specify information for disk files.  This
   format of the LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME argument block can also be  used  to
   read  the RIB (Retrieval Information Block) of the disk file.  For the
   purpose of  providing  completely  device-independent  I/O  code,  the
   extended  argument  list  can  be  used  for  I/O  on any device.  The
   information that is not applicable to each device is  simply  ignored.
   The extended argument list is described in detail in Section 11.13.2.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   11.13.1  The Short Form of the Argument List

   The LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME argument list may  take  the  following  form.
   The  short form of the argument list must always be 4 words long.  The
   following list show s the contents of each word in the argument  list.
   The  arguments  are  denoted  by the following symbols for each of the
   three monitor calls, LOOKUP, ENTER, and RENAME:

        A       signifies an argument that your program must supply.

        A0      signifies an optional argument.  If your program does not
                supply the contents, the monitor uses a default value.

        V       signifies a value that is only returned  by  the  monitor
                after the call is completed.

   The short form of the argument list  for  LOOKUP,  ENTER,  and  RENAME
   monitor calls is:

   Word    LOOKUP    ENTER    RENAME    Contents

    0        A         A        A       File name in SIXBIT.

    1        A         A        A       Bits 0-17:  file extension in

             V         A0       A0      Bits 18-20:  high-order three
                                        bits of the creation date.

             V         A0       A0      Bits 21-35:  access date.

             V         V        V       Bits 18-35:  on an error return
                                        from the call, the error code is
                                        stored here.  Refer to Section

    2        V         A0       A       Bits 0-8:  protection code.

             V         V        V       Bits 9-12:  data mode of file
                                        when it was created.

             V         A0       A       Bits 13-23:  creation time in
                                        minutes since midnight.

             V         A0       A       Bits 24-35:  low-order twelve
                                        bits of creation date.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    3        A         A        A       Word 3 on input is:  PPN or path
                                        pointer.  A path pointer takes
                                        the form:


                                                Where:  addr is the
                                                address of the path
                                                block.  Refer to the
                                                PATH. UUO in Chapter 22.

    3        V         -        -       Word 3 is returned as:
                                        Bits 0-17:  the LOOKUP call
                                        returns the length of the file in
                                        the left half as number of words
                                        expressed as a negative number.
                                        The file size is expressed as a
                                        positive number when the file
                                        contains more than 128K words.

   11.13.2  The Extended Argument List

   The long form of the argument block  for  LOOKUP,  ENTER,  and  RENAME
   monitor  calls  allows you to specify more information about the file.
   You can also maintain greater control  over  your  I/O  request  using
   flags provided in this argument list.

   The extended argument list is signified by placing a zero in the  left
   half  of  the  first  word of the argument list, and the length of the
   argument list in the right half.  The total length must be at least  3
   words.   .RBMAX  is  the  maximum  number of words (50 octal) that the
   block may contain.  The system ignores any value larger than this.

   The argument list allows your program to supply  information  that  is
   passed  to the monitor.  If your program includes an illegal argument,
   the monitor ignores that information and returns the default value  of
   the  incorrect  argument.   Each word of the extended argument list is
   described below.  The following symbols are used in the description to
   denote  the  applicability  of  each  argument  to each of the monitor
   calls, LOOKUP, ENTER, and RENAME.

   The symbols in the columns are:

        A  = an argument (supplied by either a privileged or unprivileged
             program) and returned by the monitor as a value.

        A0 = an argument like A, except that  a  0  argument  causes  the
             monitor to substitute a default value.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

        A1 = an argument if supplied by a privileged program; if supplied
             by an unprivileged program, it is ignored.

        V  = the value returned by the monitor cannot be set  even  by  a
             privileged program; the monitor will ignore the argument.

   Word  Symbol    LOOKUP  ENTER   RENAME     Contents

    0    .RBCNT       A      A        A       The count of the number of
                                              arguments that follow.
                                              Left half:  unused, must be
                                              Right half:  flags + number
                                              of arguments following

   Where the flags can be:

        Bits    Symbol     Meaning

        18      RB.NSE     If  set  on  an  ENTER,  that   ENTER   is   a
                           non-superseding   ENTER.    If   your  program
                           specifies an existent  file  name,  that  file
                           will not be superseded.  The monitor will give
                           the error return and will return error code  4
                           (ERAEF%) in addr+3 of the argument block.

        19      RB.DSL     (Don't Search LIB) During  a  LOOKUP,  if  the
                           file  is  not  found  in the default path, the
                           monitor would, by default, proceed  to  search
                           LIB.   Failing  that,  if /SYS is enabled, the
                           monitor  would  search  SYS  (and,  with  /NEW
                           enabled,  NEW).  Setting RB.DSL inhibits these
                           actions.  If the file  is  not  found  in  the
                           default  path,  the  monitor  will immediately
                           return error ERFNF% and no  further  searching
                           will take place.  The default path will always
                           be scanned.  RB.DSL does not effect the use of
                           SFD scanning.

        20      RB.AUL     (Allow Updates in LIB) By default, if a LOOKUP
                           finds  a  file on device LIB, the monitor will
                           not allow a subsequent ENTER or RENAME.   This
                           action  is  intended  to prevent the user from
                           accidentally modifying  the  wrong  file.   If
                           RB.AUL is set, however, the user's actions are
                           regarded as  deliberate,  and  the  subsequent
                           ENTER  or  RENAME  will be allowed.  Note that
                           RB.AUL must be on at the time of  the  LOOKUP,
                           and that this bit is meaningless for ENTER and
                           RENAME calls.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

        21      RB.NLB     (No Load Balancing) When a user ENTERs a  file
                           on  a structure that consists of multiple disk
                           units, the monitor creates  the  file  on  the
                           unit   with   the  most  available  space,  by
                           default.  However, if the user has  a  channel
                           open  for  another file on the same structure,
                           the monitor attempts to create the new file on
                           a  different unit in the structure, regardless
                           of the unit that has the most space.  The  two
                           files  are  created  on different units in the
                           same structure  to  ensure  that  I/O  to  the
                           structure  is evenly balanced.  If the program
                           sets RB.NLB, the new file is not forced  to  a
                           different  unit  than  the  originally  opened
                           file, suppressing the load  balancing  action.
                           Under RB.NLB, each file is created on the unit
                           in the structure that has the  most  available

                            CREATE/   UPDATE/
   Word  Symbol    LOOKUP  SUPERSEDE  RENAME  Contents

    1    .RBPPN       A0       A0        A0   A PPN or  a  pointer  to  a
                                              path  block.   For  a  path
                                              pointer,  the   left   half
                                              contains   zero,   and  the
                                              right  half  contains   the
                                              address  of the path block.
                                              For a description of a path
                                              block,    refer    to   the
                                              PATH. UUO in Chapter 22.

                                              The PPN  is  for  the  user
                                              file directory in which the
                                              file is to  be  LOOKed  UP,
                                              ENTERed,  or  RENAMEd.   To
                                              LOOKUP a UFD,  .RBPPN  must
                                              contain   1,,1  (indicating
                                              the MFD).

                                              The search defaults to  LIB
                                              and   SYS   only   if   the
                                              directory  path   was   not

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    2    .RBNAM       A        A         A    The   SIXBIT   file   name,
                                              left-justified         with
                                              trailing nulls.

                                              If    the    Master    File
                                              Directory  or  a  User File
                                              Directory is  being  LOOKed
                                              UP,  ENTERed, or RENAMEd on
                                              this  call,  this  location
                                              contains    the   directory
                                              name.  The argument can  be
                                              0  on  a RENAME or a LOOKUP
                                              and ENTER  if  pathological
                                              names  are in use, in which
                                              case  the  file   will   be

    3    .RBEXT       A        A         A    Bits 0-17:  The SIXBIT file
                                              extension,   left-justified
                                              with    trailing     nulls.
                                              Although   file  extensions
                                              are     optional,      null
                                              extensions  are discouraged
                                              because  they   convey   no

                      V        A0        A0   Bits 18-20  (RB.CRX):   The
                                              high-order  three  bits  of
                                              the 15-bit  creation  date.
                                              The   system   updates  the
                                              creation date only when you
                                              write  additional blocks to
                                              the  file.   For  instance,
                                              altering  the last block of
                                              the file would  not  result
                                              in   an   updated  creation

                      V        A0        A0   Bits 21-35  (RB.ACD):   The
                                              access date.

                      V        V         V    Bits  18-35:   If  the  UUO
                                              fails,  an  error  code  is
                                              returned in the right  half
                                              of  this  word.   Refer  to
                                              Section 11.14 for a list of
                                              the error codes.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    4    .RBPRV       V        A0        A    Bits 0-8:  Protection  code

                      V        V         A    Bits 9-12:   Data  mode  in
                                              which  the file was created

                      V        A0        A    Bits 13-23:  Creation  time
                                              in  minutes  since midnight
                                              (RB.CRT).     The    system
                                              updates  the  creation time
                                              only   when    you    write
                                              additional  blocks  to  the

                      V        A0        A    Bits 24-35:  The  low-order
                                              12   bits   of  the  15-bit
                                              creation date  in  standard
                                              format (RB.CRD).

    5    .RBSIZ       V        V         V    The written length  of  the
                                              file,  in  words.   If your
                                              program  sets  this  value,
                                              the monitor ignores it.

    6    .RBVER       V        A         A    The octal version number of
                                              the file, same as .JBVER.

    7    .RBSPL       V        A         A    The file name to be used to
                                              label  the  output  from  a
                                              spooled device.

                                              The file name is  specified
                                              on  an ENTER to the spooled
                                              device, or it is  0  if  an
                                              ENTER    has    not    been

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    10   .RBEST       V        A         A    The estimated length of the
                                              file, in positive number of

                                              On  the  execution  of   an
                                              ENTER   call,  the  monitor
                                              uses  this  value  as   the
                                              number    of    blocks   to
                                              allocate for the file.   If
                                              the   requested  number  of
                                              blocks cannot be allocated,
                                              partial    allocation    is
                                              performed, and  the  normal
                                              return  is  taken.   .RBALC
                                              always contains the  actual
                                              number of blocks allocated.

    11   .RBALC       V        A         A    The  number  of  contiguous
                                              128-word  blocks  allocated
                                              to a file when an ENTER  or
                                              RENAME call is performed.

                                              The   number   of    blocks
                                              includes  the  RIBs  of the
                                              file and is  equivalent  to
                                              the  last  block  number of
                                              the file.

                                              .RBALC equal to 0 does  not
                                              change  the  allocation  of
                                              the file.  All of the  data
                                              blocks  can  be deallocated
                                              by superseding the file and
                                              performing no output before
                                              the CLOSE.   This  argument
                                              can  be  used  to  allocate
                                              additional space  onto  the
                                              end of the file, deallocate
                                              previously  allocated   but
                                              unwritten     space,     or
                                              truncate  written   blocks.
                                              The  smallest  unit of disk
                                              space that the monitor  can
                                              allocate  is  a  cluster of
                                              200-word blocks.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

                                              Typically,  small   devices
                                              use  a  cluster  size  of 1
                                              block.  If  the  number  of
                                              blocks   allocated  is  not
                                              equal to the last block  of
                                              a cluster, the monitor will
                                              round up; thereby adding  a
                                              few  more  blocks  than the
                                              user  requested.   If   the
                                              monitor cannot allocate the
                                              specified number of blocks,
                                              then the partial allocation
                                              error (error code 17)  will
                                              be  returned; however, your
                                              program may still write the

                                              To   create   a   file   of
                                              prespecified  length,  your
                                              program should  perform  an
                                              extended  ENTER with .RBEST
                                              set and .RBALC cleared.  To
                                              create     a     file    of
                                              prespecified  length   with
                                              contiguous   blocks,   your
                                              program should  perform  an
                                              extended  ENTER with .RBEST
                                              cleared  and  .RBALC   set.
                                              After an ENTER, .RBALC will
                                              contain    the     accurate
                                              allocated file length.

    12   .RBPOS       V        A         A    The logical block number of
                                              the  first  allocated block
                                              for a new group of clusters
                                              appended to the file.

                                              The logical block number is
                                              specified  with  respect to
                                              the entire file  structure,
                                              beginning with block number
                                              0.    Combined   with   the
                                              DSKCHR  call,  this feature
                                              allows  your   program   to
                                              allocate    a   file   with
                                              respect   to   tracks   and
                                              cylinders    for    maximum
                                              efficiency when the program
                                              is executed.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    13   .RBUFW       V        V         V    Determines the  disk  drive
                                              that  the  file was written
                                              on;  the   format   is   as

                                              Bits  0-9:   Reserved   for

                                              Bits    10-17     (RB.UNI):
                                              Unit(s)  that  have written
                                              the  file  (Bit  17  set  =
                                              drive 0, Bit 16 set = drive
                                              1, and so forth).

                                              Bits 18-20  (RB.CON):   The
                                              controller  number  (0 = A,
                                              1 = B, and so forth) of the
                                              controller  that last wrote
                                              the file.

                                              Bits 21-35  (RB.APR):   The
                                              serial  number  of  the CPU
                                              that last wrote the file.

    14   .RBNCA       A        A         A    Reserved    for    customer
                                              definition;     does    not
                                              require privileges.

    15   .RBMTA       V        A1        A1   A 36-bit tape label, if the
                                              file   has  been  put  onto
                                              magnetic tape.

    16   .RBDEV       V        V         V    The  logical  name  of  the
                                              unit  on  which the file is

    17   .RBSTS       V        A1        A1   The   I/O    status    word
                                              Left half:  The  status  of
                                              the UFD.
                                              Right half:  The status  of
                                              the file.

                                              Refer   to    .RBSTS    bit
                                              definitions   in  the  next
                                              table    for    the     bit
                                              definitions of this word.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    20   .RBELB       V        V         V    The  logical  block  number
                                              within  the  unit  on which
                                              the  first  data  error  or
                                              search    error    (IO.DTE)
                                              occurred, as opposed to the
                                              block   within   the   file

                                              This value is  set  in  the
                                              RIB  by  the monitor when a
                                              CLOSE is executed  and  the
                                              hardware   has  detected  a
                                              hard  parity  error  or   a
                                              search  error while reading
                                              or   writing   the    file.
                                              Device   errors,   checksum
                                              errors,   and    redundancy
                                              errors  are  not  stored in
                                              this  location.   Any  data
                                              you  place in this location
                                              will be  ignored,  but  the
                                              following   bits   may   be
                                              returned by the monitor:

                                              Bits 0-2  (RB.EVR):   Error
                                              type:   bad  version  block

                                              Bit  3   (RB.ETO):    Error
                                              type:   other  (not data or
                                              search error).

                                              Bit  4   (RB.ETD):    Error
                                              type:  data (parity or hard

                                              Bit  5   (RB.ETS):    Error
                                              type:    search  or  header

                                              Bits 3-8 (RB.ETM):  Mask of
                                              all error type bits.

                                              Bits 9-35 (RB.EBN):  Number
                                              (within  unit) of first bad

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    21   .RBEUN       V        V         V    Left  half:   The   logical
                                              unit number within the file
                                              structure on which the last
                                              bad region was detected.
                                              Right half:  The number  of
                                              bad   blocks  in  the  last
                                              detected bad region.

                                              The bad region  may  extend
                                              beyond   the   file.   This
                                              argument is ignored, and  a
                                              value is returned.

                                              Bits 0-8 (RB.ENB):   Number
                                              of contiguous bad blocks.

                                              Bits 10-17 (RB.EUN):   Unit
                                              number  within  controller;
                                              bit 10 = unit 7, bit  17  =
                                              unit 0.

                                              Bits    18-20     (RB.EKN):
                                              Controller number.

                                              Bits 21-35  (RB.ECN):   CPU

    22   .RBQTF       V        A1        A1   Contains   the    logged-in

                                              This quota is  the  maximum
                                              number   of  data  and  RIB
                                              blocks that can be in  this
                                              structure's directory while
                                              the user is logged-in.  The
                                              UFD  and  the UFD's RIB are
                                              not included in this count.

    22   .RBTYP       V        A         A    Contains  file   type   and
                                              flags.   This  word is used
                                              by system programs (such as
                                              FORTRAN), and its format is
                                              determined      by      the
                                              application  in which it is
                                              used.  Refer to UUOSYM  for
                                              a  complete  description of
                                              this word.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    23   .RBQTO       V        A1        A1   Contains   the   logged-out
                                              quota  (meaningful  for the
                                              UFD only).

                                              This quota is  the  maximum
                                              number   of  data  and  RIB
                                              blocks that can be left  in
                                              this  structure's directory
                                              after you log out.   LOGOUT
                                              requires that the user must
                                              be below this quota to  log

    23   .RBBSZ       V        A         A    Contains  byte  and  record
                                              length information.  System
                                              programs (such as  FORTRAN)
                                              use   this  word,  and  its
                                              format is determined by the
                                              application  in which it is
                                              used.  Refer to UUOSYM  for
                                              a  complete  description of
                                              this word.

    24   .RBQTR       V        A1        A1   Reserved   quota   (applies
                                              only    to   UFDs).    This
                                              information     is      not
                                              completely  implemented  by
                                              the  monitor.   (Meaningful
                                              for UFD only.)

    24   .RBRSZ       V        A         A    Contains record  and  block
                                              size  information.   System
                                              programs (such as  FORTRAN)
                                              use  this  word; its format
                                              is   determined   by    the
                                              application  in  which  you
                                              use it.   Refer  to  UUOSYM
                                              for  a complete description
                                              of this word.

    25   .RBUSD       V        A1        A1   Contains the number of data
                                              and RIB blocks allocated to
                                              files in  this  structure's
                                              directory  when  the  owner
                                              last logged off (meaningful
                                              for the UFD only).

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

                                              LOGIN reads  this  word  so
                                              that  it  does  not have to
                                              LOOKUP all files to set  up
                                              the   number   of   written
                                              blocks.  LOGIN sets  Bit  0
                                              (RP.LOG) of the file status
                                              word   (see   below),   and
                                              LOGOUT    clears    it   to
                                              indicate whether LOGOUT has
                                              stored the quantity.

    25   .RBFFB       V        A         A    Contains  first  free  byte
                                              and    application-specific
                                              information.  This word  is
                                              used   by  system  programs
                                              (such as FORTRAN.) Refer to
                                              UUOSYM   for   a   complete
                                              description of this word.

    26   .RBAUT       V        A1        A1   The PPN of the job creating
                                              or superseding the file, as
                                              opposed to the owner of the

                                              Usually the author and  the
                                              owner  are  the same.  Only
                                              when a file is created in a
                                              different   directory   are
                                              these different.

    30   .RBIDT       V        A1        A1   BACKUP'S  incremental  date
                                              and time in UFD.

    31   .RBPCA       V        A1        A1   Privileged         argument
                                              reserved    for    customer

    32   .RBUFD       V        V         V    The logical block number in
                                              the  file  structure of the
                                              RIB for the  UFD  in  which
                                              the file appears.

    33   .RBFLR       V        V         V    The relative  block  number
                                              of  the  file  to which the
                                              first pointer of  this  RIB
                                              points;  this  is  used for
                                              multiple RIBs (for example,
                                              0 = prime RIB).

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

    34   .RBXRA       V        V         V    The  extended  RIB  address
                                              (that  is, the logical unit
                                              number  and   the   cluster
                                              address  of the next RIB in
                                              a multiple RIB file).

    35   .RBTIM       V        V         V    The internal  creation  and
                                              time  of  the  file, in the
                                              universal date-time format.

    36   .RBLAD       V        A1        A1   The last  accounting  date.
                                              Valid only for UFDs.

    37   .RBDED       V        A1        A1   The  directory   expiration
                                              date.        For       disk
                                              directories, this is  valid
                                              only    for    UFDs.    For
                                              magtape, this is valid only
                                              for   labelled   tapes  and
                                              refers  to  the  expiration
                                              date of the file.

    40   .RBACT       A        A1        A1   Account string word  1,  in

                                              This  is  non-zero  on   an
                                              ENTER, and is not valid for

    41   .RBAC2       A        A1        A1   Account string word  2,  in

    42   .RBAC3       A        A1        A1   Account string word  3,  in

    43   .RBAC4       A        A1        A1   Account string word  4,  in

    44   .RBAC5       A        A1        A1   Account string word  5,  in

    45   .RBAC6       A        A1        A1   Account string word  6,  in

    46   .RBAC7       A        A1        A1   Account string word  7,  in

    47   .RBAC8       A        A1        A1   Account string word  8,  in

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

   A null byte terminates the string.

        Bits    Symbol     Meaning

         0      RP.LOG     Set if the user is logged in.  LOGIN sets this
                           bit; LOGOUT clears it.

         5      RP.CHG     Set if some file has changed in this UFD since
                           the last BACKUP.

        7B11    RP.UER     All UFD errors.

         9      RP.UCE     Set if any file in this UFD has had a software
                           checksum error or a redundancy check error.

        10      RP.UWE     Set if any file in this UFD  has  had  a  hard
                           data error while writing.

        11      RP.URE     Set if any file in this UFD  has  had  a  hard
                           data error while reading.

        18      RP.DIR     Set if the file  is  a  directory  file;  this
                           protects  the  system  from  a  user trying to
                           modify a directory file.  The protection error
                           is  given if the extension UFD is specified on
                           an ENTER or RENAME and this bit is not set.

        19      RP.NDL     If set, the file cannot be  deleted,  renamed,
                           or superseded, even by a privileged program.

        20      RP.DMP     Set if this  is  an  unprocessed  crash  file.
                           This bit is set on CRASH.EXE files and used by
                           the CRSCPY program.

        21      RP.NFS     Set if the file should not be dumped  by  disk
                           backup  programs  because  certain  files (for
                           example, SWAP.SYS, SAT.SYS) contain no  useful
                           data to write on the tape.

        22      RP.ABC     Set if  the  file  always  has  bad  checksums
                           (because   the   monitor  never  recomputes  a
                           checksum) for example, SWAP.SYS, SAT.SYS.

        23      RP.CBS     If set, RP.CMP (Bit 26) is set on entry to UFD

        24      RP.ABU     If set, disk  backup  programs  should  always
                           dump this file.

        25      RP.NQC     If set, the file is a non-quota checked  file,
                           and it is not billed to the user's disk quota.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

        26      RP.CMP     If set, the UFD is being compressed.

        27      RP.FCE     If set, the file has a software checksum error
                           or  a  redundancy  check error (the IO.IMP bit
                           has been set).

        28      RP.FWE     If set, the file has had  a  hard  data  error
                           while  writing.   An  entry is made in the BAT
                           block so that the bad region is not reused.

        29      RP.FRE     If set, the file has had  a  hard  data  error
                           while  reading.   An  entry is made in the BAT
                           block so that the bad region is not reused.

        30      RP.RMS     If set, this file  was  created  by  RMS  (the
                           Record Management Service).

        31      RP.PAL     If set, this is a preallocated file.  This bit
                           is  set  when  you  preallocate  a file (using
                           FILOP.) but the file has not been created  yet
                           (that  is,  the  file  is  null).  This bit is
                           cleared when data is in the file.

        32      RP.BFA     If set, the file is bad because of a tape read
                           error during a restore.

        33      RP.CRH     If set, the file was closed after a crash.

        35      RP.BDA     If set, the file has been marked as bad  by  a
                           damage assessment program.

        715     RP.ERR     All file errors.

   11.14  ERROR CODES

   Error codes are restricted to  a  maximum  of  15  bits  to  eliminate
   problems  when recovering from an error in a file with a zero creation
   date.  The following error codes  are  returned  from  ENTER,  LOOKUP,
   RENAME, RUN, GETSEG, MERGE., FILOP., SAVE. and SEGOP. calls.  For more
   information, refer to the appropriate call in Chapter 22.

        Code   Symbol    Error

          0    ERFNF%    The specified file was not found,  a  null  file
                         name  was  specified, file names do not match on
                         an update operation, or RENAME  after  a  LOOKUP
                         failed.   For  a  FILOP.,  this  error  code  is
                         returned if the specified device cannot  perform
                         I/O in the direction indicated.
          1    ERIPP%    The UFD does not exist  on  the  specified  file
                         structure (incorrect PPN).

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

          2    ERPRT%    Protection failure, or directory is full  for  a
          3    ERFBM%    File being modified (ENTER, RENAME).
          4    ERAEF%    The  specified  file  already  exists   (RENAME,
                         FILOP.),  a  different  file  name was specified
                         (ENTER after a LOOKUP), the file was  superseded
                         (on a non-superseding ENTER).
          5    ERISU%    Inclusion of  an  illegal  sequence  of  monitor
                         calls (such as a RENAME with no preceding LOOKUP
                         or ENTER, or a  LOOKUP  after  an  ENTER).   For
                         example,  the  system returns this error code if
                         you attempt to  RENAME  a  file  on  device  LIB
                         without setting FILOP. bit RB.AUL first.
          6    ERTRN%    One of the following errors occurred:

                          o  Transmission, device, or  data  error  (RUN,
                             GETSEG, MERGE. only).

                          o  Hardware-detected  device  or   data   error
                             detected  while reading the UFD's RIB or the
                             file's RIB.

                          o  Software-detected data  inconsistency  error
                             detected  while reading the UFD's RIB or the
                             file's RIB.

          7    ERNSF%    File is not in executable format  (RUN,  GETSEG,
                         MERGE.  only).
         10    ERNEC%    Not enough core available to load the file (RUN,
                         GETSEG, MERGE., SAVE. only).
         11    ERDNA%    Device  not  available  (RUN,  GETSEG,   FILOP.,
                         SAVE., MERGE.).
         12    ERNSD%    No such device  (RUN,  GETSEG,  MERGE.,  SAVE.).
                         For  FILOP.,  this  error code is returned if an
                         open function fails to assign the device.
         13    ERILU%    Illegal monitor call for FILOP. or GETSEG.
         14    ERNRM%    There is no room on this file structure  or  the
                         disk space quota was exceeded (an overdraw quota
                         is not considered).
         15    ERWLK%    A write-lock error occurred.  The program cannot
                         write on this device.
         16    ERNET%    Not enough  table  space  is  available  in  the
                         monitor's free core.
         17    ERPOA%    Partial allocation only.
         20    ERBNF%    Block not free  at  allocated  position  (ENTER,
         21    ERCSD%    Cannot supersede a directory (ENTER).
         22    ERDNE%    Cannot delete a  directory  that  is  not  empty
         23    ERSNF%    The sub-file directory was not found  (some  SFD
                         in the specified path was not found).

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

         24    ERSLE%    The search list is empty (a LOOKUP or  an  ENTER
                         was  performed on the generic device DSK and the
                         search list was empty).
         25    ERLVL%    You cannot create an SFD nested deeper than  the
                         maximum allowed level of nesting.
         26    ERNCE%    No file structure in the job's search  list  has
                         both  the  no-create  bit and the write-lock bit
                         equal to zero and has the UFD or  SFD  specified
                         by  the  default  or explicit path (ENTER on the
                         generic device DSK only).
         27    ERSNS%    The program performed a GETSEG from a locked low
                         segment  to  a  high  segment  that  was  not  a
                         dormant, active, or idle segment.   The  segment
                         was not on the swapping space (SAVE. or GETSEG).
         30    ERFCU%    Cannot update file.
         31    ERLOH%    Low segment overlaps  high  segment  (GETSEG  or
                         RUN), or page overlap error (MERGE.).
         32    ERNLI%    The user is not logged in (RUN, SAVE.  only).
         33    ERENQ%    The file has outstanding locks set.
         34    ERBED%    The file has a bad EXE file  directory  (GETSEG,
                         RUN, MERGE.).
         35    ERBEE%    The file has a bad extension for  an  .EXE  file
                         (GETSEG, RUN, MERGE.).
         36    ERDTB%    The file's EXE directory  is  too  big  (GETSEG,
                         RUN, MERGE.).
         37    ERENC%    The network  capacity  has  been  exceeded;  not
                         enough  space  for  the connect message (LOOKUP,
         40    ERTNA%    The  task  was  not  available  (LOOKUP,  ENTER,
         41    ERUNN%    An unknown network node was  specified,  or  the
                         node went down during the connect (ENTER).
         42    ERSIU%    SFD is in use (RENAME).
         43    ERNDR%    File has an  NDR  (No  Delete  or  Rename)  lock
         44    ERJCH%    Job count high (too many simultaneous accesses).
         45    ERSSL%    Cannot rename SFD to lower level.
         46    ERCNO%    Channel not OPENed (FILOP.).
         47    ERDDU%    Device is not useable; it is offline.
         50    ERDRS%    Device is restricted.
         51    ERDCM%    Device is  under  control  of  Mountable  Device
                         Allocator (MDA) (GALAXY).
         52    ERDAJ%    Device is allocated to another job.
         53    ERIDM%    Illegal data mode specified (FILOP.).
         54    ERUOB%    Unknown or undefined bits set (OPEN).
         55    ERDUM%    Device is in use on an MPX-controlled channel.
         56    ERNPC%    No per-process space available for extended  I/O
         57    ERNFC%    No free channels are available.
         60    ERUFF%    Unknown FILOP.  function.
         61    ERCTB%    Channel too big.
         62    ERCIF%    Function illegal on this channel.

                          PROGRAM INPUT AND OUTPUT

         63    ERACR%    Address check occurred while reading arguments.
         64    ERACS%    Address check occurred while storing arguments.
         65    ERNZA%    A negative or zero argument count was specified.
         66    ERATS%    Argument block was too short.
         67    ERLBL%    Magnetic tape labelling error.
         70    ERDPS%    Duplicate segment in address space.
         71    ERNFS%    No free section (SEGOP.).
         72    ERSII%    Segment  information  inconsistent.   A  segment
                         number and name do not match.



                                 CHAPTER 12

                                DISKS (DSK)

   Disks store ordered sets of data called files.  One or more disk units
   can  be  associated  by  the monitor as file structures.  The physical
   unit of the disk is generally transparent to users; therefore  you  do
   not need a detailed knowledge of disk units to use disks effectively.

   Your  system  may  have  several  types  of  disks.    The   monitor's
   disk-service  routines  handle  all  disk  operations,  including file
   structuring, executing  disk-specific  monitor  calls,  queueing  disk
   requests, and optimizing disk usage.

   The monitor handles all disk file structures as logical  units  first,
   then  converts these to physical units in its device-dependent service
   routines.  All disk addresses discussed in this manual are logical, or
   relative, addresses, not physical locations on the disk.

   The basic unit on the disk is the logical disk block,  which  has  200
   octal  (128  decimal) 36-bit words of storage.  A disk file can be any
   length, and you can store as many disk files as your disk  quota  will

   12.1  DISK NAMES

   Each disk file structure has a SIXBIT name; this name  is  defined  by
   the operator at system initialization time.  A file structure name can
   be up  to  four  alphanumeric  characters  in  length,  but  must  not
   duplicate any device name, unit name, existing file structure name, or
   ersatz device name.

   Public file structures names should be of the form DSKn, where n is  A
   to  Z.  Public file structures are created by the system administrator
   at ONCE-only time.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   When your program issues an OPEN, INIT,  or  FILOP. monitor  call,  it
   specifies a file structure.  For subsequent LOOKUP or ENTER calls, the
   monitor searches only the file structure named in the OPEN,  INIT,  or
   FILOP. call  that initialized the channel.  Therefore, to initialize a
   file structure, you must know the name  of  the  file  structure  that
   contains the required file.

   Often a program does not initialize  a  file  structure,  but  instead
   initializes  the  generic  disk  device  name  DSK.   The monitor then
   searches the user's job search list to determine which file  structure
   to use.  See Section 12.8 for a discussion of job search lists.

   12.1.1  Logical Unit Names

   If your program specifies a single file structure name (such as DSKA),
   it  is  implicitly  referring  to  all  units  in that file structure.
   However, your program  can  specify  a  logical  unit  within  a  file
   structure   in   the   form  DSKnm.   n  is  an  alphabetic  character
   representing structure; m is a unit number.

   When your program reads a file, the monitor generalizes a logical unit
   specification   (such   as   DSKA0)   to  the  larger  file  structure
   specification (such as DSKA), which may contain more than one  logical
   unit (such as DSKA0 and DSKA1).  Therefore the monitor will locate the
   required file regardless of which logical unit it is on.

   When your program writes a file, the monitor places the  file  on  the
   logical  unit  specified  if  space  is  available;  if  space  is not
   available, the monitor places the file on another logical unit in  the
   same  file  structure.   For example, if you specify DSKA1 for a file,
   the monitor places the file on DSKA1 if there  is  room;  if  not,  it
   places  it  on  another  logical unit (such as DSKA0) in the same file
   structure (DSKA).

   Nevertheless, it can be worthwhile to specify logical units for files,
   because  file  processing  usually proceeds faster if the files are on
   different logical units.

   12.1.2  Physical Controller and Disk Unit Names

   Your program can refer to a disk by the generic name DSK,  by  a  file
   structure name (such as DSKA), by a logical unit name (such as DSKA0),
   by a controller class name, by  a  controller  designation,  or  by  a
   physical disk unit name.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   Controller classes, physical controller names, and the  names  of  the
   physical disk units they control are:

         o  Controller class RP.   Physical  controller  names  for  this
            class are of the form RPc, where c is A-Z.

            Physical disk unit names for this class are of the form RPcn,
            where  c completes the controller name and n is the disk unit
            number (in the range 0 to 7).  RP designates RH20 controllers
            with  RP04, RP06, RP07 units, or RH11 controllers (KS10 only)
            with RP06 or RM03 units.

         o  Controller class RN for RP20  disk  devices  on  a  DX20/RH20
            controller.   Physical controller names for this class are of
            the form RNc, where c is A-Z.

            Physical disk unit names for this class are of the form RNcn,
            where c completes the controller name; and n is the disk unit
            number (in the range 0 to 15).

         o  Controller class RA for an RA60, RA80, or RA81  drive  on  an
            HSC-50  controller.  Physical controller names for this class
            are of the form RAc, where c is A-Z.

            Physical disk unit names for this class are of the form RAcn,
            where  c completes the controller name and n is the disk unit
            number (in the range 0 to 255).

   12.1.3  Abbreviations

   You can abbreviate disk names  in  ASSIGN  commands  and  OPEN,  INIT,
   FILOP.,  LOOKUP,  and  ENTER  monitor  calls.   In creating files, the
   monitor places the file  on  the  first  disk  that  begins  with  the
   abbreviation  you  used.  In searching for files, the monitor searches
   all disk units that begin with the abbreviation  until  it  finds  the
   file.   The  LOOKUP/ENTER  calls  apply to as wide a class of units as
   possible.  For example, MO might include MONI, MONZ, and MOBY.

                                DISKS (DSK)


   A disk file has a file name and an extension.   The  file  name  is  a
   SIXBIT string of up to 6 characters.  The extension is a SIXBIT string
   of up to 3 characters.

   Most  programs  that  scan  file  names  accept  them  in  the  format
   filnam.ext,  where  filnam is the file name, and ext is the extension.
   The file name cannot be null, but the extension  can.   Most  programs
   that  scan file names will interpret a file as having a null extension
   if it is written with a period after the file name.  For example,  the
   system interprets:


   as the file name and a null extension.

   In monitor calls,  you  use  SIXBIT  to  specify  the  file  name  and
   extension.   For  example,  you specify the file TEST.TST in a monitor
   call as:


   When you create a file, a file name is associated with the file.   The
   name  remains  associated with the file until you delete or rename the


   Every disk file has a protection code that indicates the users who can
   and   cannot   access  the  file.   The  protection  code  in  a  file
   specification appears as:


   Where:  the first digit x refers to the owner field.

           the second digit y refers to users with the same project
           number as the owner.

           the third digit z refers to all other users.


           Directory files (*.UFD and  *.SFD)  are  protected  by
           codes  that  appear  similar  to  data file protection
           codes, but the meaning of the codes is different.  For
           information  about  directory  files, refer to Section

                                DISKS (DSK)

   The protection code for a file is stored  in  its  RIB,  and  contains
   three 3-bit fields:

        1.  The first 3-bit field gives a protection code that determines
            access by the owner of the file.

        2.  The middle 3-bit field gives a protection code that
            determines access by users with the same project number as
            the owner of the file.

        3.  The last 3-bit field gives a protection code that determines
            access for all other users.

   When the monitor symbol INDPPN=0 (default), the owner of a file is the
   user  whose  project  and  programmer  number  matches  the  User File
   Directory containing the file.  The actual definition of a file  owner
   is  set  at monitor generation time using the MONGEN program.  (If the
   symbol INDPPN is set to <0,,-1> with MONGEN, the owner of the file  is
   any  user  whose  programmer  number  matches  the  UFD containing the
   file.)  No matter who an installation defines as a file owner, project
   numbers  less  than  10  are always independent of programmer numbers.
   For example, a user having a PPN of [1234,4]  is  not  considered  the
   owner  of  files in [1,4].  The setting of INDPPN can be obtained from
   GETTAB Table %CNSTS, bit ST%IND.

   The file owner may be  protected  from  inadvertently  destroying  his
   files  by  the  access  protection indicated by the first field in the
   protection code <nnn>.   The  owner  protection  code  also  specifies
   whether  the  File  Daemon  (FILDAE)  should  be called on attempts to
   access a file.  Specifically, the digit in the owner field  means  the

        Code      Meaning

        0         Any access is allowed.  The owner  can  execute,  read,
                  append  to,  update,  write,  rename,  and  change  the
                  protection of his file.

        1         Same as code 0.

        2         Any access to the file,  except  for  renaming  it,  is

        3         The owner cannot append to, update,  or  write  to  the
                  file.   The  owner can execute, read, rename, or change
                  the protection code of the file.

        4         This code is equivalent to 0 and 1.   However,  if  the
                  File Daemon is running, any attempt to access this file
                  that results in a protection failure will result  in  a
                  call to the File Daemon.  (Refer to Section 12.4.)

                                DISKS (DSK)

        5         This code is equivalent to code 2, but the File  Daemon
                  is  called  on  any  attempted access that violates the
                  protection codes.

        6         The owner cannot append to, update, rename, or write to
                  the  file.   The owner can execute, read, or change the
                  protection code of the file.  The File Daemon is called
                  on  any  attempted  access that violates the protection

        7         The owner can execute, read, and change the  protection
                  of  the  file.   The  File  Daemon  is  called  on  any
                  attempted access that violates the protection code.

   Note that codes 4 through 7  specify  that  the  File  Daemon  program
   should  be  called  when any users (owner or others) attempt to access
   the file in a manner that results in a  violation  of  the  protection
   code.   The  function of the File Daemon is discussed in Section 12.4.
   Table 12-1 illustrates the access allowed to the file owner  for  each
   code.   Capabilities  are indicated by Y, prevention against that type
   of access is indicated by N.

   Table 12-1:  File Access Protection -- Owner Field


     Access Type            Code

                            0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7

     EXECUTE                Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y
     READ                   Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y
     APPEND TO              Y    Y    Y    N    Y    Y    N    N
     UPDATE                 Y    Y    Y    N    Y    Y    N    N
     WRITE                  Y    Y    Y    N    Y    Y    N    N 
     RENAME                 Y    Y    N    Y    Y    N    N    N
     CHANGE PROTECTION      Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y
     CALL FILDAE            N    N    N    N    Y    Y    Y    Y

                                DISKS (DSK)

   The second field of the protection code <nnn> applies to users in  the
   same  project  group  (that is, having the same project number) as the
   owner.  The third field applies to all  other  PPNs.   The  codes  for
   these  fields  have  the  same  meaning to be applied to the different
   types of users.  The meanings of the codes are:

        Code   Symbol    Meaning

          0    .PTCPR    The user is allowed any access to the file.   He
                         can  execute,  read,  append  to, update, write,
                         rename, and change the protection code  for  the

          1    .PTREN    The user is not allowed to change the protection
                         of  the  file.   However,  the user can execute,
                         read, append to, update, write,  or  rename  the

          2    .PTWRI    The user is not allowed to rename or change  the
                         protection  of  the file.  However, the user can
                         execute, read, append to, update, or  write  the

          3    .PTUPD    The user cannot write,  rename,  or  change  the
                         protection.   However,  the  user  can  execute,
                         read, append to, or update the file.

          4    .PTAPP    The user cannot update, write, rename, or change
                         the  protection  of the file.  However, the user
                         can execute, read, or append to the file.

          5    .PTRED    The  user  cannot  append  to,  update,   write,
                         rename,  or  change  the protection of the file.
                         However, the user can execute or read the file.

          6    .PTEXO    The user can only execute the file.

          7    .PTNON    The user cannot access the file.

   Table 12-2 shows the access allowed and prevented  by  each  code  for
   each type of access by project members and by other users.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   Table 12-2:  File Access Protection -- Second and Third Digits


     Access Type            Code

                            0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7

     EXECUTE                Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    N
     READ                   Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    N    N
     APPEND TO              Y    Y    Y    Y    Y    N    N    N
     UPDATE                 Y    Y    Y    Y    N    N    N    N
     WRITE                  Y    Y    Y    N    N    N    N    N
     RENAME                 Y    Y    N    N    N    N    N    N
     CHANGE PROTECTION      Y    N    N    N    N    N    N    N

   The greatest protection that a file can have is code 7, and the  least
   protection  is  code  0.  Usually, the owner's field is 0 or 1.  It is
   always possible for the owner of a file to change the protection  code
   associated  with  his file, even if the owner's protection code is set
   to 7.  Therefore, codes 0 and 1 are equal  when  they  appear  in  the
   owner's field.

   You can change the file access protection code by issuing  the  RENAME
   monitor  call,  the FILOP. monitor call with the RENAME option, or the
   PROTECT command.

   When your program issues an ENTER that does not specify  a  protection
   code and the file does not exist, the monitor substitutes either:

         o  The standard protection code.

         o  The default protection code that you specified either by  the
            SET DEFAULT PROTECTION command or by the SETUUO monitor call.

   The normal system standard protection code is  057.   This  protection
   code  prevents  users  in  different  projects  from accessing another
   user's files; however, a standard protection of 055 is recommended for
   systems where privacy is not as important as the capability of sharing
   files among projects.

   In fact, the monitor automatically assigns default protection codes to
   system  files  that  it  must  be able to access.  For SYS:*.SYS files
   (those files in directory [1,4] with file extension .SYS) the  default
   protection  code  is  <157>.   All  other  files  on  SYS are assigned
   protection code <155>.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   However, no program  should  be  coded  to  assume  knowledge  of  the
   standard  protection  code;  it  should  be  obtained through a GETTAB
   monitor call.  The relevant GETTAB items are:

        %LDSTP - Standard file protection.
        %LDUFP - Standard directory protection.
        %LDSPP - Spooled file protection.
        %LDSYP - Standard SYS protection.
        %LDSSP - SYS:*.SYS protection.

   You can set a default file protection code by  using  either  the  SET
   DEFAULT  PROTECTION  command  or  the  .STDEF  function  of the SETUUO
   monitor call.  If you (or your program) set a default protection  code
   by  either of the above methods, the monitor creates the file with the
   default code if the ENTER block contains zero in its  file  protection
   code  field.   If  you  (or  your  program)  did not specify a default
   protection code or specified the SET DEFAULT PROTECTION  OFF  command,
   the  monitor  creates  the  file  with the installation's default file
   protection code.  The SET  DEFAULT  PROTECTION  OFF/ON  command  turns
   off/on the previous setting of the default protection code.  (Refer to
   the TOPS-10 Operating System Commands Manual for more  information  on
   the  SET  DEFAULT  PROTECTION  command.)  Programs  that set a default
   protection code should GETTAB the  installation's  default  protection
   code  (unless  FILDAE  has  specified otherwise) and then set the user
   default protection code to that returned on the GETTAB, if the default
   protection code is desired.


   A File Daemon is  a  privileged  program  that  serves  the  following

         o  Oversees file accessing

         o  Aids in accounting

         o  Tracks program use

   DIGITAL provides and supports the interface to a File Daemon.  DIGITAL
   provides   but   does   not  support  a  File  Daemon  (FILDAE);  each
   installation should write and support its own File Daemon to meet  its
   own requirements.

   When a File Daemon is running, the monitor calls it every time someone
   tries  to  access  a  file  that  has  a  4, 5, 6, or 7 in the owner's
   protection code field and the access fails due to a protection  error.
   The  monitor  also  calls a File Daemon for a directory when attempted
   access fails due to  a  protection  error.   (Appendix  C  contains  a
   description of the File Daemon and the ACCESS.USR file.)

                                DISKS (DSK)


   A disk file contains the data that makes up the file, and  information
   that  the  monitor needs to retrieve the file.  Each disk block is 200
   (octal) words long.

   The monitor writes a full block on each disk write (when your  program
   outputs  a  buffer).   Any  unused portion of the block is filled with
   zeros, but the monitor keeps track of the actual length  of  the  last
   block  in  the file only.  Therefore, if your program outputs a buffer
   that is not full, the block is filled with zeros; but on  reading  the
   block, it will appear to be a full block of data.

   The first data block for a file is pointed  to  by  an  entry  in  the
   retrieval information block (RIB) for the file.  The RIB is pointed to
   by an entry in a UFD or an SFD.   Thus  there  is  a  chain  from  the
   directory through the RIB to the first block of the file.

            |    PPN     |
            |------------|      ---------------        Data
            | UFD | CFP  |----->|             |        Blocks
            ------|-------      |     RIB     |       ----------
                                |             |------>|        |
                                ---------------       |        |

   Figure 12-1:  Disk Chain

   The RIB for a file contains pointers  to  the  entire  file.   At  the
   physical end of a file (unless it is open), there is a copy of the RIB
   for the file.  This spare RIB is the block immediately  following  the
   last  data  block  of  the  file.  Users are not allowed to access the
   spare RIB.  Thus the file has two overhead RIB blocks:   one  for  the
   prime RIB (in relative block 0) and one for the spare RIB (in the last
   relative block of the file).

                                DISKS (DSK)


   A directory is itself a file; it serves as an index to other files  on
   a  device.   You  can  read  a  directory like any other file, but you
   cannot  write  a  directory.   Each  file  structure  has  directories
   arranged in a tree structure of three levels:

        1.  The Master File Directory (MFD) is at the root of  the  tree.
            It  serves as an index to User File Directories (UFDs) on the
            file structure.

        2.  The User File Directories (UFDs) are at the next level of the
            tree structure.  UFDs contain pointers to and data about user
            files and subfile directories (SFDs).

        3.  Subfile Directories (SFDs) are at the remaining levels of the
            tree structure.  SFDs contain pointers to and data about user
            files and subordinate SFDs.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   The general disk file organization for a file structure  is  shown  in
   Figure 12-2.

         Master File              User File                  Data
         Directory                Directories                Files

     |                 |          ------------
     |  -------------  |   /----->|  File 1  |
     \->| 1   |   1 |  |   |      |----------|              ------------
        |-----|-----|  |   |      | Ext |    |------------->|          |
        | UFD |     |--/   |      |-----|----|              |          |
        |-----|-----|      |      |  File 2  |              |          |
        | 10  |  10 |      |      |----------|           ------------  |
        |-----|-----|      |      | Ext |    |---------->|          |  |
        | UFD |     |------/      |-----|----|           |          |  |
        |-----|-----|             |  File 3  |           |          |---
        | 20  |  20 |             |----------|        ------------  |
        |-----|-----|------\      | Ext |    |------->|          |  |
        | UFD |     |      |      |-----|----|        |          |  |
        |-----|-----|      |      |     .    |        |          |---
        |     .     |      |      |     .    |        |          |
        |     .     |      |      |     .    |        |          |
        |     .     |      |      ------------        |          |
        -------------      |                          ------------
                           |      ------------
                           \----->|  File x  |
                                  |----------|              ------------
                                  | Ext |    |------------->|          |
                                  |-----|----|              |          |
                                  |  File y  |              |          |
                                  |----------|           ------------  |
                                  | Ext |    |---------->|          |  |
                                  |-----|----|           |          |  |
                                  |  File z  |           |          |---
                                  |----------|        ------------  |
                                  | Ext |    |------->|          |  |
                                  |-----|----|        |          |  |
                                  |     .    |        |          |---
                                  |     .    |        |          |
                                  |     .    |        |          |
                                  ------------        |          |

   Figure 12-2:  General Disk File Organization for a File Structure

                                DISKS (DSK)

   12.6.1  The Master File Directory (MFD)

   The Master File Directory is a directory of all  the  individual  user
   file  directories  on  the  file  structure.   It  consists  of 2-word
   entries.  Each entry gives  the  name  and  address  of  a  user  file
   directory (UFD) in the file structure.

   Each entry in the MFD is in the format:

        XWD     proj,prog          ;Project-programmer number
        XWD     'UFD',CFP          ;UFD,,compressed file pointer to UFD

   Where:  proj and prog give the project-programmer number (PPN) for a

           UFD is the name of the UFD in SIXBIT.  The Compressed File
           Pointer (CFP) is the supercluster number of the RIB for the

   The MFD contains an entry for each UFD on the  system.   A  "continued
   MFD"  is the set of all MFDs for all file structures in a job's search

   12.6.2  User File Directories (UFDs)

   A User File Directory (UFD) is a list of the names of  files  existing
   in  a  given  project-programmer  area  within the file structure.  It
   consists of 2-word entries.  Each entry gives the name and address  of
   a user file, or a Subfile Directory (SFD).

   Each entry in the UFD is in the format:

        SIXBIT  /filename/          ;File name
        XWD     'extension',CFP     ;Extension,,CFP to file

   Where:  file name is a SIXBIT file name of up to six characters.

           extension is a SIXBIT file extension of up to three

           CFP is the compressed file pointer to the RIB of the file.  A
           continued UFD is the set of all UFDs on all file structures in
           the job's search list for the given PPN.

   When you log in, each file structure on  which  you  have  disk  space
   contains  a  UFD  for  your PPN.  Each UFD indexes your files for that
   file structure only.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   UFDs are created by programs, such as LOGIN, CREDIR, and  PULSAR  when
   the  program  is  run  in  a  privileged account, such as [1,2].  Only
   privileged programs can create UFDs, and only the  monitor  can  write
   UFD data.

   Any program can attempt to read a UFD.  Whether the  attempt  succeeds
   depends  on  the  directory  protection code for the UFD.  See Section
   12.7 for a discussion of directory protections.

   12.6.3  Subfile Directories (SFDs)

   A Subfile Directory (SFD) consists  of  2-word  entries  in  the  same
   format  as  a  UFD entry.  The UFD or a superior SFD points to an SFD;
   each SFD entry points to a user file or to a subordinate SFD.   Unlike
   UFDs,  SFDs  can  be  created by any program.  Figure 12-3 illustrates
   file organization.

   The maximum number of levels for SFDs (which cannot be more than five)
   is  a  MONGEN parameter; you can obtain this value from the right half
   of the item %LDSFD in the GETTAB Table .GTLVD.  A "continued  SFD"  is
   the set of all SFDs on all file structures in a job's search list that
   have the same  PPN  and  directory  path.   See  Section  12.6  for  a
   discussion of directory paths.

   SFDs can be useful to your programs because they allow you to organize
   files  in  your  area; for example, you might group files according to
   their functions.  Files that have the same name, but are in  different
   SFDs, are uniquely identifiable.  Therefore simultaneous batch runs of
   the same program for a single user can use the same file names without
   conflicting with each other.

   You can create subfile directories by using the CREDIR program,  which
   is  described  in  the  TOPS-10 User Utilities Manual.  You can delete
   SFDs using either the DELETE command or the  delete  function  of  the
   RENAME  call.   Note,  however, that an error will occur if you try to
   delete an SFD when it is included in your job's default path  in  your
   job search list, or when it contains files.

   12.6.4  Directory Paths

   A disk file is uniquely identifiable  by  a  string  giving  its  file
   structure  name,  its directory path, and its file name and extension.
   The directory path is an ordered  list  of  directory  names  (without
   regard to file structure).  This path always begins with a UFD.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   Your program can use the PATH. monitor call to read or set the default
   directory  path  for  your job.  A default path can contain any of the

         o  Your job's UFD.

         o  Your job's UFD and one or more SFDs in a chain originating in
            your UFD.

         o  A UFD different from your job's UFD.

         o  A UFD different from your job's UFD and one or more SFDs in a
            chain originating in that UFD.

   The initial default path  for  a  job  is  your  UFD.   To  specify  a
   different path, you must give the path in the format:


   Where:  projno and progno give the project-programmer number, or the

           sfd1 is the name of a subfile directory pointed to by a file
           in the UFD.

           sfd2 is the name of a subfile directory pointed to by a file
           in sfd1, and so forth.

   For example, if you have not changed the initial default path for your
   job, then the commands

        .R MACRO

   specify the files FOO.REL and FOO.MAC in your job's UFD (that is, your

   However, you can specify a different path.  The commands:

        .R MACRO

   specify FOO.REL in your UFD and FOO.MAC in the SFD called OLD  in  the
   UFD for PPN [27,5031] on the file structure MINE:.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   12.6.5  Pathological Device Names

   TOPS-10 allows logical names for disk directory paths, as well as  for
   specific devices.  The logical name for a device can be obtained using
   the DEVNAM monitor call.  A logical  name  for  a  directory  path  is
   called a "pathological name." You can obtain the pathological name for
   a device using the PATH. monitor call, .PTFRN function.  You  can  set
   pathological  names  using  the  DEVLNM  monitor  call,  or the .PTFSN
   function of the PATH. monitor call.

   You can use the PATH. monitor call to define, read, and delete logical
   path  names.   You  could  define  the  pathological name to be a path
   including multiple file structures, UFDs, and SFDs.  For  example,  to
   define FOO:  to be the pathological name for the following:


   you could issue the following monitor call:


                   MOVE     AC1,[XWD ARGLEN,ARGLST]
                   PATH.    AC1,
                      JRST  ERR
                  JRST      NORM

   ARGLST:        EXP .PTFSN
                  EXP 0
                  SIXBIT /FOO/
                  EXP 0
                  SIXBIT /DSKB/
                  EXP 0
                  EXP 0
                  XWD 10,664
                  SIXBIT /A/
                  EXP 0
                  EXP 0
                  SIXBIT /ALL/
                  EXP 0
                  EXP 0
                  XWD 10,675
                  EXP 0
                  EXP 0
                  SIXBIT /NEW/
                  EXP 0
                  EXP 0
                  XWD 27,4072
                  EXP 0
                  EXP 0
                  EXP 0
                  ARGLEN = .-ARGLST

                                DISKS (DSK)

   Refer to Figure 12-3.  The path for File A is:


   The path for File B is:


                        /            |           \
                       /             |            \
                      /              |             \
        ---------------       --------------       --------------
          [10,63].UFD           [14,5].UFD           [20,7].UFD  
        ---------------       --------------       --------------
          /          \           /   |   \           /
         /            \         /    |    \         /
     -------       -------  -------  |  -------   -------
        A                            |     B               
     -------       -------  -------  |  -------   -------
      X.MAC                          |   Y.CB

   Figure 12-3:  Directory Paths on a Single File Structure

   Refer to Figure 12-4.  The job's search list in this figure is:


   The job's default path is:


                                DISKS (DSK)

   The following describes the order of the monitor's search when the job
   issues  LOOKUP and ENTER monitor calls.  The order of the search for a
   file with /SCAN set by SETSRC, is:

        1.  DSKA:[PPN,A,B,C]

        2.  DSKB:[PPN,A,B,C]

        3.  DSKC:[PPN,A,B,C]

        4.  DSKA:[PPN,A,B]

        5.  DSKB:[PPN,A,B]

        6.  DSKC:[PPN,A,B]

        7.  DSKA:[PPN,A]

        8.  DSKB:[PPN,A]

        9.  DSKC:[PPN,A]

       10.  DSKA:[PPN]

       11.  DSKB:[PPN]

       12.  DSKC:[PPN]

   If any of these SFDs do not exist, the search  step  involving  it  is
   omitted.   Therefore,  if  DSKC:A.SFD[PPN] does not exist, Steps 3, 6,
   and 9 are omitted.  If /SCAN is  not  set,  Steps  4  through  12  are
   omitted.   If the file exists in multiple directories, the search ends
   with the first occurrence found.

                                DISKS (DSK)

             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
      DSKA:[1,1].UFD              DSKB:[1,1].UFD       DSKC:[1,1].UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
       DSKA:PPN.UFD                DSKB:PPN.UFD         DSKC:PPN.UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
       ......:......                 ....:....       .........:........
       :           :                 :       :       :        :       :
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
     File1       A.SFD             A.SFD   Y.SFD    File1   B.SFD   File5
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
                   :                 :                        :
     ..............:                 :...........           -----
     :       :     :                 :          :           File4
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----         -----
   File2  File3  B.SFD             B.SFD      File6
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----
                   :                 :.........
                   :                 :        :
                 -----             -----      -----
                 C.SFD             C.SFD      D.SFD
                 -----             -----      -----
              .....:.....       .....:.....     :.....
              :         :       :         :          :
            -----     -----   -----     -----      -----
            File2     D.SFD   File7     File6      File2
            -----     -----   -----     -----      -----
     :         :         
   -----     -----
   File4     File5
   -----     -----

   Figure 12-4:  Directory Paths on Multiple File Structures

   Refer to Figure 12-5.  LOOKUP on SIXBIT/DSK/ with no  matches  results
   in the search that is indicated.

                                DISKS (DSK)

                :                        :                   :
         --------------           --------------      --------------
         DSKA:[1,1].UFD           DSKB:[1,1].UFD      DSKC:[1,1].UFD
         --------------           --------------      --------------
                :                        :                   :
         --------------           --------------      --------------
          DSKA:PPN.UFD ----------> DSKB:PPN.UFD -----> DSKC:PPN.UFD
         --------------           --------------      --------------
                :    ^                   :                   :
                :    |                   :                   :
                :    \-----------\       :                   :
          ......:......           \  ....:......      .......:........
          :           :            \ :         :      :      :       :
        -----       -----          -----     -----  -----   -----  -----
        File1       A.SFD -------> A.SFD     Y.SFD  File1   B.SFD  File5
        -----       -----          -----     -----  -----   -----  -----
                      : ^            :                       :
                      : |            :                     -----
        ..............: \---------\  :...........          File4
        :       :     :            \ :          :          -----
      -----  -----  -----          -----      -----
      File2  File3  B.SFD -------> B.SFD      File6
      -----  -----  -----          -----      -----
                      : ^            :
                      : |            :
                      : \---------\  :...........
                      :            \ :          :
                    -----          -----      -----
                    C.SFD -------> C.SFD      D.SFD
                    -----          -----      -----
                 .....:.....         :          :
                 :         :       -----      -----
               -----     -----     File7      File2
               File2     D.SFD     -----      -----
               -----     -----
                 :         :
               -----     -----
               File4     File5
               -----     -----

   Figure 12-5:  LOOKUP on DSK with No Matches

   Refer to Figure 12-6.  LOOKUP on SIXBIT/DSK/ and SIXBIT/FILE2/ results
   in DSKA:FILE2[PPN,A,B].

                                DISKS (DSK)

   SIXBIT/FILE2/ fails.

   ENTER on SIXBIT/DSK/ and SIXBIT/FILE9/ results in an error because  no
   file  structure  has  both the no-create bit cleared and the directory
   structure [PPN,A,B,C,D].
             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
      DSKA:[1,1].UFD ---\         DSKB:[1,1].UFD       DSKC:[1,1].UFD
      --------------    |         --------------       --------------
             :          |                 :                    :
      -------------- <--/         --------------       --------------
       DSKA:PPN.UFD ------\        DSKB:PPN.UFD         DSKC:PPN.UFD
      --------------      |       --------------       --------------
             :            |              :                    :
       ......:......      |          ....:....       .........:........
       :           :      |          :       :       :        :       :
     -----       ----- <--/        -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
     File1       A.SFD -----\      A.SFD   Y.SFD    File1   B.SFD   File5
     -----       -----      |      -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
                   :        |        :                        :
     ..............:        |        :...........           -----
     :       :     :        |        :          :           File4
   -----  -----  -----      |      -----      -----         -----
   File2  File3  B.SFD <----/      B.SFD      File6
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----
     ^           | :                 :  
     |           | :                 :
     \-----------/ :                 :...........
                   :                 :          :
                 -----             -----      -----
                 C.SFD             C.SFD      D.SFD
                 -----             -----      -----
              .....:.....            :          :
              :         :            :          :  
            -----     -----        -----      -----
            File2     D.SFD        File7      File2
            -----     -----        -----      -----
     :         :         
   -----     -----
   File4     File5
   -----     -----

   Figure 12-6:  LOOKUP on DSK for FILE2

                                DISKS (DSK)

   Refer to Figure 12-7.  ENTER on SIXBIT/DSKA/ and SIXBIT/FILE1/ results
   in the file being created at the end of the path on DSKA.

             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
      DSKA:[1,1].UFD              DSKB:[1,1].UFD       DSKC:[1,1].UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
       DSKA:PPN.UFD                DSKB:PPN.UFD         DSKC:PPN.UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
       ......:......                 ....:....       .........:........
       :           :                 :       :       :        :       :
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
     File1       A.SFD             A.SFD   Y.SFD    File1   B.SFD   File5
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
                   :                 :                        :
     ..............:                 :...........           -----
     :       :     :                 :          :           File4
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----         -----
   File2  File3  B.SFD             B.SFD      File6
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----
                   :                 :.........
                   :                 :        :
                 -----             -----    -----
                 C.SFD <-----     C.SFD    D.SFD
                 -----       |     -----    -----
              .....:.....    |       :        :
              :         :    |       :        :
            -----     -----  |     -----    -----
            File2     D.SFD--/     File7    File2
            -----     -----        -----    -----
     :         :        : 
   -----     -----    =====
   File4     File5    File1
   -----     -----    =====

   Figure 12-7:  ENTER on DSKA for FILE1

                                DISKS (DSK)

   Refer  to   Figure   12-8.    When   the   job's   default   path   is
   DSKB:[PPN,A,B,C],   the  following  calls  results  in  the  described

   ENTER on SIXBIT/DSK/ and  SIXBIT/FILE6/  results  in  the  file  being
   created on DSKB.

             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
      DSKA:[1,1].UFD              DSKB:[1,1].UFD       DSKC:[1,1].UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
       DSKA:PPN.UFD                DSKB:PPN.UFD         DSKC:PPN.UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
       ......:......                 ....:....       .........:........
       :           :                 :       :       :        :       :
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
     File1       A.SFD             A.SFD   Y.SFD    File1   B.SFD   File5
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
                   :                 :                        :
     ..............:                 :...........           -----
     :       :     :                 :          :           File4
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----         -----
   File2  File3  B.SFD             B.SFD      File6
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----
                   :                 :.........
                   :                 :        :
                 -----             -----      -----
                 C.SFD             C.SFD      D.SFD
                 -----             -----      -----
              .....:.....       .....:.....     :.....
              :         :       :         :          :
            -----     -----   -----     =====      -----
            File2     D.SFD   File7     File6      File2
            -----     -----   -----     =====      -----
     :         :        : 
   -----     -----    -----
   File4     File5    File1
   -----     -----    -----

   Figure 12-8:  ENTER on DSK for FILE6

                                DISKS (DSK)

   ENTER  on  SIXBIT/DSK/   and   SIXBIT/FILE2/   supersedes   FILE2   on
   DSKA:FILE2[PPN,A] as shown in Figure 12-9.

             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
      DSKA:[1,1].UFD              DSKB:[1,1].UFD       DSKC:[1,1].UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
       DSKA:PPN.UFD                DSKB:PPN.UFD         DSKC:PPN.UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
       ......:......                 ....:....       .........:........
       :           :                 :       :       :        :       :
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
     File1       A.SFD             A.SFD   Y.SFD    File1   B.SFD   File5
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
                   :                 :                        :
     ..............:                 :...........           -----
     :       :     :                 :          :           File4
   -=-=-  -----  -----             -----      -----         -----
   File2  File3  B.SFD             B.SFD      File6
   -=-=-  -----  -----             -----      -----
                   :                 :.........
                   :                 :        :
                 -----             -----      -----
                 C.SFD             C.SFD      D.SFD
                 -----             -----      -----
              .....:.....       .....:.....     :.....
              :         :       :         :          :
            -----     -----   -----     -----      -----
            File2     D.SFD   File7     File6      File2
            -----     -----   -----     -----      -----
     :         :        :
   -----     -----    -----
   File4     File5    File1
   -----     -----    -----

   Figure 12-9:  ENTER on DSK for FILE2

                                DISKS (DSK)

   ENTER on SIXBIT/DSK/ and SIXBIT/FILE7/ supersedes FILE7  on  DSKB,  as
   illustrated in Figure 12-10.

             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
      DSKA:[1,1].UFD              DSKB:[1,1].UFD       DSKC:[1,1].UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
      --------------              --------------       --------------
       DSKA:PPN.UFD                DSKB:PPN.UFD         DSKC:PPN.UFD
      --------------              --------------       --------------
             :                           :                    :
       ......:......                 ....:....       .........:........
       :           :                 :       :       :        :       :
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
     File1       A.SFD             A.SFD   Y.SFD    File1   B.SFD   File5
     -----       -----             -----   -----    -----   -----   -----
                   :                 :                        :
     ..............:                 :...........           -----
     :       :     :                 :          :           File4
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----         -----
   File2  File3  B.SFD             B.SFD      File6
   -----  -----  -----             -----      -----
                   :                 :.........
                   :                 :        :
                 -----             -----      -----
                 C.SFD             C.SFD      D.SFD
                 -----             -----      -----
              .....:.....       .....:.....     :.....
              :         :       :         :          :
            -----     -----   -=-=-     -----      -----
            File2     D.SFD   File7     File6      File2
            -----     -----   -=-=-     -----      -----
     :         :         
   -----     -----
   File4     File5
   -----     -----

   Figure 12-10:  ENTER on DSK for FILE7

                                DISKS (DSK)


   Assume that you set up the following path:

        MOVE      AC1,[XWD 5,A]
        PATH.     AC1,
          HALT    .
        MOVE      AC1,[XWD 3,B]
        PATH.     AC1,
          HALT    .

   A:   .PTFSD    ;Define default path
        .PTSCY    ;Scanning in effect
        10,,63    ;UFD=[10,63]
        0         ;Default path is 10,63,NAME

   B:  .PTFSL     ;Define additional path
        PT.SNW + PT.SSY    ;NEW: and SYS:
        10,,7     ;User library

   If you then logged-in as a [10,10]  job  and  performed  a  LOOKUP  on
   DSK:FILTST.EXT, the following directories would be searched:

        [10,63]        ;Your search list

        [1,4]          ;System search list

   If you are logged-in as a [10,10] job  and  your  program  performs  a
   LOOKUP   on  DSK:PRJFIL.EXT[10,155],  the  following  directories  are

        [10,7]         ;Your search list

        [1,4]          ;System search list


   The ability of a program to create files in a directory is  controlled
   by  the protection code for the directory.  The directory can be a UFD
   or an SFD.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   By changing the protection code associated with a  directory  you  can
   also  specify  a  class  of  users  who  cannot LOOKUP any file in the
   directory.  This specification is independent of the specification  of
   individual files' protection codes.

   Directories may be read in the same manner as  any  other  file.   The
   right  to  read  a  directory  as  a  file  is  also controlled by the
   directory's protection code.  Note  that  directory  files  cannot  be
   explicitly  written;  therefore,  the only operations possible are the

         o  LOOKUPs for files in the directory (PT.LOK).

         o  Creates (ENTERs and RENAMEs) for files in the directory

         o  Reads for the directory itself (PT.SRC).

   Users are divided into the same three privilege classes for  UFDs  and
   SFDs   as  they  are  for  files.   Each  privilege  class  has  three
   independent  bits,  specifying  a  protection  code.   The   directory
   protection codes are:

        Code     Symbol                   Meaning

        0                                 No access allowed.
        1        PT.SRC                   Search directory.
        2        PT.CRE                   Allow file creation.
        3        PT.SRC+PT.CRE            Search directory and allow
        4        PT.LOK                   Allow LOOKUPs.
        5        PT.SRC+PT.LOK            Search directory and allow
        6        PT.CRE+PT.LOK            Allow creates and LOOKUPs.
        7        PT.SRC+PT.CRE+PT.LOK     Search directory and allow
                                          creates and LOOKUPs.

   Note that, for disk files, 7 is  the  highest  protection  code.   For
   directories, 0 is the highest protection.

   As the owner of your UFD, you can control the access to your  UFD  and
   SFDs.   You  can always change the protection code of your directories
   through the use of the RENAME monitor call.  Any program can create or
   delete  SFDs;  however  only  privileged programs can create or delete
   UFDs.  The monitor  checks  for  the  following  types  of  privileged

         o  Jobs logged in under [1,2].

         o  Jobs running with the JACCT bit set in JBTSTS.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   Programs meeting the above requirements can do the following:

         o  Create UFDs and/or SFDs.

         o  Delete empty UFDs and/or SFDs.

         o  Set privileged arguments to LOOKUP, ENTER, and RENAME monitor

         o  Ignore file protection codes unless FTFDAE = 1 and the File
            Daemon is running.

   Privileges are similar for both UFDs and SFDs except that SFDs can  be
   created,  renamed,  and  deleted  by both a privileged program and the
   owner of the SFD.

   The MONGEN parameter M.XFFA can be set  to  prevent  [1,2]  jobs  from
   being  able  to  access  files.   If  M.XFFA  equals  0  (the  default
   condition), FILDAE can prevent files from being accessed by [1,2].  If
   M.XFFA  is  set  to  -1,  FILDAE is not invoked on attempted access by
   [1,2] jobs.

   As when accessing existing  files,  it  is  possible  to  control  the
   operations  in  a  directory  by  using  a  File  Daemon.  Whenever an
   operation fails due to an access protection failure, the monitor calls
   a  File  Daemon  (if one is running).  Therefore, a protection code of
   775 allows users in the same project to create files in the  directory
   without  the File Daemon being called.  However, because of the 5 code
   in the other users' field, any other user's attempt to create  a  file
   in  that  directory  causes  the monitor to call the File Daemon.  The
   File Daemon checks the ACCESS.USR associated with the directory.   The
   file  is  created if the /CREATE switch is specified in the ACCESS.USR
   file.  The File Daemon is called automatically when a directory access
   protection failure occurs.


   For most program uses, a file structure name serves the same  purposes
   as  a  device  name.   Many programs use the generic device name DSK:.
   This causes the monitor to search a list of file structures called the
   job search list.

   Your job search list is in two parts:  the active search list and  the
   passive  search list.  The active search list is searched whenever you
   use the generic device name DSK.  The passive  search  list  is  never
   searched;  it is checked when your job logs out, to make sure you have
   not exceeded your disk quota for the structures listed there.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   The SETSRC program (described in the TOPS-10  User  Utilities  Manual)
   can  list  and  change  your job search list.  The program reports the
   list in the form:

        strname,...strname, FENCE strname,...strname

   Where:  strname is the name of a file structure.

           FENCE represents the boundary between the active  and  passive
           search  lists.   Structures are searched in the order they are
           listed, from left to right.  The structures listed on the left
           of  the  FENCE  are the active job search list; the structures
           listed on the right of the FENCE are the passive search  list.
           Each  strname  may  be  followed  by  an  optional switch that
           indicates how the file structure can be accessed (for example,
           read only).

   A default search list is defined for you by the  system  administrator
   when  you  are  given  your  PPN for the system.  When you log in, the
   LOGIN program sets the default search list for your job and makes sure
   that  you  have  a  UFD on each structure for which you have a nonzero
   quota.  You can modify the search list for your job by:

         o  Using the SETSRC program  (see  the  TOPS-10  User  Utilities
            Manual).   This  program  allows you to add to or delete from
            the list of structures in your job search list.  In addition,
            you  can  use  the  /NOCREATE  switch  to  SETSRC  to prevent
            creation of files on a structure unless  you  have  specified
            that  structure  explicitly.   There  are  other  options for
            SETSRC provided through other switches.

         o  Using the MOUNT monitor command (see  the  TOPS-10  Operating
            System  Commands  Manual).   This  command  makes a structure
            available to your program, and adds the structure name to the
            end  of your active search list.  When you modify your search
            list with MOUNT, the modifications are abolished when you log
            off  the  system.   When  you  log  back  on the system, your
            predefined search list is used.

   When you request that a structure be removed  from  your  search  list
   (using  the SETSRC program), the structure is moved from the active to
   the passive search list.   This  is  done  so  the  structure  can  be
   quota-checked  when  you  log  off  the  system.   The  LOGOUT program
   requires that the number of blocks allocated to a user  on  each  file
   structure  be  less than or equal to the logged-off quota on that file

                                DISKS (DSK)

   If a job's search list is:


   and the user OPENs a channel for device DSKA, an ENTER on that channel
   will  create a file on DSKA.  If the channel is opened for device DSK,
   the ENTER will create a file on DSKB.

   When your program issues a LOOKUP for device DSK, the monitor searches
   the  file structures in the order specified by your job's search list.
   When your program issues an ENTER specifying a non-existent file name,
   the monitor places the file on the first file structure in your search
   list that has space and does not have the  NOCREATE  or  NOWRITE  flag
   set.   When  your  program issues an ENTER specifying an existing file
   name on any file structure in your search list, the monitor places the
   file on the same structure that contains the older version of the file
   (and the file is superseded).

   When you set the NOWRITE flag, the monitor will not allow your job  to
   write on the structure.

   When you set the NOCREATE flag, you cannot create  new  files  on  the
   file  structure,  unless  you  explicitly specify that file structure.
   For example, if you set the NOCREATE flag for DSKA and  you  make  the
   following specification:


   the monitor creates FOO on DSKA because you explicitly specified DSKA.
   But, when you make the following specification:


   the monitor creates FOO on the first file structure specified in  your
   job's search list that does not have the NOCREATE or NOWRITE flag set.


   You can use the DISK. monitor call to set and examine  the  parameters
   associated  with  disk  file  systems.   DISK. allows  your program to
   assign a priority level for disk operations such as data transfers and
   head positionings.  You can set these priorities either for a specific
   I/O channel or for all channels associated with your  job.   When  you
   use  disk  priority  operations,  the  disk operation request with the
   highest priority level is chosen.   If  no  priorities  are  set,  the
   request most satisfying disk optimization is chosen.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   12.10  DISK I/O

   A number of monitor calls are useful for disk I/O.  The LOOKUP, ENTER,
   and  RENAME calls can use an extended argument list for calls to disk.
   The extended argument list is described in Section 12.13.

   The monitor calls that are especially useful for disk I/O are:

        CLOSE     Closes a disk file.

        DEVPPN    Returns the PPN associated with a disk device.

        DISK.     Sets or returns disk file parameters.

        DSKCHR    Returns disk characteristics.

        ENTER     Selects a file for output.

        FILOP.    Performs many file operations, including creating,
                  deleting, writing, reading, renaming, and superseding a

        GOBSTR    Returns file structure names from the search list for a
                  given job or the system search list.

        JOBSTR    Returns file structure names from the search list for
                  the current job.

        LOOKUP    Selects a file for input.

        PATH.     Sets or reads the user's default directory path, reads
                  the default directory path for a device or channel, or
                  sets or reads logical name definitions.

        RENAME    Renames a file.  This "renaming" can include changing
                  the file name, extension, protection for the file, and
                  deleting the file.

        STRUUO    Modifies the search list for a job or for the system.

        SUSET.    Selects a logical block on a disk unit, either with
                  respect to file structure or to unit name.

        SYSPHY    Returns the names of physical disk units.

        SYSSTR    Returns the names of file structures on the system.

        USETI     Selects a block for next input.

        USETO     Selects a block for next output.

                                DISKS (DSK)


   The following description of disk I/O processing assumes that  a  disk
   request  has  been  processed,  an  I/O  list  has been built, and the
   initial sector address is known.  The disk is not necessarily  on  the
   correct cylinder.

   The general flow is illustrated below as a series of steps:

        1.  The correct cylinder is determined  by  dividing  the  sector
            number by the number of sectors per cylinder.

        2.  To determine if a seek is  needed,  the  cylinder  number  is
            compared   with   the   current  cylinder  number,  which  is
            remembered from the last transfer.  There  are  some  limited
            conditions  under which the drive will not be on the cylinder
            which is recorded in  the  software.   In  these  cases,  the
            implied seek of the drive will be used.

        3.  The system can only start a seek if the drive is  idle.   For
            non-MASSBUS drives, both the drive and the controller must be

        4.  If there is a data transfer in progress the request is queued
            for the unit and will be started at a later time at interrupt

        5.  If the drive is free, a seek will be started.

        6.  If the drive is already on the  correct  cylinder,  the  seek
            logic is bypassed.

        7.  If the drive and channel are busy, the request is added to  a
            queue  for  the  required  channel to be started at interrupt
            level at a later time.

        8.  If the drive and channel  are  not  already  busy,  attention
            interrupts are disabled and the transfer is started.

            A transfer may range in size from a single word  to  a  whole
            cylinder; the longest possible transfer is attempted in order
            to  maximize  I/O  throughput.   An  implied  seek  is  never
            attempted  in the middle of a transfer.  Such a request would
            be  broken  into  two  or  more   transfers   with   explicit
            intermediate seeks.

        9.  When an interrupt occurs, the system may or may not have just
            completed  a  data transfer.  Since attention interrupts were
            disabled during the data transfer, there may be a  number  of
            outstanding   attention  conditions  when  the  interrupt  is
            actually honored.

                                DISKS (DSK)

       10.  First, the system reads the attention summary register.

       11.  Each drive (except the one which was completing  a  transfer)
            is checked for an attention bit on.

       12.  If there is an attention bit on,  and  if  there  is  a  seek
            complete,  the transfer request is added to the channel queue
            to be started for I/O.

       13.  If there was no seek in progress, then  the  drive  has  just
            come on line or powered up.

       14.  Once all outstanding seeks are processed, the  data  transfer
            completion is handled.

       15.  If there was no error, or after error correction, the channel
            termination   word  is  compared  to  the  predicted  channel
            termination word.

       16.  If the check fails, error recovery is started.

       17.  After  completing  the  processing  for  the  interrupt,  any
            outstanding  seeks  are started.  For each drive, the closest
            (shortest) seek is the one selected for startup.  A  fairness
            count  will  cause  the  system to select the oldest transfer
            every nth time.

       18.  After seeks are started, the channel  queue  is  checked  for
            positioned  drives and the transfer with the shortest latency
            is started (again unless the fairness count says  otherwise).
            SWAPPER  requests  receive  preference  over file I/O (unless
            fairness count expires).

            There is some special processing for interrupts on a  MASSBUS
            device  caused  by the fact that the system may be attempting
            some operation using the device registers at UUO level at the
            time of the interrupt.  When the interrupt occurs, the system
            reads RHxx and saves the drive and register number  to  which
            the RH was pointing.

       19.  Before dismissing the interrupt, a DATAO is done  to  restore
            the drive number and register number.

            The need for reading the register from the  RH  at  interrupt
            and  restoring  them  before dismissing the interrupt is made
            worse by the fact that the system must  wait  3  microseconds
            after  the  DATAO  specifying  what data is needed before the
            DATAI can read the data.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   There are other special considerations with the front end  disk  unit.
   In general, both the front end and TOPS-10 may attempt to use the disk
   at the same  time.   The  most  frequent  conflict  occurs  at  system
   startup,  when  the  front end is using the disk at the same time that
   TOPS-10 is running INITIA on all lines.   There  is  a  count  of  the
   number  of  times  that  TOPS-10 tries to get to the disk and finds it
   busy; this normally rises quickly at system startup to  about  40  and
   seldom  changes  thereafter.   It is possible to do an assembly on the
   front end while timesharing continues on  the  system,  but  this  may
   generate considerable conflict.

   When the TOPS-10 system attempts to get the disk and finds that it  is
   in  use  by the front end, the requests are delayed and restarted when
   the drive is available.  Because TOPS-10 may complete a seek  for  the
   front  end  drive  and  the  front end may grab the disk and rotate it
   before the data transfer is started, it is  possible  that  the  drive
   will  not  be  on the correct cylinder when TOPS-10 tries to start the
   transfer.  In this case, implied seek will be used since TOPS-10  will
   not  realize  that  the  cylinder number has changed.  This would also
   happen if TOPS-10 got two different requests for the same cylinder and
   would decide that no seek is necessary when in fact, the front end had
   moved the heads.


   The dual-port facility  is  used  when  the  system  attempts  a  data
   transfer  on  one  channel and finds it busy.  It then tries the other
   port.  At no other time is the dual-port facility used.

   At system startup, the system reads the drive type and  serial  number
   from  each  drive  on  all  channels.  When the same serial number and
   drive type is found on two different channels, the disk is  determined
   to  be  dual  ported.   The first path found is designated the primary
   path; the  second  path  is  the  alternate  path.   When  starting  a
   transfer,  the  system  will attempt to use the primary path.  If that
   path is busy, it will then check for the alternate path;  if  that  is
   available,  the transfer is started.  Otherwise, the request is placed
   in the channel queue for the primary channel.

   12.13  ERRORS

   There are a number of possible error conditions that can  occur  while
   TOPS-10  attempts  to operate the disks.  This section lists the error
   conditions, the circumstances under which they occur, and  the  action
   taken  by  the  system.  In general, the error processing is called as
   soon as possible after the error is detected.

                                DISKS (DSK)


   Data transfer errors are detected on the completion  interrupt  for  a
   read  or  write  data  transfer.   These  do  not include the software
   detected error of the channel termination word not agreeing  with  the
   predicted channel termination word.  ECC Correctable Error - When a transfer terminates with  an
   ECC  correctable  error, the transfer stops after the sector in error.
   The software will reconstruct the data and restart the transfer at the
   sector following the sector in error.  Non-data Error - When a transfer completes that  is  not  a
   data  error (for example, a header error) the software will attempt to
   retry the transfer a number of times before recording the error  as  a
   hard error.  The retry sequence is:

        Retry 10 times
        Retry 10 times
        Retry 10 times

   If the transfer fails after 30 tries the error is considered hard  and
   an  error  is returned to the user.  The data is recorded by DAEMON in
   ERROR.SYS  and  the  number  of  hard  errors  for  this   device   is

   If the count of hard errors reaches a system  default,  a  message  is
   given  to  the operator saying that there has been an excessive number
   of hard errors and the count is zeroed.  The expectation is  that  the
   operator  may  want  to  set  some  hardware offline or call his field
   service representative to run diagnostics.  Data Error - If a  data  error  (including  header  compare
   error) occurs which is not ECC correctable, then the system will retry
   the transfer and will  use  the  offset  register  to  vary  the  head
   position on each side of the track centerline.  The retry sequence is:

        Retry 16 times on centerline
        Offset head to +200 microinches
        Retry 2 times
        Offset head to -200 microinches
        Retry 2 times

                                DISKS (DSK)

        Offset head to +400 microinches
        Retry 2 times
        Offset head to -400 microinches
        Retry 2 times
        Offset head to +600 microinches
        Retry 2 times
        Offset head to -600 microinches
        Retry 2 times
        Return to centerline
        Retry disabling stop on error

   Every retry except the next  to  last  is  done  with  stop  on  error
   enabled.   This enables a maximum amount of information to be recorded
   in ERROR.SYS.

   For an RP04 the offset distances are twice the above.  If the transfer
   is  recovered  at the offset position, the drive is left positioned at
   offset.  If the next transfer on that drive is for that  cylinder,  it
   is  first to be attempted at the same offset.  If that fails, the head
   is returned to centerline and the entire above sequence is tried.   If
   any seek is done, the heads will be on centerline (including transfers
   which cause the head to return to the cylinder on which an  error  was
   recovered  at  offset).  If the device is not an RP04 or RP06 (MASSBUS
   drive), the error recovery is 10 retries of the sequence:   read/write
   10 times, recalibrate, seek.

   On a hard non-recoverable error, an error is returned to the user  and
   the  system  remembers  the  block  number in error.  When the file is
   subsequently closed, the system checks for a remembered block  number.
   It  starts  reading  from the bad block number+1 until it finds a good
   sector (or 1000 sectors whichever is smaller).  This gives the  extent
   of  the  error  region,  which is then recorded in both the RIB of the
   file and the BAT block.  If the program does not close the file  after
   the  error,  but  continues  processing  and  hits a second error, the
   second error is lost.


   In the attention summary register,  on  an  interrupt,  there  may  be
   attention interrupts for drives that were not transferring or seeking.
   In this case the drive is going through some sort  of  status  change,
   such as coming on line or going down.  Drive Powered Down - If  medium-on-line  (MOL)  is  0,  the
   drive  has  just  powered  down.   It is marked as such in the monitor

                                DISKS (DSK)  Drive Powered Up - If medium-on-line (MOL) is 1 and  volume
   valid (VV) is 0, then the drive has just powered up.  The monitor will
   read the home blocks and check that the pack is the expected  pack  on
   that drive.  Seek Incomplete - On all seek errors, the error is  counted
   and  ignored.   This  will  cause the data transfer to use the implied
   seek facility to perform the actual seek.  If that implied seek fails,
   the  data  transfer  will  return  an  error and the appropriate retry
   sequence will be started.  Hung Device - Any time a seek or data transfer is  started,
   the  monitor  starts  an  independent  hung  timer that will fire in 7
   seconds if the device has not responded with  a  completion  interrupt
   for the operation.

   If the failing request was a seek, then it is retried.  If  it  was  a
   data  transfer,  the  monitor  does a CONO to clear BUSY and set DONE.
   After this, the  appropriate  retry  sequence  for  a  data  error  is
   started.   If  8  hung retries in a row fail, the monitor will set the
   drive offline and tell the operator that it  is  offline  (message  is
   Inconsistent Status for Drive x).  Rib Errors - Every RIB error detected (along with  every  n
   hard errors) is reported to the operator.  RAE Errors - On an RH10, Register  Access  Error  (RAE)  is
   ignored.   The hardware will set the Selected Drive RAE at which point
   error recovery is started.

   On the RH20, after every DATAO, a CONSZ on RAE is done, if  there  was
   an  RAE, then it is cleared and the DATAO is retried.  There is also a
   system count of RAE's per controller for the RH20's.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   12.14  BAT BLOCKS

   The BAT blocks provide a record of up to 63 errors on the disk.  After
   each  detected  error, the monitor will update the BAT blocks with the
   blocks in error and the type of error  encountered.   It  is  possible
   that the BAT blocks will be filled to overflowing and there will be no
   room for additional entries.  The system will leave bad blocks  marked
   as allocated in the SAT table and thus avoid reallocating them.  SPEAR
   will notify the user when there are less than 5 entries  remaining  in
   the BAT block.

   12.15  DSKRAT

   DSKRAT is a program that can be run to check for RIB  errors  and  the
   disk  space allocated as reported in the SAT table with the allocation
   as reported by the RIBs of the files on the pack.  In general, it will
   find four kinds of errors:

         o  RIB errors.  A RIB is not consistent in format with a valid

         o  Lost blocks.  Blocks that are marked as allocated in the SAT
            but are not a part of any file.

         o  Free blocks.  Blocks that are owned by some file on the
            system but are not marked as allocated in the SAT table.  If
            one of these files is deleted, a BAZ STOPCD results.

         o  Multiply Defined blocks.  Blocks that are marked as owned in
            two or more files.

   The safest procedure when a disk has significant problems in terms  of
   free or multiply defined blocks is to BACKUP the pack, refresh it, and
   restore it.


   Data transfers to and from disk can be made in buffered mode  or  dump

                                DISKS (DSK)


   The following procedure allows a non-privileged program  to  find  the
   physical block number corresponding to a relative block, R, in a file.

        1.  Read the HOME block.  For the desired unit:

               LOOKUP HOME.SYS[1,4]

            Read the file until a block whose first word is SIXBIT  'HOM'
            is  found.  This should be block N + 1, where N is the number
            of blocks per cluster.

        2.  Save the following words:

               10 HOMLUN - Logical unit number within the structure.
               16 HOMCNP - Count-pointer for retrieval pointers.
               20 HOMCLP - Address-pointer for retrieval pointers.
               21 HOMBPC - Blocks per cluster.

        3.  Read the First RIB of the File.

               LOOKUP FILE.EXT
               USETI 0

            Note:  If writing, the file should be in UPDATE mode.   Write
            it once, then CLOSE, LOOKUP, ENTER.  Otherwise, the Retrieval
            Information Block (RIB) will not be written on the disk.

        4.  Scan the First RIB for  the  Relative  Block,  R.   Retrieval
            pointers   start  at  relative  word  N  of  the  RIB,  where
            N = RH (word 0).

               Start with BASE=0.

             o  If you find a retrieval pointer that equals 0,  you  have
                made an error.

             o  If you find a pointer that equals  XWD  0,400000 + n  you
                have   found   a  "unit-change-pointer".   The  following
                retrieval pointers, until another unit-change  is  found,
                refer  to unit n, where n is the relative unit within the
                file structure of the unit  (for  example,  DSKBn).   All
                RIBs  start  with  a  unit-change-pointer  as  the  first
                retrieval pointer.

                                DISKS (DSK)

             o  If you find a pointer with LH non-0, then:

                The number of blocks described by this pointer  is  equal
                to  L,  where L is equal to HOMBPC * K, and K is obtained
                by an LDB c(HOMCNP).  If BASE is equal to or less than R,
                which  is less than BASE + L, you have found the pointer.
                Otherwise, if BASE is equal to  BASE + L,  try  the  next

                If the next pointer equals XWD 0,-1, the  block  you  are
                looking for is not in this RIB.  To read the next RIB:

                   USETI -n (n = 2 to read the 2nd RIB, and so on.)

                Set BASE equal to the contents of Word 33 of the RIB  and
                scan this RIB as described above.

                You  are  successful  if  the  physical  address   equals
                R - BASE+J,    where    J    is    obtained    from    an
                LDB c(HOMCNP) * HOMBPC.  The  unit  on  which  the  block
                resides  is  found from the last unit-change pointer.  It
                should be the same as HOMLUN.

   The following program shows how to find the physical block number that
   corresponds to a relative block in a file.

             TITLE     FNDBLK
   ST:       RESET
             INIT 14
             SIXBIT    /DSK/
             LOOKUP   HOMBLK
             ILDB      1,HOMHDR+1
             CAME      1,['HOM   ']
             JRST      HOMLUP

             HRRZ      1,HOMHDR+1
             MOVE      2,10(1)         ;HOMLUN
             MOVEM     2,LUN
             MOVE      2,16(1)         ;COUNT-FIELD PNTR
             HLLM      2,CNP
             MOVE      2,20(1)         ;ADDRESS-FIELD PNTR
             HLLM      2,CLP
             MOVE      10,21(1)        ;BLOCKS PER CLUSTER

                                DISKS (DSK)

             INIT      14
             SIXBIT    /DSK/
             LOOKUP    FOO
             USETI     0
             SETOM     RIB             ;INDICATE WE JUST READ
                                       ;THE PRIME RIB(-1)

             ILDB      1,RIBHDR+1      ;RH=LOC OF POINTERS
             ADD       1,RIBHDR+1      ;1=LOC OF 1ST POINTER
             MOVE      2,(1)           ;SHOULD BE A UNIT-CHANGE
             TRZ       2,400000        ;1ST UNIT (WITHIN STR)
                                       ;OF FILE
             ADDI      1,1             ;POINT TO 1ST REAL
             SETZ      3,              ;3 IS BASE ADR. OF THE
             HLL       1,CNP           ;1 IS A POINTER TO
                                       ;POINTER COUNTS
   LOOP:     LDB       4,1             ;COUNT FIELD
             IMULI     4,(10)          ;TIME NUMBER OF BLOCKS
                                       ;PER CLUSTER
             ADD       4,3             ;TOP ADR+1 OF PNTR
             CAIG      3,^D1153        ;IS 1153 PAST START
                                       ;OF PNTR
             CAIG      4,^D1153        ; AND NOT PAST END
             SKIPA     3,4             ;NO, SET 3=START OF NEXT
             JRST      FOUND           ;FOUND THE POINTER
             ADDI      1,1             ;STEP TO NEXT POINTER
             SKIPN     4,(1)           ;IS THERE ONE?
             HALT                      ;THAT'S TOO BAD
             CAIN      4,-1            ;PICKED UP RIBCOD WORD?
             JRST      NXTRIB          ;YES, PROPER POINTER IS
                                       ;PROBABLY IN EXTENDED RIB
             TLNE      4,-1            ;IS IT A UNIT-CHANGE?
             JRST      LOOP            ;NO, SEE IF IT'S THE
                                       ;RIGHT ONE
             TRZ       4,400000        ;ZAP THE EXTRA BIT
             MOVE      2,4             ;AND SAVE THE UNIT NUMBER
                                       ;IN 2

                                DISKS (DSK)

   NXTRIB:   SOS       5,RIB           ;POINT TO NEXT RIB
             USETI     0(5)            ;USETI TO NTH RIB
             ILDB      1,RIBHDR+1      ;RH = OFFSET OF POINTERS
             MOVE      6,RIBHDR+1      ;START OF DATA BLOC
             MOV       3,33(6)         ;SET BASE TO BASE OF THIS
             ADD       1,RIBHDR+1      ;1=LOC OF FIRTS POINTER,
                                       ;THIS RIB
             MOVE      2,(1)           ;GET THE FIRST POINTER
             HLL       1,CNP           ;1 IS A POINTER TO
                                       ;POINTER COUNTS
             JRST      LOOP            ;NOW GO SCAN THIS RIB

   FOUND:    CAME      2,LUN           ;IS IT THE RIGHT UNIT?
             HALT                      ;NO
             HLL       1,CLP           ;YES, SET TO
             LDB       4,1
             IMULI     4,(10)          ;1ST BLOCK DESCRIBED BY
             SUBI      3,^D1153        ;DISTANCE FROM START
                                       ;OF POINTER
             SUB       4,3             ;4 CONTAINS THE PHYSICAL
   HOMHDR:   BLOCK     3
   RIBHDR:   BLOCK     3
             SIXBIT    /SYS/
             XWD       1,4
   FOO:      SIXBIT    /FOO/

   RIB:      0
   CLP:      0
   CNP:      0
   LUN:      0
             END       ST

                                DISKS (DSK)

   12.17.1  Buffered Modes

   The buffer size for all buffered-mode disk transfers  is  203  (octal)
   words:  3 header words and 200 data words.  The monitor always assumes
   this buffer size, even if you have mistakenly used smaller  or  larger
   buffers  in  your  program.   Thus,  if  you use a smaller buffer, the
   monitor reads past the end of the buffer (for example, into the header
   and data of the next buffer), thus destroying that data.  By using the
   SET BIGBUF command, you can enable larger buffers for disk I/O.   With
   big buffers, your program transmits and receives disk I/O in multiples
   of 200 words.  For example, the command:

        .SET BIGBUF 3

   will result in 603 (octal) words:  a 3-word header and 3*200=600  data

   The buffered data modes that you can use for disk transfers are:

        Code   Symbol  Meaning

          0    .IOASC  ASCII mode.

          1    .IOASL  ASCII line mode.

          10   .IOIMG  Image mode.

          13   .IOIBN  Image binary mode.

          14   .IOBIN  Binary mode.

   All of these data modes are  transferred  without  processing  by  the

   12.17.2  Dump Modes

   In dump modes, data can be read from or written into any locations  in
   your  user  memory  area.   For  output  to disk from user memory, the
   disk-service routine uses disk space  in  increments  of  200  (octal)
   words, filling the last 200-word block with zeros if necessary.

   The dump data modes that you can use for disk transfers are:

        Code   Symbol  Meaning

          16   .IODPR  Dump record mode.

          17   .IODMP  Dump mode.

                                DISKS (DSK)

   12.18  DISK I/O STATUS

   I/O status bits for disk are as follows:

   Bits      Symbol    Meaning

   18-21     IO.ERR    Error flags:

                       Flag      Symbol    Error

                       18        IO.IMP    Attempt to write on software
                                           write-locked file structure or
                                           software redundancy failure
                       19        IO.DER    Error detected by device.
                       20        IO.DTE    Hard data error.
                       21        IO.BKT    Block too large.

     22      IO.EOF    End of file.
     23      IO.ACT    Device active.
     29      IO.WHD    Write disk pack headers.
     30      IO.SYN    Synchronous I/O.
   32-35     IO.MOD    Data mode:

                       Code      Symbol    Meaning

                         0       .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                         1       .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                        10       .IOIMG    Image mode.
                        13       .IOIBN    Image binary mode.
                        14       .IOBIN    Binary mode.
                        16       .IODPR    Dump record mode.
                        17       .IODMP    Dump mode.


                                 CHAPTER 13

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   A DECtape device reads and writes  a  DECtape.   It  is  a  sequential
   device,  and has a directory.  The tape is 260 feet (79.24 m) long and
   10 tracks wide.


   The physical name of a DECtape unit is of the form:


   Where:  c is either Controller A or Controller B.

           u is the unit number in the range 0 to 7.

   A CPU may have up to two DECtape controllers.  The name of the DECtape
   controller is TD10.

   The unit name of the DECtape device is either TU55 or TU56.


   A DECtape device can be operated in any of the following data modes:

         o  Buffered modes:  ASCII, ASCII line, image, image binary, and

         o  Unbuffered data modes:  dump record and dump.

         o  Nonstandard data mode.

         o  Semistandard data mode.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   13.2.1  Buffered Data Modes

   The buffered data modes (ASCII, ASCII line, image, image  binary,  and
   binary)  use  buffers  of 200 (octal) data words.  Data is transferred
   between the DECtape device and memory without change.  Checksumming is
   performed by the DECtape service routine.

   In buffered mode, the buffers are 200 (octal) words long, but data  is
   still in blocks of 177 (octal) words (see Figure 13-1).

               (Word 202).BFSTS |                   |
               (Word 201).BFHDR |                   |
                                |-------------------| \
                         .BFCNT |         ^         |  \
                              / |---------|---------|  |
                             /  |         |         |  |
                             |  |         |         |  |
                             |  |     200 Words     |  /
                             \  |      (octal)      |  >  Read/Written 
                  177 Words  <  |     Read from     |  \      from Tape
                   (octal)   /  |       Tape        |  |
                             |  |         |         |  |
                             |  |         |         |  |
                             \  |         V         |  /
                              \ --------------------- /

   Figure 13-1:  DECtape Buffer

   The first word in the buffer (.BFCNT) is the link pointer directly  to
   the tape.  Ususally, the monitor passes over this word.  Programs that
   require .BFCNT may read it using buffered I/O mode.

   13.2.2  Unbuffered Data Modes

   The unbuffered data modes (dump record and dump) use command lists  to
   transfer  data  between DECtape and memory.  The I/O monitor call (IN,
   INPUT, OUT, or OUTPUT) gives the address of the command list.

   Each word of the command list is in one of the following forms:

        IOWD    buflength,buffer
        XWD     0,nextcmd

                               DECTAPES (DTA)


           In the IOWD instruction:

           buflength is the number of words to be transferred.

           buffer is the address for reading or writing the data; in  the
           XWD instruction.

           nextcmd is the address of the next command in the list.

           Z (zero) word ends the command list.

   File-structured dump mode data is blocked into standard DECtape blocks
   by the DECtape service routine.  Each block read or written contains a
   link word and 177 (octal) data words.  On output, if the data does not
   fill  the  last  block, it is left blank.  On input, your program must
   read only the words that were written, skipping these blank words.

   13.2.3  Nonstandard Data Mode

   Your program selects nonstandard DECtape  data  mode  by  setting  bit
   IO.NSD  in  the  I/O  status word (using the SETSTS monitor call).  In
   nonstandard  mode,  the  monitor  does  not  perform  file-structuring
   operations  on  the  data.   The  monitor  reads and writes each block
   sequentially, but it does not generate links on output,  nor  does  it
   recognize links on input.

   Nonstandard mode treats link words  on  the  DECtape  as  data  words;
   therefore  a  data  block is up to 200 (octal) words, and your program
   must select the block to be read or written  by  using  the  USETI  or
   USETO monitor call.

   A LOOKUP, ENTER, or  UTPCLR  monitor  call  to  a  DECtape  device  in
   nonstandard  mode is a no-op.  Your program is prohibited from reading
   or writing Block 0 of the tape in dump mode, because this block cannot
   be read or written in a forward direction.

   The monitor checks block numbers for validity, but  does  not  perform
   dead-reckoning  computations for the requested blocks (because a block
   may be shorter than 200 words).

   13.2.4  Semistandard Data Mode

   Semistandard mode allows you to specify  block  numbers  greater  than
   1101  (octal).   It is useful for DECtapes formatted on machines other
   than DECsystem-10s, for example, a PDP-8.   The  block  size  of  such
   tapes  might  not  be 200 words; therefore, semistandard mode does not
   limit the tape to 578 blocks of data.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   To select semistandard mode, your program must set both the IO.SSD and
   IO.NSD  bits  in  the I/O status word (using the SETSTS monitor call).
   Semistandard mode is identical to nonstandard mode,  except  that  the

         o  Checks block numbers to determine position.

         o  Starts the tape in the same direction it last went.

         o  Performs dead-reckoning computations for the requested
            blocks.  (Refer to Section 13.3.)

   13.3  DECTAPE I/O

   On the first LOOKUP, ENTER, or UGETF call to  a  DECtape  device,  the
   DECtape   service  routine  reads  the  directory  into  memory.   The
   directory is maintained and updated in memory until the device channel
   is  released  by  a RELEAS monitor call; at that time the directory is
   copied to the DECtape.

   When you change DECtapes on a DECtape  device,  you  should  issue  an
   ASSIGN command to inform the monitor that a new tape is on the device;
   otherwise, the wrong directory may be copied onto the tape.

   If you use monitor calls (USETI and USETO) to position a DECtape,  the
   monitor  uses  dead reckoning to locate the correct block on the tape.
   This means that the  service  routine  begins  turning  the  tape  and
   estimates  the  time  needed  to  reach  the  block;  it then performs
   services for other users.  Just before the estimated time has  passed,
   the routine checks to see if the block has been reached.

   If your program attempts to write on a write-locked tape, or to access
   a  DECtape  device  that has no tape on it, the monitor stops your job
   and prints (on the terminal) the message:


   Where:  c is the controller designation A or B.

           u is the unit number.

   When the problem is corrected, you can use  the  CONTINUE  command  to
   resume  the  job (unless an explicit or implicit RESET has been issued
   for the program).

   Your program can initialize a DECtape  device  on  only  one  channel.
   Input  and  output  occur  on this channel; however, they do not occur

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   Because a DECtape is a directory device, your program  must  select  a
   file  before it can perform I/O to the DECtape.  To select a file on a
   DECtape, use one of the following calls:  LOOKUP, ENTER, USETI, USETO,
   UGETF, or a function of the FILOP. call.

   13.3.1  Monitor Calls for DECtape I/O

   The monitor calls of greatest interest in using DECtapes are:

        CLOSE          Closes the DECtape file.

        ENTER          Creates, writes, supersedes, or (after  a  LOOKUP)
                       appends  to  a  DECtape file.  The special DECtape
                       argument list for the ENTER call is  described  in
                       Section 13.3.2.

        FILOP.         Performs various DECtape functions.

        IN,INPUT       Performs normal input  from  the  DECtape,  except
                       that the DECtape service routine reads the link in
                       each block to determine the next  block  to  read,
                       and  to determine when to set the end-of-file flag
                       (IO.EOF) in the file status word.

        LOOKUP         Selects a file for input.  The LOOKUP call can  be
                       used  in deleting, reading, updating, renaming, or
                       appending to a file.

                       A LOOKUP call to a DECtape device uses the special
                       LOOKUP argument list.  For more information, refer
                       to Section 13.3.2.

        MTREW.         Rewinds  the  DECtape.   This  function  is   also
                       available with the FILOP.  call, function .FOMTP.

        MTUNL.         Rewinds and unloads the DECtape.  This function is
                       also  available  with  the  FILOP.  call, function

        OUT,OUTPUT     Performs output to the DECtape device.  The buffer
                       control block is processed as follows:

                       If the left half of word 2 of the  buffer  control
                       block  contains  -1,  the  DECtape service routine
                       changes it to 0, thereby terminating the file.  If
                       the  halfword  is  positive,  the routine uses the
                       value as the block number  for  the  next  OUT  or
                       OUTPUT  call.   If  the halfword is 0, the routine
                       assigns the block  number  for  the  next  OUT  or
                       OUTPUT call.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

        RELEAS         Releases the DECtape channel.  The monitor  copies
                       its  directory  for  the  DECtape  (maintained  in
                       memory)  to  the  DECtape.   Commands  that  issue
                       implicit  RELEAS  calls  (for  example, KJOB) also
                       copy the directory to the DECtape.

        RENAME         Renames or deletes the  DECtape  file.   A  RENAME
                       call  to  a DECtape device uses a special argument
                       list for the call.  You  provide  the  file  name,
                       extension,  and  creation date.  The argument list
                       is described in Section 13.3.2.

        UGETF          Returns the next free block of the DECtape.  If no
                       ENTER  or  LOOKUP  precedes  the  UGETF  call, the
                       monitor returns  -1  in  the  first  word  of  the
                       argument list.  If an ENTER or LOOKUP precedes the
                       UGETF call, the monitor  returns  the  first  free
                       block  nearest  the beginning of the tape (instead
                       of  nearest  the  directory).   The  monitor  also
                       changes  the spacing factor from four to two.  The
                       spacing factor separates blocks, allowing tape  to
                       stop  and  then restart without having to back up.
                       This  function  is   also   available   with   the
                       FILOP. function .FOGTF.

        USETI          Sets the DECtape to the specified block number for
                       next  input.  To assure that the buffer containing
                       the block number is the next one used  for  input,
                       either  use  a single buffer or set the IO.SYN bit
                       in the  I/O  status  word  (using  SETSTS).   This
                       forces  the monitor to stop after each IN or INPUT

        USETO          Sets the DECtape to the specified block number for
                       next output.  To assure that the buffer containing
                       the block number is the next one used for  output,
                       either  use  a single buffer or set the IO.SYN bit
                       in the  I/O  status  word  (using  SETSTS).   This
                       forces  the  monitor  to  stop  after  each OUT or
                       OUTPUT call.


                           USETI/USETO  calls  do  not  operate  with
                           DECtape the same way as they do with disk.
                           On disk, USETO n puts you at  block  n  in
                           the file, regardless of the block's actual
                           position on the disk.  On DECtape, USETO n
                           puts   you   at   block  n  on  the  tape,
                           regardless of the file that contains  that

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

        UTPCLR         Clears the DECtape directory.   This  function  is
                       also available with FILOP.  function .FOUTP.

   On each interrupt, the monitor updates the device status word for  the
   DECtape; use the DEVSTS monitor call to retrieve the status.

   13.3.2  Special Argument Lists

   The LOOKUP, ENTER, and RENAME monitor calls for a DECtape  device  use
   special formats for the argument list for the call.  Using LOOKUP with DECtapes - The LOOKUP call selects a  file
   for  input.  It is used in the process of deleting, reading, changing,
   renaming, or appending to a file.  The calling sequence for  a  LOOKUP
   to a DECtape file is:

                  LOOKUP channo,addr
                    error return
                  normal return

        addr:     SIXBIT/filename/

   Where:  LOOKUP call accepts a channel number (channo) and the  address
           of the argument list (addr).  The information you must provide
           and the information returned in the argument block  is  listed
           in  Table 13-1.  The LOOKUP monitor call sets up an input file
           (specified by filename  and  extension  in  the  the  argument
           block)  on  the  specified  I/O  channel.  (Note that you must
           initialize the channel first, using the OPEN call.)


           The LOOKUP/ENTER extended argument list  can  be  used
           with DECtapes.  Refer to Chapter 11.

   The contents of the argument block are matched against the file  names
   and extensions in the DECtape directory.  If the monitor does not find
   a match, the error return is taken and the monitor  returns  an  error
   code  in  the  right half of addr+1.  The error codes are described in
   Chapter 11.  If the file name is matched, the normal return is  taken,
   and  the  information listed in Table 13-1 is returned in the argument

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   Table 13-1:  LOOKUP/ENTER/RENAME Argument Block for DECtape


     Word     Bits        Contents                LOOKUP  ENTER  RENAME

     0       0 - 35       SIXBIT/filename/           A      A      A

     1       0 - 17       SIXBIT/extension/          A      A      A
            18 - 20       High-order 3 bits of       V      A0     A0
                          the creation date.
            21 - 25       Zero
            26 - 35       First block number.        V      V      V

     2       0 - 23       Zero.
            24 - 35       Low-order 12 bits of       V      A0     A0
                          the creation date.

     3       0 - 17       Negative word length       V      -      -
                          of the zero-compressed
            18 - 35       Core address of the        -      -      -
                          first word of the file
                          minus 1 (obsolete).

     A = argument in your program
     V = value returned from the monitor
     I = ignored.

   On a normal return, the first block of the file is found as follows:

         o  The first  83  words  in  the  DECtape  directory  block  are
            searched  backwards,  beginning  with  the  slot  immediately
            before the slot pointing to the directory block.  The  search
            procedure  stops  when  the  slot containing the desired file
            number is found.

         o  The block associated with this slot is read;  bits  18-27  of
            the  block's first word (the bits containing the block number
            of the first block of the file) are checked.  If the bits are
            equal  to  the block number of this block, then this block is
            the first block; if not,  then  the  block  with  that  block
            number is read as the first block of the file.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)  Using ENTER with DECtapes - The ENTER call  selects  a  file
   for output.  It is used in the process of creating, writing, appending
   to, and superseding files.

   The calling sequence for the ENTER call for DECtapes is:

        ENTER channo,addr
          error return
        normal return

   Where:  addr is the address of the argument block, described in  Table

   The ENTER call requires the channel number (channo) and address of the
   argument  list  (addr).   The  argument list, the information you must
   supply, and the information returned by the  monitor,  are  listed  in
   Table  13-1.   If  you  specify an extended argument list, the monitor
   ignores the extra words and leaves them unchanged.

   The monitor searches the DECtape directory for the specified file name
   and  file  extension.  If the monitor does not find a match, and there
   is room in the directory,  the  monitor  records  information  in  the
   DECtape  directory.  If the monitor finds a match, the specified entry
   replaces the old entry and the old file is reclaimed immediately.  The
   monitor then records the file information in the DECtape directory.

   When the monitor replaces an existing file with  a  new  file,  it  is
   superseding  a  file.   Superseding  a  file  on  DECtape differs from
   superseding a file on disk.  On DECtape, because of  its  small  size,
   the space is reclaimed before the file is written instead of after the
   file is written.  That is, once the ENTER has been performed, the  old
   file is deleted.  Using RENAME with DECtapes - The  RENAME  call  changes  the
   file name or file extension of a file, or deletes it from the DECtape.

   For use with DECtapes, the RENAME calling sequence is:

        RENAME channo,addr
          error return
        normal return

   In the calling sequence, RENAME requires a channel number (channo) and
   the  address  of the argument list (addr).  If you specify an extended
   argument list (longer than 4 words) the extra words  are  ignored  and
   left  unchanged.   Table  13-1 lists the contents of the argument list
   before the call and after a successful return by the monitor.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   Unlike a RENAME on a disk device, a RENAME on  DECtape  works  on  the
   last file selected (using LOOKUP or ENTER) on the device, not the last
   file on the specified  channel.   The  calling  sequence  required  to
   successfully RENAME a file on DECtape is:

        LOOKUP channo,addr
        RENAME channo,addr1


        ENTER channo,addr
        RENAME channo,addr1


   A DECtape is 260 feet (79.24 m) long and 10 tracks wide.  The  monitor
   views  the  tape as having 577 decimal blocks, numbered from 0 to 1101
   (octal).  Blocks 1 and 2 are reserved for the bootstrap loader.  Block
   100 (decimal) is the directory block.  The directory contains up to 22
   (decimal) files.

   Each block of a DECtape can contain 128 36-bit words; the entire  tape
   can contain 73,856 words.

        Reserved         User Data                     User Data
    /------^------\ /--------^-------\         /-----------^------------\
    -----------------------     ---------------------      --------------
    |Block | Block | Block /  / Block | Block | Block /  / Block | Block|
    |1     | 2     | 3     /  / 99    | 100   | 101   /  / 576   | 577  |
    -----------------------     ---------------------      --------------

   Figure 13-2:  DECtape Format

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   Blocks on a DECtape (see Figure  13-2)  are  used  as  follows  (block
   numbers in decimal):

        Block     Use

        0         Not used.  May be read in buffered I/O mode.
        1-2       Reserved for bootstrap loader
        3-99      Data
        100       Directory
        101-577   Data

   If your program requests a block number larger than 577,  the  monitor
   sets the IO.BKT bit in the I/O status word.

   13.4.1  Directory Format

   The directory block is block number 100 (decimal) and is  128  decimal
   words long.

   A DECtape directory contains the following:

        1.  A block-to-file index, showing which blocks belong to which

        2.  A list of file names.

        3.  A list of file extensions.

        4.  A list of file creation dates.

        5.  A DECtape label.

   Note that, unlike disk files, DECtape files  do  not  have  protection
   codes associated with them.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)  Summary  of  DECtape  Directory  Block - Figure  13-3  is  a
   summary  of the DECtape directory block.  For example, if block number
   14 contained file number 10, which was named FILE.MAC,  the  directory
   would appear as shown in Figure 13-4.

                     0                                                 35
            Word 0   |   1  |   2  |   3  |   4  |   5  |   6  |   7  | |
            Word 1   |   8  |   9  |   10 |   11 |   12 |   13 |   14 | |
            Word 2   |   15 |   16 |   17 |   18 |   19 |   20 |   21 | |
   83 Words                                   .
            Word 65  |  456 |  457 |  458 |  459 |  460 |  461 |  462 | |
            Word 66  |  463 |  464 |  465 |  466 |  467 |  468 |  469 | |
            Word 81  |  568 |  569 |  570 |  571 |  572 |  573 |  574 | |
            Word 82  |  575 |  576 |  577 |  --  |  --  |  --  |  --  | |
            Word 83  |          File name for File 1                    |
            Word 84  |          File name for File 2                    |
   22 Words                                   .
            Word 104 |          File name for File 22                   |
            Word 105 | Extension      |             0 | Creation Date   |
            Word 106 | Extension      |             0 | Creation Date   |
   22 Words                                   .
            Word 126 | Extension      |             0 | Creation Date   |
            Word 127 |                  Tape Label                      |
   1 Word

   Figure 13-3:  DECtape Directory Block

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

                0                                          35
       Word 0   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | |
       Word 1   |     |     |     |     |     |     |  10 | |
       Word 2   |     |     |     |     |     |     |     | |
       Word 92  |         File                              | : in SIXBIT
       Word 114 |     MAC            |   0   |  Date        |

                Bit 35 of Words 9, 31, and 53 Contain the 
                High-Order Three Bits of the Creation Date

   Figure 13-4:  Directory Block for FILE.MAC

                               DECTAPES (DTA)  Block-to-File Index - The  block-to-file  index  is  in  the
   first 83 words of the directory, words 0 through 82 (see Figure 13-5).
   Each word contains seven 5-bit file numbers; bit 35 is used  otherwise
   (see creation dates).

                               /------ For example, Slot for Block 3
   F  /         0    4 5   9 10|14 15 19 20 24 25 29 30 34 35
   i  |         ---------------V----------------------------- -\
   r  | Word 0  |  *  |  *  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  | |  |
   s  |         |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-|  | Hi-
   t  | Word 1  |  8  |  9  |  10 |  11 |  12 |  13 |  14 | |  | order
      |         |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-|  / Bit
   8  | Word 2  |  15 |  16 |  17 |  18 |  19 |  20 |  21 | |  > of
   3  |         ---------------------------------------------  \ Creation
      |                                                        | Date
   W  |                                                        | 
   o  \         ---------------------------------------------  | 
   r  < Word 65 | 456 | 457 | 458 | 459 | 460 | 461 | 462 | | -/
   d  /         |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-|
   s  | Word 66 | 463 | 464 | 465 | 466 | 467 | 468 | 469 | | -\
      |         ---------------------------------------------  |
   o  |                                                        |
   f  |                                                        /
      |         ---------------------------------------------  > Unused
   B  | Word 81 | 568 | 569 | 570 | 571 | 572 | 573 | 574 | |  \
   l  |         |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-|  |
   o  | Word 82 | 575 | 576 | 577 | **  | **  | **  | **  | |  |
   c  \         --------------------------------------------- -/
   110 (Decimal)                            * Reserved Blocks
                                           ** Non-existent Blocks

   Figure 13-5:  First 83 Words on the DECtape of the Directory Block

   Each file number in the block-to-file index shows which file owns  the
   corresponding  block.   For example, the third file number (third byte
   of directory word 0) indicates that block 3 of  the  DECtape  contains
   part  of  the  given  file.   The  11th  file  number  (fourth byte of
   directory word 1) indicates that block 11 of the DECtape contains part
   of the given file.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   Note that while a five-bit byte can represent 32 files, there are only
   22  files.   Code  30  is  stored  in  the  byte  corresponding to the
   directory block, and code 31  is  stored  in  bytes  corresponding  to
   blocks  1,  2,  and  578-581.  Thus all bytes with 0 on them represent
   real, existing, valid-to-use, free blocks on the  tape.   Codes  23-29
   are reserved.

   Blocks 1, 2, and 100 are not used because they  are  reserved  blocks;
   blocks 578 through 581 are not used because these blocks do not exist.  List of File Names - The list of file names is in  words  83
   through  104  of  the directory (see Figure 13-6).  Each word contains
   the SIXBIT name of a file on the DECtape.  This list is the key to the
   block-to-file  index in the directory.  A block having the file number
   4 in the block-to-file index belongs to the file listed fourth in  the
   list of file names.

                 0                                           35
        Word 83  |          SIXBIT/Name/for File 1            |
        Word 84  |          SIXBIT/Name/for File 3            |
        Word 104 |          SIXBIT/Name/for File 22           |

   Figure 13-6:  Words 83 through 104 of DECtape Directory

                               DECTAPES (DTA)  List of File Extensions - The list of file extensions is  in
   the  left halves of words 105 through 126 of the directory (see Figure
   13-7).  The first extension is for the first file name in the list  of
   file names, and so forth.

                 0              17 18     23 24              35
        Word 105 | Extension      |    0    | Creation Date   |
        Word 106 | Extension      |    0    | Creation Date   |
        Word 126 | Extension      |    0    | Creation Date   |

   Figure 13-7:  Words 105 to 126 of the Directory Block

                               DECTAPES (DTA)  File Creation Dates - The low-order 12 bits of the  creation
   date  for  each  file  is  in  bits  24  through  35  of the same word
   containing the extension for the file.  The high-order 3 bits  of  the
   creation  dates  are  stored in the last bits of words 0 through 82 of
   the directory (see Figure 13-8).

                             Bit 35 of
                        /--  Word 0  --\
                    /---|--  Word 1  --|---\
                /---|---|--  Word 2    |   |
              F | F | F |    Word 3    |   |
              i | i | i |    .         |   |
              l | l | l |    .         |   |
              e | e | e |    .         | <------ High Order
                |   |   |    .         |   |     Bits for
              3 | 2 | 1 |    .         |   |     File 1
                |   |   |    Word 19   |   |
            /---|---|---|--  Word 20   |   |
        /---|---|---|---|--  Word 21 --|---|---\
      F | F |   |   |   |    Word 22 --|---*   |
      i | i |   |   |   *--  Word 23 --*   |   |
      l | l |   |   *---|--  Word 24   |   |   |
      e | e |   *---|---|--  .         |   |   |
        |   |   |   |   |    .         |   | <------- High Order
      2 | 2 |   |   |   |    .         |   |   |      Bits for
      2 | 1 |   |   |   |    Word 41   |   |   |      File 2
        |   *---|---|---|--  Word 42   |   |   |
        *---|---|---|---|--  Word 43 --|---|---*
        |   |   |   |   \--  Word 44 --/   |   |
        |   |   |   \------  Word 45 ------/   |
        |   |   \----------  Word 46           | <------------ High Order
        |   |                .                 |               Bits for
        |   |                .                 |               File 22
        |   |                .                 |
        |   |                Word 63           |
        |   \--------------  Word 64           |
        \------------------  Word 65 ----------/

   Figure 13-8:  High-Order Three Bits of Creation Date

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   Note that bits 18-23 are apparently free.  These bits  are  not  free,
   however.   Old  DECtape  formats  used  these  as the amount of memory
   needed to hold the .SAV file (meaningless for non-.SAV files).   Thus,
   because of old tapes, these bits cannot be reused.

   For example, the 15-bit creation date for the first file is stored  as

        Bits      Stored

           1      Bit 35 of directory word 0
           2      Bit 35 of directory word 22
           3      Bit 35 of directory word 44
        4-15      Bits 24-35 of directory word 105

   More generally, the 15-bit creation date for file number n  is  stored
   as follows:

        Bits      Stored

           1      Bit 35 of directory word n-1
           2      Bit 35 of directory word n+21
           3      Bit 35 of directory word n+43
        4-15      Bits 24-35 of directory word n+104  DECtape Label - A SIXBIT label for the DECtape is stored  in
   word 127 of the directory.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)

   13.4.2  Data Block Format

   A data block on a DECtape (see Figure 13-9) has a link word and up  to
   127 (decimal) data words.  All user data blocks on a DECtape have this
   format.  The link word is in the format:

                 0              17 18      27 28             35
        Word 0   | Link           | Block #  |    Word Count  |
        Word 1   |                                            |
        Word N   |                    Data                    |

   Figure 13-9:  Data Block Format

        Bits      Contents

         0-17     Block number of next block in file.
        18-27     Block number of first block in file.
        28-35     Number of data words in block.

   If Bits 0 through 17 contain 0, the current block is the last  in  the

   The DECtape service routine allocates the first  free  block  that  is
   before and closest to the directory block; that is, the routine begins
   reading backwards at block 99 and allocates the first  free  block  it
   finds.   When  the routine encounters the end of the tape, it reverses

   The DECtape service routine does not write blocks  contiguously;  each
   allocated  block  is  separated  by a spacing factor, which allows the
   tape to stop and start again without having to back up.   The  spacing
   factor  is  normally  four  blocks; if your program uses dump mode and
   issues a UGETF monitor call followed by an  ENTER  call,  the  spacing
   factor is set to two.

                               DECTAPES (DTA)


   The I/O status bits for DECtape are as follows:

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

   18-21   IO.ERR    Error flags:

                     Flag   Symbol    Error

                      18    IO.IMP    Tape being read/written in improper
                      19    IO.DER    Data was missed on the tape.
                      20    IO.DTE    Parity error.
                      21    IO.BKT    Block too large or too small, or
                                      the tape was full when the OUT or
                                      OUTPUT call was issued.
                       22   IO.EOF    End-of-file reached.
                       23   IO.ACT    Device active.
                       28   IO.SSD    Semistandard mode.
                       29   IO.NSD    Nonstandard mode.
                    32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                        0   .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                        1   .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                       10   .IOIMG    Image mode.
                       13   .IOIBN    Image binary mode.
                       14   .IOBIN    Binary mode.
                       16   .IODPR    Dump record mode.
                       17   .IODMP    Dump mode.

   You can set the I/O status bits IO.SSD and IO.NSD and the data mode in
   your  OPEN or INIT call for the DECtape I/O channel.  You can also set
   these I/O status bits with SETSTS.  Bits 18  through  23  of  the  I/O
   status word, however, are set by the monitor on an error return from a
   data transmission call (IN, INPUT, OUT, or  OUTPUT)  to  indicate  the
   reason for the error return.


                                 CHAPTER 14

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

   An unlabelled magtape is a sequential I/O, nondirectory  device.   The
   data  on  the  tape  begins with a beginning-of-tape (BOT) mark.  Each
   file on the tape ends with an end-of-file (EOF) mark.  The  last  file
   ends  with  an  end-of-tape  (EOT)  mark, which is two EOF marks.  The
   physical end of the tape also has a mark:  a metal reflector  attached
   to the tape.

   A file on a magtape contains one or more records; each record occupies
   one  or more blocks.  If the last block used by a record is not filled
   by the record, a gap is left unused (up to the end of the block).

   Magtapes cannot be connected to MPX (multi-plexed) channels.

   TOPS-10 supports both 7-track and 9-track magtape devices.  A  9-track
   tape   device   can   be  operated  in  either  DIGITAL-compatible  or
   industry-compatible mode.

   A 9-track tape can be either labelled or  unlabelled.   A  tape  label
   identifies,  defines,  and  protects the data on the tape.  A labelled
   magtape can be accessed using LOOKUP and ENTER calls, like a directory
   device.   For  a  discussion  of  the  format  of tape labels, see the
   TOPS-10 Tape Processing Manual.

   The default density of tapes is defined by  the  system  administrator
   when  the monitor is generated by MONGEN.  You can read the density of
   a tape with the .TFDEN function of the TAPOP. monitor call.   You  can
   set a different density for a tape by using the SET DENSITY command or
   by  setting  the  bit  IO.DEN  in  the  file  status  word.   This  is
   accomplished  by  using the SETSTS monitor call or by using the .TFDEN
   function plus the offset .TFSET of the TAPOP. monitor call.

   Magnetic tape density can be one of the following:

        200 bits/inch  (8.1 rows/mm)
        556 bits/inch  (22.5 rows/mm)
        800 bits/inch  (32.2 rows/mm)
        1600 bits/inch (65.3 rows/mm)
        6250 bits/inch (225.5 rows/mm)

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

   The default buffer size for a magtape device is 128 decimal words.

   A magtape transfer is limited to 7681 words for KS systems,  and,  for
   KL  systems,  is limited according to the type of controller as listed
   here and in the TAPUUO source module.

        Controller     Limit (in words)

        TX01           128K
        DX20           16K
        TM02           16K
        TM02/RH11      16K
        TM78           16K

   Specific information about magnetic tape usage, as appropriate to each
   type  of  magtape,  is given in the TOPS-10 Operator's Hardware Device
   and Maintenance Manual.


   A magtape device has a name of the form:


   Where:  c is the controller name:  A, B, C, and so forth.

           u is a unit number in the range 0 to 15.

   The magtape controllers and the magtape units that are  supported  for
   TOPS-10  are  listed  in  the  TOPS-10  Operator's Hardware Device and
   Maintenance Manual.


   A magtape device can use any of  the  following  data  modes:   ASCII,
   ASCII  line,  byte,  image, image binary, binary, dump record, or dump
   mode.  The default buffer size  for  buffered  modes  is  200  (octal)
   words;  you  can  change  the  buffer  size by using the SET BLOCKSIZE
   command, or by using the TAPOP. .TFBSZ function.

        1.  ASCII mode reads or writes ASCII characters exactly the  same
            in  the  buffer  and on the tape.  Parity checking is done by
            the magtape system, not by the monitor.

        2.  ASCII line mode is identical to ASCII mode.

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

        3.  Byte mode transfers bytes between buffer and  tape  according
            to  a  byte  pointer and byte count.  For output, the monitor
            computes the byte count and reads  the  byte  size  from  the
            buffer  ring  control  block.  Each byte is written as a tape
            record (also  called  the  "tape  frame").   For  input,  the
            monitor  obtains  the  byte  count  from  the magtape service
            routine and reads the byte size from the buffer ring  control
            block.   The default byte size is 8 bits, where the low-order
            4 bits of each 36-bit word are lost.


                    In other modes, whole words of  36  bits  are
                    transferred  regardless  of the actual number
                    of  bytes  in  the  buffer  (exception:   see
                    TAPOP.  function .TFMFC).  In byte mode, only
                    the  actual  number   of   data   bytes   are

        4.  Image mode is identical to ASCII mode, except  that  data  is
            taken as 36-bit bytes.

        5.  Image binary mode is identical to image mode.

        6.  Binary mode is identical to image mode.

        7.  Dump record mode is unbuffered and uses  a  command  list  to
            transfer  data  between  memory  and the magtape device.  The
            monitor call that requests the magtape I/O gives the  address
            of  the  command  list,  such as an IN, INPUT, OUT, or OUTPUT

            The default block size is 200 (octal) words; you  can  change
            the  record  size  by  using the SET BLOCKSIZE command or the
            TAPOP. .TFBSZ function.

            A command list consists of words  of  one  of  the  following

                 IOWD buflength,buffer
                 XWD 0,nextcmd

   Where:  IOWD format calls for the number of words given  by  buflength
           to  be  transferred  between  the  magtape  device  and memory
           beginning at buffer.

           XWD format directs that the command list continues at nextcmd.

           Z (zero) word ends the command list.

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

   On input, each IOWD command begins a new buffer  in  memory.   If  the
   record  read  is too short for the buffer, input continues in the next
   record on the tape; if the record read is too long, the IO.BKT bit  in
   the  file  status  word  is set and the monitor takes the error return
   from the relevant monitor call.

   On output, each IOWD command begins a new record on the  magtape.   If
   the  buffer  is  too long for the record length, the data continues to
   new records on the tape, as required; if the buffer does not fill  the
   last record, it remains a short record on the tape.

   On an I/O error or physical end-of-tape, the magtape  service  routine
   ends  I/O  and stops reading from the command list.  On an end-of-file
   input, the input call takes the error return and the IO.EOF bit is set
   in  the file status word.  On the next input call, the next record (in
   the next file) is read from the tape.

   The read backwards function is not allowed in dump record mode.

   8.  Dump mode is  unbuffered  and  transfers  variable-length  records
   between  the magtape device and memory.  Dump mode uses a command list
   identical to that of dump record mode.

   Unlike DUMP RECORD mode, DUMP mode processes exactly one  tape  record
   for  each  IOWD.   If  an  INPUT operation encounters a record that is
   shorter than that specified in the IOWD, the remainder of  the  memory
   buffer  is  not changed.  On output, the records are not split up, and
   the length of  each  record  written  to  the  tape  is  exactly  that
   specified in the IOWD.

   14.3  MAGTAPE I/O

   A number of monitor calls can be used for magtape I/O.  These are:

        DEVSTS    Reads file status bits.

        ENTER     Opens a labelled magtape for writing.

        FILOP.    Performs directory device functions for labelled

        LOOKUP    Opens a labelled magtape for reading.

        MTAID.    Defines a tape reel identifier for a magtape device.

        MTBLK.    Writes three inches of blank tape.

        MTBSF.    Skips backward over one file on tape.

        MTBSR.    Skips backward one record on tape.

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

        MTCHR.    Returns characteristics for a magtape device.

        MTDEC.    Initializes for DIGITAL-compatible 9-track tape.

        MTEOF.    Writes an end-of-file mark on tape.

        MTEOT.    Skips forward to end-of-tape.

        MTIND.    Initializes for industry-compatible 9-track tape.

        MTLTH.    Sets tape to read next record at low threshold (TM10

        MTREW.    Rewinds the tape.

        MTSKF.    Skips forward over one file on tape.

        MTSKR.    Skips forward one record on tape.

        MTWAT.    Waits for tape I/O to complete.

        TAPOP.    Performs any of the above functions and many other
                  functions for a tape.


   The I/O status bits for magtapes are listed below.

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

   18-21   IO.ERR    Error flags.  If all these bits are set,  the  error
                     was  detected  by  the  tape  label handler; use the
                     DEVOP. call to determine the extended error code.

                     Flag   Symbol    Error

                      18    IO.IMP    Output attempted on a write-locked
                                      unit, or an illegal operation was
                      19    IO.DER    Data was missed on the tape or the
                                      tape was bad, or the transport is
                      20    IO.DTE    Parity error.
                      21    IO.BKT    The record read from the tape is
                                      too long for the buffer.

      22   IO.EOF    End-of-file mark found.  You  must  clear  this  bit
                     using  SETSTS  before  reading  further, or CLOSE to
                     reset the tape status.

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

      23   IO.ACT    Device active.

      24   IO.BOT    Beginning of tape.

      25   IO.EOT    Physical end of tape was encountered.  Physical  EOT
                     is  several  feet before the actual end of tape.  It
                     is seen when passed over on a write operation as  an
                     error  return  with  this bit set in the file status
                     word.  You must clear this bit and condition  (using
                     the  SETSTS call) before another write operation can
                     be successful.  Physical EOT is  not  seen  on  read
                     operations.   Physical  EOT  does  not  prevent your
                     program from writing off the end of tape.   If  your
                     program  does  not heed the physical EOT warning, it
                     is allowed to keep writing.  Logical  EOT  does  not
                     prevent  your  program  from  reading past it.  Your
                     program must check for two  consecutive  EOF  marks,
                     which indicates the logical EOT.

      26   IO.PAR    Parity:
                          0 = even (BCD only)
                          1 = odd

   27-28   IO.DEN    Density:
                          0 = standard
                          1 = 200 BPI
                          2 = 556 BPI
                          3 = 800 BPI

                     Other densities (1600, 6250) must  be  specified  by
                     setting  IO.DEN  to  0  on an OPEN, and then using a
                     TAPOP.  to set the desired density.

                     Odd parity is preferred.  The  user  program  should
                     specify  even parity only when creating a tape to be
                     read in binary coded decimal (BCD) on  another  type
                     of computer system.

      29   IO.NRC    Read without reread check.

   32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode.  Defines method  for  writing  data  into
                     buffers.  The modes are:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                        0   .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                        1   .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                        3   .IOBYT    Byte mode.
                       10   .IOIMG    Image mode.
                       13   .IOIBN    Image binary mode.
                       14   .IOBIN    Binary mode.
                       16   .IODPR    Dump record mode.
                       17   .IODMP    Dump mode.

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)


   The magnetic tape data formats, which can be set with TAPOP.  function
   .TFMOD (Code 1007/2007) are described in this section.  These hardware
   data modes describe how data is stored on a magnetic tape.

   The following sections describe which bits are stored in which  tracks
   and  how  many  frames are required to store a word of data.  Refer to
   the description of  the  TAPOP. monitor  call  in  Chapter  22  for  a
   description  of  how  to set the desired magnetic tape data mode.  The
   diagrams in this section are logical  representations  of  data  on  a
   magnetic tape.  In actuality, the parity frame is in the center of the
   tape, and the  order  of  the  other  frames  is  not  necessarily  as

   Code 0 (.TFMDD) sets DEC-compatible core dump mode for either  7-track
   or  9-track  magnetic tapes (MTAPE 100 also sets this mode.)  The type
   chosen depends on  the  magnetic  tape  unit  used.   This  data  mode
   function  code  is the equivalent of code 1 (.TFMID) for 9-track tapes
   and  code  5  (.TFM7T)  for  7-track  tapes.   On  a   9-track   tape,
   DEC-compatible  core  dump mode stores one 36-bit word of data in five
   frames.  Note that  the  last  frame  is  only  half-used.   One  word
   actually requires 4 and one-half frames.

   Each data word in 9-track DEC-compatible core dump mode  is  formatted
   as shown below.

        0        7 8      15 16     23 24     31  32  33  34  35
        |         |         |         |         |              |
            1st      2nd       3rd        4th        5th
           frame    frame     frame      frame      frame

   For each data word in memory, there are five magnetic tape  bytes  per
   36-bit  word, with parity bits unavailable to the user.  Bits are read
   and written on the tape as shown below.

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

   Table 14-1:  9-Track DEC Dump Mode



     9      8      7      6      5      4      3      2      1

     0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      P 
     8      9      10     11     12     13     14     15     P 
     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     P   Frames
     24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31     P
     0      0      0      0      32     33     34     35     P

   When writing on TM10s, bits 30 and 31 are written twice.   First  they
   are  written as shown in the diagram above and they are then copied in
   tracks 7 and 6 of byte 5.  Tracks 9 and 8 of byte 5 remain zero.  When
   writing  with  a  DX10,  TM02-C, or TM10-C, bits 30 and 31 are written
   only once.  Tracks 9, 8, 7, and 6 contain zero.

   When reading from a TM10, parity bits and tracks 9 and 8  of  frame  5
   are  ignored.  Frame 4, tracks 2 and 3 are ORed with Frame 5, tracks 6
   and 7.  These are bits 30 and 31 of the data word.  On a DX10, TM02-C,
   and TC10-C, the parity bits, frames 9, 8, 7, and 6 are ignored.

   Code 1 (.TFMID) sets 7-track core dump mode, one 6-bit byte is  stored
   in  each  frame  of  the  tape.   Six frames are required to store one
   36-bit word.  This mode  is  the  only  hardware  mode  supported  for
   7-track magnetic tapes.

   Each data word in 7-track DEC-compatible core dump mode  is  formatted
   as shown below.

        0        5 6      11 12     17 18     23 24     29 30      35
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            1st      2nd       3rd        4th        5th      6th
           frame    frame     frame      frame      frame    frame

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

   Bits are read and written on the tape as shown below.

   Table 14-2:  7-Track Dump Mode



            7      6      5      4      3      2      1

            0      1      2      3      4      5      P
            6      7      8      9      10     11     P
            12     13     14     15     16     17     P      Frames
            18     19     20     21     22     23     P
            24     25     26     27     28     29     P
            30     31     32     33     34     35     P

   Code 2 (.TFM8B) sets industry-compatible core dump  mode  for  9-track
   tapes.   This  mode is compatible on any machine that reads and writes
   8-bit bytes (for example, System 360/370 and PDP-11s).   When  a  read
   operation  is  performed, four frames (8-bit bytes) are read into each
   word (left-justified).  The TM02 and  TM10-C  in  industry  compatible
   mode  at 800 bpi in bits 32-35 give an indication of a parity error in
   the corresponding frame of a word.  In  industry  compatible  mode  at
   1600  bpi,  bits 32-35 are indeterminate.  The DX10 and TC10-C, return
   zeroes in these four bits.  The information read into bits 32  through
   35  is  not user data.  On a write operation, the left most four 8-bit
   bytes of each word are written out in four  frames;  the  remaining  4
   rightmost bits (that is, bits 32 through 35) are ignored.  Only bits 0
   through 31 are written onto the tape.

   Each data word  in  9-track  Industry-compatible  core  dump  mode  is
   formatted as shown below.

        0        7 8      15 16     23 24     31 32     35
        |         |         |         |         |        |
            1st      2nd       3rd        4th
           frame    frame     frame      frame

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

   Bits are read and written on the tape as shown below.

   Table 14-3:  9-Track Industry-Compatible Dump Mode



     9      8      7      6      5      4      3      2      1  

     0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      P  
     8      9      10     11     12     13     14     15     P   Frames
     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     P  
     24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31     P  

   When using industry-compatible mode and  buffered  I/O,  your  program
   should  insert  the  byte  size in the byte pointer before issuing the
   first IN, INPUT, OUT, or OUTPUT monitor call.

   Code 3 (.TFM6B) sets SIXBIT mode for  9-track  magnetic  tapes.   This
   mode  is  only  available  on TU7x - series drives.  The format of the
   data word is shown below.

        0        5 6      11 12     17 18     23 24     29 30      35
        |         |         |         |         |         |         |
            1st      2nd       3rd        4th        5th      6th
           frame    frame     frame      frame      frame    frame

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

   Bits are read and written on the tape as shown below.

   Table 14-4:  9-Track SIXBIT Mode



     9      8      7      6      5      4      3      2      1

     0      0      0      1      2      3      4      5      P
     0      0      6      7      8      9      10     11     P   
     0      0      12     13     14     15     16     17     P   Frames
     0      0      18     19     20     21     22     23     P
     0      0      24     25     26     27     28     29     P
     0      0      30     31     32     33     34     35     P

   Code 4 (.TFM7B) sets 7-bit mode, called ANSI ASCII (not  available  on
   TM10s  and  TC10-Cs).   This  mode stores one 7-bit ASCII byte in each
   frame of the tape.  This mode is useful for  transferring  ASCII  data
   from  DECsystem-10s  to  8-bit byte-oriented machines, such as PDP-11s
   and System 360/370s.  Five left-justified (in core)  7-bit  bytes  are
   stored  in  five  frames on the magnetic tape.  Bit 35 must be zero to
   conform to ANSI standards.  Bit 35 is written into the high-order  bit
   of  the last frame of each word.  The other high-order bits are set to
   zero on write operations.  When the tape is read, all five  high-order
   bits are ORed and the result is stored in bit 35.

   Each data word in ANSI ASCII mode is formatted as shown below.

        0        6 7      13 14     20 21     27 28       35
        |         |         |         |         |         | |
            1st      2nd       3rd        4th        5th
           frame    frame     frame      frame      frame

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

   Data is read and written on the tape in the following format.

   Table 14-5:  ANSI ASCII Mode



     9      8      7      6      5      4      3      2      1

     0      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      P
     0      7      8      9      10     11     12     13     P
     0      14     15     16     17     18     19     20     P   Frames
     0      21     22     23     24     25     26     27     P
     35     28     29     30     31     32     33     34     P


   When reading a tape backwards, the monitor reads data forwards  (i.e.,
   inverted) into the buffer.  If the buffer is larger than the record, a
   zero-fill will result at the beginning of the buffer.  For example:

        BUFSIZ - WRDCNT = first word of data

   If your program contains  a  multiple  IOWD  list  your  program  must
   reverse  the  I/O  bit to enable read forward.  Reading backwards into
   BOT will set the EOF and BOT bits.  Note that a tape  cannot  be  read
   backwards if mode 16 or labelled tapes are used.

   Read backwards must be set after the  INIT,  OPEN,  or  FILOP. monitor
   call, because the read backwards function is cleared on an OPEN, INIT,
   FILOP., or RELEAS monitor call.

   When reading backwards, the  records  are  returned  to  the  user  in
   reverse  order, but the bytes within each physical record are returned
   in forward order.  Therefore, to prevent the appearance  of  scrambled
   data  when  reading backwards, you should read the records on physical
   boundaries only.

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)


   By default, a magtape  contains  only  the  information  described  in
   Section  14.5.  However, GALAXY 4.1 batch and spooling system provides
   the opportunity  to  write  labelled  magnetic  tapes,  which  can  be
   accessed  in  a  manner similar to a directory device such as disk and

   With unlabelled magtapes, the LOOKUP and ENTER monitor calls  are  not
   operational.   They  are  ignored  to provide your program with device
   independence.  (Note that your program will  always  skip  when  these
   calls are ignored.) However, the calls are used with directory devices
   and labelled magtapes.

   Label parameters are temporarily stored in the monitor's data base for
   the  tape drive until the first input or output operation is performed
   on the tape drive.   When  I/O  is  done,  the  label  parameters  are
   transferred to the tape or made available to the program, depending on
   the direction of I/O.  An ENTER call loads  the  parameters  from  the
   argument block onto the tape.  A LOOKUP call loads the parameters from
   the tape into the argument block.  A  LOOKUP  with  no  file  name  or
   extension  will return information about the current file on the tape.
   Both the four-word and extended argument blocks for  LOOKUP/ENTER  are

   For a labelled magtape, ENTER loads the label parameter block,  and  a
   LOOKUP  reads the label parameter block, to find the requested file by
   file name and extension.  This functionality is also provided  by  the
   TAPOP.  monitor call with function .TFLPR.

   Magnetic tape label processing is not fully supported by  the  TOPS-10
   monitor.   Therefore,  if  you  issue a monitor call that reports your
   position on the tape, the number of files will include the  number  of
   label record files (2 per data file).  As a result, the MTCHR. UUO and
   the .TFSTA function of TAPOP. UUO reports the  number  of  data  files
   times 3.

   The following information is loaded from the label parameter block  of
   a  labelled  magtape.  For more information about the contents of each
   word, refer to the description of the .TFLPR function  of  TAPOP.   in
   Chapter 22.

         Word      Byte     Contents

        .TPREC:   TR.FCT    Forms control.
                  TR.RFM    Record format.

        .TPRSZ              Record size.

        .TPBSZ              Block size.

                               MAGTAPES (MTA)

        .TPEXP:   TP.ECR    Creation date.
                  TP.EEX    Expiration date.

        .TPPRO              Protection code.

        .TPSEQ              File sequence number.

        .TPFNM              File name and extension.

        .TPGEN:   TP.GEN    Generation.
                  TP.VER    Version.

   The following defaults for the label parameters  will  be  set  by  an
   ENTER to the tape label:

        Parameter           Default

        Forms Control       No forms control.  Same  as  .TFCNO  code  in
                            argument  block for function .TFLPR of TAPOP.

        Record Format       Fixed  record  format.   Same  as  .TRFDF  in
                            argument  block for function .TFLPR of TAPOP.

        Record Size         Buffer size times number of bytes  per  word.
                            Buffer  size  is  reported  by DEVSIZ monitor
                            call.  Number of bytes per  word  depends  on
                            the  format  used to write the tape (refer to
                            Section 14.5).

        Block Size          Default is the buffer size.

        Creation date       Defaults to "today" (current date).

        Expiration date     Defaults to "today."

        Protection code     No default.  Taken from ENTER argument block.

        File Sequence No.   Every  file  on  the  tape  is   assigned   a
                            sequential  sequence  number as it is written
                            to the tape.

        File name           Both file name and extension are  taken  from
                            ENTER   argument  block.   If  file  name  in
                            argument block is 0, FILE.nnn is used,  where
                            nnn is the file sequence number.

        Generation No.      Defaults to 0.

        Version No.         Defaults to 0.


                                 CHAPTER 15



   The name of a terminal is of the form TTYnnn, where nnn is  a  3-digit
   octal number (leading zeroes may be omitted).

   Local terminals (connected to the RSX-20F  front  end  on  the  KL  or
   directly  to  the KS) will always have the terminal name that contains
   the number of the terminal line.  Therefore, the terminal connected to
   line  27  will  always  have  the  name  TTY027.   However,  terminals
   connected through an ANF-10 remote station will have a  terminal  name
   based  on the node name, such as NOVA_22, where the node name is NOVA;
   or 32_22, where the ANF-10 node number is 32 and the  line  number  is
   22.   When  a  remotely-connected terminal is connected to the system,
   the monitor assigns it a terminal name on a dynamic basis, from a pool
   of unassigned terminal names.  Therefore, when NOVA_22 is connected to
   the system, the monitor assigns it a terminal name,  such  as  TTY150.
   If  the  terminal  is  disconnected  and  connected  again,  it may be
   assigned a different terminal name, such as TTY56.


   A terminal uses a buffer size of 23 (octal) words.  A terminal can use
   any of the following buffered data modes:

         o  ASCII mode transmits 7-bit characters packed left  justified,
            five  characters  per  word.  If you attempt to do input from
            the terminal in ASCII mode, the monitor will use  ASCII  line


         o  ASCII   line   mode   receives   7-bit   characters    packed
            left-justified, 5 characters per word.  When doing input from
            the terminal, the  monitor  will  return  a  buffer  to  your
            program  when either the buffer is filled (132 characters) or
            if a break character (such as linefeed)  is  input.   If  you
            attempt to do output in ASCII line mode, the monitor will use
            ASCII mode instead.  To do the equivalent of ASCII line  mode
            on  output,  your  program  must  issue  OUT  or OUTPUT calls
            itself, after putting each break  character  in  the  buffer.
            See Section 15.4 for more information about break characters.
            ASCII mode and ASCII line mode are essentially equivalent, in
            that each line (up to a break) uses a buffer, even though the
            buffer might be capable of  storing  more  characters.   Note
            that,  with  IO.BKA  set,  each  character  initiates a break

         o  8-bit  ASCII   mode   receives   8-bit   characters,   packed
            left-justified,  in  four  8-bit  bytes.  8-bit ASCII mode is
            legal for pseudo-terminals (PTY).

         o  Image mode is allowed  only  for  terminal  I/O  and  is  not
            allowed  for pseudo-terminals.  Image mode makes any sequence
            of input characters legal.  Because image mode is a "literal"
            mode,  the  terminal  settings  to  prompt  processing by the
            monitor (such as  FORMFEED,  TABS,  and  so  forth)  are  not
            effective  in  image mode.  Carriage-return does not generate
            an automatic line-feed, line editing is  not  performed,  and
            control  characters,  like CTRL/C and CTRL/Z, do not halt the

            To avoid having a terminal get hung in image  mode  (when  no
            input  can  change  the input mode), the monitor simulates an
            end-of-file if no  characters  are  input  for  ten  seconds.
            After  another ten seconds, the monitor simulates a CTRL/C to
            release the terminal from image mode.

            The simulation of these CTRL/Zs and CTRL/Cs can be  prevented
            by  sending any output to the terminal before the ten seconds
            have passed.  (If no output  is  needed,  you  can  output  a


         o  Packed image mode (PIM) is allowed for terminal I/O  and  for
            pseudo-terminals  (PTYs)  in  full-SCNSER mode.  Packed image
            mode allows efficient throughput of data between programs and
            terminals;  this efficiency is accomplished by minimizing the
            monitor's manipulation and testing of characters.   PIM  does
            not  echo  terminal input, and the OPEN bit IO.SUP is ignored
            in this mode.

            A packed-image character is stored in the buffer as an  8-bit
            value  (7-bit  ASCII  plus  parity  bit); four characters are
            stored in each word.  Your program can define a  "break  set"
            consisting of from one to four break characters for each line
            initialized in packed image mode.  These break characters are
            defined  by  using  the  TRMOP. monitor call.  Note that your
            break set may take into account the parity setting.

            When  the  monitor  receives  a  break  character  from   the
            terminal,  the  character  is  placed  in  the buffer and the
            controlling program is awakened.  Other characters are placed
            into the buffer without waking the program.

            If you define a null break set (0), your controlling  program
            is awakened whenever input is available.  All available input
            is returned, as in image mode.  Note,  however,  that  CTRL/S
            and  CTRL/Q  will  stop/start  output to the terminal in this
            mode; this avoids getting the terminal hung in  packed  image


   The ASCII character set consists of 128 7-bit  character  codes.   The
   8-bit  ASCII  character set has 256 8-bit character codes.  Table 15-1
   shows  the  7-bit  ASCII  codes  and  their  display  characters,  and
   describes   any  special  handling  for  terminal  I/O.   The  monitor
   interprets some control  characters  as  line-editing  commands.   The
   TOPS-10  Operating  System  Commands  Manual describes monitor command
   line editing.


   Table 15-1:  Terminal Handling of ASCII Characters


     Code    Prints    Name and Special Terminal Handling

     000               Null character ignored on input,  suppressed  on
                       output (except for image modes).

     001     ^A        CTRL/A acts as a CTRL/C for  OPSER  subjobs  and

     002     ^B        CTRL/B acts as a break character for MIC.

     003     ^C        CTRL/C returns the job to monitor command level,
                       if  issued  while  the  program  is  waiting for
                       input.  All current type-ahead is cleared.  When
                       used  while  the  program is doing output to the
                       terminal, CTRL/C acts like CTRL/U, clearing  the
                       current   line.   Two  successive  CTRL/Cs  will
                       return the job to monitor command level.

     004     ^D        CTRL/D sends an EOT character (ASCII 004) to the
                       monitor.   If  this  same value were returned to
                       your terminal it might cause  certain  types  of
                       modems  to  hang up and your terminal connection
                       would be lost.  To prevent this from  happening,
                       CTRL/D  is  echoed  as  ^D (136,104).  Note that
                       CTRL/D   acts   as   an   unsolicited   DDT/EDDT
                       breakpoint  when  the  SET  DDT/EDDT  BREAKPOINT
                       facility  is  enabled  (refer  to  the   TOPS-10
                       Operating System Commands Manual).

     005     ^E        CTRL/E.

     006     ^F        CTRL/F.

     007               CTRL/G  rings  the  terminal  bell  instead   of
                       echoing, and is a default break character.

     010               CTRL/H echoes as a backspace and functions as  a
                       DELETE (ASCII 177).  The backspace is not passed
                       to your program unless it is in APL or a special
                       editor mode.

     011               CTRL/I echoes as a tab or an  equivalent  number
                       of  spaces.   See  SET  TTY  TAB in the Commands

     012               CTRL/J echoes as a linefeed  and  is  a  default
                       break character.


     013               CTRL/K echoes as a vertical tab  (default  break
                       character)  or four linefeeds.  See SET TTY FORM
                       in the Commands Manual.

     014               CTRL/L  echoes  as  a  formfeed  (default  break
                       character) or eight linefeeds.  See SET TTY FORM
                       in the Commands Manual.

     015               CTRL/M echoes as a carriage-return/line-feed and
                       is  passed  to  the program as a carriage return
                       and linefeed; the linefeed is  a  default  break
                       character.    Note:    if  the  terminal  is  in
                       papertape  input  mode  (SET  TTY   TAPE),   the
                       carriage return is merely passed to the program.

     016     ^N        CTRL/N.

     017     ^O        CTRL/O echoes, but is not passed to the program.
                       CTRL/O  inverts  the terminal output suppression
                       bit, allowing output to be turned  on  and  off.
                       The suppression bit is cleared by a CTRL/C input
                       character and by all of  the  following  monitor
                       calls:   IN,  INPUT,  OPEN, INIT, FILOP., DDTIN,
                       and the TRMOP.  equivalents.

     020     ^P        CTRL/P acts as a proceed character for MIC.

     021     ^Q        CTRL/Q echoes unless SET TTY XONXOFF is set,  in
                       which   case  it  continues  output  stopped  by
                       CTRL/S.  Note:  CTRL/Q starts papertape  if  SET
                       TTY  TAPE  is  set.  See the SET TTY XONXOFF and
                       SET TTY TAPE commands in the Commands Manual.

     022               CTRL/R does not echo,  but  causes  the  current
                       terminal  line to be retyped.  This includes any
                       edits to  the  line.   Note:   in  RTCOMP  mode,
                       CTRL/R  is  a break character, and does not type
                       the line.  See the SET TTY RTCOMP command in the
                       Commands Manual.

     023     ^S        CTRL/S echoes unless SET TTY XONXOFF is set,  in
                       which case it stops terminal output.  The output
                       is not lost, as it is for CTRL/O, but waits  for
                       CTRL/Q.   Note:  if the terminal is in papertape
                       mode, CTRL/S stops the tape.

     024               CTRL/T does not echo unless SET  TTY  RTCOMP  is
                       set  (see  the  Commands  Manual).   If  SET TTY
                       RTCOMP is set, it echoes as  ^T and is  a  break
                       character.   CTRL/T  (not  in  RTCOMP  mode)  is
                       equivalent  to  the   USESTAT   command,   which
                       displays job status and timing information.


     025     ^U        CTRL/U deletes the current terminal  input  line
                       back to the last break character.  CTRL/U echoes
                       as CTRL/U followed  by  a  carriage  return  and
                       linefeed.   On  video  terminals,  ^U erases the
                       current line on the screen.  Note:  for  special
                       editors, CTRL/U is passed to the editor.

     026     ^V        CTRL/V.

     027     ^W        CTRL/W deletes one word from the terminal  input
                       line.   On  video  terminals, the word is erased
                       from the screen.  For special editors, CTRL/W is
                       passed to the editor.

     030     ^X        CTRL/X.

     031     ^Y        CTRL/Y.

     032     ^Z        CTRL/Z acts  as  an  end-of-file  character  for
                       terminal   input,   and   is   a  default  break
                       character.  CTRL/Z echoes as CTRL/Z followed  by
                       a  carriage  return  and  linefeed  but only the
                       CTRL/Z is passed.  Many system  CUSPs  recognize
                       CTRL/Z as an EXIT command.

     033     $         CTRL/[ echoes as a dollar sign ($)  and  is  the
                       ESCAPE  character.   ESCAPE  is  a default break
                       character (see also codes 175 and 176.)

     034     ^\        CTRL/\ is control-backslash, and when  typed  on
                       the  CTY of KL and KS systems does not echo, but
                       causes the  terminal  to  be  connected  to  the
                       front-end command processor.

     035     ^]        CTRL/].

     036     ^^        CTRL/^.

     037     ^_        CTRL/underscore.

     040     (space)   Blank character.

     041     !         Exclamation point.

     042     "         Quotation mark.

     043     #         Number sign.

     044     $         Dollar sign.

     045     %         Percent sign.


     046     &         Ampersand.

     047     '         Apostrophe.

     050     (         Left parenthesis.

     051     )         Right parenthesis.

     052     *         Asterisk.

     053     +         Plus sign.

     054     ,         Comma.

     055     -         Minus sign (hyphen).

     056     .         Period (decimal point).

     057     /         Slash.

     060     0         Zero.

     ...     ...       Intervening numerals.

     071     9         Nine.

     072     :         Colon.

     073     ;         Semicolon.

     074     <         Left angle bracket.

     075     =         Equal sign.

     076     >         Right angle bracket.

     077     ?         Question mark.

     100     @         At sign.

     101     A         Uppercase A.

     ...     ...       Intervening uppercase letters.

     132     Z         Uppercase Z.

     133     [         Left square bracket.

     134     \         Backslash.

     135     ]         Right square bracket.


     136     ^         Up-arrow.

     137     _         Underscore.

     140     (grave)   Grave accent.

     141     a         Lowercase a.

                       Note:   Lowercase  letters  are  translated   to
                       uppercase  unless  SET  TTY  LC  is  set  or the
                       appropriate terminal type  has  been  specified.
                       Refer to the Commands Manual.

     ...     ...       Intervening lowercase letters.

     172     z         Lowercase z.

     173     {         Left brace.

     174     |         Vertical line.

     175     }         Right brace.  This is  converted  to  ASCII  033
                       (ESCAPE), if altmode conversion is enabled.

     176     ~         Tilde.  This is converted to ASCII 033  (ESCAPE)
                       if  altmode conversion is enabled (using SET TTY
                       ALTMODE command).

     177               DELETE deletes  a  character  from  the  current
                       terminal  input  line.   DELETE  is  ignored  in
                       papertape mode, and is passed to DDT and special


   A set of control characters acts as a default set of break characters.
   A break character defines the end of line for an INCHWL call.

   The default break character set is:


   In addition, if the terminal has SET TTY RTCOMPATIBILITY  set,  CTRL/R
   and CTRL/T act as break characters.


   If the terminal is in SLAVE mode, the following  characters  are  also
   break characters:


   You can define your own set of break characters  by  setting  the  I/O
   status  bit  IO.ABS  in the OPEN call, and including a bit mask in the
   argument to the OPEN call for this channel.  The IO.ABS state  can  be
   set or cleared at any time using the SETSTS call.  When set, the state
   is controlled using the TRMOP.  call.  When IO.ABS is  initially  set,
   the  break  mask will be set to all zeros, implying that no characters
   are defined as break characters, and the field width is initially  set
   to  one,  causing  normal echo of control characters and a wakeup with
   each character that is typed.

   You handle input with INCHWL, the appropriate  TRMOP. function  (input
   line),  or  with  buffered  terminal input.  Each field (line) will be
   determined by the break set or the  field  width.   Wakeup  can  occur
   prematurely, such as when monitor buffer space is limited.  You should
   ensure that your program can handle early breaks.

   The call can be used to read the break set as well as write it.  On  a
   read  function, the field width and break mask will be returned to the
   user at BLOCK+3.

   IO.ABS mode allows you to control the field  width  using  the  .TOSBS
   function.   The  mode can be set or cleared at any time.  Clearing the
   mode clears the break mask, and setting the mode creates a  new  table
   of break masks.  The default table has no break characters and a field
   width of one, thus setting the terminal up for single-character I/O.

   Even when IO.ABS is set, echoing is controlled by IO.SUP.   If  IO.SUP
   is  set  in  the  I/O  status  word,  no  characters are echoed by the
   monitor.  If IO.SUP is not set, printing characters (ASCII  codes  101
   to 176) are echoed by the monitor, and control characters that are not
   defined as break characters are echoed.  Control characters defined as
   break  characters  will  never  be echoed.  This includes RETURN, line
   feed, vertical tab, and bell characters.

   When IO.ABS is set, the monitor will do no line editing functions,  so
   CTRL/T,  CTRL/W, CTRL/U, CTRL/R, and DELETE will not function.  IO.ABS
   mode has no effect on CTRL/C processing, however.


   Setting IO.ABS also implies deferred echo mode.   Characters  are  not
   echoed  until  the  program  requests  input  from  the terminal.  The
   monitor postpones the echo of any characters after a  break  character
   is  typed,  until  the  program attempts to read the next field.  That
   field is echoed up  to  its  break  character,  and  so  forth.   This
   prevents  echoing  during  any  change in IO.SUP or IO.ABS states, and
   ensures synchronization of echo and program output.


   Local Area  Transport  (LAT)  is  a  protocol  that  supports  virtual
   terminal  connections  over  Ethernet.   TOPS-10  can  serve as a host
   system that users on LAT servers can access.  Any TOPS-10 system  that
   has  an  Ethernet  connection  and  is running TOPS-10 Version 7.03 or
   later can use LAT.

   Serial line printers can be connected to  ports  on  LAT  servers  and
   accessed  as terminals by a TOPS-10 host.  Printers that are connected
   to LAT servers can be shared by multiple hosts on  the  Ethernet  much
   like  printers  on ANF-10 nodes can be shared by multiple hosts on the
   ANF-10 network.  Such terminal ports are defined as a service and  are
   called   "application   terminals".    See  the  descriptions  of  the
   LATOP. UUO and the TRMOP. UUO in Volume 2.


   Terminal classes are defined by  the  attributes  and  characteristics
   exhibited  by  that class as a whole.  Within a class, the presence of
   additional attributes distinguish one terminal type from another.  The
   TOPS-10 monitor supports DIGITAL-defined terminal classes and provides
   the  means  to  support  customer-defined  classes.   You  may  define
   terminal  classes  and  assign  member  types to these classes by your
   answers to the appropriate questions in the MONGEN dialog.

   Terminal characteristics definitions for all DIGITAL-defined  terminal
   classes  are  contained  in  COMDEV.MAC.   The  definitions  for  some
   commonly used terminals are listed in Table 15-2.

   15.6.1  Reading and Setting Terminal Class

   The TRMOP. function .TOTCN reads the terminal class name.  The  GETTAB
   Table .GTTCN reads the terminal class names known to the monitor.  The
   default terminal type name can be obtained by the GETTAB item  %CNDTT,
   in Table .GTCNF.


   15.6.2  Reading and Setting Terminal Type

   The TRMOP. function .TOTTN examines and sets the  real  terminal  type
   name  for  unknown  terminal  types.   This  is stored in the LDB as a
   SIXBIT word, and is not used by the monitor.

   15.6.3  Reading and Setting Terminal Attributes

   The TRMOP. functions .TOATR, .TOAT2, and .TOAT3 allow  users  to  read
   and set the attributes words.

   Attributes used by the monitor are the overstrike and  ISO  attributes
   (TA.OVR  and  TA.ISO).   These  affect  how  eight-bit  characters are
   translated to seven-bit  for  fallback  presentation  when  TA.8BT  is

   The attributes defined by .TOATR are listed below:

     Bit       Symbol        Description

     0         TA.8BT        Eight-bit terminal
     1         TA.DIS        Display
     2         TA.OVR        Overprinting
     3         TA.8BA        8-bit Architecture
     4         TA.NRC        NRCs
     5         TA.ISO        ISO/Latin-1 (not DEC/MCS)
     6         TA.LID        Line Insertion/Deletion
     7         TA.CID        Character Insertion/Deletion
     8         TA.SRM        Scroll Regions (DECSTBM)
     9         TA.GAT        Guarded Area Transfer
     10        TA.SEM        Selective Erase (DECSEL/DECSED)
     11        TA.AVO        Advanced Video Option
     12        TA.PPO        Printer Port Option
     13        TA.GPO        ReGIS
     14        TA.SXL        SIXEL Graphics
     15        TA.TEK        TEK 4010/4014 Emulation
     16        TA.RCS        Dynamically Redefinable Character Sets
     17        TA.UDK        User-Defined Keys
     18        TA.VFW        Variable Forms Width
     19        TA.VFL        Variable Forms Length
     20        TA.V52        VT52 Emulation
     21        TA.ESL        Extra Status Line
     22        TA.JTK        Katakana
     23        TA.TCS        DEC Technical Character Set
     24        TA.TSI        Terminal State Interrogation
     25        TA.BMT        Block-Mode Transfer
     26        TA.BTA        Block Transfer is ANSI
     27        TA.HSR        Horizontal Scrolling
     28        TA.UWN        User Windows
     29        TA.SSU        Multiple Sessions
     30        TA.CLR        Colored terminal screen


   The attributes defined by .TOAT2 are listed below:

     Bit       Symbol        Description

     0-2       T2.LDT        Locator Device Type (Mouse/Tablet)
         0       .T2UNK      Unknown
         1       .T2MOU      Mouse
         2       .T2TAB      Tablet
     3-6       T2.ACL        ANSI Conformance Level
     7-10                    T2.DCL DEC Conformance Level

   The remainder of the bits returned for .TOATR and .TOAT2 are  reserved
   for future definition by Digital.

   The bits for .TOAT3 are reserved for customer definition.  The symbols
   for bits and fields in .TOAT3 are of the form

   15.6.4  Terminal Characteristics Definitions

   The terminal characteristics definitions for VT52,  VT100,  and  VT220
   type  terminals  are listed in the table below, as well as definitions
   for the serial line laser printers LN01S and LN03.   Note  that  class
   and type designation may be the same; additional attributes present in
   a particular type within a class distinguishe that  type  from  others
   within the class.

   Table 15-2:  Terminal Characteristics


     Type             VT52       VT100      VT220      LN01S      LN03

     Class            VT52       VT100      VT200      LN01S      LN03

     Attributes on    DIS        SRM        DIS        NKB        NKB
                      V52        DIS        SEM                   8BA
                                 AVO        8BA                
                                 VFW        LID                
                                 V52        CID                

     Attributes off   ---        ---        ---        ---        ---


     Width            80         80         80         80         80

     Length           24         24         24         66         66

     Fill             0          0          0          0          0

     ANSI level       0          1          2          1          2

     DEC level        0          1          2          1          1

     BPERAS           VTXXEP     V100EP     V100EP     0          1

     BPRUBO           VTXXBP     VTXXBP     VTXXBP     0          0

     Characters       TAB        TAB        TAB        FF         FF
                      LC         LC         LC         TAB        TAB
                      XON        XON        XON        LC         LC
                      CRLF       CRLF       CRLF       XON        XON

   15.7  TERMINAL I/O

   TTCALLs operate only on a controlling terminal.  TRMOP. must  be  used
   for other terminals and may also be used for the controlling terminal.

   In addition to its general I/O monitor calls, TOPS-10 offers a  number
   of  special  terminal  monitor  calls  to  make  terminal I/O simpler.
   Special terminal monitor calls include:

        GETLIN    Returns the SIXBIT physical name of the controlling

        TRMNO.    Returns the Universal Device Index for the controlling
                  terminal.  This index includes the terminal number in
                  bits 27-35.

        TRMOP.    Performs many useful terminal operations.  See the
                  TRMOP. functions in Chapter 22.

        INCHRW    Inputs a character from the controlling terminal (waits
                  for the character).

        OUTCHR    Outputs a character to the controlling terminal.

        INCHRS    Inputs a character from the controlling terminal (skips
                  only if a character is received).

        OUTSTR    Outputs an ASCIZ string to the controlling terminal.

        INCHWL    Inputs a character from the controlling terminal only
                  if a break character has been typed.


        INCHSL    Inputs a character from the controlling terminal only
                  if a break character has been typed and skips if the
                  character is received.

        GETLCH    Returns the characteristics for a terminal line.

        SETLCH    Sets the characteristics for the controlling terminal.

        RESCAN    Allows your program to read the monitor command that
                  invoked it.

        CLRBFI    Clears any typeahead on the controlling terminal.
                  Useful following detection of an error on a previous

        CLRBFO    Clears the buffer for output to terminal.

        SKPINC    Skips if at least one character has been typed on the
                  controlling terminal.

        SKPINL    Skips if at least one line has been typed on the
                  controlling terminal.

        IONEOU    Displays an 8-bit image mode character on the
                  controlling terminal.

        CHTRN.    Translates characters from one interpretation to
                  another.  For instance, you can use CHTRN.  to
                  translate 8-bit characters to 7-bit characters.  You
                  should use this UUO instead of writing a program for
                  character translation, because CHTRN. translates using
                  an ANSI standard table.


   A program can perform non-blocking I/O with the terminal by posting  a
   read  request  for  the terminal.  You can do this using either of the
   following methods:

         o  A TTCALL, such as:

             -  SKPINL to select line mode without committing to actually
                reading a character or line.

             -  INCHRS or INCHSL to select the mode and to commit to
                accepting any available character or line.

         o  A HIBER call, setting HB.RTC to set character mode, or HB.RTL
            to set line mode.  In this case, the program will HIBER until
            a WAKE is made, and the program must determine the reason for


   Otherwise, the program can rely on the PSI system (described in
   Chapter 6) to interrupt the program when a character or line is ready
   to be processed.

   Your program must use one of the above methods for non-blocking I/O if
   the terminal is set to deferred echo mode.  In deferred echo mode, the
   monitor echoes no characters until the program has posted a read
   request, and the terminal input cannot be processed until the
   characters have been echoed.  The program need not block while waiting
   for input, but it must indicate its ability to accept commands by
   using one of the above methods, so that the monitor will echo terminal
   input at the first opportunity.

   The user program must be aware of the fact that input character
   echoing activity has a lower priority to the monitor than output
   character activity from the program.  As long as the program is
   sending characters to the terminal, all input characters are being
   stored by the monitor, waiting for an opportunity to echo to the
   terminal, in deferred echo mode.  It is possible for a program to keep
   the terminal busy processing output, so that the terminal will never
   be available for input.  The program must allow for this possibility
   by stopping output or by checking the terminal input buffer to
   determine whether echoing is required.  Use the TRMOP. function .TOECC
   to determine whether echoing is required.


   If a  terminal  has  a  papertape  device  attached,  it  can  perform
   papertape  I/O.   To enable papertape I/O from the terminal, issue the
   SET  TTY  TAPE  monitor  command.   This  enables  the  four  required
   characters:   CTRL/Q (XON), CTRL/S (XOFF), CTRL/R (AUX ON), and CTRL/T
   (AUX OFF).

   15.9.1  Using Terminal Papertape Input

   To begin reading from a terminal  papertape,  you  must  type  CTRL/Q.
   Papertape  input ends when a CTRL/S is read from the papertape or from
   the terminal keyboard.


   The following example shows how to  read  from  a  terminal  papertape
   reader into the disk file DSK:FILE.FIL:

        .SET TTY TAPE
        .R PIP
        ^QThis line is from the papertape.
        So is this one.
        And even this last one.

   15.9.2  Using Terminal Papertape Output

   The terminal  papertape  punch  is  connected  in  parallel  with  the
   keyboard printer; therefore when the punch is on, all characters typed
   on the keyboard are punched on the papertape.

   Papertape output begins with a CTRL/R typed at the terminal;  for  the
   LT33B  or LT33H terminal, a CTRL/R character output from a program can
   begin papertape output.

   Papertape output continues until a  CTRL/T  character  occurs  in  the
   punched  output (either from a program or from the terminal keyboard).
   The CTRL/T is the last character punched on the papertape.

   If your program is punching papertape at a terminal, it  should  punch
   several inches of blank tape before the final CTRL/T; this permits you
   to tear off and discard the CTRL/T character at the end of the tape.


   The I/O status bits for the terminal  are  listed  below.   The  error
   flags are set by the monitor, but the I/O status bits (bits 23 through
   35) can be set by your program to initiate different modes of I/O.


    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

   18-21   IO.ERR    Error flags.  These  are  returned  by  the  monitor
                     after an I/O operation that failed:

                     Flag   Symbol    Error

                      18    IO.IMP    Not assigned to a job for image
                                      mode input.
                      19    IO.DER    Ignore interrupts for 0.75 seconds.
                      20    IO.DTE    Echo failure on output.
                      21    IO.BKT    Character lost on input.

                     If all of these bits are set,  the  remote  node  to
                     which the terminal is connected has failed.
      23   IO.ACT    Device active.
      25   IO.ABS    Enable using break mask.  (Refer to Section 15.4.)
      26   IO.BKA    Break on all characters.  An IN or INPUT  call  will
                     terminate   on   the  first  character  typed,  thus
                     enabling character input mode.
      27   IO.TEC    Truth in echoing  mode.   This  causes  all  control
                     characters  to be output as themselves (for example,
                     the ESCAPE character is not echoed as $ but as octal
      28   IO.SUP    Suppress echoing.
      29   IO.LEM    Enable  special  editor  mode.   This  causes   some
                     control  characters (CTRL/R, CTRL/H, CTRL/U, CTRL/W,
                     and DELETE) to be passed to the program and  ignored
                     by   the   monitor,   except  to  echo  the  control
                     characters and to act as break characters.
   32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                        0   .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                        1   .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                        2   .IOPIM    Packed image mode.
                        4   .IOAS8    8-bit ASCII mode.
                       10   .IOIMG    Image mode.

   Using the TRMOP. call's function .TOBKA, your program can test whether
   the terminal is in line input or character input mode.  Unless you set
   the file status bit IO.BKA, line input mode is assumed.


   Most jobs that run on the TOPS-10 monitor are initiated by a user at a
   terminal  with  the  LOGIN command.  Unless the job is detached by the
   DETACH command, it remains under control of the terminal until  it  is
   logged out (using KJOB).


   A  program  can  control  a  job  by  simulating  a   terminal.    The
   pseudo-terminal   (a   software-defined   device)  simulates  terminal
   interaction between the job and the pseudo-terminal  (called  a  PTY).
   The  controlling  program  (for example, the batch processor) uses the
   PTY device in the same way that a user uses a physical  terminal.   It
   initiates  the  job  on  the  PTY, provides input, accepts output, and
   closes the PTY, all by means of monitor calls.

   A controlling job (BATCON, for example) communicates  with  controlled
   jobs  (such  as batch jobs) through a PTY.  The PTY device handles the
   terminal commands for the controlling job.  It  passes  input  to  the
   terminal input buffer of the controlled job and passes output from the
   controlled job's terminal output buffer to the controlling job.  Input
   is  only  echoed  if  the  full-SCNSER  PTY  bit  is set.  Figure 15-1
   illustrates PTY I/O.

                               Output <===

   ..........      ........      .....      ..........      ........
   :User    : <=== :      : <=== :   : <=== :Software: <=== :      :
   :terminal: ---> :Prog A: ---> :PTY: ---> :Terminal: ---> :Prog B:
   :........:      :......:      :...:      :........:      :......:

                               Input --->

   Figure 15-1:  PTY I/O

   In Figure 15-1, Program  A  is  the  controlling  job.   For  example,
   Program A might be OPSER.  Program B is the controlled job.  Program B
   performs I/O just as though it were  performing  I/O  with  a  command
   terminal,  by  placing I/O into its terminal I/O buffer.  However, the
   PTY replaces the controlling terminal function by passing I/O  to  and
   from the controlling job (Program A).

   A PTY is never in I/O wait state.  Therefore, a program will not block
   for  PTY  I/O.   This  allows  the  program  to control multiple PTYs.
   Therefore, the program can use HIBER, read I/O status bits, or  JOBSTS
   to determine whether I/O from a PTY is necessary.

   The buffer size for a PTY is the same as for a terminal:   23  (octal)

   15.11.1  Pseudo-Terminal Names

   The device name of a PTY is of the form:


   Where:  nnn is a 3-digit octal number (leading zeros must be omitted).


   15.11.2  Pseudo-Terminal I/O

   A number of monitor calls are especially important to a PTY-controlled
   program.  These include:

        OPEN      Sets up for PTY  I/O.   Optionally,  you  may  set  the
                  full-SCNSER  PTY bit, allowing the PTY to be controlled
                  directly by a terminal.  Setting this bit creates a PTY
                  with  all  the characteristics of a terminal.  (Some of
                  the TRMOP.  functions are meaningless for a PTY.)

        HIBER     Allows the controlling program to  temporarily  suspend
                  execution until either of the following occurs:

                   o  The PTY has I/O.  If your controlling  program  set
                      HB.RPT  when  is  used the HIBER call, your program
                      will be woken whenever I/O is necessary.

                   o  A specified amount of time has  passed  since  your
                      program went to sleep.  Your program will wake even
                      if no activity has occurred in the controlled  job.
                      Your  program  should  check  JOBSTS  to  determine
                      whether the PTY has I/O.  Your controlling  program
                      can  abort  any  controlled programs by sending two
                      CTRL/Cs to the PTY of the controlled job.

                  If  the  controlling  job  need   not   interrupt   the
                  controlled  jobs,  it  should  put itself back to sleep
                  with another HIBER call.

                  If your program does not set the HB.RPT bit for a HIBER
                  call,  the monitor wakes the controlling job every time
                  there is  a  change  in  the  I/O  status  bits.   This
                  prevents  your  job  from  sleeping  when  it should be
                  servicing the controlled jobs.

                  The output is sent from your controlling program to the
                  PTY,  and  thus  read  by  the  controlled job from its
                  terminal input buffer, just as though it came from  its
                  own  terminal.   When  your  program performs an OUT or
                  OUTPUT to the  controlled  job,  the  first  OUT/OUTPUT
                  after  an  OPEN, INIT, or FILOP.  causes the monitor to
                  discard  the  contents  of  the  PTY's  output  buffer.
                  (Refer  to  the RELEAS monitor call, below.) Thus, your
                  program should send a  "dummy"  OUT/OUTPUT  before  its
                  first real output.


                  The OUT or OUTPUT calls cause the monitor to:

                  1.  Place characters from  your  controlling  program's
                      buffer  ring  into the input buffer of the terminal
                      linked to the PTY.

                  2.  Clear the IO.PTI bit in the  I/O  status  word,  so
                      that the job is not in input wait state.

                  3.  Set or clear the IO.PTM bit in the I/O status word,
                      depending on the state of the terminal.

                  For PTY output, the monitor also:

                  1.  Discards all null characters (ASCII 000).

                  2.  If more  output  is  performed  than  the  PTY  can
                      accept,  the monitor sets the IO.BKT bit in the I/O
                      status  word,  discarding  the  remainder  of   the
                      controlling program's output buffer.

                  3.  The   monitor   also   translates   all   lowercase
                      characters  sent  to  the  PTY to uppercase, if the
                      appropriate bit is  not  set  for  the  PTY,  using
                      TRMOP. function     .TOLCT.      Many     of    the
                      TRMOP. characteristics can be set for a full-SCNSER
                      PTY.  (See the OPEN call in Chapter 22.)

                  The input comes from the controlled job,  which  places
                  the  data  in  the PTY's output buffer, from which your
                  controlling job can read it with IN or  INPUT.   If  no
                  characters  are  read,  the  monitor  returns  an empty
                  buffer.  An INPUT call does not cause a wait state.

                  The monitor passes all  available  characters  to  your
                  controlling program.  If there are more characters than
                  can fit in the buffer of the controlling  program,  the
                  monitor  sets  bit  IO.PTO  in the file status word and
                  waits  for  another  INPUT  monitor  call.   When   the
                  terminal's  buffer  is  emptied  by  an INPUT call, the
                  monitor clears bit IO.PTO.


        RELEAS    For a PTY, the RELEAS call causes the monitor to:

                  1.  Discard the contents of the terminal's output

                  2.  Detach the controlled job from the terminal (if it
                      is attached).

                  3.  Release the PTY from its channel.


                      Haphazard use of RELEAS  with  PTYs  may  leave
                      detached  jobs  on the system; these use system
                      resources unnecessarily.

        JOBSTS    Returns data about the PTY and the controlled job.

        CTLJOB    On a normal (skip) return, this call  returns  the  job
                  number of the controlling job; you must specify the job
                  number of the controlled job.  On an error return,  you
                  specified an invalid (non-existent) job number.  The AC
                  is not cleared on an error return.


   A pseudo-terminal can use ASCII or ASCII line mode.  These  modes  are
   identical in action to the same modes for terminal devices.


   The I/O status bits for the PTY are:

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

      21   IO.BKT    More output sent than was accepted by the PTY.
      23   IO.ACT    Device active.
      24   IO.PTI    Job is waiting to receive input.
      25   IO.PTO    Job is waiting to send output.
      26   IO.PTM    Subjob is in monitor mode.
   32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                        0   .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                        1   .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                        2   .IOPIM    Packed image mode (for full-SCNSER
                                      PTYs only).
                        4   .IOAS8    8-bit ASCII mode.



                                 CHAPTER 16

                            LINE PRINTERS (LPT)

   TOPS-10 supports up to three line  printers  for  each  CPU  in  a  KL
   system.   For  KS  systems,  TOPS-10  supports  one line printer.  The
   printers discussed in this chapter are parallel line devices.   Serial
   devices,  such  as  the  LN01S and the LN03 printers, are discussed in
   Chapter 15.


   The physical names of  the  line  printers  are  LPTnn0,  LPTnn1,  and
   LPTnn2, where nn is the node number for the system.

   16.1.1  Controller Names

   The controller name for the  line  printers  is  either  BA10,  LP100,
   LP200, LP11, or LP20.

   16.1.2  Unit Names

   The unit name of  a  line  printer  is  LSP10-LA,  LSP10-LB,  LP10-Fc,
   LP10-Hc,  (where c is A, B, C, or D), LPT20xx, LP14, LP25, LP26, LP27,
   LP05, LP14, LP07, or LN01.  The LN01 is a laser printer.

                            LINE PRINTERS (LPT)


   The buffer size for a line printer is 37 (octal) words.

   A line printer can use any of the following data modes:

         o  In ASCII mode, ASCII characters are sent to the line  printer
            exactly  as  they  appear  in  the  buffer.  The line printer
            prints from 1 to 8 spaces for a tab, feeds four lines  for  a
            vertical  tab,  and  skips  to  top-of-page for a formfeed; a
            linefeed moves the paper up one line and returns the carriage
            to  the left position; a carriage-return returns the carriage
            return to the left position.

         o  ASCII line mode is identical to ASCII mode.

         o  8-bit ASCII mode is allowed only on a line  printer  attached
            to  a  network  line.  Otherwise, it functions identically to
            ASCII mode.

         o  Image mode is identical to ASCII mode.


   The monitor normally sends a formfeed to the line printer on the first
   OUT  or  OUTPUT  call, and on a CLOSE call.  Your program can suppress
   these formfeeds by setting the IO.SFF bit in the I/O status word.

   The DEVOP. call reads and sets various line  printer  characteristics,
   and  performs  other  operations  for  line  printers.  For local-line
   printers and console front-end  printers,  use  DEVSTS. to  read  line
   printer characteristics.  Refer to Chapter 22 in Volume 2.

                            LINE PRINTERS (LPT)


   The I/O status bits for the line printer are as follows:

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

      23   IO.ACT    Device active.
      25   IO.SVF    Suppresses  the  vertical  format  unit  on  a  line
                     printer.   This  allows  LN01  fonts and graphics to
                     print correctly.  Refer  to  the  TOPS-10  Operating
                     System Commands Manual for information on using LN01
      29   IO.SFF    Suppress formfeeds on OUT, OUTPUT, and CLOSE monitor
   32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                        0   .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                        1   .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                        4   .IOAS8    8-bit ASCII mode, for network line
                                      printers only.
                       10   .IOIMG    Image mode.



                                 CHAPTER 17


   TOPS-10 supports two card readers and 2 card punch units for each  CPU
   (KL  processors only) on the system.  For KS processors, one reader is
   supported, but no card punch device is supported.  A card reader is an
   input  device  that can be connected to an MPX (multi-plexed) channel.
   A card punch is an output device to punch data on punched cards, which
   are then read by the card reader.

   A card reader can read cards in either 026 code or in ANSI code.   The
   first  card contains a punch code in column 1 that shows which code is
   used:  12-11-8-9 for 026 code or 12-0-2-4-6-8 for ANSI code.

   See the Commands Manual for a table of ASCII codes, ANSI  card  codes,
   026 card codes, and binary coded decimal (BCD) codes.

   The end-of-file for a card deck is indicated in one of two ways:

         o  The deck ends with an end-of-file card (12-11-0-1-6-7-8-9  in
            column 1).

         o  The operator or user presses the end-of-file key on the  card


   The card reader names are CDRnn0 and CDRnn1 and the card  punch  names
   are CDPnn0 and CDPnn1.

   Where:  nn is the node number.

   The unit name of a card reader  is  one  of  the  following:   CR10-D,
   CR10-E, or CR10-F.

   The unit name of a card punch is either CP10A or CP10D.



   A card reader can use any of five data modes:

        1.  In ASCII mode,all 80 columns of each card are  translated  to
            ASCII characters and placed in the buffer.  A header card can
            be the first card in the file; if so, this card indicates  in
            column 1 whether the deck is in 026 code (12-11-8-9 punch) or
            in ANSI code (12-0-2-4-6-8 punch).

            The card reader service routine inserts a carriage-return and
            a  linefeed  after  each card.  As many cards as possible are
            read into the buffer; data from a card is not divided between
            buffers.   For  the  default buffer size of 24 (octal) words,
            data from only one card is placed in a buffer.

        2.  ASCII line mode is identical to ASCII mode.

        3.  In image mode, each buffer is 36 (octal) words  and  receives
            one  card  of 80 characters.  Each character is placed in the
            buffer as a 12-bit byte; the last byte of the buffer  is  not

        4.  In image binary mode, column 1 of each card  must  contain  a
            7-9 punch (to verify that the mode is image binary).  If this
            punch is missing, the monitor sets the IO.IMP bit in the file
            status  word.   Column 1 also contains the word count for the
            card in punch fields 12  through  3.   Column  2  contains  a
            12-bit  folded  checksum.  For image binary mode, a buffer is
            35 (octal) words long.

            The folded checksum is formed by adding the data words (two's
            complement  arithmetic),  then dividing the result into three
            12-bit bytes that are added (one's complement arithmetic).

        5.  In superimage mode, the 36 bits from the I/O bus  are  placed
            (BLKI)  directly  into  the  buffer.  To use superimage mode,
            your program must set the IO.SIM bit in the file status word.
            The buffer size in superimage mode is 123 (octal) words.



   A card punch can use any of five data modes:

        1.  In ASCII mode,  characters  are  read  from  the  buffer  and
            punched  in  a card code (026 code if IO.D29 is not set; ANSI
            code if IO.D29 is set).  Each buffer contains up to 80  ASCII
            characters,  and  is punched on one card.  Tabs are simulated
            by punching from 1 to 8 blanks; a linefeed ends  a  card  and
            begins a new one; formfeeds and carriage-returns are ignored;
            all other nontranslatable characters are punched as  question
            marks.  A buffer in ASCII mode is 23 (octal) words.

            A card can be split between buffers, but an attempt to  punch
            more  than 80 characters on a card sets the IO.BKT bit in the
            file status word.

            On the first OUT or OUTPUT call to the card punch, an  entire
            card is punched indicating which card code is used:  12-2-4-8
            punches for 026 code; 12-2-4-6-8 punches for ANSI code.

            On a CLOSE monitor  call  to  the  card  punch,  the  monitor
            punches  the  last  card  (from  the  buffer)  and punches an
            end-of-file card.

        2.  ASCII line mode is identical to ASCII mode.

        3.  In image mode, each 12-bit byte of data from  the  buffer  is
            punched as one card column; the last byte in the last word is
            discarded.  (The monitor usually sets up this handling  using
            36-bit bytes; if your program specifies 12-bit bytes, it must
            skip the last byte in the buffer.) For image mode, the buffer
            size is 36 (octal).

            On a CLOSE monitor  call  to  the  card  punch,  the  monitor
            punches  the  last  card  (from  the  buffer)  and punches an
            end-of-file card.

        4.  In image binary mode, one card is  punched  for  each  output
            buffer.   A  buffer is 36 (octal) words.  Your program should
            not force output after each 80  columns,  since  this  wastes
            disk space if the output file is spooled.

            On a CLOSE monitor  call  to  the  card  punch,  the  monitor
            punches  the  last  card  (from  the  buffer)  and punches an
            end-of-file card.


        5.  In binary mode, each card contains data in columns 3  through
            80.   A  buffer  is  35  (octal)  words.  Column 1 contains a
            binary word count in punches 12 through 3, and a  7-9  punch;
            column 2 contains a folded checksum.

            The folded checksum is formed by adding the data words (two's
            complement  arithmetic),  then dividing the result into three
            12-bit bytes that are added (one's complement arithmetic).

   17.4  CARD DEVICE I/O

   On each interrupt for card readers and punches connected  to  the  I/O
   bus, the device status word is updated (it stores the result of a CONI
   in the DDB); use the DEVSTS monitor call to retrieve the status.

   On a CLOSE monitor call to the card punch,  the  monitor  punches  the
   last  card  (from  the  buffer)  and punches an end-of-file card.  The
   end-of-file card and columns 2 through 80 of the header  card  contain
   the  same  punch that appears in column 1 for file identification.  On
   input, these punches are ignored by the device service routine.


   The I/O status bits for the card reader and card punch are as follows:

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

   18-21   IO.ERR    Error flags:

                     Flag   Symbol    Error

                      18    IO.IMP    Column 1 of a card presumed  binary
                                      did  not have 7-9 punch; the reader
                                      is  stopped.   (For   card   reader
                      19    IO.DER    For card reader, a photocell  error
                                      occurred,  indicating  that  a card
                                      motion  error  caused  data  to  be
                                      missed; the reader is stopped.  For
                                      card punch, a punch error occurred.
                      20    IO.DTE    Checksum read from  card  different
                                      from  computed checksum; the reader
                                      is  stopped.   (For   card   reader
                      21    IO.BKT    End-of-file reached with data still
                                      in buffer.  Attempted to punch more
                                      than 80 columns on one  card  (card
                                      punch only).


      22   IO.EOF    End-of-file card read  or  end-of-file  key  pressed
                     (card reader only).
      23   IO.ACT    Device active.
      29   IO.SIM    Superimage mode for card readers.
      29   IO.D29    For card punches, specifies that ANSI  codes  should
                     be  punched  in ASCII mode.  If this bit is cleared,
                     punch codes will be 026.
   32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                       0    .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                       1    .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                      10    .IOIMG    Image mode.
                      13    .IOIBN    Image binary mode.
                      14    .IOBIN    Binary mode.



                                 CHAPTER 18


   TOPS-10 supports one papertape reader and one papertape punch for each
   CPU on the system.


   The physical name of the papertape reader on a system  is  PTRnn0  and
   the name of a papertape punch is PTPnn0.

   Where:  nn is the node number of the system for the reader.

   The unit name of a papertape reader is PC04 or PC05.  The unit name of
   a papertape punch is PC09.


   The buffer size for a papertape reader is 43 (octal) words.

   A papertape reader uses any of five data modes:   ASCII,  ASCII  line,
   image,  binary  image,  or  binary.   For  all  these  data modes, the
   physical end-of-tape sets the end-of-file bit  (IO.EOF)  in  the  file
   status word, but does not send an end-of-file character to the buffer.

        1.  In ASCII mode,  the  monitor  ignores  blanks  (000),  delete
            characters  (377), and nulls (200).  The parity bit (punch 8)
            is not sent to the buffer, so that characters  put  into  the
            buffer are 7-bit ASCII.

        2.  In ASCII line mode, the monitor behaves the same as in  ASCII
            mode, except that each line ends with a linefeed, a formfeed,
            or a vertical tab.

        3.  In image mode, 8-bit characters are copied  into  the  buffer
            exactly as they are received from the reader.


        4.  In image  binary  mode,  if  punch  8  is  not  punched,  the
            character  is  ignored; otherwise, the first six punch fields
            are sent to the buffer as a SIXBIT character.

        5.  In binary mode, the monitor  reads  checksummed  binary  data
            into  the  buffer.   The right half of the first word of each
            physical block contains the number of data words that follow;
            the left half contains half of the folded checksum.

            The folded checksum is formed by adding the data words (two's
            complement  arithmetic),  then dividing the result into three
            12-bit bytes that are added (one's complement arithmetic).

            The maximum block length  is  40  (octal)  words.   The  byte
            pointer  is initialized to point to the second word, skipping
            the word containing the word count and folded checksum.


   The buffer size  for  a  papertape  punch  is  43  (octal)  words.   A
   papertape punch uses any of five data modes:

        1.  In ASCII mode, ASCII characters are sent to the  punch.   For
            each  character,  the  8th  hole is punched if needed to make
            even parity.

        2.  In ASCII line mode, ASCII characters are sent to  the  punch.
            A  tapefeed  character (000) is inserted after each formfeed.
            A delete character is inserted after each  vertical  tab  and
            horizontal  tab.   Nulls  are  deleted.   ASCII  line mode is
            identical to ASCII mode.

        3.  In image mode,  8-bit  characters  are  sent  to  the  punch,
            exactly as they appear in the buffer.

        4.  In image binary mode,  SIXBIT  characters  are  sent  to  the
            punch,  exactly  as  they  appear  in  the  buffer.  For each
            character, the 7th hole is left  unpunched  and  the  8th  is
            punched.  There is no format control, and no checksumming.

        5.  In binary mode, each bufferful of data is sent to  the  punch
            as  a  single  checksummed  binary block.  The format of this
            block is described in the previous  section.   Several  blank
            characters are punched after each bufferful to provide visual


   18.4  PAPERTAPE I/O

   On each interrupt, the papertape device status  word  is  updated  (it
   stores  the  result of a CONI in the DDB); use the DEVSTS monitor call
   to retrieve the status.

   On the first OUT or OUTPUT call to the papertape  punch,  the  monitor
   sends  two  fanfolds  of blank tape to the punch; on a CLOSE call, the
   monitor sends one fanfold of  blank  tape.   A  CLOSE  call  does  not
   automatically append an end-of-file character to the data sent.


   The I/O status bits for the papertape devices are listed below.   Note
   that IO.ERR (bits 18-21) can be set only for papertape readers.

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

      18   IO.IMP    Incomplete binary block.
      20   IO.DTE    Bad checksum in binary mode.
      22   IO.EOF    Physical end-of-tape found; no end-of-file character
                     is in the buffer.
      23   IO.ACT    Device active (for readers and punches).
   32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                       0    .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                       1    .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                      10    .IOIMG    Image mode.
                      13    .IOIBN    Image binary mode.
                      14    .IOBIN    Binary mode.



                                 CHAPTER 19

                               PLOTTERS (PLT)

   TOPS-10 supports two plotters for each CPU on the system (KL processor


   The physical names of plotters are PLTnn0 and PLTnn1.

   Where:  nn is the node name.

   19.1.1  Controller Names

   The controller name for the plotters is XY10.

   19.1.2  Unit Names

   The unit names for the plotters are XY10A and XY10B.


   Data modes for the plotter are ASCII, ASCII line, image, image binary,
   and binary.

   For ASCII and ASCII line modes, five 7-bit characters are  transmitted
   per  word.   The  monitor  drops  the leftmost bit of each 7-bit ASCII
   character to form a SIXBIT character.

   For image, binary image, and  binary  modes,  the  monitor  sends  the
   contents  of  the  buffer  without  change.  Six SIXBIT characters are
   transmitted per word.

                               PLOTTERS (PLT)

   19.3  PLOTTER I/O

   The buffer size for a  plotter  is  46  (octal)  words.   This  buffer
   contains  characters  that  are  interpreted  by  the  plotter service
   routine in sets of six SIXBIT bytes, as follows:

        1.  First in set:  Raise pen.

        2.  Second in set:  Lower pen.

        3.  Third in set:  Move drum up (-x).

        4.  Fourth in set:  Move drum down (x).

        5.  Fifth in set:  Move carriage left (-y).

        6.  Sixth in set:  Move carriage right (y).

   Your program cannot  combine  pen  movements  with  drum  or  carriage
   movements.  See the Hardware Reference Manual.

   Some monitor calls have special behavior for the plotter:

        1.  On the first OUT or OUTPUT call, a raise-pen command is
            prefixed to the output.

        2.  On a CLOSE call, a raise-pen command is prefixed to the data
            remaining in the buffer.

        3.  After each interrupt, plotter status is updated (it stores
            the result of a CONI in the DDB); to retrieve the status, use
            the DEVSTS call.


   The I/O status bits for the plotter are as follows:

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

      23   IO.ACT    Device active.
   32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                       0    .IOASC    ASCII mode.
                       1    .IOASL    ASCII line mode.
                      10    .IOIMG    Image mode.
                      13    .IOIBN    Image binary mode.
                      14    .IOBIN    Binary mode.


                                 CHAPTER 20

                          DISPLAY LIGHT PENS (DIS)

   The device service routine for a display light pen device guarantees a
   flicker-free  picture  if your job is locked in core; if the system is
   lightly loaded, the picture may be satisfactory even if  your  job  is
   not locked in core.  To lock your job in core, refer to the LOCK call.


   The physical name of the display light pen is DIS.

   20.1.1  Unit Names

   The TOPS-10 monitor supports the following display  light  pen  units:
   VR30, VB10C, Type 30, and type 340.


   A display light pen uses only image dump mode for its I/O; the  device
   uses no buffer.


   For display light pen I/O, a few monitor calls behave in special ways.
   The  data  mode  for  the  device  must  be image dump mode (.IOIDP in
   IO.MOD).  The number of buffers must be zero.

   On an IN or INPUT call, the value returned at the specified address is
   the location of the last light pen hit, or -1 if none was detected.

                          DISPLAY LIGHT PENS (DIS)

   On an OUT or OUTPUT call, the address given in the call is the address
   of a table of commands.  These commands are of four types:

        1.  An output command of the form:

                 IOWD       buflength,buffer

            Where:  buflength is the length of the output buffer.

                    buffer is the address of the buffer.

        2.  A skip command of the form:

                 XWD 0,nextcmd

            Where:  nextcmd is the address of  the  next  command  to  be

        3.  An intensity command (except for Type 340) of the form:

                 XWD intensity,0

            Where:  intensity is the  value  of  the  desired  intensity.
                    These values range from 4 (dim) to 13 (bright).

        4.  An end-list command of the form:


            that ends the command list.

   The following two examples show how to use  these  command  lists  for
   display  pen  devices.   The  first example is for a VR30 device.  The
   values at the last six labels define data for the device.

           OUTPUT  CHANNO,LIST        ;Output data at command list
           . . .
   LIST:   XWD     5,0                ;Intensity 5 (DIM)
           IOWD    1,A                ;Plot coordinates A
           IOWD    5,SUBP1            ;Plot subpicture SUBP1
           XWD     13,0               ;Intensity 13 (BRIGHT)
           IOWD    1,C                ;Plot coordinates C
           IOWD    2,SUBP2            ;Plot subpicture SUBP2
           XWD     0,LIST1            ;Skip to LIST1 for next command
           . . .
   LIST1:  XWD     10,0               ;Intensity 10 (NORMAL)
           IOWD    1,B                ;Plot coordinates B
           IOWD    1,D                ;Plot coordinates D
           Z                          ;End command list

                          DISPLAY LIGHT PENS (DIS)

   A:      XWD     6,6                ;X=6      Y=6
   B:      XWD     105,70             ;X=105    Y=70
   C:      XWD     70,105             ;X=70     Y=105
   D:      XWD     1000,200           ;X=1000   Y=200
   SUBP1:  BLOCK   5                  ;Subpicture 1
   SUBP2:  BLOCK   2                  ;Subpicture 2

   The next example shows how to use the command  list  for  a  Type  340
   display  light  pen.  In this example, the coordinates and subpictures
   are used more than once.

           OUTPUT  CHANNO,LIST        ;Output data at command list
           . . .
   LIST:   IOWD    1,A                ;Start at (6,6)
           IOWD    5,SUBP1            ;Draw a circle
           IOWD    1,C                ;Set to (70,105)
           IOWD    5,SUBP1            ;Draw another circle
           IOWD    1,B                ;Set to (105,70)
           IOWD    2,SUBP2            ;Draw a triangle
           XWD     0,LIST1            ;Skip to LIST1 for next command
           . . .
   LIST1:  IOWD    1,D                ;Set to (1000,200)
           IOWD    5,SUBP1            ;Draw a circle
           IOWD    1,A                ;Set to (6,6)
           IOWD    2,SUBP2            ;Draw a triangle
           Z                          ;End of command list
   A:      XWD     6,6                ;X=6      Y=6
   B:      XWD     105,70             ;X=105    Y=70
   C:      XWD     70,105             ;X=70     Y=105
   D:      XWD     1000,200           ;X=1000   Y=200
   SUBP1:  BLOCK   5                  ;A circle
   SUBP2:  BLOCK   2                  ;A triangle


   The I/O status bits for the display are as follows:

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

      23   IO.ACT    Device active.
   32-35   IO.MOD    Data mode:

                     Code   Symbol    Meaning

                      15    .IOIDP    Image dump mode.



                                 CHAPTER 21

                        REMOTE DATA TERMINALS (RDA)

   A  remote  data  terminal  is  a  multidrop  or  intelligent  buffered
   terminal.   Remote  data  terminal  devices  exist only on DN80-series
   remote concentrators running network software (ANF-10).   The  monitor
   sets bit 35 in the DEVSTS word if the device is a multidrop device.

   A remote data terminal can be multiplexed with other devices on an MPX
   channel.   It  can  perform  nonblocking  I/O  and  can  be  used  for
   programmed interrupts (refer to Chapter 6).


   A remote data terminal is identified by a device name in the form:


   Where:  c is a letter in the range A through H.

           nn is a 2-digit octal node number in the range 1 to 77.

           u is a 1-digit octal unit number in the range 0 to 7.

   For example,  the  device  name  RDA013  identifies  the  remote  data
   terminal on controller A at node 13 with unit number 3.


           No generic  searches  are  allowed  or  performed  for
           remote  data  terminals; only the specific device name
           can be used.

                        REMOTE DATA TERMINALS (RDA)


   A remote data terminal uses a buffer of 103 (octal)  words;  three  of
   these  are buffer header words.  The first word contains a 2-character
   function code (in ASCII) in bits 0 to 14; and (for multi-drop lines) a
   3-character  right-justified  multidrop  number in bits 15 to 35.  The
   multidrop number must have leading ASCII blank or zeros as needed.


   The monitor performs  no  processing  of  the  data  for  remote  data
   terminals.   The  device sends and receives data exactly as it appears
   in the  buffer.   The  monitor  does  not  insert  fillers  or  delete
   characters that are followed by RUBOUTs.


   The I/O status bits for the remote data terminal are as follows:

    Bits   Symbol    Meaning

   18-21   IO.ERR    Error flags:

                     Flag   Symbol    Error

                      18    IO.IMP    Line   number   not   in    polling
                                      sequence.   This  bit can be set on
                                      an  OUT/OUTPUT  error,   indicating
                                      that  an  illegal  drop  number was
                                      specified.  (Drop number less  than
                                      5     characters     or    contains
                                      non-alphanumeric characters.)
                      19    IO.DER    Terminal is in  polling  list,  but
                                      device failed.  This bit can be set
                                      on either IN/INPUT  or  OUT/OUTPUT,
                                      if  the  network connection is lost
                                      for some reason.  The  DDB  is  not
                                      deleted,  but is retained, with the
                                      device name set to  ___nnu,  rather
                                      than  RDxnnu.   This  is  the  name
                                      assigned to unknown  devices  until
                                      the user releases the device.
                      20    IO.DTE    Error  on  the  entire   multi-drop

                        REMOTE DATA TERMINALS (RDA)

                      21    IO.BKT    User buffer exceeded maximum length
                                      of  DDCMP message.  This bit is set
                                      when the message is too  large  for
                                      the I/O buffer.

      22   IO.EOF    End-of-file reached.
      23   IO.ACT    The device is active.



               -A-                     Buffers
                                         DECtape, 13-2
   Abbreviating disk names, 12-3         disk, 12-43
   Aborting a network connection,        magtape, 14-2
       5-34                              terminal, 15-1
     NSP., 5-12                                    -C-
     strings, 11-68
   Active                              Card punch I/O, 17-1
     search list, 12-28                Card reader I/O, 17-1
     task, 5-4                         Card reader/punch device names,
   Addressing, 2-1                         17-1
   ALL search list, 11-10              CCL entry, 2-13
   Allocating disk blocks, 11-61       CFP, 12-13
   ANF-10, 5-1                         Channel status, 5-21
   Appending to files, 11-28           Cluster, 11-62
   APR                                 Command
     clock, 3-6                          files, 2-13
     traps, 9-6                        Command list definition, 11-15
   APRENB traps, 6-2                   Compiling programs, 3-1
   Assigning PIDs, 7-15                Compressed File Pointer, 12-13
   Associated variable, 7-11           Connect block, 5-12
   Asynchronous                        Connect Received state, 5-20,
     buffered input, 11-40                 5-22
     buffered output, 11-43            Connect Sent state, 5-22
   Asynchronous programming, 5-24      Connect Wait state, 5-22, 5-34
   AUX ON/OFF, 15-15                   CONSO skip chain, 9-2
                                       Context handling, 3-4
               -B-                     Core, 2-1
                                       CPPC, 2-3
   BACKUP date/time, 11-67             CPPL, 2-2
   Backward read mode, 14-12           Creating buffers, 11-48
   Big buffers, 12-43                  CREDIR program, 12-14
   Bit mask, 1-3                       CTY device, 11-7
   Blocks, 12-1                        CVPC, 2-3
   Break character set, 15-8           CVPL, 2-3
     control block, 11-33                          -D-
     header, 11-33
     quotas, 5-26                      Data messages, 5-27
     rings, 11-33                      Data modes, 11-13
       use bit, 11-35                    card punch, 17-3
     size, 11-37                         card reader, 17-2
     use bit, 11-37                      DECtape, 13-1
   Buffered                              line printer, 16-2
     I/O, 11-31                          magtape, 14-2
     input, 11-39                        papertape punch, 18-2
     output, 11-40, 11-42                papertape reader, 18-1


   Data modes (Cont.)                  Disk (Cont.)
     plotters, 19-1                      parameters, 12-30
     pseudo-terminal, 15-21            Disk-simulated library, 11-8
     terminal, 15-1                    Display light pen devices, 20-1
   DATE monitor call, 3-6              DK10 clock, 3-6
   DDBs, 11-44                         DNET. UUO, 5-36
   Dead reckoning, 13-4                DSK device, 12-2
   Declaring data mode, 11-19
   DECnet-10, 5-1                                  -E-
     controllers, 13-1                 EBOX/MBOX runtime, 3-6
     data blocks, 13-19                Enabling
     device names, 13-1                  PSI system, 5-25
     directory, 13-11                    realtime interrupts, 9-4
     ENTERs, 13-9                      End-of-file mark, 11-30
     LOOKUPs, 13-7                     End-of-message flag (NS.EOM),
     RENAMEs, 13-9                         5-28
   Default                             ENQ.
     break characters, 15-8              database, 8-23
     disk, 12-2                          header block, 8-11
     path, 12-15                         UUO, 8-15
     protection codes, 12-8            ENQC. UUO, 8-19
     search list, 12-29                Enter Passive function, 5-12
   Deferred echo mode, 15-15           EOF, 11-30
   Defining break characters, 15-9     Ersatz device names, 11-6
   Deleting SFDs, 12-14                Eternal locks, 8-9
   Density of magtapes, 14-1           Ethernet, 5-2
   DEQ. UUO, 8-17                        custom protocol development,
   Destination task, 5-14                    5-43
     specifying, 5-12                    endnode, 5-37
   Device data blocks, 11-44           .EXE files, 3-1
   Device-independant I/O, 11-4        Executive mode, 1-3
   Devices, 11-3                       Expiration dates, 11-68
   Directory                           Extended
     devices, 11-4                       addressing, 2-3
     file protection codes, 12-5         argument block, 11-54
     path, 12-15                         error codes, 11-31
     protection codes, 12-26
     search path, 12-16                            -F-
   DIS devices, 20-1
   Disconnect Confirmed state, 5-22,   FENCE, 12-29
       5-34                            FILDAE, 12-5, 12-28
   Disconnect Received state, 5-22,    File, 12-1
       5-34                              extensions, 12-4
   Disconnect Sent state, 5-22           names, 12-4
   Disk                                  owner, 12-5
     block, 12-1                         positions, 11-62
     buffers, 12-43                      protection codes, 12-4
     controllers, 12-3                   status word, 11-30
     data blocks, 12-10                  structures, 12-1
     device names, 12-2                File Daemon, 12-5, 12-28
     file specification, 12-14         FILOP. UUO, 11-25


   Flow control, 5-20                  Input
   Format type task descriptor, 5-14     goal, 5-26
   Full file access, 12-28               spooling, 11-12
   Full-SCNSER PTY, 15-19                terminal characters, 15-3
                                       Inserting breakpoints, 10-8
               -G-                     Intercepts, 6-4
                                       Interprocess Communication
   Generic device names, 11-5              Facility (IPCF), 7-1
   GETSEG UUO, 2-11                    Interrupt
   GPPL, 2-2                             control flags, 6-14
   GVPL, 2-2                             flags, 9-7
                                         messages, 5-27, 5-32
               -H-                       requests, 6-9
                                       Interrupts, 6-1
   Hardware instructions, 1-1          Intertask communication, 5-4
   High priority run queues, 9-19      Invisible requests, 8-6
   High segment, 2-5                   IOT privilege, 9-4
     origin, 2-7                       IPCF
   High-precision runtime, 3-6           privileges, 7-13
   Host node, 5-2                        quota, 7-10
   HPQ UUO, 9-19                       IPCFQ. UUO, 7-12
   HSC-50 nodes, 11-5                  IPCFR. UUO, 7-11
                                       IPCFS. UUO, 7-10
     error recovery, 11-30             .JBINT, 6-5
     Interrupt Reasons, 6-15           JBPFH, 2-15
     modes, 1-3, 11-13                 JBxxx symbols, 4-1
     pointers, 11-27                   JDA, 4-1
     programming, 11-1                 Job-wide PIDs, 7-16
   I/O status                          Job/Context handle (JCH), 3-5
     flags, 11-69                      JOBDAT, 4-1
     word, 11-30, 11-63                JSL, 11-10
   I/O status bits
     card reader/punch, 17-4                       -K-
     DECtape, 13-20
     disk, 12-44                       K (1000 octal), 2-1
     line printer, 16-3                KL-paging, 2-3
     magtape, 14-5
     papertape devices, 18-3                       -L-
     plotters, 19-2
     pseudo-terminal, 15-21            Labelled magtapes, 14-1, 14-13
     terminals, 15-17                  LIB searching, 11-57
   I/O-related error codes, 11-70      Line printer controllers, 16-1
   IBM communications, 5-2             LINK program, 3-1
   ICB, 6-12                           Link quota, 5-27
   Ignoring logical name definitions,  Load balancing, 11-58
       11-8                            Local
   Indirect                              node, 5-2
     command files, 2-13                 UUO, 1-2
     PIDs, 7-4                         Lock blocks, 8-11


   Lock-associated blocks, 8-9         Non-blocking IPCF, 7-4
   Locking jobs, 2-17                  Non-directory devices, 11-4
   Logged-in quota, 11-65              Non-I/O interrupt conditions,
   Logged-out quota, 11-66                 6-15
   Logical device names, 11-5          Non-superseding ENTER, 11-57
   Long-term locks, 8-9                Non-zero sections, 2-3
   Low segment, 2-5                    Normal messages, 5-27
   LUUO, 1-2                           NSP. states
                                         Connect Received, 5-22
               -M-                       Connect Sent, 5-22
                                         Disconnect Confirmed, 5-22
   Magnetic tape I/O, 14-1               Disconnect Received, 5-22
   Magtape                               Disconnect Sent, 5-22
     data formats, 14-7                  No Communication, 5-22
     density, 14-1                       No Confidence, 5-22
     records, 14-3                       No Link, 5-22
   Mask                                  No Resources, 5-22
     bit, 1-3                            Reject, 5-22
   Master File Directory (MFD)           Running, 5-22
     continued, 12-13                  NSP. UUO, 5-10
   Master file directory (MFD),        NUL device, 11-7
   MDA-controlled devices, 11-13                   -O-
     cache hit rates, 10-2             Object types for DECnet, 5-14
     system performance, 10-1          Obtaining
   Meddling, 2-8                         PIDs, 7-15
   Memory, 2-1                           [SYSTEM]INFO's PID, 7-20
   MFD, 12-11                          Old PC, 4-4
   Modes, 1-3                          OPR device, 11-7
   Modifying search lists, 12-29       Origin of a high segment, 2-7
   Monitor calls, 1-1                  Output spooling, 11-12
   MPPL, 2-2                           Outstanding IPCF messages, 7-10
   MPX, 11-11                          Owner PPN, 12-5
     I/O, 11-43
   MTA device, 14-1                                -P-
   Multiplexed (MPX) channels, 11-11,
       11-43                           Packed image mode, 15-3
   MUUO, 1-2                           Packet Header Block (PHB), 7-2
   MVPL, 2-2                           Page Fault Handler, 2-2, 2-15
                                       Paging, 2-2, 2-14
               -N-                     Papertape I/O, 18-1
                                         terminal, 15-15
   Names for devices, 11-4             Passive
   Network Process Descriptor (NPD),     search list, 12-28
       5-5                               task, 5-4
   No Communication state, 5-22        Patching the monitor, 10-8
   No Confidence state, 5-22           Path names, 11-10
   No Link state, 5-22                 Pathological device, 12-16
   No Resources state, 5-22            Paths, 12-15
   Node, 5-2                           PERF. UUO, 10-3
     name, 5-12                        Performance meter modes, 10-1


   Performing                          Resource (Cont.)
     DECtape I/O, 13-4                   ownership request, 8-2
     I/O, 11-1, 11-18                  Restricted devices, 11-12
   Physical                            Retrieval Information Block (RIB),
     addressing, 2-1                       11-54, 12-10
     device names, 11-5                RTTRP UUO, 9-4
   PID-specific receive, 7-5           RUN UUO, 2-10
   PIM mode, 15-3                      Running state, 5-22
   Plotters, 19-1                      Runtimes, 3-6
     service routine, 19-2
   PLT device, 19-1                                -S-
   Pooled resources, 8-4
   Positioning DECtape, 13-4           SCAN switch, 12-18
   Prime RIB, 12-10                    Search lists, 12-28
   Priorities                          Sections, 2-3
     disk I/O, 12-30                   Segment size, 5-15
   Process identifier (PID), 7-3       Segments, 2-5
   Programmed Software Interrupt       Sender capability word, 7-9
       (PSI) system, 5-24              SETSRC program, 12-29
   Project-programmer number, 5-14     Setting
   Protecting directories, 12-27         I/O pointers, 11-27
   Protection codes, 12-4                MPPL, 2-3
   Pseudo-ops, 1-1                     SFD, 12-11
   Pseudo-terminals, 15-17             Sharable high segment, 2-5, 2-7
   PSI                                 Sharer group numbers, 8-4
     enabling system, 5-25             Simultaneous file access, 8-1
     interrupts, 6-8                   SN%SHR, 2-7
   PTP devices, 18-1                   SNOOP. UUO, 10-9
   PTR devices, 18-1                   Software interrupts, 6-8
   PTY                                 Spare RIB, 12-10
     devices, 15-17                    Special system PIDs, 7-25
     I/O, 15-19                        Specifying disk files, 12-14
   PTY-controlled job, 15-18           Spooled
                                         file names, 11-12
               -R-                       I/O, 11-11
                                       SSL, 11-10
   RDA devices, 21-1                   String block, 5-12
   Reading link status, 5-21           Sub-File Directory (SFD), 12-11
   Realtime                              continued, 12-14
     jobs, 9-1                           deleting, 12-14
     traps, 9-6                        Superseding DECtape files, 13-9
   Reason codes, 5-35                  SUSET. UUO, 11-29
   Reject state, 5-22                  Suspending PTY I/O, 15-19
   .REL files, 3-1                     Swapping, 2-1
   Releasing locks, 8-17               Symbol files, 1-3
   Relinquishing resources, 8-9,       Synchronous I/O, 11-28
       8-17                            System
   Remote data entry devices, 21-1       time, 3-7
   Remote station, 5-2                 System file protection, 12-8
   Requesting locks, 8-15              System PIDs, 7-8
   Resource                            [SYSTEM]INFO functions, 7-15
     definition, 8-3                   [SYSTEM]IPCC functions, 7-20


               -T-                     Updating LIB, 11-57
                                       Use bit
   Tape label format, 14-13              buffer, 11-37
   Task descriptor block, 5-12           buffer ring, 11-35
   Task to task communication, 5-4     User
   Task to task communications, 5-9      ID for NSP., 5-12
   Terminal                            User file directory, 12-11
     break characters, 15-8            User mode, 1-3
     buffer size, 15-1                 User-defined logical names, 11-7
     device names, 15-1                UUOs, 1-1
     I/O, 15-1
     simulation, 15-17                             -V-
   Testing error bits, 11-30
   .TMP files, 2-14                    Vectored interrupts, 9-3
   TMPCOR, 2-13                        Vestigial job data area, 4-6
   Traps, 6-1                          Virtual
   TRPSET UUO, 9-19                      addressing, 2-1
   TSK device, 5-4                       paging, 2-2
   TSK. UUO, 5-7
   TTY device, 11-7, 15-1                          -W-
               -U-                     Word, 2-1
   UDX, 11-10
   UFD, 12-11                                      -X-
   Unit referencing, 11-29
   Universal date standard, 3-7        XON/XOFF, 15-15
