PDP-10 Archives
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! This procedure runs the command specified in its arguments
! in the background. ie, puts it in the batch queue.
!To use, invoke the file and put the DCL command which you wish
!to submit on the same line
!the job is submitted with jobname = the dcl command,
!processname =
! (your process name)||(the dcl command)||(a number for uniqueness).
! You are notified of successful or unsuccessful completion via SEND,
!and the LOG file is left in the directory which was your default when
!you submitted the job.
! Do not submit jobs which access the line printer.
! Note that if you are executing from a different disk, then the
! log file WILL show up in your ROOT directory.
$ again :== "''p1' ''p2' ''p3' ''p4' ''p5' ''p6' ''p7' ''p8'"
$ defdir := "''f$logical(""SYS$DISK"")'''f$directory()'"
$ user := 'f$process()'
$ !
$ if "''f$ext(0,1,p1)'" .nes. "@" then lbl := 'f$ext(0,8,p1)
$ if "''f$ext(0,1,p1)'" .eqs. "@" then lbl := indirect
$ !
$ on control_y then goto cleanup
$ open/write tmp b'lbl'.com
! put logfile from the batch job into file []jobname.log, rather than
! printing them on the lineprinter
$ write tmp "$ set noon"
$ write tmp "$ set process/name=""''f$ext(0,8,user)':''f$ext(0,13,lbl)'"""
$ write tmp "$ set def ''defdir'" ! Set default to proper directory
$ write tmp "$ ''again'" ! Execute command
$ !
$ close tmp
$ !
$ write sys$output "& ''again'"
$ submit /noprint /log='defdir' /notify /name='lbl' b'lbl'/delete
$ exit
$ !
$ cleanup:
$ close tmp
$ delete b'lbl'.com.