PDP-10 Archives
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$ set noverify
$! VMS login command file
$! GMU 22-Aug-83 11:16 version 3.12
$! RBP 7-Jan-84 Generalized version
$ set noon
$ Set Control=T !Enables the control-T status line
$ command$debug == 0 ! Set to 1 to trace command procedures
$! setup defaults
$! The following lines define parameters that are specific to the person
$! to which this file belongs and to the system on which the file is
$! to be run. Supposedly, everything else outside of the lines of asterisks
$! is independent of user or system.
$! if "''f$mode()'" .eqs. "INTERACTIVE" then -
$! set process/name="Mike Uhler"
$! user$$default :== uhler ! My user name
$ if "''f$logical("SYS$NODE")'" .eqs. "_DEMILO::" then -
$ disk$$default :== lcg2:
$ if "''f$logical("SYS$NODE")'" .eqs. "_MRVAX::" then -
$ disk$$default :== community:
$ set working_set/limit=512
$ set protection=(system:rwed,owner:rwed,group:re,world:re)/default
$ set message/nofacility/noidentification
$! logical names
$ define emacs emacs$library: ! EMACS library area
$ define sys sys$system: ! SYS:
$ define lib sys$library: ! System library
$ define hlp sys$help: ! Help files
$ define gam sys$sysroot:[games] ! Games
$ define m 'f$logical("SYS$LOGIN")' ! My home directory name
$ define hom 'f$logical("SYS$LOGIN")' ! Standard home directory
$ define mfd [0,0] ! The MFD
$! Subdirectory definitions
$ d := 'f$logical("SYS$LOGIN")' ! e.g. DISK$XXX:[FOO]
$ l = 'f$length(d)'-1 ! to extract "DISK$XXX:[FOO"
$ define com 'f$extract(0,l,d)'.com]
$ define titan 'f$extract(0,l,d)'.titan]
$! Definitions for NMAIL
$ define mail$mail 'f$extract(0,l,d)'.nmail]
$ define mail$edit
$ define mail$self 'f$getjpi(0,"username")'
$! editors
$ sos :== edit/sos/exp/plines=20/step=4/inc=4
$ ed :== @com:ed
$ edh :== @com:edhome
$ ped :== @com:ped
$ filename :== ""
$ recover :== edit/edt/command=com:edtini.edt/recover
$ @emacs$ KEPTEMACS
$ define SPL_DICTIONARY COM:Short.spl !spelling dictionary
$! printers
$ pri*nt :== print/notify
$ can*cel :==
$ lqp :== "@com:lqp """
$ ln*print :== "@sys$ """
$! other commands
$ send :== $sys:send
$ talk :== phone/noscroll dial
$ phone :== phone/noscroll
$ res*et :==
$ def*ine :==
$ exp*unge == "write SYS$OUTPUT ""[no-op]""" ! Nervous habit
$ fo*rk :==
$ bl*ank :== @com:blank
$ i*nformation :==
$ host :== set host
$ ter*minal :==
$ td*irectory :== "@com:tdir """
$! lkml :== $tools:lkml.exe
$! lkmail :== $tools:lkml.exe
$ grump :== @sys$mailists:grump
$ z*ap :== delete/noconfirm *.cpk.* ! For deleting EMACS checkpoints
$ vt*100 :== @com:vt100
$! @com:tooldef
$ app*end :== append/new
$ do :== @com:do
$ remcmd :== @com:remcmd
$! private :== @com:private
$! Directory Control
$! chdir :== @com:chdir
$ cd :== @com:chdir
$ conn*ect :== @com:chdir
$ chdir$disk :== 'disk$$default' ! Stuff necessary for chdir
$ chdir$home :== 'user$$default' ! to work
$ chdir$tell == 0
$ connect ! Put us in home directory
$! abbreviations
$ Sub*mit :== "Submit /noprint /notify "
$ lo :== Logout/full ! For full statistics
$ pro*tect :== ! Easier file protect command
$ di*rectory :== directory/size/column=1/date ! The default directory command
$ fd*irectory :== directory/full ! TOPS-20 FD
$ v*directory :== directory/size/column=1/date/protection/owner ! TOPS-20 VD
$! d :== directory/size/column=1/date
$ filcom :== differences ! File compare utility
$ srccom :== differences ! both names
$ build :== create/directory ! For building subdirectories
$ da*ytime :== show daytime ! Tell time of day
$ del :== delete/confirm/log ! Ask to confirm file deletes
$ pur*ge :== purge/log ! Tell which files were deleted
$ sy*stat :== show users ! TOPS-20 SYSTAT command
$ w*ho :== show users ! TOPS-10 WHO command
$ tak*e == "@" ! TOPS-20 TAKE command
$! emacs :== run emacs:emacs
$! dv1 :== dir/size/column=1/date/ver=1
$ disk :== sh dev d
$ stat :== show status
$! proc :== show process/all
$! qb :== @com:qb
$! qbs :== show queue/batch/all
$! bat :== show system/batch
$! Files :== @com:files
$! qp :== show queue/device/full/all
$! qps :== show queue/device/all
$! cal :== run com:cal
$! Disp :== Monitor Process /Topcpu
$! info :== Show Process/Cont
$ Users :== Show users ! Another SYSTAT/WHO
$ What :== mcr what /nodetach ! Similar to SYSDPY
$ nip :== mcr nip ! DECnet display
$! dtr :== run sys:dtr
$! rno :== "@com:rno "
$! rnov :== "@com:rnov "
$! contents :== "@com:contents "
$! time :== show daytime
$! today :== dir/since=today
$! top :== help decnet topology
$! games
$ cookie :== $gam:cookie
$ set on
$ if "''f$mode()'" .eqs. "BATCH" then goto batch
$ set term /Inquire