
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops20tools_v6_9-jan-86_dumper - tools/decnet10/mlib10.mac
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;	=================================================================
;	Developed by R. W. Stamerjohn, DEC-10 Systems Group
;	These routines and all related documentation were developed at
;	Monsanto Agricultural Products Company, St. Louis, Mo. 63167.
;	=================================================================
;	Use the following DECsystem-10 Monitor command to include
;	the MACLIB subroutine library as part of a user program:
;	If you do not include the /SEARCH switch, you will load
;	the entire library as part of your program.


        List of Routines in This Section:

    ABTNT	Abort a connection
    ACCNT	Accept an incoming connect
    CONNT[W]	Connect (active) to remote node
    DSCNT	Disconnect a connection
    PASNT[W]	Connect (passive) from remote node
    RCCNT[W]	Read connect confirm data
    RCINT[W]	Read incoming connect initiate data
    RDCNT	Read disconnect data
    RECNT[W]	Receive data message
    REJNT	Reject an incoming connect
    RLSNT	Release channel
    RXINT[W]	Read interrupt data
    SNDNT[W]	Send data message
    STSNT	Return general channel status
    SXINT[W]	Send interrupt message

    BCON	Build a initial connect block
    BNOD	Build nodname   block string
    BUID	Build user-id   block string
    BPWD	Build password  block string
    BACC	Build account   block string
    BDAT	Build user data block string
    BOPT	Build optional  block string
    BSRC	Build a source (active) descriptor
    BDST	Build a destination (passive) descriptor

    RNOD	Read nodname   block string
    RUID	Read user-id   block string
    RPWD	Read password  block string
    RACC	Read account   block string
    RDAT	Read user data block string
    ROPT	Read optional  block string
    RSRC	Read a source (active) descriptor
    RDST	Read a destination (passive) descriptor

    ISTAST	Check current link state against list
    IRECST	Check for available input  buffers
    IRXIST	Check for available interrupt message
    ISNDST	Check for available output buffers
    ISXIST	Check for available interrupt buffer

	Module Revision History

	Edit 1:		1 Aug 83	RWS	Original

	SUBTTL	Abort a Connection

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine aborts a DECnet/10 logical link and
;			releases the I/O channel.
;			If the link is in the "running" (.NSSRN) state, the
;			call will disconnect the link. In all other states
;			this function is illegal, but the channel is always
;			released and no further functions are allowed.
;	Usage:		CALL ABTNT(chan,stat[,strmsg])
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet/10 channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The next
;				word gets the resulting network status in the
;				high half and the NSP. error code or zero (if
;				success) in the low half.
;			strmsg	Optional integer array containing message in
;				NSP string notation (see BOPT) to send to the
;				remote partner. A maximum of 16 8-bit bytes
;				may be sent.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


ABTNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFAB,,2]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	CAIGE	AN,3			;Do we have optional data
	 JRST	ABT.1			; No, skip optional data handling
	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Get address of string pointer
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data
	AOS	.NSAFN(NS)		; and bump number of arguments

ABT.1:	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore any errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Accept an Incoming Connect

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine accepts an incoming connect from
;			a remote node.
;			The link must be in the "connect receive" (.NSSCR)
;			state to issue this call. The link is left in the
;			"running" (.NSSRN) state. The routine will fail if
;			the link is in any other state.
;	Usage:		CALL ACCNT(chan,stat[,strmsg])
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by passive network connect
;				request (PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The next
;				word gets the resulting network status in the
;				high half and the NSP. error code or zero (if
;				success) in the low half.
;			strmsg	Optional integer array containing message in
;				NSP string notation (see BOPT) to send to the
;				remote partner. A maximum of 16 8-bit bytes
;				may be sent.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


ACCNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFAC,,2]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	CAIGE	AN,3			;Do we have optional data
	 JRST	ACC.1			; No, skip optional data handling
	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Get address of block
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data
	AOS	.NSAFN(NS)		;and bump number of arguments

ACC.1:	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Connect (Active) to Remote Node

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine makes a connect request to a remote
;			node. The channel number is returned for use in the
;			future network I/O requests.
;			If the non-blocking (CONNT) form is used, the routine
;			will return immediately with the link state "connect
;			sent" if the call was successful. If the blocking form
;			(CONNTW) is used, the routine will wait and give a
;			success return when the link is established or a
;			failure if the connect request is rejected.
;	Usage:		CALL CONNT[W] (chan,stat,conblk)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable to return the channel number
;				for a successful call. This number must be used
;				in future calls.
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The next
;				word gets the resulting network status in the
;				high half and the NSP. error code or zero (if
;				success) in the low half.
;			conblk	Integer array setup for the connect request
;				(see BCON, BSRC, BDST, etc).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


CONNTW:	MOVE	T0,[NS.WAI+<.NSFEA,,3>]	;Get function code,,size
	 SKIPA				; Skip to common code

CONNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFEA,,3]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Get address of connect block
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data
	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore errors
	MOVE	T1,.NSACH(NS)		;Get channel number
	MOVEM	T1,@0(A)		;Return to caller
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Disconnect a Connection

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine disconnects a DECnet/10 logical link.
;			If the link is in the "running" (.NSSRN) state, the
;			call will send a disconnect to the remote end and put
;			the link in the "disconnect sent" (.NSSDS) state. In
;			all other states, this function is illegal.
;			After a successful function call, data may still be
;			received from the remote but no further data can be
;			sent. The channel can be released when the disconnect
;			confirmed is seen.
;	Usage:		CALL DSCNT (chan,stat[,strmsg])
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet/10 channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The next
;				word gets the resulting network status in the
;				high half and the NSP. error code or zero (if
;				success) in the low half.
;			strmsg	Optional integer array containing message in
;				NSP string notation (see BOPT) to send to the
;				remote partner. A maximum of 16 8-bit bytes
;				may be sent.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


DSCNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFSD,,2]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	CAIGE	AN,3			;Do we have optional data
	 JRST	DSC.1			; No, skip optional data handling
	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Get address of string pointer
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data
	AOS	.NSAFN(NS)		; and bump number of arguments

DSC.1:	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore any errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Connect (Passive) to Remote Node

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine prepares for a connect request from
;			a remote node. The channel number is returned for use
;			in future network I/O requests.
;			If the non-blocking (PASNT) form is used, the routine
;			will return immediately with the link state "connect
;			wait" if the call was successful. If the blocking form
;			(PASNTW) is used, the routine will wait and give a
;			success return when an incoming connect is received.
;	Usage:		CALL PASNT[W] (chan,stat,conblk)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable to return the channel number
;				for a successful call. This number must be used
;				in future calls.
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The next
;				word gets the resulting network status in the
;				high half and the NSP. error code or zero (if
;				success) in the low half.
;			conblk	Integer array setup for the connect request
;				(see BCON, BSRC, BDST, etc.).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


PASNTW:	MOVE	T0,[NS.WAI+<.NSFEP,,3>]	;Get function code,,size
	SKIPA				; Skip to common code

PASNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFEP,,3]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Get address of connect block
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data
	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore errors
	MOVE	T1,.NSACH(NS)		;Get channel number
	MOVEM	T1,@0(A)		;Return to caller
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read Connect Confirm Data

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads any optional data returned from
;			the remote node when it accepts a connect from us.
;			The non-blocking version (RCCNT) is only legal from
;			the "running" (.NSSRN) state. The blocking version
;			(RCCNTW) can also be issued from the "connect sent"
;			(.NSSCS) state and will wait till the remote node
;			accepts or rejects the connection request.
;			The optional data is only available until a normal
;			send/receive is issued.
;	Usage:		CALL RCCNT[W] (chan,stat[,strbuf])
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The next
;				word gets the resulting network status in the
;				high half and the NSP. error code or zero (if
;				success) in the low half.
;			strmsg	Optional integer array to get possible message
;				from remote partner. The first word in the
;				array must be set with the size of the array.
;				The message will be returned in NSP string
;				notation.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RCCNTW:	MOVE	T0,[NS.WAI+<.NSFRC,,2>]	;Get function code,,size
	 SKIPA				; and continue

RCCNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFRC,,2]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	CAIGE	AN,3			;Do we have optional data
	 JRST	RCC.1			; No, skip optional data handling
	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Get address of block
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data
	AOS	.NSAFN(NS)		;and bump number of arguments

RCC.1:	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				;Ignore any errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read Incoming Connect Data

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads the data from an incoming connect
;			request into a connect block. This information can then
;			be used to accept or reject the connect request.
;			If the non-blocking (RCINT) form is used, the routine
;			must be called from link state "connect received".
;			If the blocking form is used, the call be also be
;			used from the "connect wait" (.NSSCW) state and will
;			not return until a connect is received.
;	Usage:		CALL RCINT[W] (chan,stat,conblk)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable to return the channel number
;				for a successful call. This number must be used
;				in future calls.
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The next
;				word gets the resulting network status in the
;				high half and the NSP. error code or zero (if
;				success) in the low half.
;			conblk	Integer array setup for the connect request
;				(see BCON, BSRC, BDST, etc.).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RCINTW:	MOVE	T0,[NS.WAI+<.NSFRI,,3>]	;Get function code,,size
	SKIPA				; Skip to common code

RCINT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFRI,,3]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Get address of connect block
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data
	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read Disconnect Data

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads the disconnect reason and
;			optional data from the remote when it disconnects.
;			The function is only legal from the "disconnect
;			received" (.NSSDR) state and no change of state
;			occurs.
;	Usage:		CALL RDCNT(chan,stat[,strbuf])
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The next
;				word gets the resulting network status in the
;				high half and the NSP. error code or reason
;				code for disconnect (if success) in the low
;				half.
;			strmsg	Optional integer array to get possible message
;				from remote partner. The first word in the
;				array must be set with the size of the array.
;				The message will be returned in NSP string
;				notation.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RDCNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFRD,,4]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	CAIGE	AN,3			;Do we have optional data
	 JRST	RDC.1			; No, continue
	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Yes, Get address of string pointer
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data

RDC.1:	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 JRST	RDC.2			;Exit on an error
	MOVE	T0,.NSAA2(NS)		;Get the disconnect reason
	HRRM	T0,1(EA)		; and store in status block
RDC.2:	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Receive a Message

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine receives an incomming message from
;			a remote node. The link must be in the "running
;			(.NSSRN) state to issue this call.
;			Whole messages are always received. If a blocking
;			receive (RECNTW) is issued, the routine will wait
;			until an entire message is received, the user buffer
;			is filled, or a network error occurs. If the non-
;			blocking (RECNT) is issued, the routine will return
;			success immediately if no data is currently available
;			but with a byte count of zero in the status. If any
;			data is received, the routine will block until the
;			entire message is received.
;	Usage:		CALL RECNT[W] (chan,stat,msgsiz,msgbuf)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The
;				second word gets the resulting network status
;				in the high half and the NSP. error code or
;				bytes received (if success) in the low half.
;			msgsiz	Integer variable or value with size of receive
;				message in 8-bit bytes.
;			msgbuf	Integer array to receive message. Must be at
;				least (msgsiz/4)+1 in size.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RECNTW:	MOVE	T0,[NS.WAI+NS.EOM+<.NSFDR,,4>]	;Get function code,,size
	 SKIPA					; and continue

RECNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFDR,,4]			;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##			;Setup for NSP. call.

	MOVE	T1,@2(A)		;Get size of block
	MOVEM	T1,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store size of buffer
	MOVEI	T1,@3(A)		;Get address of buffer
	ADD	T1,[POINT 8,,]		;Form 8-bit byte pointer
	MOVEM	T1,.NSAA2(NS)		;Store byte pointer to buffer

REC.1:	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 JRST	REC.3			; Exit on any error
	MOVE	T0,.NSAFN(NS)		;Get the function and flags
	TDOE	T0,[NS.WAI]		;Was this a blocking request?
	 JRST	REC.2			; Yes, exit with buffer
	MOVE	T1,@2(A)		;Get size of buffer
	CAMN	T1,.NSAA1(NS)		;Were any bytes input?
	 JRST	REC.2			; No, just exit with zero transfer
	TDOE	T0,[NS.EOM]		;Was a complete message received?
	 JRST	REC.2			; Yes, exit with complete transfer
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAFN(NS)		;Set function for wait, full message
	JRST	REC.1			; and reissue input.

REC.2:	MOVE	T1,@2(A)		;Get size of buffer
	SKIPLE	.NSAA1(NS)		;Skip if full or overrun
	 SUB	T1,.NSAA1(NS)		;Get size of bytes transferd
	HRRM	T1,1(EA)		;Store the size transfered

REC.3:	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Reject an Incoming Connect

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine rejects an incoming connect from
;			a remote node.
;			The link must be in the "connect receive" (.NSSCR)
;			state to issue this call. The channel is released
;			if this UUO is successful.
;	Usage:		CALL REJNT (chan,stat[,strmsg])
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The
;				second word gets the resulting network status
;				in the high half and the NSP. error code or
;				zero if success in the low half.
;			strmsg	Integer array containing optional message in
;				NSP. string block notation (see BOPT).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


REJNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFRJ,,2]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.

	CAIGE	AN,3			;Do we have optional data
	 JRST	REJ.1			; No, skip optional data handling
	MOVEI	T0,@2(A)		;Get address of block
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to optional data
	AOS	.NSAFN(NS)		;and bump number of arguments

REJ.1:	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore any errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Release Channel

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine releases the DECnet/10 channel. This
;			function can only be issued if the link is in the
;			the "connect wait" (.NSSCW), "disconnect received"
;			(.NSSDR), or "disconnect confirmed" (.NSSDC) states.
;	Usage:		CALL RLSNT[W] (chan,stat)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The
;				second word gets the resulting network status
;				in the high half and the NSP. error code or
;				zero if success in the low half.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RLSNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFRL,,2]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.
	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore any errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Recieve an Interrupt Message

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine receives am interrupt message from a
;			remote node. The link must be in the "running (.NSSRN)
;			state to issue this call.
;	Usage:		CALL RXINT[W] (chan,stat,strbuf)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The
;				second word gets the resulting network status
;				in the high half and the NSP. error code or
;				zero if success in the low half.
;			strbuf	Integer array that will receive NSP. string
;				block format message (see BOPT). The first
;				word in array must be set to size of array.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RXINTW:	MOVE	T0,[NS.WAI+<.NSFIR,,3>]	;Get function code,,size
	 SKIPA				; and continue

RXINT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFIR,,3]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.
	MOVEI	T1,@2(A)		;Get address of buffer
	MOVEM	T1,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to buffer
	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				;Ignore any errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Send a Message

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine sends a message to a remote node. The
;			link must be in the "running (.NSSRN) state to issue
;			this call.
;			Whole messages are always transmitted. If a blocking
;			send (SNDNTW) is issued, the routine will wait until
;			an entire message is transmitted or a network error
;			occurs. If the non-blocking (SNDNT) is issued, the
;			routine will return success immediately if no data is
;			currently transmitted but with a byte count of zero.
;			If any data is sent, the routine will block until the
;			entire message is tranmitted.
;	Usage:		CALL SNDNT[W] (chan,stat,msgsiz,msgbuf)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The
;				second word gets the resulting network status
;				in the high half and the NSP. error code or
;				bytes transfered (if success) in the low half.
;			msgsiz	Integer variable or value with size of message
;				in 8-bit bytes.
;			msgbuf	Integer array to send to remote node. Must be
;				at least (msgsiz/4)+1 in size.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


SNDNTW:	MOVE	T0,[NS.WAI+NS.EOM+<.NSFDS,,4>]	;Get function code,,size
	SKIPA					; and continue

SNDNT:	MOVE	T0,[NS.EOM+<.NSFDS,,4>]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##			;Setup for NSP. call.

	MOVE	T1,@2(A)		;Get size of block
	MOVEM	T1,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store size of buffer
	MOVEI	T1,@3(A)		;Get address of buffer
	ADD	T1,[POINT 8,,]		;Form 8-bit byte pointer
	MOVEM	T1,.NSAA2(NS)		;Store byte pointer to buffer

SND.1:	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 JRST	SND.3			; Exit on any error
	MOVE	T0,.NSAFN(NS)		;Get the function and flags
	TDOE	T0,[NS.WAI]		;Was this a blocking request?
	 JRST	SND.2			; Yes, exit with buffer
	MOVE	T1,@2(A)		;Get size of buffer
	CAMN	T1,.NSAA1(NS)		;Were any bytes transmitted?
	 JRST	SND.2			; No, just exit with zero transfer
	SKIPN	.NSAA1(NS)		;Was entire message sent?
	 JRST	SND.2			; Yes, exit with complete transfer
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAFN(NS)		;Set function for wait, full message
	JRST	SND.1			; and reissue send.

SND.2:	MOVE	T1,@2(A)		;Get size of buffer
	SKIPLE	.NSAA1(NS)		;Skip if full or overrun
	 SUB	T1,.NSAA1(NS)		;Get size of bytes transferd
	HRRM	T1,1(EA)		;Store the size transfered

SND.3:	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Get Network Status

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine gets the status for the given channel.
;	Usage:		CALL STSNT (chan,stat[,segsiz[,flow]])
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The
;				second word gets the resulting network status
;				in the high half and the NSP. error code or
;				zero if success in the low half.
;			segsize	Optional integer variable to return segment
;				size for this link.
;			flow	Optional integer variable to return remote
;				flow control in high half and local flow
;				control in low half.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


STSNT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFRS,,4]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.
	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				; Ignore any errors
	MOVE	T0,.NSAA1(NS)		;Get the segment size
	CAIL	AN,3			;Is segment argument present
	 MOVEM	T0,@2(A)		;Return segment size
	MOVE	T0,.NSAA2(NS)		;Get flow control
	CAIL	AN,4			;Is flow argument present
	 MOVEM	T0,@3(A)		;Return flow argument
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Send a Interrupt Message

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine sends a interrupt message to a remote
;			mode. The link must be in the "running (.NSSRN) state
;			to issue this call.
;	Usage:		CALL SXINT[W] (chan,stat,strbuf)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			stat	Two-word integer array to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure. The
;				second word gets the resulting network status
;				in the high half and the NSP. error code or
;				zero if success in the low half.
;			strbuf	Integer array in NSP. string block format to
;				to send to remote node. Message cannot be
;				larger than 16 bytes (see BOPT).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


SXINTW:	MOVE	T0,[NS.WAI+<.NSFIS,,3>]	;Get function code,,size
	SKIPA				; and continue

SXINT:	MOVE	T0,[.NSFIS,,3]		;Get function code,,size
	PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##		;Setup for NSP. call.
	MOVEI	T1,@2(A)		;Get address of buffer
	MOVEM	T1,.NSAA1(NS)		;Store pointer to buffer
	PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##		;Issue NSP. UUO and process errors
	 SKIP				;Ignore any errors
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Build an Initial Connect Block

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine intialized the given array in NSP
;			connect block format, including the space for the
;			various string fields. This call must proceed any
;	Usage:		CALL BCON (conblk)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block. This array will be initialized with
;				a dummy structure that has empty string
;				pointers of full size.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	T3=3		;Temporary AC
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer

	R=1B0		;Relocate address


BCON:	MOVEI	T1,@0(A)		;Get address of user connect block
	MOVE	T2,[-LEN,,CONBLK]	;Get length, address of dummy block
BCON.1:	HRRZ	T3,(T2)			;Get template word
	SKIPGE	(T2)			;Get next word in block
	 ADDI	T3,@0(A)		; Add in start of array
	MOVEM	T3,(T1)			;Store in user array
	AOS	T1			;Bump the array pointer
	AOBJN	T2,BCON.1		; and loop till done
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller


	XWD	0,10			;(.NSCNL) Length of argument block
	EXP	NOD!R			;(.NSCND) Node name string pointer
	EXP	SRCDSC!R		;(.NSCND) Source process pointer
	EXP	DSTDSC!R		;(.NSCDD) Destination process pointer
	EXP	UID!R			;(.NSCUS) User-id   string pointer
	EXP	PWD!R			;(.NSCPW) Password  string pointer
	EXP	ACC!R			;(.NSCAC) Account   string pointer
	EXP	DAT!R			;(.NSCUD) User data string pointer

SRCDSC:	XWD	0,5			;(.NSDSL) Source process descriptor
	EXP	0			;(.NSDFM) Format type (0,1,2)
	EXP	0			;(.NSDOB) Object type (0-255)
	XWD	0,0			;(.NSDPP) PPN in half words
	EXP	SRC!R			;(.NSDPN) Source process name
DSTDSC:	XWD	0,5			;(.NSDSL) Destination process descriptor
	EXP	0			;(.NSDFM) Format type (0,1,2)
	EXP	0			;(.NSDOB) Object type (0-255)
	XWD	0,0			;(.NSDPP) PPN in half words
	EXP	DST!R			;(.NSDPN) Destination process name

NOD:	XWD	0,3			;Node name string
SRC:	XWD	0,5			;Source process string
DST:	XWD	0,5			;Destination process string
UID:	XWD	0,13			;User-ID string
PWD:	XWD	0,13			;Password string
ACC:	XWD	0,13			;Account string
DAT:	XWD	0,5			;User data string

	SUBTTL	Build Connect Block Nodename String

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine intialized the connect block with
;			the given nodename string. The BCON routine must
;			be called to initialize the connect block before
;			this routine is called.
;	Usage:		CALL BNOD (conblk,stat,nodnam,nodlen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			nodnam	String with node name to store in connect
;				block. If present, may have size of 1-6
;				characters.
;			nodlen	Number of characters in nodnam or -1 if
;				name is self-counting (ASCIZ).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


BNOD:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get nodename string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get nodename string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCND(W1)		;Get address of nodename block
	MOVE	W2,[^D6,,^D3]		;Get maximum size of string,,block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPS..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Build User-ID Control Information

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine intialized the access user-id control
;			field in a Fortan connect block. The BCON routine must
;			be called prior to this routine to initial the 69-word
;			connect block array.
;	Usage:		CALL BUID (conblk,stat,uidnam,uidlen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			uidnam	String with user-id to store in connect block
;				String may have have size of 1-39 characters.
;			uidlen	Number of characters in uidnam or -1 if string
;				is self-counting (ASCIZ).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


BUID:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get user-id string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get user-id string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCUS(W1)		;Get address of user-id block
	MOVE	W2,[^D39,,^D11]		;Get maximum size of string,,block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPS..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Build Password Control Information

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine intialized the access password control
;			field in a Fortan connect block. The BCON routine must
;			be called prior to this routine to initial the 69-word
;			connect block array.
;	Usage:		CALL BPWD (conblk,stat,pwdnam,pwdlen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			pwdnam	String with password to store in connect block
;				String may have have size of 1-39 characters.
;			pwdlen	Number of characters in uidnam or -1 if string
;				is self-counting (ASCIZ).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


BPWD:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get password string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get password string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCPW(W1)		;Get address of password block
	MOVE	W2,[^D39,,^D11]		;Get maximum size of string,,block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPS..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Build Account Control Information

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine intialized the access account control
;			field in a Fortan connect block. The BCON routine must
;			be called prior to this routine to initial the 69-word
;			connect block array.
;	Usage:		CALL BACC (conblk,stat,accnam,acclen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			accnam	String with account to store in connect block
;				String may have have size of 1-39 characters.
;			acclen	Number of characters in accnam or -1 if string
;				is self-counting (ASCIZ).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


BACC:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get account string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get account string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCAC(W1)		;Get address of account block
	MOVE	W2,[^D39,,^D11]		;Get maximum size of string,,block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPS..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Build User Data Control Information

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine intialized the user data control field
;			in a Fortan connect block. The BCON routine must be
;			called prior to this routine to initial the 69-word
;			connect block array.
;	Usage:		CALL BDAT (conblk,stat,datnam,datlen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			datnam	String with user date to store in connect block
;				String may have have size of 1-16 characters.
;			datlen	Number of characters in datnam or -1 if string
;				is self-counting (ASCIZ).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


BDAT:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get user data string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get user data string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCUD(W1)		;Get address of user data block
	MOVE	W2,[^D16,,^D5]		;Get maximum size of string,,block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPS..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Build Optional Data Buffer

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine setups a 5-word integer array with a
;			optional message buffer that can be used with various
;			NSP functions (DSCNT, ABTNT, REJNT, ACCNT).
;	Usage:		CALL BOPT (optblk,stat,optmsg,optlen)
;	Arguments:	optblk	Integer 5-word array to receive optmsg string.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			optmsg	String with user data to store in optblk.
;				String may have have size of 1-16 characters.
;			optlen	Number of characters in optmsg or -1 if string
;				is self-counting (ASCIZ).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


BOPT:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get user data string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get user data string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCUD(W1)		;Get string pointer
	MOVE	W2,[^D16,,^D5]		;Get maximum size of string,,block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPS..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Build Source/Destination Process Descriptor

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine builds either the source or destination
;			process descriptors used for the Fortran NSP connect
;			block. The BCON routine must be called before these
;			routines.
;	Usage:		CALL BSRC (conblk,stat,fmt,obj,[pronam,prolen[,ppn]])
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			fmt	Descriptor format type (0,1,or 2).
;			obj	Object type for descriptor. Must be 1-255 if
;				fmt type 0 and 0 if fmt 1 or 2.
;			pronam	String with process name to store in the
;				descriptor. string may have have size of
;				1-16 characters and is not used for fmt 0.
;			prolen	Number of characters in pronam or -1 if string
;				is self-counting (ASCIZ).
;			ppn	PPN to use for descriptor, stored in half-word
;				format. Only used for fmt 2.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


BSRC:	MOVEI	T1,.NSCSD		;Get source descriptor offset
	 SKIPA				; and continue
BDST:	MOVEI	T1,.NSCDD		;Get destination descriptor offset

	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	ADDI	T1,@0(A)		;Get address of descriptor pointer
	MOVEI	W1,@(T1)			;Get address of descriptor block
	SETZM	.NSDFM(W1)		;Zero any preexisting values
	SETZM	.NSDOB(W1)		;Zero any preexisting values
	SETZM	.NSDPP(W1)		;Zero any preexisting values

	SKIPE	T1,@2(A)		;Get the format type
	 JRST	BSRC.1			; Jump if non-zero
	SKIPN	T2,@3(A)		;Get the object type
	 JRST	BSRC.E			; If zero, error
	MOVEM	T2,.NSDOB(W1)		;Store the object type
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

BSRC.1:	MOVEM	T1,.NSDFM(W1)		;Store the descriptor type
	SKIPE	T2,@3(A)		;Get the object type
	 JRST	BSRC.E			; If non-zero, error
	CAIN	T1,1			;Is this format type 1
	 JRST	BSRC.2			; Jump if yes
	CAIE	T1,2			;Is this format type 2
	 JRST	BSRC.E			; If not, error
	MOVE	T1,6(A)			;Get the PPN
	MOVEM	T1,.NSDPP(W1)		; and store in the block

BSRC.2:	MOVEI	T1,4(A)			;Get user data string
	MOVE	T2,@5(A)		;Get user data string size
	MOVE	W1,.NSDPN(W1)		;Get start of process name
	MOVE	W2,[^D16,,^D5]		;Get maximum size of string,,block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPS..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

BSRC.E:	SETZM	(EA)			;Flag setup error
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read Connect Block Nodename String

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads the nodename string from the
;			the given connect block. The BCON routine must be
;			called to initialize the connect block before this
;			routine is called.
;	Usage:		CALL RNOD (conblk,stat,nodnam,nodlen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1)
;				for success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			nodnam	String to return nodenode string. Nodenames can
;				be up to 6 characters in length.
;			nodlen	Number of characters allowed in nodnam or
;				-1 if name is self-counting (ASCIZ). If the
;				length is insufficent for the actual node
;				name, an error is returned. If too large,
;				nodnam will be blank filled.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RNOD:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get nodename string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get nodename string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCND(W1)		;Get address of nodename block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPR..##		;Return string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read User-ID Control Information

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads the access user-id control field
;			in a Fortan connect block. The BCON routine must be
;			called prior to this routine to initial the 69-word
;			connect block array.
;	Usage:		CALL RUID (conblk,stat,uidnam,uidlen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			uidnam	String to return user-id. User-id can
;				be up to 39 characters in length.
;			uidlen	Number of characters allowed in uidnam or
;				-1 if name is self-counting (ASCIZ). If the
;				length is insufficent for the actual user-id
;				an error is returned. If too large, uidnam
;				will be blank filled.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RUID:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get user-id string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get user-id string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCUS(W1)		;Get address of user-id block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPR..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read Password Control Information

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads the access password control
;			field in a Fortan connect block. The BCON routine must
;			be called prior to this routine to initial the 69-word
;			connect block array.
;	Usage:		CALL RPWD (conblk,stat,pwdnam,pwdlen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			pwdnam	String to return password. Pasword can
;				be up to 39 characters in length.
;			pwdlen	Number of characters allowed in pwdnam or
;				-1 if name is self-counting (ASCIZ). If the
;				length is insufficent for the actual password
;				an error is returned. If too large, pwdnam
;				will be blank filled.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RPWD:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get password string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get password string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCPW(W1)		;Get address of password block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPR..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read Account Control Information

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads the access account control
;			field in a Fortan connect block. The BCON routine must
;			be called prior to this routine to initial the 69-word
;			connect block array.
;	Usage:		CALL RACC (conblk,stat,accnam,acclen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			accnam	String to return account. Account can
;				be up to 39 characters in length.
;			acclen	Number of characters allowed in accnam or
;				-1 if name is self-counting (ASCIZ). If the
;				length is insufficent for the actual account
;				an error is returned. If too large, accnam
;				will be blank filled.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RACC:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get account string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get account string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCAC(W1)		;Get address of account block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPR..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read User Data Control Information

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads the user data control field
;			in a Fortan connect block. The BCON routine must be
;			called prior to this routine to initial the 69-word
;			connect block array.
;	Usage:		CALL RDAT (conblk,stat,datnam,datlen)
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			datnam	String to return user data. User data can
;				be up to 16 characters in length.
;			datlen	Number of characters allowed in datnam or
;				-1 if name is self-counting (ASCIZ). If the
;				length is insufficent for the actual user data
;				an error is returned. If too large, datnam
;				will be blank filled.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RDAT:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get user data string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get user data string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCUD(W1)		;Get address of user data block
	PUSHJ	P,NSPR..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read Optional Data Buffer

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads an optional message buffer and
;			returns the ASCII data. It should only be used to
;			change from the 8-bit to 7-bit format for ASCII.
;	Usage:		CALL ROPT (optblk,stat,optmsg,optlen)
;	Arguments:	optblk	Integer 5-word array to read optmsg string.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			optmsg	String to return string from optblk.
;				String may have have size of 1-16 characters.
;			optlen	Number of characters in optmsg or -1 if string
;				is self-counting (ASCIZ). If insufficient space
;				for message, an error will be returned.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


ROPT:	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	MOVEI	T1,2(A)			;Get user data string
	MOVE	T2,@3(A)		;Get user data string size
	MOVEI	W1,@0(A)		;Get start of connect block
	MOVE	W1,.NSCUD(W1)		;Get string pointer
	PUSHJ	P,NSPR..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read Source/Destination Process Descriptor

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This subroutine reads either the source or destination
;			process descriptors used for the Fortran NSP connect
;			block. The BCON routine must be called before these
;			routines.
;	Usage:		CALL RSRC (conblk,stat,fmt,obj,[pronam,prolen[,ppn]])
;	Arguments:	conblk	Integer 69-word array to use as NSP connect
;				block.
;			stat	Integer variable to receive status of
;				operation. First word is set .TRUE. (-1) for
;				success and .FALSE. (0) for failure.
;			fmt	Integer variable to receive descriptor format
;				type (0,1,or 2).
;			obj	Integer variable to receive object type for
;				descriptor.
;			pronam	String to return with process name in the
;				descriptor. String may have have size of
;				1-16 characters and is not used for fmt 0.
;			prolen	Number of characters in pronam or -1 if string
;				is self-counting (ASCIZ).
;			ppn	Integer variable to receive PPN for descriptor,
;				stored in half-word format.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


RSRC:	MOVEI	T1,.NSCSD		;Get source descriptor offset
	 SKIPA				; and continue
RDST:	MOVEI	T1,.NSCDD		;Get destination descriptor offset

	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get error block address
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset to success

	ADDI	T1,@0(A)		;Get address of descriptor pointer
	MOVEI	W1,@(T1)		;Get address of descriptor block

	MOVE	T1,.NSDFM(W1)		;Get format type
	MOVEM	T1,@2(A)		;Return format type
	MOVE	T1,.NSDOB(W1)		;Get object type
	MOVEM	T1,@3(A)		;Return object type
	MOVE	T1,.NSDPP(W1)		;Get ppn
	MOVEM	T1,@6(A)		;Return ppn value

	MOVEI	T1,4(A)			;Get user data string
	MOVE	T2,@5(A)		;Get user data string size
	MOVE	W1,.NSDPN(W1)		;Get start of process name
	PUSHJ	P,NSPR..##		;Construct string block
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Check link state status

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This function checks the current channel state against
;			a given list of states and returns a Fortran index to
;			the matching state or a zero if no state matches. The
;			result can be used in a computed GOTO or other areas.
;	Usage:		ivar = ISTAST(chan,state1[,state2,...staten])
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;			staten	Integer variable or value corresponding to
;				DECnet/10 link states.
;	Returns ivar set to one (1) if current link state matches state1, two
;	(2) if matches state2, and so forth. If no matches, set ivar to zero.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


ISTAST:	MOVE	T1,@0(A)		;Get the channel number
	HRRZM	T1,STABLK+.NSACH	; and store in NSP. block
	MOVEI	T1,STABLK		;Get status NSP. block
	NSP.	T1,			;Get the current link status
	 JRST	ISTA.2			; UUO failed, return false
	MOVE	T1,STABLK+.NSACH	;Get current channel status
	AND	T1,[NS.STA]		;Get just state field
	MOVS	T1,T1			; and position in low part

	HLL	A,-1(A)			;Get number of arguments
	SETZ	T0,			;Set index to zero
ISTA.1:	AOBJP	A,ISTA.2		;Skip first argument
	AOS	T0			;Count the argument
	CAME	T1,0(A)			;Is this the correct state
	 JRST	ISTA.1			; No, continue check
	SKIPA				;Skip to return
ISTA.2:	SETZ	T0,			;Return not found
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	XWD	0,0

	SUBTTL	Check link data status

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	These functions check various data status for a DECnet
;			channel and return .TRUE. (-1) or .FALSE. (0) values.
;			The four routines correspond to the available NSP.
;			status indicators:
;			IRECST(chan)	returns .TRUE. if normal data is
;					available to read (NS.NDA).
;			IRXIST(chan)	returns .TRUE. if interrupt data is
;					available to read (NS.IDA).
;			ISNDST(chan)	returns .TRUE. if buffers are available
;					to send normal data to remote (NS.NDR).
;			ISXIST(chan)	returns .TRUE. if buffers are available
;					to send interrupt message (NS.IDR).
;	Usage:		ivar = IxxxST(chan)
;	Arguments:	chan	Integer variable with DECnet channel number
;				that was returned by active or passive network
;				connect requests (CONNT/PASNT).
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


IRECST:	MOVE	T1,[NS.NDA]		;Set status bit to test
	JRST	ICHKST			; and continue in common

IRXIST:	MOVE	T1,[NS.IDA]		;Set status bit to test
	JRST	ICHKST			; and continue in common

ISNDST:	MOVE	T1,[NS.NDR]		;Set status bit to test
	JRST	ICHKST			; and continue in common

ISXIST:	MOVE	T1,[NS.IDR]		;Set status bit to test

ICHKST:	PUSH	P,T2			;Save a worker
	SETZ	T0,			;Set return to .FALSE.
	MOVE	T2,@0(A)		;Get the channel number
	HRRZM	T2,CHKBLK+.NSACH	; and store in NSP. block
	MOVEI	T2,CHKBLK		;Get status NSP. block
	NSP.	T2,			;Get the current link status
	 JRST	ICHK.1			; UUO failed, return false
	TDNE	T1,CHKBLK+.NSACH	;Is the desired status set?
	 SETO	T0,			;Yes, return true
ICHK.1:	POP	P,T2			;Restore worker
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	XWD	0,0

	SUBTTL	Issue NSP UUO and Return Errors

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This internal routine issues a NSP UUO and does the
;			Fortran error processing.
;	Usage:		PUSHJ	P,NSPU..##
;	Arguments:	NS	NSP. argument block pointer
;			EA	Address of error routine or zero.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


NSPU..:	AOS	(P)			;Preset success return
	SETOM	0(EA)			;Preset success return
	SETZM	1(EA)			;Zero secondary status
	MOVE	T1,NS			;Copy NSP. data block
	NSP.	T1,			;Issue NSP. UUO
	 SKIPA				; Process the error
	JRST	NSPU.1			;Continue in common code

	SOS	(P)			;Set failure return
	SETZM	0(EA)			;Set failure return
	HRRZM	T1,1(EA)		;Return error status
	MOVE	T0,[.NSFRS,,2]		;Get read channel code
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAFN(NS)		; and store in argument block
	MOVE	T1,NS			;Copy NSP. data block
	NSP.	T1,			;Issue NSP. UUO
	 SKIP				; Ignore any errors

NSPU.1:	HLL	T1,.NSACH(NS)		;Get status for network
	HLLM	T1,1(EA)		; and return to caller
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Setup NSP. UUO Block

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This internal routine sets up the NSP. UUO block
;			from the standard Fortran call.
;	Usage:		PUSHJ	P,NSPA..##
;	Arguments:	T0	NSP. function code,,default length
;	Routine returns address of NSP. data block in NS, address (if any)
;	of error return in EA, and positive number of Fortran arguments in
;	NA. Expects calls in format:
;		CALL xxxNT[W] (chan,stat[,...])
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	AN=13		;Number of Fortran arguments
	NS=14		;NSP. argument block pointer
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


NSPA..:	MOVEI	NS,NSPBUF		;Get address of NSP. data block
	MOVEM	T0,.NSAFN(NS)		; and store function,,length
	HLRE	AN,-1(A)		;Get number of arguments
	MOVN	AN,AN			; and convert to positive
	MOVEI	EA,@1(A)		;Get address of error block
	MOVE	T0,@0(A)		;Get channel number
	MOVEM	T0,.NSACH(NS)		; and store in NSP. data block
	SETZM	.NSAA1(NS)		;Zero rest of block
	SETZM	.NSAA2(NS)		; ...
	SETZM	.NSAA3(NS)		; ...
	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

NSPBUF:	BLOCK	5			;NSP. UUO buffer

	SUBTTL	Setup NSP. String Block

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This internal routine sets up the NSP. string block.
;	Usage:		PUSHJ	P,NSPS..##
;	Arguments:	T1	Address of user string
;			T2	Length of string or -1 if ASCIZ
;			W1	Address of NSP string block buffer
;			W2	Maximum characters,,string block size
;			EA	Address of error return variable.
;	Routine gets address of string, checks for valid length, and copies
;	7-bit ASCII into 8-bit NSP. string block. Will return .FALSE. (0) if
;	length error seen. Null strings are allowed.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


NSPS..:	PUSH	P,T2			;Save string length
	PUSHJ	P,CKSA..##		;Get type for format string
	CAIN	T0,15			;Check of F77 string
	 MOVEM	T2,(P)			; Set F77 string length
	POP	P,T2			;Restore string length

	JUMPGE	T2,NSPS.2		;Do we need to count string?
	PUSH	P,T1			;Save pointer
	SETZ	T2,			;Zero the counter
NSPS.1:	ILDB	T0,T1			;Get next byte
	SKIPE	T0			;Skip of no more
	 AOJA	T2,NSPS.1		; Loop till done
	POP	P,T1			;Restore pointer

NSPS.2:	HLRZ	T0,W2			;Get maximum size of string
	CAMLE	T2,T0			;Is the size in range?
	 JRST	NSPS.E			; No, take error exit
	HRRM	W2,.NSASL(W1)		;Put size of field in words
	HRLM	T2,.NSASL(W1)		;Put actual character count
	HRRZ	W1,W1			;Wipe upper half of word
	ADD	W1,[POINT 8,.NSAST,]	;Update address and form byte pointer
NSPS.3:	SOJL	T2,NSPS.S		;Count a move and exit when done
	ILDB	T0,T1			;Get next character
	IDPB	T0,W1			;Store in the byte field
	JRST	NSPS.3			; and loop till finished

NSPS.E:	SETZM	(EA)			;Set bad return
NSPS.S:	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller

	SUBTTL	Read NSP. String Block

;	Author:		R. W. Stamerjohn,	MAPC DEC-10 Systems Group
;	Written:	25-Apr-83
;	Purpose:	This internal routine reads NSP. string block.
;	Usage:		PUSHJ	P,NSPR..##
;	Arguments:	T1	Address of user string
;			T2	Length of string or -1 if ASCIZ
;			W1	Address of NSP string block buffer
;			EA	Address of error return variable.
;	Routine gets address of string, checks for valid length, and copies
;	8-bit NSP. string block into 7-bit ASCII. Will return .FALSE. (0) if
;	length error seen. Null strings are allowed.
;	Register Definition:

	T0=0		;Temporary AC
	T1=1		;Temporary AC
	T2=2		;Temporary AC
	W1=3		;Worker AC
	W2=4		;Worker AC
	EA=15		;Address of error return block or zero
	A=16		;Fortran argument block pointer
	P=17		;Push-down stack pointer


NSPR..:	MOVE	W2,T2			;Save string length
	PUSHJ	P,CKSA..##		;Get type for format string
	CAIN	T0,15			;Check if F77 string
	 MOVEM	T2,W2			; Set F77 string length
	SKIPGE	W2			;Skip if size specified
	 MOVE	W2,T2			;Get size from call

	HLRZ	T2,.NSASL(W1)		;Get field character count
	HRRZ	W1,W1			;Wipe any upper halfword stuff
	ADD	W1,[POINT 8,.NSAST,]	;Update address and form byte pointer
NSPR.1:	SOJL	T2,NSPR.2		;Count char to move and jump if none
	SOJL	W2,NSPR.E		;Count char to move and jump if none
	ILDB	T0,W1			;Get next byte
	IDPB	T0,T1			;Store byte in user string
	JRST	NSPR.1			; and loop

NSPR.2:	MOVEI	T0,40			;Get blank
NSPR.3:	SOJL	W2,NSPR.S		;Count char to move and jump if none
	IDPB	T0,T1			;Blank fill the rest.
	JRST	NSPR.3			; and loop

NSPR.E:	SETZM	(EA)			;Set bad return
NSPR.S:	POPJ	P,			;Return to caller