
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops20tools_v6_9-jan-86_dumper - tools/dumper2/dumper.hlb
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%lX-11 Librarian V03-00 i{4

General-help	Tape-actionor  DEC-10  PPN's,  an@ underscore  ()  is  used  in  place  of the first comma.  (EG.@ [MYDIR]=[1111]TEXT.DAT  or  []=[1111,SUB]*.*)  This  can   be@ repeated  up to 200 times.  For interchange mode tapes, use [*]@ as the directory name since no directory name is saved for  the@ files.   For  DEC-20  filenames  using  a  minus  sign (-), use underscore instead. WHATa& To list the RESTORE commands selected RESET' To reset the list of RESTORE commands.  GO nV@ This command stars.  If 'n'  is@ zero,  it  will  move to the beginning of the current save set.@ If 'n' is negative, it will move towards the beginning  of  the tape.ww-@WW{4
1 Basic-commands3 The following list of commands are used in DUMPER: USE tape-name$ To select the tape drive (eg MTA0:) RESTORE vaxdir=files@ To indicate which files to copy  from  the  tape  and  the  VAX@ directory  to  copy  them  to.   An  asterisk may be used for a@ wild-card in the file  specification.   F-G	c{4
1Mode-commands  LIST @ To make a directory listing while processing  the  tape,  enter@ this  command and then specify the file to receive the listing.@ If no filename is specified, the directory listing file is  not	 created.i FILES@ This command will cause the name of each file to  be  displayed- on your terminal as the file is transferred.W SILENTi@ This command will stop printing the names of files  created  on the user's terminal.Gww This command star
	1 Example.@ This is an example of the commands  necessary  to  restore  the@ files  SAMPLE.FOR  and SAMPLE.DAT from the second save set of a0 DEC-10 BACKUP tape written in interchange mode.0 $ DUMPER               ! Run the Dumper program6 USE MT:                ! Use the drive the tape is on8 SKIP 1                 ! Advance to the second save set9 FILES                  ! Show names of files transferred7 RESTORE []=[*]SAMPE.FOR,SAMPLE.DAT  ! Files to restore9 GO   :+4 3W{4

General-helpBasic-commands:+: hc{4


1 General-help4! DUMPER.HLP -- Created by RUNOFF 12 Jul 82 17:15:32!@ The DUMPER program can read DEC-10 BACKUP format magnetic tapes@ and  copy the files on them to selected directories on the VAX.@ This program has been designed  to  conveniently  handle  ASCII@ source,  text,  and  data files.  .EXE, .REL, .BIN, .LIB, .SAV,@ .PLT, .SFD and other binary files will not be copied  properly.@ DEC-10  object  files  are  in  no  way compatible with the VAX hardware or software.@ To use DUMPER, first mount your DEC-10  tape  with  the  TMOUNT@ command,  then  type  the  DUMPER  command  to  run  the Dumper	 program.ww-`{b{4
1 Basic-commands3 The following list of commands are used in DUMPER: USE tape-name$ To select the tape drive (eg MTA0:) RESTORE vaxdir=files@ To indicate which files to copy  from  the  tape  and  the  VAX@ directory  to  copy  them  to.   An  asterisk may be used for a@ wild-card in the file  specification.   Fts the processing of the tape.  The number 'n'@ is  optional and designates the number of save sets to process.@ The program will stop automatically at the logical end of tape, or for any I/O errors. EXIT, STOP, or QUIT To stop the program.ww-@9c{4
1 Tape-action REWIND? This command will rewind the tape selected by the USE command. EOT? This command will move the tape to the 'End of Tape' position. SKIP n@ This command will move the tape over 'n' save set                  ! Do the actual file transfer now2 EXIT                   ! Exit from Dumper programww