
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops20tools_v6_9-jan-86_dumper - tools/dumperc/dumper.doc
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			VMS Dumper Tape Reader

	Written by:	Pieter Bowman
			Salt Lake City, Utah


$ DUMPER tape {vmslogfilespec} {-a} {"-s*filename*"} {-p} {-rvmsfilespec}

-a = restore all files reguardless, 36 -> 7 bit
-s = select files to restore
-p = print filenames from tape to log file (default log filespec is terminal)
-r = restore files & partial filename for restore

Note1: no spaces allowed between -s or -r switchs and their filespecs
Note2: Switches must be lower case 
Note3: Tape file specifications are case sensitive.


$ dumper :== $SYS$SYSTEM:DUMPER.EXE		! Setup symbol on VAX
$ mount mfa0: /for /block=2590 /record=2590	! Mount the Dumper tape
$ dumper mfa0: tapelog.txt -p			! Get the tape's 
						! directory structure

   		! You should look at TAPELOG.TXT and then create subdirectories
		! like the Dumper tape's directory structure.

$ assign __DRB0:[bowman.] disk			! Define "disk"

						! You could...

$ dumper mfa0: -a -p -rdisk:[dir]		! Restore entire tape

						! Or you could...

$ dumper mfa0: -a -p "-s*<CPM>DU.*" -rDISK:DU.* ! Restore selected files:
						! <CPM>DU.* on MFA0: to
						!     __DRB0:[BOWMAN.CPM]DU.*

Selected source code comments:

 *	machines.  DUMPER is a DEC-10/20 tape reader/writer used for
 *	backing up files and exchanging tapes with other 10/20 sites.
 *	This version was written on a VAX-11/780 in Dec C and MACRO-32.
 *	The following files are needed:
 *		DUMPER.C	(this file, main dumper source)
 *		WILD.C		(wild string compare function)
 *		PARSE.MAR	(makes a usable file name for the Vax)
 *	Example run:
 *		$ DUMPER :== $disk:[dir]DUMPER.EXE	! Setup symbol on VAX
 *		$ mount mfa0: /foriegn/blocksize=2590/record=2590
 *		$ dumper mfa0: -p -rdisk:[dir]		! Restore whole tape
 *	Written by:
 *		Pieter Bowman
 *		Salt Lake City, Utah

 * Take a 20ish filename and make it a Vaxish filename.  First copy the
 * structure verbatim (useless).  Next copy the first 9 characters of the
 * directory name; alpha-numeric plus periods.  If a period is encountered
 * end of first directory name and can have another 9 chars.  Then copy the
 * first 9 chars. of the file name; alpha-numeric only (ie. no quoted (^V)
 * characters).  Copy the first 3 characters of the file extension (type);
 * "alnum".  Lastly copy the generation number; can be as high as 262143.