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.page size 58,75
.lm 5
.layout 3,2
.headers mixed
.style headers 6,1,6
.no autosubtitle
.first title
.title #####TVAX.DOC, Document VAX-TV.
.subtitle #####Related Documentation.
.hl 1 Related Documentation.
This document gives a short description of differences with TV for TOPS20.
This will probably enough for the experienced user.
The inexperienced user, can use the TOPS20 TV Editor Manual, AA-H181A-TM,
with this document.
.subtitle #####Commands.
.hl 1 Commands.
.hl 2 Conventions in this Document.
The following conventions are noted:
.no fill
.s 1
n expression
n,m begin-, and end-expression
q one of the Q-registers
_^A ctrl-A, <CTRL> and "A" on keyboard
.hl 2 Commands.
.no fill
_@ followed by I, R, S, or _:R, _:S
_: followed by K, R, S
_; followed by _<SPACE_>, E, G, H, P, S, U, X, Y
_;Y append input file to end buffer,
if file too large for TV-buffer, an additional
Y or _;Y can be used, to read next part
_1A remaining value can be passed to possible
next command
Mq/nMq new: iterative execute M
_^J (line-feed) on first position
_^H (backspace) on first position
_<SPACE_> (space) on first position
_<ESC_> (escape)
_<CR_> (carriage-return)
Y same as _;Y, but clears buffer first
.hl 2 Commands on VAX and DEC-20.
Commands are only described, in case they differ from standard DEC-20.
Refer to DEC-20 Documentation, TOPS-20 TV Editor Manual,
.hl 2 Commands on DEC-20 only.
.no fill
.s 1
_^A _" O
_^B ;C P/nP/n,mP
_^D ;D PW
_^E ;M T/nT/n,mT
_^E ;N V/nV/n,mV
_^N ;R W
_^S ;T [
_^T ;W ]
_^V == _\
_^X ?
_^/ A
_! N
.hl 2 Commands on VAX only.
.no fill
.s 1
_;V/n;V translate whole buffer, or n lines from
uppercase to lowercase characters
.s 1
_;Z/n;Z translate whole buffer, or n lines from
lowercase to uppercase characters
.s 1
_;A/n;A replace spaces by tabs, and discard "trailing"
spaces in whole buffer, or n lines.
.s 1
_^X switch between exact match, and both upper-
and lower-case character match for
R and S commands.
.subtitle #####Expressions.
.hl 1 Expression.
On both VAX and DEC-20, expressions are handled equal.
Expressions are composed of the following characters:
.no fill
.s 1
_# OR-function
_& AND-function
_. also current buffer position
.s 1
H special case: H is 0Z
.subtitle #####Terminal Input.
.hl 1 Terminal Input.
Terminal I/O has been set up for HP2621, originally.
Taking in account some restrictions, working with VT100 or TAB-compiler
terminal is possible.
Mind that for HP-terminal, c/c flag is set to "C".
Terminal input is logged on file TVBACK..
The following characters have a special meaning:
.no fill
.s 1
_<ESC_> when given twice, end input
_<DEL_> delete a character
_^G once: BELL, twice: exit TV
_^C exit TV
_^R display input again
_^U delete last line
_^W delete last word
During input of a file-name, the following also applies:
.no fill
.s 1
<_ESC_> if first character of file-name: give previous
specified file-name
_^G back to command-level
_<CR_> end of file-name
Other control-characters, will be displayed as special characters
on HP-2621, for as well as input as output.
.s 1
During command-execution, pre-fetching of one character is done,
if this is _^G, execution will be terminated.
.s 1
Restrictions in VT100-mode:
Control characters will not be displayed, a checkerboard-block will
With input of more than 3 lines, whole screen will be rebuild
at the time of output to terminal.
Depending on terminal-settings, TV will decide whether the terminal
is a HP, or a VT100.
.no fill
.s 1
.subtitle #####Restrictions.
.hl 1 Restrictions.
.hl 2 Buffer-size.
Maximum buffer-size is 500,000 characters.
.hl 2 Q-registers.
Maximum size for Q-registers, is 500,000 characters.
.hl 2 Terminal Input.
Terminal input is restricted to 25 line in one time.
In case this limit is exceeded, TV executes the 25 lines first,
and generates an extra I-command for the remaining input.
.hl 2 Command File Input.
Command-file input is restricted to 2,000 characters per command.
In case this limit is exceeded, it will be handled the same way,
the 25-line-limit for terminal input is handled.
.s 4