
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - walsh_goodStuff_1600 - cho/emacs.init
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!* This -*-TECO-*- init file is for VT100 users of EMACS.!

fs rgetty-22."e m(m.mLoad Library)EMACS:VT100    !* Load VT100 library.!
		 fs width-131"e m(m.mC132 Mode)'  !* Check for 132 columns.!
			      "# m(m.mVT100 Page Mode)''

fs rgetty-11."e m(m.mLoad Library)EMACS:VT52
                 m(m.mVT52 Page Mode)'		    !* VT100 compatibility!

m.m^R Quoted Insert,8fsCmac			    !* Move C-Q to <BS>.!

erEMACS:EMACS.INIT @y :m(hfx*)			    !* Do default init.!