
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - walsh_goodStuff_1600 - more-games/iago.exe
There are no other files named iago.exe in the archive.
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Player with X's goes first.
Row number comes first, then column number.
Who has X's? R[s?(G>n
? Type "ME" or "YOU": [0 secs]
My move is 34

? Location already used, try again

&;+- secs]
My move is  secs]
I would move 

I pass.
I would pass.
Tie game

You won by 
I won by @

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    ',      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Your move: 
R	Retype the board position.
D	Set depth program looks for best move.
P	Have program move even if your turn.
A	Ask program for advice on your move.
H	This text.

? Illegal move, try again

Old depth was 
New depth: ? Depth must be 4 to 9