PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named snoddt.sno in the archive.
* SNODDT -- A Program to Aid in Debugging SNOBOL Programs
* -------------------------------------------------------
* Initialization and Definitions
* ------------------------------
SETEXIT(.exterr ); &ERRLIMIT = 1000000
OUTPUT(.ddtout,'TTY:'); in.file = 'TTY:'
INPUT(.ddtchr,in.file,'C'); INPUT(.ddtin,in.file,'T')
DEFINE('SNODDT()',.snoddt); OPSYN(.snoddt,.SNODDT)
DEFINE('scan()'); DEFINE('getnam()')
DEFINE('getint()'); DEFINE('getexp()')
DEFINE('cv.str(cv.str)'); DEFINE('image(image)dt')
DEFINE('spsh(s)'); DEFINE('spop(s)')
DATA('stk(hed)'); DATA('nod(lst,val)')
ddtstk = stk(); filstk = stk()
crlf = ASCII(15) ASCII(12); tab = ASCII(11)
altpat = POS(0) (SPAN(crlf) ! null) RTAB(1) . line ASCII(33)
brkpat = BREAK(crlf ';"' "'") (ANY('"' "'") $ q BREAK(*q)
+ LEN(1) *brkpat ! null)
scnpat = POS(0) (*brkpat . scan (';' ! crlf) ! (LEN(1)
+ &REM) . scan) &REM . line
nampat = POS(0) (SPAN(' ' tab) ! null) ('.' ! null)
intpat = POS(0) (SPAN(' ' tab) ! null) (ANY('0123456789') &REM)
+ . x
X.tbl = TABLE(7)
X.tbl['F'] = F.tbl = TABLE(7); X.tbl['S'] = S.tbl = TABLE(7)
X.tbl['C'] = TABLE(7); X.tbl['R'] = TABLE(7)
X.tbl['T'] = T.tbl = TABLE(7); X.tbl['B'] = B.tbl = TABLE(7)
DATA('blok(cnt,exp,tag)'); DATA('process(typ,fcn,act,lvl)')
Fprocess = process('F',.F.trap,1,1000)
Sprocess = process('S',.S.trap,1,-1000)
Tprocess = process('S',.T.trap,1,-900)
Bprocess = process(,.B.trap,1,1000)
DEFINE('S.trap(name,S.trap)'); DEFINE('F.trap(name,F.trap)')
DEFINE('T.trap(name,T.trap)'); DEFINE('CR.trap(name,c)')
DEFINE('B.trap(name,c)'); DEFINE('O.trap()')
C.msg = 'call to '; R.msg = 'return from '
DEFINE('D.trap(name,msg)'); CONNECT('ddt',process(,.D.trap,1,1))
+ :(snoddt.end)
-newpage 10
* Main Debugging Function
* -----------------------
* SNODDT() -- get debugging expressions and evaluate them.
snoddt ddtout = '[Entering SNODDT]'
cmdret z.flag = line =
loop1 line1 = ddtin :F(rewind)
line = line line1
line ? altpat :F(loop1)
cmd c = REPLACE(ddtchr,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
ddtout = LNE(c,'0') :S(disp)
z.flag = EQ(z.flag) 1 :S(cmd)F(error)
disp LABEL(c '.cmd') :S($(c '.cmd'))
error ddtout = ASCII(7) '??' :(cmdret)
rewind REWIND(in.file) ENDFILE(in.file)
in.file = spop(filstk) :S(in.file)
in.file = 'TTY:'
in.file INPUT(.ddtin,in.file,'T') INPUT(.ddtchr,in.file,'C') :(cmdret)
* exp$X -- execute an expression and display the result.
X.cmd x = scan() :F(cmdret)
ddtout = image(EVAL(x)) :S(cmdret)
ddtout = '%Failed' :(cmdret)
* exp$E -- execute an expression.
E.cmd x = scan() :F(cmdret)
ddtout = ?EVAL(x) '%Failed' :(cmdret)
* string$K -- compile SNOBOL4 code.
K.cmd ddtout = \CODE(line) '%Compilation failed' :(cmdret)
* label;offset$G -- go to a specified statement and begin execution.
G.cmd x = getnam() :F(RETURN)
c = getint() :F(error)
ddtout = \LABEL(x,c) '%Stmt not defined' :F<WHERE(x,c)>
+ S(cmdret)
* name;cnt;exp;tag$F -- commence fetch monitoring on a variable.
* name;cnt;exp;tag$S -- commence store monitoring on a variable.
x = getnam() :F(error)
NE(z.flag) DISASSOCIATE(x,$(c 'process')) :S(cmdret)
X.tbl[c][x] = blok(getint(),getexp(),cv.str(x)) :F(error)
tag(X.tbl[c][x]) = scan()
DISASSOCIATE(x,$(c 'process'))
ASSOCIATE(x,$(c 'process')) :(cmdret)
* name;cnt;exp;tag$C -- commence call monitoring of a function.
* name;cnt;exp;tag$R -- commence return monitoring of a function.
x = getnam() :F(error)
EQ(z.flag) :S(CRcmd1)
STOPTR(x,c) :(cmdret)
CRcmd1 X.tbl[c][x] = blok(getint(),getexp(),cv.str(x)) :F(error)
tag(X.tbl[c][x]) = scan()
TRACE(x,c,c,.CR.trap) :(cmdret)
* name;type;tag$T -- declare a type for a variable.
T.cmd x = getnam() :F(error)
NE(z.flag) DISASSOCIATE(x,Tprocess) :S(cmdret)
T.tbl[x] = blok(0,getnam(),cv.str(x)) :F(error)
tag(T.tbl[x]) = scan()
ASSOCIATE(x,Tprocess) :(cmdret)
* label;offset;cnt;exp;tag$B -- set a breakpoint.
B.cmd x = getnam() :F(error)
c = getint() :F(error)
ddtout = \LABEL(x,c) '%Stmt not defined' :S(cmdret)
NE(z.flag) REMOVEBP(x,c,Bprocess) :S(cmdret)
line1 = x
line1 = GT(c) x '+' c
line1 = LT(c) x c
B.tbl[x = WHERE(x,c)] = blok(getint(),getexp(),line1)
+ :F(error)
tag(B.tbl[x]) = scan()
REMOVEBP(x,,Bprocess) INSERTBP(x,,Bprocess) :(cmdret)
* n$P -- proceed from breakpoint or monitoring trap.
P.cmd cnt(spop(ddtstk)) = getint() :S(RETURN)F(error)
* file$Y -- take commands from a file.
Y.cmd x = scan() :F(error)
ddtout = \FILE(x) '%File(s) not found' :S(cmdret)
spsh(filstk) = in.file
in.file = x :(in.file)
* f1;f2;f3;...;fn$D -- dump a structure.
D.cmd line1 = scan() :F(error)
Dcmd1 x = scan() :F(Dcmd2)
line1 = ?(x ? intpat) line1 '<' x '>' :S(Dcmd1)
line1 = x '(' line1 ')' :(Dcmd1)
Dcmd2 x = EVAL(line1) :F(error)
ddtout = ?CONVERT(x,.STRING) cv.str(x) :S(cmdret)
FUNCTION(.DUMPS) DUMPS(x,tab) :S(cmdret)
DUMP(x) :(cmdret)
* $H -- type SNODDT help file.
+ '%No help file' :S(cmdret)
ddtout = x :S()
* Here on execution-time errors. Issue message and enter snoddt
exterr ddtout = '?' &ERRNAME ' in stmt ' &LASTNO ', level '
ddtout = &ERRMSG
+ :F(err1)
ddtout = EQ(&ERRTYPE,9001) &ERRPARM ' is not defined'
ddtout = EQ(&ERRTYPE,8002) &ERRPARM ' is not a label'
ddtout = EQ(&ERRTYPE,9003) &ERRPARM ' is not an entry point'
ddtout = LE(&ERRTYPE,1999) cv.str(&ERRPARM)
+ ' is of an illegal datatype'
err1 spsh(ddtstk) = blok()
snoddt() :(CONTINUE)
* Here on a breakpoint, datatype, fetch, store, call or return trap.
D.trap x = blok() :(tmsg)
B.trap msg = c ', break at ' tag(x = B.tbl[name]) :(trap)
T.trap msg = &LASTNO ', attempt to assign ' DATATYPE(T.trap) ' to '
+ tag(x = T.tbl[name])
IDENT(.$DATATYPE(T.trap),exp(x)) :S(RETURN)F(tmsg)
F.trap msg = &LASTNO ', ' tag(x = F.tbl[name]) ' fetched, value = '
+ image(F.trap) :(trap)
S.trap msg = &LASTNO ', ' tag(x = S.tbl[name]) ' assigned '
+ image(S.trap) :(trap)
CR.trap msg = &LASTNO ', ' $(c '.msg') tag(x = X.tbl[c][name])
trap cnt(x) = NE(cnt(x)) cnt(x) - 1 :S(RETURN)
EVAL(exp(x)) :F(RETURN)
tmsg ddtout = DUPL('! ',&FNCLEVEL - 1) 'Stmt ' msg
spsh(ddtstk) = x :(snoddt)
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* Scanner and Misc. Functions
* ---------------------------
* scan() -- the command scanner. Returns next token from input line.
* Fails if the line is empty.
scan DIFFER(line) :F(FRETURN)
line ? scnpat :(RETURN)
* getnam() -- return a name. Fails if scan() fails or not a name.
getnam getnam = scan() :F(FRETURN)
getnam ? nampat = '.' :F(FRETURN)
getnam = EVAL(getnam) :S(RETURN)F(FRETURN)
* getint() -- return an integer. If scan() fails, return null.
getint getint = scan() :F(RETURN)
* getexp() -- return an expression. If scan() fails, return null.
getexp getexp = scan() :F(RETURN)
LEQ(getexp) :S(RETURN)
* spsh(s) -- push onto stack s.
spsh hed(s) = nod(hed(s))
spsh = .val(hed(s)) :(NRETURN)
* spop(s) -- pop stack s and return value. Fails if stack is empty.
spop spop = DIFFER(hed(s)) val(hed(s)) :F(FRETURN)
hed(s) = lst(hed(s)) :(RETURN)
* cv.str(cv.str) -- convert argument to string for printing. If
* convert fails return <datatype>.
cv.str cv.str = CONVERT(cv.str,.STRING) :S(RETURN)
cv.str = '<' DATATYPE(cv.str) '>' :(RETURN)
* image(image) -- construct printable image of an object.
image dt = DATATYPE(image)
image = LEQ(dt,'STRING') "'" image "'" :S(RETURN)
image = CONVERT(image,.STRING) :S(RETURN)
image = LNE(dt,'ARRAY') LNE(dt,'TABLE') dt :S(RETURN)
image = dt '(' PROTOTYPE(image) ')' :(RETURN)
snoddt.end snoddt()