
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - bb-4157j-bm_fortran20_v11_16mt9 - fortran-tools/blis10.hlp
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         BLISS-10 does not use the standard -10 command scanner.   However,
         command  string  interpretation  is  similar  to that of other -10

         .R BLIS10

     1.  Each file descriptor [RELFIL,LSTFIL,SRC] has the form:


     2.  RELFIL receives the machine code generated by the compiler.  If no
         code  is desired, leave this position empty in the command string.
         If FILESPEC= appears, FILESPEC is assumed to be  the  RELFIL  spec
         and no listing output is generated.

     3.  LSTFIL receives the program listing produced by the compiler.   If
         no  listing  is  desired, leave this position empty in the command

     4.  SRC1,SRC2,...   are  the  BLISS-10   source   files   which   when
         concatenated together form one or more BLISS-10 modules.

     5.  If "DEVICE" is omitted "DSK" is assumed.

     6.  If "EXT" is omitted, ".REL" is used for the RELFIL, ".LST" is used
         for the LSTFIL, and ".BLI," ".B10", and the null extension in that
         order are tried for the source file until either a file  is  found
         or all three defaults have failed.

     7.  If [PROJECT,PROGRAMMER] is omitted for any file, the user project,
         programmer  number  is  supplied  for  that  file.   If  [PROJECT,
         PROGRAMMER] appears at the beginning  of  a  file  descriptor,  it
         becomes the default for all the following descriptors which do not
         have a specific [PROJECT, PROGRAMMER].

     8.  Switches:  (-) implies that -(switch  name)  will  result  in  the
         opposite  of  the  switch  action.  * indicates that the switch is
         assumed on by default.

              NAME     ACTION

              *A(-)    Use English language diagnostics

              B        Put a start block in the REL file for this module

              C(-)     Generate a cross referenced listing.

              D(-)     Generate debug linkage

              E(-)     Expand all MACROs in the listing.

              F(-)     Set up stack frame register (FREG) on every  routine

              G(-)     All routines are to be made GLOBAL ROUTINES.

              H        This entire module is to be  loaded  into  the  high

              I(-)     Generate special inspection word  immediately  prior
                       to each routine or function body.

              K        Disable listing of the source text (same as -L).

              *L(-)    Enable listing of the source text.

              M(-)     Enable listing of the machine code generated.

              N(-)     Do not print error messages on the controlling TTY.

              *O(-)    Optimize subexpressions across all ";"s.

              P        Put PROLOG-EPILOG code in this module.

              Q        With /C makes compact XREF.

              R(-)     Do not  save  all  declarable  registers  around  an

              S(-)     Output routine names  as  compiled  and  compilation
                       statistics to TTY.

              T(-)     Generate calls to a timing routine at the start  and
                       end of each routine.

              U        Do not optimize across ";"s (same as -O).

              V        Entire module is to be loaded into the low segment.

              X        Perform  a  syntax   only   (no   code   generation)

              Z(-)     Use LCG default register assignments

[end of BLIS10.HLP]