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Rachel Schwab at NIH has kindly run A.H.J. Sale's Pascal Validation
Suite for me. There are 4 kinds of tests:
conformance - see if a correct program works
deviance - see if an incorrect program is detected
error check - see if runtime checks work
quality - see how well the compiler handles things where the
implementor has the option of being cheap
I am starting on conformance tests, as these seem the most crucial.
The summary states that of 137 tests, there were 21 failures. I am
going to list the failures. Some of these should just be taken as
warnings that until I fix them, the things shown will not work.
In other cases I am looking for advice.
6.2.2-3 Arthur Sales' favorite bug:
type T=foo;
procedure x;
type X=^T;
X ends up defined as ^foo when it should be ^bar. this is
because the compiler is a bit too much one-pass. This is
fixable, and I will fix it. Note that the problem is the
fact that T was defined at an outer block level. Had the
T=foo not been there, x=^T would have been recognized as
a forward reference and handled properly.
6.2.2-8 Assignment to a function works only at the top level of
the function. It should also work within any functions
declared within that function. I guess I agree with that.
This should be easy to fix, if everyone agrees with Sales'
interpretation of the language spec.
FIXED and Compiler ill mem ref's when compiling
some degenerate record declaration. Probably a null record
declaration. This should be easy to fix.
FIXED Supposedly the compiler failed when asked to compile
file of a pointer type. I claim that the test is erroneous.
First, it is not clear to me what a file of pointers is.
But more important, they have FILE OF X, where X is a local
variable. I have tried a simple test using FILE OF ^INTEGER,
and it seems to work (though I am still not sure what it
ERROR IN TEST This is the first of several tests that fail because of
the way EOLN is handled. In the Revised Report, when you
reach the end of line on INPUT, INPUT^ is supposed to contain
a blank, and GET(INPUT) will get the first char of the next
line. In this implementation, INPUT^ contains <cr>, <lf>, or
whatever. And if the end of line is <cr>,<lf>, it takes two
GET's to get to the next line. However a single READLN will
still work. Other tests that fail because of my current end of
line processing will simply refer to "the EOLN problem".
6.5.1-1 Arrays of files are not allowed nor are files allowed to be
items in a record.
FIXED. and These two tests purport to test what goes
on when you pass procedures as parameters to other procedures.
Unfortunately they assume a non-standard syntax for procedure
declarations in this case (the syntax in the ISO proposal
rather than in the Revised Report). As far as I know, our
system would handle their test properly if the syntax was
fixed. Eventually I will probably adopt the ISO syntax also.
TEST BASED ON ISO This program does RESET(FYLE), where FYLE is a local
variable (i.e. not mentioned in the program statement), and
no REWRITE has ever been done to the file. My Pascal
distinguishes between empty files and files that do not
exist at all. This test wants the file to be treated as
empty, i.e. the RESET works but you get EOF(FYLE). Instead
my runtime system complains that you have tried to open
a non-existent file "DSK:FYLE.", and prompts for a new file
name (at least I hope that is what it did - Rachel didn't
say exactly what happened). Clearly my intepretation is a
remnant of thinking of FILE's in Pascal as operating system
files, rather than as abstract sequence variables. For my
purposes my interpretation is more useful. However I agree
with Sales that the language seems to imply the other
interpretation. I seem to have the following choices:
- another {$... kludge
- another optional extra parameter to RESET
- ignore the Pascal spec
I regard the abstract sequence interpretation as a nightmare
and propose to ignore this problem.
FIXED for internal files. For external files
it seems most likely that this is a user error,
and you are still prompted for a new file name.
6.6.2-3 Some undetermined error with EXP, apparently a bad value
returned. Unless my real number scanner is doing something
bad, this seems to imply a precision problem of some sort
in the underlying routine. Since EXP calls the Fortran
library function, this would be DEC's problem. they are
redoing the whole Fortran library because of precision
problems, so I will tentatively say this is being taken care
of. (But I will check to make sure it is really Fortran's
UNKNOWN, probably not a problem Compiler does not handle a sparse CASE statement. I
believe this has been fixed since.
6.9.4-3, 6.9.4-4, 6.9.4-7, and 6.9.5-1 These tests check what
is written by WRITE applied to integers, reals,
Booleans, and WRITELN. To check exactly what is
written, they read the string back into a packed array
of char, and then look at it. Alas, since standard
Pascal can't read into strings, they use code like
for i := 1 to 10 do
Now the problem with this is the B is a packed array.
According to the Revised Report, it is illegal to pass
an element of a packed array to a procedure by reference.
It seems that this is exactly what is being done, and
the compiler refuses it. The problem, of course, is that
call by reference is done by passing an address, and
there is no address to pass for an object in the middle
of a packed array. (They could have passed a byte pointer,
but then procedures taking reference parameters would have
to assume that all of its parameters are byte pointers,
which would slow things down.) Now we could certainly
change the implementation such that READ is not implemented
by passing the address of B[I]. Instead the internal
routines could be made into functions, and the compiler
could retrieve the returned value and assign it. The
compiler could then do the deposit byte into packed
structures. But I guess I think that what they have done
is in fact illegal Pascal, and I don't know how much
trouble I want to go to to make it work.
FIXED (i.e. you can now read into packed objects)
Rachel tells me that some of these tests still don't work.
I have checked Jensen and Wirth, and think that WRITE
does what it says. I conjecture that these tests are
TEST BASED ON ISO [or Sales interpretation]
6.9.4-15 I will have to look into this. Rachel seems to have
mistyped something. But what it looks like is that if
you do WRITE(X), where X is not a file (i.e. you default
the output file name), you get the current definition
of OUTPUT. That is, if you have a local variable called
OUTPUT, that is what you get. According to the Revised
Report, when you default the file name you get the
standard file OUTPUT, not whatever local definition may
be in effect. This should be easy to fix, and I will
fix it.
Other problems not showing up in the validation suite:
READ and WRITE are not implemented for non-TEXT files. READ(f,x)
should be equivalent to x := f^; get(f) in this case.
The funny pseudo-type POINTER cannot be passed by reference.
The code clearly does not intended to distinguish between call
by ref and call by value for these pseudo-types. There is a
history of sufficient subtlety that I don't dare change this
right before a major release of the system.
Upper and lower case letters are treated as the same in sets
COMPLEX - will not be fixed soon
Only 5 parameters can be passed to a parametric procedure.
The problem here is the with Jensen and Wirth's parametric
procedures, one can't verify at compile time that the
number of parameters the user has passed is right. One
could do it at runtime, but special machinery would be
needed. If the user gets it wrong, the stack will be blown,
and nobody (probably even PASDDT) will know what is going on.
I decided to be safe by only allowing the number of args
that will fit into the AC's. Then if he blows it, nothing
serious will be wrong. This whole problem will go away
when the ISO standard is adopted and I implement it, since
one will be able to check arguments at compile time.
COMPLEX - will not be fixed soon
It is not possible to read the smallest negative integer.
This will never show up on a validation test, since I
can read -MAXINT.
COMPLEX - requires rewriting integer read,
which will not be done soon