PDP-10 Archives
Contains 10-283 plus 10-291 through
10-309 except 10-307.
Start of Saveset on MTA770 LIB7
System Hostess Twinky KL703/70A TOPS-10 monitor 703(31042)-2 APR#1122
1600 BPI 9-track 26-Jun-86 14:38:19 BACKUP 5(614) tape format 1
Tape number 1
1 13(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Jun-79 dcus:[43,50433]20to10.cmd
1 20(7) <057> 43,50433 13-Aug-81 dcus:[43,50433]283.inf
24 2945(36) <057> 43,50433 30-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]cmpars.pas
17 2066(36) <057> 43,50433 30-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]cmpars.rel
4 433(36) <057> 43,50433 12-Jun-79 dcus:[43,50433]compil.scm
147 18767(36) <057> 43,50433 13-May-81 dcus:[43,50433]debug.pas
91 11602(36) <057> 43,50433 13-May-81 dcus:[43,50433]debug.rel
56 7168(36) <057> 43,50433 4-Dec-79 dcus:[43,50433]filex.exe
48 6144(36) <057> 43,50433 9-Jul-79 dcus:[43,50433]filex.shr
12 1458(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Feb-81 dcus:[43,50433]fortio.mac
2 242(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Feb-81 dcus:[43,50433]fortio.rel
4 479(36) <057> 43,50433 12-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]getfil.mac
2 216(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]getfil.rel
2 158(36) <057> 43,50433 4-Dec-79 dcus:[43,50433]getvar.pas
4 495(36) <057> 43,50433 20-May-80 dcus:[43,50433]heap.doc
28 3540(36) <057> 43,50433 2-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]heap.mac
5 552(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]heap.rel
2 212(36) <057> 43,50433 10-Dec-73 dcus:[43,50433]helper.rel
4 512(36) <057> 43,50433 14-Apr-77 dcus:[43,50433]helpx.rel
6 758(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]incomp.
93 11904(36) <057> 43,50433 7-Nov-77 dcus:[43,50433]ipcf.mac
55 6923(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50433]ipcf.rnm
14 1695(36) <057> 43,50433 8-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50433]ipcpas.rel
16 1957(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Jun-79 dcus:[43,50433]parse.pas
1 20(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Jun-79 dcus:[43,50433]pas1.ccl
1 19(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Jun-79 dcus:[43,50433]pas2.ccl
1 34(36) <057> 43,50433 3-Sep-78 dcus:[43,50433]pasa.ccl
1 19(36) <057> 43,50433 2-Sep-78 dcus:[43,50433]pasb.ccl
18 2304(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Feb-81 dcus:[43,50433]pascal.bwr
1 7(36) <057> 43,50433 9-Aug-78 dcus:[43,50433]pascal.ccl
211 26965(36) <057> 43,50433 26-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pascal.doc
376 48128(36) <057> 43,50433 17-May-81 dcus:[43,50433]pascal.exe
154 19683(36) <057> 43,50433 4-May-81 dcus:[43,50433]pascal.mem
135 17183(36) <057> 43,50433 19-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pascal.mss
24 2978(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Feb-81 dcus:[43,50433]pascal.opr
193 24627(36) <057> 43,50433 26-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pascal.rnd
84 10752(36) <057> 43,50433 2-Jan-81 dcus:[43,50433]pascmd.mac
24 2975(36) <057> 43,50433 2-Jan-81 dcus:[43,50433]pascmd.rel
737 94307(36) <057> 43,50433 15-May-81 dcus:[43,50433]pascmp.pas
308 39318(36) <057> 43,50433 15-May-81 dcus:[43,50433]pascmp.rel
11 1322(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Feb-81 dcus:[43,50433]pasddt.mac
4 387(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Feb-81 dcus:[43,50433]pasddt.rel
3 377(36) <057> 43,50433 22-May-77 dcus:[43,50433]pasdeb.mac
1 120(36) <057> 43,50433 10-Apr-80 dcus:[43,50433]pasdeb.rel
160 20363(36) <057> 43,50433 25-Mar-81 dcus:[43,50433]pasio.mac
40 5120(36) <057> 43,50433 25-Mar-81 dcus:[43,50433]pasio.rel
5 577(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]paslnk.mac
2 236(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]paslnk.rel
37 4655(36) <057> 43,50433 4-Dec-80 dcus:[43,50433]pasnum.mac
7 893(36) <057> 43,50433 4-Dec-80 dcus:[43,50433]pasnum.rel
2 187(36) <057> 43,50433 30-Oct-80 dcus:[43,50433]pasold.mac
1 104(36) <057> 43,50433 30-Oct-80 dcus:[43,50433]pasold.rel
1 126(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Aug-79 dcus:[43,50433]pasprm.pas
19 2305(36) <057> 43,50433 8-Jul-80 dcus:[43,50433]paspsi.doc
11 1396(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]paspsi.mac
3 365(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]paspsi.rel
6 678(36) <057> 43,50433 29-Nov-79 dcus:[43,50433]paspty.mac
15 1852(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Feb-81 dcus:[43,50433]passcn.mac
6 660(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Feb-81 dcus:[43,50433]passcn.rel
2 199(36) <057> 43,50433 7-Oct-79 dcus:[43,50433]passet.mac
2 170(36) <057> 43,50433 8-Oct-79 dcus:[43,50433]passet.rel
16 2029(36) <057> 43,50433 8-Jan-81 dcus:[43,50433]passrt.mac
3 263(36) <057> 43,50433 1-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]passtr.mac
2 172(36) <057> 43,50433 1-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]passtr.rel
4 498(36) <057> 43,50433 20-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pasult.mac
7 826(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pasunv.mac
2 193(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pasunv.unv
9 1107(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pform.hlp
111 14121(36) <057> 43,50433 2-Jan-81 dcus:[43,50433]pform.pas
116 14809(36) <057> 43,50433 2-Jan-81 dcus:[43,50433]pform.rel
2 142(36) <057> 43,50433 25-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pforms.mac
1 54(36) <057> 43,50433 27-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]pforms.rel
1 89(36) <057> 43,50433 28-Sep-80 dcus:[43,50433]power.mac
1 63(36) <057> 43,50433 28-Sep-80 dcus:[43,50433]power.rel
1 77(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Aug-80 dcus:[43,50433]random.pas
10 1257(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Aug-80 dcus:[43,50433]random.rel
64 8192(36) <057> 43,50433 9-Jul-79 dcus:[43,50433]revert.exe
9 1120(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Aug-79 dcus:[43,50433]revert.pas
17 2163(36) <057> 43,50433 25-Mar-81 dcus:[43,50433]revert.rel
50 6376(36) <057> 43,50433 1-Jun-77 dcus:[43,50433]scn.mac
59 7449(36) <057> 43,50433 24-Jan-78 dcus:[43,50433]scn7b.rel
59 7448(36) <057> 43,50433 14-Apr-77 dcus:[43,50433]scn7bx.rel
3 302(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50433]ttcall.mac
2 148(36) <057> 43,50433 22-Jun-79 dcus:[43,50433]twoseg.ctl
2 135(36) <057> 43,50433 21-Aug-79 dcus:[43,50433]
4 470(36) <057> 43,50433 13-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]usedef.unv
4 434(36) <057> 43,50433 26-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]xio.mac
2 220(36) <057> 43,50433 26-Nov-80 dcus:[43,50433]xio.rel
1 25(7) <007> 43,150 6-Oct-77 dcus:[43,50443]291.inf
7 4370(7) <007> 1,2 18-Jun-77 dcus:[43,50443]analzr.cor
2 815(7) <007> 1,2 26-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]analzr.doc
96 12288(36) <007> 1,2 18-Jun-77 dcus:[43,50443]analzr.exe
196 125440(7) <007> 1,2 15-May-77 dcus:[43,50443]analzr.old
81 10346(36) <007> 1,2 18-Jun-77 dcus:[43,50443]analzr.rel
192 122455(7) <007> 1,2 18-Jun-77 dcus:[43,50443]analzr.xpl
31 19775(7) <007> 1,2 12-May-77 dcus:[43,50443]hmon.mac
10 1173(36) <007> 1,2 15-May-77 dcus:[43,50443]hmon.rel
2 730(7) <007> 1,2 26-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]sklton.doc
46 28910(7) <007> 1,2 16-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]sklton.xpl
5 2810(7) <007> 1,2 5-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]ulxcom.cor
1 555(7) <007> 1,2 26-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]ulxcom.doc
172 22016(36) <007> 1,2 4-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]ulxcom.exe
731 467740(7) <007> 1,2 26-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]ulxcom.lst
157 20040(36) <007> 1,2 26-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]ulxcom.rel
253 161460(7) <007> 1,2 4-Jul-77 dcus:[43,50443]ulxcom.xpl
168 21504(36) <007> 1,2 12-May-77 dcus:[43,50443]xcom.exe
720 460250(7) <007> 1,2 12-May-77 dcus:[43,50443]xcom.lst
155 19721(36) <007> 1,2 12-May-77 dcus:[43,50443]xcom.rel
272 34784(36) <007> 1,2 24-Nov-75 dcus:[43,50443]xcom.xpl
6 3615(7) <007> 1,2 5-Feb-76 dcus:[43,50443]xpl.bnf
19 2341(36) <007> 1,2 9-Dec-75 dcus:[43,50443]xpl.doc
7 797(36) <007> 1,2 14-Nov-75 dcus:[43,50443]xpl.lib
1 180(7) <007> 43,50044 2-Feb-78 dcus:[43,50444]292.inf
1 300(7) <007> 43,150 4-Sep-77 dcus:[43,50444]online.for
8 4765(7) <007> 43,150 4-Sep-77 dcus:[43,50444]oplot.for
1 545(7) <007> 43,50044 26-Jan-78 dcus:[43,50444]opoint.for
1 620(7) <007> 43,50044 26-Jan-78 dcus:[43,50444]para.for
113 72015(7) <007> 43,150 27-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50445]10c.flx
116 74155(7) <007> 43,150 16-Mar-77 dcus:[43,50445]10c.for
71 45070(7) <007> 43,150 29-Jul-76 dcus:[43,50445]10s.m01
70 44315(7) <007> 43,150 27-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50445]10s.m37
70 44280(7) <007> 43,150 4-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50445]10s.mac
1 25(7) <007> 43,150 4-Oct-77 dcus:[43,50445]293.inf
60 38400(7) <007> 43,150 7-Apr-77 dcus:[43,50445]flecs.exe
1 25(7) <007> 43,150 6-Oct-77 dcus:[43,50446]294.inf
2 236(36) <007> 43,50044 13-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]adbyte.f4
2 222(36) <007> 43,50044 20-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]addopt.f4
4 470(36) <007> 43,50044 11-Mar-66 dcus:[43,50446]adfile.f4
4 502(36) <007> 43,50044 13-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]adline.f4
3 263(36) <007> 43,50044 13-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]adword.f4
3 332(36) <007> 43,50044 11-Mar-66 dcus:[43,50446]byte.mac
1 100(36) <007> 43,50044 2-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]bytes.f4
2 194(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]clear.f4
4 2250(7) <007> 43,50044 9-Dec-75 dcus:[43,50446]clock.fcl
2 168(36) <007> 43,50044 20-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]clropt.f4
1 620(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]code6.f4
3 335(36) <007> 43,50044 18-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]delete.f4
2 236(36) <007> 43,50044 2-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]disabl.f4
94 12016(36) <007> 43,50044 25-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]disf10.rel
2 1060(7) <007> 43,50044 11-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]dislib.cmd
1 440(7) <007> 43,50044 25-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]dislib.ctl
76 9617(36) <007> 43,50044 25-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]dislib.rel
2 212(36) <007> 43,50044 17-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]dot.f4
2 177(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]dstat.f4
2 205(36) <007> 43,50044 13-Jun-65 dcus:[43,50446]enable.f4
3 377(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]error.f4
2 234(36) <007> 43,50044 2-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]fini.f4
6 663(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]get.f4
1 81(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]getap.f4
3 1735(7) <007> 43,50044 22-Nov-75 dcus:[43,50446]getblk.f4
2 695(7) <007> 43,50044 21-Nov-75 dcus:[43,50446]getbyt.f4
1 81(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]getmp.f4
2 202(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]getopt.f4
2 164(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]getpos.f4
2 201(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]getptr.f4
12 1415(36) <007> 43,50044 23-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]gidus.bin
88 56225(7) <007> 43,50044 23-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]gidus.p11
4 2200(7) <007> 43,50044 23-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]gt40.doc
246 156915(7) <007> 43,50044 25-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]
9 5740(7) <007> 43,50044 23-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]gt40.mod
4 1930(7) <007> 43,50044 23-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]gt40.rnd
205 131180(7) <007> 43,50044 21-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50446]gt40.rnm
3 1435(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]gtblk6.f4
5 2905(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]gtload.p11
8 4615(7) <007> 43,50044 23-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]gtmod.rno
3 281(36) <007> 43,50044 18-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]init.f4
7 4270(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]init.mac
4 478(36) <007> 43,50044 19-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]io.mac
1 99(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]iphysx.f4
1 99(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]iphysy.f4
1 118(36) <007> 43,50044 11-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]join.f4
1 310(7) <007> 43,50044 24-Nov-75 dcus:[43,50446]listen.f4
2 670(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]listn6.f4
2 183(36) <007> 43,50044 11-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]llphit.f4
1 80(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]loader.cmd
1 110(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]loader.ctl
4 2050(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]loader.f4
11 1301(36) <007> 43,50044 25-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]loader.sav
1 80(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]loadr6.cmd
1 80(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]loadr6.ctl
2 1215(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]loadr6.f4
10 1233(36) <007> 43,50044 25-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]loadr6.sav
2 146(36) <007> 43,50044 27-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]logoff.f4
3 275(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]logon.f4
3 258(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]lphit.f4
2 154(36) <007> 43,50044 15-Mar-65 dcus:[43,50446]lpoff.f4
1 127(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]lpon.f4
38 4853(36) <007> 43,50044 12-Dec-72 dcus:[43,50446]macdlx.shr
1 550(7) <007> 43,50044 19-Mar-76 dcus:[43,50446]maklib.cmd
1 58(36) <007> 43,50044 19-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]monret.mac
1 82(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]move.f4
1 85(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]moveap.f4
1 85(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]movemp.f4
2 245(36) <007> 43,50044 4-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]movfil.f4
1 98(36) <007> 43,50044 20-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]optoff.f4
1 105(36) <007> 43,50044 20-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]opton.f4
2 232(36) <007> 43,50044 9-Jun-65 dcus:[43,50446]photo.f4
3 377(36) <007> 43,50044 13-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]point.f4
2 230(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]reset.f4
1 121(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]scale.f4
3 308(36) <007> 43,50044 15-Mar-77 dcus:[43,50446]scroll.bin
13 8170(7) <007> 43,50044 15-May-76 dcus:[43,50446]scroll.p11
2 655(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]sdblk6.f4
1 410(7) <007> 43,50044 13-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50446]sdblk8.f4
4 471(36) <007> 43,50044 22-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]send.f4
2 143(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]seta.f4
3 271(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]setgm.f4
2 177(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]setmod.f4
1 98(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]setsta.f4
4 426(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]sndblk.f4
3 358(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]sndopt.f4
2 985(7) <007> 43,50044 10-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]spider.fcl
3 352(36) <007> 43,50044 21-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]start.f4
13 8160(7) <007> 43,50044 23-Aug-77 dcus:[43,50446]sysmac.sml
4 500(36) <007> 43,50044 16-May-65 dcus:[43,50446]text.f4
1 93(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]userx.f4
1 93(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]usery.f4
1 82(36) <007> 43,50044 5-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]vector.f4
2 185(36) <007> 43,50044 2-Feb-65 dcus:[43,50446]waitch.f4
1 25(7) <007> 43,150 4-Oct-77 dcus:[43,50450]296.inf
6 3475(7) <007> 43,150 27-Aug-76 dcus:[43,50450]b11mac.req
19 11610(7) <007> 43,150 20-May-77 dcus:[43,50450]exemc.req
58 36675(7) <007> 43,150 25-Mar-77 dcus:[43,50450]fcsmac.req
3 1305(7) <007> 43,150 21-Apr-76 dcus:[43,50450]fsrmac.req
136 87020(7) <007> 43,150 23-May-77 dcus:[43,50450]rsxmac.doc
103 65450(7) <007> 43,150 23-May-77 dcus:[43,50450]
71 45425(7) <007> 43,150 24-Mar-77 dcus:[43,50450]rsxmac.req
1 270(7) <007> 43,150 28-Mar-77 dcus:[43,50450]rsxmc.req
6 3820(7) <007> 43,150 22-Jul-76 dcus:[43,50450]utlmac.req
1 25(7) <007> 43,50452 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50452]298.inf
3 1880(7) <007> 43,50452 17-Dec-77 dcus:[43,50452]normal.for
1 25(7) <007> 43,50453 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50453]299.inf
14 1702(36) <007> 43,50453 9-Sep-76 dcus:[43,50453]alcor.mac
3 374(36) <007> 43,50453 9-Sep-76 dcus:[43,50453]alcor.rel
1 76(36) <007> 43,50453 29-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50453]cmterh.hlp
1 59(36) <007> 43,50453 29-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50453]cmteth.hlp
32 19865(7) <007> 43,50453 18-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.doc
3 1810(7) <007> 43,50453 11-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.hlp
18 2252(36) <007> 43,50453 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.low
319 203970(7) <007> 43,50453 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.lpt
115 73210(7) <007> 43,50453 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.mac
19 11690(7) <007> 43,50453 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]
30 3761(36) <007> 43,50453 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.rel
29 18545(7) <007> 43,50453 18-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.rnd
3 1890(7) <007> 43,50453 11-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.rnh
32 4070(36) <007> 43,50453 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50453]copymt.shr
2 1060(7) <007> 43,50453 10-Dec-73 dcus:[43,50453]helper.rel
34 21760(7) <007> 43,50453 4-Jan-75 dcus:[43,50453]macten.mac
20 12595(7) <007> 43,50453 28-May-75 dcus:[43,50453]macten.unv
58 7351(36) <007> 43,50453 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50453]scn7b.rel
18 11185(7) <007> 43,50453 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50453]scnmac.mac
6 723(36) <007> 43,50453 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50453]scnmac.unv
2 206(36) <007> 43,50453 1-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50453]taptst.mac
172 109960(7) <007> 43,50453 12-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50453]uuosym.mac
42 5359(36) <007> 43,50453 12-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50453]uuosym.unv
129 82035(7) <007> 43,50453 1-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50453]wld7a.mac
24 3067(36) <007> 43,50453 1-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50453]wld7a.rel
1 25(7) <007> 43,50454 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50454]300.inf
64 8166(36) <007> 43,150 14-Nov-77 dcus:[43,50454]bakgmn.bas
1 25(7) <007> 43,50455 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50455]301.inf
484 309730(7) <007> 43,50455 14-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50455]macro.mac
6 3745(7) <007> 43,50455 14-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50455]macro.scm
68 8601(36) <007> 43,50455 11-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50455]macro.shr
31 19285(7) <007> 43,50455 14-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50455]strmac.doc
31 19545(7) <007> 43,50455 11-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50455]strmac.mac
9 1108(36) <007> 43,50455 11-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50455]strmac.unv
37 23250(7) <007> 43,50455 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50455]strsub.lst
14 8365(7) <007> 43,50455 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50455]strsub.mac
8 911(36) <007> 43,50455 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50455]strsub.rel
4 2375(7) <007> 43,50455 11-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50455]strsub.src
1 25(7) <007> 43,50456 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50456]302.inf
14 1702(36) <007> 43,50456 9-Sep-76 dcus:[43,50456]alcor.mac
3 374(36) <007> 43,50456 9-Sep-76 dcus:[43,50456]alcor.rel
2 1060(7) <007> 43,50456 10-Dec-73 dcus:[43,50456]helper.rel
15 9235(7) <007> 43,50456 16-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50456]libcvt.mac
50 6361(36) <007> 43,50456 16-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50456]libcvt.shr
25 15980(7) <007> 43,50456 14-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50456]libman.doc
4 2060(7) <007> 43,50456 9-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50456]libman.hlp
317 202525(7) <007> 43,50456 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50456]libman.lpt
121 77240(7) <007> 43,50456 17-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50456]libman.mac
21 13100(7) <007> 43,50456 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50456]
28 3504(36) <007> 43,50456 17-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50456]libman.rel
21 13315(7) <007> 43,50456 14-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50456]libman.rnd
3 1840(7) <007> 43,50456 9-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50456]libman.rnh
64 8140(36) <007> 43,50456 17-Jan-77 dcus:[43,50456]libman.shr
34 21760(7) <007> 43,50456 4-Jan-75 dcus:[43,50456]macten.mac
20 12595(7) <007> 43,50456 28-May-75 dcus:[43,50456]macten.unv
58 7351(36) <007> 43,50456 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50456]scn7b.rel
18 11185(7) <007> 43,50456 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50456]scnmac.mac
6 723(36) <007> 43,50456 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50456]scnmac.unv
172 109960(7) <007> 43,50456 12-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50456]uuosym.mac
42 5359(36) <007> 43,50456 12-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50456]uuosym.unv
129 82035(7) <007> 43,50456 1-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50456]wld7a.mac
24 3067(36) <007> 43,50456 1-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50456]wld7a.rel
1 25(7) <007> 43,50457 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50457]303.inf
14 1702(36) <007> 43,50457 9-Sep-76 dcus:[43,50457]alcor.mac
3 374(36) <007> 43,50457 9-Sep-76 dcus:[43,50457]alcor.rel
25 15740(7) <007> 43,50457 22-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.doc
4 2165(7) <007> 43,50457 22-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.hlp
27 3362(36) <007> 43,50457 22-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.low
439 280365(7) <007> 43,50457 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.lpt
154 98130(7) <007> 43,50457 21-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.mac
21 13095(7) <007> 43,50457 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]
44 5569(36) <007> 43,50457 22-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.rel
22 13880(7) <007> 43,50457 22-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.rnd
4 2355(7) <007> 43,50457 22-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.rnh
47 5964(36) <007> 43,50457 22-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50457]dumpr.shr
2 1060(7) <007> 43,50457 10-Dec-73 dcus:[43,50457]helper.rel
34 21760(7) <007> 43,50457 4-Jan-75 dcus:[43,50457]macten.mac
20 12595(7) <007> 43,50457 28-May-75 dcus:[43,50457]macten.unv
58 7351(36) <007> 43,50457 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50457]scn7b.rel
18 11185(7) <007> 43,50457 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50457]scnmac.mac
6 723(36) <007> 43,50457 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50457]scnmac.unv
172 109960(7) <007> 43,50457 12-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50457]uuosym.mac
42 5359(36) <007> 43,50457 12-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50457]uuosym.unv
129 82035(7) <007> 43,50457 1-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50457]wld7a.mac
24 3067(36) <007> 43,50457 1-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50457]wld7a.rel
1 25(7) <007> 43,50460 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50460]304.inf
3 374(36) <007> 43,50460 9-Sep-76 dcus:[43,50460]alcor.rel
2 1060(7) <007> 43,50460 10-Dec-73 dcus:[43,50460]helper.rel
34 21760(7) <007> 43,50460 4-Jan-75 dcus:[43,50460]macten.mac
20 12595(7) <007> 43,50460 28-May-75 dcus:[43,50460]macten.unv
58 7351(36) <007> 43,50460 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50460]scn7b.rel
18 11185(7) <007> 43,50460 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50460]scnmac.mac
6 723(36) <007> 43,50460 20-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50460]scnmac.unv
172 109960(7) <007> 43,50460 12-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50460]uuosym.mac
42 5359(36) <007> 43,50460 12-Nov-76 dcus:[43,50460]uuosym.unv
129 82035(7) <007> 43,50460 1-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50460]wld7a.mac
24 3067(36) <007> 43,50460 1-Dec-76 dcus:[43,50460]wld7a.rel
1 19(36) <007> 43,50460 19-Mar-76 dcus:[43,50460]xd.ccl
1 19(36) <007> 43,50460 19-Mar-76 dcus:[43,50460]xglink.ccl
2 132(36) <007> 43,50460 25-Jan-76 dcus:[43,50460]xglob.hlp
12 1529(36) <007> 43,50460 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50460]xglob.low
153 97550(7) <007> 43,50460 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50460]xglob.lpt
56 7132(36) <007> 43,50460 19-Mar-76 dcus:[43,50460]xglob.mac
19 11925(7) <007> 43,50460 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50460]
16 2033(36) <007> 43,50460 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50460]xglob.rel
43 5448(36) <007> 43,50460 23-Feb-77 dcus:[43,50460]xglob.shr
1 25(7) <007> 43,50462 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50462]306.inf
168 107300(7) <007> 43,50462 19-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50462]focal.ctl
227 144790(7) <007> 43,50462 19-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50462]focal.mac
77 48895(7) <007> 43,50462 19-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50462]focal.rnd
195 124460(7) <007> 43,50462 19-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50462]focal.rno
16 2046(36) <007> 43,50462 25-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50462]focal.shr
3 352(36) <007> 43,50462 25-Oct-76 dcus:[43,50462]focall.rel
1 25(7) <007> 43,50464 18-Jan-79 dcus:[43,50464]308.inf
13 8290(7) <007> 43,50464 16-Mar-78 dcus:[43,50464]iobit.mac
41 26205(7) <007> 43,50464 16-Mar-78 dcus:[43,50464]ploty.for
1 20(7) <007> 43,50465 30-Oct-79 dcus:[43,50465]309.inf
4 2070(7) <007> 43,50465 1-Jun-79 dcus:[43,50465]lnkx11.doc
2 770(7) <007> 43,50465 11-Apr-75 dcus:[43,50465]lnkx11.err
60 38325(7) <007> 43,50465 11-Apr-75 dcus:[43,50465]lnkx11.mac
3 1775(7) <007> 43,50465 1-Jun-79 dcus:[43,50465]lnkx11.rnd
19 2360(36) <007> 43,50465 30-May-79 dcus:[43,50465]lnkx11.shr
58 36530(7) <007> 43,50465 30-May-79 dcus:[43,50465]lnkxex.mac
23 2944(36) <007> 43,50465 3-Feb-72 dcus:[43,50465]macy11.doc
26 3302(36) <007> 43,50465 14-May-74 dcus:[43,50465]macy11.hlp
256 163555(7) <007> 43,150 8-Apr-79 dcus:[43,50465]macy11.mac
43 5469(36) <007> 43,50465 30-May-79 dcus:[43,50465]macy11.shr
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