PDP-10 Archives
There is 1 other file named lptspl.hlp in the archive. Click here to see a list.
ALIGN filenam Outputs file to line printer to assist in aligning
BACKSPACE n Backspace the file n pages.
CHKPNT This command causes the spooler to record its
current status on the disk. If the spooler should
be killed it will resume from this point.
CURRENT Give the current value of MSGLVL, MLIMIT etc.
EXIT Return to monitor command level.
FORMS <type> Mount <type> forms.
FORWARD n Forward space the file n pages.
FREEZE Causes currently mounted forms to be only forms
for this printer.
GO Continue from a pause or stop.
HELP Give a list of available commands.
KILL Kill this user and go on to next job.
LIMIT n Reset the output limit for this job to n pages.
LOCK Causes the spooler to PAUSE after every job.
MLIMIT n Do not run any job which output more than n pages.
This has no effect on the current job.
PAUSE STOP after current job.
REQUEUE Stop the current job and place it back in the
queue. There are 5 switches:
/A:nn will hold the job for nn min.
/B:nn will start n pages back.
/F:nn will start nn pages forward.
/T will restart at the beginning.
/H will requeue the job with a large AFTER
parameter and the QUEUE/MODIFY command will free
RESET Release the output device and return to initial
SKPEOPY STOP current copy of output and start up next.
SKPFILE STOP current file and start up next file.
START dev: Start the spooler. Send output to the device
specified. The default device is PLPT0:
STOP Stop now.
SUPPRESS Force the output listing to be single spaced.
UNFREEZE Removes effect of FREEZE command.
UNLOCK Remove effect of LOCK command.
WHAT Print the status of the spooler.