
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - red405a2 - uetp/lib/
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 1-DIAGNOSTIC-UPDATE.MIC.1	updating single diagnostic from tape ( par. diagnostic-name )
 1-KMC.MIC.1	updating reliab.cmd for uetp to include KMC/DUP testing
 1-MTA.MIC.1	updating reliab.cmd for uetp to include testing of MTA0
 2-MTA.MIC.1	updating reliab.cmd for uetp to include testing of MTA0,MTA1
 3-MTA.MIC.1	updating of reliab.cmd for uetp to include testing of MTA0,MTA1,MTA2
 4-MTA.MIC.1	updating of reliab.cmd for uetp to include testing of MTA0 to MTA3
 64CHAR-LPT.MIC.1	updating 4-config.cmd to handle lower-case LPT
 96CHAR-LPT.MIC.1	updating 4-config.cmd to handle UPPER/lower-case LPT
 CDR.MIC.1		updating system.cmd to include start of CDR-spooling
 CLEAN.MIC.1		cleanup before running UETP
 DOCUMENTS.MIC.1	spooling of RED-related documents
 ERAZE.MIC.1		cleanup before making RED-backup tape
 LPT.MIC.1		update system.cmd to include LPT-spooling
 MAKE-DUMP.MIC.1	generate 512k preassigned dump.exe ( not carried on tape )
 MAKE-RED.MIC.1		generate a RED-pack under TS ( 8080 allocation done before SA )
 NEW-SERIAL.MIC.1	update smfile-commands to include actual serial-number
 NO-CDR.MIC.1		don't do CDR-spooling ( system.cmd )
 NO-KMC.MIC.1		update reliab.cmd for uetp to exclude KMC/DUP testing
 NO-LPT.MIC.1		NOT needed for RED404 ?!?!
 NO-MTA.MIC.1		update reliab.cmd for uetp to exclude testing of MTA's
 NO-UETP.MIC.1		update ptycon.ato to exclude auto-start of UETP
 NO-VFU-LPT.MIC.1	update 4-config.cmd to handle lpt with paper-vfu
 PS-MICRO.MIC.1		fill 8080-area for ps:
 PS-SAVE.MIC.1		make backup of RED-pack ( par. magtape )
 RED-MICRO.MIC.1	fill 8080-area for red: ( par. red-name )
 RED-TAPE-3.MIC.1	make a bootable diagnostic tape
 RELEASE-LPT.MIC.1	NOT done yet ( first of TS-diagnostic files )
 RESTORE.MIC.1		getting all files of RED-backup tape back
 TEST-LPT.MIC.1		NOT done yet (releasing LPT out of diagnostic access )
 UETP.MIC.1		update ptycon.ato to include auto-start of UETP
 USER.MIC.1		generates directories for second RED-structure USER
 USER1.MIC.1		generates directories for third RED-structure USER1
 VFU-LPT.MIC.1		complement of NO-VFU-LPT